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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Guy Thompson Everybody Else Is Wrong - I am Right (Part 2) on character and personality
June 1970
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 15)
Al Portwood Talisman Prediction
Related to June 1970
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 16)
Al Portwood Talisman Prediction prediction of chosen card, holding card with holes over a text in Talisman magazine, free choice of card but not exact prediction
Related to July 1970
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 19)
Francis Carlyle Infallible Count Down spectator tells stop while performer is dealing, value of stopped at card helps to find selection
Related to July 1970
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 21)
"Senator" Clarke Crandall Senatorial Observations! "It's a sinking sensation to realize the other fellow was right after all."
July 1970
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 21)
Roger Rittner The Time Tunnel materialization of person in a Time Tunnel, using Scrim
Variations Aug. 1970
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 23)
Phil Calhoun The Holland Convention on Alice, Bob Swadling, Larselli, Magini, Lorc & Julit, Haraldini, Les Hommes, Hylarouf, Zelpy, Phil Calhoun, Han Timmerman, Alberto Sitta, Zaney Blaney, Irene Larsen, Joe Waldys, Roberto & Hella, Topper Martyn, Joe Nex, Piet Forton, Phoa Yan Tiong, Fantasio, Ken Brooke, Cornel & Monique, Gino Manelli, Edernac, Earl Canapp, Duo Naldy, Richard Ross
Aug. 1970
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 23)
Dr. Dan J. Alessini Magic Underwrites Mentalism one of three cards held by performer changes into selection
Sep. 1970
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 29)
Roger Rittner Index to Talisman as an extra insert
Sep. 1970
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 30)
Jules Lenier Lenier's Faro Mentalism think stop, with small packet faro placement
Related toVariations Nov. 1970
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 39)
Paul Swinford The Cabalistic Pair not tossed, Joker is found between two chosen cards after faro shuffles, CCCC
1971 59
Paul Swinford The Australian Calculator CCCC
1971 61
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) The Australian Sixes two spectators find their cards
Related toVariations 1971 164
Karl Fulves Alignment Sandwich Switch
1971 47
Karl Fulves Ultra Mentalia spectator removes three-of-a-kind from sixteen-card packet with a reversed card, reversed card turns out to be fourth matching card, faro, see also Problem (B) of reference
Related to 1971 8
Roland Hurley The De-Materializing Coin Chinese coin with square hole and half dollar with round hole transpose, then holes transpose from Chinese coin to half dollar
Inspired byVariations Feb. 1971
Kabbala — Volume 1 (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Lin Searles Moracle packet cut off and reduced to one card via reverse faros, this card predicted and four Aces on top of discard piles, see also p. 486 for comment by Charles Hudson
Inspired byRelated toVariations July 1971 430
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on the trend of mentalism
Magick (Issue 28)
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on Magic vs. Mentalism, Milt Larsen's "It's Magic" show, Marvyn Roy
Magick (Issue 35)
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on "Talisman", on publishing a magazine
Magick (Issue 36)
Tantalising Cocktail layout puzzle
1971 4
Ken De Courcy Part Three - Match Mentalism chapter intro
1971 19
Jerry K. Hartman Transpover selection lost in middle, magician picks a different card for himself and tables it, deck is spread revealing magician’s card reversed, tabled card is now selection
1971 12
Tom Batchelor The Fan Control bottom card of one-handed right-hand fan slid to the bottom as that half is squared onto the half in left-hand dealing position
Variations 1971 8
Tom Batchelor Your Card - My Card Out wrong card found, spectator stops dealing and wrong card is placed there, deck assembled and spread, above and blow the card are spectator's and performer's selection
1971 49
Dr. E. Raymond Carlyle, Dick Zimmerman Here's a Tip Shuffle force by Zimmerman using a Svengali Deck
Jan. 1971
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 47)
Sandy Spillman Modern Mentalism book test with directory with lots of pictures, serial numbers of bills to select page
Inspired by Mar. 1971
Talisman (Vol. 2 No. 2)
Del Dixon Here's a Tip wrapping deck with bill and stabbing center with card
Related to May 1971
Talisman (Vol. 2 No. 10)
Gene Nielsen Jaks Plus Malini tips on how to stack a deck on a toilet
June 1971
Talisman (Vol. 2 No. 15)
Sandy Spillman Modern Mentalism name appears in crystal ball, method to add piece of paper
June 1971
Talisman (Vol. 2 No. 15)
Roy Johnson Here's a Tip tip for Lenier's routine
Inspired by July 1971
Talisman (Vol. 2 No. 20)
Dr. Jacob Daley Winning Aces dealing winning pair of Aces for two to seven players, small stack
1972 104
, Dr. Jacob Daley Adding a Card bold method of dealing an extra card
1972 105
All Alike Display for small packet
1972 91
Willie Schneider The Personalized Paddle spectator's name appears on paddle
1972 362
Derek Dingle Side-Steal Placement to known position near top or bottom of deck
Related to July 1972
Epilogue (Issue 15 (Part 2))
Edward Marlo They're All Alike ambitious type routine shown, people think they're all the same, but they're all blank
Aug. 1972
Kabbala — Volume 1 (Vol. 1 No. 8)
Edward Marlo In Lieu of the Hindoo Shuffle all alike for full deck
Related toAlso published here Aug. 1972
Kabbala — Volume 1 (Vol. 1 No. 8)
Edward Marlo Ruse Cull ruse to cull control two selections, Gemini Twins procedure (Locatrik) as lead-in for Jennings' routine
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here Sep. 1972
Kabbala — Volume 1 (Vol. 1 No. 9)
James G. Thompson Jr. Mentalism by Design one of nine designs chosen, performer duplicates it, same designs in different orientations
Related toVariations Winter 1972
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 7 No. 6th Folio)
David Gale, Richard Karp The Well-Taught Deck dealing five poker hands, the hands come out in ascending order at third deal, see also p. 550 for comment by J. G. Thompson Jr.
Related to Apr. 1972 513
Derek Dingle Master Poker Demonstration combination, color changing deck climax, simplified handling
  • Getting Ready
  • Cutting the Aces
  • The Second Deal
  • Dealing from the Bottom
  • Stacking
  • Patter
  • Notes for Card Experts, Historians and Anyone Else Who Might be Interested
Inspired byRelated to 1972
Innovations (Issue 1)
Robert Schwarz Ten Psychological Subtleties for Mentalists
  • Audience Rapport
  • Proximity is Important
  • Involve Audience Early
  • Don't be too Perfect
  • "Is that Close Enough?"
  • Safely Miss these Numbers
  • Fail to get the Zero
  • Correct an Error Obviously
  • Try a 'Mental Conversation'
  • Or a Compliment
  • You can Miss Cards, Also!
  • And Capitalize on the Unexpected
Magick (Issue 55)
Aldini How to Make your Own Special-Purpose Cards fanning decks, locator cards, double facer, double backer, strippers, Svengali, Mene-Tekel, Tel-O-Matic, peek decks, Brain Wave Ultra-Mental decks
Magick (Issue 57)
Harry Collins Magic with the Professional Touch
  • Stage vs. Close-Up Magic
  • What's Best for the Stage?
  • And give them Quality - not Quantity
  • Routine your Act Carefully
  • Choose your Assistant Well
  • Don't Work in the Dark
  • Add Class with Music
  • A Back Drop Will Set you Apart
  • What to Wear
  • Entertain your Audience
Magick (Issue 59)
Guy Thompson Put the Mental into Mentalism on performing mentalism
Magick (Issue 61)
Frederick M. Shields Something Old; Something New names of cards appear on green chalk boards, Elmsley count to hide writing, multiple svengali
Magick (Issue 62)
H. Adrian Smith A Different Ending performer stops spectator dealing at selection
1972 3
Card on the Wall saliva
1972 7
George G. Kaplan Surrealism "No" gag prediction, on piece of paper
1972 61
With Five Cards lots of dealing
1972 109
Eddie Joseph The Jumping Location saliva, card shoots out of deck
1972 122
Tom Sellers Up and Down with dealing cards face-up and face-down
1972 136
L. Vosburgh Lyons Last Chance Tantalizer
Also published here 1972 138
Theodore Annemann The Tune Detective card found by dealing to selected song lyric / beat
Also published here 1972 140
Hans van Baaren, Sunny Lupton Magische Neuigkeiten aus den USA news from the USA, Talisman, Magick, Magick and Spells, Necromancer, Pallbearer's Review, Mystics Magazine, Magic Collectors reprint series
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 33 No. 6)
Billy McComb The Reverse-Cut Svengali Pack ... An Introduction spectator and magician both cut at the same card
1972 79
Dai Vernon Vernon's Automatic Mento Stop Trick No. 8, spectator stops dealing at a card, its values is used to count down again, 1-0-1-set-up
Related toVariations 1972 7
Dai Vernon Vernon's Sputum Gags No. 46, moisture/saliva application, card vanish and throwing a double in the air
  • Card vanish an peek
  • Sputum color change
  • Throw double and catch in deck
Related to 1972 16
Dai Vernon, Max Malini Vernon - Malini Card Break Transfer No. 69, to right little finger after peek
Also published here 1972 21
Dai Vernon Vernon's Poker Extra Card Deal No. 105, dealing yourself an extra card, rhythm
1972 31
Dai Vernon Vernon Notes - Cut Discoveries 2) No. 109-2, Cut to card spell, spelling to a card in shuffled deck, estimation and key for second dealing
Also published here 1972 32
Max Malini Daley's Estimating Peek: 1) Malini Estimate No. 337-1, card peeked at, performer later names position of card, key card sighted next to peeked card
Also published here 1972 94
Louis Zingone Zingone Daub No. 361, daub applied as card is removed from dealing shoe
1972 101
Bob Fisher Fisher's Subconscious Poker No. 407, one card is controlled during the repeat-dealing of five poker-hand and appears in a straight flush in second round
VariationsAlso published here
  • "Subconscious Poker" (The Sphinx, Vol. 38 No. 2, April 1939, p. 37)
1972 111
Max Malini 6) Malini Peek No. 427-6, break subtlety without enough details
1972 118
7) Canfield Card Steal and Replacement No. 427-7, stealing during shuffle, not enough details, perhaps some tabled action palm
1972 118
Variation Of Buckley's Four Ace Trick No. 431, ends with dealing Aces in chosen poker hand
Related to 1972 124
Double Backer Card Gag No. 488, apparently showing double backer by dealing turnover bottom deals from deck with bottom cards reversed
1972 136
Svengali Color Card Effect No. 494, card freely chosen or named, it is removed and only odd-backed card, red/black long/short deck
1972 137
Blindfold Poker Deal Improvement No. 496, memorizing numbers and second dealing to get chosen cards in one's hand
1972 138
Metalic Daub Formula No. 505, list of ingredients
1972 141
Sam Leo Horowitz, Max Malini Horowitz - Malini Sugar Cube Trick Routine No. 589, chink-a-chink
Related to 1972 164
Max Malini Malini's Card Vanish No. 708, dropping two cards together in count to table
Also published here 1972 190
Max Malini Malini's Double Discovery No. 709,
Also published here 1972 191
Max Malini, Dai Vernon Malini's Coin Subtlety No. 710, "Shown by Vernon", producing two coins from one, or two more (Dai Vernon)
Related toAlso published here 1972 191
Max Malini Malini's Color Change Move No. 711
Also published here 1972 191
Max Malini Malini's Color Change Subtlety No. 712, card can be removed singly after change
Also published here 1972 191
Max Malini Malini's Tobacco Information Trick No. 713, tip for palming tobacco
Also published here 1972 191
Max Malini Malini's Hank Vanish Of Bill No. 714
Also published here 1972 191
Max Malini Malini's Ten Card Trick With Peek And Glimpse No. 715, note without content
1972 192
Al Koran Headline Countdown newspaper torn up and a piece selected, a word is chosen, it has been predicted, binary prediction
Related toVariations 1972 53
Al Koran Where Did She Go? extra card, saliva
1972 101
Theodore Annemann, Henry Christ Alignment Move
1973 44
Jimmy Grippo Double Lift Teaser saliva
1973 160
Father Cyprian All Alike Display four cards, step 2
1973 192
Harry Lorayne The Mind Boggler any card thought of, then a dealing procedure, scratched distant key card
1973 13
Dai Vernon, Harry Lorayne, Bruce Cervon Amazing Prediction two cards, some dealing and counting
Related to 1973 52
Harry Lorayne Step Handling step in pack while dealing
1973 65
Tony Mullé The Rockin' Chair cards glimpsed while dealing them
Related to 1973 73
Karl Fulves (reviewer) The Master Mentalist by Richard Rightmire
Jan. 1973 582
Karl Fulves (reviewer) Dictionary of Mentalism by Burling Hull Feb. 1973 599
Karl Fulves Die Problem rolling die and mentalist knows number, posed as problem, electronics
Mar. 1973 602
Stanley Collins Whisper Word two sets of word cards, one word chosen by one and five words by another spectator, performer finds out the word by first spectator, using words that spell differently but sound alike
Also published here
  • marketed 1931
Apr. 1973 613
J. A. Lindon A Poem palindromic poems in which the sentences mirror, not the letters
  • Doppelgänger
July 1973 639
Sam Lebeoff Alice's Key marked key vanishes from hand and reappears underneath performer's foot, repeat, see also p. 780 for comment by Martin Gardner
Inspired by
  • Al Thompson card effect
Aug. 1973
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 8 No. 10)
Ken Beale Poker down under deal packet trick with poker theme
  • Canberra Poker
  • New South Wales
Related to Sep. 1973
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 8 No. 11)
Lin Searles Dealing Centers Aces cut in middle and dealt from there, last Ace travels to sleeve
Autumn 1973
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 8 No. 8th Folio)
Lin Searles Mexicali Aces
Autumn 1973
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 8 No. 8th Folio)
Lin Searles Packet Mexican Turnover turning packet over with single card and switching one of the packet for it
Also published here Autumn 1973
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 8 No. 8th Folio)
Joseph K. Schmidt Subconscious Poker II one card is controlled during the repeat-dealing of five poker-hand and appears in a Royal Flush, see also p. 840 for idea by Cushing Strout
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here Dec. 1973 687
Edward G. Brown All Alike Display with multiple lifts and palming, showing three cards as the same, while hiding one
1973 34
Edward G. Brown, Trevor H. Hall Modernism in Mentalism and the Clueless Card Trick comments about think-a-card effects
Inspired by
  • Ralph Hull's "Modernism in Mentalism"
1973 115
Edward G. Brown Lecture without a Name lecture from 1939, views on originality, theory, magic in general
1973 131
Jerry K. Hartman Mentalias Use of signed card to divine thought-of card
Inspired byRelated to 1973 64
Juan Tamariz La Magia
  • 1. Manipulacion
  • 2. Magia General
  • 3. Grandes Ilusiones
  • 4. Magia Comica
  • 5. Mentalismo
  • 6. Ventriloquia
  • 7. Peek-Pocket
  • 8. Fakirismo
  • Magia de Cerca
    • 1.¿Qué es, en qué consiste la Magia-Ilusionismo? (what is magic)
    • 2. ¿Cómo ver uns sesión de Magia? (How to watch a magic show)
    • 3. El Mago
    • 4. Pero la Magia...tiene truco!
Also published here 1973 9
Juan Tamariz Fundamentos del Ilusionismo the fundamentals of magic, on talent
a) Psicologia (psychology)
b) Ingenio creativo y habilidad técnica (creative ingenuity and technical skill)
c) Presentación y Personalidad (presentation and personality)
1973 47
Juan Tamariz La Magia Mental on hypnotism, mentalism, suggestion, parapsychology
1973 111
Sydney Bergson Mentalism Cannot be Done in Pantomime on the performance of mentalism
Magick (Issue 71)
Carl Herron Personal Talisman drawn talisman appears on a card
Magick (Issue 76)
Gerald Fulton The Un-Program on performing mentalism, structuring an act
Magick (Issue 81)
Robert Schwarz Image Builder small subtlety to enhance picture of being a mentalist, when someone is calling
Magick (Issue 89)
Thomas Alan Waters Mentalism - The Approach is Personal
  • The Approach to Mentalism Varies
  • Why Hire You?
  • Be Sure you Know More than the Audience
  • What About the Miracle Man?
  • Ancient Wisdom
  • An Adult form of Entertainment
  • Don't Worry About being Scoffed At
  • Justify Your Own Approach
Magick (Issue 89)
Gene Finnell Transmigration two cards and their positions thought of in two sixteen-card packets, Klondike shuffles and "can you see your card here?", finally the cards end up in each other's position
Related to 1973 15
Gene Finnell Speller two selections, when spelled after some dealing and Klondike shuffling the selections spell out the other's card
1973 17
Jack Avis, Roy Walton Siva Count "show four cards as four, concealing none"
1973 11
Another Method of Switching Hamman Count alternative in which the cards are counted from left hand dealing position into right hand
1973 7
Paul Maurer Jahrestagung und GV des MRS on the Swiss national convention in Thonex/Geneva, Jean Garance, Ali Bongo, Andrea Tonella, Erwin Dörig, Martin Rutz, Klingsor, Edy Künzler, Pavel, Sitta, Paviolo, Jean de Merry, Marino, Marconick, Robert Danau, Mac Deller, Tim Balou, Jan Nostram, Alex Sauty, Werner Nussbaumer, Rolf Andra
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 34 No. 3)
Claude Pahud Réunion de Printemps du Cercle Magique Suisse à Genève on the Swiss national convention in Thonex/Geneva, Pavel, Marconick, Paviolo, Louis Marino, Jean de Merry, Marconick, Ali Bongo, Les Andreals, Robert Danau, Mac Deller, Pavel, Chun Chin Fu
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 34 No. 3)
John D. Pomeroy Mentology on building a mentalism routine
1973 3
John D. Pomeroy Mental Mystification patter for mentalism routine consisting of:
  • Contact Mindreading by Dariel Fitzkee
  • Sealed Message Readings by Dunninger in Inside the Mediums Cabinet
  • Extra-Sensory Perception by Annemann
Related to 1973 31
Steve Spillman The Calico Crimp crimping corner of card, in spread, while showing the card to spectator
Also published here 1973 3
Marconick Rising Cards a la Svengali deck in case, stick placed in the side and turned to make card rise
Also published here 1973 18
Edward Marlo Marlo's Perfect Stack (First Method) Aces dealt out to any number of players from two to eight after a single fair cut without bottom dealing, one duplicate Ace
Inspired byVariations Aug. 1973
Avatar (Issue 2)
Edward Marlo Marlo's Perfect Stack (Second Method) Aces dealt out to any number of players from two to twelve after a single fair cut without bottom dealing
Inspired by Aug. 1973
Avatar (Issue 2)
Joe Dignam Dignam's Stack for Seconds faro stacking, then second dealing Ace to any number of players from two to eight
Inspired by Aug. 1973
Avatar (Issue 2)
Russell T. Barnhart Important note from the author second dealing tip
1974 2
Edward Marlo Call it the -- showing three cards alike three times, then routined with transformation at the end, credit information for All Alike display with diminishing lift
1974 175
Edward Marlo Special to the Expert center dealing from different positions, stepped/jogged cards, secret incomplete faro condition
Related toVariations 1974 239
Michael Boden Deck Memorization OOTW with the performer dealing as a memory stunt, gilbreath
Also published here 1974 90
Karl Fulves The Two-Card Deal false dealing problem
Mar. 1974
Epilogue (Issue 20)
Paul Curry Swindle Switch
Related toVariations 1974 8
Paul Curry The Red And The Black spectator arrange the deck, cards are in red/black pairs except the Aces
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1974 53
Paul Curry Alias Sherlock Holmes center tear presentation, revealing the word by analyzing the burnt paper
1974 75
Jerry Fulton, Steve Bryant, Karl Fulves Etcetera on magazine Magick and mentalism
Related to Feb. 1974 710
Karl Fulves Babel Dai Vernon, Skinner on Tonight Show, Houdini, George Daily, Doug Henning's "The Magic Show", lengthening fingers in candle by Ali Kasim Dheen (anecdote from Sphinx)
May 1974 732
Jerry K. Hartman Poker III slightly elaborated handling, re-dealing
Inspired byAlso published here July 1974 754
Karl Fulves Babel Uri Geller and NASA research, John Scarne on Today Show, beginners in magic & personality development, David Roth
Sep. 1974
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 9 No. 11)
George Sands Criss Cross Nines through Aces removed and sorted in reds and blacks, dealing procedure on table mixes and then sorts the colors again, spectator cannot duplicate it
credit information, see also p. 812 for Marlo claim
Related toVariationsAlso published here
  • "Unbeatable" (George Sands, Sep. 1951, p. 14)
Oct. 1974
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 9 No. 12)
Karl Fulves Color Blind no-palm handling of Criss Cross, Nines through Aces removed and sorted in reds and blacks, dealing procedure on table mixes and then sorts the colors again, spectator cannot duplicate it, see p. 1053 for comment
Inspired by Nov. 1974
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. 1)
Roy Walton Subconscious Poker Handling re-dealing
Inspired by Dec. 1974
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. 2)
Rudy Roxo The Cauldron big cauldron on a glowing fire, performer throws dead animals inside and they come back out alive, then a girl appears
Related to
  • Chung Ling Soo's "The Witch's Cauldron"
1974 14
Stephen Minch The Telling Talisman of Theodoris coin is wrapped in paper and out on tarot deck, then it's burnt coin vanishes and appears above selection
1974 7
Stephen Minch The Force of Fate tarot card is named before the dealing starts, with Minor Arcana
1974 23
Gene Nielsen Sweet Swindle with sugar packets, written on paper
Inspired by 1974
Magick (Issue 97)
Ray Waters Some Notes on the Use of Billets - Part 3
  • Forget the Mechanics
  • The Rectangular Fold
  • "Great Minds Think Alike"
  • Only One Move
  • Clean Up
  • "Wired Thought"
  • And More
  • Final Notes
Magick (Issue 97)
Chandler Mason Mason on Mentalism
  • You Must Suspend Disbelief
  • Make no Supernatural Claims
  • Don't be Offensive
  • Be Humorous Only If you Can
  • Treat Spectators with Respect
  • The Framework Approach
  • Some Do's to Remember
  • And Some Don'ts
Magick (Issue 101)
Orville Wayne Meyer Multi-Mentality Plus with four selections, each thought from a quarter of the deck
Inspired by
  • "Multi-Mentality" (Orville Wayne Meyer, Genii Vol. 4 No. 11, July 1940, p. 342)
Magick (Issue 104)
Raymond Hafler Mentalism Can Be Entertaining on mentalism
Magick (Issue 113)
North Bigbee ESPell Mental using Jumbo ESP cards, in envelopes, spelling and down-under deal
Inspired by
  • Paul Siegel's "Colorspell" in "Mentalism a la Mode"
Magick (Issue 114)
David Douglas ESP - What It's All About! on Mentalism phenomenas
Magick (Issue 117)
Al Schneider Transfer Pickup stealing a coin in the action of putting a card on it
1974 4
Patrick Page 10. One Two Three It's Yours selection found by scaling it up behind the back
Also published here 1974 8
Patrick Page The Revolving Snake
  • How to Make a Fascinating Novelty
Paper snake on wire is put on lamp and starts to spin as long as the lamp is alight
1974 9
Clayton Rawson In einer einzigen Sekunde saliva, two cards are found
Also published here Oct. 1974
Intermagic (Vol. 2 No. 2)
Harry George 3x Comedy Macig described by Paul Maurer, three comedy effects
  • 1. button under table
  • 2. revealing a selection using an alarm clock
  • 3. glass through table with a cherry sequence
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 35 No. 4)
Theodore Annemann, Henry Christ Alignment Move
1974 42
S. Brent Morris Abstract - Permutations by Cutting and Shuffling - A Generalization to Q-Dimensions Morris's dissertation, Department of Mathematics, Duke University, 1974
1974 iii
S. Brent Morris 2. The Generalized Out Faro Shuffle
1974 10
S. Brent Morris 2. The Generalized In-Faro Shuffle
1974 22
Jochen Zmeck Der J. Z. Kartensteiger card rises from case by shaking
Inspired by
  • "An Anti-Gravitational Marvel" (G. E. Arrowsmith, Magical Originalia, 1943)
1974 6
Tenkai Ishida Billfold and Cards four Aces of Spades are removed from billfold, they change into Kings and Ace of Space is found in billfold, saliva
Also published here
  • in "Genii".
1974 44
Tenkai Ishida All Alike Sequence
1974 45
Tenkai Ishida Catch the Coin coin snatching technique, hand is wrapped with handkerchief except first finger, spectator cannot take the coin
Related to 1974 80
Steve Spillman Calico Crimp crimping corner of card, in spread, while showing the card to spectator
Also published here 1974 35
Eddie Fechter Be Honest What Is It? two cards, one held by spectator and one by performer, change into two totally different cards, other two cards end up in performer's trouser pocket
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1974 10
Martin A. Nash Scaling The Change deck in other hand, card is thrown and caught
1975 36
Martin A. Nash The Three to Seven Hand Poker Stack faro & second dealing, see p. 444 for additional crediting
Related to 1975 96
John Murray Four-Way Coincidence impromptu
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1975 36
Larry West All Alike Sequence
1975 138
Larry Jennings All Alike Display via multiple lifts
1975 69
Larry Jennings Dealing 3rds, etc. LJ Move variation
Epilogue (Issue Special No 3 (Part 1))
Larry Jennings All Alike Sequence
Variations 1975
Epilogue (Issue Special No 3 (Part 2))
Theodore Annemann, Henry Christ Alignment Move
The Hierophant (Issue 7 Resurrection Issue)
Jon Racherbaumer No Force Vanish & Recovery two cards vanish in deck and reappear, roughed deck, see also Fulves' Jumping Gemini
Related to 1975
The Hierophant (Issue 7 Resurrection Issue)
Al Schneider Six Properties Of Deception 1. Mechanical Deception
2. Sleight-of-Hand
3. Misdirection
4. Body Language
5. Intention of Reality
6. Intention of Magic

1975 1
Ed Eckl Madness With the Ascanio Spread several presentations, one with special "drag" card
  • A Xmas Calculator
  • Alice Blue Gown
Related to Sep. 1975
Pabular (Vol. 2 No. 1)
Max Malini Malini's Chink-A-Chink sugar cubes, see p. 1053 for Johnny Thompson credit
Related toVariations Jan. 1975
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. 3)
Max Malini A Malini Note on his cups and ball routine, glasses wrapped in newspaper
June 1975
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. 8)
Peter Warlock Gap In The Curtain three predictions on slate are correct
Also published here
  • Mode For Mentalists series, 1940s
Sep. 1975
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. 11)
Karl Fulves Drawback three cards all alike, then card no longer there, using Center Pull-Out
1975 233
Faucett Ross, Max Malini Bill in Lemon Uses a Malini move to vanish the bill
1975 122
Stewart Judah Elimination Discovery Some weird dealing trick to locate two cards mixed into six piles of five cards
1975 218
Dai Vernon Card Vanish card that was peeked at vanishes from deck, uses saliva
Related to 1975 220
Karl Fulves (reviewer) Off Beat Mentalism by Arthur Setterington 1975
Interlocutor (Issue 2)
Karl Fulves (reviewer) S'komplimentary Mentalism by Steve Skomp 1975
Interlocutor (Issue 2)
Roger Smith The Mentalist at Last Laughs Last card selected, comedy mind-reading, then card is seen to be stuck to wall from beginning
1975 2
Francis Carlyle Sucker Tricks
  • false bottom change
  • all cards alike using top change (Johnny Paul)
  • card on forehead
1975 96
Bob Lunn The Invisible Coin coin upside down on deck in left dealing position, invisible coin knocked through bottom of glass becomes visible, slid off into hand and changes into different coin
1975 14
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on mentalism, Invocation, Tony Raven
Magick (Issue 119)
Charles J. Pecor Get Your Head Right for Improvement on presentation, I-F-D Pattern, originality
Magick (Issue 121)
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on women in mentalism, Aldini, Charlie Miller, Ron Wilson
Magick (Issue 122)
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on women in mentalism, Dunninger's death
Magick (Issue 123)
Robert Schwarz The Mystic Sums of Glossolalia! sum divination
Magick (Issue 126)
Bascom Jones Psychologists and the Personality Reading
  • Something for Everybody
  • The Personality Reading
  • People Want to Be Unique
  • And They Tend to Accentuate the Positive
  • Two Other Observations
  • What Can it Mean to the Mentalist?
  • How to Use the Reading
Magick (Issue 127)
Walter B. Graham The Mentalist's Lecturn box to store material, looks like lectern
Magick (Issue 131)
B.C. Milnov A Mental Frame of Mind on performing mentalism
Magick (Issue 133)
John A. Novak Sven Stebbins svengali deck meets Si Stebbins, paired deck
Related to 1975
Magick (Issue 134)
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on Milt Larsen's 'It's Magic', Dai Vernon, Jan Torell, Mark Kalin, James Randi, Uri Geller
Magick (Issue 139)
Bascom Jones Magic Versus Mentalism
Magick (Issue 139)
Philip T. Goldstein Twice-Dealt Tale Esp deck, re-dealing
Magick (Issue 140)
Tony "Doc" Shiels You Can be a Super-Psychic on becoming the next Uri Geller, performance of mentalism
Magick (Issue 143)
Russell T. Barnhart Thumb Flick Steal No. 8, stealing bottom card of double into right-hand Master Palm, deck in hand
Related to 1975 26
Russell T. Barnhart Aladdin Switch No. 9, stealing bottom card of double into Master Palm, without deck
Also published here 1975 28
Stephen Minch Some Preliminary Remarks and Opinions of the Performing of Psychokinetic Effects in Particular and Mentalism in General also on disclaimers
1975 9
Juan Tamariz Capítulo V - Magia con Palillos y Pajillas chapter intro
1975 61
Palillos-Muelle long distance shot of a toothpick
1975 67
Jack Avis Siva Count show four cards as four, concealing none
Nov. 1975
Intermagic (Vol. 3 No. 1 & 2)
Ali Bongo Sterling Embryo two different-colored tissue papers and borrowed bill are rolled up and put on upside-down glasses, bill vanishes, white paper burns, in red paper is white paper and inside bill
Inspired by
  • "Embryo" (Pentagram)
Related toAlso published here
  • New Pentagram, Dec. 1972
Nov. 1975
Intermagic (Vol. 3 No. 1 & 2)
Durowa Zigaretten Manipulation secretly stealing cigarette from box, for production
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 36 No. 1)
Peter Wilker Nachträge aus Bern on the convention in Bern, convention gifts by Hans Hermann (variation of Curry's The Case of the Missing Hat and a Svengali pad), Mischa, Mr. Bogo, Thumm, Pavel, Blondino, Hans Meyer
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 36 No. 4)
Two Deck Bet proposition bet about a match occurring when dealing through two shuffled deck simultaneously
1975 21
Nick Trost Bridge Deck dealing yourself all Spades, then all high cards together with partner
Related to 1975 24
Gerald Kosky Three and Four Alike three and four cards alike, turnover and placing on bottom of packet
1975 58
Gerald Kosky Tricky Mentalist six cards set-up
1975 82
Gerald Kosky Mentalist Question Cards spectators gets stack of cards with questions, selected question is divined
1975 139
Gerald Kosky, Walter B. Gibson Tricky Mentalist - Without Cards apparently twenty selections and their positions are remembered, using business cards and words
Inspired by 1975 142
Gerald Kosky The Perfect Prediction disguised method to force a forcing card of a Svengali deck
1975 154
Gerald Kosky Sholim Ali Kim mathematical problem, camels divided to sons, using jewels
Inspired by 1975 196
Gerald Kosky The Cat's Meow card with picture on cat, cat meows to answer question and revealing selection
1975 226
Part II: My Favorite Feats revealing Uri Geller's methods without mentioning him
1975 19
"Joro" Bruno Hennig Tip zum Nussschalentrick stealing extra ball for phase where spectator can chose where it shall appear
1975 14
Charles T. Jordan Placement Control cards returned to spread with known distance, brought together under key with dealing procedure
Also published here 1975 18
Charles T. Jordan The Impromptu Arranged Pack from New Pack Order to Si Stebbins, dealing
Also published here 1975 27
Multiple Glide with several cards, more added during dealing
1975 35
Charles T. Jordan The Hourglass Card Trick time on watch gives position of card, placement via dealing procedure and only performed at certain times
Also published here 1975 55
Charles T. Jordan Demon's Detection two key cards, out of hand selection procedure with dealing
Also published here 1975 91
Charles T. Jordan Cagliostro's Vision complicated key card placement with dealing of a chosen number of piles
Also published here 1975 104
Charles T. Jordan The Quadruple Deck Mystery odd-backed card lost in thick deck composed of three decks with dealing procedure, spectator reads off order and performer stops him at selection
Also published here 1975 108
Charles T. Jordan The Dealing Dovetail Detection card is found after lots of real shuffling
Also published here 1975 128
Charles T. Jordan Improved Marvelous Prediction odd/even system for divided deck, spectator riffle shuffles, set-up in front of spectators by openly dealing into some heaps
Also published here 1975 148
Charles T. Jordan Improved Chevalier Card Trick deck shuffled twice, named suit removed, all values spelt out
Also published here 1975 163
Charles T. Jordan The Mystery Problem position of selection is predicted, svengali deck with different finish on force cards, ending clean with switch-out
Also published here 1975 169
Charles T. Jordan Hinge Gimmick two cards connected with thin paper, can cling together stay aligned as one card, or spread out as two cards
Related to 1975 187
Edward Marlo Mental Minus Multiple named Ace at named Position, false Dealing
1976 5
Edward Marlo For the Fingertip Peek Applying Secret Incomplete Faro Condition
Variations 1976 298
The Jacket Lapel Move stealing from behind lapel
1976 15
Jon Racherbaumer, Ed Brown Between Elmsley, Brown, and Himber using Himber Wallet and Stranger
Related to 1976
Kabbala — Volume 3 (Vol. 3 No. 1)
Bob Haines Four Gone Conclusion two selected cards, four top cards are shown to be all alike, two of the disappear, the two left are now the selected cards
May 1976
Pabular (Vol. 2 No. 9)
Al Smith (reviewer) The First California Lecture by Dai Vernon (written by Frederick Braue, Dariel Fitzkee) May 1976
Pabular (Vol. 2 No. 9)
Barrie Richardson From A Mentalist's Notebook ideas on mentalism, Q&A, nail writer
June 1976
Pabular (Vol. 2 No. 10)
Patrick Page The Page Boy Speaks... on Charlie Kalish's collection
Aug. 1976
Pabular (Vol. 2 No. 12)
Fred Robinson Focus on Fred Kaps, Ricky Jay, Richiardi Junior, John Fisher, Ali Bongo, Ken Brooke, Jack Avis, Paul Stone, Nick Bolton
Nov. 1976
Pabular (Vol. 3 No. 3)
Philip T. Goldstein Introduction on the basic effects and actions of mentalism
1976 2
Paul Harris Open Revelation aces or selection appear one by one between two one-handed fans
Variations 1976 26
Jerry Andrus Panoramic Clip bringing several cards together or stealing them from the deck
1976 35
Jerry Andrus Banditry stealing card from deck, double banded
1976 61
Al Mann A Link with Eternity - An Object Lesson in the Art of Mindreading presentation and analysis of a mentalism routine
Related to 1976 1
Al Mann The Mystic Chalice requisite for burning the papers when doing a center tear or other billet routines
1976 19
Al Mann A Tractate on Fabulous Card Effects for the Mentalist
  • The Pros and Cons
  • Do's and Don'ts
1976 1