367 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Do as I Do / Two Decks
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Grande clairvoyance mysterieuse No. 37, spectator choses card from one deck, then magician from another, they match, both decks marked
Related to 1895 44
Grande clairvoyance mystèrieuse two decks, two chosen cards match, decks marked, one in new deck order, second method with Mexican Turnover, third method in which one card is secretly transferred to the other deck at the beginning
Related to Apr. 1895
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster Gleich und gleich gesellt sich gern performer and spectator each chose a card from a different deck, they match
Related to 1896 52
Marvelous Coincidence two selections from two decks match, double facer deck
Related toAlso published here 1897 158
Grande Clairvoyance Mysterieuse two cards chosen from two decks match, three methods
Related to 1897 167
Carl Willmann Die sympatisierenden Karten card chosen, card chosen from second deck matches
Aug. 1904
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 10 No. 8)
Charles T. Jordan Sympathetic Sympathy two cards put in envelope from different decks match, can be repeated
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1921
The Four Full Hands (Issue Four Full Hands of Down to the Minute Magical Effects)
Sympathetic Sympathy two decks, performer and spectator each cut to a card and put it in the same envelope, they match, repeated
1928 18
Victor Farelli A "Close-Work" Discovery
Related to 1933 84
Victor Farelli The "Follow-Up"
1933 85
Theodore Annemann Synthetic Sympathy two cards from different decks match
Related toVariations Nov. 1934
The Jinx (Issue 2)
Tom Sellers The Paired Card card from odd-backed deck matches prediction in glass
Related toVariations 1934 14
Theodore Annemann Dual Sympathy one deck stacked
Related to 1934 25
Theodore Annemann Triplets by Chance three decks, three spectator select the same card
1934 27
Louis Lam Do As I Do "An Experiment in Coincidence", two four-card piles are made by counting some cards with both both decks, bottom cards match
1935 6
"Follow Me" Card Trick No. 34, two cards chosen from two decks are exchanged and shown to match
1935 32
Orville Wayne Meyer The Guidance of Fate two decks, two cards match, chosen with handkerchief force
Also published here Nov. 1936
The Jinx (Issue 26)
Jean Hugard Follow Me key cards
Dec. 1936
The Jinx (Issue 27)
Victor Farelli Do As I Do Spectator and magician picks the same card in two decks
Related to 1936 17
Victor Farelli An Alternative Conclusion Alternate ending to Do As I Do
Related to 1936 19
A Peculiar Coincidence key card
1937 67
You Do As I Do key card
1937 68
Identical Thought key card
1937 68
Two Souls with a Single Thought key card
1937 68
Follow Me
1937 68
Victor Farelli A Close Work Discovery key card
1937 69
A Follow Up Effect key card
1937 69
Donald Holmes Coincidence card added from top of glass
Related to 1937 70
Loyd's Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde two cards are exchanged from two packs
1937 70
A Variation of the Above two cards are exchanged from two packs
1937 71
Another Do As I Do
1937 71
Do As I Do In The Dark to be done with lights out
Also published here 1937 72
Sam H. Sharpe Domination of Thought key card, originally from Conjured Up
Variations 1937 72
A Strange Coincidence each one reverses two cards - the same, one deck is stacked
1937 73
Charles T. Jordan Sympathetic Sympathy two cards put in envelope from different decks match, can be repeated
Also published here 1937 74
Synthetic Sympathy two selections from different decks match
1937 75
Mental Coincidence two cards from two deck put in pockets match, one switched in pocket
1937 77
Coincidence two decks, one in spectator's pocket one in performers, two selections, repeated (spectator plunges in pocket and takes out first card he can get), one marked, card index in pocket
1937 78
A Card Sympathy one stacked
1937 79
Jean Hugard Follow Me with two spectators, originally from Jinx
1937 81
The Diachylon Do As I Do
1937 113
Theodore Annemann Dual Sympathy one deck stacked
Related to 1937 213
Four-Fold Sympathy multiple coincidences, two packs
1937 239
Like Thoughts stripper deck and marked deck
1937 276
Louis Lam Coincidence one card marked on back so it cannot be switched
Variations 1937 6
Robert Parrish The Real Coincidence Trick two decks in performer's and spectator's pocket, cards removed - they're the same
1937 9
"You Do as I Do" - A. The Sympathetic Cards stacked
1938 270
B. A Second Example with a Prearranged Deck
1938 272
C. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Part I
1938 275
C. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Part 2 do as i do with thought of cards
1938 277
D. Variation Without the Use of a Waxed Card
1938 278
E. Domination of Thought three versions
1938 279
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser F. The "J.N.H." Method
1938 281
Rolland Hamblen Do As I Do
1938 281
b. With Two Packs stacked decks, card cut to and turned over by spectator matches performer's card
1938 340
Glenn G. Gravatt A Curious Coincidence two selections from two decks are put in a glass and match, menetekel deck & normal deck
Related to 1938 440
Dai Vernon Do As I Do packs not exchanged, no key card
Variations 1938 576
Martin Gardner An Easy Lesson
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1938
The Jinx (Issue Winter Extra 1937/38)
Dan Bellman Mystic Matching two phases, one deck stacked
Also published here 1938
The Jinx (Issue Summer Extra 1938)
Hen Fetsch Ghostatic Touch several coincidences with two decks
Also published here Oct. 1938
The Jinx (Issue 49)
Louis Lam Dual Sympathy
1939 18
Louis Lam Coincidence update, combined with bank night and prediction
Inspired by 1939 19
Oscar Weigle Remote Reverso two decks, performer and spectator count down and stop and remember card, spectator's card reverses in performer's deck and vice versa
1939 31
Robert Parrish Synchronism performer removes a card openly from blue deck, despite free choice spectator selects same from red deck, forcing deck and interesting deck switches
Variations 1939 32
Do As I Do - A New Presentation with prediction kicker
1940 393
Claude Collier We All Do with three decks and two spectators
Feb. 1940
The Jinx (Issue 79)
John J. Crimmins Jr. I'll Read Your Mind one is a brainwave/invisible deck
Also published here 1940
The Jinx (Issue 117)
Verne Chesbro, James G. Thompson Jr. Copy Cat! one Si Stebbins, the other brainwave/invisible deck
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1940
The Jinx (Issue 117)
Jerry Nadell The Curry Turn Over Change - Do as I Do
1940 48
Joseph Ovette A Simple Do As I Do two cards are exchanged, they turn out to be the same
1940 16
Joseph Ovette Audience Do As I Do
1940 16
Martin Gardner Do As I Do two selections match with top card of each other's deck
VariationsAlso published here 1940 17
You Do As I Do two decks, card exchanged
1941 232
Dr. Stanley Jaks The Dream of a Hermit three decks, with spelling coincidence in third deck
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1941
The Jinx (Issue 124)
Herbert Hood You and Yours - Me and Mine
Also published here Apr. 1941
The Jinx (Issue 136)
Paul Curry Follow Me two decks, two cards match after Henry Christ cutting procedure
Also published here 1941 [7]
Eddie Joseph A Remarkable Coincidence two cards chosen from two decks match, repeat, two-way Mirage decks
1942 71
Walter B. Gibson Turnabout two decks, two cards are exchanged and match
May 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 36)
Jean Hugard Follow Me key cards
1943 35
Theodore Annemann Synthetic Sympathy two cards from different decks match
1943 36
Martin Gardner An Easy Lesson
Also published here 1943 38
George G. Kaplan Numerology??? two decks, three cards are counted to in both decks and they match
Also published here May 1944
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 1 No. 12)
Bob Hummer Do As I Do with hair
Also published here 1944 7
John J. Crimmins Jr. I'll Read Your Mind one is a brainwave/invisible deck
Also published here 1944 279
Herbert Hood You and Yours - Me and Mine
Also published here 1944 281
Dr. Stanley Jaks The Dream of a Hermit three decks, with spelling coincidence in third deck
Also published here 1944 290
Dan Bellman Mystic Matching two phases, one deck stacked
Also published here 1944 291
Verne Chesbro, James G. Thompson Jr. Copy Cat one Si Stebbins, the other brainwave/invisible deck
Also published here 1944 294
Hen Fetsch Ghostatic Touch several coincidences with two decks
Also published here 1944 295
Orville Wayne Meyer The Guidance of Fate two decks, two cards match, chosen with handkerchief force
Also published here 1944 296
Edward Marlo You Do As I Do three methods
Early Marlo (Issue Oddity & Other Miracles)
Edward Marlo Daub Co-incidence daubed instead of glimpsed key card
1945 7
Paul Curry Follow Me two decks, two cards match after Henry Christ cutting procedure
Also published here 1945 78
Walter B. Gibson Turnabout two decks, two cards are exchanged and match
1945 92
Richard F. Madden Two Be or Not Two Be - That Was the Question two decks, second deck has selected cards reversed
1945 97
Robert A. Nelson Wrinkles and Subtle Touches
  • named card in pocket
  • do as i do, with mindreading presentation
  • making envelopes see through
1945 60
J. W. Sarles Know-How decks in pockets, "Bill Sarles" but it's J. W. Sarles according to Fulves in "Six Impromptu Card Tricks" (1982, p. 38)
Jan. 1945
The Phoenix (Issue 76)
Dr. A. Heller You Do as Heller Does with two decks and three cards each
Mar. 1945
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 2 No. 10)
Gerald Lynton Kaufman Double Do As I Do
May 1945
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 2 No. 12)
John Scarne Triple Coincidence two decks, three cards exchanged
Variations 1946
Stars of Magic (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Vincent Bunce What! Another "You Do As I Do"? saliva method
May 1946
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 3 No. 12)
Rudolf "Wernoli" Büchel Duplizität der Gedanken two decks, same card
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 8 No. 2)
Edward Victor Another "Do As I Do" Effect two different colored decks
  • Method to repeat the effect
1946 29
Paul Curry Do As I Do
Related toVariations May 1947
The Phoenix (Issue 126)
Frederick Braue Quickie Do As I Do
Dec. 1947 377
Do as I Do
1948 70
George G. Kaplan Multiple Do As I Do five coincidences with a lot of counting
1948 88
George G. Kaplan Do As I Do top card as key card
1948 155
Theodore Annemann Synthetic Sympathy
1948 194
Frederick Braue Triple Do three cards from two deck match, removed by performer and spectator
1948 12
Joseph Dongu Do as I Do Trick
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1948)
Tony Kardyro You Do As I Do method for obtaining the key card
Also published here 1948 17
Gordon Whyte A Modern You Do As I Do Trick
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1949)
George C. Engel Quadruple Coincidence three cards and number of cards of a cut-off packet match
Related toVariationsAlso published here May 1949
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 6 No. 12)
Eddie Joseph Staggered - Presentation Ten two decks, same card is found
1949 5
Oscar Weigle Under the Table Coincidence two decks below table, halves are exchanged and placed face-to-face, cards at separation point match
1949 13
Identity two coincidences
1949 46
Hugh Carroll, Charles Hopkins Out!
May 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 202)
You Do as I Do No. 13, Standard Do As I do effect with two decks, spectator / performer selects same card coincidentally
Related to 1950 27
George Starke Quadruple Coincidence No. 55, Do As I Do with four climaxes, three cards and number of cards of a cut-off packet match
Related toVariations 1950 97
John Scarne Scarne's Birds of a Feather No. 93, performed with the cards under the table
1950 174
Martin Gardner Gardner's Sympathetic Cards No. 111, Two-deck Do-as-I-Do
1950 214
Martin Gardner, Hubert Lambert Criss Cross Do-As-I-Do two selections match with top card of each other's deck
  • Lambert's Improvement
  • Additional Improvement
Inspired byRelated to May 1950
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 7 No. 12)
Zwei gleiche Karten aus dem Dunkeln with decks in pockets of performer and spectator
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 13 No. 4)
Harold G. Beaumont The Coincidental Cut
1952 78
George Boston The Do Nothing Miracle spectator cuts deck behind back and removes top three cards, performer does the same with a second deck and the cards match
1952 60
Al Leech A Double Coincidence cards chosen from two decks
1953 23
Edward Marlo Some Challenging Ideas: The Spectator Coincidence card thought of in red-backed deck matches physically chosen card in blue-backed deck, posed as a problem
Variations 1953 189
Sydney Bergson Lucky Blue and Red
Aug. 1954
The New Phoenix (Issue 314)
Al Koran Perfection - Do As I Do performer and spectator both remove a card from a different deck, they match, one card is switched and the other card changes to match
1954 165
John Scarne You Do As I Do two decks, five key numbers
1956 116
Hen Fetsch The Four O' Fetsch spectator and performer each shuffle a deck and cut it in three piles each, the packets are placed back-to-back three times and spread, the back-to-back pairs match
1956 4
Geoffrey Buckingham Super Do As I Do spectator and performer exchange two cards from two decks and place them in their inside jacket pocket, they match
Related to 1957 3
Tony Corinda, "Teddy" Love (13) Stooges comments, trick by "Teddy" Love where two spectator's select the same card as the performer does, three decks
Also published here 1958 99
Dai Vernon Repeat "Do as I do" spectator and Magician exchange cards from different colored decks which match, sets up again
Variations 1959 17
Terry Guyatt Two of a Kind
1959 319
Robert A. Nelson ESP Coincidence do as I do with ESP cards, two packets
1959 10
Robert A. Nelson Second Sight-Seeing
1959 32
John Scarne Und nochmals: Tun Sie, was ich tue with numbers named to select cards
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 20 No. 2)
Edward Marlo The 8 Card Wonder: Effect #4 "A two deck effect of a Do As I Do nature.", down-under deal with an eight-card packet
Mar. 1959
Ibidem (Issue 16)
Edward Marlo The 8 Card Wonder: Effect #5 down-under deal double force with a nine-card packet
Mar. 1959
Ibidem (Issue 16)
Jochen Zmeck Ein "TUWIT"-Effekt two decks, performer and spectator have each other choose and pocket a card, they match
1960 32
Edward Marlo Related Quadruplets performer removes unknown four-of-a-kind from blue-backed deck, spectator removes any quartet from a red deck, they match
Inspired byRelated to May 1960
Ibidem (Issue 20)
Edward Marlo Double Thought Coincidence performer removes two red-backed cards, spectator removes two from a blue-backed deck, they match
Related toVariations Oct. 1960
Ibidem (Issue 22)
Dai Vernon Cards of Coincidence two cards from two decks put in envelope match, three phases
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 1961 11
Robert A. Nelson A Mental Do As I Do
1961 10
Dr. Stanley Jaks Ein traumhafte Übereinstimmung with three decks, third deck selection matches by spelling name
Also published here 1961 94
P. Howard Lyons Safety Match two decks shuffled, the top cards match, then one of those cards changes to match new top card of other deck
Mar. 1961
Ibidem (Issue 23)
Harry Lorayne Automatic Mind-Reading
1962 96
Harry Lorayne Automatic Mind-Reading #2
1962 249
Dai Vernon Another You Do As I Do
1962 45
Ralph W. Hull Trigon II three cards are selected from a deck and put in three glasses, a spectator then takes three cards from another deck that are put with the first cards, when the pairs are turned over, they match, partial rough-smooth red-blue menetekel
Variations 1962 21
Edward Marlo Do As I Do "Eleventh Effect", with two decks, two methods
Inspired byRelated to 1962 18
Rolf Andra, Edwin Leist-Bernini Eine Abart von Unglaublich
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 23 No. 2)
P. Howard Lyons Tetched two cards from face-up spread are matched with two cards from face-down spread
Sep. 1962
Ibidem (Issue 26)
Edward Marlo Double Thought Coincidence (Second Method) performer removes two red-backed cards, spectator removes two from a blue-backed deck, they match
  • Alternative Procedures
    • A. In Place of D'Amico Spread
    • B.
Inspired by Oct. 1962
Ibidem (Issue 27)
Edward Marlo Spectator Coincidence #2 card thought of in red-backed deck matches physically chosen card in blue-backed deck
  • The Follow Up Spectator Coincidence
  • Observations
  • Another Way
Inspired by Oct. 1962
Ibidem (Issue 27)
Edward Marlo Spectator Coincidence #3 two cards freely chosen from different decks match, first card chosen by reversing an unknown card (glimpse or marked deck)
Inspired by Oct. 1962
Ibidem (Issue 27)
Edward Marlo, Peter Warlock Sympathetic Coincidence performer places blue-backed card in case, spectator removes same from red deck
Early Marlo (Issue Oddity & Other Miracles)
J. W. Sarles PRISM with two decks and two cards each, under table
The New Phoenix (Issue 400)
Verall Wass Two of a Kind Repeated two decks, spectator and performer place some card in pockets and they always remove matching cards
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 26 No. 3)
Werner "Walt Nelson" Nussbaumer Dazu braucht es einen Zauberer
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 26 No. 4)
Dai Vernon "Do As I Do" "Chapter Five", using pocket
Related to 1967 31
J. W. Sarles Dichotomy performer and spectator both have spades cards with same back design, they exchange one card, they both retain thirteen different cards
Related toVariations Jan. 1967 75
Theodore Annemann The Red and Blue Decks from "Annemann's $50 Manuscript" (ca. 1932)
Related to
  • p. 133, 159 and 165 for general information on "Annemann's $50 Manuscript"
Sep. 1967
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 2 No. 11)
Conrad Schmoranzer, Jochen Zmeck Die Kontrollkarte cards put in glass, spectator selects card that are added, the pairs do not match, then they do, partial rough-smooth
Inspired by
  • "Die Kontrollkarte", MAGIE, 4/1963
1967 17
Eddie Fields Yogi You-Do-As-I-Do flesh-colored daub on spectator's forehead
Inspired byAlso published here 1968 54
Tom Sellers, Rolf Andra The Paired Card card from odd-backed deck matches prediction in glass
Inspired by 1968
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 29 No. 1)
Aldini, Glenn G. Gravatt More Thoughts Anticipated Spectator removes card from red deck, matches card taken out by magician from blue deck
Inspired by
  • "Final Selection" (Glenn. G. Gravatt)
1969 19
Dai Vernon Gemini Cards
Related toAlso published here 1970 25
James Auer Do As I Do (Platform Version) Peek Deck, hole in one index
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1969-70)
Ned Powers Duplicate Thots with repeat
July 1970 349
Alan Brown Future Ghost cards thought-of and not removed from deck, one-way faces or edge-marks or one-way crimp, see also p. 373 and p. 684
Related toVariations Sep. 1970
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 5 No. 11)
Brian Jordan Your Thot without exchanging decks
Dec. 1970 388
Karl Fulves Another Oracle as a 2-deck Do As I Do coincidence
Inspired by 1971 3
Ron Ferris Dynamite with red black separation climax
1971 23
Jerry K. Hartman One Way Ghost "Two Tricks" No. 1, for credit information see also p. 684
Inspired byRelated to Apr. 1971 414
Dai Vernon, Stewart Judah Coincidence performer pockets card from one deck, spectator cuts another deck and counts down according to value of bottom card, card arrived at matched card in pocket, Ace to King stack
Also published here Dec. 1971 473
Frank Garcia Three in a Million two decks, spec and perf select same card and cut off same amount of cards
Related toVariations 1972 32
Gerald Kosky Coincidence ?? rough smooth
Also published here 1972 63
Derek Dingle Double Stranger two decks, performer and spectator chose a card, they turn out to be the only odd-backed, for credits see page 142
July 1972
Epilogue (Issue 15 (Part 1))
Mike Morhman Twice Wrong two decks, two times the cards the performer and magician choose do not match, then suddenly they do
Aug. 1972
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 7 No. 10)
Billy McComb The Reverse-Cut Svengali Pack ... An Introduction spectator and magician both cut at the same card
1972 79
Dai Vernon Vernon's Coincidence Card Trick Ala Annemann No. 67, two cards from two decks put in envelope match, two methods
Also published here 1972 20
Dai Vernon, Stewart Judah Vernon - Judah Coincidence No. 93, performer pockets card from one deck, spectator cuts another deck and counts down according to value of bottom card, card arrived at matched card in pocket, Ace to King stack
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1972 28
Dai Vernon Vernon's Set Up Do As I Do No. 96, performer pockets card from one deck, spectator cuts another deck and counts down according to value of bottom card, card arrived at matched card in pocket, Ace to King stack
Also published here 1972 29
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Do As I Do Variation No. 207, two cards exchanged, they match
1972 50
Sidney H. Radner, Dr. Jacob Daley Sid Radner's Do As I Do No. 384, three cards are matched one by one
1972 106
Do As I Do With One Nikola Deck No. 510, thought-of card by performer is found by spectator, and selection by spectator found by performer
1972 142
Dr. Jacob Daley Thot Transposition Card Effect No. 541, two cards chosen and written down from two different-backed decks, they are the only odd-backed cards
1972 152
Dr. Jacob Daley, Dai Vernon Do As I Do ala Vernon No. 581, two cards from two decks exchanged, they match
1972 162
Bert Allerton Do As I Do ala Allerton No. 582
Related to 1972 162
Francis J. Baker Alpha Card Act
  • First Trick (spectator choses card from one deck, performer from another, they match)
  • Second Trick (spectator initials card on back, performer the Three of Hearts on face, but later the Nine of Hearts is initialed on face and on back)
  • Third Trick (two cards reversed in two decks match)
June 1973 629
Tony Cole Copy Cat two decks, performer puts one of his in the spectator's and vice versa, they both are placed next to their mates, see also p. 830 for comment by Roy Walton
Dec. 1973 689
Edward G. Brown Two Coincidence Tricks
  • first is a Do as I do variation with two decks
  • second is a prediction, three selected cards match three cards in glass with different back design
1973 64
Ellison Poland Turnabout two cards from two decks are chosen and exchanged, they match
1973 9
Edward Marlo The Repeater no exchange of decks
1974 161
Gerald Kosky Psychic Touch two decks, same cards are found
1975 44
Gerald Kosky Coincidence two decks, spectator and performer place decks behind backs and turn one card over
Also published here 1975 65
Gerald Kosky Ne Exchange 'You Do As I Do' using a riffle force
1975 72
Charles T. Jordan Sympathetic Sympathy two cards put in envelope from different decks match, can be repeated
Also published here 1975 57
Edward Marlo Think as I Think with thought of Cards, gaffed, red-blue double backer, red-blue menetekel, three approaches
1976 208
Al Mann, Sam H. Sharpe Domination of Thought key card
Inspired by 1976 7
Nick Trost Intuition Card reversed by spectator in red pack matches card reversed in blue pack by magician, same position in deck as well
VariationsAlso published here 1976 7
Karl Fulves (4) Ships That Pass spectator mails a card to you and you on the same day a card to him, when envelopes are opened, the cards have transposed
  • Variation A: cards are the same card
  • Variation B: full decks are mailed with one reversed card
  • Variation C: spectator mails a card to himself and it changes to another or has now performers signature
posed as problems
Interlocutor (Issue 13)
Mental Mates No. 8, spectator removes red Aces and sandwiches any unknown card, performer sandwiches same card in another deck
1976 13
Do As I Do No. 22
1976 38
Martin Gardner Ultra Coincidence No. 27
1976 44
Jean Hugard Im Finstern to be done with lights out
Also published here 1976
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 37 No. 1)
Jean Hugard Dans l'obscurité to be done with lights out
Also published here 1976
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 37 No. 3)
Eddie Fields Two Deck Routine performer and spectator both turn over a card in a deck, they match
Variations 1976 17
Eddie Fields, Mike Schwartz Simplified performer and spectator both turn over a card in a deck, they match
Inspired by 1976 18
Darwin Ortiz Do As I Did spectator turns over a card in the deck, performer has the same card turned over in a second prediction deck
Also published here 1976 1
Gene Maze Twin Transpo two decks are shuffled by spectator, top cards match and transpose (backs)
Variations 1977 337
Karl Fulves Second Method
Inspired by 1977 338
Two Pack Coincidence
1977 75
Jan Heins Teragram spectator and magician are thinking of a card in the pack of the other, in the end the cards are the same, missing and both sitting on it
Related to Jan. 1977
Pabular (Vol. 3 No. 5)
Luis Gavilondo Matching "Do As I Do" Poker Player's Picnic done with two packs simultaneously
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here
  • Magigram, June 1976
1977 19
Harry Lorayne You Do as I Do
1977 153
J. C. Cannel Geistino Hoch Drei three spectators reverse a card in an ESP deck, they match three reversed cards in another deck
Dec. 1977
Intermagic (Vol. 4 No. 4)
Allan Ackerman Double Ultra Mental two decks, spectator and performer each think of a card
1978 50
Frederick Braue Simpatico spectator removes card from one deck, duplicate found from other deck via stop trick
Also published here 1978 30
Jerry K. Hartman More Than One Way "There's More Than One Way To Spin A Cut."
two decks in reverse order
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 1978
The Chronicles (Issue 12)
Simon Aronson "I'll Go First" spectator and performer both turn a card over in their decks, it matches, sophisticated combination of stacked and invisible deck, with deck switch
Related toAlso published here 1978 64
Philip T. Goldstein Twink spectator and performer select two cards, which happen to be mates, several versions with one and two decks and with four aces instead of random mates
Nov. 1979
Pabular (Vol. 5 No. 11)
Jerry K. Hartman Dup-licates
Also published here 1979
The Chronicles (Issue 19)
Karrell Fox Peek-a-Brain spectator peeks at a card and reverses it, in prediction deck the same card is shown reversed (before spectator shows his)
Related to 1979 87
Steve Beam Cutting Match two decks cut, they are both cut between the same two cards, criss cross type handling
Also published here 1979 36
Russell T. Barnhart Do As I Do Prediction
Dec. 1980
Apocalypse (Vol. 3 No. 12)
Bob Hummer Do As I Do with hair
Also published here 1980 24
Ken Brooke "Knock-Out" spectator and performer each take two cards from a deck and put it into inside jacket pocket, they match
1980 146
Juan Tamariz El Milagro Efecto N°8, Brainwave and Multefect deck, clever handling of Brainwave deck
Inspired by 1980 38
Basil Horwitz Challenge Premonition performer puts card from a blue deck unseen in an envelope, spectator selects a card from a red deck and puts it in same envelope, when he looks through blue deck, that card is missing, both selected same card
Also published here 1981 22
Karl Fulves Synchro red-blue double backer
The Chronicles (Issue 30)
Stuart R. Patterson Awake and Rise fake indice forcing deck
Babel (Issue 2)
Steve Beam Cutting Match two decks cut, they are both cut between the same two cards, criss cross type handling
Also published here 1981 10
Dr. Stanley Jaks Noch träumt der Eremit spectator and performer each pocket a deck, take one card out and exchange it, they match, one deck is blank and has fifty-two prediction written on it (which is openly shown)
Inspired by Dec. 1981
Intermagic (Vol. 8 No. 4)
Karl Fulves Zenergy get-ready for Jaks routine
1982 38
Dr. Stanley Jaks Jaks Do as I Do brief
1982 40
Burton S. Sperber One Step Beyond two decks, one in performer's and one in spectator's pocket
Also published here Jan. 1982
Magick (Issue 301)
Peter Kane A Triple Coincidence three red-backed prediction cards match three cards chosen from blue deck
1982 89
Takeshi Nemoto Eine eigenartige Übereinstimmung card chosen from miniature and normal deck match, miniature card switched with coin shell à la photographic coin
Apr. 1983
Intermagic (Vol. 10 No. 1)
Hypnotisn't No. 44, two spectators with a deck each, both select two cards with expanded cut-deeper procedure and they match
1984 57
Dr. Stanley Jaks The Jaks Two-Deck Trick No. 45, with three or two decks
Also published here 1984 58
J. W. Sarles Jaks Two-Deck Trick Variation
Inspired by 1984 60
Karl Fulves Jumpback No. 49, card signed in red-backed deck and returned, then blue-backed card is chosen from second deck and it has the signature
Related to 1984 65
Frederick Braue Card Transfer method to transfer a card from one deck to another (1943)
1985 12
Frederick Braue Simpatico spectator removes card from one deck, duplicate found from other deck via stop trick
Also published here 1985 13
Roger Curzon The Christ Coincidence two decks, same card is chosen using the Christ Cut Force, cards found reversed in other decks
Also published here
  • Roger Curzon's "Lecture Notes 1" 1979.
1985 1
Rolf Andra, Oscar Weigle Selbsttätige Wendung
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 47 No. 4)