4,645 entries for Ali
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Creators | Title | Comments & References | Year | Source | Page | AA | Categories | |
Paul Rosini | Saliva Sorcery. II | 1938 | ||||||
A Si Stebbins System Wrinkle | 1938 | |||||||
With a Svengali Deck | 1938 | |||||||
Burling Hull | The Svengali Deck | 1938 | ||||||
A Subtle Detection | 1938 | |||||||
The Lady's Ring | 1938 | |||||||
The Spectator Makes a Prediction | 1938 | |||||||
Al Baker | A Prediction | 1938 | ||||||
Al Saal | The Perfect Stop Trick | 1938 | ||||||
Another "Stop" Trick | 1938 | |||||||
A Blindfold Detection | 1938 | |||||||
Three-Way Svengali Forcing Deck | 1938 | |||||||
John Snyder | Mr. Snyder Makes a Prediction | 1938 | ||||||
Open One-Hand Top Change | 1938 | |||||||
Ralph W. Hull | Skilled? Second Dealing | 1938 | ||||||
Max Malini | A Coin Multiplication | 1938 | ||||||
The Rising Coin | 1938 | |||||||
A Pretty Match Flourish | 1938 | |||||||
H. Adrian Smith | A Method for a Set-up Deck | 1938 | ||||||
Burning a Woman Alive | 1938 | |||||||
Harrison | Give a Number! | Feb. 1938 |
The Jinx
(Issue 41)
Audley Walsh, Hal Haber | Infallible Prediction | 1938 |
More Card Manipulations
(Issue 1)
Tom Osborne | Stealing the Pea (Method A) | 1938 | ||||||
Tom Osborne | Stealing the Pea (Method B) | 1938 | ||||||
Tom Osborne | Stealing the Pea (Method C) | 1938 | ||||||
Tom Osborne | The Take Away (Method B) | 1938 | ||||||
Tom Osborne | The Back Hand Position | 1938 | ||||||
Theodore Annemann | Magic versus Mentalism | Jan. 1939 |
The Jinx
(Issue 52)
E. Leslie May | Magic versus Mentalism Addition | Jan. 1939 |
The Jinx
(Issue 52)
L. Vosburgh Lyons | Last Chance | Mar. 1939 |
The Jinx
(Issue 54)
Cedric | The Bacchanalian Card Trick | Sep. 1939 |
The Jinx
(Issue 60)
George Delaney | A Magnetic Personality | Oct. 1939 |
The Jinx
(Issue 61)
Peter Warlock | Pagan Papers | Oct. 1939 |
The Jinx
(Issue 62)
James G. Thompson Jr. | Utility Routine | Oct. 1939 |
The Jinx
(Issue 63)
Ellis Stanyon | Personalities In Flight | Dec. 1939 |
The Jinx
(Issue 69)
Oscar Weigle | The Challenge Blindfold Card Routine | 1939 | ||||||
A Sponge Ball Speciality | 1939 | |||||||
Eine neue Art, eine Karte zu lokalisieren | 1939 |
Hokus Pokus
(Vol. 1 No. 2)
Max Malini | Two Covers for the Side Slip | 1940 | ||||||
Max Malini | Malini's Side Slip | 1940 | ||||||
Trewey | The Correct Method of Stealing the Card | 1940 | ||||||
Four Card Force | 1940 | |||||||
Mercury Fold | 1940 | |||||||
Impromptu Location | 1940 | |||||||
The Wheel Location | 1940 | |||||||
Wheels within Wheels | 1940 | |||||||
Svengali Shuffle | 1940 | |||||||
Second Deal Aid | 1940 | |||||||
Charles T. Jordan | Forty-Nine | Feb. 1940 |
The Jinx
(Issue 78)
Theodore Annemann, Walter B. Gibson | The Omega Card Prophecy | Mar. 1940 |
The Jinx
(Issue 82)
Herb Runge | Hidden Mystery | Mar. 1940 |
The Jinx
(Issue 83)
Allan Howell | Foretold | 1940 |
The Jinx
(Issue 89)
Albert Cohn | Combination | 1940 |
The Jinx
(Issue 91)
Herb Runge | A Thought Ahead | 1940 |
The Jinx
(Issue 102)
Charles Hopkins | Apparatus Alibis | 1940 | ||||||
Howard Warringer | Utility Card Stealing Apparatus | Jan. 1940 |
Chap's Scrapbook
(Vol. 2 No. 7)
Oscar "Oscarelli" Rey | Erklärer-Unwesen | 1940 |
Hokus Pokus
(Vol. 2 No. 1)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli | Biographische Notizen Hüglis | Oct. 1940 |
Hokus Pokus
(Vol. 2 No. 2&3)
Eddie Joseph | Stealing Objects from Pockets | 1940 / 1992 | ||||||
Eddie Joseph | Stealing a Handkerchief from Outer Breast Pocket | 1940 / 1992 | ||||||
Eddie Joseph | Stealing a Pen or Pencil from Outer Breast Pocket | 1940 / 1992 | ||||||
Eddie Joseph | Stealing a Pen or Pencil from Inside Breast Pocket | 1940 / 1992 | ||||||
Eddie Joseph | Stealing Miscellaneous Articles from Inner Breast Pocket | 1940 / 1992 | ||||||
Eddie Joseph | Stealing from Outer Coat Pocket | 1940 / 1992 | ||||||
Eddie Joseph | Stealing from the Hip Pocket | 1940 / 1992 | ||||||
Eddie Joseph | Stealing a Wristwatch | 1940 / 1992 | ||||||
Eddie Joseph | Stealing Articles of Clothing | 1940 / 1992 | ||||||
Eddie Joseph | Stealing Suspenders | 1940 / 1992 | ||||||
Eddie Joseph | Stealing a Shirt | 1940 / 1992 | ||||||
Eddie Joseph | Stealing Assorted Objects | 1940 / 1992 | ||||||
Edward Victor | Production of Four Billiard Balls | 1940 ca. | ||||||
Hindu Shuffle | 1941 | |||||||
Joe Berg | Joe Berg's "Count Down" Card Mystery | 1941 | ||||||
Jack Vosburgh | Pay Day | 1941 |
The Jinx
(Issue 128)
The Unreversed Word | 1941 | |||||||
The Magic Inhale | 1941 | |||||||
Eddie Joseph | The Gambler's Second Dealing | 1941 | ||||||
La Baguette aux Nouvelles | Sep. 1941 |
Hokus Pokus
(Vol. 3 No. 9)
Hans "Severus" Ernst | 5 Minuten Sylvesterzauber | Dec. 1941 |
Hokus Pokus
(Vol. 3 No. 12)
La Baguette aux Nouvelles | Mar. 1941 |
La Baguette Magique
(Issue 3)
Harry Bertall | Tour de foulards | June 1941 |
La Baguette Magique
(Issue 6)
Val Evans | Progressive Poker Hands | 1941 | ||||||
Al Baker | Undercount | 1941 | ||||||
W. T. Lawhead | Svengali's Rope Climbing Trick of India | 1941 ca. | ||||||
Cardini | Bottom Dealing - Method 1 | 1942 | ||||||
Bottom Dealing - Method 2 | 1942 | |||||||
Audley Walsh | Bottom Dealing - Method 3 | 1942 | ||||||
Cardini | Second Dealing - Method 1 | 1942 | ||||||
Second Dealing - Method 2 | 1942 | |||||||
Second Dealing - Method 3 | 1942 | |||||||
Joe Berg | Second Dealing - Method 4 | 1942 | ||||||
Second Dealing - Method 5 | 1942 | |||||||
Dealing Bottoms | 1942 | |||||||
Syl Reilly | "Ghostlite" in the Dark Seance | 1942 | ||||||
Henry Christ | The Perfect Card Location | 1942 | ||||||
Walter B. Gibson, Bruce Elliott | The Back Room | Oct. 1942 |
The Phoenix
(Issue 21)
Franklin V. Taylor | Materialization | Nov. 1942 |
The Phoenix
(Issue 22)
Eddie Joseph | The Getaway | 1942 | ||||||
Eddie Joseph | Super-Subtle Secret Extraction | 1942 | ||||||
Eddie Joseph | Double Coin Pick Up | 1942 | ||||||
Eddie Joseph | Bottom Dealing | 1942 | ||||||
Eddie Joseph | The Elimination Trick | 1942 | ||||||
Eddie Joseph | The Tekka Card Trick | 1942 | ||||||
Eddie Joseph | The Appealing Force of "Cups and Balls" | 1942 | ||||||
La Baguette aux Nouvelles | Jan. 1942 |
Hokus Pokus
(Vol. 4 No. 1)
La Baguette aux Nouvelles | Feb. 1942 |
Hokus Pokus
(Vol. 4 No. 2)
Jonny | Eine Karte sympathisiert | Sep. 1942 |
Hokus Pokus
(Vol. 4 No. 9)
Le 1er Congrès des Magiciens Romands | Oct. 1942 |
Hokus Pokus
(Vol. 4 No. 10)
Bengalis | Dec. 1942 |
Hokus Pokus
(Vol. 4 No. 12)
(reviewer) | L'opinion de la presse sur les galas 1942 de la section genevoise du Cercle Suisse Robert-Houdin | Dec. 1942 |
Hokus Pokus
(Vol. 4 No. 12)
Dr. William Weyeneth (reviewer) | Gala-Vorstellung Cercle Suisse Robert Houdin im Casino St. Pierre, Genf | Dec. 1942 |
Hokus Pokus
(Vol. 4 No. 12)
Le Decapite Recalcitrant | Dec. 1942 |
Hokus Pokus
(Vol. 4 No. 12)
Milbourne Christopher | Christopher's "Double Cross" | 1943 | ||||||
U. F. Grant | "Million Dollar" Bill Mystery | 1943 | ||||||
Stealing Card from Case | 1943 | |||||||
Frederick Braue | Incredo Thought | 1943 | ||||||
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue | Dealing Thirds | 1943 | ||||||
Laurie Ireland | High Caliber Production | 1943 |
Ireland's Yearbooks
(Issue Yearbook 1943)
Charles Nyquist, James G. Thompson Jr. | Sefalaljia III | Jan. 1943 |
The Phoenix
(Issue 26)
Tom Osborne | Answer To Hey Magish! "Show Us A Trick" | May 1943 |
The Phoenix
(Issue 35)
James G. Thompson Jr. | "Peek-Deck" Pappy | Oct. 1943 |
The Phoenix
(Issue 46)
Stuart P. Cramer | Les Cartes Par Hasard | 1943 | ||||||
Theodore Annemann | Alignment Move | 1943 | ||||||
Harrison | Give A Number | 1943 | ||||||
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue | Jean-Eralities | July 1943 |
Hugard's Magic Monthly
(Vol. 1 No. 2)
Jean Hugard | Jean-Eralities | Sep. 1943 |
Hugard's Magic Monthly
(Vol. 1 No. 4)
Jean Hugard | Jean-Eralitites | Oct. 1943 |
Hugard's Magic Monthly
(Vol. 1 No. 5)
Jean Hugard | Jean-Eralities | Nov. 1943 |
Hugard's Magic Monthly
(Vol. 1 No. 6)
William S. Houghton | "Thought Coincidence" Again | 1943 | ||||||
Warren Wiersbe | The Perfect Card Prediction | 1944 | ||||||
Arthur Johnson | The Migrating Card | 1944 |
Ireland's Yearbooks
(Issue Yearbook 1944)
Henry J. Young | Two Number Tricks | 1944 |
Ireland's Yearbooks
(Issue Yearbook 1944)
Bill Salisbury | Bottle of Smoke | 1944 |
Ireland's Yearbooks
(Issue Yearbook 1944)
James G. Thompson Jr. | Life Liberty Or - | Mar. 1944 |
The Phoenix
(Issue 57)
Orson Welles | Fruit Cup | May 1944 |
The Phoenix
(Issue 61)
Bruce Elliott (reviewer) | Encyclopedia of Mentalism | July 1944 |
The Phoenix
(Issue 64)
Tom Bowyer | Routine with a Svengali Deck | June 1944 |
Hugard's Magic Monthly
(Vol. 2 No. 1)
John Mulholland | Dealing the Winning Hand | 1944 | ||||||
Chapter Three - Dead or Alive | 1944 | |||||||
Theodore Annemann | Dead or Alive | 1944 | ||||||
Theodore Annemann, Walter B. Gibson | The Omega Card Prophecy | 1944 | ||||||
Robert Parrish | Slate Immortality | 1944 | ||||||
Chapter Nine - Money Mentalism | 1944 | |||||||
Theodore Annemann, Charles Peet | A Mentalist With Money | 1944 | ||||||
Chapter Eleven - Mentalism with Cards | 1944 | |||||||
Theodore Annemann | Magic vs. Mentalism | 1944 | ||||||
James G. Thompson Jr. | Utility Routine | 1944 | ||||||
Edward Marlo | Marlo's One Hand Double Turnover | 1945 | ||||||
Eddie Clever | Answer to a Mentalist's Prayer | 1945 | ||||||
Burling Hull | Svengali Deck | 1945 | ||||||
Dr. Ford Rogers | Glued Svengali Deck | 1945 | ||||||
Warren Wiersbe | Tantalizing Thimbles | 1945 |
Ireland's Yearbooks
(Issue Yearbook 1945)
Ronald B. Edwards | Bi-Mentalism | 1945 | ||||||
Franklin V. Taylor | Materialization | 1945 | ||||||
Andrew Smythe | Mentalism With Alphabet Cards | 1945 | ||||||
Edward Marlo | The Marlo Miracle | Feb. 1945 |
The Phoenix
(Issue 78)
John Hamilton | Hamilton's Hoax! | Oct. 1945 |
The Phoenix
(Issue 93)
Charles Kalish | Purely Mental | Mar. 1945 |
Hugard's Magic Monthly
(Vol. 2 No. 10)
Albert Cohn | Mental Marvels | Dec. 1945 |
Hugard's Magic Monthly
(Vol. 3 No. 7)
Charles Kalish | The One-Hand Overhand Shuffle | Dec. 1945 |
Hugard's Magic Monthly
(Vol. 3 No. 7)
Dai Vernon | Special One-Hand Cop | 1945 | ||||||
Bob Hummer | Personality Test | 1945 | ||||||
Hans "Severus" Ernst, Alfred "Agys" Gysler | Achtung! Lebensgefahr! Falsche Magier! | 1945 |
Hokus Pokus
(Vol. 6 No. 4)
Bengalis | Manipulationas' Ecke | Jan. 1945 |
La Baguette Magique
(Issue 1)
Lucky | Cercle Suisse Robert-Houdin | Jan. 1945 |
La Baguette Magique
(Issue 1)
Bengalis | Manipulation's Ecke - Servanten und Fallöcher | Mar. 1945 |
La Baguette Magique
(Issue 2)
Neuigkeiten des Zauberstab | Mar. 1945 |
La Baguette Magique
(Issue 2)
Bengalis | Manipulation's Ecke | May 1945 |
La Baguette Magique
(Issue 3)
Neuigkeiten des Zauberstab | May 1945 |
La Baguette Magique
(Issue 3)
Clement de Lion, Bengalis | Manipulation's Ecke | July 1945 |
La Baguette Magique
(Issue 4)
Bibliographie Magique - Magische Bibliographie | July 1945 |
La Baguette Magique
(Issue 4)
Senor Charles Mardo | Han Pieng Chien (with Crystal Casket) | 1945 | ||||||
Arthur H. Buckley | Buckley´s Method for Dealing Seconds | 1946 | ||||||
Arthur H. Buckley | Dealing from the Bottom | 1946 | ||||||
The Hold Out and Pick Up Builds | 1946 | |||||||
A Strike (Method of Dealing Seconds) | 1946 | |||||||
Carmen D'Amico | Second Dealing (Black Jack Method) | 1946 | ||||||
Dealing Seconds (Double Push-Off One Hand) | 1946 | |||||||
Warren Wiersbe | Royal Mentalism | 1946 | ||||||
Warren Wiersbe | Superstitious Mentalism | 1946 | ||||||
Warren Wiersbe | Stacking the Deck | 1946 | ||||||
Russell "Rusduck" Duck | Heaps | Jan. 1946 |
The Phoenix
(Issue 98)
Paul Fleming (reviewer) | Miracles in Mentalism | 1946 | ||||||
Zovello | Magic for Hospitalized Servicemen | Jan. 1946 |
Hugard's Magic Monthly
(Vol. 3 No. 8)
Frederick Braue | Roundabout | May 1946 |
Hugard's Magic Monthly
(Vol. 3 No. 12)
Vincent Bunce | What! Another "You Do As I Do"? | May 1946 |
Hugard's Magic Monthly
(Vol. 3 No. 12)
John Scarne | The Challenge Grand Slam and Little Slam | Sep. 1946 |
Hugard's Magic Monthly
(Vol. 4 No. 4)
Frederick Braue | Roundabout | Nov. 1946 |
Hugard's Magic Monthly
(Vol. 4 No. 6)
Jean Marc Bujard | Un journaliste... | 1946 |
Hokus Pokus
(Vol. 7 No. 4)
Dr. William Weyeneth | Un truc de transmission de pensée | Mar. 1946 |
La Baguette Magique
(Issue 8)
Victor Farelli | Le Filage Grec ou la donne de la 2me main | July 1946 |
La Baguette Magique
(Issue 10)
Victor Farelli | Le Filage Grec ou la donne de la 2me main | Sep. 1946 |
La Baguette Magique
(Issue 11)
Ogé (reviewer) | À l'Académie Suisse de Magie | Sep. 1946 |
La Baguette Magique
(Issue 11)
Eddie Morton | Colors Will Tell | 1946 | ||||||
I Should Judge | 1946 | |||||||
J. B. Bobo | Name Your Cards | 1946 | ||||||
Bill Salisbury | Spelling Card Trick With Duplicate Queens | 1946 | ||||||
Bill Salisbury | Poker Stack From New Deck | 1946 | ||||||
Edward Victor | To Show Every Card to be Alike | 1946 | ||||||
Edward Victor | "Spiritualistic" Visiting Card Mystery | 1946 | ||||||
Sam Leo Horowitz | Malini-Bey Chink-A-Chink | 1947 |
Stars of Magic
(Vol. 3 No. 3)
Edward Marlo | IV. Saliva Methods | 1947 | ||||||
Paul Curry | Thar She Blows! | July 1947 |
The Phoenix
(Issue 129)
Paul Curry | The Whispering Jokers | Aug. 1947 |
The Phoenix
(Issue 131)
Paul Curry | Gutter Magic | Aug. 1947 |
The Phoenix
(Issue 132)
John Hamilton | Heaps again | Dec. 1947 |
The Phoenix
(Issue 140)
John Brown Cook, Arthur H. Buckley | New Bills for Old | 1947 | ||||||
John Brown Cook, Arthur H. Buckley | Astrological Mentalism | 1947 | ||||||
John Brown Cook, Arthur H. Buckley | The Spirit | 1947 | ||||||
Gustave Southall | Perfect Poker Problem | Mar. 1947 |
Hugard's Magic Monthly
(Vol. 4 No. 10)
Frederick Braue | Roundabout with Fred Braue | Aug. 1947 |
Hugard's Magic Monthly
(Vol. 5 No. 3)
A Poker Player's Picnic | 1948 | |||||||
Do it and Fail | 1948 | |||||||
The Tantalizer | 1948 | |||||||
Mentalivity | 1948 | |||||||
George G. Kaplan | The Odd-Even Force | 1948 | ||||||
George G. Kaplan | Ben Ali's Rope | 1948 | ||||||
Max Malini | Max Malini's Egg Bag | 1948 | ||||||
Theodore Annemann | Alignment Move | 1948 | ||||||
Saliva Double | 1948 | |||||||
Bob Somerfeld | A Switch for the Mentalist | 1948 |
Ireland's Yearbooks
(Issue Yearbook 1948)
Jack Yeager | Glorifying Your Magic | 1948 |
Ireland's Yearbooks
(Issue Yearbook 1948)
Robert A. Nelson | Simulated Card to Pocket | 1948 |
Ireland's Yearbooks
(Issue Yearbook 1948)
Tan Hock Chuan, Edward Bagshawe | R. & S. Optica Deck | 1948 | ||||||
Arthur H. Buckley | The Triple Climax | 1948 | ||||||
Arthur H. Buckley | Concealing a Ball Behind the Hand While Both Palms are Shown | 1948 | ||||||
Milbourne Christopher | Move for Mentalists | Jan. 1948 |
Hugard's Magic Monthly
(Vol. 5 No. 8)
Frederick Braue | Roundabout with Fred Braue | Jan. 1948 |
Hugard's Magic Monthly
(Vol. 5 No. 8)
Ron Johnson | Trouser Leg Steals | Feb. 1948 |
Hugard's Magic Monthly
(Vol. 5 No. 9)
E. F. W. Salisbury | Cardiographic Silks | May 1948 |
Hugard's Magic Monthly
(Vol. 5 No. 12)
George G. Kaplan | Alice in Wonderland - A New Adventure | July 1948 |
Hugard's Magic Monthly
(Vol. 6 No. 2)
Harry E. Snider | Caligari's Billiard Ball Penetration | Nov. 1948 |
Hugard's Magic Monthly
(Vol. 6 No. 6)
U. F. Grant | Dealing a Royal Flush | Oct. 1948 |
Grant's Inner Circle Magazine
(Vol. 1 No. 1 & 2)
U. F. Grant | Various Advertisements | Dec. 1948 |
Grant's Inner Circle Magazine
(Vol. 1 No. 3)
Fritz Olai | International Brotherhood of Magicians - British Ring's 12. Kongress in Bournemouth, 30. Sept. - 3. Okt. 1948. | 1948 |
Hokus Pokus
(Vol. 9 No. Sondernummer 2)
Alois Birrer | La physique au service de la magie | Mar. 1948 |
La Baguette Magique
(Issue 20)
Arthur H. Buckley | A Triple Climax | 1948 | ||||||
Dai Vernon | Mental Card Miracle | 1949 |
Stars of Magic
(Vol. 5 No. 3)
Al Leech | Simplified Poker Deal | 1949 | ||||||
Jack Yeager | The Yeager Four Ace Trick | 1949 |
Ireland's Yearbooks
(Issue Yearbook 1949)
Audley Walsh | Rubber Finger Mike | Oct. 1949 |
The Phoenix
(Issue 187)
George B. Anderson | Alibi Answers | 1949 | ||||||
George B. Anderson | Mental Card Magic | 1949 | ||||||
George B. Anderson | A Haphazard Bibliography | 1949 | ||||||
The Mahatma Marvel Card Trick | 1949 | |||||||
Frederick Braue | Roundabout with Fred Braue | Jan. 1949 |
Hugard's Magic Monthly
(Vol. 6 No. 8)
Martin Gardner | The Saliva Plunger | Jan. 1949 |
Hugard's Magic Monthly
(Vol. 6 No. 8)
Harry E. Snider | Caligari's Hi-Ball Vanish | Mar. 1949 |
Hugard's Magic Monthly
(Vol. 6 No. 10)
Frederick Braue | Roundabout with Fred Braue | Mar. 1949 |
Hugard's Magic Monthly
(Vol. 6 No. 10)
Milbourne Christopher | Milbourne Christopher's Column | Aug. 1949 |
Hugard's Magic Monthly
(Vol. 7 No. 3)