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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Paul Rosini Saliva Sorcery. II card vanishes from packet and reappears in pocket
Related toVariations 1938 260
A Si Stebbins System Wrinkle dealing Royal Flush from Si Stebbins
Variations 1938 307
With a Svengali Deck spectator pushed toothpick in side of deck and thus pushes out selection
1938 403
Burling Hull The Svengali Deck handling tips and getting into it from divided svengali deck
1938 430
A Subtle Detection svengali deck, spectator finds his own card, ending clean
1938 431
The Lady's Ring svengali deck, spectator finds his own card
1938 432
The Spectator Makes a Prediction svengali deck, selection at any number by spectator
1938 432
Al Baker A Prediction svengali deck dealt into two piles repeatedly until one card remains, with half-deck clean-up switch
Also published here 1938 433
Al Saal The Perfect Stop Trick svengali deck, cards put from one hat to another hat one by one until spectator stops
Variations 1938 435
Another "Stop" Trick svengali deck
1938 436
A Blindfold Detection svengali deck, spectator deals cards and performer calls stop while blindfolded
1938 437
Three-Way Svengali Forcing Deck
1938 450
John Snyder Mr. Snyder Makes a Prediction packet dealing and magician's choice procedure, short card
1938 473
Open One-Hand Top Change "Ultra Move"
Related to 1938 475
Ralph W. Hull Skilled? Second Dealing with Pop-Eyed Eye-Popper deck
1938 533
Max Malini A Coin Multiplication three coins
Related to 1938 673
The Rising Coin up in glass and over lip, thread
Related to 1938 693
A Pretty Match Flourish "The effect is that of a lighted match suddenly materializing in the air."
1938 826
H. Adrian Smith A Method for a Set-up Deck mental aid to keep track of suits while dealing for cyclical stacks
1938 908
Burning a Woman Alive skeleton remains
1938 961
Harrison Give a Number! featuring weird throw switch, mention of Svengali deck method
Related to Feb. 1938
The Jinx (Issue 41)
Audley Walsh, Hal Haber Infallible Prediction dealing procedure, no-touch
Related to 1938 15
Tom Osborne Stealing the Pea (Method A) basic steal
  • Loading the pea
1938 12
Tom Osborne Stealing the Pea (Method B) basic steal with first finger on the side of shell
1938 12
Tom Osborne Stealing the Pea (Method C) basic steal and back clip
1938 13
Tom Osborne The Take Away (Method B) hitting shell with other shell and stealing pea in process
1938 17
Tom Osborne The Back Hand Position palm up V grip, stealing pea to back clip and position changes
  • The Back Hand Turnover
  • The Back Hand Roll
1938 18
Theodore Annemann Magic versus Mentalism thought of card is spelled to from two decks, progressive spelling set-up
Jan. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 52)
E. Leslie May Magic versus Mentalism Addition thought-of card predicted, six out index
Jan. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 52)
L. Vosburgh Lyons Last Chance
Related toAlso published here Mar. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 54)
Cedric The Bacchanalian Card Trick messages on card that suggest a round of drinks payed by one of the spectators
Sep. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 60)
George Delaney A Magnetic Personality
  • magnetic/mesmerised cards
  • buzzing sound when touching metal
  • fire flash in the dark
Oct. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 61)
Peter Warlock Pagan Papers different colored tissue papers are rolled up inside each other and put in glasses, inner paper travels to other glass
Related to Oct. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 62)
James G. Thompson Jr. Utility Routine Svengali deck with the different cards stacked, ends clean, bridge deal finale
Also published here Oct. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 63)
Ellis Stanyon Personalities In Flight four business cards borrowed and placed on handkerchief corners, penetration underneath cover one by one
Dec. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 69)
Oscar Weigle The Challenge Blindfold Card Routine genuinely blindfolded
Effect No. 1: think stop
Effect No. 2: performer stops while dealing
Effect No. 3: spectator reads cards and performer detects card by voice
Effect No. 4: performer stops spectator's deal and even names card
Also published here 1939 43
A Sponge Ball Speciality phase with spectator's hand
1939 73
Eine neue Art, eine Karte zu lokalisieren method to find a selected card, using full stack
Also published here
  • "Magikeren" January 1939.
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Max Malini Two Covers for the Side Slip
1940 33
Max Malini Malini's Side Slip palm or to top
1940 33
Trewey The Correct Method of Stealing the Card for color change
1940 161
Four Card Force calculating and dealing
Related to 1940 191
Mercury Fold fourths, mention of Malini's "Card to Mouth"
Related toVariations 1940 304
Impromptu Location saliva
1940 322
The Wheel Location card peeked at, fan, card withdrawn
Related to 1940 325
Wheels within Wheels saliva used as daub
1940 327
Svengali Shuffle how to shuffle a Svengali Deck
1940 412
Second Deal Aid roughing fluid on thumb
Related to 1940 414
Charles T. Jordan Forty-Nine 21 card trick with 49 cards and two dealing rounds, see also page 524 for idea to do it as telephone trick by Lloyd Jones
Related toAlso published here Feb. 1940
The Jinx (Issue 78)
Theodore Annemann, Walter B. Gibson The Omega Card Prophecy card chosen with dealing procedure, billet index
Also published here Mar. 1940
The Jinx (Issue 82)
Herb Runge Hidden Mystery two cards selected with dealing procedure, performer places another card next to them one by one
Related toAlso published here Mar. 1940
The Jinx (Issue 83)
Allan Howell Foretold selection with numbers and dealing procedure predicted
The Jinx (Issue 89)
Albert Cohn Combination dealing trick
Inspired by 1940
The Jinx (Issue 91)
Herb Runge A Thought Ahead Tantalizer
Related to 1940
The Jinx (Issue 102)
Charles Hopkins Apparatus Alibis Outs when apparatus is used to reveal cards, but goes wrong
1940 46
Howard Warringer Utility Card Stealing Apparatus card vanish from case, tape in box
Jan. 1940
Chap's Scrapbook (Vol. 2 No. 7)
Oscar "Oscarelli" Rey Erklärer-Unwesen on Sabrenno, apparently revealing tricks in public
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 2 No. 1)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Biographische Notizen Hüglis on Chevalier Agoston
Also published here
  • "Magie" 1930
Oct. 1940
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 2 No. 2&3)
Eddie Joseph Stealing Objects from Pockets chapter intro
1940 / 1992 25
Eddie Joseph Stealing a Handkerchief from Outer Breast Pocket three methods
1940 / 1992 25
Eddie Joseph Stealing a Pen or Pencil from Outer Breast Pocket
1940 / 1992 29
Eddie Joseph Stealing a Pen or Pencil from Inside Breast Pocket
1940 / 1992 31
Eddie Joseph Stealing Miscellaneous Articles from Inner Breast Pocket
1940 / 1992 32
Eddie Joseph Stealing from Outer Coat Pocket
1940 / 1992 34
Eddie Joseph Stealing from the Hip Pocket
1940 / 1992 36
Eddie Joseph Stealing a Wristwatch
  • Buckle Bands
  • Expandable Metal Band
  • Clasp-Type Bands
1940 / 1992 37
Eddie Joseph Stealing Articles of Clothing chapter intro
1940 / 1992 45
Eddie Joseph Stealing Suspenders
1940 / 1992 45
Eddie Joseph Stealing a Shirt stooge
1940 / 1992 48
Eddie Joseph Stealing Assorted Objects
1940 / 1992 50
Edward Victor Production of Four Billiard Balls utilizing the previous vanish move and comedy ball concept without revealing as a gag
1940 ca. 97
Hindu Shuffle as all alike display
1941 209
Joe Berg Joe Berg's "Count Down" Card Mystery spectator does some dealing and remembering, then finds his own card via fan force
Related toAlso published here 1941 213
Jack Vosburgh Pay Day coins distributed to envelopes with mathematical procedure, predicted, see page 746 for correction
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1941
The Jinx (Issue 128)
The Unreversed Word words "choice quality" on Camel cigarette cases held in mirror, one remains readable
Also published here
  • "Ten After Dinner Tricks" (Harlan Tarbell)
1941 6
The Magic Inhale no smoke comes from mouth after inhaling
1941 7
Eddie Joseph The Gambler's Second Dealing second deal demonstration with three duplicates
1941 6
La Baguette aux Nouvelles on Enox, Normand et Junita, Seldow, Jean Delis, Kali, Robelly, Oscarelli, Cercle Suisse Robert Houdin
Sep. 1941
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 3 No. 9)
Hans "Severus" Ernst 5 Minuten Sylvesterzauber Seven of Hearts changes to Six of Hearts, Five of Hearts and eventually to the Four, then selection is found by dealing into two piles, last two cards are selection and card with drawn figure, using a double facer with fake indices on both sides
  • Die fliegenden Herzen
Dec. 1941
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 3 No. 12)
La Baguette aux Nouvelles on Journal de la Prestidigitation, Hardy, Teyssier, Alfred Demont, Stanley Jaks, Arno Black, Rosky, Mano, Seldov Vantur, Denice, Gali, Bertman, Nil'Ebu, Thot, Harlox
Mar. 1941 6
Harry Bertall Tour de foulards silks travel from one glass to another, Chevalier Ernst Torn
June 1941 3
Val Evans Progressive Poker Hands dealing a four-handed game six times, better hand for performer each time
1941 2
Al Baker Undercount from left-hand dealing position into right hand one on top of the next, double push
Also published here 1941 3
W. T. Lawhead Svengali's Rope Climbing Trick of India
1941 ca. 388
Cardini Bottom Dealing - Method 1 mentioning of standard bottom deal effects
1942 185
Bottom Dealing - Method 2
1942 186
Audley Walsh Bottom Dealing - Method 3
1942 187
Cardini Second Dealing - Method 1
1942 189
Second Dealing - Method 2
Variations 1942 190
Second Dealing - Method 3
1942 191
Joe Berg Second Dealing - Method 4 end grip take
1942 192
Second Dealing - Method 5 end grip take
1942 193
Dealing Bottoms end grip take
1942 193
Syl Reilly "Ghostlite" in the Dark Seance The Evil Eye, Spooky Lights, Apparitions of Spirit Articles, Ghostly Faces, Ectoplasm, Ghost Materialization, using luminous paint
1942 379
Henry Christ The Perfect Card Location setting double back key card, "by no means new", for impromptu method see footnote
Related toVariations 1942 8
Walter B. Gibson, Bruce Elliott The Back Room Dante, Ed Saint, Max Malini
Oct. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 21)
Franklin V. Taylor Materialization coin appears with the help of a spring clothes-pin and a handkerchief
Variations Nov. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 22)
Eddie Joseph The Getaway importance of ditching coin before revealing vanish, coin ditched under belt
1942 37
Eddie Joseph Super-Subtle Secret Extraction stealing a coin out of a match box
1942 51
Eddie Joseph Double Coin Pick Up coin picked up from palm, second coin secretly aligned with it, double lift with coins
1942 89
Eddie Joseph Bottom Dealing left hand moves away at bottom deal, bottom cards slanted out
1942 12
Eddie Joseph The Elimination Trick tantalizer type elimination in which the spectator has to eliminate the pile each time without his thought-of card, so no real effect, "The above should be worked rapidly and no time given to them to think."
Related to 1942 21
Eddie Joseph The Tekka Card Trick four amounts of cards divined after lots of dealing and pile-making, Aces as key cards distributed in deck
1942 33
Eddie Joseph The Appealing Force of "Cups and Balls"
1942 7
La Baguette aux Nouvelles on Stanley Jaks, A. Vantur, Kali, Thot, Les Borosco
Jan. 1942
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 4 No. 1)
La Baguette aux Nouvelles on Borosko, Thot, Jean Delis, Dorgel's, Seldow, Prof. Horitz, Kali, Robelly
Feb. 1942
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 4 No. 2)
Jonny Eine Karte sympathisiert spectator finds other spectator's selection by dealing deck into two piles and eliminating one, repeated until one card remains
Sep. 1942
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 4 No. 9)
Le 1er Congrès des Magiciens Romands on the first magic convention of the Swiss Romandes, Sauty, Borosko, Paulus I, Paulus II, Nesty, Crosa, Hixe, Bob Harry, Bengalis, Dikalo, Rettys, Magirus, Ben-Hit
Oct. 1942
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 4 No. 10)
Bengalis picture of Bengalis (Sauty jr.)
Dec. 1942
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 4 No. 12)
(reviewer) L'opinion de la presse sur les galas 1942 de la section genevoise du Cercle Suisse Robert-Houdin various newspaper reports of the public show by the Cercle Suisse Robert-Houdin at the Casino de Saint Pierre in Geneva, Lucky, Hixe, Bob Harry, Mac Yuken, Dikao, Bengalis, Paulus II, Harlox, Jackson Dec. 1942
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 4 No. 12)
Dr. William Weyeneth (reviewer) Gala-Vorstellung Cercle Suisse Robert Houdin im Casino St. Pierre, Genf as W, review of public show by the Cercle Suisse Robert-Houdin, 21. November 1942, at the Casino de Saint Pierre in Geneva, Jackson, Magirus, Hixe, Bob Harry, Paulus I, Paulus II, Mac Yuken, Bengalis, Harlox, Rex Sauty, Lucky Dec. 1942
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 4 No. 12)
Le Decapite Recalcitrant "Des wiederspenstig Enthaupteten Zähmung", picture of a sketch by Méliès, Brunetal and Legris at the Théâtre Robert-Houdin, picture of reproduction with Rex Sauty and Bengalis
Dec. 1942
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 4 No. 12)
Milbourne Christopher Christopher's "Double Cross" eight paper pieces, four with X on them are burnt, X now on other pieces
VariationsAlso published here 1943 53
U. F. Grant "Million Dollar" Bill Mystery two bills are torn, one half of each vanish and appear in envelope
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1943 112
Stealing Card from Case
1943 239
Frederick Braue Incredo Thought new dealing pattern
1943 25
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue Dealing Thirds second deal & saliva
Related to 1943 28
Laurie Ireland High Caliber Production fifty caliber shell continuous production
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1943)
Charles Nyquist, James G. Thompson Jr. Sefalaljia III ring tied on string, without cover
Related toVariationsAlso published here Jan. 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 26)
Tom Osborne Answer To Hey Magish! "Show Us A Trick" short changing in a routine, dime to penny but not revealing it
May 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 35)
James G. Thompson Jr. "Peek-Deck" Pappy Taylor's Peek Deck, as a code
Related toVariations Oct. 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 46)
Stuart P. Cramer Les Cartes Par Hasard card thought of from the middle while riffled, multiple out after dealing into four piles
1943 17
Theodore Annemann Alignment Move
1943 37
Harrison Give A Number featuring weird throw switch, mention of Svengali deck method
1943 62
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue Jean-Eralities
  • tip to obtain cotton cord (Hugard)
  • Second Deal idea, card divined at named number (Braue)
Related to July 1943 6
Jean Hugard Jean-Eralities on the evolution of court cards and how to pick something up on stage
Sep. 1943 16
Jean Hugard Jean-Eralitites on inflation of double paper bag
Oct. 1943 18
Jean Hugard Jean-Eralities on the salt trick (problem of salt and moisture), on the use of a wand
Nov. 1943 23
William S. Houghton "Thought Coincidence" Again spectator and performer write a word on a paper and seal it in envelopes, later they are found to be the same, using "Astro Ghost Readings" apparatus (marketed 1937 by Burling Hull)
  • Variation
Inspired by
  • "Thought Coincidence" (marketed effect, 1934 by Brown Magic Company, also in Hull's Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mentalism Volume 1)
1943 13
Warren Wiersbe The Perfect Card Prediction dealing and open red-black sorting procedure
Related toVariations 1944 16
Arthur Johnson The Migrating Card with dealing and spelling
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1944)
Henry J. Young Two Number Tricks
  • All Alike
  • The Predicted Total
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1944)
Bill Salisbury Bottle of Smoke whisky bottle filled with smoke, smoke has to be removed without touching the bottle
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1944)
James G. Thompson Jr. Life Liberty Or - trick performing for friends over phone
Related toAlso published here Mar. 1944
The Phoenix (Issue 57)
Orson Welles Fruit Cup coin in egg in lemon in orange in grapefruit using a clothespin
Inspired byAlso published here May 1944
The Phoenix (Issue 61)
Bruce Elliott (reviewer) Encyclopedia of Mentalism by Robert A. Nelson July 1944
The Phoenix (Issue 64)
Tom Bowyer Routine with a Svengali Deck different effects with a svengali deck, reverse, spelling, counting, all alike
June 1944 54
John Mulholland Dealing the Winning Hand spectator chooses either Bridge or Poker and magician can deal himself a winning hand (Bridge), or himself and spectator a winning hand (Poker)
1944 56
Chapter Three - Dead or Alive
1944 49
Theodore Annemann Dead or Alive cards placed inside envelope, name of dead person is revealed
Also published here 1944 54
Theodore Annemann, Walter B. Gibson The Omega Card Prophecy card chosen with dealing procedure, billet index
Also published here 1944 95
Robert Parrish Slate Immortality living dead test on slate, or handwriting psychometry
Also published here 1944 203
Chapter Nine - Money Mentalism
1944 233
Theodore Annemann, Charles Peet A Mentalist With Money marked bill is divined among others and its number as well
Also published here 1944 238
Chapter Eleven - Mentalism with Cards
1944 263
Theodore Annemann Magic vs. Mentalism two decks, spectator puts one in pocket, from the other he selects a card mentally, card is spelled in both decks and the last card is the thought of, card also predicted
Also published here 1944 265
James G. Thompson Jr. Utility Routine Svengali deck with the different cards stacked, ends clean, bridge deal finale
Also published here 1944 304
Edward Marlo Marlo's One Hand Double Turnover featuring a push-off (also credited to Dai Vernon)
Related toVariations 1945 7
Eddie Clever Answer to a Mentalist's Prayer indetectible method to mark an envelope and several applications
1945 202
Burling Hull Svengali Deck
1945 245
Dr. Ford Rogers Glued Svengali Deck pairs glued together, for tossed out deck
1945 245
Warren Wiersbe Tantalizing Thimbles longer impromptu thimble routine, with three different colored thimbles, nested
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1945)
Ronald B. Edwards Bi-Mentalism card is pushed in a deck, named card is found next to it, two versions:
  • 1. Stack and nail writer
  • 2. Svengali
1945 80
Franklin V. Taylor Materialization Coin appears with the help of a spring clothes-pin and a handkerchief
1945 195
Andrew Smythe Mentalism With Alphabet Cards word is divined
1945 60
Edward Marlo The Marlo Miracle saliva
Also published here Feb. 1945
The Phoenix (Issue 78)
John Hamilton Hamilton's Hoax! four cards are thrown into a book on different places, performer names page number and cards, svengali book
Oct. 1945
The Phoenix (Issue 93)
Charles Kalish Purely Mental card divination, without cards, mathematical divination
Mar. 1945
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 2 No. 10)
Albert Cohn Mental Marvels with general comments on mentalism, two numbers thought of and divined (psychological forces), last number or word always is right
Related to Dec. 1945 171
Charles Kalish The One-Hand Overhand Shuffle illustrated with photographs by George Karger
Also published here Dec. 1945 177
Dai Vernon Special One-Hand Cop apparently covering a playing card, stealing it, matrix move
1945 3
Bob Hummer Personality Test face-up/face-down prediction of number of cards, weird, CATO related, personality type presentation
VariationsAlso published here 1945 1
Hans "Severus" Ernst, Alfred "Agys" Gysler Achtung! Lebensgefahr! Falsche Magier! on copying other magicians, amateurs stealing from professionals, on a routine copied by danish magazine "Magi"
  • Es ist kein Kunststück, sich mit fremden Federn zu schmücken
Related to 1945
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 6 No. 4)
Bengalis Manipulationas' Ecke on the size to use for billiard ball routines, followed by french translation "Le coin des manipulateurs"
Jan. 1945 12
Lucky Cercle Suisse Robert-Houdin on a public show in Geneva, Askaro, Boulens, Harry Bertall Sohn, Bengalis, Jan Nostran, Barbey, Trucks, Bodies, followed by french translation
Jan. 1945 13
Bengalis Manipulation's Ecke - Servanten und Fallöcher followed by french translation "Le coin des manipulateurs - Les trappes et servantes"
Mar. 1945 11
Neuigkeiten des Zauberstab on A. Vantur, D'Hotel, Bovet, Bengalis, S'eigam, Paulus II, Prof. Harris, Ben Hit, Magirus, Rollys, Flow, Quarz, Kha Dna, Sauty, followed by french translation "La Baguette aux nouvelles"
Mar. 1945 14
Bengalis Manipulation's Ecke card on face changes and card palmed in process, similar to Cardini change,followed by french translation "Le coin des manipulateurs - La chiquenaude"
May 1945 9
Neuigkeiten des Zauberstab on Harry Bertall, Agosta Meynier, André Bovet, Bengalis, S'cigam, Jonny, Gitina, Harlox, Dante, followed by french translation "La Baguette aux nouvelles"
May 1945 13
Clement de Lion, Bengalis Manipulation's Ecke interlocked production of ball, followed by french translation "Le coin des manipulateurs"
July 1945 10
Bibliographie Magique - Magische Bibliographie on Journal de la Prestidigitation, Le Magicien, Louis Lam, Bengalis
July 1945 12
Senor Charles Mardo Han Pieng Chien (with Crystal Casket) four coins appear to be dumped from Crystal Casket, in reality the flap inside box covers them and four extra coins are released from palm
1945 29
Arthur H. Buckley Buckley´s Method for Dealing Seconds
1946 47
Arthur H. Buckley Dealing from the Bottom mentioning the idea to deal bottoms to all players except oneself and performing OOTW with bottom deals
Related toVariations 1946 105
The Hold Out and Pick Up Builds redealing principle in combination with pick up stack
1946 112
A Strike (Method of Dealing Seconds) Stud Deal
1946 118
Carmen D'Amico Second Dealing (Black Jack Method) no credit given, for credit information see reference
Related to 1946 119
Dealing Seconds (Double Push-Off One Hand)
1946 120
Warren Wiersbe Royal Mentalism a selected court card is divined
1946 12
Warren Wiersbe Superstitious Mentalism four key cards thirteen apart
Variations 1946 14
Warren Wiersbe Stacking the Deck poker & dealing routine to secretly get into Si Stebbins
1946 22
Russell "Rusduck" Duck Heaps as Rusduck, spectator finds his own card, a lot of dealing, Tantalizer
Variations Jan. 1946
The Phoenix (Issue 98)
Paul Fleming (reviewer) Miracles in Mentalism by Robert A. Nelson 1946 80
Zovello Magic for Hospitalized Servicemen
  • Stage show
  • Ward shows
  • Besides magic
for name correction see page 193 Tovello)
Jan. 1946 186
Frederick Braue Roundabout on Ray Muse, Bob Stull, Charlie Miller, Blackstone, Isely, Haskell, Cardini, Max Malini, Harry Shaw, Alexander Herrmann
May 1946
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 3 No. 12)
Vincent Bunce What! Another "You Do As I Do"? saliva method
May 1946
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 3 No. 12)
John Scarne The Challenge Grand Slam and Little Slam two decks shuffled by performer and one by spectator, bridge deal with one suit and dealing hand with high cards from second deck
Sep. 1946 247
Frederick Braue Roundabout on Charlie Miller, Frakson, Al Baker, Clayton Rawson, Malini and more
Variations Nov. 1946 268
Jean Marc Bujard Un journaliste... anecdote, article without title
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 7 No. 4)
Dr. William Weyeneth Un truc de transmission de pensée signaling a playing card using a match, medium in other room, followed by german translation "Ein Kunstück der Gedankenübertragung"
Mar. 1946 2
Victor Farelli Le Filage Grec ou la donne de la 2me main followed by german translation "Die griechische Filage der zweiten Karte"
  • First Exercise: Moving a Pair
  • Second Exercise: The Withdrawal
Also published here July 1946 12
Victor Farelli Le Filage Grec ou la donne de la 2me main followed by german translation "Die griechische Filage der zweiten Karte"
  • Third Exercise: Seizing the Second Card
  • Fourth Exercise: The "Swing"
Also published here Sep. 1946 7
Ogé (reviewer) À l'Académie Suisse de Magie on a public show by Rex-Sauty, Bengalis, Roger Perrin, Rama & Ravana, Lucky, followed by german translation "In der Schweizer Zauber-Akademie" Sep. 1946 15
Eddie Morton Colors Will Tell dealing and open red-black sorting procedure
Related to 1946 7
I Should Judge spectator cuts to and remembers a card, deck dealt into five pile and spectator says which pile has his selection, spectator deals through cards and performer stops him at selection
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1946 38
J. B. Bobo Name Your Cards here spelled "Bo Bo", piles made on table to select two cards, after they have been assembled the are found again with Tantalizer deal
1946 42
Bill Salisbury Spelling Card Trick With Duplicate Queens spelling all values, spectator always gets a Queen
1946 45
Bill Salisbury Poker Stack From New Deck
1946 62
Edward Victor To Show Every Card to be Alike Hindu Shuffle style
1946 26
Edward Victor "Spiritualistic" Visiting Card Mystery name of playing card or name of famous dead person appears on blank card, two routines
1946 100
Sam Leo Horowitz Malini-Bey Chink-A-Chink with three-in-the-hands one-in-the-pocket finale
Inspired byVariations 1947
Stars of Magic (Vol. 3 No. 3)
Edward Marlo IV. Saliva Methods
  • A. Cut Method
  • B. In Spread
  • C. The Peek
1947 36
Paul Curry Thar She Blows! presentation idea for revealing a card
Also published here July 1947
The Phoenix (Issue 129)
Paul Curry The Whispering Jokers card is removed, all card named and removed one named instead of joker, selection is named
Related toVariations Aug. 1947
The Phoenix (Issue 131)
Paul Curry Gutter Magic card is found on the street, destroyed and vanished, then found again at the same spot as in the beginning
Also published here Aug. 1947
The Phoenix (Issue 132)
John Hamilton Heaps again spectator finds his own card, with just eight cards, sort of Tantalizer
Inspired byVariations Dec. 1947
The Phoenix (Issue 140)
John Brown Cook, Arthur H. Buckley New Bills for Old ten serial numbers are noted on a blackboard, performer is blindfolded and can call out all the numbers
Variations 1947 44
John Brown Cook, Arthur H. Buckley Astrological Mentalism spectators order some months and zodiacs on blackboards and add up some numbers, medium divines all in correct order
1947 62
John Brown Cook, Arthur H. Buckley The Spirit multiple prediction on a record
Related to 1947 74
Gustave Southall Perfect Poker Problem as "Gus Southhall", false dealing routine, apparently bottom dealing the Tens, ending up with Royal Flush, duplicates
Mar. 1947
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 4 No. 10)
Frederick Braue Roundabout with Fred Braue on Vernon, Norman Jensen, Harold Robinson, Jerry Lukins, Elwin Shaw, Malini, Joe Schmidt, Paul Morris, Stewart James, Allerton, Jack Crimmins, John Howie, Clayton Rawson, K. S. Jaffrey, Murray Rosenthal, Jack Potter and more
  • The Five Best Poll
Aug. 1947 342
A Poker Player's Picnic no-touch, little bit of dealing involved
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1948 16
Do it and Fail red black dealing sequence
1948 100
The Tantalizer twenty-second position and packet dealing
Related toVariations 1948 112
1948 186
George G. Kaplan The Odd-Even Force forcing an even or odd number with three dice, (reverse) svengali forcing deck
1948 231
George G. Kaplan Ben Ali's Rope using extra loop
1948 286
Max Malini Max Malini's Egg Bag
1948 110
Theodore Annemann Alignment Move
1948 196
Saliva Double
1948 2
Bob Somerfeld A Switch for the Mentalist envelope to switch billets
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1948)
Jack Yeager Glorifying Your Magic
  • 1. Califaction of Handkerchiefs (silks in dove pan merge together)
  • 2. How to spell trust? (oddity on coin)
  • 3. Key Card Placement (Charlier Pass)
  • 4. 20th Century Silks idea
  • 5. Zombie Idea (floating flower pot)
  • 6. Comedy bits with a stooge
  • 7. Miser's Dream Shower (with handkerchief)
  • 8. Thumb Tip Idea (with scotch tape)
  • 9. Thimble color change
  • 10. The cotton bunny (cotton bunny to real one, dove pan)
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1948)
Robert A. Nelson Simulated Card to Pocket stealing card back, palm
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1948)
Tan Hock Chuan, Edward Bagshawe R. & S. Optica Deck deck shown, then it changes back color and all cards are alike, partial rough-smooth
Inspired byRelated to 1948 12
Arthur H. Buckley The Triple Climax three cards selected, stop trick with first card (tip for not dealing too long), changes into second card, third card to spectator's pocket
VariationsAlso published here 1948 161
Arthur H. Buckley Concealing a Ball Behind the Hand While Both Palms are Shown interlocked position
1948 194
Milbourne Christopher Move for Mentalists reading center, while lighting cigarette
Jan. 1948 385
Frederick Braue Roundabout with Fred Braue on Frank Clinton, Jean Hugard, Wilson Mizner, Bill Larsen, Carter, Paul Fleming, Max Malini, Servais Leroy, stage lighting, applause and more
Jan. 1948 386
Ron Johnson Trouser Leg Steals stealing stuff from trouser leg, when performing kneeling on the floor
Feb. 1948 392
E. F. W. Salisbury Cardiographic Silks two silk placed inside paper tube, pictures of selections appear on silks, dye tube
May 1948
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 5 No. 12)
George G. Kaplan Alice in Wonderland - A New Adventure die box with appearing rabbit as climax, Alice in Wonderland story
Also published here July 1948 437
Harry E. Snider Caligari's Billiard Ball Penetration ball penetrates handkerchief, on hand
Nov. 1948 483
U. F. Grant Dealing a Royal Flush performer receives Royal Flush on second deal, claim of principle
Related to Oct. 1948 6
U. F. Grant Various Advertisements only effect descriptions
  • Zella Two Word Code
  • Fan-Ta-Bill
  • The Zella Master Move
  • Grant's Egg in Paper
  • Grant's Think-a-Deck
  • Slate of Mind
  • Ramons Aerial Card
  • The Watch Box
  • The Magician at the Bridge Table (A. H. Stafford)
  • Zella Coins Thru Plate
  • Harrison Spear-It Knife
  • Cheek to Cheek
  • Fruit-Vegetables & What Not - Realistic Rubber Items
  • Souvenir Postcards
Dec. 1948
Fritz Olai International Brotherhood of Magicians - British Ring's 12. Kongress in Bournemouth, 30. Sept. - 3. Okt. 1948. on Herbert Collings, Stickland, Ren Clark, Guy Bert, Vermeyden, Charles Wicks, Fritz Olai, Stanley Norman, Jimmy Green, Peter Warlock, Geoffrey Robinson, George Smallwood, Elisabeth & Alice McClay, Jean Poisson, Arnold Furst, Wilfred Tyler, Percy Bee, Horace King, Deveen, Harold Pool, Marius, George Slvestre, Raoul and Comp., John Ramsay, Tummers
Also published here
  • "Magi"
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 9 No. Sondernummer 2)
Alois Birrer La physique au service de la magie tricks using physical principles, followed by german translation "Neue physikalische Erkenntnisse im Dienste der Magie"
  • Apparition d'une carte choisie
  • Radar
  • La cuisine dans un carton
  • Cuire des oeufs au plat sur de la glace
Mar. 1948 2
Arthur H. Buckley A Triple Climax three cards selected, stop trick with first card (tip for not dealing too long), changes into second card, third card to spectator's pocket
Also published here 1948 136
Dai Vernon Mental Card Miracle card is put in pocket
Related toVariations 1949
Stars of Magic (Vol. 5 No. 3)
Al Leech Simplified Poker Deal Ace stacking for five hands via re-dealing
1949 26
Jack Yeager The Yeager Four Ace Trick self-working, dealing three cards on each ace, putting piles together and dealing again, chosen heap contains aces
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1949)
Audley Walsh Rubber Finger Mike one handed flourish, dealing the cards
Oct. 1949
The Phoenix (Issue 187)
George B. Anderson Alibi Answers for tricky questions, plant and comedy plant questions
1949 22
George B. Anderson Mental Card Magic on cards in mentalism
1949 41
George B. Anderson A Haphazard Bibliography on mentalism books
1949 54
The Mahatma Marvel Card Trick Location with spectator dealing and distant key card
1949 35
Frederick Braue Roundabout with Fred Braue on Dante, Max Malini, Maurice Fogel, Matt Schulien, Jerry Lukin's Listing, Ed Woolf, Glenn Gravatt, Al Flosso and more
Jan. 1949 501
Martin Gardner The Saliva Plunger deck held with handkerchief over hand
Related to Jan. 1949 505
Harry E. Snider Caligari's Hi-Ball Vanish ball inside glass vanishes under cover of handkerchief
Mar. 1949
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 6 No. 10)
Frederick Braue Roundabout with Fred Braue on Dante, John Scarne, Milton Kort, Le Paul, Leipzig, Paul Fleming, Galli Galli, Malini, Max Katz, Charlie Miller and more
Related to Mar. 1949
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 6 No. 10)
Milbourne Christopher Milbourne Christopher's Column Malini and the floating pen
Aug. 1949 569