This search includes results that are not relevant to tricks or sleights (e.g. columns, reviews, articles, ...). Click here to hide these results.
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Theodore Annemann, Henry Christ Alignment Move
1990 66
Michael Powers Photo Surrealism four blank faced cards change one by one into the first selection, then all at once into the second selection
1990 57
Henry Christ, Theodore Annemann Christ Annemann Alignment Move
1990 171
Michael Powers The Secret Double alternative to alignment move
1990 171
Jon Racherbaumer Figures versus Prefiguration sixteen cards, odd-backed card as climax
Inspired byVariations 1990 68
Edward Marlo Topping Mental Topper - First Effect four spectators count down in a packet to the value of their though-of card, divined from second deck
Inspired byVariations 1990 190
Edward Marlo Memorized Mentalism four spectators think of cards of different suits, version with memorized deck
Inspired by 1990 202
Paul Hallas A Mental Miracle sum prediction
Related to
  • Some Total (Larry Becker, 1978)
  • Fred Barlow's "Mental Prodigies"
  • Will Dexter's "Computer Mind" in "Feature Magic for Mentalists" p. 113
1990 10
Shigeo Takagi Trans-Purse-Sition Chinese coin in purse transposes with three silver coins outside, unequal transposition
Also published here 1990 32
Ken Krenzel, Larry Jennings Partial Mechanical Reverse with half the deck, while holding the other half in dealing position
Also published here 1990 10
Karl Fulves Square Paper about this magazine, "I began dealing cards at age 13"
Swindle Sheet (Issue 1)
Karl Fulves Bookie test with casino brochures that explain the rules of the games, chosen game divined, revealing shadow through covers
Cheat Sheet (Issue 4)
Alex Elmsley Elmsley Count fingertip or dealing position
1990 3
Docc Hilford Visualize World Pieces divination of country
1990 21
Steve "Banachek" Shaw Magician Theories about mixing mentalism with magic, cards, and other thoughts
1990 /1999 6
Steve "Banachek" Shaw The Roger Klause Theory about having to be old to be a believable mentalist
1990 /1999 7
José Carroll Illusion, Reality and Magic mirror turns to glass, card appears in mirror
Also published here 1991 105
Bob Chesbro Snort but Sweet inhaling two halves of torn cigarette
Also published here 1991 99
Richard Vollmer Mr. Koenig's Tapestry dealing a 4x4 square
VariationsAlso published here Mar. 1991
Apocalypse (Vol. 14 No. 3)
Alex Elmsley Australian Self-Help involving counting, spelling, down-under deal
Related toVariations 1991 317
Alex Elmsley Mathematics and Mentalism one of sixteen cards thought of with its position, during reverse faros the spectator says in which half his card is, selection ends up on top (and force card brought to original position)
Also published here 1991 378
Max Malini One-Hand Break at Jog
1991 12
John Carney Australian Aces dealing to four numbers, Aces on bottom of piles
Variations 1991 111
Dai Vernon Alignment Move
1991 137
John Bannon I/O Holdout Input/Output, clip for stealing and retrieving flat body loads
1991 30
All Alike Phase
1991 71
Edward Marlo Palmed Saliva handling saliva
Apr. 1991 1
The Centrifuge Principle dealing a cyclical stack, see also following applications
Related toVariations 1991 3
Philip T. Goldstein Letters some alphabet cards selected via dealing and divined
1991 20
Philip T. Goldstein Children's Alphabet cards selected via dealing are divined
1991 23
Philip T. Goldstein Postcards postcards selected via dealing are divined
1991 24
Philip T. Goldstein Combination various design cards, some selected via dealing and divined
Also published here 1991 25
Michael Weber Appealing Illusion picture in magazine, apparently peel the top layer and see under the picture (car and engine, woman and underwear), removing the torn paper part and everything is normal again
Variations 1991 115
Karl Fulves Alien Dice nontransitive dice principle with only two dice
1991 14
Karl Fulves Square Numbers columns and rows in magic square as nontransitive set with special properties, applied to chips game
  • The Basic Squares
  • Alien Numbers
  • Twofer
  • Advantage Player
1991 25
Karl Fulves Code Nine nontransitive game with cut-in-half tickets that have half numbers on them
Related to 1991 46
Karl Fulves Markers ideas related to nontransitive games
  • Simple Sets (Dualities, Royal Family)
  • Unequal Sets
  • A Nontransitive Pyramid
  • Flat Dice
  • Parity Dice (4 Thru 9 Dice, 2 Thru 10 Dice, 1 Thru 12 Dice, 36 Number Dice)
  • House Dice
  • High Percentage Games
  • 3 Blind Dice
  • Little Bingo
  • Odds On
1991 52
Christoph Borer Der Talisman tarot card is selected while performer is out of the room, when he returns he divines selection
1991 24
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on the passing of Bob Haines, P.E.A., Ken Chandler, ethics in mentalism
Feb. 1991
Magick (Issue 451)
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on ethics in mentalism, Ken Chandler, P.E.A.
Feb. 1991
Magick (Issue 452)
Richard Webster Pointing the Bone out of this world, using pictures of aborigine, dead or alive, erasable pen
Apr. 1991
Magick (Issue 454)
Hal Barlow Talisman with ESP deck
Apr. 1991
Magick (Issue 454)
Roger Klause Going South stealing bill out of envelope with slit for Terry Seabrooke's bill to wallet
Related to 1991 137
Roger Klause, Max Malini Turnabout card turns over in deck, palmed card added to single card which is apparently turned face-down
1991 159
Roy Walton The Plot Thickens selection appears at sum of three values after dealing piles, faro
Inspired byVariations Aug. 1991
Profile (Issue 3)
Ali Bongo Einleitung
1991 2
Ali Bongo Bongo's Ball- und Würfeltrick dice in a bag changes place with a ball behind cardboard
1991 3
Ali Bongo Streichholzschachtel-Kümmelblättchen monte with matchboxes and a coin
Also published here 1991 6
Ali Bongo Bongo-Bingo-Box box with numbered balls, forcing numbers
Also published here 1991 8
Ali Bongo Forcieren mit einem Tuch forcing with a devil's handkerchief
1991 10
Ali Bongo Forcieren eines Farb-Chips chips on strings in a bag, to force a color
1991 12
Ali Bongo Tafel mit zwei Botschaften slate wrapped in handkerchief, writings appear on both sides, similar to Instant Art
Related to 1991 14
Ali Bongo Knetgummizerschneiden magically cutting modeling clay into three pieces
1991 16
Ali Bongo Die farbenwechselnde Rose color changing rose, with tube
Also published here 1991 18
Ali Bongo Bongo-Blüten-Busch blossoms can be removed, silks, different method than in the Bongo Book
Also published here 1991 20
Ali Bongo Bongo Blendo
Also published here 1991 23
Ali Bongo Bongo-Zick-Zack-Falter cardboard to produce handkerchief
Also published here 1991 26
Ali Bongo Fred und Lulu
Also published here 1991 29
Ali Bongo Voodoo-Karten deck in bag, selected card is pierced with pencil and burnt with a candle, same card in other deck has same stigmata
Also published here 1991 31
Temple Patton Tantalizer Force starts with a free cut, duplicate force cards on sixth and eighth position
Also published here
  • "Cardiograph" (Temple C. Patton, Card Tricks Anybody Can Do, 1968)
1991 2
Diabelli Mentale Unterhaltung - Was ist das? on performing mentalism
1991 5
Diabelli Programmgestaltung - Präsentation on the structure of a mentalism act and presentation
1991 7
Vanni Bossi Dear Friend "Escorialist"
Vanni Bossi Brother John Hamman Method of Double Lifting and Vanni Bossi Variation on Juan Tamariz's Turnover ( Volteo Sobresaliente) reverse finger action of Tamariz Turnover
Inspired by 1991 10
Vanni Bossi Gambler's Rest Grip of One or More Cards stealing top card(s) into left hand from small packet as it is removed with right hand
Also published here 1991 12
Ken Brooke Mein Kartenakt end strippers
  • Effekt Nr. 1 (Aces produced from shuffled deck, lost in packet and dealt out again, spectator choses Ace packet)
  • Effekt Nr. 2 (Triumph with fair shuffle)
  • Effekt Nr. 3-7 (routine with twenty-four duplicates, stripper Svengali, all alike display, switching duplicates in and out)
Also published here Jan. 1991
Intermagic (Vol. 16 No. 1)
David Britland The Good The Bad And The Ugly on sleight of hand, conventions, stealing
Oct. 1991
Opus (Vol. 3 No. 12)
T. Page Wright New Collins Aces Packet False Count from dealing position
1991 124
T. Page Wright Riffle Location riffling through cards in face-up dealing position with left thumb to find a card
1991 128
William Larsen, T. Page Wright The L. W. Simplicity Four Aces Aces dropped on four packets, deck assembled, after some dealing the Aces are together again
1991 252
Alignment Move
1991 256
T. Page Wright Chapter 13 - Mental Effects with Cards on mentalism
1991 276
David Harkey The Ricochet Move using Malini/Kaps subtlety
  • Left Hand Only
  • Right Hand Only
  • Both Hands Together
1991 196
Roy Walton The Honest Cheat spectator tries to match suit distribution of a poker hand that is set aside, spectator is allowed to cheat but loses, performer wins
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here 1991
Swindle Sheet (Issue 4)
Karl Fulves Dealing Seconds from a gambling shoe
Swindle Sheet (Issue 6)
Karl Fulves Square Paper Kenneth Hense, legalizing casino in New York, chain letters
Swindle Sheet (Issue 7)
Paul Douglas A Brief Second practice method for dealing strikes with increasingly finer cut-offs at corner
Swindle Sheet (Issue 9)
Get the Cash method of stealing money from sealed envelope
Also published here
  • "Spycatcher" (Peter Wright)
Cheat Sheet (Issue 8)
Shuffling with Short Card svengali principle
Also published here
  • "Koschitz's Manual" (1894)
Cheat Sheet (Issue 8)
René Lavand, Rolando Chirico Pygmalion wild card, story presentation
Also published here 1991 65
Jeff McBride Kundalini Rising spectator holds cased deck as card rises
  • Tips and refinements
VariationsAlso published here
  • Genii, Vol. 51 No. 6, Dec. 1987
1991 1
Jerry K. Hartman Bottom Double Lift drawn out from outer end
Related toAlso published here 1991 34
Jerry K. Hartman Psychic Stopgag different outs for Psychic Stop depending on how many cards the spectator ends up dealing
Inspired byRelated to 1991 335
Jerry K. Hartman Alikely Story Universal Card, with sticker
Inspired by 1991 342
Jerry K. Hartman Manual Control slightly elaborated handling, re-dealing
Inspired byAlso published here 1991 413
Jerry K. Hartman Mentalias II using interesting force, spectator lies at his card
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 1991 454
Jerry K. Hartman The Discerning Mentalist one of twelve
Inspired by 1991 461
Jerry K. Hartman Ex-Specter Writing appears on paper card, revealing two selections
Inspired byAlso published here 1991 485
Edward Marlo In Lieu of the Hindu Shuffle all alike for full deck
Also published here 1991 598
Al Smith The Ubiquitist "Or the Universal Card by any other name"
four cards removed, they change into four alike cards and back
1991 5
Al Smith Colours On Demand
  • Cutting The Colours
  • Dealing The Colours
  • Deckspertise
1991 9
Neal Prete Nose to Nose images with different clowns, spectator selects one while performer turns his back, when performer turns around again he has a nose of the same color in his face
Inspired by Mar./Apr. 1991
The Magic Menu (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Dan Tong Walk-Around Malini Egg Bag glass production as climax, belt clip
Also published here Sep./Oct. 1991
The Magic Menu (Vol. 2 No. 7)
Max Maven As I Was Saying...
  • Parallax
on secrets, dove work, Aldo Richiardi's method of selecting music, The Magic of Michael Ammar
  • Banal Retentive (on banality of evil and magicians following instruction sheets)
  • Peering Out (on magicians buying books and not reading them)
  • Off the record (on Aldo Richiardi buying records so he’d make sure the music in his show was different from everything else)
Also published here Sep. 1991
Magic (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Derek Dingle Australian Poker small packet routine, royal flush ending
Inspired by Oct. 1991
Magic (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Dan Garrett Hot-Lanta: Magical Southern Hospitality
Nov. 1991
Magic (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Peter Duffie Eleven Plus chosen pair of cards adds to eleven which is predicted, using dealing into two piles repeatedly (stay stack principle)
VariationsAlso published here 1991 [17]
Justin Higham Reversatile number of face up red and black cards divined after face-up/face-down shuffle with spectator, impromptu
Inspired by Mar. 1991
Technomagic (Issue Extra 3)
Justin Higham The Fake Slip Cut apparently the deck is cut in the hands, then the top card slid over onto the other half, in reality the whole halves are exchanged
Related toVariations June 1991
Technomagic (Issue 12)
Justin Higham Fake Slip Cut Steal apparently the deck is cut in the hands, then the top card slid over onto the other half, in reality the whole halves are exchanged while cards from top of left-hand half are transferred to bottom of right-hand half
Inspired by June 1991
Technomagic (Issue 12)
Justin Higham Fake Slip Cut Load apparently the deck is cut in the hands, then the top card slid over onto the other half, in reality the whole halves are exchanged while cards from bottom of right-hand half are transferred to top of left-hand half
Inspired by June 1991
Technomagic (Issue 12)
Troy Hooser Forton Pop-Out Move Variation deck in dealing position
Magic Man Examiner (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Larry Becker "X" Marks the Spot routines with Hull's Pop-Eyed Popper deck, rough/smooth Svengali, predictions with X on the back, using jumbo cards
Also published here 1991 10
Jack Dean Grid Force grid with numbers and envelopes with holes
Inspired by
  • Tan Choon Tee's "Predict-A-Total" in "Tan Choon Tee on Mentalism"
1991 27
Kennichi Kuroki The Talisman Joker stapled to box transposes with selection
1992 56
Max Malini, Howard Schwarzman Malini's Invitation how to have a card selected
Also published here 1992 151
Backward Annemann-Christ Alignment
1992 253
Jack Carpenter Notes on Dealing Thirds
1992 137
Jack Carpenter Notes on the Stud Bottom Deal extension of Erdnase's technique
Inspired by 1992 137
Jack Carpenter Flop Seconds dealing cards in other hand one by one before turning them over at once
1992 157
Max Malini Moisture Double Laydown moisture through breathing
Apr. 1992
The Olram File (Issue 11)
James Swain All alike sequence
1992 4
Gary Kurtz All Alike Display top change for last card
Sep./Oct. 1992
Avantgarde Magic (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Steve Beam Subscriptions
Also published here 1992 770
Gary Kurtz All Alike Display top change for last card
Also published here 1992 26
Richard Vollmer Das Legen eines palindromischen Spiels how to set up a stay stack, several methods
Also published here
  • Richard Vollmer "Le Jeu Mirroir", 1984
1992 6
Richard Vollmer Die Eigenschaften des palindromischen Spiels characteristics of the stay stack, with 52 and 53 cards
Also published here
  • Richard Vollmer "Le Jeu Mirroir", 1984
1992 8
Christian Scherer Duplizität der Ereignisse - Eine Routine mit dem palindromischen Spiel longer stay stack routine, mates are found, six phases
1992 12
Rudy T. Hunter Dualistic Deceit Q&A, assistant reads names and blindfold performer answer questions
Inspired by
  • William Larsen's "Tarot Telepathy"
Nov. 1992
Magick (Issue 480)
Marcello Truzzi Cards out of Mind pre-show strategy, revealing a known person
Nov. 1992
Magick (Issue 480)
Tony Madden Stolen Thoughts center tear handling, stealing center with wax on coat sleeve
Nov. 1992
Magick (Issue 481)
Arturo de Ascanio Magicas Coincidencias four selections are returned to the deck and deck is dealt, each spectator stops at his card
Inspired by
  • Padre Wenceslao Ciuró's "Causalidad Inexplicable" in "Mas de 200 Juegos de Manos", p. 402.
Also published here
1992 67
Arturo de Ascanio Mentalismo por Eliminación ("El Juego Ese") extensive treatment on the effect
Also published here 1992 102
Arturo de Ascanio Azul, Rojo, Blanco (Análisis de una Construcción) all backs, normal, color changing back and nudist deck as climax
Also published here 1992 125
Arturo de Ascanio Psicologia del Empalme I. Importancia del Empalme. Sus Dificultades.
II. La Cobertura del Empalme
1. El Pre-Empalme
2. El Momento del Empalme
3. La Retirada de la Mano libre
A) El efecto "tubo"
B) Ley del movimiento prioritario
4. Conservación de la Carta empalmada
A) Naturalidad
a) Naturalidad estática
b) Naturalidad dinámica
B) Diversión
a) Diversión mental
b) Diversión fisica
C) Soltura despistante, utilización inocua
a) Soltura despistante
b) Utilización inocua
D) Cadencia
5. Deposito o Devolución de la Carta empalmada
III. Conclusión
Also published here 1992 48
Steven Hamilton Editorial on stealing lines, Gordon Bruce
Related to Oct. 1992
Profile (Issue 10)
Roy Johnson Das Münzenspiel coin snatching technique, hand is wrapped with handkerchief except first finger, spectator cannot take the coin
Inspired byAlso published here June 1992
Intermagic (Vol. 17 No. 1)
David Berglas Brieftasche aus Jackeninnentasche stealing spectator's wallet from inner jacket pocket
1992 22
Larry Becker Monte Crispo signed bill in one of three envelopes, two are burnt, apparently mistake and bill appears in insurance envelope, with variation using a paper shredder
  • Author's Note: Shred a Few Tears of Joy & Sorrow
Inspired by
  • Larry Becker's "Monte Inferno" in "Mentalism for Magicians"
Related to
1992 39
Larry Becker Sneak Thief pseudo psychometry with drawings, last drawing is duplicated
Related toVariations 1992 65
Dan Tong Prediction dual reality, apparently spectator drew picture at home, using Larry White's Get The Picture envelope
1992 87
Larry Becker Q&A: What are your pet peeves about mentalism?
1992 96
Larry Becker Q&A: Can music be integrated into a mentalism act?
1992 120
Larry Becker Midnight Miracle design duplication, stealing billet from envelope
1992 121
Larry Becker Q&A: Any suggestions as to how to use humor or comedy in mentalism?
1992 134
Larry Becker Q&A: Do you have any observation about the impact of magic or mentalism on your marriage?
1992 144
Larry Becker Shuffler 2 top stock control using a battery operated card shuffler
Related to
  • Larry Becker's "Shuffler" in "Mentalism for Magicians"
1992 175
Larry Becker Q&A: What importance does audience belief play in a successful mentalist's performance?
1992 234
Larry Becker Q&A: Can both magic and mentalism be successfully combined in a performance? Why? How?
1992 264
Larry Becker, Ross Johnson Club Kicker shuffled deck, packet of card is divined and last card predicted, with jumbo card kicker
Inspired byVariations 1992 285
Larry Becker, Carlhorst Meier Q&A: How does, or should, the performance of mentalism differ from the performance of magic?
1992 316
Larry Becker Q&A: What advice do you have for magicians who would like to create a complete act of mentalism?
1992 326
Larry Becker X-Rated Stuff routines with Hull's Pop-Eyed Popper deck, rough/smooth Svengali, predictions with X on the back
  • X Marks the Spot
  • My Favorite Card
Also published here 1992 341
Larry Becker Q&A: Is mentalism being debased by encouraging magicians to do more mentalism?
1992 384
Larry Becker Q&A: What is your assessment of the direction of mentalism in the next decade?
1992 464
Turnover Reverse turning packet over end-for-end with cards in deep dealing position
1992 2
Dan Garrett Hospitality How-To's - Some Thoughts Relating to the Hospitality Suite Entertainer
  • How do you get work?
  • Breaking the Ice - making the initial approach to a table or group
  • Pocket Management
  • Go with the flow of the crowd
  • Environment scoping
  • Audience scoping
Jan./Feb. 1992
The Magic Menu (Vol. 2 No. 9)
Dan Fleshman Malini-Freeman Twist Time Machine meets Inversion
July/Aug. 1992
The Magic Menu (Vol. 2 No. 12)
Restaurant Magic Down Under on the history of restaurant magic in Australia
Nov./Dec. 1992
The Magic Menu (Vol. 3 No. 14)
Paul Gertner Why Not More Quality Lectures?
  • Editorial
Related to Jan. 1992
Magic (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Max Maven Vintage Whine
  • Parallax

  • Culinary Conjecture
  • Twenty Questions
  • Define Tuning ("which show did you see - the early show or the late show?")
  • Dictionary update of the month (Creativity: stealing from more than one source)
Also published here Feb. 1992
Magic (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Bob McAllister, Al "The Only" Ulman Quality Lectures
  • Letters
Related to Mar. 1992
Magic (Vol. 1 No. 7)
Les Smith Floyd Thayer: Creator Of Quality Magic
Mar. 1992
Magic (Vol. 1 No. 7)
Michael Weber (reviewer) Little Egypt Card Tricks - Object Lessons in Personalized Card Magic by Steve Bryant Mar. 1992
Magic (Vol. 1 No. 7)
Max Maven Taxing Times
  • Parallax

  • Hospitality
  • Art or Tourette’s (on Jerry Sadowitz)
  • Meow Mix
Related toAlso published here Apr. 1992
Magic (Vol. 1 No. 8)
Michael Weber (reviewer) Eight Kings Setup for the Mentalist by Frank E. Blaisdell July 1992
Magic (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Michael Weber (reviewer) Look Alikes Philadelphia's Magic July 1992
Magic (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Nicholas Night Twins (How Else?) photos of look-alike magicians
Aug. 1992
Magic (Vol. 1 No. 12)
Charles T. Jordan The Projected Thought card thought of, dealing procedure multiple times with full deck, card and its position predicted
Aug. 1992
Magic (Vol. 1 No. 12)
Tim Ellis Stealing?
  • Letters
Sep. 1992
Magic (Vol. 2 No. 1)
Michael Weber (reviewer) Mentalist's Marketing Package by Henry H. Fields Oct. 1992
Magic (Vol. 2 No. 2)
Justin Higham Step Peek brief
Inspired by June 1992
Tech-Notes (Issue 4)
Kurt Bai Color Cards in Mentalism various effects with four color cards which are placed inside envelopes
  • A real psychic test of the students
  • Demo of my psychic abilities
  • Test of one student
  • Making heroes of many students
July 1992
Vibrations (Vol. 15 No. 1)
Leo Boudreau The Mind's Eye: Faro Fooler - Part 2 properties of using Faro shuffle for eight cards, shuffling envelopes and other uses in mentalism
Aug. 1992
Vibrations (Vol. 15 No. 2)
Jonathan Cooke (reviewer) Mentalism: Inner Secrets I by Stanton Carlisle Sep. 1992
Vibrations (Vol. 15 No. 3)
Richard Robinson The Magic Tax on a news clipping from 1865, on spiritualist Charles J. Colchester paying tayes
Also published here
  • "Magicol" Nr. 101
Sep. 1992
Vibrations (Vol. 15 No. 3)
Roy Miller (reviewer) Professional Patter for Working Mentalists by Bascom Jones Sep. 1992
Vibrations (Vol. 15 No. 3)
Dick Steiner Page One Headline Prediction book with headlines used
Inspired by
  • Terry Nosek's "The Best of Life" in "The Collected Works of Sigmund Fraud" 1984.
Also published here
  • Terry Nosek's "The Best of Life" in "Mentalist's Technical Bulletin" 1979.
Oct. 1992
Vibrations (Vol. 15 No. 4)
The Steal stealing sponge ball from under cup, similar to shell game basic move
1992 192
Charles T. Jordan The Hourglass Card Trick No. 1, time on watch gives position of card, placement via dealing procedure and only performed at certain times
Also published here 1992 1
Charles T. Jordan Placement Control cards returned to spread with known distance, brought together under key with dealing procedure
Also published here 1992 10
Charles T. Jordan Recycling by Dealing dealing deck in seven piles, then six, then eight, then seven piles restores order
Also published here 1992 46
Charles T. Jordan The Dealing Dovetail Detection No. 94, card is found after lots of real shuffling
Also published here 1992 119
Karl Fulves "Dealing Dovetail Detection" Notes No. 95, on the divided deck shuffle
1992 121
Charles T. Jordan Improved Chevalier Card Trick No. 101, deck shuffled twice, named suit removed, all values spelt out
Also published here 1992 126
Charles T. Jordan Telepathic Control No. 127, card chosen after some dealing is divined
Also published here 1992 159
Karl Fulves "Vanished Card" Notes No. 138, spectator does dealing procedure according to value, then dealing some piles, deck is pocketed, named card is produced from pocket
1992 171
Charles T. Jordan Demon's Detection No. 178, two key cards, out of hand selection procedure with dealing
Also published here 1992 216
Charles T. Jordan The Mystery Problem No. 186, position of selection is predicted, svengali deck with different finish on force cards, ending clean with switch-out
Also published here 1992 222
Multiple Glide with several cards, more added during dealing
Also published here 1992 232
Peter Duffie An Unknown Quantity two spectators count a packet and remember the cards at that position, later the cards show up at the same position when dealing through two piles
Inspired by 1992 17
Peter Duffie The Disoriented Sevens Sevens are lost by dealing cards on them and assembling them, reverse faros, the Sevens find a selection as well as a Royal Flush
1992 20
Steve Draun Ten Hands Toot Sweet one shuffle, false Dealing included
Also published here 1993 81
Gambler's Cop stealing card from a double
1993 12
Max Malini Deck Flexing while holding a break
1993 73
Jeff Moche Alignment Variation handling idea
June 1993
Apocalypse (Vol. 16 No. 6)
Harry Lorayne Second-Dealing Poker
Related to Oct. 1993
Apocalypse (Vol. 16 No. 10)
Edward Marlo Glim Deal sighting ahead when dealing with shiner
The Olram File (Issue 14)
Edward Marlo No Drawing Required four cards are placed in deck during dealing, four matches
Inspired by 1993
The Olram File (Issue 15)
Edward Marlo Building a Better Bridge dealing winning bridge hand from shuffled deck
Inspired by 1993
The Olram File (Issue 16)
Bob Gill On making the Trilby Deck Joe Stuthard's Trilby Deck, end-stripper & svengali combo, sanding instead of cutting
Related to Nov. 1993
New Sorcerer (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Faro Substitute dealing from both hands, non-faro faro
Nov. 1993
New Sorcerer (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Ken Brooke The Ken Brooke Routine with Joe Stuthard's Trilby Deck - Part Three edited reprint from Brooke's magazine "Routine" (1950), card to top, jumps from packet to packet, all cards shown alike, ends clean
Nov. 1993
New Sorcerer (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Steve Beam Lube Job cards cannot be removed from case, oil can is needed, gag
Related toAlso published here 1993 894
ディーリングポジション (Dealing Position) Mechanic's Grip or Dealer's Grip
1993 13
Hideo Kato, Larry Jennings 2人の会話 その1 (A Conversation between 2 people: #1) Conversation between Larry and Kato about the use of bridge-sized cards because of small hands, Max Malini is obviously mentioned
1993 26
カットの方法I (Cutting the deck: First Method) Simple cutting in the hands, top half placed on bottom in Dealing Position
1993 28
Larry Jennings プリフィギャレーション (Prefiguration) Four of a kind found via prediction and coincidence (dealing down)
1993 155
N. F. Ravlin N. F. Ravlin's Account of his Conversion to Spiritualism Through the Mediumship of Dr. Schlesinger reprint from unknown source
1993 14
Philip T. Goldstein Drawl winning cards in selected hand, spectator can cut to position for dealing last round of cards
Sep. 1993
The Minotaur (Vol. 5 No. 3)
Steve Beam Scaling the Cards three packets are cut on the table, performer weighs two and announces amount of cards, then he reveals amount of black or red cards in those packets
Inspired by
  • Mike Roger's "Trost and Us" in "Genii" October, 1971.
1993 13
Steve Beam The Ladder Prediction prediction of a card, reversed Svengali
1993 35
John Riggs The Falling Prediction stopped card in one deck, prediction is odd-backed card in second deck, roughed Svengali
1993 41
Wayne Kyzer Forte four of a kind is found, dealing four piles and stop, performer and spectator deal
1993 73
David Alexander Some Thoughts on Magic and Show Business - Part I
  • The Entertainers
  • Delivering Entertainment
  • It's Personality
  • Stillwell Hank Ball
  • The "Magic" Man
  • The Card "Expert"
Related to Jan. 1993
Magick (Issue 483)
David Alexander A Professional Looks at the Profession
  • Magician's Magician
  • A Lack of Originality?
  • The O-Carp Crowd
  • Lighten Up
  • ... And Get Real
Related to Feb. 1993
Magick (Issue 485)
Ted Lesley The Psy-aid Tarot card divination and haunted deck with plate lifter method
Related to June 1993
Magick (Issue 491)
Karl Fulves Svengali Notes
Rigmarole (Issue 1)
Karl Fulves Svengali Transpo
Rigmarole (Issue 1)
Karl Fulves Svengali Trap though-card sandwich
Rigmarole (Issue 1)
Sam Schwartz Thought Process one of thirteen cards thought of, dealing procedure according to thought-of card (color, value, suit), selection narrowed down by having one key card, see also p. 47
Inspired by
  • "Contemplation" (Interim Report)
Related toVariations
Rigmarole (Issue 2)
Karl Fulves Me Thinks one of thirteen cards thought of, dealing procedure according to thought-of card (color, value, suit), selection narrowed down by having one key card
Inspired by 1993
Verbatim (Issue 2)
Karl Fulves You-Me Poker two poker hands, one card moved to spectator's hand, spectator thinks of one of his cards, dealing procedure according to thought-of card (color, value, suit), selection narrowed down by having one key card
Inspired by 1993
Verbatim (Issue 2)
Karl Fulves World's Longest Palindromes?
Verbatim (Issue 4)
Karl Fulves World's Longest Palindromes?
Verbatim (Issue 5)
(reviewer) The Healing Revelations of Mary Baker Eddy by Martin Gardner
reproduced review
Verbatim (Issue 5)
Karl Fulves World's Longest Palindrome?
Verbatim (Issue 6)
Karl Fulves World's Longest Palindrome?
Verbatim (Issue 8)
Patrick Page Der Kartentrick des Unbekannten Soldaten card changes into selection, spectator on stage does not realize it
Also published here 1993 25
Patrick Page Ein Daumenspitzen-Tip stealing thumb tip out of closed hand
Also published here 1993 44
Edward Marlo One-Handed Slip Cut from dealing position onto table
1993 27
Peter Duffie Palmed Addition Utility Sleight "PAUS", apparently deck is turned over, but in reality a palmed card is added on top
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1993 30
Randy Tanner Elimination Prediction deck dealt into four piles, one chosen, some more dealing and choosing until one card remains, predicted
Also published here 1993 65
Philip T. Goldstein The Jorback Count concealing one face and two backs, back count meets Jordan
1993 112
Philip T. Goldstein Chaback Count concealing one face and two backs
Also published here
  • The Linking Ring, April 1992
1993 113
Al Thatcher Al's Masterpiece spectator shuffles packet, puts some in pocket, remembers bottom cards of rest and puts it back on the deck, located with some dealing, breather crimp
Also published here
  • Precursor #37
1993 168
Resealing the Deck
1993 176
Karl Fulves Stop on a Dime spectator stops during face-up deal, then a coin vanishes and appears next to the card, Erdnase bottom deal with a coin
Inspired by 1993 232
Karl Fulves Bottom Steal
Inspired by 1993 234
S. W. Erdnase Bottom Dealing abbreviated description
Also published here 1993 235
Richard Bartram, Jr. Return to the Purse of the Damned different invisible coins from purse frame materialize
Inspired by 1993 34
Peter Duffie Magician three spectators simultaneously select a card from packet from three to eight cards, spelling and down-under to locate it
Inspired by 1993 4
Eddie Fechter Eddie's Stop performer stops spectator while dealing, next card is selection
1993 51
Steve Dusheck Personality Lines Touch with four design cards, no credit
1993 48
Ali Bongo Der Gordische Knoten
Also published here
  • Genii
June 1993
Intermagic (Vol. 18 No. 1)
Ali Bongo Do It Yourself Pompons faster way to make pompoms form wool
Also published here
  • Genii
June 1993
Intermagic (Vol. 18 No. 1)
René Lavand All Alike Display three cards, hiding one face, one-handed
1993 63
René Lavand Showing Off dealing a Royal Flush, no matter how many hands are wished, x-deals
1993 110
René Lavand More Rosary Effects production of named cards, card switch in pocket and dealing into four suits
Also published here 1993 156
René Lavand, Rolando Chirico Pygmalion wild card, story presentation
Also published here 1993 171
Sid Fleischman The Eyes presentation for revealing a card
1993 86
Sid Fleischman Center Stealing No. 1, dragged out by left thumb
1993 189
Sid Fleischman Bottom Stealing No. 2, left thumb action
1993 190
Mike Caveney Exlusivity on originality, using other people's material and the performing character
1993 159
Alan Wakeling Excalibur Substitution Trunk combined with sword cabinet, method not described
1993 302
Michael Close On Personality
July/Aug. 1993
The Magic Menu (Vol. 3 No. 18)
Al "The Only" Ulman Ask the Only on working restaurants, dealing with managers
Nov./Dec. 1993
The Magic Menu (Vol. 4 No. 20)
Paul Gertner Back To Basics and The Unwritten Rule
  • Questions
Related to Feb. 1993
Magic (Vol. 2 No. 6)
Ali Bongo, Eric Ronne Gertner
  • Letters
Related to Mar. 1993
Magic (Vol. 2 No. 7)
Jim Steinmeyer, Don Wayne, Andre Kole, Walter Zaney Blaney How Magicians Are Strangling Magic on stealing material
Related to Mar. 1993
Magic (Vol. 2 No. 7)