278 entries in Cards / Sleights / Force / Mathematical Forces
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
The Capital Q back-count force with counters/coins or cards, as divination with partial stack
Also published here 1889 95
The Capital Q back-count force with counters/coins or cards, as divination with partial stack
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1890 27
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster Gezwungene Wahl magician's choice from 32 cards and layout on table
Related to 1896 121
Der neue magische Kartenkreis "by H. Sch., Dresden", two predictions in envelopes, three dice rolled to get two numbers, counted to in a circle of cards, both predicted, Q-principle
June 1897
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 2 No. 11)
Reverse Deal Force see No. 3
1937 19
Four Card Force calculating and dealing
Related to 1940 191
An Expert at Figures using addition force
1940 268
The Mathematical Force recount
1941 264
Hans "Severus" Ernst Die Historia von den 15 Christen und den 15 Türken
  • Der Vater mit den Stradivariousgeigen
trick for counting puzzle, every fifth is eliminated, eight cards and only red remain on the table
Aug. 1941
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 3 No. 8)
Ronald B. Edwards Free Force forcing fourteen or fifteen with playing cards, see reference for correction
Related to June 1944
The Phoenix (Issue 62)
Verne Chesbro Three Weirds three cards are predicted, three mathematical forces
Also published here May 1945
The Phoenix (Issue 84)
Two Digits ten-twenty force four times to produce Aces
1946 49
Van Osdol Number Trick digit addition force
Variations 1946 56
Frederick Braue Divinumber single card location, using hidden principle of 9 / 9 force
Dec. 1947 377
The Ten-to-Twenty Force
1950 21
John Scarne Sympathetic Aces No. 19, Ten-Twenty Force to locate all four Aces one by one, minor variation included to locate Royal Flush
1950 39
The Ten-to-Twenty Force
1950 40
Count-Force spectator names small number, counts to that card and uses its value to count to force card
1950 65
Chester Morris Perfect Prediction No. 69, Mathematical procedure
1950 127
Paul Morris, P. C. Sorcar The Magic Four-Spot No. 82, Prediction effect using two different mathematical forces
1950 150
Johnny Paul, Howard Thurston, Richard Du Bois The Card on the Wall No. 100, card is forced using partial numerical stack (even values only)
1950 191
The Ten-to-Twenty Force
1950 233
Bill Pawson, Howard Wurst, John Scarne The Card Clock No. 150, after a card is selected and lost, 12 cards are dealt in a circle and eliminated via an unorthodox mathematical procedure until only the selection is left.
1950 292
Paul Rosini Skidoo counting procedure used to force a card, using sum of digits of year on a coin and value of cards, forced 23rd card
1950 40
Eddie Joseph Bombay: Effect No. 1 card chosen by cutting the deck several times, doubling the value of the bottom card and counting down to the card at that position, matching card in a second deck is found reversed, stack with straight made of pairs
Related to 1952 2
The Ten-to-Twenty Force
1953 28
Billy O'Connor O'Connor's Four-Ace Trick 10-20 force to find four Aces one by one
1956 20
Bill Nord The Magic of Manhattan cut the deck into two piles, one pile is counted, the two digits in the number of cards is added together to get a single digit, count down to that number in that pile to find selection, the phrase THE MAGIC OF MANHATTAN is spelled to find selection, ten-twenty force principle as control
Related toVariations 1956 20
Edward Marlo New Tail of the Q
  • #1 of "3 Mental Effects"
back-count force with Q-shaped layout, two cards and a number are divined
Related to Sep. 1957
Ibidem (Issue 11)
Tony Corinda (3) The Fourteen/Fifteen Set Up forcing number 14 or 15
1958 76
Max Giebe Gedankenforcieren force some cards removed and number used to select card
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 19 No. 1)
Gerald Kosky A Blue Prediction spectator selects only card with blue back, cross sum force
Also published here Sep. 1958
Ibidem (Issue 14)
Jack Avis Suit Force with down-under-deal
1959 313
Edward Marlo Stay-Stack Prediction forcing a number with stay stack
  • With Two Decks
Also published here Jan. 1959
The Cardiste (Issue 12)
Edward Marlo The 8 Card Wonder: Effect #2 "Performer apparently finds four selected cards. Shows an idea in Re-Forcing", down-under deal with an eight-card packet
Mar. 1959
Ibidem (Issue 16)
Edward Marlo The 8 Card Wonder: Effect #5 down-under deal double force with a nine-card packet
Mar. 1959
Ibidem (Issue 16)
Edward Marlo Ten-Card Packet Triple Force down-under deal
Mar. 1959
Ibidem (Issue 16)
Edward Marlo Stay-Stack Prediction forcing a number with stay stack
  • With Two Decks
Also published here May 1960
Ibidem (Issue 20)
Peter A. McDonald All Sqare location of selection and finding four-of-a-kind as a kicker, using cross sum force
Also published here
  • "All Square" in Max Andrews' "Magic Magazine" 1955, Vol. 4, Nr. 8.
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 23 No. 2)
Edward Marlo A Simple Ace Routine aces lost and found with four times the 10-20 force
Early Marlo (Issue Oddity & Other Miracles)
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) Double Diception spectator rolls three dice and remember the cards at the total, another the card at the total of the bottoms of the dice, despite the numbers being different the selected cards are the same
Related toVariations Nov. 1964
Ibidem (Issue 30)
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) Two Dice Procedure Diception procedure with two dice instead of three
Inspired by Nov. 1964
Ibidem (Issue 30)
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) Diception Force with Diception procedure, some cards are pocketed by first spectator (instead of selecting a card), second spectator will then count to force card
Nov. 1964
Ibidem (Issue 30)
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) 3 Spectator Procedure (2 Dice) Diception for three spectators
Inspired byVariations Nov. 1964
Ibidem (Issue 30)
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) 3 Spectators Procedure (3 Dice) Diception for three spectators
Inspired by Nov. 1964
Ibidem (Issue 30)
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) Expanded Double Diception spectator rolls three dice and remember the cards at the total, another the card at the total of the bottoms of the dice, despite the numbers being different the selected cards are the same
Inspired by Nov. 1964
Ibidem (Issue 30)
10-20 Force
1969 98
Backwards Counting Force
1969 134
Karl Fulves As A Force card is selected and shuffled in deck, spectator should now also remember card next to his selection which is forced and can have different back
Faro & Riffle Technique (Issue First Supplement)
Stephen A. Sparks Cosmic Computer three cards are selected and its values completed to a total of ten, card at sum of three cards is revealed
Magick (Issue 6)
Cross Sum Force
Oct. 1970
Necromancer (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Billy O'Connor Ten-Twenty Force
1971 38
Karl Fulves Hex Squared 4x4 layout, spectator moves around according to fixed rules and ends on force card, see also p. 512 and also p. 550 for ideas by "Eddie" Cowles and Karl Fulves
Related toVariationsAlso published here Nov. 1971 466
10-20 Force
Nov. 1971 467
21 Force shown to Garcia by Marconick, credited to Marlo in reference
Related toVariations 1972 44
Steve Spillman Follow-Up twenty cards used to write ESP, number named and card is only odd-colored card, nine force
VariationsAlso published here 1972
Magick (Issue 61)
Variation for a Force of Four Cards thought of numbers are dealt
1972 87
Arturo de Ascanio, George Schindler, Frank Garcia European Aces three cards forced as Ace production
Related toVariations 1973 106
Dai Vernon, Harry Lorayne, Bruce Cervon Amazing Prediction two cards, some dealing and counting
Related to 1973 52
Edward G. Brown The Card at a Selected Number to force a card, with variations
1973 187
Edward G. Brown A Card Chosen by Calculation various mathematical forces
1973 192
Ten-Twenty Force
1973 41
John A. Novak Flannel-Board same routine as Spillmanns on flannel board and with white cards
Inspired by 1973
Magick (Issue 67)
Steve Spillman Follow Up twenty cards used to write ESP, number named and card is only odd-colored card, nine force
Also published here 1973 25
Stephen Minch The Yin-Empress and the Hermit of Yang twelve cards, two are predicted
1974 10
Stephen Minch Towering Prediction cards are laid out and spectator follows instruction from a tape recorder
Related toAlso published here 1974 31
Stephen Minch Fortunes of a Wise Fool based on an idea by Ed Mellon, matrix force
Related toVariations 1974 41
Larry Becker They Match! ESP deck, forcing three cards
Inspired byRelated to 1974
Magick (Issue 115)
Verne Chesbro Drei Prophezeiungen three cards are predicted, three mathematical forces
Also published here Oct. 1974
Intermagic (Vol. 2 No. 2)
Martin D. Kruskal The Kruskal Principle also with two deck, described by Martin Gardner, see p. 985 for references to Ibidem
Also published here June 1975
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. 8)
George Sands Lucky 13 prime principle force, small packet counted to named number until only one card remains
Related toVariationsAlso published here Aug. 1975
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. 10)
George Sands Prime Time all clubs in packet, counting procedure, King always remains
Inspired by Aug. 1975
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. 10)
10/ 20 Force
1975 43
Gerald Kosky A Blue Prediction spectator selects only card with blue back, cross sum force
Also published here 1975 29
10-20 Force
Kabbala — Volume 3 (Vol. 3 No. 2)
Nick Trost Predicting One of Six Cards Matchbook moved from card to card on row of six
VariationsAlso published here 1976 13
Ten-Twenty Force see also page 80
1976 70
Burton S. Sperber Mind Master single card divination, 9 force
Magick (Issue 194)
The Between 10 and 20 Force
1977 80
Twenty-Thirty Force
1978 8
George Sands Prime Choice "Two Tricks"
packet of thirteen cards, selection is the last one face-down after counting procedure
Inspired byAlso published here 1978 1137
Thomas Alan Waters Numerology Card in Wallet prediction in envelope, in wallet, nine-force, version of Al Koran's "Five-Star Miracle Card"
Variations 1978
Magick (Issue 205)
Jerry Mentzer Gag Revelation any number from 6-9
1979 95
Harry Lorayne A Prediction "Pathway" mathematical dealing thing in which spectator sorts red and blacks to force himself a card, see end notes for fun history information
Inspired by 1979 53
Larry Becker Symbolic cards with names of objects, one is selected by 9 force
Inspired by 1979 23
X Marks the Spot No. 14, card chosen from packet is only one with x on back, number and counting
1979 20
Mentalist's Dream No. 17, selection from one deck is reversed in another deck, Ten-Twenty Force
1979 23
Digit-Add Force
1980 36
Karl Fulves Hex Squared 4x4 layout, spectator moves around according to fixed rules and ends on force card
Also published here 1980 44
Sam Schwartz Forced March 4x4 layout, spectator moves around according to fixed rules and ends on force card
Inspired by 1980 54
Sam Schwartz, Karl Fulves The Square Ring 4x4 layout, spectator moves around according to fixed rules and ends on force card, only three instructions
Inspired byAlso published here 1980 55
Bob Hummer Mother Goose Force to force a page, based on the Miraskill idea
Related to
  • Martin Gardner's "Mother Goose Mystery"
1980 99
Philip T. Goldstein 9th Dimension spectator counts matches in matchbook, card with matching number appears in chosen pile
Related to 1980
Magick (Issue 252)
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) Dreifache Übereinstimmung two spectators and performer think of a card at a position in the deck, they all think of the same card
Nov. 1980
Intermagic (Vol. 7 No. 3)
10-20 Force adding digits and counting back
1980 24
Steve Spillman Follow Up twenty cards used to write ESP, number named and card is only odd-colored card, nine force
Also published here 1980 70
10-20 Force adding digits
Arcane (Issue 4)
Eddie Fields 10-20 Force Handling adding digits
Arcane (Issue 4)
Bruce Bernstein It Takes Two card is chosen and shuffled back into the deck, cards are eliminated, last card is selection, PATEO
Related toAlso published here 1981 47
10-20 Force cut and then cross total of the amount
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Deckalogue)
Thomas Alan Waters Matrix Number Force with cards
Related to 1982
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Deckalogue)
Thomas Alan Waters Quintasense some tarot cards are selected via the matrix force, reading, written on paper matches the selected cards
Inspired byRelated to 1982
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Grymwyr)
Spectator finds your Card spectator deals cards and again in two piles, suit and value of top cards combine to performer's selection, re-deal force
Related to 1982 5
Ten-Twenty Force
1982 13
Stewart James The Dilly-Dally Principle number force with playing cards
Arcane (Issue 10)
Stewart James Polychromatic Wheel strange force involving a wheel layout on the table
Arcane (Issue 10)
John F. Mendoza The Strange 20 Card Coincidence some cards dealt, dealt packets, selection and prediction make up a royal flush
1983 167
Dr. Jacob Daley, George Sands Prime Choice No. 31, packet of thirteen cards, selection is the last one face-down after counting procedure
Also published here 1983 52
George Sands Lucky 13 No. 32, prime principle force, small packet counted to named number until only one card remains
Also published here 1983 53
Ken De Courcy, Roy Baker P-A-T-E-O Aces Uses PATEO force to force packet of Aces on spectator
1983 15
Ten-Twenty Force
Epoptica (Issue Yearbook)
Max Maven Triskadekaphobia forcing the number thirteen with cards
Related toVariations July/Aug. 1984
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 2 No. 23 & 24)
Cross Sum Force nine force
1984 87
Jan Torell Karten Vorhersage one card prediction, eleventh card, spectator cuts off packet and counts it
1984 12
Ten-Twenty Force
1984 71
Roy Baker PATEO Force
1984 84
Karl Fulves Hex Squared No. 65, 4x4 layout, spectator moves around according to fixed rules and ends on force card
Also published here 1984 96
Karl Fulves, Sam Schwartz The Square Ring No. 66, 4x4 layout, spectator moves around according to fixed rules and ends on force card, only three instructions
Also published here 1984 97
Martin D. Kruskal Das Kruskal-Prinzip
Also published here Jan. 1984
Intermagic (Vol. 10 No. 3 & 4)
Automatic Placement Force
1985 104
Tom Craven Expanded 10-20 Force for two cards
Variations 1985 521
Miscellaneous Forces
  • forcing four cards with (re)dealing
  • odd-even number of things to force one of two spectators (matches or corners of newspaper)
1985 30
Paul Rosini Four Ace Repetitive cross sum force to find four aces, count-down on last ace (1940)
1985 2
Frederick Braue Three Pile Prediction counting and piles to force ninth card from top (1944)
  • As a Location
1985 3
Dai Vernon, Alex Elmsley The Rendezvous Force mathematical force, Penelope's Principle with Klondike instead of faro shuffle
Related toAlso published here Mar. 1987
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 1 No. 8)
Stephen Minch Towering Prediction cards are laid out and spectator follows instruction from written scroll
Also published here 1987 27
Die Force pile is cut and placed inside pocket, twenty cards placed on table and card selected which is at position that matches number of cards in pocket
Magische Blätter (Vol. 1 No. 7)
Bob Farmer Pentacle Force forcing a Ten to Ace value on spectator, Tsunami principle
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1987/1988 9
Bob Farmer High Card Force five spectators remove cards from portions of the deck, then another spectator the highest one of those, card is forced
VariationsAlso published here 1987/1988 17
Dai Vernon, Alex Elmsley The Rendezvous Force mathematical force, Penelope's Principle with Klondike instead of faro shuffle
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1988 119
Clock Force
1989 128
The 21 Card Force
Related to 1989 522
Karl Fulves Twenty-Twenty spectator deal pile into three packets and pockets top cards, they are divined
1989 23
Karl Fulves A Fortune spectator cuts off packet and then counts down to make a selection (10-20 handling), value is looked up on chart and spectator loses
1989 27
Dr. Q
1989 29
George Lawrence Mathematical Force
June 1991 3
Temple Patton Tantalizer Force starts with a free cut, duplicate force cards on sixth and eighth position
Also published here
  • "Cardiograph" (Temple C. Patton, Card Tricks Anybody Can Do, 1968)
1991 2
Diabelli Number Force with eleven Tarot cards, sum of digit of birthday is used, two force cards
1991 17
Jerry K. Hartman Black and Blue with 14-15 force variation two packets with different colored backs
Also published here
  • in "Precursor" Nr. XXII. P. 11.
1991 513
Cross Sum Force
July/Aug. 1991
The Magic Menu (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Larry Becker Gaff-Free Duo prediction of hotel and room number, using playing cards
Inspired by
  • Don Wayne's "Room Service"
1992 109
Larry Becker Minding the Store, Again prediction of chosen product from list and total of bill, using playing cards
Inspired by
  • Ned Rutledge's "Minding the Store"
1992 111
Robert E. Neale Soul Survivor all cards eliminated except the Ace of Spades which represents the plague, epidemic story presentation, using Roy Baker's PATEO Force
VariationsAlso published here Oct. 1993
Profile (Issue 16)
2.- Forzaje Numérico, del 10 al 20 cross sum force
1993 144
Basil Horwitz Lowest Card Force deck cut in piles, top cards removed, lowest card thought-of
Jan. 1994
New Sorcerer (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Mel Bennett Junk Bonds forcing one pile out of a few, for Ace assembly, using spelling
Inspired by 1994
Rigmarole (Issue 9)
Fred Kaps Curious Count Handling six, seven, eight or nine
1994 29
The Ten-to-twenty Force mathematical principle
1995 90
Steve Pressley Wheel and Deal card is predicted in form of mates and by adding values cards position is found
Inspired by 1995 85
Stewart James One-Deck Wonder two cards to predict card in value and suit, 9 force
1995 130
Steve Beam Location, Location, Location three spectators cut some cards and chose a card, amount and selections are predicted and located, nine-force
Inspired byVariations 1995 172
Karl Fulves What's in a Name? No. 8, name is spelled in eleven-card packet and last card turned over, repeated until one card remains, it is the only odd-colored one
Related to 1995 10
Robert E. Neale 10. Sole Survivor all cards eliminated except the Ace of Spades which represents the plague, epidemic story presentation, using Roy Baker's PATEO Force
Also published here 1995 133
Robert E. Neale 14. Triskaidekaphobia prime principle force, packet of tarot cards counted to named number until only one card remains
  • Alternative Routine
  • More Facts and Their Sources
Inspired byAlso published here 1995 163
Bob Farmer, Max Maven Fifty Years Ago in Magic
  • Flim-Flam
on the Billy O’Connor's backcount force in "One Card 10/20 Poker", back and forth letters between Max and Bob
Related to Sep. 1995
Magic (Vol. 5 No. 1)
Lewis Jones Stranger spectator spells personal information to arrive at card
Apr. 1997
Apocalypse (Vol. 20 No. 4)
Nick Trost Predicting One of Six Cards moving counter on row of cards
Inspired by
  • "See No Evil - Hear No Evil" (Clyde Cairy & Peter Tappan, The New Tops, 1967)
Also published here
1997 122
George Sands, Mitsunobu Matsuyama "Lucky 13" Force Using a fair dice to force bottom card of seven card packet, by eliminating cards at rolled number repeatedly, independently discovered by Mitsunobu Matsuyama
1997 144
The Ten-to-Twenty Force
1997 188
Karl Fulves Dealing Force to place card at thought-of number in five-card packet
1997 131
George Sands Prime Number Packet Principle Packet of cards with prime number of cards, think of any integer n, flip over every nth card in succession, forces the remaining card
1997 108
10-20 Force
Feb. 1997
Magic (Vol. 6 No. 6)
Karl Fulves Stebbins Clock clock layout, one card turned over and put in center, counting procedure with the value and last card on count always turned over, remaining card forced
Inspired byRelated to 1998 176
Karl Fulves, Mel Bennett A Card Force
  • "Dot Com - Tricks and stunts with numbers"
Ace through Nine in row on table, some cards eliminated, rest added, total divided by six and counted from either end, variations on this force
Related to 1998 286
The Ten-to-Twenty Force
1998 24
Karl Fulves Count-Down Force two spectators note card in pocket by counting down to number arrived at with calculator, secretly the same card
1998 29
Peter Duffie The Council of 9 spectator finds selection with Ten-Twenty Force
1998 15
Patrick Page, Ken De Courcy The Force forcing ESP card with 10-20 force
1999 16
Patrick Page, Ken De Courcy May the Force be with You prediction in envelope
1999 17
Karl Fulves Theory Z four-card square with Ace, Four, King and Nine, instruction game, final card predicted
Variations 1999
The Fine Print (Issue 10)
David Acer Shot in the Dark (A Professional Presentation)
packet trick with guns on cards, russian roulette presentation, prime number principle
Inspired by
  • "Shot in the Dark" (Hiroshi Kondo, marketed effect)
1999 193
Ellis Stanyon The Capital Q No. 23, back-count force
  • Improvement (as divination with partial stack)
1999 70
Karl Fulves PATEO Variation force done by two spectators, magician's choice on final decision
Inspired by
  • PATEO (Roy Baker, Baker's Bonanza, p. 38)
Related to
2000 184
George Sands Prime Force
Related to 2000 202
Richard Mark Prediction Plus Deck spectator deals through deck and stops at one card, prediction on business card, with 9-force variation
2000 60
Down-Under Deal Force
2000 100
Karl Fulves, Stewart James Voodoo Clue No. 29, card chosen by dealing two piles from seventeen-card packet and moving cards from top to bottom according to an Eight and Nine removed by performer, card arrived at predicted
2001 62
Mitsunobu Matsuyama, Karl Fulves Petal Force to force a card from Aces and Twos
2001 152
Karl Fulves MM Force more on the working of Mitsunobu Matsuyama's petal force
Related to 2001 159
Sam Schwartz Remote Viewing 5x5 layout, spectator moves around according to fixed rules and ends on force card
Inspired byRelated toVariations 2001
Discoverie (Issue 5)
Jim Steinmeyer, George Sands The Five Card Mix forcing a card from five, see also George Sands "Prime Time"
Related toVariations 2002 21
Karl Fulves Unknown Numbers card named, performer upjogs three cards and loses them again, card chosen by counting to two named numbers, named card and its mate found
Inspired by
  • "Coincidence Or What" (Stuart Judah)
Related to
2002 241
Countback Force number minus square sum to find card
2002 111
Stewart James Fourth Incantation
Related toVariations 2002 121
Steve Beam Lucky Digits small packet counted to named number until only one card remains
Related to 2002 177
Newell Unfried No-Looking Location divination of a card
Related to
  • Tony Koynini's "Any Number" in "Tony Koynini's Card Miracles", 1951,
2002 224
Steve Beam The 15/15 Force forcing number 15
2002 243
Dave Arch The Omniscient Oracle prediction of oracle card, cross sum force
Syzygy (Vol. 5 No. 10)
Alan Wakeling, Jim Steinmeyer one rule of Matrix poker sixteen card matrix, cards chosen, they're predicted
Related to 2003 28
George Sands Prime Number Principle p cards, any number smaller than p counted to and card turned over, repeated from there until one card remains not turned over, it's forced
  • Why it Works
Related to
  • Card Concepts (Arthur MacTier)
2003 73
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Co-Prime Number Principle extension of prime number principle
Inspired by 2003 73
Iain Girdwood Prime Deal dealing cards on table, sometimes pairs, spectator stops and a the amount of cards on the table is always prime
  • Eliminating the Non-Prime Stopping Points
2003 76
George Sands Lucky 13 Force one of five objects
Related to 2004 18
Basil Horwitz Lowest Card Force deck cut in piles, top cards removed, lowest card thought-of
2004 57
Lewis Jones Lucky, Lucky, Lucky prime principle force, small packet counted to named number until selection appears, as bar bet
Inspired byVariations 2004 70
Steve Beam Odd Man In with blank cards, as a bar bet trick
Inspired by 2004 73
Ramón Riobóo In the Bluff clever card force, number is counted in the deck to select card, revealed by asking question to other spectator
2004 201
Karl Fulves, Stewart James Stax Fax stacks that force numbers, see also p. 68
2005 45
S. H. Paine Paine Set-Up for a number force, 14-15
2005 45
Bob Ostin The 'Romantic' Card Trick using the cross sum force twice, finding queen and king of hearts
2005 134
Giorgio Tarchini Dice Force using dice rolls to force a card with multiple-out count
Nov. 2005
Antinomy (Vol. 1 No. Annual 2005)
Jim Steinmeyer, Stewart James Five Cards on the March mathematical spelling trick with row of five coins, based on Stewart James "Stranger in a Strange Land"
Variations 2006 10
Jack Avis The Old Q Card Trick back-count force, card vanishes and appears in wallet, duplicate
2006 111
George Sands Prime Number Principle
2006 199
Thomas Baxter Forced Smile counting force in which force card starts twenty-seventh from face, less than half is cut and rest counted, digits added and sum counted down
Dec. 2006
Antinomy (Vol. 2 No. Annual 2006)
Roberto Giobbi, Richard Vollmer That Is the Question automatic placement and cross sum force, cards dealt in form of a question mark
Related to 2006 141
Paul Gordon The Mystic Nine spectator thinks of a card using mathematical procedure of 10-20 force, it'll be a Nine which the performer produces
2006 124
Stewart James Incantations 20 card force, different ways of presenting it
Related toAlso published here
  • Handwritten notes, 1964
2007 153
Nick Trost The Couple's Lucky Number two cards are forced via number procedures
Inspired by 2008 46
Billy O'Connor Ten-Twenty Force
2008 127
Billy O'Connor Ten-Twenty Force
2008 292
Karl Fulves 'A' For Apple packet of giant picture cards, card chosen with die, apple image, predicted
Prolix (Issue 4)
Lennart Green Love - Hate - Admiration three-card location, using George Sands's Prime Deal
Also published here 2008 10
Juan Tamariz The Magic Seven seven cards from Ace to Seven are used and dealt and re-dealt, in the end pairs which equal seven
2008 122
Juan Tamariz Forcing a Number from One to Nine using packet with Ace through Nine, palindromic stack to force number
2008 134
Juan Tamariz, Max Maven Forcing the Number Thirteen forcing the number thirteen with cards, using Ace to Queen
Inspired by 2008 136
George Sands The Principle of Prime Numbers prime principle force, small packet counted to named number until only one card remains
Inspired by 2008 142
Robert E. Neale 10. Sole Survivor all cards eliminated except the Ace of Spades which represents the plague, epidemic story presentation, using Roy Baker's PATEO Force
Also published here 2009 133
Robert E. Neale 14. Triskaidekaphobia prime principle force, packet of tarot cards counted to named number until only one card remains
  • Alternative Routine
  • More Facts and Their Sources
Also published here 2009 163
David Gemmell 3 - 4 - 1 ten-twenty force, three card location
Related to 2009 133
Mitsunobu Matsuyama The Petal Force
2010 194
Jim Steinmeyer Force Six circle layout to force six
2010 23
Jim Steinmeyer Force Ten circle layout to force ten
2010 24
Karl Fulves Illusive Card spectator names one of nine random cards and puts them in a row, PATEO variation in which three cards are pushed forward every time
Prolix (Issue 8)
Bill Nord, Roberto Giobbi The Magic Card cut the deck into two piles, one pile is counted, the two digits in the number of cards is added together to get a single digit, count down to that number in that pile to find selection, indicator card leads to selection
Related to 2010 15
Billy O'Connor Ten-Twenty Force
Also published here
  • The Magic Wand, June-Sep. 1935, "After the Four Ace Trick"
2011 821
Steve Beam One in a Bazillion a card is constructed in the mind of a volunteer, it is shown reversed in a pictured spread of playing cards, and then removed from magician's pocket
Also published here 2012 9
Bruce Bernstein It Takes Two card is chosen and shuffled back into the deck, cards are eliminated, last card is selection, PATEO
Also published here 2012 134
Jim Steinmeyer Equivoque: The Full Deck Fandango verbal force of Seven of Clubs with deck using spelling
Also published here 2013 12
Jim Steinmeyer Equivoque: The Tin Can Phone nine of Hearts forced, using cans with string
2013 14
Jim Steinmeyer The Full Deck Fandango verbal force of Seven of Clubs with deck using spelling
Also published here Aug. 2013
Genii (Vol. 76 No. 8)
Tomas Blomberg The Konami Code bunch of photographs shuffled by spectator are disposed at the table, spectator ends up on the predicted one via pointing/arrows on photos
2014 13
Lennart Green Amor, Odio y Admiración three-card location, using George Sands's Prime Deal
Also published here 2014
El Manuscrito (Vol. 7 No. 28)
Jim Steinmeyer The Irresistible Force from three cards (Six, Seven, Queen) the Seven is forced via elimination counting procedure
Variations 2015 7
Robert E. Neale Wheel Force Elimination force from five objects starting with the one selected by a spectator.
2015 39
Steve Beam Sweet Spot Range Force where spectator makes all the choices to arrive at force card.
2015 206
Steve Beam Small Prize Winner Range Force where spectator makes all the choices to arrive at force card.
2015 209
Steve Beam Nuclear Force Range Force where spectator makes all the choices to arrive at force card.
Related to 2015 211
Steve Beam Ranger School Several versions of a range force where spectator makes all the choices to arrive at force card.
  • The Deepest Cut
  • Short Cut
  • Split Forces
  • It's Manure Time
  • Retreating Force
  • Opposing Force
  • Centrifugal Force
2015 213
Steve Beam Predicting the Past Routine where the magician predicts a card to be freely chosen by a member of the audience.
Also published here 2015 217
Steve Beam One in a Bazillion Since magician claims he didn't bring any cards, a card is constructed in the mind of a volunteer. It is shown reversed in a pictured spread of playing cards, and then removed from magician's pocket.
Also published here 2015 220
Steve Beam Blankety Blank Blank (both sides) deck used to create a playing card. That card is removed from the pocket and it appears (prints) in the deck.
2015 225
Gordon Bean One Out of Three Combination of concepts used to force a card.
2015 45
Marty Kane Four Suits, Forsooth! mathematical four-Ace production
Related to 2015 172
Bob Farmer CADD Cut-and-Deal-Down Force, see later
Related to 2015 46
Nick Trost Ten-Twenty Aces Aces found with Ten-Twenty force
Inspired by 2015 1232
Jon Racherbaumer New-and-Clear Force Ace-through-King set-up, card chosen by first chosen value then suit, card not really forced but under control
Inspired by
  • "Variation: Beam’s Artificial Nuclear Force" (David Solomon, Solomon's Bulletin #81, Jan. 2016
Related to
Facsimile (Issue 5)
Roberto Giobbi 10/20 Force Variation
Hidden Agenda (Issue July 1)
Roberto Giobbi, Anthony Norman Deal Force with small numbers that are named
Related to
  • "Basic Card Technique" (Anthony Norman, 1948)
Hidden Agenda (Issue Nov 8)
Steve Beam 1 zu einer Fantastilliarde a card is constructed in the mind of a volunteer, it is shown reversed in a pictured spread of playing cards, and then removed from magician's pocket
Also published here 2016 2