114 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Skill Demonstration / Card on Ceiling or Wall
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
La Carte Dansante (The dancing card) selection appears on the wall, goes left and right and up until the card vanishes and appears again, thread and duplicate
1784 13
La Carte Clouée au Mur d'un Coup de Pistolet corner torn of selection, then nail is marked and loaded into a gun, cards sprung into the air and selection is nailed to the wall, corner matches, with assistant
Related to 1784 15
To Nail a Chosen Card to the Wall
1876 77
The Black Velvet Banner three cards are shot with pistol on velvet cloth, they appear stuck on it, flap silk
1889 196
The Velvet Cloth for the Production of Cards three cards are shot with pistol on velvet cloth, they appear stuck on it, flap silk
1890 109
Eine gezogene Karte an die Wand festzunageln No. 25, deck thrown to wall, selection remains thumb tacked at wall
1895 31
Die an die Thür genagelte Karte deck thrown at door and selection remains nailed there with thumbtack
1896 78
Die Spiegelkarte deck thrown against mirror, it breaks and card appears on mirror, mirror is repaired
Related to 1896 169
Die Kartenscheibe deck thrown on board by spectator, selection remains stuck on board
Variations 1896 185
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster "Der Deutsche Reichsadler" deck thrown on board with bird drawing by spectator, selection remains stuck on board
Inspired by 1896 186
Die Spiegelkarte deck thrown onto mirror, selection sticks, mirror broken when card is removed and restored
Related to July 1896
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 2 No. 7)
The Cards and Mirror deck thrown on mirror, three selections stick to it
1897 171
The Card and Broken Mirror deck thrown on mirror, it breaks and card sticks to mirror, mirror restored
1897 265
Der behexte Spiegel deck thrown against mirror, selection sticks to mirror
June 1898
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 3 No. 12)
Der elektrische Kartenspiegel No. 10, mirror hangs on stage, deck thrown on it and selection clings to it, drops on command, electro magnet, alternative handling with battery on back and mirror in hand
1900 80
New Methods of Concluding Card Tricks - First Method chewing gum
1909 43
Theodore Annemann Thoughts in General: Card on Ceiling see page 172 for suggestion by Scotty Lang
Mar. 1936
The Jinx (Issue 18)
Sigmund Krumgold Odd Event
The Jinx (Issue 102)
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue The Card Target spectator throws cards at target, selection sticks there
1942 25
Der Drucker verheimlicht ein magisches Geheimnis corrections to "Die Meteorkarte", deck is placed inside envelope and stuck on a wall, then the envelope is lit with cigarette, paper vanishes and all card fall on the floor but selection
Related to Feb. 1942
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 4 No. 2)
Johnny Paul Tack It cased deck slammed on wall, selection sticks to wall thumb tacked
1942 25
Ed Reno "Tack It" deck thrown at board held by spectator
1943 231
Card on the Ceiling wax
1943 235
James F. Herpick, Jack Thimbleny Improved Card on the Ceiling
1943 236
Card on the Wall
1943 238
The Card, Card Case, and Board
1943 240
Theodore Annemann The Card on the Ceiling wax
1943 1
Bill Nord Card Trick from Sphinx deck put on the wall held by flash paper, when ignited all cards fall down except selection
Mar. 1944
The Phoenix (Issue 55)
Harry Mendoza Card on the Wall chosen card tacked to the wall
1945 24
Milbourne Christopher Shooting a Card card shot with thumb tack on a board, pistol used and matching corner
Oct. 1946 256
Milbourne Christopher The Stick Up deck tossed on magazine held by the performer, selection sticks to magazine
Aug. 1948 449
Magnetizing A Card Sticking a playing card to a wall with static electricity
1949 8
Johnny Paul, Howard Thurston, Richard Du Bois The Card on the Wall No. 100, card is forced using partial numerical stack (even values only)
1950 191
Harry Houdini, Howard Thurston, Harry Blackstone, Max Malini, Louis Nikola, Carl Rosini Card on Ceiling No. 119
1950 231
Frank Garcia, Clayton Rawson, Paul Fleming Variation on Card on the Ceiling No. 120, Variation using pre-loaded card
1950 233
Jean Hugard The Tacked Cards three cards on ceiling using a thumb tack
Mar. 1951
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 8 No. 10)
Don Alan Stuck Up Card card on wall, thumb tack
1951 16
Lewis Ganson The Card on the Ceiling applying the previous New Location
1952 41
Jay Marshall Card on Ceilling tape method
1953 22
Howard Bamman The Impromptu Card on the Wall with tack
1956 8
Henry Bihari Card on Board thumb-tack
1957 15
Matt Schulien The Card on the Wall with thumb tack
1959 142
Charlie Miller The Tack Trick thumb tack
1961 54
Dr. Stanley Jaks Dr. Jaks "Karte an die Wand" card is unseen an put in pocket, second deck is thrown at a wall and same card as selection is found pinned on the wall
Also published here 1961 67
Joseph M. White CATnips on Scotch Band Double Face Tape, various tips and tricks
  • #1 to make double facers
  • #2 to clean tuxedo
  • #3 torn and restored card inside bag
  • #4 card on ceiling
  • #5 faking headlines
  • #6 index envelope for six disc
  • #7 taping silk to table
  • #8 double side coin
July 1965
The New Jinx (Vol. 4 No. 39)
Joseph M. White Slam Bang Card using scotch tape
Nov. 1965
The New Jinx (Vol. 4 No. 43)
J. W. Sarles Card on Ceiling Idea wax on ceiling
Nov. 1966 64
Murry Graham Rough Smooth Card on Ceiling not-so-serious idea
Dec. 1966 71
Charles Aste Jr. Ceiling Unlimited shooting a card to high ceiling with bow and arrow
July 1967
Ibidem (Issue 32)
Jules Lenier The Card and Pistol comment on routine in Decremps, corner torn of selection, then nail is marked and loaded into a gun, cards sprung into the air and selection is nailed to the wall, corner matches, with assistant
Related to Aug. 1970
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 24)
Marconick Card on Mirror cards are sprung against mirror, selection sticks to it
Also published here 1970 6
Card on the Wall saliva
1972 7
A. P. Johnson Card Hypnotism selection sticks to the wall
1972 53
Card on the Ceiling
1972 90
Karl Norman Card On the Ceiling
Also published here 1974 54
Karl Fulves Workshop (1) card vanishes from deck and appears on ceiling, posed as a problem
Related to 1976
Interlocutor (Issue 13)
Harry Lorayne Miscellaneous Magic with Card on Ceiling story
1977 240
Card on the Ceiling
1978 66
John Carney Over My Head
1979 9
Michael Skinner Die Karte an der Deck uses rubber band idea by Carl Zamloch, wax on ring
Also published here
  • "The Transfixed Card" in "Genii" Vol. 33, Nr. 5. P. 203, 1969.
Das Mike Skinner / Piet Forton Seminarheft (Issue Das Mike Skinner Seminarheft)
Marconick La carte dans la glace cards are sprung against mirror, selection sticks to it
Also published here 1979 22
Michael Ammar Indoor Baseball card on board, thumb tack
Also published here 1980 7
Scotty York Impromptu Card Sequence routine with four Aces, several references to other published Ace routines, ends up with selection on ceiling
1980 6
Michael Ammar Coin on Ceiling also as a kicker for card on ceiling with card corner
VariationsAlso published here 1981 11
Michael Skinner The Transfixed Card without mess, credit information
1982 25
Bob Chesbro Card on the Ceiling deck and thumb tack thrown to ceiling simultaneously
1982 38
John Kennedy Card Missile cards are tossed through newspaper, selections is stuck into wall
1983 45
Michael Ammar Card on Ceiling
1983 69
Jay Bedsworth Hit The Ceiling! using thumb tack
May 1984
Apocalypse (Vol. 7 No. 5)
Gaëtan Bloom The Card on the Human Wall deck thrown on a styrofoam board hung on spectator's back as a human wall, selected card is left stuck on wall. Card then changes into second selection
1986 6
John Kennedy Behind Glass card through window
May 1987
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 1 No. 10)
John C. Wagner Entertainment Tacks
1987 1
Ken Simmons Banded Card on Ceiling card on ceiling has previously vanishes rubber band around it
1987 68
Doc Eason The $100 Card On Ceiling Thru Ceiling Fan
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 3 No. 1-5 Aspen Bar Magic)
José Carroll Triple Tack...er three selections nailed to board, when deck is thrown towards it
Also published here 1991 110
Michael Ammar Coin on Ceiling also as a kicker for card on ceiling with card corner
Also published here 1991 93
Michael Ammar Indoor Baseball card on board, thumb tack
Also published here 1991 189
Douglas Cameron Wax Steal from Shoe
Oct. 1992
Profile (Issue 10)
Karl Norman Card on the Ceiling
Also published here 1993 162
Stuart Bowie Secret Support tips on wax for card on ceiling, lotion and roughing cards
July/Aug. 1993
The Magic Menu (Vol. 3 No. 18)
Karl Norman Card On Ceiling
Also published here 1995 20
Vanni Bossi Card on the Ceiling idea to enhance effect
1995 6
Joe Scott, Paul LePaul The Card on the Wall with gimmick to get thumb tack into signed card
1995 105
Jon Allen High Society thought-of card on ceiling
Also published here 1995 10
Paul Green In the Trenches on the card on ceiling
Nov./Dec. 1995
The Magic Menu (Vol. 6 No. 32)
John West From Lapel To Wall interesting effect variation
Feb. 1996
Apocalypse (Vol. 19 No. 2)
Jon Allen High Society thought-of card on ceiling
Also published here Jan./Feb. 1996
The Magic Menu (Vol. 6 No. 33)
Karl Fulves Flight Deck four jacks and three sixes, one jack vanishes, it is found stuck to ceiling
1997 135
Ellis Stanyon Nailing Chosen Card to the Door No. 13
Variations 1999 24
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note using tape
Inspired by 1999 24
Ellis Stanyon On the Ceiling No. 18, wax
1999 26
Ellis Stanyon Nailing a Chosen Card to the Wall No. 8, duplicate card with pin already in it palmed to deck
1999 159
Ellis Stanyon The Sticking Pack of Cards No. 47, deck thrown against wall to which it sticks, then cards rise out of deck
1999 184
Karl Fulves Single Ceiling "Problems"
throwing a single card to ceiling and it sticks, posed as a problem
2000 78
Bill Spooner An Out-Of-Deck Experience three cards chosen, one signed, cards jump out one by one, card con ceiling finale
2000 117
Jack Chanin Card on Ceiling Method
2000 120
Jamy Ian Swiss Is Wax Tacky? "Thoughts on the Card on Ceiling"
Also published here 2002 13
Jamy Ian Swiss The Sucrets Repeat Set-up for Card on Ceiling set-up allows repeated performances
Also published here
  • Genii, Sep. 1987
2002 15
Jamy Ian Swiss The Self-Contained Card on Ceiling marker pen as wax container
  • Handling #1
  • Handling #2
  • Handling #3
2002 17
David Ben Card On Ceiling
2003 74
Jon Allen High Society thought-of card on ceiling
Also published here 2009 85
Román García La Carta en el Techo with chewing gum that is spit while cards are thrown into the air
2010 157
Michael Skinner The Transfixed Card uses rubber band idea by Carl Zamloch, wax on ring
Also published here
  • Genii, Jan. 1969
Nov./Dec. 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 11 & 12)
Dr. Stanley Jaks Card on the Wall card is unseen an put in pocket, second deck is thrown at a wall and same card as selection is found pinned on the wall
Also published here 2014 115
Vanni Bossi Fresco rubber-banded deck, novel wax management
2016 57
Vanni Bossi Tack-Card Gimmick card holding a thumb tack
2016 106
Alexander de Cova Comedy Karte an Decke deck tossed towards ceiling, no card sticks, selection levitates from floor to performer's hand
2016 191
Jamy Ian Swiss Is Wax Tacky? "Thoughts on the Card on Ceiling"
Also published here 2018 18
Jamy Ian Swiss The Sucrets Repeat Set-up for Card on Ceiling set-up allows repeated performances
Also published here
  • Genii, Sep. 1987
2018 20
José Carroll The Triple Tacker three selections nailed to board, when deck is thrown towards it
Also published here 2019 242
Peter Gröning Spiked paper nailed to wall, card signed and vanished, it appears nailed to wall behind paper
  • An enhanced handling (both sides of card signed)
2020 74
John Carney Exquisite Isolation comments on the plot
2020 295
Lionel Gallardo Carta en el techo plus card on ceiling, cased deck with rubber band around
2021 161
Max Malini Card on Wall/Card on Ceiling also with thumb tack
2022 295