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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Joe Berg, The Card and Crystal Ball spectator divines selection in crystal ball, with variation by Joe Berg
Related to 1937 35
Bruce Elliott The Back Room Dr. Hurwitz, Al Flosso, U.F. Grant, George Sands' non-make-up version to look like a chinaman, Orson Welles
Sep. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 18)
Franklin V. Taylor Materialization coin appears with the help of a spring clothes-pin and a handkerchief
Variations Nov. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 22)
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Think-A-Drink-Hoffman, Fred Keating, a bar bet by Stuart Robson, Albenice, Orson Welles, Greater Magic, John Scarne
Dec. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 25)
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Hen Fetch, John Scarne, James G. Thompson Jr. Orson Welles, Dunninger and Tom Osborne
Apr. 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 33)
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on the Great Ballantin, Jean Hugard and Fred Braue, Orson Welles, a bingo fraud, Bill Gresham gives some tips on knife throwing
July 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 40)
Bruce Elliott The Back Room Frances Ireland, female magicians, Orson Welles, Tommy Dowd
Feb. 1944
The Phoenix (Issue 53)
Orson Welles Fruit Cup coin in egg in lemon in orange in grapefruit using a clothespin
Inspired byAlso published here May 1944
The Phoenix (Issue 61)
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on "Le Magicien" Milbourne Christopher, Larry Arcuri, Mardo, Stewart James, Orson Welles, Loring Campbell
Jan. 1946
The Phoenix (Issue 98)
Orson Welles The Town Skryer thought of card is revealed by another spectator while looking into a glass of water
Related toAlso published here Apr. 1946
The Phoenix (Issue 103)
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Paul Duke, Al Baker, Dell O'Dell, Dr. Belanger, Alan Barnert, Braue, Orson Welles in the show "Around the World"
June 1946
The Phoenix (Issue 108)
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Bill Gresham, Orson Welles, Richard Himber, Erdnase, Paul Fleming, Jay Marshall
Oct. 1946
The Phoenix (Issue 113)
Frederick Braue Roundabout on Milbourne Christopher, Al Flosse, Al Baker, Stuart Robson, Orson Welles, Mahendra, Dean Moore, Dorny, Dante, Scarne, Aril Lamarque and more
Aug. 1946 243
Frederick Braue Roundabout on John Mulholland, Roy Benson, Martin Gardner, Carl Jones, Orson Welles, Frakson, Cardini, George Karger, George Starke, Bert Allerton, the Mesmerized Glasses and more
Sep. 1946 252
Frederick Braue Roundabout with Fred Braue on Richard Himber, Houdini, Orson Welles, Aaron Weiss and more
Jan. 1947 288
Bruce Elliott The Back Room story of a Rupert's drop, on Milbourne Christopher, Roy Benson, Orson Welles, Lloyd Jones, Dr. Jaks
July 1948
The Phoenix (Issue 155)
Frederick Braue Roundabout with Fred Braue on Mandrake, SAM convention, Paul Fleming, Orson Welles, Paul Morris, George Karger, Jerry Lukins, Dante, Frank Chapman, Roy Benson, Charles Chance, Joe Karson, Herrman, Kellar, Herman Miller and more
July 1948 440
Frank Joglar Backstage on Martin Gardner, Dai Vernon, Houdini, Fogel, Dunninger, Abbott, George Jason, Jack Miller, Walter Gibson, Cardini, Jay & Frances Marshall, Ballantine, Kay Kayser, Michael MacDonald, Bruce Elliott, Al Baker, Jay Palmer, Card Mondor, Orson Welles, Jean Hugard, Roy Benson, Stanley Jaks and more
  • Conclaves
  • TV Topics
  • Mystery of the Month
  • Parties
  • Grapevine
  • Jottings
  • Applause
  • Memory Book
  • Notes
Oct. 1950 714
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Roy Benson, Richard Himber, Ande Furlong, Annemann's diary, Peter Warlock, Orson Welles
June 1951
The Phoenix (Issue 232)
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Magicol, Larry Becker, Gerald Kosky, Orson Welles, Leslie Barrie, Tommy Martin, Bill Nord
July 1951
The Phoenix (Issue 234)
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Milbourne Christopher, Lee Noble, Don Alan, Carl Rosini, George Starke, Stars of Magic, Orson Welles, Cy Endfield, Charlie Miller, Jimmy Grippo, Cardini
Jan. 1952
The Phoenix (Issue 246)
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Lewis Ganson, Rusduck, Orson Welles, Frances Ireland, hypnotism
May 1952
The Phoenix (Issue 256)
Norman Jensen The Bird Cage on Fred Keating, Milbourne Christoher, Richard Himber, Orson Welles, Frank Garcia
Mar. 1954
The New Phoenix (Issue 303)
Bruce Elliott, Jay Marshall The Back Room on Bruce Elliott, Dr. Stanley Jaks, Orson Welles
Feb. 1956
The New Phoenix (Issue 336)
Bill Madsen Editorium on Johnny Carson, Orson Welles
Oct. 1967
The New Jinx (Vol. 6 No. 66)
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on Rudy Hunter, Orson Welles, Bart Whaley, Barry Wiley, Lulu Hurst
Sep. 1991
Magick (Issue 460)
Finally Orson Welles performance photograph
Feb. 1993
Magic (Vol. 2 No. 6)
David Charvet Orson Welles & The Mercury Wonder Show
  • Part One: The Man
  • Part Two: The Show
  • Welles-isms On Magic
Related to Aug. 1993
Magic (Vol. 2 No. 12)
Walter Zaney Blaney Pro Orson
  • Letters
Related to Sep. 1993
Magic (Vol. 3 No. 1)
William L. Ingram Orson Welles
  • Letters
Related to Oct. 1993
Magic (Vol. 3 No. 2)
David Berglas Orson Welles & "Casino Royale"
Nov. 1993
Magic (Vol. 3 No. 3)
Dimis Michaelides Orson Welles
  • Letters
Dec. 1993
Magic (Vol. 3 No. 4)
Ted Lesley European Chit Chat on Felix Farell, Rainer Holbe, Marlene Dietrich, Orson Welles, Charles Raynolds
June 1993
Vibrations (Vol. 15 No. 12)
Bill McIlhany Magic And The Movies: Part 11 - Legends Of Magic And The Movies: Orson Welles & Channing Pollock
Related to Nov. 1996
Magic (Vol. 6 No. 3)
Jim Steinmeyer, Orson Welles Dowsing and Divining
  • Conjuring
dowsing for water with several Foo Cans in a row (Orson Welles)
Nov. 1996
Magic (Vol. 6 No. 3)
Stephen Minch A For Fake
  • Letters
Related to Jan. 1997
Magic (Vol. 6 No. 5)
John A. Daniel When Orson Called... on Orson Welles
Nov. 1997
Magic (Vol. 7 No. 3)
Finally young Orson Welles photograph
Nov. 1998
Magic (Vol. 8 No. 3)
Wynn Pierce Wheldon Orson Welles: The Magician
Feb. 2000
Genii (Vol. 63 No. 2)
Orson Welles: A sample of his approach to magic
Feb. 2000
Genii (Vol. 63 No. 2)
Orson Welles Fruit Cup coin in egg in lemon in orange in grapefruit using a clothespin
Also published here Feb. 2000
Genii (Vol. 63 No. 2)
Orson Welles The Town Skryer thought of card is revealed by another spectator while looking into a glass of water
Also published here Feb. 2000
Genii (Vol. 63 No. 2)
Orson Welles Orson Welles on the Subject of Magic
Also published here
  • Foreword from Magic as a Hobby by Bruce Elliott, 1948
Feb. 2000
Genii (Vol. 63 No. 2)
David Berglas Casino Royale Berglas consulting work for the movie Casino Royale (1967) with Orson Welles, Peter Sellers, Ursula Andress and David Niven
2002 223
Mike Caveney The Orson Welles Act person travels from trunk to chair, discussion of the performance at the 2011 Los Angeles History Conference
  • Building the Tip-Over Trunk
  • Killing the Angles
  • Sedan Chair
  • The Routine
2013 221
Orson Welles A Story... scorpion-frog story
Hidden Agenda (Issue Feb 12)