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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Diabelli Freie Deutsche Meisterschaften im Zaubern as Harry Meier, on the german magic convention organized by the Magischen Nordlichter, Flip, Punx, Werry, Rivelino, Braco, Frank Wien, P.C. Juling, Lubor Fiedler
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 46 No. 4)
Pascal Pendeln on the pendulum, pendulum in bottles
Related to 1987
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 48 No. 3)
Diabelli Erklärung für: Pendeln ganz verrückt (HOPO Juni 1987 explanation for pendulum in bottles
Related to 1987
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 48 No. 4&5)
Paul Maurer (reviewer) Diabelli's Dämonenkabinett - Allerlei Bizarres by Diabelli 1988
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 49 No. 6)
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on Tarot, Harry "Diabelli" Meier
Jan. 1990
Magick (Issue 433)
Diabelli Vorwort
1991 3
Diabelli Mentale Unterhaltung - Was ist das? on performing mentalism
1991 5
Diabelli Programmgestaltung - Präsentation on the structure of a mentalism act and presentation
1991 7
Diabelli Der Zuschauer hat immer recht! essay "the spectator is always right"
1991 9
Diabelli Perfektion - Nein Danke! on being perfect
1991 11
Diabelli Russisch-Roulette russian roulette with seven cups, one is filled with acid, different color and paper dissolves inside as proof
1991 14
Diabelli Numerologie prediction of Tarot card in envelope
1991 16
Diabelli Number Force with eleven Tarot cards, sum of digit of birthday is used, two force cards
1991 17
Diabelli Die Gerechtigkeit open prediction with Tarot cards, stopped at card is placed in box
1991 19
Diabelli Das Swami Gimmick thoughts on different nail writer models
1991 22
Diabelli Lotto lottery card, named number was predicted with a cross
1991 25
Diabelli Die Uhr prediction of a freely named time, watch drawn on paper
1991 26
Diabelli Runen spectator draws a rune symbol on piece of paper which is then sealed in envelope, other spectator selects rune stone with same symbol
1991 27
Diabelli ESP Spectator selects ESP card, second spectator marks same ESP symbol on a chart
1991 31
Diabelli Trank des Grauens "2" with three filled test tubes, aluminium ball is placed in last one where liquid starts to react as proof
Related to
  • "Trank des Grauens" in Diabelli's "Liber Äquinox"
1991 32
Diabelli Pendeln one of five ESP cards is selected with pendulum, it is marked with an X on the back, boardmarker ink
1991 34
Diabelli Nomen Est Omen fake check is placed in envelope, lots of envelopes are handed to the spectators, with a book consisting of first names, names are selected by accident and if one in the audience has the same name, he has to shout, first person who shouts owns the envelope with the fake check
1991 36
Diabelli Buchtest
1991 40
Diabelli Qual der Wahl spectator marks an X on a newspaper page with the cinema adds, selected movie is predicted, with variation
1991 44
Diabelli Bizarr bizarr routine, prediction of a Tarot card, amulet breaks into pieces and skull appears on paper
1991 47
Diabelli Ds Toggeli as Harry Meier, needles vanish and appear in boiled egg
1991 46
Diabelli Ear of the Dragon as Harry Meier, three objects in three bags, one is removed while performer turns away, ashes are placed on paper and image of chosen object appears, audible method
1991 72