149 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Gags & Curiousities / Matrix Layouts & Tapestry
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Das Wiederfinden zweier Karten matrix-layout, magician's choice of two cards
Related to 1896 50
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Prof. Hofzinser's Geheimnis "Die isolierte Karte", spectator locates card via matrix-layout of deck on table and magician's choice
Related to 1896 51
Das Kartenquadrat dealing a square with all Sevens, Eights, Nines and Tens so that no values repeat in rows or columns
1896 94
Der Erraten mehrerer Karten Jacks, Queens, Kings and Aces are dealt out repeatedly in square formation, but it is not clear to what purpose
1896 96
Erraten von Karten durch Quadrate with square layout on table and four, five, six or seven spectators
1896 99
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster Gezwungene Wahl magician's choice from 32 cards and layout on table
Related to 1896 121
Der allwissende Künstler "by H. Sch., Dresden", deck laid out on table, performer can find any named card from the back, switched for stacked deck
Dec. 1896
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 2 No. 4)
Theodore Annemann Contest Dept. square layout, mini-sudoku-type puzzle
The Jinx (Issue Winter Extra 1938/39)
Orville Wayne Meyer Finding the Pairs twelve mate pairs distributed, spectator turns up a card and performer instantly the mate, repeated
1939 26
Russell "Rusduck" Duck 32 selection process with square layout
Variations July 1946
The Phoenix (Issue 109)
Paul Rosini Tap, Tap cards dealt in 4x4 square, spectator removes a bunch of cards and deals other cards in square formation as performer taps on the cards, value on last tap matches number of removed cards
Also published here 1949 36
Paul Rosini Tap cards dealt in 4x4 square, spectator removes a bunch of cards and deals other cards in square formation as performer taps on the cards, value on last tap matches number of removed cards
Related toAlso published here 1950 66
Stewart James The Square Deal 4x4 layout, one row selected, a number generated from its values, that many cards taken from rest and a down-under-deal done with them, final card and a number are predicted
Variations 1954 18
Stewart James Coloracle combination of previous two tricks
Inspired by 1954 20
Harry Lorayne Ten Card Puzzler layout puzzle, turning cards face-up one by one by counting to four multiple times
Variations 1964 49
Harry Lorayne, Thomas Alan Waters The Card Pyramid mathematical layout of spot cards, end result is predicted, for Waters credit see reference
Related toAlso published here 1967 45
Paul Swinford Psychedelic packet cut off, values added, matrix layout, new deck order
Variations 1968 33
Roy Walton Stepping Stones solution for a problem posed by Fulves, several variations
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here 1969 21
Ken Beale, Russell "Rusduck" Duck, Marvin Johnson 32 Deal Duplicated selection process with square layout
Inspired by Spring 1970 126
Martin Gardner Paradox Papers paper with numbers in a 4x4 grid is folded into small square, edges cut off, then all even numbers are one way and the odds another, application with cards, Steve Shimm suggestion, tapestry handling, see also p. 521 for Gene Nielson handling, H. E. Dudeney
Inspired by
  • Henry Dudeny puzzle from "Modern Puzzles" (1926)
Related toVariationsAlso published here
July 1971 429
Karl Fulves Hex Squared 4x4 layout, spectator moves around according to fixed rules and ends on force card, see also p. 512 and also p. 550 for ideas by "Eddie" Cowles and Karl Fulves
Related toVariationsAlso published here Nov. 1971 466
Jack Lottey Electronic Cards square layout of nine cards, instruction on tape, based on Martin Gardner routine
Related to 1971
Magick (Issue 30)
Martin Gardner Parity Bet eleven cards on table with one free section, sliding task for spectator as bet
Jan. 1974 700
Stephen Minch Towering Prediction cards are laid out and spectator follows instruction from a tape recorder
Related toAlso published here 1974 31
Alex Elmsley Parity Failure some cards from 5x5 cards layout are turned over according to rules, condition is called out and on one card is lied
Also published here 1979
The Chronicles (Issue 20)
Nick Trost Test Pattern 4x4 layout, spectator moves around according to fixed rules and ends on force card, using ESP cards
Inspired by 1979 5
Nick Trost E.S. Pattern marker moved on matrix type layout, a match occurs
1979 10
Alex Elmsley Parity Failure some cards from 5x5 cards layout are turned over according to rules, condition is called out and on one card is lied
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1980 38
Karl Fulves A Four-Bit Trick card in square layout of face-up/face-down cards turned over and divined
Related to 1980 43
Karl Fulves Hex Squared 4x4 layout, spectator moves around according to fixed rules and ends on force card
Also published here 1980 44
Sam Schwartz Forced March 4x4 layout, spectator moves around according to fixed rules and ends on force card
Inspired by 1980 54
Sam Schwartz, Karl Fulves The Square Ring 4x4 layout, spectator moves around according to fixed rules and ends on force card, only three instructions
Inspired byAlso published here 1980 55
Karl Fulves The Gathering Ace through Four in square formation turn over one by one under cover, then change to Aces, posed as problem
Interlocutor (Issue 46)
Roy Walton Stepping Stones
  • Additional Climax
  • Alternative Method
Also published here 1981 11
Karl Fulves Hex Squared No. 65, 4x4 layout, spectator moves around according to fixed rules and ends on force card
Also published here 1984 96
Karl Fulves, Sam Schwartz The Square Ring No. 66, 4x4 layout, spectator moves around according to fixed rules and ends on force card, only three instructions
Also published here 1984 97
Bascom Jones Ein Kartenlegen spectator removes three cards, divined after a layout of the rest of the deck, mechanical card counting
Jan. 1984
Intermagic (Vol. 10 No. 3 & 4)
Martin Gardner Paradox Papers No. 9, paper with numbers in a 4x4 grid is folded into small square, edges cut off, then all even numbers are one way and the odds another, application with card values on paper or card layout (chosen card turned over is only odd-colored at the end)
Also published here 1985 18
Philip T. Goldstein, Toni Koynini Throw Rug card revealed via red-black pattern in layout of 7x4 cards on table
Inspired by
  • "Karpet" (Toni Koynini, Magic Wand, March 1953)
Also published here
1986 8
David Britland The Four Bit Machine number cards from 1 to 16, put in square formation and four are selected, their total predicted
1986 51
Stephen Minch Towering Prediction cards are laid out and spectator follows instruction from written scroll
Also published here 1987 27
Karl Fulves Clocking The Deck clock layout on table, made smaller and smaller via elimination, Blackjack remains
Inspired by 1988
The Chronicles (Issue 31)
Karl Fulves Connect the Dots card layout on table, number cards are used to designate some of those cards, they're connected and the resulting line forms a letter that the spectator chose from a deck of alphabet cards
The Chronicles (Issue 35)
Harry Lorayne, Thomas Alan Waters Die Kartenpyramide mathematical layout of spot cards, end result is predicted, for Waters credit see reference
Also published here Feb. 1988
Intermagic (Vol. 13 No. 3)
Richard Vollmer Mr. Koenig's Tapestry dealing a 4x4 square
VariationsAlso published here Mar. 1991
Apocalypse (Vol. 14 No. 3)
Roger A. Golde How Classics are Born!
Inspired by Nov. 1991
Apocalypse (Vol. 14 No. 11)
Tom Daugherty Choices
Inspired by Dec. 1992
Apocalypse (Vol. 15 No. 12)
Rudolf Braunmüller Symbolauswahl tapestry folding with symbol and letter cards, face-down cards predicted and word made from letters divined
Inspired by Dec. 1992
Intermagic (Vol. 17 No. 3)
Michael DeMarco Mr. Koenig finds your card matrix layout
Feb. 1993
Apocalypse (Vol. 16 No. 2)
Karl Fulves Wraparound credit comment on the tapestry procedure, Tom Daugherty's "Folderol"
Related to 1993
Verbatim (Issue 3)
Alex Elmsley Parity Failure some cards from 5x5 cards layout are turned over according to rules, condition is called out and on one card is lied
Also published here 1994 392
Karl Fulves Day One date chosen by choosing some face-up and face-down cards from grid layout, looked up in diary, card noted there predicted, tapestry
Variations 1994 35
Karl Fulves Triumph With Math tapestry layout and foldover
1994 39
Karl Fulves Foldover Notes
Related to 1994 40
Karl Fulves Alpha Matrix 6x5 grid of cards, rows and columns selected via values from other deck until 1 card remains, it's odd-backed
1994 73
Karl Fulves Matrix Notes
1994 74
Karl Fulves Unthought cards chosen by spectator in 4x4 layout find color-matches, other cards don't
1994 76
Karl Fulves Unpaired Poker value matchings in 4x4 layout
1994 77
Karl Fulves Pile-Up six-card pyramid layout, top card switch consecutively downwards to base, total of bottom row predicted "with reasonable accuracy", inspired by Drop Case carnival con game
Variations 1994 124
Mel Bennett Three Card Tricks six-card pyramid layout, folding, number nine can be forced
  • Cheaper By The Dozen (forcing twelve)
  • At The Strike of 10 (ten-card pyramid, forced 25)
Inspired byAlso published here 1994
Verbatim (Issue 10)
Martin Gardner Triangular Curiosity ten cards in pyramid layout, one changes into selection
July 1994
Magic (Vol. 3 No. 11)
Martin Gardner The Pyramid Spell using some pyramid layout on the table, two versions
Arcane (Issue 14)
Arthur Setterington The Square Deal No. 24, 3x3 layout with twelve cards, center cards added give forced number, card at this position predicted
Related to 1995 43
Simon Aronson Moves and Removes marker moved on 3x3 layout, final card predicted, with 4x4 "Sixteen Card Version" on p. 30
Related to
  • Martin Gardner Presents (1993), p. 149
1995 19
Karl Fulves The Nine-Cent Card Trick No. 63, nine cards in square and nine pennies laid out, one chosen, card and date on coin on it divined, using a confederate
1995 89
Jon Racherbaumer The Spectator Works Harder to Triumph tapestry routine with sixteen cards, only selection remains reversed
Inspired by
  • Peter Duffie routine
1995 25
Volkmar Mrasek Haptap
Inspired by Feb. 1996
Apocalypse (Vol. 19 No. 2)
Peter Stammers Einstein's Dream nine Tarot cards special one remains, Koenig's Tapestry
Inspired by
  • a routine by Peter Stammer's in "A Mind of My Own"
Syzygy (Vol. 2 No. 18)
Karl Fulves Power of One pyramid layout with cards, orientation is reversed and values reverse with it, two methods
Inspired byRelated to
  • "Paranoiac Pyramid" (Shigeo Futagawa, Jan. 1992, Genii)
1997 58
Martin Gardner A Curious Number Force Ace through Nine in 3x3 layout
Related to 1997
Underworld (Issue 5)
David "Fu Manchu" Bamberg Das Orakel card reading routine with layout which coincides with what the performer says, current time shows up as well
Intermagic (Vol. 21 No. 3)
Bob Farmer Face-Up Blackjack
  • Flim-Flam
Also published here Aug. 1997
Magic (Vol. 6 No. 12)
Karl Fulves After Hummer separating reds and blacks behind back, involving a layout on a grid on the table by spectator
1998 46
Gus Davenport Flipping Swindle five cards laid out in cross formation, cards have to be dropped onto the formation so that it is eventually covered completely, with gags
1998 58
Jack Avis Folding Numbers paper with numbers in a 4x4 grid is folded into small square, edges cut off, sum of one orientation predicted, parity
Inspired by 1998 86
Jack Avis Magical Sucuba 4x4 matrix, some number coincidences occur
Related to 1998 110
Karl Fulves 4th Dimensional Chess twelve cards in matrix layout, spectator rotates layout and moves according to instructions, later performer is able to get to same final position
Related to 1999
Underworld (Issue 10)
Karl Fulves The Tesseract red-backed and blue-backed cards in 4x4 layout, spectator places marker on layout and thinks of an Ace, he moves around and finds the Ace
Related to 1999
Underworld (Issue 10)
Karl Fulves Theory Z four-card square with Ace, Four, King and Nine, instruction game, final card predicted
Variations 1999
The Fine Print (Issue 10)
Justin Higham Square-Rigged Ace through Queen mixed and dealt in 3x3 square formation by spectator, center cards added and used to count to selection, credit information
Inspired by
  • "Exit" (Stephen Tucker, Abra #2164, July 18th 1987)
Related toVariationsAlso published here
  • Precursor #23, May 1989
1999 95
Jerry Mentzer Nine Way Variant nine cards in square, one chosen via instructions, winner/loser written on other side
Inspired by 2000 129
Philip T. Goldstein Pyramix
  • The Other Month
pyramid layout with cards, orientation is reversed and values reverse with it
Inspired byVariations Mar. 2000
Genii (Vol. 63 No. 3)
Kuniyasu Fujiwara Automatic Ace Triumph hands-off, dealing procedure, sixteen cards, parity
Related toVariationsAlso published here May 2000
Genii (Vol. 63 No. 5)
Jon Racherbaumer Magicana Addenda pyramid layout with cards, orientation is reversed and values reverse with it
Inspired by June 2000
Genii (Vol. 63 No. 6)
Lennart Green Sweating Bullets 4x4 grid and folding to reveal Aces
Related to Feb. 2000
Magic (Vol. 9 No. 6)
Karl Fulves Card Recalled unknown card signed on back found with Hex Squared instructions
2001 8
Karl Fulves Restoration four red-backed and 4 blue-backed cards torn in half, one card signed on face and a half kept, card chosen from 3x5 square made from rest, matching half found
2001 40
Karl Fulves Outguessed performer and spectator have five cards each, spectator choses another card from grid layout according to rules and can replace one of his or performer's cards with it, still performer has better poker hand
2001 52
Karl Fulves Spellathon 3x4 card layout on table, card selected via instructions and spelled to in rest of deck to find selected card
2001 73
Karl Fulves Hex Minus goal of the square is to prohibit spectator from reaching certain square, 12-card monte in which spectators cannot get to winning card
2001 82
Karl Fulves 4 x 4 x 4 not only red & black, but 4 suits that are used in rules
2001 85
Karl Fulves Gamble Ramble spectator choses cards in layout according to rules, black cards added and red subtracted, total predicted, four-way approach
2001 87
Karl Fulves Percentage Poker performer and spectator draw hole card from face-up deck, then four cards chosen from 4x4 layout, even though spectator goes first he loses
Related to
  • "Swindle & Cheat" (1991)
2001 90
Karl Fulves Alice Plays Chess Hex Squared variation in which spectator can rotate board and start on any color
2001 107
Karl Fulves, Bob Hummer Psychic Map No. 69, fifteen cards in matrix layout on table, some are turned over, covered with newspaper, performer reaches underneath and adjusts, when newspaper is removed all face-up cards are red and vice versa
2001 104
Mel Bennett A Perfect Strike No. 72, ten-card layout folded and some values added to force a number
Also published here 2001 111
Martin Gardner, Robert Brethen Mind Matrix No. 92, square layout of nine cards, instruction game with prediction of final card
Related to 2001 138
Karl Fulves Revelation by Design No. 95, instruction game with sixteen card layout
2001 143
Karl Fulves Flip Over Mystery No. 20, folding with matrix layout, two cards previously chosen are only odd-colored either face-up or face-down, or more subtle with odd-even
2001 40
Karl Fulves Any Named Ace No. 50, red and blue backed cards mixed, sixteen-card square dealt out, spectator moves coin around to instructions and ends up on previously named Ace
2001 116
Karl Fulves Mate In 5 5x5 layout, two spectators move poker chips according to rules, outcome predicted
  • Psychic Sub (variation as Battleship game)
  • Mate Finesse
Inspired by 2001 141
Sam Schwartz Remote Viewing 5x5 layout, spectator moves around according to fixed rules and ends on force card
Inspired byRelated toVariations 2001
Discoverie (Issue 5)
Karl Fulves Memory Poker 5x5 layout of face-up card, two cards exchanged while performer is not looking, those are divined
Off The Books (Issue 6)
John Bannon Degrees Of Freedom CATO, Koenig's Tapestry, combo to produce royal flush
Variations 2004 128
John Bannon Origami Poker CATO, Koenig's Tapestry, combo to produce royal flush
2004 144
John Bannon Perfect Strangers CATO, Koenig's Tapestry, prediction combo with rainbow packet
Variations 2004 155
Gordon Bean Postcards Prediction CATO, Koenig's Tapestry, prediction combo with postcards instead of playing cards
2004 158
John Bannon The Works explanation of CATO principle and the Koenig's Tapestry fold (Dudeney Folding)
  • First Principles
  • Isolating Target Cards
  • Rlues Of Engagement
  • The Folding Phase
Related to 2004 159
Peter Kane Card Wrap tapestry prediction with red and black cards, odd-colored cards in final spread are predicted
Jan. 2004
Genii (Vol. 67 No. 1)
Karl Fulves Match Them Up 4x4 layout, assembled in certain way, eight matches are produced
Related toVariations 2004
Discoverie (Issue 9)
Karl Fulves Pyramid Poker twelve card layout on table, named type of poker hand build at the end
2007 24
Karl Fulves Match Game twelve cards laid out face-down in matrix, match game played (turning up two cards and finding matches), performer wins
Related to 2007 27
Karl Fulves The Rank And File chosen red card ends up in black packet and vice versa
  • Memory 101
2007 38
Karl Fulves The Even Couple match game problem
Related to 2007 69
Stewart James Ontene Prediction sixteen cards dealt into four by four square, magician predicts the sum of any chosen row or column
Also published here
  • Handwritten notes, June 1983
2007 175
Lennart Green The Terrorist (CNN, BCC, FBI, CIA, KGB)
  • I. The Escape (spelling, Double Replacement)
  • II. The Hunting
  • III. The Capture
    • 1. The Da Vinci Code (simple spelling of a phrase to reveal the card)
    • 2. The Scanning Machine (anti-faro elimination)
    • 3. The Puzzle-Master (tapestry)
    • Other Alternatives to Find the Card
Related toAlso published here 2008 38
Richard Vollmer Mr. King's Tapestry dealing a 4x4 square, only Kings are reversed
Also published here 2008 101
Oliver Meech Not Seeing The Wood For The Trees Red cards laid out on table forms shape of 7 Diamonds
2009 20
Stephen Minch Apocalypse Later nine cards with persons on them laid out, spectator moves according to instructions, final resting place predicted, credit information on the parity instruction game
Also published here
  • Genii, April 1992
2009 129
Nick Trost Another Roll-Over Aces with grid folding
Inspired by 2009 372
John Bannon Four-Fold Foresight "A/k/a Cardzilla's Amazing Self-Working Origami Card Trick"
tapestry folding with multi-stage prediction (as in shuffle-bored)
Variations 2009 37
John Bannon Origami Poker Revisited tapestry folding, Royal Flush finish
Related toAlso published here 2009 45
Steve Beam Square Dance square layout routine with cards, counting the sides, mathematical, revelation at end
2010 28
Nick Trost Hummer's Paradox spectator's cards is only reversed one after tapestry folding
  • Finding the Aces (variation with only Aces reversed at the end)
Inspired by 2011 717
Nick Trost Double CATO Revelation two cards chosen from twenty-card packet, cato, performer arranges cards under the table so all face-up cards are red except selection and vice versa
  • Another Version (tapestry)
2011 720
Nick Trost Quadraplex tapestry with jumbo cards cut into quarters, face-up quarters that remain match a prediction which has also one mis-fitted corner
  • No-Setup Method
Inspired by
  • routine on Japanese video "Card and Coin Magic" (Shigeo Takagi, 1989)
2011 780
Michael Weber, Tim Trono Intuition red and black squares torn from perforated card, spectator separates colors, finish with tapestry folding where one all reds end up one way and black the other way
Oct. 2012
Real Secrets (Vol. 1 No. 7)
John Bannon Origami Poker Revisited tapestry folding, Royal Flush finish
Also published here 2013 44
John Bannon Origami Poker Revisited tapestry folding, Royal Flush finish
Related to 2013 244
John Bannon Origami Prediction tapestry folding with multi-stage prediction (as in shuffle-bored)
Inspired by 2013 298
Kuniyasu Fujiwara Automatic Ace Triumph hands-off, dealing procedure, sixteen cards, parity
Also published here 2013 101
Nick Trost Roll-Over Straight Flush spectator riffle shuffles deck and deals piles, CATO procedure, performer deals four piles and rolls them over onto each other, five face-up cards are a straight flush
Inspired byVariations 2013 651
Nick Trost ESP Paradox Papers Tapestry trick with ESP layout, four Circles end up reversed after folding procedure which matches a previously selected card
  • Two Selected Symbols Version
Inspired by 2013 825
Lennart Green El Terrorista
  • I. El escape
  • II. La cacería
  • III. La captura
    • 1. El código Da Vinci (esta es la más fácil y rápida)
    • 2. El escaner
    • 3. El maestro de los problemas
      • I. Cuatro Ases
      • II. Separación 8/8
      • III Descubriendo una carta
Also published here 2014
El Manuscrito (Vol. 7 No. 27)
Ramón Riobóo Disparity Updated handling of the Dudeney Parity Principle. Cards are dealt into a grid on the table as directed by the audience. The cards are reassembled by folding rows and columns onto each other - again controlled by the audience - yet the selections are found reversed in the packet.
Related to 2015 88
Bob Farmer Face-Up Blackjack
VariationsAlso published here 2015 347
Roy Walton Grid and Bear It
Variations 2015 356
Harold Cataquet Grid and Bear It II
Inspired by 2015 357
Harry Lorayne Puzzling Magic ten card layout puzzle, turning cards face-up one by one by counting to four multiple times, incorporating selection
Inspired by 2015 60
Max Maven Throw Rug
  • Lost Horizons
card revealed via red-black pattern in layout of 7x4 cards on table
Also published here Oct. 2015
Genii (Vol. 78 No. 10)
Nick Trost A Paradoxical Coincidence tapestry folding, at the end all of one color are face-up except selection, same on face-down side
Inspired by 2015 1162
Nick Trost Roll-Over Poker spectator riffle shuffles deck and deals piles with a strong hand on top, CATO procedure, performer deals four piles and rolls them over onto each other, five face-up cards are a straight flush
Inspired by 2015 1249
Bob Farmer Impromptu Version "One One No Is Once Enough Is Not Enough Is Not Enough"
one of five cards
Also published here 2017 81
Nick Trost The Jacks Come Back
  • Phase One (all court cards and Aces are arranged in 4x4 layout, Jacks end up reversed after tapestry folding)
  • Phase Two (Jacks end up reversed after CATO procedure)
2017 1354
David Solomon Folded Discovery 4x4 matrix layout, folding tapestry, all of one color end up reversed except selection
Inspired by 2018 31
Jon Racherbaumer The Last Card Trick of Ed Marlo marker moved on 3x3 grid of cards
Inspired by
  • "Precognition with Cards" (Martin Gardner, Hugard's Magic Monthly, Oct. 1961)
Output (Issue 19)
Chris Wardle The Card of Choice 3x4 grid, coin is moved according to instructions and ends on predicted card
Apr. 2021
Genii (Vol. 84 No. 4)
Ricardo Rodriguez Arte de cartografia cards with islands are shuffled and when laid out into a matrix form picture of a person
2021 151
Michael Weber Fold'em Poker 3x3 layout, one additional card placed on one of the cards, tapestry folding and the performer's hand wins
June 2024
Elixir (Vol. 3 No. Wilson Issue)