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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Theodore Annemann, Michael F. Zens Call Your Hand ten card set-up, see credit claim by Val Evans on page 259
VariationsAlso published here Sep. 1937
The Jinx (Issue 36)
George G. Kaplan The "Impossible" Location using Natural Card
Related toVariations 1938 269
Dai Vernon "Topping The Deck"
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1941/49 7
Bob Hummer Hummer's 18 Card Mystery spectator takes eighteen cards and turns over the top two cards and cuts the pile, that step is repeated as often as he likes, then the performer takes the cards behind his back and divines the amount of reversed cards, see Collected Secrets for links to variations
VariationsAlso published here 1946 1
Edward Marlo Aces over Kings Aces and Kings, third quartet comes in, should be named "Aces, Kings & Tens"
Related toVariations 1947 52
Franklin V. Taylor Double Stop two cards, see p. 793 for additional ideas by Al Forsythe
VariationsAlso published here Feb. 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 197)
Dai Vernon "No Palm" Colour Change color change
Related toVariations 1959 50
Hans E. Trixer Photo-Memory shuffled deck, spectator names a position and performer tells the card
VariationsAlso published here 1959 308
Harry Lorayne Magician vs. Gambler cards to pocket finale
Related toVariations 1964 27
Verne Chesbro, Larry West Flipper
Variations 1968 25
Jerry K. Hartman A Cut Above mirroring each other, magician and spectator each cut four piles, magician has cut to Kings, spectator has cut to Aces with corresponding order of suits
Also published here 1972 38
Hideo Kato, Jon Racherbaumer Hands Off Reverse spectator cuts to a card and inserts it in the center behind his back, performer divines it and it reverses itself
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1975
The Hierophant (Issue 7 Resurrection Issue)
Shigeo Futagawa Japanese Ace Trick Oil and Water effect with two red Aces and two black Aces, 2&2
Also published here 1976 22
Roy Walton Oil and Queens transformation kicker
Also published here 1981 6
Harry Lorayne, Simon Aronson The Equalizer slight variation on Aronson's "ShuffleBored"
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1990 171
Vicente Canuto Agradecimientos
1993 23
Vicente Canuto Introducción
1993 30
Vicente Canuto La presentación en la magia on presenting a trick, using key card and different ways of revealing card as an example
  • Localización de una carta elegida
    • 1.- Esconder el secreto
    • 2.- Hacer interesante el experimento
  • A) Las huellas dactilares
  • B) Usted no sabe mentir
  • C) Apuesta
  • D) Otros
1993 37
Vicente Canuto Más sobre la presentación more thoughts on presentation and originality
1993 42
Vicente Canuto, Bob Hummer Vuelvo Dos y Corto spectator takes cards and turns over the top two cards and cuts the pile, that step is repeated as often as he likes, then the performer takes the cards behind his back and divines the amount of reversed cards, red/black separation as climax, with two predictions
Inspired by 1993 46
Vicente Canuto, Stewart James Coincidencia Para Dos Espectadores matching routine with cut-in-half cards
Inspired by
  • "Split Second" (Tops)
1993 48
Vicente Canuto, Hideo Kato Vuelta Dentro del Estuche card is chosen behind back and deck placed inside case, performer divines card and card is found reversed as a climax
Related to 1993 50
Vicente Canuto Capitulo 2: Manejos básicos chapter intro
1993 53
Vicente Canuto Cómo Sujetar la Baraja on basic grips with the left and the right hand
  • A) Sujeciones con la mano izquierda: posiciones de repartir
    • a) La postura Gaultier
    • b) El "Mechanic's Grip"
  • B) Sujeciones con la mano derecha
    • a) Posición Básica o "a la Biddle"
    • b) Posición de mezcla hindú
1993 53
Vicente Canuto Mezclas Auténticas on shuffle methods
1993 55
Vicente Canuto 1.- Mezcla en las Manos, por Arrastre
1993 56
Vicente Canuto 2.- Mezcla por Hojeo en la Mesa o a la Americana
1993 57
Vicente Canuto, Juan José Hidalgo 3.- Mezcla Hindú two ways
1993 59
Vicente Canuto Extensiones spreading cards on the table, spread turnover
1993 60
Vicente Canuto Los Abanicos de Cartas first finger fan and pressure fan
  • 1.- Por dedo regulador
  • 2.- Por elasticidad
1993 62
Vicente Canuto, Richard Vollmer La Cuenta Atrás deck cut into for piles, automatic placement using cross sum of cut packet
1993 64
Vicente Canuto Capitulo 3: Controles y Vistazos chapter intro
1993 71
Vicente Canuto La Separación
1993 71
Vicente Canuto Mezclas Falsas Parciales: Por Arrastre Overhand shuffle techniques
1993 72
Vicente Canuto 1.- Para Conservar la Carta Inferior retaining bottom card
1993 72
Vicente Canuto 2.- Pasar la Carta Superior a la Parte Inferior (De Sup-1 a Inf-1) shuffling card from top to bottom
1993 72
Vicente Canuto 3.- Pasar la Carta Inferior a la Parte Superior (De Inf-1 a Sup-1) shuffling card from bottom to top
1993 72
Vicente Canuto 4.- Conservar la Carta Superior en Su Lugar retaining top card
1993 73
Vicente Canuto 5.- Conservar las Cartas Sup-1 e Inf-1 en Sus Respectivos Lugares retaining top and bottom card
1993 73
Vicente Canuto 6.- Conservar un Paquete en la Parte Superior jog-shuffle to retain top stock
1993 73
Vicente Canuto 7.- Conservar un Paquete Inferior jog-shuffle to retain bottom stock
1993 74
Vicente Canuto Mezclas Falsas Parciales: Por Hojeo false riffle shuffle
1993 75
Vicente Canuto 1.- Para Conservar un Grupo Inferior false riffle shuffle to retain bottom stock
1993 75
Vicente Canuto 2.- Para Conservar un Grupo Superior false riffle shuffle to retain top stock
1993 75
Vicente Canuto Vistazos intro on glimpses
1993 76
Vicente Canuto Vistazos de la Carta de Debajo glimpse of bottom card
  • 1.- Por Inclinación de la Baraja
  • 2.- Al Cuadrar y Girar
1993 77
Vicente Canuto Vistazos de la Carta de Encima glimpse of top card
  • 1.- Por Mezcla Hindú
1993 79
Vicente Canuto Vistazos de una Carte de en Medio glimpsing card in center of pack, strategy not a specific technique
1993 80
Robert Harbin, Vicente Canuto Triple Coincidencia three cards
Also published here
  • "Triple Coincidence" (Robert Harbin, Abracadabra & Harbincadabra)
1993 80
Franklin V. Taylor, Vicente Canuto Jugada Doble two cards
Also published here 1993 81
Al Baker, Audley Walsh, George G. Kaplan, Vicente Canuto El Doble Cero spectator looks at top card an moves cards from bottom to top matching value of selection
Inspired by 1993 84
Vicente Canuto Cortes Auténticos on real cuts
1993 89
Vicente Canuto 1.- Corte con el Indice Derecho, Pivotante swing cut
1993 89
Vicente Canuto 2.- Corte Mano-Mesa hands to table, real cut
1993 89
Vicente Canuto 3.- Corte de Charlier Charlier Cut
1993 90
Vicente Canuto Cortes Falsos intro on false cuts
1993 91
Vicente Canuto 1.- Con el Indice Derecho (Pivotante) false swing cut
1993 91
Vicente Canuto 2.- Corte Mano-Mesa (Ilusorio) hands to table false cut
1993 92
Vicente Canuto 3.- Corte Múltiple Mano-Mesa multiple swing cut in the hands then packets to the table
1993 93
Vicente Canuto 1.- Mezcla Falsa Total Por Arrastre false jog shuffle, number repeated
1993 95
Vicente Canuto 2.- Mezcla Simulada: Por Falsa Imbricación greek shuffle style
1993 95
Vicente Canuto 3.- Mezcla de Charlier (Mezcla Falsa Total
1993 97
Harry Lorayne, Simon Aronson, Vicente Canuto Inexplicable prediction of reversed cards and or red/black cards
Related toAlso published here 1993 98
Vicente Canuto Adivinación Constante y Desconcertante thirteen cards, spectator thinks of a number and places cards from top to bottom, performer produces card with matching value, repeated, then spectator does elimination deal and ends up with matching card again
1993 101
Vicente Canuto El Espejo del Pensamiento with suit stacked, interlocking chain principle with two riffle shuffles
1993 103
Vicente Canuto Controles de una Carta Elegida chapter intro
1993 105
Vicente Canuto 1.- Control por Doble o Triple Corte por Debajo double undercut
  • A) Doble o triple corte para bajar cartas
  • B) Triple corte para subir cartas
1993 105
Vicente Canuto 2.- Control por Múltiples Cortes Sobre la Mesa cutting to break, hands to table, multiple packets
1993 107
Vicente Canuto 3.- Control por Mezcla por Arrastre jog shuffle control
1993 107
Vicente Canuto 4.- Control Mediante la Mezcla Hindú hindu shuffle control
1993 108
Vicente Canuto 5.- Control por Doble Volteo de Paquetes card is controlled to the top, top half turned over and out jogged face-up then all cards are turned over to show bottom card, credited to Ken de Courcy
Related to
  • "Cutting Middle To Top" (Ken de Courcy, Magigram, Sep. 1983)
1993 109
Vicente Canuto 6.- Una Salida Interna Automática getting an injog while dropping packet on other packet
1993 111
Vicente Canuto El Control Verbal Equivoque with two, three and four objects
  • 1.- Elección Entre Dos Objetos
  • 2.- Para Tres Objetos
  • 3.- Para Cuatro Objetos
1993 112
Vicente Canuto La Carta Corrida two methods
1993 115
Jerry K. Hartman, Vicente Canuto Aparición de Ases y Reyes mirroring each other, magician and spectator each cut four piles, magician has cut to Kings, spectator has cut to Aces
Also published here 1993 117
Michael F. Zens, Vicente Canuto, Theodore Annemann Cualquier Jugada a Petición ten card set-up, double-deal stacking
Also published here 1993 118
Vicente Canuto Revoltijo slop shuffle triumph with selection, with additional riffle shuffle
1993 120
Padre Wenceslao Ciuró, Vicente Canuto Dos Transformaciones two phases, selection apparently place in pile with other cards ends up at named number, then random chosen card changes to selection
1993 123
Vicente Canuto Contrar Cartas en Secreto secret card counting techniques
  • 1.- Por Extensión de la Baraja
  • 2.- Con el Pulgar Derecho
  • 3. Con el Pulgar Izquierdo
1993 127
Vicente Canuto El Doble Volteo on the double lift and turnover, three methods from top
  • Método Primero
  • Método Segundo
  • Método Tercero
1993 130
Vicente Canuto Sugerencias de Manejo de la Carta Doble
1993 135
Hans E. Trixer, Vicente Canuto Memoria Fotográfica pack is apparently memorized, number is named and performer knows card
shuffled deck, spectator names a position and performer tells the card
Also published here 1993 136
Vicente Canuto Transposición with duplicate
1993 137
Vicente Canuto Dos Rojas y Dos Negras
1993 137
Vicente Canuto Cuatro Ases al Corte del Espectador -1
1993 139
Vicente Canuto Ases Ascensor four Aces elevator
1993 140
Vicente Canuto El Forzaje chapter intro
1993 143
Vicente Canuto Forzajes Que No Requieren Habilidad forces without skill, intro
1993 143
Vicente Canuto Forzajes Que Requieren Habilidad forces with skill, intro
1993 146
Vicente Canuto 1.- El Forzaje Clásico
1993 146
Vicente Canuto 2.- Dejando Caer Paquetes o Cartas, Y "¡Alto!" dribble force
1993 149
Vicente Canuto 3.- Por Hojeo Frontal y ¡Alto! riffle force
1993 151
Vicente Canuto El Detector de Mentiras simple version with forced card
1993 154
Vicente Canuto, Jack Jansen Predicción en Chino two cards are selected using the Gemini Twins placement, two cards have different backs, off-beat prediction
1993 157
Vicente Canuto Recordando a Malini several cards are divined, a la Malini
1993 158
Vicente Canuto El Empalme
1993 161
Vicente Canuto Ubicación de la Carta en la Palma classic palm position
1993 162
Vicente Canuto, Dai Vernon 1.- Con las Dos Manos à la Topping the Deck
Related to 1993 163
Vicente Canuto 2.- Con una Mano one-handed top palm
1993 166
Vicente Canuto Cómo Estar con una Carta Empalmada what to do with hand, when having a card palmed
1993 168
Vicente Canuto Cómo Depositar la Carta Empalmada Sobre la Baraja palm replacements, deck on table and in hand
  • 1. Con la baraja sobre la mesa
  • 2. Con la baraja en la mano
1993 170
Vicente Canuto, S. W. Erdnase Con el Meñique Izquierdo Erdnase method number 1, for multiple cards
1993 171
Vicente Canuto Carta al Número, En el Bolsillo spectator thinks of a number and remembers card at position, card travels to pocket, with variation
1993 173
Vicente Canuto La Carta Sobre la Silla performer sits on card
1993 174
Vicente Canuto La Carta a Través de la Mesa card through table
1993 175
Vicente Canuto La Carta a Través del Pañuelo card through handkerchief, classic
1993 176
Vicente Canuto, Harry Lorayne, Frank Garcia El Mago Contra el Tahúr with cards to pocket finale
Inspired by 1993 178
Vicente Canuto Un Poco de Teoria on misdirection
  • La Misdirection
    • 1.- La misdirection fisica
    • 2.-La misdirection psicológica
  • Recalcar la Situación Inicial
1993 184
Vicente Canuto Capitulo 9: Fantasias con las Cartas "Florituras" chapter intro, on flourishes
1993 191
Vicente Canuto La Mezcla en Cascada in the hands riffle shuffle and waterfall
1993 192
Vicente Canuto La Mezcla a una Mano one-handed riffle shuffle with waterfall, and Y-cascade
1993 194
Vicente Canuto Abanicos de Cartas con una Sola Mano one-handed fans
1993 196
Vicente Canuto El Acordeón springing cards from hand to hand
1993 197
Vicente Canuto La Cascada
1993 198
Vicente Canuto La Carta "Boomerang" boomerang card, and catching card under fan or in hand
  • a) Lanzamiento
  • b) Retroceso
  • c) Recogida
1993 199
Vicente Canuto 1.- Control por Acordeón bridging cards while springing the deck
1993 201
Vicente Canuto 2.- Control en el Abanico bridging cards while doing a pressure fan
1993 202
Vicente Canuto, Paul LePaul Control en el Abanico con Salida Interna two methods, simple injog method and LePaul Fan Control
1993 202
Vicente Canuto Capitulo 10: El Manejo de la Carta Doble chapter intro, on the double lift
1993 203
Vicente Canuto La Pinza de Tres three point method to hold a double
1993 203
Vicente Canuto Volteo Sobre la Baraja "Como un Libro" turnover "like a book"
1993 204
Vicente Canuto Doble Volteo Enganchando Con el Indice hit double with index finger
1993 205
Vicente Canuto, Paul LePaul Doble Volteo Con Casquido snapover double lift
1993 206
Vicente Canuto La Reunión de los Cuatro Ases using Braue Addition and magician's choice
1993 210
Vicente Canuto Cuatro Ases al Corte del Espectador - 2 spectator cuts four packets one is picked up and top cards added to top
1993 212
Vicente Canuto, Edward Marlo Triple Cambio Aces and Kings, third quartet comes in
Inspired by 1993 214
Vicente Canuto 1.- Con Doble Levantamiento: La Carta a Volver es la de Encima turnover of card, showing top an bottom card in process
1993 217
Vicente Canuto, Frederick Braue 3.- Por Doble Volteo de Paquetes: La Carta es la Encima de la Baraja Braue Reversal
1993 218
Vicente Canuto 4.-Por Doble Volteo de Paquetes: La Carta a Volver Está Medio de la Baraja from the center
1993 218
Vicente Canuto 1.- Por Presión del Indice
1993 220
Vicente Canuto 2.- Por Hojeo del Pulgar Derecho
1993 221
Vicente Canuto Vistazos de la Carta de en Medio intro on glimpsing card at center of the deck
1993 222
Vicente Canuto Control por Vistazo del Espectador: El "Peek" spectator peek
1993 224
Vicente Canuto Ases y Triunfo
1993 228
Vicente Canuto Capitulo 12: Las Cuentas Falsas, 1a Parte chapter intro
1993 237
Vicente Canuto La Cuenta Bucle buckle count
1993 237
Vicente Canuto La Cuenta por Empuje push-off count
1993 239
Paco Rodas, Vicente Canuto No Puede Ser Esa selection in pocket, four cards are shown and three are the same as selection, then all are shown Aces and selection removed from pocket
1993 244
Juan Tamariz, Vicente Canuto Ascensor con Tres Cartas three cards, one is shown and raises to top of three cards again and again, spectator think all cards are the same, which is not true
1993 246
Shigeo Futagawa, Vicente Canuto Mini Agua y Aceite 2&2, repeated
Also published here 1993 248
Fred Kaps, Vicente Canuto Girando 1-2-3-4, con Sorpresa Ace, Two, Three and Four turn over, then back changes
1993 250
Vicente Canuto Concurso de Belleza four Queens on the table, card is selected and Queen with matching suit vanishes and appears on position matching the value of selection
1993 264
Vicente Canuto, Peter Kane Viajes de Damas Una a Una
1993 265
Verne Chesbro, Vicente Canuto Viaje Insospechado
Inspired byVariations 1993 267
Roy Walton, Vicente Canuto Agua, Aceite y Damas transformation kicker
Also published here 1993 270
Edward Marlo, Vicente Canuto De Paquete a Paquete card from packet of twenty one is selected and cards dealt into three piles, spectator names pile with card and card travels from packet to packet
1993 271
Vicente Canuto Empalme de Cartas de Debajo en la Mano Izquierda on bottom palms
1993 275
Vicente Canuto, Miguel Gómez 1.- Empalme con Desplazamiento Previo en Diagonal angling bottom card in preparation to palm it when deck is placed in other hand, with tip by Miguel Gomez
1993 275
Vicente Canuto 3.- Empalme de Tahúr Para la Carta Debajo en la Mano Izquierda gambler's palm / cop
1993 278
Vicente Canuto Empalme del Centro: El Deslizamento y Robo Lateral side slip to palm
1993 280
Vicente Canuto Vuelo des Ases four Aces vanish and appear in spectator's pocket, duplicate
1993 283
Vicente Canuto, Pablo Domenèch Viaje Hacia el Estuche number from one to twelve is chosen and card selected, number is divined and card travels to card case, duplicate
1993 285
Vicente Canuto Capitulo 15: El Enfile general comments on the top change
1993 291
Vicente Canuto Enfile Por Encima
  • Expresión corporal y de miradas
  • Comentarios
  • Ejercicios de entrenamiento
1993 292
Vicente Canuto Enfile Por Debajo
1993 296
Vicente Canuto Ilusión óptica four Kings on the table, chosen one changes into selection and back to King
1993 298
Vicente Canuto El Error Subsanado wrong card changes into selection
1993 301
Vicente Canuto Apariciones de Cartas chapter intro on card productions
1993 303
Vicente Canuto 1.- Lanzamiento del Paquete Inferior a Distancia packet shoots to other hand, as a production
1993 303
Vicente Canuto, Jules D'Hotel 2.- Apretando el Pulso Jules D'Hotel Pop-Up Card Flourish
1993 304
Vicente Canuto 3.- Aparición Uno, Dos, Tres production of a card using a double undercut
1993 305
Vicente Canuto 4.- Por Volteo de Paquetes production of a card using a double undercut
1993 306
Vicente Canuto, Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser 5.- Aparición Deslizante Hofzinser Two Card-Catch
1993 307
Vicente Canuto, Nate Leipzig 6.- Corte Pivotante de Leipzig two ways of producing a card using the twirl cut
  • A) Primera Versión
  • B) Segunda Versión
1993 308
Vicente Canuto 7.- Por Corte o Salto Charlier production using a Charlier Cut
1993 310
Vicente Canuto Pintajes intro on color changes
1993 312
Vicente Canuto, Dai Vernon, Juan Tamariz Método 1 color change, palm and no-palm
Related to 1993 313
Vicente Canuto Series de Apariciones de Ases remarks of four-of-a-kind productions
1993 321
Vicente Canuto Capitulo 17: Cartas y Barajas Trucadas intro to gaffed cards and stacked decks
  • 1.- Cartas de Doble Cara
  • 2.- Cartas de Doble Dorso
  • 3.- Cartas Tratadas con Antiderrapante
  • 4.- La Baraja Invisible
  • 5.- La Baraja Biselada
  • 6.- La Baraja Radio
  • 7.- La Baraja Mene Tekel
  • 8.- La Baraja Ordenadas
    • A) Ordenación Si Stebbins
    • B) La Baraja Mnemónica
      • Cartas al peso
      • Adivinación de cartas
      • Cartas al orden
      • Viaje cartas nombradas
      • Coincidencia
      • Fingir una memoria prodigiosa
        • a) El sistema NIkola
        • b) La baraja Mnemónica de Tamariz
1993 329
Vicente Canuto La Carta con la Esquina Cortada on the corner short
  • La preparación
  • El manejo de la esquina cortada
  • Aplicaciones
1993 335
Vicente Canuto La Esquina Doblada corner bent back and forth until soft/broken, short card substitute
1993 337
Vicente Canuto Adivinación Imposible deck is cut, card selected and deck placed inside card case, then card is divined
1993 338
Vicente Canuto La Agenda Mágica diary with cards, spectator selects card which matches day of performance, then he names any day and card is found reversed in second deck
1993 343
Vicente Canuto Capitulo 18: La Sesión de Magia chapter intro, how to build an act
1993 345
Vicente Canuto Los Nervios Ante la Actuación on being nervous before the show
1993 345
Vicente Canuto Cómo Confeccionar una Actuación on building an act
1993 347
Vicente Canuto Las Rutinas on the construction of a routine
1993 349
Vicente Canuto El Virus Informático routine of six tricks about the deck as a computer, deck is blank as climax, intro
1993 351
Vicente Canuto 1.- Elección y Control de las Tres Primeras Cartas using two key cards, controlling three cards at certain positions
1993 354
Vicente Canuto 2.- El Detector de Mentiras
1993 354
Vicente Canuto 3.- La Base 10 values of three cards are added up to ten, total leads to selection
1993 356
Vicente Canuto 4.- El Reloj
1993 357
Vicente Canuto 5.- Doble Adivinación two card divination
1993 358
Vicente Canuto 6.- El Virus Informático deck turns blank
1993 360
Simon Aronson Equalizer Credit Information
Related to 1995 16
Vicente Canuto Foreword
2019 ix
Roberto Mansilla The Unexpected Journey
  • Artifices
Inspired by May 2024
Genii (Vol. 87 No. 5)