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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Le Bouquet Magique Qui s'épanouit au Commandement also known as Palingenesie, flower bouquet blossoms at will
1784 48
The Visible Invisible writing is washed from mirror and appears again on it, breathing glass, anecdote of a a magician who performed the routine and got caught by the audience, on originality
1784 26
Henri Decremps Les Préjugés regnent sur la terre; le Charlatanisme les propage hardiment; le vrai mérite les combat modestement. on revealing charlatanism
1785 274
Another Mode of Discovering a Card Thought of twenty-five cards, different dealing pattern
1876 55
To Place the Aces and Court Cards in Four Rows, in such a manner that neither Horizontally nor Perpendicularly shall there be in either Row two Cards alike either in Suit or Value puzzle
1876 58
Professor Hoffmann Concealing the Cause
1876 69
To allow several Persons each to draw a Card, and the Pack having been Shuffled, to make another Card drawn haphazard Change successively into each of those first chosen
Related to 1876 87
The Mesmerised Watch To Make any Watch a Repeater, watch answers question with bell sound, featuring sound gimmick
Related toVariations 1876 222
Colonel Stodare The Sphinx head in box is alive, mirrors
1876 471
"Second" Dealing with "card at any number" application
1889 21
Charlier Artificial Spiritualism removed cards divined, pile cut off by spectator and number of cards as well as number of pips divined, stacked and punch marked
1889 63
Third Method of Revealing single card friction toss
1889 71
The Whist Trick dealing four hands, one contains winning suit and others are either mixed or also sorted in suits
1889 78
The Magic Star and Cabalistic Pointer six cards in star configuration, an arrow pivots and stops at selections
1889 201
The Cabalistic Star five cards appear on points of star apparatus
1889 210
The Cabalistic Star for the Production of Cards six cards appear on points of star apparatus
1890 107
Professor Hoffmann The Spiritualistic Ball, Ring and Card rod in stand, ball with hole placed on it, ball moves upwards and downwards, then jumps off, same with ring, card also rises up and down the rod
Related to 1890 395
Die materialisierte Geisterhand No. 9, doll hand pulls selected cards out of deck
Related to 1895 75
Carl Willmann Der Zauberstab und seine verschiedenen Präparationen
  • wand with hollow tip for silk production
  • different preparations for stealing a silk
  • wand penetrates borrowed hat
  • object produced from mouth of spectator
  • wand with knife tip to secretly cut something like spring flower package
Feb. 1895
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Carl Willmann Briefkasten answering letters, opening spring flower loads, Prof. Hermann (Herrmann), fire eating, sealing filled glasses for productions
Nov. 1895
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Chicagoer Kartendruckerei normal deck is shown to be all alike one by one
Oct. 1895
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Rouge et Noir card riffled through are all red, then all black, small incomplete faro condition for impromptu svengali deck principle
1896 69
Mundus vult decipi card appears at named number with re-dealing strategy, Menetekel deck without short cards
Also published here 1896 77
Das Kartenquadrat dealing a square with all Sevens, Eights, Nines and Tens so that no values repeat in rows or columns
1896 94
Italienische Methode crimp along center, single card or full deck
1896 131
Resealing a Deck
1896 230
Die italienische Methode "Die Kartenschule von Carl Willmann"
false fan shuffle
Jan. 1896
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 2 No. 1)
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster Die schwarze Kunst on black art on stage, Charles Arbé (alia Carl Baum) credited
Related to Jan. 1896
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster Die schwarze Kunst oder orientalische Zauberei continuation on black art, description of a performance without methods (see future installments for those)
Related to Feb. 1896
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Die schwarze Kunst oder orientalische Zauberei continuation, explanation of different vanishes, appearances, transformations with different objects
Related to Mar. 1896
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 1 No. 7)
Die schwarze Kunst oder orientalische Zauberei continuation of black art effects, drawn skeleton comes to life
Related to Apr. 1896
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 1 No. 8)
Die schwarze Kunst oder orientalische Zauberei further effects with the black art principle on stage
  • Die Südfrüchte
  • "Fata Morgana"/"Cocon"
  • Die Wunder der Fakire
  • "In luftigen Regionen"
Related to May 1896
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 1 No. 9)
Die schwarze Kunst oder orientalische Zauberei further effects with the black art principle on stage
  • Das Geisterfass
  • Die Lotusblume
Related to June 1896
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 1 No. 10)
Die schwarze Kunst oder orientalische Zauberei further effects with the black art principle on stage
  • das Leben einer Büste
  • "Der Geisterskat"
Related to July 1896
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Ne Plus Ultra - First Method pile of cards removed, noted and placed on pack, after some dealing procedure, the performer divines the cards in face-down layout, also alternative with marked deck or stripper, "quadrating" (p. 50)
Also published here 1897 48
Ne Plus Ultra - Second Method pile of cards removed, noted and placed on pack, after some dealing procedure, spectator deals through cards and performer stops him at all selections
Also published here 1897 55
Resealing a Card Case
1897 91
Das Verwandlungs-Kartenspiel transformation deck with divided duplicates on one side and normal faces on the other side à la Hofzinser, can be shown normal, then all-alike for one selection then another and then normal again
June 1897
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 3 No. 6)
Carl Willmann Verschiedenes death of August Böhm alias Chevalier Agoston
June 1897
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 3 No. 6)
Arthur "Dr. Avon" Kollmann Der magische Handschuh im physikalischen Laboratorium routine with gloves, sand frame, smoke apparatus, pull, ...
Also published here Nov. 1897
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 3 No. 11)
Chevalier Thorn Der Traum des Kalifen von Bagdad woman changes into man in cage, woman now in middle of audience, then woman travels from one cage to another cage
Related to Jan. 1897
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 2 No. 5)
Das unerklärliche Verschwinden eines lebenden Pferdes samt Stallknecht "Die schwarze Kunst oder orientalische Zauberei"
horse and person vanish
Feb. 1897
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 2 No. 6)
Chevalier Thorn Der Traum des Kalifen von Bagdad second part of description
Related to Feb. 1897
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 2 No. 6)
Chevalier Thorn Der Traum des Kalifen von Bagdad third part of description, with photograph
Related to Mar. 1897
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 2 No. 7)
Die mysteriöse Geisterhand wax puppet hand pulls cards out of deck à la rising cards
Related to Dec. 1897
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 3 No. 6)
Carl Willmann Der Talisman des Zauberers wand pulled out of small purse
Mar. 1898
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 4 No. 3)
Carl Willmann Ein fauler Zauberer on Lehmann alias Mr. Barring, Dario Paini
Mar. 1898
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 4 No. 3)
Das Kartenstehlen "Die Kartenschule von Carl Willmann"
elevated dealing position, left first finger pushes bottom card against right fingers into palm, as color change preparation
Related to May 1898
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 4 No. 5)
Carl Willmann Briefkasten answering letters, illusion "Der Traum des Kalifen von Bagdad"
July 1898
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 4 No. 7)
Arthur "Dr. Avon" Kollmann Die magischen Münzen im physikalischen Laboratorium coins are melted into (real!) quicksilver, then changes into smoke and then back to coins, uses quicksilver, woods metal, chemical
Nov. 1898
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 4 No. 11)
Der Traum des Kalifen von Bagdad woman changes into man in cage, woman now in middle of audience, then woman travels from one cage to another cage, with photograph
Related to Nov. 1898
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 4 No. 11)
H. F. C. Suhr St. Roman article on St. Roman alias Samuel Thiersfeld
1899 1
Samuel "St. Roman" Thiersfeld Der animalische Transport No. 6, two birds travel from small glass box to cage
1899 29
Chevalier Thorn Der schwebende Fakir
Feb. 1899
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 5 No. 2)
Carl Willmann Offener Brief an den Zauberkünstler Adam Bröndum (alias Dr. Epstein)
Aug. 1899
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 5 No. 8)
Carl Willmann (reviewer) Die Svengalis by Die Svengalis Sep. 1899
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 5 No. 9)
Carl Willmann Briefkasten answering letters, Svengalis, exposure
Sep. 1899
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 5 No. 9)
Eduard W. Lufa Charles Arbre alias Carl Baum, see also p. 96 for correction
Related to May 1900
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 6 No. 5)
Das non plus ultra-Kunststück pile of cards removed, noted and placed on pack, after some dealing procedure, the performer divines the cards in face-down layout, translation by John Willmann
Related toAlso published here May 1900
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 6 No. 5)
Das Non plus ultra-Kunststück
  • Zweite Methode
pile of cards removed, noted and placed on pack, after some dealing procedure, spectator deals through cards and performer stops him at all selections
Also published here July 1900
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 6 No. 7)
Josef Löffler Der orientalische Zauberspiegel handheld mirror with black surface instead of mirror, image of card appears and vanishes on black surface
Aug. 1900
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 6 No. 8)
Carl Willmann Die sechsmalige Verwandlung eines Tuches silk changes into named color, then changes five more times, with holder
Also published here Nov. 1900
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 6 No. 11)
Carl Willmann Aus und mit dem Leserkreise on Dr. Adams Epstein (alias Adam Bröndum)
Nov. 1900
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 6 No. 11)
S. W. Erdnase Greatest Single Accomplishment bottom dealing
Related to 1902 23
S. W. Erdnase Bottom Dealing featuring the Erdnase Grip
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1902 52
S. W. Erdnase Top and Bottom Dealing with One Hand using the Erdnase Bottom Deal, also mention of Stud Bottom Deal
Related to 1902 56
S. W. Erdnase Second Dealing two methods
Related to 1902 58
S. W. Erdnase To Maintain the Bottom Palm While Dealing delaying its use
Related to 1902 93
S. W. Erdnase To Hold the Location of Cut while Dealing delaying a shift or similar action
Related to 1902 94
S. W. Erdnase Dealing Without the Cut dealing from half pack to avoid shift and simplify bottom deal
Related to 1902 109
S. W. Erdnase Dealing Too Many dealing too many cards in a game, double deal is only hinted at
Related to 1902 112
Second Method "Transformations. Two Hands"
left first finger pushes out bottom card to the front
Related toVariations 1902 152
S. W. Erdnase A. By the Riffle "Methods for Determining a Card Thought Of"
Related toVariations 1902 166
Dealing Seconds
1902 59
Dealing Second Card from Bottom of Pack glide
1902 60
Eduard W. Lufa Ben-Ali-Bey
Related to June 1902
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 8 No. 6)
Carl Willmann Verschiedenes Alex Weyer, Dr. Saram R. Ellison, German imposter in Russia, Harry Houdini, Fr. Mulack, Ben-Ali-Bey, Mr. Lorenz und Mss. Kennedy, Clement Lion
June 1902
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 8 No. 6)
Eduard W. Lufa Ben-Ali-Bey
Related to July 1902
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 8 No. 7)
Carl Willmann Verschiedenes Dr. Saram R. Ellison, Franz Martinka, Fr. Mulack, Ben-Ali-Bey, Mr. Robertini
Oct. 1902
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 8 No. 10)
Carl Willmann Verschiedenes Ben-Ali-Bey, St. Roman, Wallini, Carl Hertz, Clement de Lion, Adelaide Hermann
Nov. 1902
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 8 No. 11)
The Bottomless Tumbler with basic applications, stealing ball out, removing only part of the bottom so an egg stays within until glass is shaken, cover to allow liquid inside
1903 92
Ellis Stanyon The Climbing Ring on wand
Related to 1903 118
Carl Willmann A Six-Fold Colour-Change spring clips
Also published here 1903 256
The Dancing Handkerchief thread
  • Parlour Method
  • Stage Method
Related to 1903 335
Arthur "Dr. Avon" Kollmann Dr. Avon's Glove Trick routine with gloves, sand frame, smoke apparatus, pull, ...
Also published here 1903 385
Carl Willmann Verschiedenes Dr. A. M. Wilson, Robert Lenz, Ben-Ali-Bey, Direktor Mellini, Le petit Nelusce, L. Fritz, Hofzauberkünstler Bellachini
Jan. 1903
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 9 No. 1)
Carl Willmann (reviewer) Physikalisches Lehrbuch für die Jugend by Dr. B. Donath Jan. 1903
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 9 No. 1)
Prof. Carlo Arminio Aus und mit dem Leserkreis on Ben-Ali-Bey
Sep. 1903
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 9 No. 9)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli III. Die Elemente der Täuschung "the elements of deception"
  • Die physikalischen Hilfsmittel
  • Optische Täuschungen (optical)
  • Akustische Täuschungen (acoustic)
  • Gefühlstäuschung (touch)
1903 15
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli I. Mein Talisman magic wand is produced from little purse, it shrinks and becomes normal again, then it rises up and clings to the hand and fingers
  • 1. Der Zauberstab im Portemonnaie
  • 2. Der zusammenschiebbare Stab
  • 3. Der Zauberstab als Voltigeur
Related to 1903 69
Carl Willmann Verschiedenes death of Hartz, Henry French, Sreigotto, Ima Serintam, Clement de Lion, Ben-Ali-Bey, Hofzauberkünstler Bellachini
Jan. 1904
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 10 No. 1)
Carl Willmann Briefkasten answering letters, stealing a silk, flash paper card
June 1904
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 10 No. 6)
Das dematerialisierte Taschentuch silk through leg
June 1904
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 4 No. 6)
Ein nie versagender Trick card and its position remembered, dealing procedure, number asked for and card then located
Inspired by Aug. 1904
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 4 No. 8)
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster Zick-Zack complaining about heat and weather, Imro Fox, Clément de Lion, The Great Roland, Mellini, Svengalis, John Siems, C. Stengel
Aug. 1904
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 4 No. 8)
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster Zick-Zack Chevalier Ernest Thorn, Nelson Downs, Clément de Lion, Francis King, Herr Amberg
Sep. 1904
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 4 No. 9)
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster Zick-Zack photograph of Chevalier Thorn with illusions "Der dupierte Spiritist" and "Avatar"
Nov. 1904
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 4 No. 11)
H. F. C. Suhr Der australische Uhrenbaum borrowed watch put in paper cone, paper unrolled and watch vanishes, reappears at root of small tree that is pulled out of its pot
Feb. 1905
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 5 No. 3)
Sidi-Ali Papierfaltekunst
  • 2. Die Palme (paper tree)
  • 3. Die Himmelsleiter (ladder version of paper tree)
Feb. 1905
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 5 No. 3)
The Siamese Aces two Aces separated in deck come up next to each other when dealt through deck, sucker element
Related toVariations 1909 89
T. Nelson Downs Fourth Method spectator peeks at a card in his own hands and it is found, estimation and stack (for practice only), "the bungling and unobserving performer will meet his Waterloo in this experiment"
Variations 1909 152
Nate Leipzig The Ubiquitous Cards three peeked-at cards, three times stop trick performed, last time with spectator dealing, with variation with numbers instead of "stop"
Related toVariations 1909 157
Prophecy Down-to-Date dealing and equivoque
1909 178
Resealing Deck
1909 179
Coin, Glass and Cone glass through table under paper cover, coin in paper for sound effect
Related to 1909 263
Carl Anderson, William G. Edwards Tricks of the Trade compilation of tips on:
  • 1. painting metal
  • 2. glueing cloth
  • 3. table tops
  • 4. painting tables
  • 5. table tops
  • 6. "Anderson Inlaid Top"
  • 7. silk handkerchief quality
  • 8. sheet brass
  • 9. soft & hard brass
  • 10. velvet
  • 11. brass tubing
  • 12. "lighted candle from pocket"
  • 13. candle oil
  • 14. servante for glass of water
  • 15. thread
  • 16. wax
1909 289
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Wegnehmen von unten Hofzinser Bottom Palm, deck is moved from dealing grip to fingertips
1910 8
Joseph Michael Hartz The Dematerialised Glass of Water full glass of water vanishes under handkerchief, performed with spectator on stage, with handling variations
Also published here 1911 672
Joseph Michael Hartz The Dematerialised Glass of Water full glass of water vanishes under handkerchief, performed with spectator on stage, with handling variations
Also published here 1911 131
The Cabalistic Star six cards appear on points of star apparatus
1911 115
Donald Holmes The "Self-Forcing" Pack
  • To Force One Card (Svengali deck)
  • To Force Two Cards (triples in which the force cards are cut at different corners)
  • To Force Three Cards (like previous one with no indifferent cards)
1913 13
Donald Holmes Holmes' "Mystery" Problem card chosen from Svengali deck, deck dealt into two piles and card replaced in indifferent half, multiple deals to control card to seventeenth position, card and position are predicted, clean-up switch of half the deck
1913 19
Donald Holmes Another "Marvelous Coincidence" two decks, number counted to in one deck and dealing stopped in other deck, the cards match
Inspired by
  • "A Card Mystery" (Donald Holmes, contributed to Magic)
Related toAlso published here
1913 27
Donald Holmes Double-Dealing Placement Force handling in which a card is added
1913 28
Re-Sealing a Deck brief
1916 30
Louis F. Christianer The Divining Cards selection lost, then two cards are thrown in air and caught in deck, selection is found sandwiched between them, saliva
Related to 1917 16
Card Vanish with Saliva
1919 15
Charles T. Jordan The Dealing Dovetail Detection No. 5, card is found after lots of real shuffling
Also published here 1919/1920 25
Charles T. Jordan Telepathic Control No. 15, card chosen after some dealing is divined
Also published here 1919/1920 48
Albert Fellows, Stanley Collins Bottled Sunshine longer routine, tissue paper bursts into in fire, hole is burnt in a playing card with a reading-glass, three candles catch alight, third candle begins to melt
1920 90
Charles T. Jordan The Impromptu Arranged Pack No. 9, from New Pack Order to Si Stebbins, dealing
Related toAlso published here 1920 20
Charles T. Jordan Placement Control cards returned to spread with known distance, brought together under key with dealing procedure
Also published here 1922
The Four Full Hands (Issue Four Full Hands of Card Tricks)
Multiple Glide with several cards, more added during dealing
Also published here 1922
The Four Full Hands (Issue Four Full Hands of Card Tricks)
Charles T. Jordan Recycling by Dealing dealing deck in seven piles, then six, then eight, then seven piles restores order
Also published here 1922
The Four Full Hands (Issue Four Full Hands of Card Tricks)
Stanley Collins All Alike Display deck shown as all duplicates, first glides, then second deals, then tip-over switch
Related to
  • "A Dozen of Magic" (A. C. P. Medrington, p. 6)
1925 17
Oswald Rae Musical Thought Transference spectators get lists of tunes and select one, later different lists are shown and spectators who see their tune say so, tune then divined by playing it on piano, matrix principle and location of spectators in the audience
Related to 1926 60
Oswald Rae Mems From My Note Book "Being a selection of useful recipes gathered at various times from different sources too numerous to enumerate"
  • To Render Fabric Fireproof
  • Fireproofing Wood
  • To Clean Velvet or Plush
  • To Clean Glassware
  • To Gloss and Clean Ivorine Balls
  • Red Billiard Ball Dye
  • To Dye Flags, etc
  • Various Coloured Inks or Dyes (Red, Blue, Gold, White Ink)
  • Varnishes
  • To Harden a Felt Hat, etc.
  • Varnish Remover
  • Paint Remover
  • Luminous Paint
  • Porcelain Fekes, etc.
  • Celluloid Varnish
  • To Apply Sealing Wax Evenly
  • Pads for Thought Readers
  • Reading Through Sealed Envelopes
  • Ink for Lightning Artists
  • Stains
  • Black Crayon for Lightning Artists
  • Dull Black Paint
  • Spirit Gum Substitute
  • Gold Paint
  • Chemical Slate Writing
  • Trick Seals
1926 85
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Hilf, o hilf, mein Zauberstab! No. 1, tricks with a magic wand
  • 1. Der Zauberstab im Portemonnaie (wand from purse)
  • 2. Der zusammenschiebbare Zauberstab (shrinking wand)
  • 3. Der an der Handfläche schwebende Stab (Wand clings to hand)
Related to 1926 9
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Ent- und Rematerialisation empty glass vanishes wrapped in newspaper and is produced filled with water under jacket
1927 6
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Materialisation einer Flamme vanish and production of a silk in flame of match
1927 69
Jack Merlin Pass Using Second Dealing ambitious card sequence, second deal
1927/28 6
Jack Merlin A Sequence Effect thirteen cards put in order by dealing them in a row on the table, alternate top bottoms
Variations 1927/28 9
Jack Merlin Mechanical Forcing Packs one way forcing deck, three way forcing deck, svengali pack, Evans Brown Triple-Force Pack
1927/28 23
Jack Merlin A Routine of Sleights at the Card Table
  • cards in spectator's pocket, card fished out very fast
  • second and bottom dealing expose
Related toVariations 1927/28 2
Jack Merlin Peep in Conjunction with a Second or Bottom as an Aid glimpsing cards on top and bottom while looking at hole card, dealing seconds or bottom accordingly
1927/28 13
Jack Merlin Master Poker Dealing royal flush from named suit, four hands
1927/28 17
William Larsen, T. Page Wright A Rapid Fire Detection some pile-making and dealing as distraction to simple force
1928 6
The One-Eyed King card selected with dealing and magician's choice
1928 25
Eric F. Impey A Latter-Day Card Miracle "dirty" key card is followed during dealing of shuffled card into two piles, card selected and replaced, then found from face-up spread
1928 4
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Erraten des Gesamtwertes der untersten Karten von 4 Kartenhäufchen value of card is complemented until ten by dealing cards, repeated four times and amount of rest is divined
1930 68
Theodore Annemann Count Your Card! spectator stops dealing, uses this value to count down twice, third time selection shows up
Related toVariations 1931 17
Graham Adams On Forcing on the classic force, using shuffle instead of pass to centralize card
Inspired by 1931 11
Graham Adams Bottom and Second Dealing
1931 20
Graham Adams The Bottom Deal photo illustrations
Related to 1931 53
Graham Adams The Second Deal photo illustrations
Related to 1931 61
William Larsen Top Glimpse corner of top card bent back in dealing position under cover of right hand
1931 6
John Mulholland Balance tip
Related to 1933 37
Victor Farelli First Method of Second Dealing
  • First Exercise: Moving a Pair
  • Second Exercise: The Withdrawal
  • Third Exercise: Seizing the Second Card
  • Fourth Exercise: The "Swing"
Also published here 1933 55
Victor Farelli Second Method of Second Dealing
1933 58
Japanese Coin on Finger coin snatching technique, hand is wrapped with handkerchief except first finger, spectator cannot take the coin
Related to 1933 1
T. Page Wright Billet steal with mouth when sealing envelope
1933 9
Al Baker Al Baker's Addition Trick with assistent, code
Also published here 1933 25
Theodore Annemann Alignment Move
Nov. 1934
The Jinx (Issue 2)
Theodore Annemann Dead or Alive? cards placed inside envelope, name of dead person is revealed
Also published here Dec. 1934
The Jinx (Issue 3)
Laurie Ireland All Alike Display with running cut
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1934)
Theodore Annemann A Card is Found Once More one-way backs
Related toVariations 1934 9
Theodore Annemann The Tune Detective card found by dealing to selected song lyric / beat
Related toAlso published here 1934 31
Theodore Annemann Dead Men Tell No Tales!
Variations 1934 44
Jack Chanin You Hold It! A Fooler for the Wise stealing pea while spectator holds finger on it
Also published here 1934 2
Jack Chanin Back Hand Kick stealing pea with the hand palm up, pushing shell forward
Also published here 1934 4
Jack Chanin The Finger Slide stealing pea while shell is held by spectator, pushing it with one finger, grip transfers
Also published here 1934 6
Robert Parrish Slate Immortality living dead test on slate, or handwriting psychometry
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here 1935
The Jinx (Issue Summer Extra 1935)
Theodore Annemann Just the Same Alike two cards selected from two decks are the same, selection process from one deck complicated with four piles and die
Also published here 1935
The Jinx (Issue Summer Extra 1935)
Theodore Annemann From Out of the Air signaling wireless over radio
The Jinx (Issue Summer Extra 1935)
Fred DeMuth A Divination with Matches number of remaining matches divined, see page 99 for improvement by Herbert R. Hood
VariationsAlso published here Aug. 1935
The Jinx (Issue 11)
Louis Lam "Alice in Wonderland" card turns over multiple times, then is spelled out
1935 15
Louis Lam It Pays to Advertise "Advertising stunts every magician must use", playing card with business information on front is forced via Svengali Deck
1935 19
Laurie Ireland A False Count to be Used when Dealing Off the Deck featuring push-off
Related to 1935
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1935, "New Card and Coin Manipulation")
Theodore Annemann Magic vs. Mindreading two decks, spectator puts one in pocket, from the other he selects a card mentally, card is spelled in both decks and the last card is the thought of, card also predicted
Also published here 1935 5
Theodore Annemann Book Mentalism
1935 12
Ralph W. Hull A Brain Teaser No. 9, card vanishes from packet and travels to named position into other packet, duplicate, saliva
Related toAlso published here 1935 11
A Coincidence No. 15, piles made on table to select two cards, after they have been assembled the are found again with Tantalizer deal
1935 18
Dual Attraction No. 30, card chosen by dealing heaps on the table
1935 30
Getting the Spectator's Number No. 42, complicated dealing selection procedure
1935 39
Number Trick No. 44, date addition force, using simple dealing into four piles to get the forced number to top of four piles
Related to 1935 41
Bob Hummer The Puzzling Speller progressive set-up, dealing placement
Related toAlso published here 1936
The Jinx (Issue Winter Extra 1935/36)
Stewart Judah The Spectator's Choice Tantalizer deal with thirty-two cards, two selections by both spectator and performer, spectator choses which one remain after dealing procedure, see page 172 for correction
Related toVariationsAlso published here Feb. 1936
The Jinx (Issue 17)
Charles Rosenthal Money Mentalism money is put in envelope, medium names denomination, code
June 1936
The Jinx (Issue 21)
Stewart James Miraskill
Related toVariationsAlso published here Sep. 1936
The Jinx (Issue 24)
Henry Christ Climax! impromptu stooge with reverse fan
Related toVariations Sep. 1936
The Jinx (Issue 24)
Theodore Annemann, Charles Peet A Mentalist with Money marked bill is divined among others and its number as well
Also published here Dec. 1936
The Jinx (Issue 27)
Victor Farelli Poker and Brag four Aces produced in "magic gambling" routine via dealing procedure
Inspired by
  • "After the Four Ace Trick" (Billy O'Connor, The Magic Wand, June-Sept 1935)
1936 33
Victor Farelli A Rapid Routine similar to "A Strange Hallucination" but with three cards instead of five, less dealing
Inspired byRelated to 1936 44
Victor Farelli Loo Lung or The Chinese Coin magician locates two cards by a lot of dealing and equivoque to eliminate piles, with a bit of gambling theme (Euchre and Loo Lung)
1936 44
Victor Farelli The Double Card Turn-over description of Victor's method of handling the double turnover with push-off
Related to 1936 47
U. F. Grant Effect No. 1 spectator deals five hands, no good hand, but when the magician deals he get's a straight flush, re-deal stacking
Related toVariations 1936 1
U. F. Grant Effect No. 4 bottom dealing demo, fake
1936 2
Eddie Joseph Secret Extraction stealing ball from under cup while lifting it
1936 2
Edward Bagshawe The Materialized Message spirit message, blank card placed into a windowed case and is covered, when uncovered, writing is on card and is immediately visible through the window
1936 ca. 43
Percy Abbott 2. Abbott's version. "The Certain Card Trick." spectator cuts anywhere and remembers bottom card, estimation, dealing out in packets and asking in which one it is
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1937 37
Charles T. Jordan Improved Chevalier deck shuffled twice, named suit removed, all values spelt out
Also published here 1937 56
Charles T. Jordan Demon's Detection two key cards, out of hand selection procedure with dealing
VariationsAlso published here 1937 94
Another Diachylon Force like sticky svengali
1937 107
Alice in Wonderland card turns over and is spelled to, double backer
1937 117
Howard Albright Uni-Mentality free choice, but spectator takes out five cards with his selection, one-way backs
1937 157
Walter B. Gibson Improved Super Memory apparently twenty selections and their positions are remembered
Variations 1937 175
Stewart Judah Spectator's Choice Tantalizer deal with thirty-two cards, two selections by both spectator and performer, spectator choses which one remain after dealing procedure
Related toAlso published here 1937 176
Projected Thought matrix dealing with thought of card and prediction of card and its position with prediction index
1937 178
Donald Holmes Ne Plus Ultra five cards controlled to known positions via dealing procedure
1937 178
Howard Albright Uni-Mentality two methods
1937 179
Charles T. Jordan Hourglass Cards time on watch gives position of card, placement via dealing procedure and only performed at certain times
Also published here 1937 181
The 52 Card Trick thought-of card ends up at named number up to thirteen, matrix dealing elimination process
1937 182
Ralph W. Hull, Nelson Hahne Modernism in Mentalism crude OOSOOM, one of nine
1937 184
Four to One Detection "which row is your card in?" with strange dealing pattern
1937 185
Charles T. Jordan Improved Marvelous Prediction odd/even system for divided deck, spectator riffle shuffles, set-up in front of spectators by openly dealing into some heaps
Also published here 1937 197
Charles T. Jordan Cagliostro's Vision complicated key card placement with dealing of a chosen number of piles
Also published here 1937 201
Charles T. Jordan Quadruple Deck Mystery odd-backed card lost in thick deck composed of three decks with dealing procedure, spectator reads off order and performer stops him at selection
Also published here 1937 202
Dai Vernon Super Count Down thought-of number is dealt, performer finds it out, also with selection, red-black alternating set-up
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1937 208
Jean Hugard The Svengali Deck introduction and history
1937 245
Simple Effects 1. selection is divined, svengali deck
1937 246
Simple Effects 2. svengali deck
1937 247
Simple Effects 3. svengali deck
1937 247
Simple Effects 4. svengali deck
1937 247
Simple Effects 5. svengali deck as a force
1937 247
The Three Heaps deck cut in heaps, top card jumps around, svengali deck
1937 249
Cutting the Pack with a Knife svengali deck
1937 249
The Wrapped Pack with knife, svengali deck
Related to 1937 249
Any Heap svengali deck
1937 249
Reversed Card svengali deck
1937 249
The Unseen Card spectator pockets unseen card, later selection is this pocketed card, svengali deck
1937 250
Think of a Card a selection travels next to another thought-of card, svengali deck
Variations 1937 250
Card Stabbing svengali deck
1937 250
Svengali Prediction force cards are switched out during trick
1937 250
Charles T. Jordan The Mystery Problem position of selection is predicted, svengali deck with different finish on force cards, ending clean with switch-out
Also published here 1937 251
The Cards and the Dice card located via number on die, svengali deck
1937 252
Svengali Clairvoyance blindfolded assistant says stop to find selection, svengali deck
1937 252
The Prize Winner two decks, one is a svengali deck
1937 252
Ralph W. Hull The Mirage Principle svengali pack with rough-smooth principle and cards are short and also narrow
1937 253
Ralph W. Hull Mirage Deck deck changes in duplicates of selection, svengali/mirage deck
1937 253
Ralph W. Hull The Eye Popper svengali/mirage deck
1937 254
Svengali Mindreading svengali deck
1937 254
Lu Brent The Siamese Svengali Pack twenty-six glued pairs
1937 254
Svengali Force a bit complicated, svengali deck
1937 255
Theodore Annemann The Mentalist's Card Staggerer one of five is divined, duplicates
Variations 1937 285
Howard Albright Duo-Mentality medium in other room divines card, code with pencil
1937 293
Ralph W. Hull Three in One Card Trick card vanishes from packet and travels to named position into other packet, duplicate, saliva
Also published here 1937 294
R. M. Jamison Elimination two card found via multiple dealing procedure, "Thirty Card Elimination", reprinted from Sphinx, May 1935
Related to 1937 334
The Eclipse Vanish one of five vanishes, saliva
1937 341
Multiple Glide with several cards, more added during dealing
1937 357
Buried Alive jacks put reversed in deck turn over beneath handkerchief
1937 360
Stuart P. Cramer Les Cartes par Hasard card thought of from the middle while riffled, multiple out after dealing into four piles
Inspired by 1937
The Jinx (Issue Winter Extra 1936/37)
Oscar Weigle Alias Divination several spectators write names on slips which are later correctly assigned, one of the names divined as well
1937 11
A Cigar Vanish hook/pin
Related to 1937 87
Joe Berg Alignment Move Change
Variations 1937 6
One Hand: a. Dealing face upwards
Related to 1938 209
One Hand: b. Dealing face downwards
1938 210
With One Hand: a. Dealing face upwards
1938 211
With One Hand: b. Dealing face downwards
1938 212
A Mental Discovery - First Method by dealing
1938 227
Paul Rosini Saliva Sorcery. I peeked at card disappears and reappears reversed
1938 258