1,776 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Divination & Mind Reading / Miscellaneous
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Lewis Jones Red Alert Two deck is cut in halves, performer turns over card of his pile and guesses if color in other pile matches
2000 161
Lewis Jones Red Alert Four selection is placed in other half, spectator names colors of cards and lies at selection, performer knows knows exactly when
2000 163
Jerry Mentzer Trio Less Two three spectators chose a card, one hides his card and the other two are shuffled back, all three divined, one travels to pocket
  • For Magicians
2000 22
Chan Canasta An Experiment in Memory several people select a bunch of cards each, all cards are divined
Related toVariations 2000 38
Chan Canasta An Experiment in Remote Control spectator cuts the deck behind his back and puts two cards unseen in two different pockets, performer divines cards and spectator can chose in which pocket which card sholud be
Related toVariations 2000 57
Chan Canasta An Experiment in Memory several people select a bunch of cards each, all cards are divined
Related to 2000 79
Chan Canasta Cards in Pockets report of divination by Canasta, similar to "An Experiment in Remote Control", "Do you want to change your mind?"
Related toVariations 2000 91
Chan Canasta More Cards in Pockets further report of divination by Canasta, similar to "An Experiment in Remote Control"
2000 92
Milbourne Christopher Der Gedankenabhörer spectator writes name of playing card on a business card, card is divined, business card stolen with case
Also published here 2000
Intermagic (Vol. 23 No. 4 & 5)
Norman Osborn Double Choice two cards chosen with Charlier Cut procedure, one put back, performer can name which one spectator holds and optionally which one he put back
Inspired by 2000
Discoverie (Issue 2)
Tony Bartolotta A Small Seance three ages (numbers) are divined on blank cardboards, one year off by two, ashes from burned card form the number two
Related to 2000
Discoverie (Issue 3)
Chris Wardle Paranormal Piles three equal piles are made and cards moved around according to instructions, piles covered, performer divines number of cards in each pile
2000 5
Alfonso Bartolacci Boxed Clairvoyance card put in borrowed shoe carton which is sealed with tape, performer divines card
July 2000
Magic (Vol. 9 No. 11)
Justin Higham Mind-Reading in Reverse five methods
Related to 2001 11
Tracy Atteberry Tell Me Lies, Tell Me Lies lie detector presentation, divination of one card
Jan. 2001
Pabular (Vol. 9 No. 5)
Kenton Knepper The Card Channel spectator deals cards according to though-of number from one to ten, remembers next one and places dealt cards back on top, number and card are divined
Inspired by
  • Larry White & Larry Becker's "Out of Body"
Jan. 2001
Pabular (Vol. 9 No. 5)
Paul Curry, Michael F. Zens, David Devant Out of the Past deck is separated in halves, two cards thought of and one is selected, performer puts one card from the half into the other, first card is missing, second spectator touches a card, that is put into the other half and also his card is missing, third card invisibly travels into the other half
Inspired byAlso published here
  • "Genii" vol. 7 no. 4, 1942
2001 102
Paul Curry Turn of the Century
Also published here 2001 129
Paul Curry Another Stop! spectator stops while riffling, performer knows card, short card and set-up
Related to 2001 200
Paul Curry Think of a Card
VariationsAlso published here 2001 202
Paul Curry One Down card is inserted face up in the pack behind spectator's back and divined
Related to 2001 204
Paul Curry Smoke Signals card and word written on billets, then burnt and divined
Also published here 2001 221
Simon Aronson Additional Mindreading Climax Extra climax to Worker Bees
Inspired by 2001 43
Karl Fulves Tea-Time Mystery No. 52, two cards from two decks are divined and then transpose
2001 77
Stewart James Strange Voyage No. 91, seven cards in a row, one is an Ace, spectator moves it to instructions and eliminates cards, Ace remains
2001 137
Karl Fulves Mystery Sight No. 57, four dice thrown and covered with cups, cards used to divine die values
2001 129
Harry Lorayne Unique Peek #5 naming card selected from incomplete faro peek, or finding it or its mate
2001 179
Harry Lorayne Another Moment CATO procedure with twelve-card packet, reversed cards at end are known, or total predicted, or...
Variations 2001 499
Harry Lorayne Red-Black (Divide) Location divided deck riffle glimpse
Inspired by 2001 595
John Cornelius Threefold three spectators cut the deck, remember the bottom card of the pile and put the cards in their pockets, three thought of cards are divined
Also published here 2001 81
John Cornelius Change of Mind one of five, kicker
2001 137
R. Paul Wilson DF Revelation selection drawn on pad, only back drawn as gag, when paper is turned over the selection is drawn on other side
2001 9
Steve Beam The Birthday Card Trick spectator deals cards for month and day of his birthday then remembers a card, performer reveals selection and birthday
Also published here 2001 27
Steve Beam Party Time spectator deals cards for month and day of his birthday then remembers a card, performer reveals selection and birthday
Also published here 2001 28
Paul Cummins Stumped! three peeked at cards are immediately named
Also published here Dec. 2001
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 7)
Paul Curry Another Stop! spectator stops while riffling, performer knows card, short card and set-up
Also published here Dec. 2001
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 4)
Paul Cummins Stumped! three peeked at cards are immediately named
Also published here 2002 7
Philip T. Goldstein Will O' the Whisper Joker put in the deck, two cards on either side are remembered, then Joker vanishes from deck and appears in card box, eventually two cards are divined
Also published here 2002 2
Philip T. Goldstein Centrifugal Poker cards in poker hand divined, "The Centrifuge Principle"
Related to 2002 1
Lewis Jones The full monte Hummer's Mathematical Monte variation with three cards, chosen one named, variation by Jack Avis with three packets
Inspired byRelated to
  • "Monte Bank" (Lewis Jones, The Spring of 52)
2002 63
Jack Avis, Lewis Jones The third eye three unknown cards in a face-down row, spectator choses one, his eyes are closed and performer touches both eyes with his (supposedly) two hands, card divined anyway
2002 68
Jack Avis, Lewis Jones Jubilee birthday month of spectator counted down, next card remembered, when performer turns back towards table he locates card and divines month
2002 212
Steve Beam Party Time spectator deals cards for month and day of his birthday then remembers a card, performer reveals selection and birthday
Related toAlso published here 2002 54
Simon Aronson Birthday Memories spectator deals cards for month and day of his birthday then remembers a card, performer reveals selection and birthday
Inspired by 2002 59
Robin Robertson, Peter Duffie Matsuyama to the Max card is divined by down under dealing, Matsuyama force
2002 91
Jack Avis Bent Out of Shape six pairs on the table, one is turned over and card remembered, packed and selection are divined
2002 105
Steve Beam Dicycles card revealed by counting down to number rolled with dice, small setup
Inspired by 2002 142
Doug Canning Speed-Reader II
2002 152
Steve Beam Bullet-Ridden with Black Jack and Poker theme
Related to 2002 168
Gianfranco Preverino A Perfect Bridge Partner all cards of a bridge hand are divined
Also published here
  • "Adivinacion Sin Preguntas" in "La Circular de la Escuela Mágica de Madrid" N° 267, 2001
2002 171
Newell Unfried No-Looking Location divination of a card
Related to
  • Tony Koynini's "Any Number" in "Tony Koynini's Card Miracles", 1951,
2002 224
Paul Hallas Waterloo spectator says stop during left-thumb riffle, bottom card of top half shown and deck assembled, performer names selection
Inspired by
  • "Magician's Waterloo" (Stewart James, The James File, p. 1831)
Feb. 2002
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 9)
Luke Jermay Cold Emotion Spectator chooses an emotion from an E-motion deck (deck of cards with emotions written on them), magician divines it
  • Alternative Handling: One Ahead routine, use E-motion deck to divine person, place, emotion with envelopes
Variations 2002 10
Robert Cassidy The Enigma of #23 oddities about number 23 are told, two spectators cut packet and cut cards are divined, total of packets equals 23
Also published here 2002 1
Al Baker The Impossible Discovery forcing deck, two deck switches
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Al Baker's Book)
Al Baker ACME Mind Reading Effect name of card written on paper, impression
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Magical Ways and Means)
Al Baker The Pulse of the People three cards
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Mental Magic)
Al Baker The Stethoscope using stooge and signal
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Mental Magic)
Al Baker Mental Discernment marked
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Pet Secrets)
Al Baker Long-Distance Telepathy marked
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Pet Secrets)
Al Baker Tricks I Like - 1. stacked, medium finds three chosen cards, bottom cards code them
Related toAlso published here
  • The Sphinx, Vol. 47 No. 1, March 1948
2003 674
Al Baker, Max Holden Another Subtle Mystery Si Stebbins & one-way, cards with same suit and value as selection are found face down
2003 681
Al Baker Card Discovery selected behind back, corner is torn off to glimpse card
2003 687
Al Baker Giant Memory Card Trick
2003 714
Al Baker Pellets and Card Trick cards are written on billets, performer devines cards, short card
2003 726
Al Baker Selected Card Found two cards
2003 735
Al Baker To Name any Card Drawn with stacked deck
2003 753
Al Baker Two-Person Mental Card Trick stacked deck, medium are secretly given cards next to selection
2003 758
Al Baker Two-Person Mind Reading one of four is selected, assistant in other room knows
2003 758
Philip T. Goldstein Baker's Doesn't two peeked at cards are divined, using billets to write them down
2003 887
Philip T. Goldstein Revers-Al variation of effect "Baker's Doesn't" with selections reversing themselves
2003 889
Karl Fulves Tell-A-Die from shuffled packet two cards are remembered by spectators indicated by die roll, one card named and performer instantly names other
2003 29
Luke Jermay A Remote Castle card castle is destroyed by spectator and face up cards divined
Related to 2003 101
Jay Sankey Broken English "Chinese characters" written on a wooden chopstick change into TWO OF HEARTS, divining the selection
Twenty Years Of Magic (Issue Amazing Tricks)
Jay Sankey Transference Magician divines spectator's thought of card, then another spectator divines another's thought of card, then spectator locates his own card
Twenty Years Of Magic (Issue Amazing Tricks)
Jay Sankey Saved By The Bell Spectator dials phone number as indicated by seven cards on the table, message on answering machine reveals the spectator's selection
Twenty Years Of Magic (Issue Tricks of the Trade)
Philip T. Goldstein Centrifugal Poker cards in poker hand divined, "The Centrifuge Principle"
Related to 2003 1
Philip T. Goldstein Centrifugal Poker cards in poker hand divined, "The Centrifuge Principle"
Related to 2003 3
Philip T. Goldstein Centrifugal Poker cards in poker hand divined, "The Centrifuge Principle"
Related to 2003 3
Karl Fulves Fragments two cards selected via dealing procedure, performer divines the suit of one and value of the other card, partial suit clocking
Off The Books (Issue 4)
Karl Fulves 3-Coin Monte three cards and three coins, spectator moves cards around, performer places coins on cards which he thinks match the value of the coins via instructions
Inspired by 2003
Off The Books (Issue 4)
Karl Fulves Edge of Mind spectator cuts off packet and hides it, card at same position is remembered, deck dealt into eight piles, selection named and packet with it pointed to
Off The Books (Issue 5)
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson The Paranormalist spectator riffle shuffles once and turns up pairs without the performer seeing them, when a color-matching pair is found the performer names the higher value
Inspired byRelated to 2003 95
Michel Huot Cellular Fun three cards chosen, name of first selection appears on cell phone screen, second spectator holds phone over a few cards and it rings over selection, third spectator phones a given number which answers with third selection
2003 25
Tom Ransom Card Sense (By Computer) the twenty Royal Flush cards are used for a divination of poker hand and hole cards, using a paper computer with strips to find out about the cards
Jan. 2003
Genii (Vol. 66 No. 1)
Chris Wardle A Further "CW Mene-Tekel" Variation Plus Ideas For Its Use kind of "Multeffect Cards" type deck with various effects
Related to 2003 23
Mark Elsdon Boxed Tekel two cards pocketed, the Jokers whisper the names to the performer, Jokers put in case, then pocketed cards shown, then they transpose with the cased Jokers
Inspired by 2003 26
Doug Canning Point/Counterpoint packet cut off and counted, card at that position remembered, packet replaced, number named and card is at that position (faced deck) and divined
Also published here
  • Canning's Card Capers (Doug Canning)
June 2003
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 10)
Robert Cassidy The Paradigm Deck Peek deck combine with Psychomatic deck, multiple cards are divined
Inspired by 2003 8
Carl Mercurio Prism of Doom during fancy cut the performer names card which then rises from deck
2003 19
Alain Nu Line Of Sight (Control) dressed up peek selection
2004 46
John Bannon The LOS Control to set up four of a kind for a following trick
Inspired by 2004 51
John Bannon, Simon Aronson Wait Until Dark Shufflebored combined with Ortiz' Human Blindfold idea
Variations 2004 168
Karl Fulves Unsolved two cards exchanged from different decks, using card counting to finde out which, posed as problem
2004 30
Karl Fulves Quicker Count spectator riffle shuffles deck, deals two ten-card piles, moves a card from pile to pile and gives either pile to performer who divines card
2004 31
Karl Fulves Secret Counting two cards removed from deck are found after riffle shuffle and clocking value predicted, no real card counting required
Related to 2004 35
Karl Fulves The Apex nine card packet "riffle shuffled", dealt in row, center card turned over, spectator choses the four cards on either side and thinks of highest one which is divined, chains
2004 41
Karl Fulves Kid Koin after riffle shuffle top card is pocketed, coin turned over according to color of next four cards, then performer looks again and names card
2004 48
Karl Fulves Blocking Function work week cards (monday through friday) shuffled and dealt in groups of five, performer divines which days are duplicated and where in the packet
2004 49
Karl Fulves The Hunt For Diamonds two cards chosen, deck thrown in paper bag and mixed, performer removes all diamonds without looking and then names selections, hidden rubber band
Related to 2004 66
Philip T. Goldstein Centrifugal Poker cards in poker hand divined, "The Centrifuge Principle"
Related to 2004 1
Basil Horwitz Challenge Body Language Card and Design Test sticker on selection, spectator draws symbol on it
2004 24
Basil Horwitz Special Bonus Routine - Body Language Challenge body language reading presentation
Also published here 2004 55
Dave Campbell The Defectors four Jokers "whisper" three selections and transpose with them
Inspired byAlso published here 2004 105
Grace Ann Morgan The Perfect Choice spectator deals down in shuffled deck and stops, performer knows the card, faro
Related to 2004 24
Paul Chosse Triple Header spectator removes any three random cards, they are used to "calculate" name of selection with pseudo rules
Inspired by 2004 64
Steve Beam Six Appeal thought of card is divined, using the Bait and Switch
2004 162
Steve Beam Six Pack thought of card is divined, using the Bait and Switch, smaller set-up
2004 164
Steve Beam, Doug Canning Zero Tolerance thought of card is divined, several methods
2004 178
Ramón Riobóo In the Bluff clever card force, number is counted in the deck to select card, revealed by asking question to other spectator
2004 201
Wayne Dobson Missing Think? one of twelve cards chosen and pocketed, then it is put back into the packet and travels to pocket
2004 4
Jay Sankey Between the Sheets name of selected card appears on two previously blank and banded together business cards
2004 127
Al Bertini Das Spiegelbild card from cut packet is remembered and divined, number of cards appear on mirror
2004 9
Simon Aronson, Ramón Riobóo The Three Hours three cards are divined
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here 2004 65
Juan Tamariz Divination of selected card
  • The Methods
  • Routined Divinations
  • Observations on Psychology and Presentation
  • A Tip
  • A Lament
  • A Warning
  • Other Effects
  • Naming the Position
  • By Estimation
  • Through a Misplaced Card
  • With a Medium
  • Concluding Observations
2004 79
Juan Tamariz The Three Piles three groups of cards are removed from fan, all cards are named by performer
  • First Variation (With a Medium)
  • Second Variation (Ideas)
  • Third Variation (A Classic)
Related to 2004 85
Juan Tamariz Carbuquillo playing a made up game with spectator, where performer always loses and while in the process of playing, divining all of spectator's cards, interlocking chains
  • Other Ideas and Variations
Variations 2004 119
Edward Marlo, Juan Tamariz Face to Face cards shuffled face up into face down, one card selected by fingertip peek is divined
2004 138
Juan Tamariz Royal Location divining card in memorized stack after doing out-faros
Inspired by 2004 142
Edward Marlo, Juan Tamariz The Missing Card divination of removed cards
Inspired by 2004 167
Juan Tamariz Answering Computer colors of cards as direction for spectator to lie or tell the truth, cards etc are divined
  • Other Presentations
    • A. The Trip
    • B. The Labyrinth
    • C. Hangman
Related to 2004 220
Juan Tamariz Double Divination divination of two cards
2004 239
Juan Tamariz Jumbled Divination cards shuffled face up into face down, packet is cut and number divined, as well as the amount of reversed card and the cards identities
2004 240
Juan Tamariz, Carlhorst Meier Spectator Misses, Magician Hits spectator and performer each take a card and try to divine card of the other, while spectator misses, performer always hits, several phases
  • A Different Climax
2004 243
Juan Tamariz Tell Me Who You're With and I'll Tell You Who You Are card is selected and replaced and deck shuffled, spectator names cards next to selections and performer names card, then spectator names a card and performer names cards next to it
2004 246
Juan Tamariz How Many Reds? cards cut and performer knows amount of red and black cards, five phases
2004 249
Robert Cassidy The Enigma of #23 oddities about number 23 are told, two spectators cut packet and cut cards are divined, total of packets equals 23
Also published here 2004 249
Simon Lovell, Derek Dingle Simon And Derek Transport The Whispering Queen! Queen placed face up on deck, spectator reverses a card on the deck, Queen whispers name of card to performer, then they transpose
  • Finish Number One
  • Finish Number Two
2004 39
Wonder Man Fred Buffalo Bill spectator cuts the deck, removes five cards and thinks of one, card is divined
2004 127
Wonder Man Fred Fan-Tastic spectator removes a group of cards and performer names all but three, second spectator selects a card from different deck which matches one of the remaining cards, one card is divined by calling friend of performer and last one matches prediction in box
  • Das Finden einer Karte durch einen Zuschauer
  • Die telefonische Wiedergabe der Karte
  • Die Vorhersage der letzten Karte
2004 209
Paolo Cavalli, Massimo Tira Twicerpiece spectator reverses card without looking and tries to guess card by writing one down, performer divines reversed card and guessed card
Inspired by 2004 35
Aldo Colombini Underground Spies four Jacks "whisper" three selections and transpose with them, odd backed
Inspired by 2004 8
Karl Fulves Displaceable U deck cut in half, both halves shuffled, spectator removes some cards of named suit and places them in box, another one from other half under box, last one is named
Related to 2005 11
Karl Fulves Mind's i two piles, two spectators each remove a card and put it in other pile, performer knows both after looking through one of the piles, also over phone
2005 27
Karl Fulves Strongest Suit two cards reversed are identified via "eminent domain" card counting
2005 33
Karl Fulves Thot By Proxy spectator removed queen and any card from same suit, they're divined
2005 35
Karl Fulves A Game Of Touch suit removed, spectator deals it from top or bottom into pile and retains last card, performer sort suit below table top and divines selection
2005 52
Karl Fulves Gray's Anatomy connection between gray code and binary numbers, application with 24-cards stack, three consecutive cards tell position in stack
2005 105
Tony Bartolotta T-Bills three pennies and three different bills, three people take a penny and bill each and close their hands around it, performer then tell who has which and in which hand
2005 415
Piet Forton Ein mentales "Kartenspiel" three spectator get a bunch of cards, performer divines missing cards and who has them, with description of a variation by Fred Kaps
2005 2
Derren Brown Bermuda spectators imagine a card on blank cards that are divined from the audiences point of view, are really actual cards
Related to
  • "Factory Blanks" (Tom Stone)
Feb. 2005
Genii (Vol. 68 No. 2)
Don May, Edward Marlo, Jon Racherbaumer Heightening the Hoary piles are made, spectator eliminates some, four-of-a-kind climax, with more variations by Marlo
Inspired byRelated to May 2005
Antinomy (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Erik Nordvall MAP - Mental Aces to Pocket Spectator thinks of an Ace, magician correctly divines it, then all the Aces turn into selected Ace, then selected Ace disappears, then in the pocket are the other three Aces and only the selected Ace is left in the hand
2006 4
Christoph Borer Herz 10
Related to
  • Herz 10 in "Seminarnotizen 2006"
2006 140
Harry Riser The Impossible Dream spectator cuts off pile, remembers bottom card and puts pile in center of rest, card named later, half stack
Inspired by
  • Ed Marlo Effect
Also published here
  • MUM, June 1995
2006 39
Edward Marlo Dream Divination spectator cuts off pile, remembers bottom card and shuffles, performer shuffles bottom half (key to bottom and glimpsed), card named
2006 39
Harry Riser Needle in a Haystack card chosen, identity and position announced by performer, faro
2006 159
Jack Avis, Bob Haines A Bridge Hand four packets made, top cards taken until bridge hand is formed, all cards divined
2006 29
Jack Avis A Change of Identity (Identity Crisis) four Jacks "whisper" three selections and transpose with them
Inspired byRelated to 2006 35
Jack Avis The Jumping Thought card peeked at, deck shuffled by spectator, card divined and it comes to top
2006 86
Jack Avis Locate Four - Locate the One four cards found that are same suit as selection and its total matches selection, or the four card can indicate color, suit, value etc
2006 92
Jack Avis Some Thoughts on Old Card Routines tearing off corner of card to peek it, card located under handkerchief
2006 173
Reinhard Müller Feeling the Same court cards and a Joker are shuffled, a four of a kind is chosen and cards put in spectator's pocket, a pile is handed to the performer and he is able to announce how many of chosen quartet are in that pile and if the Joker is there as well
Inspired by
  • Tom Craven's "Selected Suit Divination" in Tony Miller's "Channel One" Vol. 3, #10. 2003
Related to
2006 59
Allan Slaight Perfected Strangers mathematical monte, with Jacks and a Joker, eliminated cards can always be named
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 2006 65
Lewis Jones Blindsight spectator covers eyes of performer, cards are selected from deck and performer is able to name them
2006 145
Michael Weber Racked and Stacked two phases, pile is cut and bottom card remembered, then pile is shuffled and dealt into several hands, card is divined
2006 187
Steve Beam, Doug Canning Grat Minds Think Alike three thought of cards lead to selection
2006 212
David Ben Reflected Writings chosen card divined humorously from answers to questions and scribble by spectator
Aug. 2006
Genii (Vol. 69 No. 8)
Jon Racherbaumer A Crown Con three selections (chosen, thought of and named) turn out to be the same card that the performer reverses under the table, two stooges that don't know how the effect work in its entirety
Inspired by May 2006
Antinomy (Vol. 2 No. 2)
Eddie Fields Triple Spectator En Rapport
  • Phase 1: Magician receives spectator's thoughts
  • Phase 2: Spectator sends thoughts to second spectator
  • Phase 3: Spectator receives thoughts from another spectator
Also published here May 2006
Antinomy (Vol. 2 No. 2)
Doug Edwards In A Whisper! whispering joker routine, using Wayne Sanderson's card box
2006 134
Colin Miller Three Card Location Too three spectators cut off a packet, remember their card and shuffle, cards located, last one divined
Inspired by 2006 33
Andi Gladwin Signal versus Noice spectator shuffles Ace through Ten of Spades and puts them in a glass, performer divines the order and the last card has been predicted
2006 7
Jack Parker, Tyler Wilson Hit It & Split It Ace of Spades whispers name of two selections, then changes in those two selections
2006 20
Andi Gladwin Cheek-to-Cheek spectator cuts deck and places halves face to face, performer names the face-to-face cards
Inspired by
  • "Kiss And Tell" (Paul Diamond & Jon Racherbaumer, Big-Easy Card-Cunning)
2006 44
Andy Hurst Cancelled Out deck shuffled with spectator, spectator counts down to a number and removes card, performer divines it, faro
2006 66
Paul Gordon Impromptu Pokertell spectator chooses a card from a packet with dealing procedure, then reads off all the cards, performer knows selection
Inspired by
  • "Poker Tell" (Jon Racherbaumer, Big Easy Card Cunning)
2006 134
Shiv Duggal Girl Talk four Queens "whisper" three selections and transpose with them
Inspired by 2006 152
Robin Robertson, Steve Dusheck On Your Mark cards openly marked on back, deck is used for mindreading and transposition
2007 182
Gerald Deutsch Magic Vibrations card is divined, in second phase wrong card is divined, card comes from pocket
2007 293
Joshua Jay To Tell The Truth II two cards are removed from (stacked) deck and divined with liar/truthteller presentation
Inspired by 2007 412
Denis Behr Packet Trick looks like it messes up the order, memorized deck
2007 51
Denis Behr Gray Matters three selections, fair conditions, gray code
Related to 2007 84
Benjamin Earl Playing the Odds spectator shuffles and deals themselves royal flush, thought-of card divined
Variations 2007 10
Benjamin Earl Lie Detector 2 cards eliminated until selection found, additional thought of card determined
2007 17
Karl Fulves Royal Wedding all court cards named from back, chosen card found
2007 23
Karl Fulves Pseudo Poker eight cards, four envelopes, two random cards placed in an envelope each, performer divines content
2007 29
Karl Fulves When It Started twelve picture cards laid out face-down to symbolize months, spectator exchanges one with the joker, performer divines month and card
2007 35
Karl Fulves Dice and Dates three named four-of-a-kinds laid out, spectator choses one with two dice, card and rolled number divined
2007 36
Jack Parker Stooge Fright Magician divines three random selections
2007 200
Christoph Borer Challenge Peek three cards are divined, half Al Koran deck
2007 37
Karl Fulves Down/Underhanded false down-under deal, order remains, value divination application
Prolix (Issue 3)
David Solomon Whispering Queens two Queens appear reversed in deck, they whisper names of two selections and are shown to be next to the selection
2007 33
David Solomon Cut Deeper Sans Deeper two cards chosen with cut procedure, divined and then produced
Inspired by 2007 74
Don May May's Take on Vernon's Trick piles are made, spectator eliminates some, four-of-a-kind climax
Inspired byRelated to 2007 113
David Solomon Smith Without The Myth two spectators cut off a packet and count them, then remember cards at that positions, performer names both selections
Variations 2007 150
Stewart James Freedom of the Sieze Magician divines card that was placed face to face with another card in the middle of the deck, deck held behind the back the whole time
Also published here
  • marketed by Abbott's 1937
2007 16
Stewart James Pocket of Persistence Deck is placed in pocket unseen, magician can be blindfolded, but is able to extract winning poker hands, and even the mate to a previously selected card
Also published here
  • Typewritten instructions, Apr 1949 and Aug 1958
2007 105
Chuck Smith Imaginary 21 Card Trick in effect a card is chosen under table and named by magician
Also published here 2007 130
Doug Conn Impossible 21 Card Trick spectator pockets card, it is named
Also published here 2007 133
Jeff Pierce The Marker'd Deck deck sticks halfway in case, card peeked at and immediately known to performer, marks on back of next card, re-invention of Krenzel variation
Inspired byRelated to Oct. 2007
Antinomy (Vol. 3 No. 3)
Jerry K. Hartman Deep Voodoo two selections freely cut to and buried in deck are divined by magician
Inspired byAlso published here 2007 152
Jerry K. Hartman Cut to the Choice magician knows how many cards four spectators will cut off the deck, then top card of each pile is shown to be an Ace
Inspired by 2007 214
Jerry K. Hartman Keynoted two cards selected and lost in fair manner with magician’s back turned, magician divines both cards or knows when to stop as cards are dealt
Variations 2007 359
Jerry K. Hartman Psykey location of card that was selected and lost with magician’s back turned
2007 363
Joel Givens Peek clean spectator's peek, see p. 203 for method
2007 15
Jason Dean Practical Joker Joker whispers name of two selection and then transposes with both selections
2007 10
Brett Bishop Ring-Ding card lost, performer takes his phone and makes a call, spectator's phone rings and selection is found underneath, performer names selection
2007 22
Dave Forrest Mating Season card chosen from deck, performer divines it and then removes mate from pocket, faro
Inspired by 2007 12
David Lees One from Three three items (cards, photographs) in a row, one chosen, the other two exchanged, performer divines it, mathematical three card monte
  • Basic Presentation
  • One from Three with Cards
  • Using Photographs and Envelopes
2007 46
Justin Higham Jungian Poker five poker hands dealt, spectator peeks at one card from a poker hand, all cards are collected and re-dealt, performer gets winning hand of straight flush consisting of peeked at card
Inspired byRelated toVariations 2008 31
Karl Fulves CyberDice dealflipdropcut with deck and the throwing of coins, posed as a problem
Xtra Credit (Issue 1)
Allan Slaight Perfected Strangers Jacks face-up on table, spectator places Joker in row and switches it around according to instructions, performer lets him remove only the Jacks with his back turned, with variations
Inspired by
  • "Strangers from Two Worlds" (Stewart James, Tops, Apr. 1963)
Related toAlso published here
2008 106
Allan Slaight Missing Links card, color and symbol divined, object divined and found in the room
Inspired by
  • "Link It Test" (Stewart James)
Also published here
  • The James File, 2000
2008 138
Allan Slaight, Max Maven Speechless Stratagem calculation method for a divination using Eight Kings stack
Inspired by
  • "Silent Subterfuge" (Stewart James, The James File, 2000)
Also published here
  • The James File, 2000
2008 142
Allan Slaight Fulvestige/Vestigeable deck cut, three spectators take the top card each, cards compared to new top card and switched around according to rules, performer names the cards
  • Vestigeable (simplified variation)
Inspired by
  • "Hofzinser Variation" (Karl Fulves, Abra #1205, Mar. 1969)
  • "James Version of Hofzinser Variation" (Stewart James)
Also published here
  • The James File, 2000
2008 158
Dai Vernon, Richard Vollmer, Roberto Giobbi The Cards Knew piles are made, values of top cards of some packets are used to divine value of a remaining packet, mathematical
Inspired by 2008 49
James Brown Dark performer has his eyes blindfolded by spectator, performer divines cards and changes one
2008 157
Paul Gordon Twin Peeks card peeked at in one deck, performer divines it and also its position in a second deck
  • Master Routine for "Twin Peeks"
Inspired byAlso published here
  • marketed with Aldo Colombini 1997
  • Professional Card Magic Miracles, 2001
2008 165
Fred Robinson Mind Reading at the Marlborough combining stacked and marked deck
2009 226
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) 13. The Mysterious Seven spectator shuffles and cuts off some cards and removes a red card from packet which is divined
Nov. 2009
The Penumbra (Issue 11)
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) 16. Moe & Moe spectator shuffles and cuts off some cards, thinks of first red card and black card next to it, spectator deals and performer stops him at selections which are also named by performer
Nov. 2009
The Penumbra (Issue 11)
Benjamin Earl In a Glimpse lie detector and divination
Jan. 2009
Gambit (Issue 1)
Jon Racherbaumer, Hideo Kato Hermetic Penetration spectator cuts to a card and inserts it in the center behind his back and then cases deck, performer divines it and it reverses itself
Also published here 2009 5
James Swain Shush three cards removed, performer divines them fairly, peek case with hole
Inspired byAlso published here 2009 41
Barrie Richardson Stripped Ease out-of-hand selection from stripper deck, glimpse in center
Also published here Oct. 2009
Genii (Vol. 72 No. 10 (The Jinx - 75 Years))
Nick Trost A Divination Routine divination of number, color and suit in cut-of packet
  • Phase One - As Many As You
  • Phase Two - Color Sense
  • Phase Three - Suit Discernment
Inspired by
  • "As Many As You" (Walter B. Gibson, Magic Explained, 1949)
  • "Suit Discernment" (Paul J. Flory, The Linking Ring, Jan 1979)
2009 351
Nick Trost ESP + Pinochle cards are shuffled and distributed, performer knows who has a pair in his cards, uses Pinochle deck
Inspired by 2009 506
Patrick Dessi Simplissime with variation, location of selection
  • Mental 1
  • Mental 2
2009 63
Barrie Richardson Stripped Ease out-of-hand selection from stripper deck, glimpse in center
Also published here 2009 4
Chris "Doc" Dixon Double Duty card is turned over and both sides shown to two spectators, one thinks of reversed card other can think of any card he sees, both cards are divined
2009 26
Chris "Doc" Dixon Deep & Meaningful Infatuation performer divines card and situation that the spectator apparently made up (but is really written on the card), with idea by Philipp Tawfik
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 2009 30
Russell J. Hall Tri-Psyche three cards chosen and divined with lie-detector type questions, near-miss on final card
2009 156
Tyler Wilson *69 selection is divined and transforms into named card, memorized deck, telephone game presentation in which card is whispered around and changed in the process
Also published here 2010 141
Jason Michaels The Fortune Teller folded origami Fortune Teller is used to reveal selection
2010 19
Richard Bangs Suit Yourself Surpassed spectator distributes four of a kind into his pockets, magician knows order, out of hands
Related toVariations 2010 69
Caleb Wiles Armchair Mind Reading spectator cuts off packet, looks at bottom card and shuffles pile, performer names selection without seeing any faces, suit set-up
Inspired by
  • "Pure Telepathy" (Boris Wild, Marked Deck Lecture Notes)
2010 85
Lewis Jones Ding Dong Effect five selected cards are divined
2010 131
John Bannon No card on table is divined with other piles via down-under-deal using Mitsunobu Matsuyama's Petal Principle
2010 187
Ramón Riobóo The Defibrillator free selection is divined via other cards produced from behind back, stack
2010 235
Gordon Bruce Double Divination two cards glimpsed in odd-colored half while riffling, divided deck
Secret Agenda (Issue July 8)
Roberto Giobbi Intriguing Thoughts dressed up divination
Secret Agenda (Issue July 12)
Carlhorst Meier, Roberto Giobbi Double Divination stacked deck
Secret Agenda (Issue Aug 23)
Roberto Giobbi Triple Divination how to present the divination of multiple cards
Secret Agenda (Issue Sep 14)
John Scarne No-Clue Revelation spectator cuts, looks at bottom card and replaces, card and position named
Prolix (Issue 8)
Karl Fulves Ahead Of The Game values and later suits of six randomly chosen cards divined
Xtra Credit (Issue 7)
Max Maven Vegemental six cards with vegetables, two selections made and spelt, then divined
VariationsAlso published here 2010 1
Woody Aragón Carbuquillo Toledano cards are shuffled and dealt into poker hands, cards in chosen poker hand are known
Inspired by 2010
El Manuscrito (Vol. 3 No. 11)
Pit Hartling Identidades Remotas packet is cut, three cards are taken from that spot and divined
Related to
  • "Thought Transference" (George W. Lord, Linking Ring Vol. 43 No. 6, June 1963)
Also published here
  • "Remote Identities" (Pit Hartling, Circular, Nov. 2001)
El Manuscrito (Vol. 3 No. 13)
Larry Becker Mental Flush odd back principle, divination of chosen card from Royal Flush
Related toAlso published here
  • "Becker's Bluff" in Magic Castle Lecture Notes 1984 p. 13.
2010 21
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli), Roberto Giobbi Cheers, Mr.Galasso! three cards are selected and divined
Variations 2010 53
Jon Armstrong My Opening Act card peeked in rubber banded deck, another spectator names wrong card, but that card is later found in wallet
Also published here 2010 4
John Born The Perfect Pick spectator removes random card, names three cards (one of them is the card), magician divines which is the card selected
Also published here 2010 20
Steve Dusheck Mind-Reading Svengali peek deck made from svengali deck with indices written in a corner, then prediction of a card the spectator cuts to (svengali principle)
2010 57
Harry Lorayne 3-4-1 three piles, spectator moves his selected card from pile to pile, performer divines piles and names card
Also published here 2010 136
Ryan Matney Doc John's Aces spectator riffle shuffles deck and performer names the order of Aces in the deck, chosen one travels to pocket, interlocking chain principle
Inspired by 2010 155
Robin Robertson King Cornelius' Stack three spectators cut the deck, remember the bottom card of the pile and put the cards in their pockets, three thought of cards are divined and removed from the cut-off piles
  • Deluxe variant
Inspired by 2010 216
Dan Tong The Tel-Tale Joker spectator takes a card from handkerchief-covered deck and puts it face up on top, Joker goes under handkerchief and then whispers card to performer, card is also predicted
Variations 2010 239
Dan Tong Rough Guy spectator takes a card from handkerchief-covered deck and puts it face up on top and cuts deck, Joker goes under handkerchief and then whispers card to performer, card is also predicted, deck roughed on faces
  • Variation
Inspired by 2010 241
Michael Weber Tip of the Trunk packet of cards, two selections made and spelt, then divined, part of Spelephant routine
Inspired by 2010 258