Written by Jamie Badman, José Muñiz
Work of Various
460 pages (E-book), published by Selfpublished
Illustrated with photographs and drawings
Language: English
251 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Issue Year Page Categories
Peter Duffie Suit Yourself Too two small packets, one arranges in the same suit order as the other, Klondike shuffle, self-duplicating set-up
VariationsAlso published here Vol. 1 No. 1 June 2001 1
José Muñiz False Sandwich selection travels from between two Kings to the other Kings
Vol. 1 No. 1 June 2001 2
José Muñiz False Sandwich Subtlety card apparently placed between two sandwich cards, really end up on the bottom
Vol. 1 No. 1 June 2001 3
Steve Reynolds Drop Sleight intro
Vol. 1 No. 1 June 2001 4
Steve Reynolds Stabilized Drop Sleight
Inspired by Vol. 1 No. 1 June 2001 4
Jason Alford Handy Prediction in-the-hands
Vol. 1 No. 1 June 2001 6
Nathan Kranzo The Light on the Ceiling any card named, performer deals through face-down shuffled deck and sets aside four cards, they are the matching four-of-a-kind
Vol. 1 No. 1 June 2001 8
James Swain Psychic Ace Assembly Aces gather in pile of thought-of Ace
  • Version #1 (Preferred Method)
  • Version #2 (Easy Method)
Also published here Vol. 1 No. 1 June 2001 9
David Regal Out of this Borough
Also published here Vol. 1 No. 1 June 2001 14
Steve Draun The Locator top card is put on the table and changes into selection, supposed to use Malone Shift, but text describes some side-steal/one-card pass that does not work here
Related to Vol. 1 No. 1 June 2001 20
Jerry K. Hartman, José Muñiz Interview: Jerard K. Hartman
Vol. 1 No. 1 June 2001 22
Jerry K. Hartman Easy As Psi selected card is predicted with a three-of-a-kind packet of the same value
Inspired by
  • untitled trick in The Linking Ring, Nov. 1987, Card Corner, p. 90
Vol. 1 No. 1 June 2001 25
Jerry K. Hartman Frontal Strip cards up-jogged with cards held high, faces towards performer, card facing the performer is added secretly as out-jogged cards are stripped out
Vol. 1 No. 1 June 2001 25
Jerry K. Hartman Brain Drop performer predicts which suit will be named by reversing one card of a four-of-a-kind packet behind his back
Vol. 1 No. 1 June 2001 27
Jerry K. Hartman Cut, Man! Do! using Harry Riser subtlety
Related to Vol. 1 No. 1 June 2001 30
Jerry K. Hartman Double Swivel Cut bottom section moved to top while keeping top stock under control in the center
Vol. 1 No. 1 June 2001 30
Jerry K. Hartman Multiple Slip Cut
Vol. 1 No. 1 June 2001 30
Jerry K. Hartman Pile Up four piles with an Ace on top of each are assembled, all Aces shown on top
Inspired byVariations Vol. 1 No. 1 June 2001 32
George McBride A Face in the Dark "51 Faces North" solution
  • Alternative Handling
Vol. 1 No. 2 July 2001 3
Stewart James Nullifactor Move brief, one-handed turnover of deck while keeping top card in place
Vol. 1 No. 2 July 2001 3
Roy Walton Checkmate one of ten cards selected, its mate turns over in the remaining nine-card packet
Inspired by
  • "Up the Garden Path" (Peter Duffie's website)
Vol. 1 No. 2 July 2001 5
Shiv Duggal Twister twisting with Ace through Four of Hearts, miniature Five appears as "extra card"
Vol. 1 No. 2 July 2001 7
Joshua Jay Royal Assembly poker theme, ends with royal flush production
Also published here Vol. 1 No. 2 July 2001 9
David Stone Mercury One one-handed method to fold top card of deck into quarters, here credited to Tom Stone by mistake
Vol. 1 No. 2 July 2001 12
Iain Moran The Aces Pop four Aces are each sandwiched between two cards, appear one by one in the center of the table
Inspired by Vol. 1 No. 2 July 2001 15
Dai Vernon Double Turnover in Hand fingers pivot double over one-handed
Vol. 1 No. 2 July 2001 17
The Steal bottom card of double in Tenkai palm version
Vol. 1 No. 2 July 2001 18
Gene Maze The Utility Swipe card steal from a small packet
Also published here Vol. 1 No. 2 July 2001 20
What They're saying about "Ego"
Vol. 1 No. 3 Aug. 2001
Armando Gutierrez Q Surprise Aces production of the four Aces using Twin Inspiration Move
  • The 2nd Method
Inspired by Vol. 1 No. 3 Aug. 2001 1
Edward Marlo Tabled Block Slip Cut
Vol. 1 No. 3 Aug. 2001 1
Ben Harris Twin Inspiration Move brief
Also published here Vol. 1 No. 3 Aug. 2001 2
Aldo Colombini It's A Small World using about half the deck
Inspired by
  • "World Class" (J. K. Hartman)
  • "Tomorroworld" (Ron Ferris)
Also published here
Vol. 1 No. 3 Aug. 2001 5
Angelo Carbone TIDLE (Totally Impromptu Deck Levitation Effect) deck held in the hands, upper half floats up right at selection
Vol. 1 No. 3 Aug. 2001 8
Reverse Alignment Move Jog
Vol. 1 No. 3 Aug. 2001 8
Jack Carpenter Blind Lemon Aces Aces lost in deck and produced from right hand ("not this hand, the other hand")
Also published here Vol. 1 No. 3 Aug. 2001 10
David Britland Progressive Sandwich selection lost, red Jacks cut face up in deck, then black Jacks put together in deck, a sandwich of all four Jacks with one selection is found in center
Variations Vol. 1 No. 3 Aug. 2001 12
Roy Walton Partial Elmsley Count doing only first two counts (uncredited)
Also published here Vol. 1 No. 3 Aug. 2001 12
Rob James Tweaked Cannibals visual handling of Collectors finale
Vol. 1 No. 3 Aug. 2001 14
Rob James To make a thick card
Vol. 1 No. 3 Aug. 2001 14
Harrison Carroll I Remember two spectators cut off a pile, remember the bottom cards and shuffle, both are found
Vol. 1 No. 3 Aug. 2001 16
Harrison Carroll Face Up Cutting The Aces
Also published here Vol. 1 No. 4 Sep. 2001 2
Eddie Fechter Small Number Faro Stack faro slough-off handling
Also published here Vol. 1 No. 4 Sep. 2001 2
Edward Marlo One Hand Throw Cut one handed slip cut from left hand to table
Vol. 1 No. 4 Sep. 2001 3
Aldo Colombini The Aces Are Gone four black cards, four red cards, four Aces, Aces put between other two packets and they vanish, then Oil & Queens with remaining 4&4 cards with Aces as kicker
Inspired by
  • "Off-Counted" (Erhard Liebenow, Linking Ring, Mar. 1995)
Vol. 1 No. 4 Sep. 2001 4
The Back Spread pressure hide-out
Vol. 1 No. 4 Sep. 2001 5
Aldo Colombini Colombini Laughing Count sometimes Alco Count, bold Hamman Count alternative, see also p. 7
Vol. 1 No. 4 Sep. 2001 6
Tom Frame Blind-Sided spectator choses card behind back, performer does the same, the cards match, single-deck method
Inspired by Vol. 1 No. 4 Sep. 2001 8
Steve Ehlers Sensitive Touch cards are read with the finger tips
  • Bottom Deal Method
  • First Alternative...
  • Second Alternative...
Vol. 1 No. 4 Sep. 2001 13
J. B. Bobo Square-up Peek during squaring the inner index corner lifts slightly up
Vol. 1 No. 4 Sep. 2001 13
Steve Mayhew Hungry Now visual sandwich, selection transforms into sandwich when thrown on deck, Flippant
Also published here Vol. 1 No. 4 Sep. 2001 15
Peter Duffie Collectors In My Pocket Ace, Two and Three put in pocket, two selections appear between them later
Inspired byAlso published here Vol. 1 No. 4 Sep. 2001 17
David Solomon, José Muñiz Profiles: David Solomon
Vol. 1 No. 4 Sep. 2001 19
David Solomon Jack In The Box Jack of Spades and two Aces put in case, it appears between two Aces in the deck, in the box is now an Ace sandwich with a selection
Inspired by Vol. 1 No. 4 Sep. 2001 21
Don Scott Name Dropper card into sock, comedy routine
Vol. 1 No. 4 Sep. 2001 23
Andrew Wimhurst Le Paul Jog Control Finesse handling finesse, one-handed rolling of deck face-up while retaining jog
Inspired by Vol. 1 No. 4 Sep. 2001 25
David Neighbors My Hidden Secrets on Coin Magic "Three Coin routines never seen before"
Vol. 1 No. Special Edition #1 Sep. 2001 1
David Neighbors Handkerchief Slow Motion Vanish four coins assemble one by one under the corners of a tabled handkerchief, then they vanish
Vol. 1 No. Special Edition #1 Sep. 2001 3
Two Coin Gimmick
Vol. 1 No. Special Edition #1 Sep. 2001 3
Edward Marlo Friction Pass
Vol. 1 No. Special Edition #1 Sep. 2001 3
David Neighbors Trap Vanish False Count one as two
Vol. 1 No. Special Edition #1 Sep. 2001 4
David Neighbors Handkerchief Slow Motion Reverse Vanish four coins assemble one by one under the corners of a tabled handkerchief, then they vanish
Vol. 1 No. Special Edition #1 Sep. 2001 6
David Neighbors No-Kick First Class Flight four coin one by one from hand to under tabled card
Related to Vol. 1 No. Special Edition #1 Sep. 2001 9
One Man Issue: Iain Moran - Magic with a British Touch
Vol. 1 No. 5 Oct. 2001 1
José Muñiz Preface
Vol. 1 No. 5 Oct. 2001 3
Iain Moran The Assembly From Another Angle
Inspired by
  • Roger Crosthwaite's "The Assembly" (Roger's Thesaurus video tape)
Vol. 1 No. 5 Oct. 2001 4
Gene Maze Utility Swipe brief
Also published here Vol. 1 No. 5 Oct. 2001 6
Iain Moran Modified Lateral Palm Steal bottom card from small packet
Vol. 1 No. 5 Oct. 2001 7
Iain Moran Iain's Interchange four extra cards
Inspired by Vol. 1 No. 5 Oct. 2001 10
Bottom Palm single card, first angle-jogged
Vol. 1 No. 5 Oct. 2001 14
Iain Moran Just Making A Point (Of Departure) sandwich cards with hole in center, flap gaff
Inspired by Vol. 1 No. 5 Oct. 2001 16
Iain Moran I Dreamed A Dream signed card vanishes between the four Queens, it turns out to be previously tabled card
Inspired by
  • "Dream Wonder" (Jean-Pierre Vallarino, marketed through Camirand Academy)
Vol. 1 No. 5 Oct. 2001 20
Trevor Lewis Monte Move
Vol. 1 No. 5 Oct. 2001 23
Iain Moran A Colourful Triumph color changing deck climax, two cards taped together, used like a pocket card
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here Vol. 1 No. 5 Oct. 2001 25
The R. Paul Wilson One Man Issue - R. Paul Wilson In Print
Vol. 1 No. 6 Nov. 2001 1
R. Paul Wilson Introduction
Vol. 1 No. 6 Nov. 2001 4
R. Paul Wilson Aces Nigh
Vol. 1 No. 6 Nov. 2001 5
R. Paul Wilson The Real Work On The Open Travelers
Vol. 1 No. 6 Nov. 2001 7
R. Paul Wilson Any Ace Called For: A Simpler Way spectator announces in which order the Aces should be produced, using Zarrow shuffles
Inspired by Vol. 1 No. 6 Nov. 2001 10
R. Paul Wilson Challenge Cards To Pocket II two cards are first placed in jacket pockets, then removed and lost in the deck, then travel into the pockets
Inspired by Vol. 1 No. 6 Nov. 2001 12
R. Paul Wilson The Seal Cull shuffled deck taken, performer runs through once, then a four-of-a-kind is shown on the face, angle-jog cull and passive strip-out (without explanation)
Vol. 1 No. 6 Nov. 2001 16
R. Paul Wilson HeadWeave
Inspired by Vol. 1 No. 6 Nov. 2001 18
R. Paul Wilson Pithleavis Aces four Aces lost and found again (almost) at once
Also published here Vol. 1 No. 6 Nov. 2001 20
R. Paul Wilson The Miracle Card mystery card is set aside, instant sandwich phase with Jokers, then selection is buried in deck and mystery card is placed between the Jokers and is then shown to be the selection
Variations Vol. 1 No. 6 Nov. 2001 21
R. Paul Wilson Travelling Tales
Vol. 1 No. 6 Nov. 2001 24
R. Paul Wilson Essay - Thoughts on the switch of a bill discussion of various thoughts and ideas
Vol. 1 No. 6 Nov. 2001 25
R. Paul Wilson Blotto lotto sheet is crumpled up and pierced with pin, numbers at hole positions noted, sheet changes into bill and serial number matches lottery numbers
Vol. 1 No. 6 Nov. 2001 28
R. Paul Wilson Schroedinger's Cat serial number of borrowed bill is predicted in envelope
Also published here Vol. 1 No. 6 Nov. 2001 30
R. Paul Wilson Bill Switch with Envelope borrowed bill is apparently slid under paper clip on envelope
Vol. 1 No. 6 Nov. 2001 30
R. Paul Wilson Bill Switch with Envelope II borrowed bill is slid under paper clip on envelope, switch on removal
Vol. 1 No. 6 Nov. 2001 31
R. Paul Wilson Letter Have It signed bill vanishes and reappears in envelope paper-clipped to a letter
Vol. 1 No. 6 Nov. 2001 32
R. Paul Wilson Washington Thinks card thought from Koran deck appears on borrowed bill
Vol. 1 No. 6 Nov. 2001 34
R. Paul Wilson And Finally... short changing during origami folding
Vol. 1 No. 6 Nov. 2001 35
R. Paul Wilson Boxed Transpo Kings are placed into card case and case is set on top of spectator’s selection in his hand, selection transposes with Kings
Inspired byVariations Vol. 1 No. 6 Nov. 2001 36
Jamie Badman, Colin Miller Do as I Doobie Doobie Do two prediction phases, then Do as I Do phase (à la Patrick Page)
Also published here Vol. 1 No. 7 Dec. 2001 4
Doug Conn Transplanted picking off the pip, moving pip to other card, Two and Five thus become Four and Three
Inspired by Vol. 1 No. 7 Dec. 2001 7
Paul Cummins Stumped! three peeked at cards are immediately named
Also published here Vol. 1 No. 7 Dec. 2001 9
Jerry Kogan Side Jog Glimpse credit information
Vol. 1 No. 7 Dec. 2001 10
Doug Peters Alien Stack out-faro-invariant red/black stack, OOTW application
Related to Vol. 1 No. 7 Dec. 2001 16
Marty Kane Stellar Speller spelling some number phrases, the amount of card matches, card and matching suit found
  • Variation
Vol. 1 No. 7 Dec. 2001 19
Frank Zak Hotel Mystery Revisited
Vol. 1 No. 7 Dec. 2001 21
Frank Zak Inversion Redone card reversal routine with inversion finale
Vol. 1 No. 7 Dec. 2001 23
Jerry K. Hartman Catch and Carry red Aces placed in different parts of deck but backjogged, pulled out, sandwiched selection is between them
Also published here Vol. 1 No. 7 Dec. 2001 25
Scott Wells A Perfect Match ambitious card with match used as wand, card to matchbox as finale
Vol. 1 No. 7 Dec. 2001 27
The Peter McLanachan One Man Issue - Taking Card Magic to a New Dimension...
Vol. 1 No. 8 Jan. 2002 1
Peter McLanachan Dedication
Vol. 1 No. 8 Jan. 2002 4
Peter McLanachan Acknowledgments
Vol. 1 No. 8 Jan. 2002 4
Peter McLanachan A Wee Note About Presentations
Vol. 1 No. 8 Jan. 2002 4
Peter McLanachan Route 9 selection lost, Queen of same suit vanishes from Queens packet and is found reversed in deck, then it turns over and changes into selection
Inspired by
  • unpublished Gavin Ross Hofzinser Aces routine
Vol. 1 No. 8 Jan. 2002 5
Peter McLanachan Hofzinser 2001 no-deck handling
Inspired byAlso published here Vol. 1 No. 8 Jan. 2002 8
Peter McLanachan That's Richard's Problem! card chosen and tabled, performer deals three piles, top cards and card from beginning make up a four-of-a-kind
Inspired by
  • Richard James problem posted on website "Connoisseur Conjuring"
Related to
Vol. 1 No. 8 Jan. 2002 10
Peter McLanachan The LSD Joker three selections lost in deck, Joker tabled face down, two cards are pulled out of single tabled Joker one by one, Joker transforms into third selection
Vol. 1 No. 8 Jan. 2002 12
Peter McLanachan The Wee Cheatin' Bar Steward gambling routine demoing riffle stacking, bottom dealing, switching
Vol. 1 No. 8 Jan. 2002 14
Peter McLanachan The Square-Go matching the cards after losing signed four-of-a-kind, travelers finale
Inspired by Vol. 1 No. 8 Jan. 2002 17
Tabled Multiple Shift push-through
Vol. 1 No. 8 Jan. 2002 17
Peter McLanachan The Transporter Aces - The Next Generation slow-motion Real Gone Aces
Inspired by Vol. 1 No. 8 Jan. 2002 20
Peter McLanachan Queen Piece sandwich cards vanish from top and sandwich selection in the center twice, then card travels from deck between sandwich cards that the spectator holds
Inspired by
  • "The Red Headed League" in R. Paul Wilson's "Obscure Acts"
Vol. 1 No. 8 Jan. 2002 25
R. Paul Wilson Pick-Up Card Switch single card in right hand, packet in left hand, single card placed under packet which is taken with right hand at the same time
Also published here
  • "The Red Headed League" in R. Paul Wilson's "Obscure Acts"
Vol. 1 No. 8 Jan. 2002 27
"The Magic of Great Britain" - An amazing card trip around the United Kingdom
Vol. 1 No. 9 Feb. 2002 1
José Muñiz Editorial
Vol. 1 No. 9 Feb. 2002 4
Jon Racherbaumer Foreword
Vol. 1 No. 9 Feb. 2002 5
George McBride Missed Match two cards dealt to with named numbers, they're not mates, but mates are found when dealing twice to their added value
Inspired byAlso published here Vol. 1 No. 9 Feb. 2002 6
Peter Duffie Braindeath card named, a card is reversed in deck, it is not the selection but faces the selection and the selection's name is written on its back
Also published here Vol. 1 No. 9 Feb. 2002 7
Roy Walton Sweet Seventeen two face-up cards indicate the position of two selections, faro
Also published here Vol. 1 No. 9 Feb. 2002 9
Paul Hallas Waterloo spectator says stop during left-thumb riffle, bottom card of top half shown and deck assembled, performer names selection
Inspired by
  • "Magician's Waterloo" (Stewart James, The James File, p. 1831)
Vol. 1 No. 9 Feb. 2002 11
Second Card Glimpse face-up, top card pushed over slightly, exposing index of second card
Vol. 1 No. 9 Feb. 2002 11
Paul Hallas A Change of Filling two selections, one put between black Aces and lost in deck, one between red Aces and lost, they transpose within deck
Vol. 1 No. 9 Feb. 2002 13
Stewart James Small Packet Master Move
Vol. 1 No. 9 Feb. 2002 13
Paul Hallas The Distance Burning card chosen and burned/torched a bit, in a prediction deck the same card has burn marks, voodoo
Inspired by
  • "The Fire Ritual" (Paul Hallas, marketed item)
Vol. 1 No. 9 Feb. 2002 15
Gavin Ross Free Choice card chosen from twenty-card packet with automatic placement procedure, it then vanishes from the packet, reappears reversed
Vol. 1 No. 9 Feb. 2002 17
Iain Moran Triumph With A Twist after the Triumph phase, the mates turn over as well
Inspired by Vol. 1 No. 9 Feb. 2002 19
Trevor McCombie Caffeine four Queens are removed and tabled, then spectator cuts the Aces procedure with Queens, tabled cards turn out to be the Aces
Vol. 1 No. 9 Feb. 2002 22
Trevor McCombie On a Wing and a Prayer (or The Trick With No End!) some four-of-a-kinds are stacked in the center, one chosen, other three revealed however one pleases
Also published here
  • Abacus Vol. 9 No. 9, May 2001
Vol. 1 No. 9 Feb. 2002 24
Cliff Ruff Open Hearted all values of one suit are spelled out from the deck, whole deck is spelled through at the end
Variations Vol. 1 No. 9 Feb. 2002 25
David Britland A Tale of the Unexpected two cards transpose with one of them sandwiched between the Jokers, then transposition of Jokers with the selections à la Daley
Inspired by Vol. 1 No. 9 Feb. 2002 29
David Britland Packet Version of Mexican Turnover Switch
Also published here Vol. 1 No. 9 Feb. 2002 30
Bottom Double Lift from packet
Vol. 1 No. 9 Feb. 2002 31
Jamie Badman The Voodoo Deck card in one half is touched and turned over, mate turns over in other half, repeated, then a Six is chosen and other three Sixes turn over
Inspired by Vol. 1 No. 9 Feb. 2002 33
David Britland The Mexican Turnover variant deck is turned face up around selected card
Also published here Vol. 1 No. 9 Feb. 2002 33
Robin Robertson The RobVerse as reversed card is rightened in in-the-hands spread
Vol. 1 No. 9 Feb. 2002 34
Jamie Badman Jazz on the Face! leader packet becomes blank as finale
Vol. 1 No. 9 Feb. 2002 39
Andi Gladwin Ripper deck with selection is cased, deck is pulled through case and only selection remains
Variations Vol. 1 No. 9 Feb. 2002 41
Andi Gladwin Fake Deck-in-Case Insertion deck apparently put in case, only one card is going in and rest behind
Vol. 1 No. 9 Feb. 2002 41
Aldo Colombini Twist and Scram selection lost, twisting routine with Aces, then only matching suit Ace turns over, other Aces suddenly found on deck sandwiching selection and the other three cards in the packets are mates of selection
Vol. 1 No. Special TSD Convention Issue Mar. 2002 4
Aldo Colombini Narrow Margin spectator cuts to three Aces, then a Ten, Aces are changed to Tens, then to Kings, Aces found reversed in center and Kings in different pockets
Vol. 1 No. Special TSD Convention Issue Mar. 2002 6
Reinhard Müller Boxed Transpo Beginning Variant Kings are placed into card case and case is set on top of spectator’s selection in his hand, selection transposes with Kings, alternative get-into
Inspired by Vol. 1 No. Special TSD Convention Issue Mar. 2002 8
Trevor Lewis Monte Plus Twist topological switch as cross-wise held cards are turned over
Also published here
  • Esolc, 1981, p. 21
Vol. 1 No. Special TSD Convention Issue Mar. 2002 9
William Goodwin Optics Optical Add-On without putting the stripped-out cards on the deck, push-in change addition, spectator touches four Aces in spread
Inspired by Vol. 1 No. Special TSD Convention Issue Mar. 2002 12
William Goodwin Optical Transformation spectator touches four cards in face-up in-the-hands spread, they are out-jogged and reversed, deck is turned over, four indifferent cards are stripped out and at that moment transform into Aces
Vol. 1 No. Special TSD Convention Issue Mar. 2002 13
William Goodwin Covered Optical Add-On with cover card
Inspired by Vol. 1 No. Special TSD Convention Issue Mar. 2002 14
The Mark Aspiazu One Man Issue - Fresh New Ideas from New Orleans
Vol. 1 No. 10 Mar. 2002 1
Jason Alford Foreword on Mark Aspiazu
Vol. 1 No. 10 Mar. 2002 4
Mark Aspiazu Throw Change Finesse solving spread-square-spread-square problem
Vol. 1 No. 10 Mar. 2002 5
Mark Aspiazu Bomb Door Sleight card case in left hand dealing position, item like coin vanishes after it has been picked up, lapping into palm of hand
Vol. 1 No. 10 Mar. 2002 7
Mark Aspiazu The Coin Box spectator puts coin into card case, it penetrates out and back in
Vol. 1 No. 10 Mar. 2002 7
Mark Aspiazu, Patrick O'Gorman Other Uses for the Bomb Door Sleight
  • coin through spectator's hand
  • coin transformation on spectator's hand
Vol. 1 No. 10 Mar. 2002 9
Mark Aspiazu Deck Levitation deck floats over performer's hand
Vol. 1 No. 10 Mar. 2002 10
Mark Aspiazu Fan Steal Bottom Palm into left-hand full palm
Vol. 1 No. 10 Mar. 2002 12
Mark Aspiazu Improved Side Steal palming bottom cards into right hand, Herrmann pass action
Vol. 1 No. 10 Mar. 2002 14
Jamie Badman Conventions: Blackpool 2002
Vol. 1 No. 10 Mar. 2002 16
Trini Montes (reviewer) Virtual Reality by Andi Gladwin Vol. 1 No. 10 Mar. 2002 19
Mark Aspiazu Misdirection Assembly deck placed on each card that travels
Variations Vol. 1 No. 10 Mar. 2002 21
Mark Aspiazu Outjogging Earick's Control card is out-jogged
Inspired byRelated to Vol. 1 No. 10 Mar. 2002 24
Mark Aspiazu A.P.C. (Aspiazu Perpendicular Control) card already pushed in in perpendicular position, but one end covered with right hand
Vol. 1 No. 10 Mar. 2002 26
A Minor Conspiracy
Related to Vol. 1 No. 11 May 2002 1
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson TAPGAC "Turn any Pairs, Gather and Cut", alternative way of doing Hummer's CATO
  • The TAPGAC Fix
  • End Notes
Also published here Vol. 1 No. 11 May 2002 4
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Chao Theory red-black separation with letter cards, using TAPGAC
Also published here Vol. 1 No. 11 May 2002 5
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson The Royal Clans red-black separation with procedure and picture cards, using TAPGAC
Also published here Vol. 1 No. 11 May 2002 7
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Return of the Lonely Card all reversed except selection after mixing process, using TAPGAC
Inspired byAlso published here Vol. 1 No. 11 May 2002 8
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Princes and Peasants red-black separation with procedure, using TAPGAC
Also published here Vol. 1 No. 11 May 2002 9
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Deduction Production selection and rest of four-of-a-kind eventually found, using TAPGAC
Also published here Vol. 1 No. 11 May 2002 10
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Two for the Road after packet mixing process only five cards are face-up - a previously selected poker hand, then Fulves's Riffle Shuffle Control after which position of first selection is announced, second stabbed to
  • Phase I: TAPGAC Poker
  • Phase II: Riffle Shuffle Bored
Also published here Vol. 1 No. 11 May 2002 12
Part Two
Vol. 1 No. 11 May 2002 15
Brother John Hamman Flip-Flop Force variation of Cut Deeper Force
Also published here Vol. 1 No. 11 May 2002 15
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Finding the Flipping Aces using Hamman's Flip-Flop Force
Also published here Vol. 1 No. 11 May 2002 16
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Flashy Mates three selections made, their mates show up, using Hamman's Flip-Flop Force
Also published here Vol. 1 No. 11 May 2002 16
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Flashy Flush spectator selects BlackJack, then Royal Flush shows up, using Hamman's Flip-Flop Force
Also published here Vol. 1 No. 11 May 2002 17
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Flip-Flop Marriages using Hamman's Flip-Flop Force
Also published here Vol. 1 No. 11 May 2002 18
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson The Attractors using Hamman's Flip-Flop Force
Also published here Vol. 1 No. 11 May 2002 18
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson 1-2-3 Elevator Aces using Hamman's Flip-Flop Force
Also published here Vol. 1 No. 11 May 2002 19
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Elevator Mates mates found as climax, using Hamman's Flip-Flop Force
Also published here Vol. 1 No. 11 May 2002 20
Reinhard Müller The Ones We Can't See using variation of Hamman's Flip-Flop Force
Also published here Vol. 1 No. 11 May 2002 21
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson More Diminishing Matches two cards cut to, they're mates, using Hamman's Flip-Flop Force
Inspired byAlso published here Vol. 1 No. 11 May 2002 22
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson I Spy four Jacks show up, eventually their backs change color, using Hamman's Flip-Flop Force
Also published here Vol. 1 No. 11 May 2002 23
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson A Royal Display four selections shown in display with cards outjogged from deck, they form a royal flush with face card, using Hamman's Flip-Flop Force
  • Part 1 - the Force
  • Part 2 - the Display
Inspired byAlso published here Vol. 1 No. 11 May 2002 25
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Royal Flip-Flop-Jog using Hamman's Flip-Flop Force
  • Part 1 - the four Aces are seemingly chosen at random
  • Part 2 - the Aces change to a Royal Flush!
Also published here Vol. 1 No. 11 May 2002 27
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Shape-Shifter Blues three pairs of cards removed from red-backed deck, two blue-backed cards change into each of the pairs
Also published here Vol. 1 No. 11 May 2002 28
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Shape-Shifter Blues-2 three pairs of cards removed from red-backed deck, two blue-backed cards change into each of the pairs, using Gemini Count
Also published here Vol. 1 No. 11 May 2002 30
Andi Gladwin One Man Issue
Vol. 1 No. 12 June 2002
Jamie Badman Introduction
Vol. 1 No. 12 June 2002 3
Andi Gladwin All Over The (Dis)Place Aces put face-up on top, they vanish and are instantly distributed throughout deck
Related toVariationsAlso published here Vol. 1 No. 12 June 2002 4
Andi Gladwin Gotcha "first effect I ever created", rubber band fired towards tabled spread, selection is hit and slides out a bit
Vol. 1 No. 12 June 2002 7
Andi Gladwin, Jerry Sadowitz The Twist Shift out-jogged card switched for bottom card as it is removed
Related to Vol. 1 No. 12 June 2002 8
Andi Gladwin Twist Shift Dribble Force forces bottom card
Vol. 1 No. 12 June 2002 9
Andi Gladwin Ambitious Chameleon ambitious card routine, at the end both the selection and the rest of the deck change back color
Vol. 1 No. 12 June 2002 10
Andi Gladwin Splitting Hairs performer wants to find the Aces, a Four is found instead, one Ace is pulled from it, leaving behind a Three, repeated until the Four is split into all four Aces
Inspired by
  • "Aces From The Fore" (Stephen Tucker, marketed item)
  • "Impromptu Aces From The Fore" (Stephen Tucker, Pandora's Box video)
Vol. 1 No. 12 June 2002 12
Andi Gladwin Shapeshifter Change Variation
Inspired by Vol. 1 No. 12 June 2002 13
Andi Gladwin The Convincing Tabled Bluff Pass picking up selection from table with upper half in right-hand end grip
Inspired by Vol. 1 No. 12 June 2002 15
Andi Gladwin Lie Deck-Tector "yes" or "no" spelled as answers to questions, next card is the selection, followed by three mates
Vol. 1 No. 12 June 2002 17
Andi Gladwin Ambitious Boxing deck is half-way in case while a card is selected via riffle-stop, it comes to the top in that condition twice
Vol. 1 No. 12 June 2002 20
Andi Gladwin Bound To Stern control to top while the deck is in the card box
Inspired byRelated to Vol. 1 No. 12 June 2002 22
Andi Gladwin Bizarre Card Switch card on top of cased deck, it is apparently flipped over and put in center of deck, actually going to bottom
Vol. 1 No. 12 June 2002 23
Andi Gladwin Visi-Rip deck with selection is cased, deck is pushed through case and only selection remains
Inspired by Vol. 1 No. 12 June 2002 24
Andi Gladwin Ripped Casebreak deck is put in case and yet still found in magician's hands
Inspired by Vol. 1 No. 12 June 2002 25
Andi Gladwin Double Decker Ripper two decks pulled out of a case, pseudo switch presentation
Inspired by Vol. 1 No. 12 June 2002 26
Andi Gladwin Forever Ripping deck with selection is cased, deck is pulled through case and fanned, case vanishes and reappears with selection inside
Inspired by Vol. 1 No. 12 June 2002 28
EFREN - A Collection of Early Routines by Peter McLanachan
Vol. 2 No. 13 July 2002 1
Peter McLanachan Signature Transferral one card signed on back and one on face, they find each other, then signature from back is transferred onto other card
Also published here
  • Aldo Colombini's column in Genii, May 1996
Vol. 2 No. 13 July 2002 4
Peter McLanachan Half-Past Middles pseudo center deal demonstration with thick cap card
Vol. 2 No. 13 July 2002 6
Peter McLanachan Strange Currencies four coins travel one by one from under hand to under card, jumbo coin finale
Vol. 2 No. 13 July 2002 8
Jack Avis Scoop Switch coin scooped up with card and dumped into other hand
Also published here
  • Abra
Vol. 2 No. 13 July 2002 8
Peter McLanachan A Total Delusion four-of-a-kind kicker
Vol. 2 No. 13 July 2002 10
Peter McLanachan Al-Together Now impromptu
Inspired by
  • Al Smith problem "Desperately Seeking Solution" in Abacus, Vol. 5 No. 1
Vol. 2 No. 13 July 2002 12
The Zenneth Kok One Man Issue
Vol. 2 No. 14 Mar. 2003 1
Zenneth Kok Zenneth's own words
Vol. 2 No. 14 Mar. 2003 4
Zenneth Kok A Touché Pass pseudo one-handed pass demonstration, card visually appears on top and vanishes again to the center with deck held in right-hand end grip
Vol. 2 No. 14 Mar. 2003 5
Zenneth Kok Another Zendwich Effect two Jokers face up on top, selection appears between them
Vol. 2 No. 14 Mar. 2003 6
Zenneth Kok Erdnase Zendwich sandwich cards put reversed together in center, they appear on top with selection between them
Vol. 2 No. 14 Mar. 2003 7
Zenneth Kok EZ Triumph selection changes back color as kicker
Inspired by Vol. 2 No. 14 Mar. 2003 8
Zenneth Kok Instant Collectors faro and ribbon-spread hide-out
  • Instant Zendwich
Related to Vol. 2 No. 14 Mar. 2003 10
Zenneth Kok Mouthing the Aces Aces are put one by one between lips as they are produced, last one is seen to have appeared there
Vol. 2 No. 14 Mar. 2003 11
Flick Reverse / Colour Change top card pulled around to the bottom reversed or not, Top Shot mechanics
Vol. 2 No. 14 Mar. 2003 11
Zenneth Kok Torn & Reprinted Card Joker torn in thirds and crumpled up, becomes blank, packet of blank cards prints with thirds of Jokers on the cards, then full Joker (I think)
Vol. 2 No. 14 Mar. 2003 12
Zenneth Kok Zendwich Pass combining beginning of cover pass with Herrmann action to affect a slip cut
Related to Vol. 2 No. 14 Mar. 2003 15
Zenneth Kok Triple Zendwich Kings find three selections one by one
Vol. 2 No. 14 Mar. 2003 15
Reinhard Müller 3-Card Catch uncredited
Vol. 2 No. 14 Mar. 2003 16
The J K Hartman One Man Issue
Vol. 2 No. 15 June 2003 1
Jerry K. Hartman Pick-Up Paddle Move variation of the standard Paddle Move done with a card
Also published here Vol. 2 No. 15 June 2003 4
Jerry K. Hartman Turndown Pass packet is turned over on deck, whole deck is secretly turned over underneath
Vol. 2 No. 15 June 2003 5
Jerry K. Hartman Right Face deck turns over under the Jacks, Turndown Pass application
Vol. 2 No. 15 June 2003 7
Jerry K. Hartman It's All Over faro Triumph, Turndown Pass application
Vol. 2 No. 15 June 2003 7
Jerry K. Hartman Same Faced Lie Turndown Pass application
Inspired by Vol. 2 No. 15 June 2003 8
Paul Swinford Flipover Undercut brief
Also published here Vol. 2 No. 15 June 2003 9
Jerry K. Hartman Back to Back to Basics performer and spectator select cards and help in mixing process, Turndown Pass application
Vol. 2 No. 15 June 2003 9
Jerry K. Hartman Infinite Ambition Turndown Pass application
Vol. 2 No. 15 June 2003 11
Jerry K. Hartman A Kidding Aside deck is cut and wrong card is shown, then selection appears clipped between fingers
Also published here Vol. 2 No. 15 June 2003 12
Jerry K. Hartman A Case for Change Kings are placed into card case and case is set on top of spectator’s selection in his hand, selection transposes with Kings
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here Vol. 2 No. 15 June 2003 14
Jerry K. Hartman Half-Pass Cover Action
Also published here Vol. 2 No. 15 June 2003 14
Jerry K. Hartman False Card Case Insertion packet is apparently inserted into case but in reality only rear card is inserted and packet slides onto outside of case
Also published here Vol. 2 No. 15 June 2003 15
Jerry K. Hartman Counter Re-Solution Kings are face down on table, Aces in hand magically turn face down one at a time, when turned face up they have changed into the Kings, leaving Aces on table
Inspired byAlso published here Vol. 2 No. 15 June 2003 17
Card Reverse packet turned over on top of bottom card in gambler’s cop position
Vol. 2 No. 15 June 2003 21
Jerry K. Hartman A Bout of Faces and Aces Kings put in deck, Aces twist and then change into Kings, Aces now in deck
Inspired by Vol. 2 No. 15 June 2003 21
Edward Marlo ATFUS
Vol. 2 No. 15 June 2003 22
Jerry K. Hartman Set-Two Re-set plot
Also published here Vol. 2 No. 15 June 2003 24
Edward Marlo Face-Up Switch
Vol. 2 No. 15 June 2003 24
Jerry K. Hartman Triover Ace, Two and Three are put in deck in different positions and turn over at once
Inspired by Vol. 2 No. 15 June 2003 28
Edward Marlo Deep Face-Up Switch
Vol. 2 No. 15 June 2003 29
Edward Marlo Visual Retention Switch brief
Vol. 2 No. 15 June 2003 30
Jerry K. Hartman Hue to the Line
Inspired by Vol. 2 No. 15 June 2003 32
Jerry K. Hartman Hamman Count Handling
Vol. 2 No. 15 June 2003 33
Data entered by Denis Behr, April 2022.