  • Jan. 1999 - Jan. 2025: Richard Kaufman
  • Feb. 2025 to today: Jim Steinmeyer
Written by Various
Work of Various
28,000 pages (Stapled), published by Genii
Illustrated with photographs and drawings by Earle Oakes, Ever Elizalde
Language: English
11,649 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Issue Year Page AA Categories
Marko The Other Side of Theodore Annemann
Vol. 64 No. 7 July 2001 16
Penn Jillette Jerry Camaro - Ride, F***, or Fight
Vol. 64 No. 7 July 2001 17
Melanie A. Cissone Kalin, Jinger, and Hobson
  • Mark Kalin - The Magician
  • Jinger Ilseigh - Dazzling Danseuse
  • Jeff Hobson - The Mirthmaker
Vol. 64 No. 7 July 2001 21
David Groves Blair's Street Odyssey
Vol. 64 No. 7 July 2001 36
Edwin A. Dawes 25. Wonders, Wonders, Wonders: Katterfelto, Graham & Denton
  • A Rich Cabinet of Magical Curiosities
Vol. 64 No. 7 July 2001 46
Richard Kaufman Magicana - Focus on: Hiro Sakai
Vol. 64 No. 7 July 2001 50
Hiroyuki Sakai Wand Mystery black wand changes color to red, then changes into a silk, yellow wand is produced, changes back to black, vanishes
Vol. 64 No. 7 July 2001 51
Hiroyuki Sakai Celebrity Torn and Restored Card one end of card signed by spectator and one by performer, torn in half and restored
Inspired by
  • "Hoodwink" (Kenton Knepper, Ben Harris)
Also published here
Vol. 64 No. 7 July 2001 52
Hiroyuki Sakai Pair-Card Mystery twenty four cards with names are used that make pairs (like Rome and Juliet), mate to selection is found
Vol. 64 No. 7 July 2001 55
Hiroyuki Sakai Break a Leg foot stretched up to beside head, seen from the back
Vol. 64 No. 7 July 2001 56
Hiroyuki Sakai One-Man Self Levitation in box
Vol. 64 No. 7 July 2001 57
Vol. 64 No. 7 July 2001 62
Jules Lenier Lenier's Lair
Vol. 64 No. 7 July 2001 62
Jules Lenier Extremely Simple Prediction chosen ESP symbol predicted
Vol. 64 No. 7 July 2001 62
William Goldman Traveling Tales
Vol. 64 No. 7 July 2001 63
Jamy Ian Swiss (reviewer) The Annotated Magic of Slydini by Tony Slydini (written by Lewis Ganson, Gene Matsuura) Vol. 64 No. 7 July 2001 70
Jamy Ian Swiss (reviewer) Side Show: My Life with Geeks, Freaks & Vagabonds in the Carny Trade by Howard Bone Vol. 64 No. 7 July 2001 72
Jamy Ian Swiss (reviewer) Caution: Practical Joker Ahead by Bruce Walstad Vol. 64 No. 7 July 2001 73
Danny Orleans (reviewer) Bounce Across by Daryl Vol. 64 No. 7 July 2001 73
Danny Orleans (reviewer) Dicey Dots by Daryl Vol. 64 No. 7 July 2001 74
Danny Orleans (reviewer) Color-Changing Knives by Daryl Vol. 64 No. 7 July 2001 74
Matthew Field (reviewer) The Magic of David Regal by David Regal
Vol. 1-3
Vol. 64 No. 7 July 2001 75
Matthew Field (reviewer) Mark Wilson on Illusions, Vol. 1: Inexpensive Illusions by Mark Wilson Vol. 64 No. 7 July 2001 76
Matthew Field (reviewer) Seconds, Centers and Bottoms by Edward Marlo Vol. 64 No. 7 July 2001 76
Richard Kaufman Genii Speaks
Vol. 64 No. 8 Aug. 2001 10
Richard Kaufman My Interpretation of Rick Johnson's Too-Perfect Theory
Vol. 64 No. 8 Aug. 2001 10
Richard Kaufman (reviewer) Ricochet! by R. Paul Wilson Vol. 64 No. 8 Aug. 2001 12
Richard Kaufman Inside Magic... Magazines
Vol. 64 No. 8 Aug. 2001 14
Paul Osborne So That's How It Works!
  • Osborne Illusions
with fake explanation
Vol. 64 No. 8 Aug. 2001 18
Earl Nelson, Shaena Engle, Richard Kaufman Earl Nelson
Vol. 64 No. 8 Aug. 2001 22
Earl Nelson Smooth as Silk Assembly
Vol. 64 No. 8 Aug. 2001 24
Edward Marlo Spread Pass Addition
Also published here Vol. 64 No. 8 Aug. 2001 24
Ken Krenzel Mechanical Reverse
Vol. 64 No. 8 Aug. 2001 24
Edward Marlo Screened Lapping as right hand places card on left-hand packet
Vol. 64 No. 8 Aug. 2001 26
Earl Nelson Jumping Jacks Redux Ace in hand and Jack in glass transpose twice, using Tenkai Palm and handkerchief
Inspired by Vol. 64 No. 8 Aug. 2001 28
Bringing Double to Finger-Tips
Vol. 64 No. 8 Aug. 2001 29
Tenkai Palm from Packet
Vol. 64 No. 8 Aug. 2001 29
Earl Nelson, Dai Vernon Tenkai Palm Switch
Vol. 64 No. 8 Aug. 2001 30
Ross Bertram Pivot Change into Tenkai
Also published here Vol. 64 No. 8 Aug. 2001 31
Jon Racherbaumer Michael Frederick Rogers Mike Rogers
Vol. 64 No. 8 Aug. 2001 38
Edwin A. Dawes 26. Mr. Joseph Jacobs, The Wizard of All Wizards, and Mr. I.K. Brunel, The Wizard of All Engineers
  • A Rich Cabinet of Magical Curiosities
Vol. 64 No. 8 Aug. 2001 44
Vol. 64 No. 8 Aug. 2001 48
Jon Racherbaumer The Too-Perfect Theory: Thirty Years Later
  • Introduction
Vol. 64 No. 8 Aug. 2001 48
Rick Johnsson The "Too-Perfect" Theory
Also published here Vol. 64 No. 8 Aug. 2001 49
Jon Racherbaumer Doppelgänger photocopy of palm shown, card vanishes and travels into photocopy (Himber Wallet) and on this the card appeared as well
  • Magic Christian ideas
Inspired by Vol. 64 No. 8 Aug. 2001 52
Jon Racherbaumer Stop Force bold
Related to Vol. 64 No. 8 Aug. 2001 52
Edward Marlo ATFUS
Vol. 64 No. 8 Aug. 2001 53
Jon Racherbaumer More on the Too-Perfect Theory
Vol. 64 No. 8 Aug. 2001 56
Jamy Ian Swiss The Too-Perfect Theory in Action
Also published here Vol. 64 No. 8 Aug. 2001 57
John Carney The Flaw in the Diamond on the Too-Perfect Theory
Vol. 64 No. 8 Aug. 2001 59
John Carney Card in the Matchbox lighter changes to matchbox into which the selected card ends up (uses duplicate)
Also published here Vol. 64 No. 8 Aug. 2001 61
John Carney Hindu Shuffle Force Handling
Vol. 64 No. 8 Aug. 2001 62
Michael Close A Worker's Take on "Too-Perfect"
  • What is Magic?
  • Method vs "Sell"
  • A Corollary
Also published here Vol. 64 No. 8 Aug. 2001 62
Darwin Ortiz Striving for Perfection on the Too-Perfect Theory
  • The Diagnosis
  • The Prescription (in Theory)
  • The Prescription (in Practice)
  • Final Thoughts
Vol. 64 No. 8 Aug. 2001 64
Martin Lewis Find a Better Method on the Too-Perfect Theory
Vol. 64 No. 8 Aug. 2001 67
Patrick Watson Assenting to the Inexplicable on the Too-Perfect Theory
Vol. 64 No. 8 Aug. 2001 67
Harry Lorayne It's Your Call: On The Too-Perfect Theory
Vol. 64 No. 8 Aug. 2001 68
Simon Aronson Postscript on the Too-Perfect Theory
Vol. 64 No. 8 Aug. 2001 70
Vol. 64 No. 8 Aug. 2001 72
Eugene Burger The Last Words
  • Our Magical Art
Vol. 64 No. 8 Aug. 2001 72
Danny Orleans Justifying the Presence of "Questionable" Props
  • Pediatrix
Vol. 64 No. 8 Aug. 2001 73
Paul Cummins (reviewer) The Complete Jarrett by Guy Jarrett (written by Jim Steinmeyer) Vol. 64 No. 8 Aug. 2001 78
Caryl S. Fleming (reviewer) Mister Jarrett Writes A Book by Guy Jarrett
William Larsen
Also published here
  • Genii, Vol. 1 No. 7, Mar. 1937
Vol. 64 No. 8 Aug. 2001 80
Danny Orleans (reviewer) S.U.M. Deck by Roy Johnson Vol. 64 No. 8 Aug. 2001 81
Danny Orleans (reviewer) The Wonder Mouse Martello Magic Vol. 64 No. 8 Aug. 2001 81
Danny Orleans (reviewer) The Cloaking Device by Jay Scott Berry Vol. 64 No. 8 Aug. 2001 82
Joe M. Turner (reviewer) Herb Zarrow on the Zarrow Shuffle by Herb Zarrow Vol. 64 No. 8 Aug. 2001 83
Joe M. Turner (reviewer) Johnny Ace Palmer - A Trilogy of Magic by Johnny Ace Palmer Vol. 64 No. 8 Aug. 2001 83
Joe M. Turner (reviewer) Show Off II by Brian Tudor, Derek Chin Vol. 64 No. 8 Aug. 2001 85
Richard Kaufman Genii Speaks
Vol. 64 No. 9 Sep. 2001 10
Fabio Presutti, Patrick Watson, Craig Matsuoka, Chris "Doc" Dixon, Mike Giusti, David Acer, Jason Harris Messages
Vol. 64 No. 9 Sep. 2001 15
Richard Kaufman Inside Magic... Magazines
Vol. 64 No. 9 Sep. 2001 17
Jon Racherbaumer Cliff Notes From the Fringe
Vol. 64 No. 9 Sep. 2001 20
Michael Claxton A History of Little People in Magic
Vol. 64 No. 9 Sep. 2001 24
David Regal Suzanne: Class Under Glass
Vol. 64 No. 9 Sep. 2001 40
Al Schneider Al Schneider on Suzanne
Vol. 64 No. 9 Sep. 2001 43
Edwin A. Dawes 27. Kia Khan Khruse and the Bullet Catch
  • A Rich Cabinet of Magical Curiosities
Vol. 64 No. 9 Sep. 2001 46
Richard Kaufman Magicana
Vol. 64 No. 9 Sep. 2001 50
Alan "Ace" Greenberg Alan Greenberg's Thumbtip Tip v-shaped cut
Vol. 64 No. 9 Sep. 2001 50
David Haversat The Haversat Hinge: A One-Handed Double Lift
Vol. 64 No. 9 Sep. 2001 51
Jim Morton McDonald's Aces Segue No. 1 Aces reverse in deck in different places
Vol. 64 No. 9 Sep. 2001 51
John Lenahan McDonald's Aces Segue No. 2 Slop Shuffle Triumph followed by McDonalds assembly
Vol. 64 No. 9 Sep. 2001 52
Al Schneider Through the Eye of the Needle: Version II
  • The Schneider Technique
more threads get in the eye of the needle than seemingly possible
Inspired by Vol. 64 No. 9 Sep. 2001 53
David Acer The Dark Side and Child's Play
  • Confessions of a Road Warrior
Also published here Vol. 64 No. 9 Sep. 2001 56
David Acer, Jay Sankey Child's Play Spectator uses two crayons to select two cards - black crayon select black card, red crayon select red card. Names of cards are found printed on crayon sleeve
Also published here Vol. 64 No. 9 Sep. 2001 56
Derek Dingle, Edward Marlo Vernon Strip-Out Substitution (Marlo Handling)
Vol. 64 No. 9 Sep. 2001 57
Richard Kaufman Rawson Returns (However Briefly) intro
Vol. 64 No. 9 Sep. 2001 58
Clayton Rawson Beginner's Luck or Card Conjuring From A to B in One Easy Lesson sixth and seventh finger appears in a comedy rising card routine, card rises through finger at the top
Also published here
  • The Sphinx, Feb. 1940
Vol. 64 No. 9 Sep. 2001 58
Vol. 64 No. 9 Sep. 2001 64
William Goldman The Good, the Bad and the Very Ugly
  • Traveling Tales
Vol. 64 No. 9 Sep. 2001 64
Jules Lenier Lenier's Lair
Vol. 64 No. 9 Sep. 2001 65
Jamy Ian Swiss (reviewer) Try the Impossible by Simon Aronson Vol. 64 No. 9 Sep. 2001 70
Jamy Ian Swiss (reviewer) discovering invisibility by Jim Steinmeyer Vol. 64 No. 9 Sep. 2001 72
Jamy Ian Swiss (reviewer) Tools of the Trade by Chuck Smith Vol. 64 No. 9 Sep. 2001 73
Danny Orleans (reviewer) The Intricate Web of Distraction by Whit Haydn Vol. 64 No. 9 Sep. 2001 74
Danny Orleans (reviewer) Magic Zone Party Banner Tape by Jeff Brown Vol. 64 No. 9 Sep. 2001 74
Danny Orleans (reviewer) 3D Rabbits Magic By Gosh Vol. 64 No. 9 Sep. 2001 75
Matthew Field (reviewer) Twists of Fate by R. Paul Wilson Vol. 64 No. 9 Sep. 2001 75
Matthew Field (reviewer) The Restaurant Act by R. Paul Wilson Vol. 64 No. 9 Sep. 2001 75
Matthew Field (reviewer) Presenting Michael Gallo - the Dynasty Continues by Mike Gallo Vol. 64 No. 9 Sep. 2001 76
Matthew Field (reviewer) Ed Marlo - 35 Years Later by Edward Marlo Vol. 64 No. 9 Sep. 2001 77
Richard Kaufman Genii Speaks
Vol. 64 No. 10 Oct. 2001 10
Steve Go, Brian Marks, David MacDonald, Dave Arch, John Lovick, Larry Horowitz Messages too-perfect theory
Vol. 64 No. 10 Oct. 2001 13
Richard Kaufman All Access Backstage with Copperfield David Copperfield
Vol. 64 No. 10 Oct. 2001 20
Richard Kaufman (reviewer) The Show by David Copperfield
- One - Thumbs Up - Laser - Uncle Morty and Aunt Ida - Panty Swap - Squeeze Box - Tides - The Moon - Voyeur - Trisection - Baby Shoe - Test Condition - The Return of Webster - Portal - 13
Vol. 64 No. 10 Oct. 2001 24
Richard Kaufman, David Copperfield Interview
Vol. 64 No. 10 Oct. 2001 28
Michael Edwards The Magic Show Reprise Doug Henning
Vol. 64 No. 10 Oct. 2001 42
Harry Lorayne The Steve Cohen Story
Vol. 64 No. 10 Oct. 2001 46
Steve Cohen Mood Photo a photo of the performer changes from neutral look to surprised look, mood chosen from cards with words
Vol. 64 No. 10 Oct. 2001 51
Paul Osborne Off With Her Head
  • Osborne Illusions
Vol. 64 No. 10 Oct. 2001 54
Edwin A. Dawes 28. Mr. Love, The Ventriloquist and Polyphonist
  • A Rich Cabinet of Magical Curiosities
Vol. 64 No. 10 Oct. 2001 58
Richard Kaufman Magicana
Vol. 64 No. 10 Oct. 2001 62
Akira Fujii Jet Coins three coins across
VariationsAlso published here Vol. 64 No. 10 Oct. 2001 62
Akira Fujii Muscle Pass Transfer
Vol. 64 No. 10 Oct. 2001 63
Akira Fujii Muscled Click Pass
Vol. 64 No. 10 Oct. 2001 63
Alain Iannone Sewn in Rome card appears sewn to silk lining inside the magician's jacket
Vol. 64 No. 10 Oct. 2001 65
Alex Elmsley The Fan Weave small packet faro shuffle with two tricks
Also published here
  • The Magic Circular, Vol. 90 No. 963, March 1996
Vol. 64 No. 10 Oct. 2001 67
Alex Elmsley Ten Plus using Fan Weave
Also published here
  • The Magic Circular, Vol. 90 No. 963, March 1996
Vol. 64 No. 10 Oct. 2001 68
Alex Elmsley Eliminator using Fan Weave
VariationsAlso published here
  • The Magic Circular, Vol. 90 No. 963, March 1996
Vol. 64 No. 10 Oct. 2001 68
James Swain Florida Roadkill
  • The Card Expert
spectator cuts off a packet, performer cuts off same size, four Kings are found as well, Penelope's Principle
Inspired by Vol. 64 No. 10 Oct. 2001 69
Leaving Card behind in Case
Vol. 64 No. 10 Oct. 2001 69
Philip T. Goldstein Spot On
  • The Other Month
four double-blank cards, monte with drawn shape, printing appears on all cards and spells SPOT
Vol. 64 No. 10 Oct. 2001 70
Tom Stone Too Perfect Imperfect on the Too-Perfect Theory
Also published here Vol. 64 No. 10 Oct. 2001 70
Vol. 64 No. 10 Oct. 2001 74
Eugene Burger Directions, Please
  • Our Magical Art
Vol. 64 No. 10 Oct. 2001 74
Danny Orleans, Bill Weldon Zoo Pizza
  • Pediatrix
Vol. 64 No. 10 Oct. 2001 75
Joe M. Turner (reviewer) The Mystic Craig Video Collection: Volumes 1-4 by Various, Bill McIlhany Vol. 64 No. 10 Oct. 2001 78
Joe M. Turner (reviewer) Business Card Magic by Mark Wilson Vol. 64 No. 10 Oct. 2001 79
Joe M. Turner (reviewer) Mark Wilson on Illusions, Volume 2: More Inexpensive Illusions by Mark Wilson Vol. 64 No. 10 Oct. 2001 80
Joe M. Turner (reviewer) Shadowgraphy by Greco; Volumes 1 and 2 by Greco Vol. 64 No. 10 Oct. 2001 80
Paul Cummins (reviewer) Ron Bauer's Private Studies Series by Ron Bauer Vol. 64 No. 10 Oct. 2001 81
Paul Cummins (reviewer) Ron Bauer's Gadabout Coins by Ron Bauer Vol. 64 No. 10 Oct. 2001 82
Paul Cummins (reviewer) Ron Bauer's Sudden Death Gypsy Curse by Ron Bauer Vol. 64 No. 10 Oct. 2001 82
Paul Cummins (reviewer) Ron Bauer's Hornswoggled Again! by Ron Bauer Vol. 64 No. 10 Oct. 2001 82
Paul Cummins (reviewer) Ron Bauer's Owed to Poker Dan by Ron Bauer Vol. 64 No. 10 Oct. 2001 82
Paul Cummins (reviewer) Ron Bauer's The Cursed Ring by Ron Bauer Vol. 64 No. 10 Oct. 2001 82
Paul Cummins (reviewer) Ron Bauer's Mechanical Deck by Ron Bauer Vol. 64 No. 10 Oct. 2001 82
Paul Cummins (reviewer) Paul Chosse's Bar Bill Stunt by Paul Chosse (written by Ron Bauer) Vol. 64 No. 10 Oct. 2001 82
Paul Cummins (reviewer) Xerox Money by Ron Bauer Vol. 64 No. 10 Oct. 2001 83
Paul Cummins (reviewer) Don Alan's Devano Card Rise by Don Alan (written by Ron Bauer) Vol. 64 No. 10 Oct. 2001 83
David Oliver (reviewer) Forgetful Frankie by Mike Bent Vol. 64 No. 10 Oct. 2001 83
David Oliver (reviewer) Ricochet!: The Ultimate Reset by R. Paul Wilson Vol. 64 No. 10 Oct. 2001 84
David Oliver (reviewer) Ghostwriter by Martin Lewis Vol. 64 No. 10 Oct. 2001 85
Richard Kaufman Genii Speaks
Vol. 64 No. 11 Nov. 2001 10
Doug Conn, Michael Todd, Christian Doeding, David Lindgreen, J.H. Yount, Ken Stoker, Brahm Corstanje, Brian Ambrosch Messages
Vol. 64 No. 11 Nov. 2001 13
Richard Kaufman The Day on the 9/11 terrorist attacks
Vol. 64 No. 11 Nov. 2001 18
Jamy Ian Swiss The Day on the 9/11 terrorist attacks
Vol. 64 No. 11 Nov. 2001 18
Carol Krol The Day After on the 9/11 terrorist attacks
Vol. 64 No. 11 Nov. 2001 19
Jon Racherbaumer The Horror on the 9/11 terrorist attacks
Vol. 64 No. 11 Nov. 2001 19
Jon Racherbaumer The Long and Lucky Life of Harry Lorayne
Vol. 64 No. 11 Nov. 2001 24
Harry Lorayne Strange Voyage wrong card changes into selection, indifferent is in pocket, opener
Also published here Vol. 64 No. 11 Nov. 2001 27
Richard Kaufman Harry Lorayne's Personal Collection Plus intro
Vol. 64 No. 11 Nov. 2001 44
Harry Lorayne Lorayne's Invisible Pass Routine first single cards come to top, then all aces (presented as invisible pass demonstration)
Also published here Vol. 64 No. 11 Nov. 2001 44
Harry Lorayne Cut Transfer Handling
Also published here Vol. 64 No. 11 Nov. 2001 44
Slip Cut left fingers hold back top card
Vol. 64 No. 11 Nov. 2001 46
Harry Lorayne The Real Work two-card location, do as I do style
Also published here Vol. 64 No. 11 Nov. 2001 47
Harry Lorayne Platinum Discrepancy two halves, spectator and performer select a card from each which goes reversed in other half, mates
Also published here Vol. 64 No. 11 Nov. 2001 48
Harry Lorayne Delayed Braue Reverse card pushed into deck half-way through
Vol. 64 No. 11 Nov. 2001 48
Harry Lorayne It's Not Easy To Lie card selected from nine-card packet with down/under deal, card from remaining eight cards thought-of, lie detector, original selection used to count down to find it
Also published here Vol. 64 No. 11 Nov. 2001 49
Harry Lorayne Double Down Under Location location of two cards with down-under deal
Vol. 64 No. 11 Nov. 2001 49
Harry Lorayne Better Overhand-Shuffle Stack
Also published here Vol. 64 No. 11 Nov. 2001 50
Edwin A. Dawes 29. Mons. D'Auvigney
  • A Rich Cabinet of Magical Curiosities
Vol. 64 No. 11 Nov. 2001 54
Richard Kaufman Tenyo 2002
Vol. 64 No. 11 Nov. 2001 60
Richard Kaufman (reviewer) Prison Box by Angelo Carbone Vol. 64 No. 11 Nov. 2001 60
Richard Kaufman (reviewer) Mystery China Box by Tomoyuki Shimomura Vol. 64 No. 11 Nov. 2001 61
Richard Kaufman (reviewer) Undercover Cube by Petrick
Petrick & Mia
Vol. 64 No. 11 Nov. 2001 61
Richard Kaufman (reviewer) Salt Cups by Toru Suzuki Vol. 64 No. 11 Nov. 2001 61
Richard Kaufman Magicana
Vol. 64 No. 11 Nov. 2001 66
David Acer Upon Receipt
  • Confessions of a Road Warrior
Receipt for $3.34 folded, produces $1 coin from it, receipt now says $2.34
Also published here Vol. 64 No. 11 Nov. 2001 66
Akira Fujii Jet Vanish
Vol. 64 No. 11 Nov. 2001 68
Gregg Webb Wand Spin As A Production
  • The WebbMaster (Billiard Balls No. 8)
Vol. 64 No. 11 Nov. 2001 69
Roy Walton A Twisted Tale
Also published here Vol. 64 No. 11 Nov. 2001 70
Vol. 64 No. 11 Nov. 2001 72
Jules Lenier The Autumn Lair
  • Lenier's Lair
Vol. 64 No. 11 Nov. 2001 72
William Goldman From my Journal...
  • Traveling Tales
Vol. 64 No. 11 Nov. 2001 73
Danny Orleans (reviewer) Bendable Pen by John Cornelius Vol. 64 No. 11 Nov. 2001 74
Danny Orleans (reviewer) The Malini Egg Magic, Inc. Vol. 64 No. 11 Nov. 2001 75
Danny Orleans (reviewer) The Ring in the Card Case by Gary Plants Vol. 64 No. 11 Nov. 2001 75
Matthew Field (reviewer) Daryl's Card Revelations Vol.s 1-5 by Daryl Vol. 64 No. 11 Nov. 2001 76
Matthew Field (reviewer) Man of Danger, Parts 1, 2, and 3 by Simon Lovell Vol. 64 No. 11 Nov. 2001 77
Matthew Field (reviewer) The Act by Simon Lovell
The Lemming Unleashed
Vol. 64 No. 11 Nov. 2001 77
Matthew Field (reviewer) Card Creations by Martin Lewis Vol. 64 No. 11 Nov. 2001 78
Jamy Ian Swiss (reviewer) Paul Curry's Worlds Beyond by Paul Curry Vol. 64 No. 11 Nov. 2001 78
Jamy Ian Swiss (reviewer) Annals of Conjuring by Sidney W. Clarke Vol. 64 No. 11 Nov. 2001 80
Jamy Ian Swiss (reviewer) The Full Facts Book of Cold Reading by Ian Rowland Vol. 64 No. 11 Nov. 2001 82
Jamy Ian Swiss (reviewer) DesTROYers: The Superlative Magic of Troy Hooser by Troy Hooser (written by Joshua Jay) Vol. 64 No. 11 Nov. 2001 83
Jamy Ian Swiss (reviewer) Notes on Three-Card Monte by Whit Haydn Vol. 64 No. 11 Nov. 2001 84
Jamy Ian Swiss (reviewer) The Chicago Surprise by Whit Haydn Vol. 64 No. 11 Nov. 2001 85
Jamy Ian Swiss (reviewer) Chan Canasta: Afterthoughts by Chan Canasta (written by David Britland) Vol. 64 No. 11 Nov. 2001 86
Jamy Ian Swiss (reviewer) Chan Canasta: A Remarkable Man, Volume Two by Chan Canasta (written by David Britland) Vol. 64 No. 11 Nov. 2001 86
Richard Kaufman Genii Speaks
Vol. 64 No. 12 Dec. 2001 10
Simon Aronson Irving Feldman (Eddie Fields): The Player
Vol. 64 No. 12 Dec. 2001 14
Jon Racherbaumer Irving Feldman (Eddie Fields): The Artful Dodger
Vol. 64 No. 12 Dec. 2001 14
Stephen Minch Irving Feldman (Eddie Fields): Invisible Man Disappears
Vol. 64 No. 12 Dec. 2001 15
Jon Racherbaumer Joseph Michael White
Vol. 64 No. 12 Dec. 2001 15
Todd Karr Mortal on Earth: The Silence of Chung Ling Soo
Vol. 64 No. 12 Dec. 2001 18
Max Maven Defining The Professor
Vol. 64 No. 12 Dec. 2001 26
Karl Johnson Dai Vernon's Quest For Allen Kennedy and The Center Deal
Vol. 64 No. 12 Dec. 2001 28
T. Nelson Downs T. Nelson Downs' Center Deal "Fragmentary Notes By John Northern Hilliard"
Also published here Vol. 64 No. 12 Dec. 2001 37
Dai Vernon, Allen Kennedy The Allen Kennedy Center Deal
Also published here Vol. 64 No. 12 Dec. 2001 41
David Ben The Allen Kennedy Center Deal Exposed
Vol. 64 No. 12 Dec. 2001 42
Roger Klause The Worth of a Photograph on Dai Vernon
Vol. 64 No. 12 Dec. 2001 44
Jon Racherbaumer Encounters with Dai Vernon
Vol. 64 No. 12 Dec. 2001 45
The Card Magic of Dai Vernon
Vol. 64 No. 12 Dec. 2001 52
Dai Vernon Triple Coincidence Do As I Do with three climaxes, cards and number of cards of a cut-off packet match
Inspired byRelated to Vol. 64 No. 12 Dec. 2001 52
Jog Glimpse
Vol. 64 No. 12 Dec. 2001 52
Dai Vernon Double Lift and Leave
Related to Vol. 64 No. 12 Dec. 2001 53
Dai Vernon A Straight Deal
Vol. 64 No. 12 Dec. 2001 54
Dai Vernon A Tough Deal Aces on top, alternate dealing, spectator gets Kings and performer Aces
Vol. 64 No. 12 Dec. 2001 55
Dai Vernon Name a Card Location any card is named, performer looks in which half it is in the deck, performer then produces cards that total to its position
Vol. 64 No. 12 Dec. 2001 56
Dai Vernon Out of Sight, Out of Mind - Improved
Inspired by Vol. 64 No. 12 Dec. 2001 57
R. Paul Wilson Paul Wilson's Shuffle Sequence for "Out of Sight, Out of Mind"
Vol. 64 No. 12 Dec. 2001 59
Dai Vernon Vernon's Cull and Stock "In a Letter to Faucett Ross"
Vol. 64 No. 12 Dec. 2001 60
Crimp under Spread
Vol. 64 No. 12 Dec. 2001 61
Larry Jennings Vernon and the Bad Turn
Vol. 64 No. 12 Dec. 2001 61
Paul Osborne 'Tis the Season
  • Osborne Illusions
Vol. 64 No. 12 Dec. 2001 66
Vol. 64 No. 12 Dec. 2001 70
Eugene Burger The Gift: A Holiday Conversation
  • Our Magical Art
Vol. 64 No. 12 Dec. 2001 70
Danny Orleans Booking Your Children's Show: Step One
  • Pediatrix
Vol. 64 No. 12 Dec. 2001 71
Joe M. Turner (reviewer) Magical Voyages, Parts 1-3 by Eugene Burger Vol. 64 No. 12 Dec. 2001 78
Joe M. Turner (reviewer) Taped Live at the 7th Close-Up Magic Symposium by Roberto Giobbi Vol. 64 No. 12 Dec. 2001 79
Joe M. Turner (reviewer) "Pack Small, Play Big" Volumes 1-4 by Dan Harlan Vol. 64 No. 12 Dec. 2001 79
David Oliver (reviewer) Locomotion by Jay Sankey Vol. 64 No. 12 Dec. 2001 80
David Oliver (reviewer) Marked Down by Jay Sankey Vol. 64 No. 12 Dec. 2001 81
David Oliver (reviewer) Holy Moly by Jay Sankey Vol. 64 No. 12 Dec. 2001 81
David Oliver (reviewer) Allan Ackerman Teaches Bro. John Hamman's Classics Vols. 1 and 2 by Allan Ackerman Vol. 64 No. 12 Dec. 2001 82
Paul Cummins (reviewer) Personal Collection by Harry Lorayne Vol. 64 No. 12 Dec. 2001 83
Paul Cummins (reviewer) The Magic Menu, Years Six through Ten by Jim Sisti Vol. 64 No. 12 Dec. 2001 84
Richard Kaufman Genii Speaks
Vol. 65 No. 1 Jan. 2002 10
Dustin Stinett The Los Angeles Conference on Magic History the 7th conference
Vol. 65 No. 1 Jan. 2002 12
Stephen Minch, Brett Sears, Christopher H. Hanna, Dennis Marks, Tim Wallace, Andy Schneider, Bryan Lizotte, Bob Loomis, Jeff Brown, Ulf Morling Messages
Vol. 65 No. 1 Jan. 2002 14
Roberto Giobbi On John Ramsay
  • The Genii Session

  • Personal Moments
  • The Man
  • His Philosophy of Magic
Vol. 65 No. 1 Jan. 2002 18
Steve Bryant, Mac King Mac King: Afternoon Delight
Vol. 65 No. 1 Jan. 2002 22
Penn Jillette Mac King: Comedy, Magic, Chops, Spark, Friendship, and a Package
Vol. 65 No. 1 Jan. 2002 36
Richard Kaufman An Excerpt from the Manual o the Mac King School of Magic
Vol. 65 No. 1 Jan. 2002 38
Mac King Card in Shoe Lesson 47, signed card to shoe
Vol. 65 No. 1 Jan. 2002 38
Edward Marlo Direct Bottom Palm card apparently place in center, really directly into left-hand full palm
Vol. 65 No. 1 Jan. 2002 38
Mac King Homing Deck Vanish Lesson 48, with deck to pocket climax, with rubber band
Inspired by Vol. 65 No. 1 Jan. 2002 40
Lance Burton, Mac King Burton and King
Vol. 65 No. 1 Jan. 2002 44
Iiro Seppänen, Eugene Burger, Lisa Menna Iiro Seppänen
Vol. 65 No. 1 Jan. 2002 48
Markku Purhu About Iiro Seppänen
Vol. 65 No. 1 Jan. 2002 50
Amazing James Randi Finland's Iiro Seppänen Then And Now...
Vol. 65 No. 1 Jan. 2002 51
Edwin A. Dawes 30. Mr. W.S. Woodin - Single-Handed Entertainer
  • A Rich Cabinet of Magical Curiosities
Vol. 65 No. 1 Jan. 2002 54
Richard Kaufman Magicana
Vol. 65 No. 1 Jan. 2002 58
Al Schneider Snapback Move
  • The Schneider Technique
credit information
Vol. 65 No. 1 Jan. 2002 58
Barrie Richardson The Power of Suggestion: The Heavy Pen
  • From My Thoughts
spectator is unable to pick up a pen on performer's open hand, small thread loop
Inspired by Vol. 65 No. 1 Jan. 2002 60
David Acer The Fine Art of Bio Writing
  • Confessions of a Road Warrior
Also published here Vol. 65 No. 1 Jan. 2002 62
David Acer Separation Anxiety Magician/spectator each select a card from half the deck, the cards transpose.
Also published here Vol. 65 No. 1 Jan. 2002 64
Vol. 65 No. 1 Jan. 2002 72
Jules Lenier Winter Wonder-Lair
  • Lenier's Lair
Vol. 65 No. 1 Jan. 2002 72
Data entered by Denis Behr, September 2020.