313 pages (Paperback), published by Dover Publications
Illustrated with drawings by Joseph K. Schmidt
Language: English
658 entries
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Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page Categories
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note credit information on gaffed cards and splitting
Ellis Stanyon Two Cards, One in Each Hand, Change Places No. 1, "Obedient Cards", visual, two double facers
Ellis Stanyon Four Red Cards Change Places with Four Black Ones No. 2, double facers
Ellis Stanyon New Precipitation No. 3, two thought-of cards travel from one half to another, one half is all double facers
Related to 123
Ellis Stanyon The "Cagliostro" or "Balsamo" Card Trick No. 4, three thought-of cards travel from packet to packet in envelope, double facers or diagonally divided cards
Related to 124
Adrian Plate The Disappearance of a Card No. 5, card vanishes from packet, reappears in deck
VariationsAlso published here
  • Magician's Tricks (Hatton & Plate, 1910)
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note finessed handling
Inspired by 125
Ellis Stanyon Any Card from the Pocket No. 6, named card transposes with another card, one in handkerchief and one against glass
Variations 126
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note transposition with double facer
Inspired by 126
Ellis Stanyon A Lightning Change No. 7, card tossed on table visually transposes with card in hand
Theodore DeLand The Phantom Card Trick No. 8, five cards shown fan, three remembered by spectators, two removed from under handkerchief and rest vanishes, see "General note" on p. 140 for credit
Variations 128
Theodore DeLand Improved Phantom Cards No. 9, same effects but backs can be shown, see "General note" on p. 140 for credit
Inspired byVariations 128
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note more details on the gaffs and handling
Inspired by 129
Ellis Stanyon Phantom with Ordinary Cards No. 10, ungaffed version, pseudo duplicates and palming
Inspired by 130
Ellis Stanyon Two Cards Pass from One Plate to Another No. 11, four cards on one plate, none of another, two cards travel over, newspaper-backed cards and step gaff
Ellis Stanyon Perplexo No. 12, two cards placed in the pocket of a spectator, same with another spectator, one card each removed, the spectators fail to name the other one
Theodore DeLand Nox-Em-All No. 13, two Aces and two Sevens placed in hat, they change into all four Sevens, see "General note" on p. 140 for credit
Theodore DeLand The Sphinx Card Trick No. 14, two cards in hat transpose with one in deck, see "General note" on p. 140 for credit
Related to 132
Burling Hull The Vanishing Card No. 15, "Ghost Card", five cards fanned with Joker at front, one thought-of except Joker, all placed in hat, all cards removed and shown on both side, selection has vanished
Variations 132
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note details on handling, alternative gaffs with corners stuck on
Inspired by 133
Theodore DeLand "Papel Blanco" No. 16, four cards change to blank cards, see "General note" on p. 140 for credit
Ellis Stanyon The Four Aces on a Handkerchief No. 17, "The Flying Aces", Aces in corners on handkerchief, covered with paper pieces, placed under handkerchief and they travel upwards, also with coins
Ellis Stanyon Will 'o the Wisp No. 18, three cards from one plate to another, with blank and normal cards
Theodore DeLand Fade Away No. 19, back of card with image of fingers and hand, see "General note" on p. 140 for credit
Ellis Stanyon Nine to Five to Three to Ace to Blank No. 20,
Ellis Stanyon Contrario Aces No. 21, Aces transpose with random cards under handkerchiefs
Ellis Stanyon Chromatic Cards No. 22, blank cards in envelope, normal cards in hat, then blank cards in hat and normal cards in envelope
Theodore DeLand Cremation and Confetti No. 23, card burned, confetti in glass changes to restored card, see "General note" on p. 140 for credit
Burling Hull The Card Problem No. 24, fake indices
Related to 139
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note credit information
Related to 140
Ellis Stanyon The Yogi Wonder No. 25
Ellis Stanyon, Henry Hardin The Princess Card Trick No. 26, ungaffed, two methods
Variations 141
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note further handling and ideas
Inspired by 141
Ellis Stanyon The Three-Card Trick No. 27, "The Illusive Ace", monte effect with a Three that is missing bottom pip and can be shown as Ace or Three
Variations 143
Theodore DeLand "Pickitout" No. 28
Inspired by 143
Theodore DeLand The "Knock-out" Card Trick No. 29, card from packet vanishes and joins cards in handkerchief
Variations 144
Theodore DeLand The "Best Ever" Card Trick No. 30, same effect
Inspired by 144
H. G. Cleveland Cleveland's "Presto Fly" Card Trick No. 31, Ace to Three of Hearts transposes with Four to Six of Clubs
Variations 145
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note combination with Cleveland's "Canadian Wonder"
Inspired by 145
Theodore DeLand The "Spotter" or Educated Die No. 32, throw of die always finds the Ace in row of six cards
William G. Edwards The "Canadian Wonder" No. 33, cards shown and tabled, the spectators remember different cards then are seen when they are turned over again
Theodore DeLand The Surprise Card Trick No. 34, Queens in hat, King of Spades in hat as well, performer finds King without looking and puts it in deck, then Queens and King transpose and only the King is in hat and Queens in deck
Related toVariations 147
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note details on handling and different values
Inspired by 147
William G. Edwards Edwards' Dioramic Pack No. 35, selections turn over in fair manner, half face/half back
Variations 148
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note packet version with Ace through Seven of Hearts, chosen value turns over
Inspired by 149
Ellis Stanyon "Pippin" No. 36, four changes in five, cut-out pip and black background
Theodore DeLand The Four Ace Trick No. 37, "The LeRoy Four Ace Trick", three double facers
Ellis Stanyon The Twelve Ubiquitous Court Cards No. 38, Jacks on top and Kings on bottom of deck, Queens under plate, the quartets travel and transpose around
W. J. Atkinson Substitution of a Trick Set for Ordinary Cards No. 39, duplicate cards palmed on top, then pass made, then palmed off again
Variations 152
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note packet switched with help of card case
Inspired by 152
Karl Fulves Chapter 10: Mechanical and Other Prepared Cards chapter intro
Ellis Stanyon Aces versus Kings No. 1, Aces and Kings are put in envelopes labeled with whats inside, they transpose and spectators can remove the cards
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note four signed Queens on row on newspaper, Two of Spades in pocket, a Queen transposes with the Two in the pocket, repeated with each Queen, newspaper-backed card
Ellis Stanyon Ace of Spades and Ace of Diamonds Change Places No. 2, Spade pip covers Diamond pip on Ace
Ellis Stanyon Three Cards Appear on a Borrowed Hat No. 3, three cards appear stuck to borrowed hat, news-paper backed cards start out on newspaper
Ellis Stanyon Three Chosen Cards Appear on a Mirror No. 4
Henry Leslie The Card Appears on an Arm No. 5, ashes of burnt card rubbed on arm and name of card appears on arm
Herbert J. Collins The Card Appears on a Handkerchief No. 6, with Variation
T. H. Chislett The Card, Envelope and Handkerchief Combination No. 7, card silk, then silk shot on paper cone and inside is silk with actual card stuck onto it
Ellis Stanyon Nailing a Chosen Card to the Wall No. 8, duplicate card with pin already in it palmed to deck
Ellis Stanyon The Chosen Cards Appear in a Watch No. 9, either one of two cards appears as miniature card in watch
Ellis Stanyon The Card Thrown on a Silk Hat Jumps up and Stands on One End No. 10, trick card with elastic
Ellis Stanyon Balancing Any Card on a Hat No. 11, card moves in hat and then stands
Ellis Stanyon The Card and a Glass of Wine Balance on a Hat No. 12, glass balanced on end of playing card (with hinged flap) which is balanced on hat
Ellis Stanyon The Mysterious Chain of Cards No. 13, corners of two cards are rubbed together and they adhere, more cards are attached like that
Variations 161
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note different gaff
Inspired by 161
Ellis Stanyon The Simple Throwing of a Card No. 14, card boomerangs back, thread attached
Variations 162
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note ungaffed throwing, as described in Sachs's Sleight of Hand
Inspired by 163
Ellis Stanyon The Card Disappears from a Glass of Water No. 15, sheet of celluloid
Ellis Stanyon The Card Disappears from an Empty Glass No. 16, tinfoil back
The Chosen Cards Change to Photographs No. 17, cards change into photographs of people
Also published here
  • Kunard's "Card Tricks"
Ellis Stanyon The Three of Diamonds Changes to Two No. 18, center pip on hair is jerked back
A. E. Bloom The Signed Ace Changes to a Three No. 19, celluloid sheet with extra pips and indices palmed onto signed Ace
James J. Morgan Aces versus Blank Cards and Pocket No. 20, four blank cards in pocket of spectator transpose with Aces held by spectator
Ellis Stanyon The Two of Hearts Changes to the Two of Spades No. 21, one pip is Spade and one Heart
Ellis Stanyon The Four Knaves Change to Four Aces and Back Again No. 22
Variations 167
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note describing the quartet transformation from Discoverie of Witchcraft
Inspired byRelated to 168
Ellis Stanyon Got 'Em All Beat No. 23, two selected cards fairly shuffled back by spectator, yet found behind back, two cards hinged together, selections put between them
Related toVariations 169
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note details on the hinged pocket card, also for vanishing a card
Inspired by 169
Ellis Stanyon The Card through a Hat No. 24, visibly pulled out
Ellis Stanyon The Card in a Bottle No. 25, folding card
Variations 170
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note card into bottle, card is already inside but floating on top of water and cannot be seen when audience looks on edge
Inspired by 171
Ellis Stanyon The Ink Card No. 26, ink to clear water with card inside glass, one side black to simulate ink in glass of water, more elaborate versions
Ellis Stanyon An Envelope Changes to the Chosen Card No. 27, hinged gaff
Variations 172
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note prediction envelope has a card back on other side, all cards have an envelope on other side with same card predicted, switch in stand or upright book
Inspired by 172
Ellis Stanyon The Vanishing Pips No. 28, Nine of Diamonds changes to Five, Three, Ace, then blank, back seen, hinged multi-pip card
Ellis Stanyon The Reunited Card No. 29, card cut into four pieces, thrown in air and the restore visible, flap construction that unfolds by itself
Ellis Stanyon The Card on a Ribbon No. 30, card appears at end of ribbon, folding card
Ellis Stanyon Spirit Photography No. 31, photograph of selection appears on blank paper in envelope
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note comments on obtaining a photograph for the effect
Related to 174
Ellis Stanyon The Chosen Card Changes to a Box of Matches No. 32
Variations 175
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note variation in which the whole deck changes into a half-sized miniature deck
Inspired by 175
Ellis Stanyon The Mechanical Changing Pip Card No. 33, for example Queen of Clubs to Queen of Hearts, two versions
Variations 177
Ellis Stanyon The Mechanical Changing Pip and Value Card No. 34, Queen of Clubs to King of Hearts
Inspired by 177
Ellis Stanyon The Flap Card No. 35, sheet rubber
Variations 177
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note variations of the gaff and some applications, also in combination with step to change amount of card, multiple changes, handling ideas
Inspired by 178
Ellis Stanyon Changing and Enlarging the Card No. 36, card changes twice and grows to three times the size
Ellis Stanyon Several Ordinary Cards Change to Large Ones No. 37, two methods
Ellis Stanyon The Card Changes to a Die No. 38
Ellis Stanyon The Moving Pip Card No. 39
Ellis Stanyon The Bullet Ace No. 40, hole visually appears in Ace
Ellis Stanyon The Chosen Card Appears Between Two Others on a Thread No. 41
Ellis Stanyon The "Torn Corner" Card No. 42, corner visually restores, two constructions
Ellis Stanyon An Ace Changes to a Three and Vice Versa No. 43, holes fill with color
Inspired by 183
Ellis Stanyon Eclipse Vanishing a Pack of Cards No. 44, card sections riveted together so fan can be closed to narrow packet and is attached to pull
Jean-Eugène Robert-Houdin The Protean Pack No. 45, three selections, "General Pack"
Ellis Stanyon Making a Half Pack of Cards Vanish No. 46, every card cut in half and cards stuck together, loop to hide deck behind hand with loop over thumb
Ellis Stanyon The Sticking Pack of Cards No. 47, deck thrown against wall to which it sticks, then cards rise out of deck
Ellis Stanyon The Electric Pack of Cards No. 48, floating spread between hands
Ellis Stanyon Producing a Pack of Cards from an Empty Glass No. 49, mirror glass or a card with tinfoil back
Ellis Stanyon The Card Jumps Out of an Envelope No. 50, elastic, or jumps out of deck with deck held under foot
Theodore DeLand The Ten of Spades Changes to the Ten of Clubs No. 51, sliding celluloid piece on card
Evans Brown The Chosen Card Is Found Printed on a Plain Card Placed in a Glass Tumbler No. 52, "Spirit Print Card Trick", celluloid with card printed on it, not seen in glass, later covers blank card
Ellis Stanyon The Four Ace Trick No. 53
Ellis Stanyon New Precipitation No. 54, "Third Method", with Dr. Ford B. Rogers's peek pairs
Related to 187
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note reference for Peek Pairs
Ellis Stanyon The "Tokio" Card Trick No. 55, cards penetrate hat
Theodore DeLand DeLand's Two-Card Monte No. 56
Variations 188
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note version with half card
Inspired by 188
Ellis Stanyon A New Protean or Chameleon Pack No. 57, deck shown mixed, then cut in half, one half shown all red and other all black
Related to 189
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note credit information on Oil & Water
Related to 189
Theodore DeLand The Five of Diamonds Changes to the Five of Spades No. 58, "DeLand's Colour Changing Card"
  • Variation ("The Irish Card", pips change to green)
Theodore DeLand Deland's "Eureka" Card Trick No. 59, four Kings and an Ace put in hat, Ace removed and Kings also change to Aces
Variations 190
Ellis Stanyon, Karl Fulves Chapter 11: "Forcing" Packs and Tricks with Same chapter intro
  • Supplementary Note
Ellis Stanyon Pack to Force One Card No. 1, all alike
Ellis Stanyon Pack to Force One or Three Cards Singly No. 2, three groups of force cards
Ellis Stanyon Pack to Force Three Cards Together No. 3, triplets of force cards throughout deck
Variations 192
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note finessed forcing from this forcing deck, with divination via fishing
Inspired by 192
Ellis Stanyon The "Ruffle" Force with an Ordinary Pack No. 4, step or thick card
Ellis Stanyon Discovering the Chosen Card by a Throw of the Dice No. 5, card layout on table and cards eliminated via through of die, partial forcing deck
  • Variation
Ellis Stanyon The "Slip" Force No. 6, as stabbing force
Ellis Stanyon To Produce Three Cards at any Number No. 7, with pack consisting of forcing card triplets
Ellis Stanyon Four Cards Changed to the Same Value as a Fifth Drawn from Another Pack No. 8, four cards change (via Glide) to card selected from forcing deck
Ellis Stanyon The "Fin-de-Siècle" Forcing Pack of Cards No. 9, long-short deck, short or corner short, Mene-Tekel "first sold by W. D. Le Roy"
  • First Arrangement and Tricks with Same (long-short menetekel deck, with some basic applications)
The "Ae-Di-Tse-Tal" Forcing Pack No. 10, "Latest Idea" backwards, every other card corner short
  • (a) Mind Reading
  • (b) To Cut an Odd or Even Number
Ellis Stanyon The "Svengali" Wonder Forcing Pack No. 11, with a few applications, see following items, "first sold by W. D. Le Roy", short cards or just corner shorted
Ellis Stanyon (a) stop trick
Ellis Stanyon (b) stabbing location
Ellis Stanyon (c) Svengali deck as forcing deck
Ellis Stanyon The Double "Forcing" Pack No. 12, different forcing cards cut on different corners or angle
Variations 198
Ellis Stanyon The Triple "Forcing" Pack No. 13, for three cards
Inspired by 200
Ellis Stanyon The Combination "Fin-de-Siècle" Magic Pack No. 14, combination of Svengali and Mene-Tekel, triplets with different cuts
Ellis Stanyon The Forcing and Self-shifting Pack No. 15, card comes to top again without skill, as tool
Ellis Stanyon The Multiple Shift Pack No. 16, using menetekel deck as tool
Ellis Stanyon Three Cards Produced from a Pack Shuffled in a Hat No. 17, deck shuffled in hat, yet three previous selections found
Dr. Ford Rogers The Forcing Pack that May be Genuinely Shuffled No. 18, peek-pairs with short force cards
Ellis Stanyon The "Ivory" versus "Air Cushion" Finish No. 19, card replaced in deck with different finish
Ellis Stanyon The "Key" Card Forcing and Self-shifting Pack No. 20, having a piece of metal around one end of a card (similar to paper clip) as key card
  • The "Waterfall" Shuffle (with the key card)
  • Dispensing with the "Key"
  • "Bridging"
  • To Force any Two Cards (performer cuts apparently randomly)
Related to 203
Ellis Stanyon Three Persons Select the Same Card No. 21
Ellis Stanyon The Chosen Card Is Dropped at a Given Signal No. 22, dribble force with tactile key card
Related to 205
Ellis Stanyon The "Anstro" Forcing Deck No. 23, long-short deck with both cards forcing cards
  • Suggested Effect (two cards selected and then spectators find each other's cards)
Ellis Stanyon The "Monte Cristo" Forcing Pack No. 24, one-way forcing deck with fake indifferent indices on all cards
  • Suggested Effects (thought reading, prediction)
Ellis Stanyon The Master Mystery Forcing Pack No. 25, three banks divided by long cards: 1-0-1 with force cards, alternating pairs, 1-0-1 with different force card
  • To Produce a Card at Any Number
  • Knife Thrust between Two Chosen Cards
Ellis Stanyon The Pack Is Wrapped in Paper and a Knife Passed between Two Chosen Cards No. 26, twenty-six force pairs
Karl Fulves Chapter 12: Besauté (Stripper) and Cornered Packs chapter intro
Ellis Stanyon Description of the Pack No. 1
Ellis Stanyon To Imperceptively Turn the Pack
Ellis Stanyon To "Cut" at the Card No. 2, cutting at selection
Ellis Stanyon To Blow the Card from a Pack No. 3
Ellis Stanyon To Separate Red from Black Cards No. 4
Ellis Stanyon To Draw Picture Cards from a Pack No. 5
Ellis Stanyon To Draw the Card from a Pack in a Person's Pocket No. 6
Ellis Stanyon To Pass the Card from a Pack into a Person's Pocket No. 7, deck put in spectator's pocket and removed again, then selection travels into pocket
Ellis Stanyon To Name Cards Before Removing Them from a Pack under a Handkerchief No. 8
Ellis Stanyon To Draw Cards from a Pack One After Another No. 9
Ellis Stanyon To Pass the Chosen Card Through a Handkerchief No. 10
Ellis Stanyon With a Confederate No. 11, confederate has the card replaced reversed
Ellis Stanyon To Name the Number of Cards in the "Cut" No. 12
Ellis Stanyon To Draw One to Ten Cards No. 13, requested number of cards cut
Ellis Stanyon The Card Is Found at Any Number No. 14, glide
Ellis Stanyon To Drop All but the Chosen Card No. 15, dribble force to oneself with stripper deck
Ellis Stanyon The Inseparable Knaves No. 16, quartet shuffled into deck and found again
Ellis Stanyon The Animated Card No. 17, card rises out of tabled spread
Ellis Stanyon A Blindfolded Assistant Removes the Card from a Pack Covered with a Cloth No. 18
Ellis Stanyon The Chosen Card, Shuffled into the Pack, Discovered by Anyone No. 19, equivoque
Karl Fulves Chapter 13: The "Long" and "Wide" Card chapter intro
Ellis Stanyon Description of the Pack No. 1
Ellis Stanyon How to "Force" a Card No. 2, also mention of doing it one-handed and in tabled spread with card more exposed
Ellis Stanyon Bottom Glimpse glimpsing bottom card during sleeve pulling
Ellis Stanyon The Forcing Pack No. 3, switching deck for short deck after cards have been selected
Ellis Stanyon The "Cut" Force No. 4, performer cuts apparently randomly at long card, or spectator cuts and hopefully hits it
Ellis Stanyon The "Ruffle" Force No. 5, long card or step
Ellis Stanyon The "Jog" Shuffle No. 6, with long card
Ellis Stanyon The "Gravitational Pull" No. 7, selection comes to bottom of deck
Ellis Stanyon Card Passes Upwards Through the Pack No. 8
Ellis Stanyon Everybody's Card No. 9
Variations 217
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note three selections, vanish and disappear, not too convincing packet handling
Inspired by 217
Ellis Stanyon The Name of the Card in a Nest of Envelopes No. 10, prediction appears on business card in nest of envelopes
Ellis Stanyon The Envelope Restores a Burnt Card No. 11, back-to-back envelope
Ellis Stanyon Other Methods of Preparing Double Envelopes No. 12, two methods
Ellis Stanyon The Card in the Pocket No. 13, selected card located in pocket
Ellis Stanyon The Card Freely Chosen Is "Cut" to the Top No. 14
Ellis Stanyon Chosen Cards Are Discovered by a Blindfolded Assistant No. 15, long cards in short deck
Ellis Stanyon To Tell the Number of Cards by Weight No. 16, two long cards at known positions
Ellis Stanyon Two Chosen Cards Found Together No. 17, using the long card as key
Ellis Stanyon Long and Wide Cards No. 18, one of each in the deck, forced on different spectators
Ellis Stanyon Chapter 14: Principles of Sleight of Hand chapter intro, comments on the pass
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note on learning sleight-of-hand techniques
Ellis Stanyon The "Double-Handed" Pass No. 1, asking a question for misdirection during pass
Ellis Stanyon Stanyon's Pass in Connection with Sleeves No. 2, pulling both sleeves up as cover
Ellis Stanyon Cutting the Bottom of the Pack to the Left No. 3
Variations 224
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note as a false cut
Inspired byRelated to 224
Ellis Stanyon The "Change Packet" Pass No. 4, cutting at apparently selection for a gesture and replacing "top" half
Ellis Stanyon The "Stanyon" Cut Pass No. 5, doing an open cut after holding the break during riffling with some delay
Related to 225
Ellis Stanyon The "Drop Front Packet" Pass No. 6, crude wrist turn pass mechanics
Ellis Stanyon The "Drop Rear Packet" Pass No. 7, optionally letting go with left hand in middle of pass
Variations 226
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note details and illustrations
Inspired by 226
Ellis Stanyon Bottom Packet Around Upper to the Right No. 8, showing top and bottom card as cover
Ellis Stanyon The Pass Under the Top Card No. 9, top card cover pass
  • Utility of this Pass
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note
Ellis Stanyon The Diagonal Palm Pass (Right Hand) No. 10
  • Supplementary Note (reference by Karl Fulves)
Related to 228
Ellis Stanyon The Diagonal Palm Pass (Left Hand) No. 11, diagonal palm shift
Ellis Stanyon The Lateral Palm Pass No. 12, under cover of squaring in-the-hands spread after replacement
Variations 229
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note
Inspired by 229
Ellis Stanyon One-Handed Methods of Making the Pass section heading
Charlier Drop the Bottom Half from the Thumb No. 13
Variations 230
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note details on the Charlier Pass
Inspired by 230
Eric F. Impey Charlier Pass Reverse
Variations 231
Karl Fulves Any Card Reversed one-handed reverse under handkerchief cover
Inspired by 232
Karl Fulves Advanced One-Hand Cut
Ellis Stanyon Charlier Pass Under the Top Card No. 14, right hand screens with top card
Ellis Stanyon Top Portion Revolves Towards the Body No. 15
Ellis Stanyon Open Out Top Half and Close It Under Bottom Half No. 16
Ellis Stanyon Bottom Packet Around Upper to the Right No. 17
Ellis Stanyon Upright One-Handed Pass No. 18, also as color change to any named Ace
Ellis Stanyon Sham Pass to Neutralise the "Cut" No. 19, drag pass
Ellis Stanyon Additional Methods for the Double-Handed Pass section heading
Ellis Stanyon Pass to Deceive a Conjurer No. 20, fake pass demonstration
Variations 234
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note fake pass demonstration
Inspired by 235
Ted Lindsay The "Bridge" Pass (First Method) No. 21, delaying pass with bridged deck
Ted Lindsay The "Bridge" Pass (Second Method) No. 22, delaying pass with bridged deck
Ted Lindsay The "Bridge" Pass (Third Method) No. 22, delaying pass with bridged deck
Ellis Stanyon Chapter 15: Various Methods of Palming Cards comments on palming
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note comments on palming
Ellis Stanyon Palming the Top Card by Drawing It Towards the Person No. 1, right hand drawn towards back
Variations 238
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note details of handling
Inspired by 239
Ellis Stanyon Returning the Card (or Cards) to the Top of the Pack No. 2, with riffle cover
Ellis Stanyon Lateral Slide of the Top Card to the Right No. 3
Ellis Stanyon Pushing the Card over the Front End of the Pack No. 4
Ellis Stanyon Raising the Rear End of the Card with the Thumb No. 5
Ellis Stanyon Cover for Palm moving left hand away, motivation riffle or squaring
Ellis Stanyon Palming Cards with Rearward Colour-Change Sleight No. 6
Variations 241
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note clarification
Inspired by 241
Ellis Stanyon Palm for One Card with Forward Colour-Change Sleight No. 7
Variations 241
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note clarification
Inspired by 242
Ellis Stanyon Palming One When Springing Cards from Hand to Hand No. 8, "My 'pet' palm", last card held back during springing action
Ellis Stanyon Palming the Bottom Card Across the Left Hand No. 9
Variations 242
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note details of handling, also for reverse
Inspired by 242
Ellis Stanyon Palming the Bottom Card, Ordinary Position, in the Left Hand No. 10
Data entered by Denis Behr, December 2019.