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68 books
Title Subtitle Author Artist Pages Year
Harapan Ong Harapan Ong 48 2017
Tom Stone Tom Stone 59 1996
Louis Lam Louis Lam 30 1937
A Collection of Choice Magical Effects with Small Objects J. B. Bobo, James G. Thompson Jr. J. B. Bobo 124 1947
Paolo Cavalli Paolo Cavalli 10 2006
Dick Zimmerman Dick Zimmerman 8 1992
The Cylinder & Coins — A Critical Examination Luke Jermay Luke Jermay 91 2022
Grace Ann Morgan, Andru Luvisi Grace Ann Morgan 61 2009
Grace Ann Morgan, Andru Luvisi Grace Ann Morgan 65 2004
Michael Weber Michael Weber 4 2012
Michael Weber Michael Weber 7 2010
Allan Ackerman Allan Ackerman 30 1994/1999
Winter/1984 & Summer/1984 Earl Nelson Various 153 1984
A Slow-Motion Invisible Pass R. Paul Wilson R. Paul Wilson 30 2005
Justin Higham Justin Higham 22 1989
Chuck Smith Notes Chuck Smith Chuck Smith 23 1994
A notebook on card magic Aldo Colombini Aldo Colombini 147 1995
Ray Grismer Ray Grismer 4 1987
Retreat 2023: Alaska David Regal David Regal 61 2023
The Close-up Creations of Jay Sankey & Richard Sanders Jay Sankey, Ben Harris, Richard Sanders Jay Sankey, Richard Sanders 77 1987
Karl Fulves Karl Fulves 63 2004
Secrets whispered by an ancient idol, and only the man wi... Docc Hilford Docc Hilford 36 2008
Bob Hummer Bob Hummer 2 1941
The Dr. Jaks Lecture Dr. Stanley Jaks Dr. Stanley Jaks 11 1951
Chuck Smith Notes Chuck Smith Chuck Smith 24 2000
A Modular Experiment Jon Racherbaumer Various 82 1992
Lewis Ganson Peter Kane 9 1973
With Deck Series Vol. 2 Hiroyuki Sakai Hiroyuki Sakai 5 1997
Frank Garcia Various 147 1977
Richard Kaufman David Williamson 96 1989
Karl Fulves Karl Fulves 48 1982
A Magical Lecture Tour Bill Wisch Bill Wisch 18 1979
A Magical Lecture... with the motivational touch Bill Wisch Bill Wisch 21 1981
Magic With Playing Cards David Solomon, Jeff Siegfried David Solomon 212 2007
from the street to the screen Mike Caveney Harry Anderson 168 1993
Peter Duffie Peter Duffie 14 1996
Third in a Series: Minimal Miracles & Disproportionate Ma... Jim Steinmeyer Jim Steinmeyer 22 2019
John Bannon John Bannon 16 1989
Yaniv Deautsch Yaniv Deautsch 27 2004
Oswald Rae Oswald Rae 12 1927
Al Mann Al Mann 11 1982
Ellison Poland Ellison Poland 251 1969
Ellison Poland Ellison Poland 80 1973
Ellison Poland Ellison Poland 191 1994
the long, slow process of creating magic for the real world Mike Caveney Mike Caveney 455 2013
Impromptu Playing Card Memory Karl Fulves Karl Fulves 71 2007
Alain Nu Alain Nu 40 2008
Routines form the Professional Repertoire of Michael Close Michael Close Michael Close 36 1990
More Routines form the Professional Repertoire of Michael... Michael Close Michael Close 52 1991
Further Routines form the Professional Repertoire of Mich... Michael Close Michael Close 138 1993
Yet Still More Further Routines From The Professional Rep... Michael Close Michael Close 66 1994
Michael Close Michael Close 167 1996
Michael Close Michael Close 22 1994
Danny Archer Danny Archer 20 1994
Robert Cassidy Robert Cassidy 24 2004
A Lecture Dick Christian Dick Christian 40 2010
Karl Fulves Karl Fulves 19 1983
Mike Pisciotta Mike Pisciotta 22 2017
Roy Johnson Roy Johnson 19 1984
Larry Becker Larry Becker 151 1978
Nicholas Einhorn Nicholas Einhorn 30 2004
Nicholas Einhorn Nicholas Einhorn 26 2004
Nicholas Einhorn Nicholas Einhorn 14 2004
Ken De Courcy Ken De Courcy 20 1980
A Practical, Powerful And Entertaining Routine For the Bi... Lance Pierce Lance Pierce 83 2005
Louis Lam Louis Lam 21 1935
All the Secrets Unexplained Curtis Kam Curtis Kam 28 2015
Christian Scherer Christian Scherer 18 1996