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127 books
Title Subtitle Author Artist Pages Year
Dial A Date Deal Bob Hummer Bob Hummer 5 1955 (ca.)
Alexander de Cova Alexander de Cova 15 2003
Lewis Ganson Dai Vernon 239 1957
Lewis Ganson Nate Leipzig 192 1963
A Special Presentation for FISM Quebec 2022 David Ben Dai Vernon 120 2022
A Journal of Ingenious Magic Tricks, Creative Process & M... Edo Huang Various 64 2017
The True Secret of Professional Mindreaders Docc Hilford Docc Hilford 2004 2004
Jerry Mentzer Jerry Mentzer 17 1976
Including "Coins: HowToWhatToWhenToWhyTo" and "Words: Scr... Curtis Kam Curtis Kam 49 2004
Where Mentalism Meets Illusion Docc Hilford Docc Hilford 40 2004
Neil Kelso Ben Hart 304 2020
Darwin Ortiz Darwin Ortiz 168 1988
Lecture Notes No. 2 Darwin Ortiz Darwin Ortiz 19 1979
Darwin Ortiz Darwin Ortiz 12 1976
Daryl Martinez Daryl Martinez 28 1988
Stephen Minch Daryl Martinez 140 1985/87
or The Jolly Jumping Jokers Daryl Martinez, Richard Kaufman, Mike Maxwell, Lainee Schroeder Daryl Martinez 12 1985
3. Magisches Happening Michael Skinner, Piet Forton Michael Skinner, Piet Forton 39 1979
Magisches Spezialthema Nr. 8 Hans-Peter Juling Hans-Peter Juling 24 1983
The Incredible Close Up Magic of Dave Campbell Peter Duffie Dave Campbell 431 2004
Professional Magic for Magicians David Berglas David Berglas 48 1976
1976 Brighton Convention David Berglas David Berglas 22 1976
David Solomon David Solomon 16 1990
Karl Fulves Karl Fulves, Sam Schwartz 44 1997
Allan Zola Kronzek Allan Zola Kronzek 11 2024
Mark Tams Various 36 2008
John Bannon John Bannon 197 2004
Scotty York Scotty York 22 1980
Stanley Collins Stanley Collins 112 1920
Karl Fulves Karl Fulves 83 1992
Notas de conferencia Victor Piña Victor Piña 82 2022
Edward Marlo Edward Marlo 23 1942
Peter Duffie Peter Duffie 16 1998
Harry Lorayne Harry Lorayne 160 1967
David Britland David Britland 20 1983
Bob Farmer Bob Farmer 18 1989
Al Mann Al Mann 4 1983
Michael Weber Michael Weber 13 2011
MagicCon 2010 Derek DelGaudio Derek DelGaudio 12 2010
Simon Lovell, Rich Marotta Derek Dingle 46 2004
Philip T. Goldstein Philip T. Goldstein 10 1996
Five insubordinate pieces Tom Stone Tom Stone 20 2004
Creating the Illusion of Impossibility Darwin Ortiz Darwin Ortiz 200 2006
The Magic of Marc DeSouza David Acer Marc DeSouza 142 2001
Kunststücke aus der Praxis mit vielen Kleinigkeiten für... Axel Hecklau Axel Hecklau 46 2008
Ron Bauer Don Alan 16 1999
Ted Lesley Ted Lesley 6 1992
Aaron Shields Aaron Shields 51 2004
A Book of Routines for Modern Stage Conjurers Jim Steinmeyer Jim Steinmeyer 134 1991
George Blake George Blake 6 1959
A Collection of Card Tricks Roy Walton Roy Walton 61 1969
Even More Strangely Self-Working Conjuring Jim Steinmeyer Jim Steinmeyer 36 2015
Edward Marlo, Carmen D'Amico Edward Marlo, Carmen D'Amico 8 1948
Jamy Ian Swiss Jamy Ian Swiss 213 2011
Instructions for over three dozen sleight-of-hand moves a... Justin Higham Justin Higham 68 2008
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson 153 2004
Steve Beam Steve Beam 22 1980
Astonishing Essays 3 Anonymous Anonymous 105 2018
Mentalism, Mental Magic and the Difference Jamy Ian Swiss Jamy Ian Swiss 68 2012
Karl Fulves, Martin Gardner Martin Gardner 40 1995
The Magic of 2001 Here Today! Ben Harris Ben Harris 3 1991
The Thimble Magic of Joe Mogar Steve Beam Joe Mogar 230 1997
Ben Harris Ben Harris 12 1981
Lecture Notes Derek Dingle Derek Dingle 11 1971 ca.
Harry Lorayne Derek Dingle 57 1971
Paul Vigil Paul Vigil 31 2007
The One That Fools Them All Paul Curry Paul Curry 5 1976
A card disappearing routine Gert Malmros Gert Malmros 8 1980
Tom Dobrowolski Various 364 2021-2022
Issues 1 to 10 Karl Fulves Various 140 1999-2005
Reginald Scot Reginald Scot 320 1584/1995
John Guastaferro John Guastaferro 58 2013
Ryan Plunkett Ryan Plunkett 212 2020
A Treatise on Misdirection with Cards Andrew Galloway Andrew Galloway 55 1980
A Treatise on Misdirection with Coins Andrew Galloway Andrew Galloway 69 2006
(Part One) Dick Koornwinder Dick Koornwinder 15 1984
Colin McLeod Colin McLeod 205 2014
Lee Asher, Keith "Kip" Pascal Lee Asher 50 2005
Private Studies Series No. 7 Ron Bauer Ron Bauer 23 1998, 2002
Robert Parrish, Oscar Weigle Robert Parrish, Oscar Weigle 76 1939
Wayne Dobson Wayne Dobson 19 2002
The Sequel Wayne Dobson Wayne Dobson 19 2003
The Final Cut Wayne Dobson Wayne Dobson 18 2004
Supplement to Elixir Mike Helmer Mike Helmer 6 2024
Tyler Wilson Tyler Wilson 153 2006
Jon Racherbaumer Don England 85 1985/93
Kevin Kelly Don England 152 2001
Technical Knock Outs John F. Mendoza Don England 150 1981
The Real Secrets of 3 Card Monte Frank Garcia Various 119 1978
The Magic of James Swain James Swain James Swain 122 1992
The Innovative & Creative Magic of David Stahl John F. Mendoza David Stahl 31 1978
Helder Guimarães Helder Guimarães 31 2008 (ca.)
You Are MAGIC! No. 7 Father Cyprian Father Cyprian 14 1979
Paul Vigil Paul Vigil 248 2017
Paul Siegel Paul Siegel 33 1972
Lisp Series — Part 4 Philip T. Goldstein Philip T. Goldstein 17 1987
Markus Beldig Mike Porstmann, Markus Beldig 5 2019
Andi Gladwin, Michał Kociołek Michał Kociołek 31 2018
The AME Major Arcana Series III Al Mann Al Mann 9 1986
Andrew Frost Andrew Frost 93 2022
R. Paul Wilson R. Paul Wilson 7 2003 ca.
Chad Nelson Chad Nelson 19 2008
Rafael Benatar Rafael Benatar 32 1993
Jon Racherbaumer Daryl Martinez 4 1979
Harry Lorayne Doug Edwards 208 1997
Lecture notes on the card technique of Andrew Wimhurst Andrew Wimhurst Andrew Wimhurst 57 1998
Robert Cassidy Robert Cassidy 34 2002
Band 11 der Eperny-Manuskriptserie Charly Eperny Dr. Stanley Jaks 164 1961
An Exhibition at the Card Table Benjamin Earl Benjamin Earl 10 2010
Guy Hollingworth Guy Hollingworth 311 1999
Gary Ouellet Gary Ouellet 46 1993
Roger Smith Roger Smith 3 1975
Robert Cassidy Robert Cassidy 18 2003
A New Theory Dribble Pass Aaron Shields Aaron Shields 10 2001
Peter Duffie Peter Duffie 10 1984
Peter Duffie Peter Duffie 269 1995
Al Mann Joseph Dunninger 13 1983
Ein Trickprinzip von Helge Thun Helge Thun Helge Thun 26 2000
Walter H. Woolbaugh Steve Dusheck 17 1985
Dusheck Magic Series No. 3 Steve Dusheck Steve Dusheck 158 1992
Dusheck Magic Series No. 5 Steve Dusheck Steve Dusheck 168 1994
Dusheck Magic Series No. 2 Steve Dusheck Steve Dusheck 118 1992
Dusheck Magic Series No. 4 Steve Dusheck Steve Dusheck 128 1993
Dusheck Magic Series No. 1 Steve Dusheck Steve Dusheck 62 1991
Astonishing Essays 4: How I Used Magic to Kill My Professor Lawrence Hass Lawrence Hass 78 2018
Practical High-Impact Effects Jeff Busby, Richard Osterlind Richard Osterlind 100 1999
George B. Anderson George B. Anderson 28 1979