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126 books
Title Subtitle Author Artist Pages Year
Jon Racherbaumer Jon Racherbaumer 59 1991-1992
Bob King Bob King 4 1993
Rainer Teschner Rainer Teschner 35 1979
The Definitive Magic of John Ramsay Andrew Galloway John Ramsay 86 1982
David Acer David Acer 350 2004
Tom Stone Tom Stone 20 2007
Mike Maxwell Randy Wakeman 153 1989
Moritz Mueller Moritz Mueller 102 2021
Sixty Years of Magic from the Private Notebooks of Jack Avis Jack Avis, Anthony Brahams Jack Avis 220 2006
Im Fokus Nr. 3 Christian Scherer Christian Scherer 9 2018
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) 8 1960
Spirit Messages the Audience Can See and Hear as They Vis... Docc Hilford Docc Hilford 19 2005
Jimmy Ray Jimmy Ray 48 1980
Michael Weber Michael Weber 6 2023
A Glorious Tribute to Myself and My Ideas (Retreat 2022: ... Joshua Jay Joshua Jay 82 2022
Magic with Cards that looks like Real Magic José de la Torre José de la Torre 127 1978
Retreat 2019: Costa Rica Benjamin Earl Benjamin Earl 25 2019
Michael Weber, Tim Trono Various, Michael Weber, Tim Trono 150 2012-2015
Frank Garcia Various 90 1978
Jerry MacGregor Jerry MacGregor 304 1999
Anson Chen Anson Chen 222 2023
P.C.A.M. 2001 Lecture Notes David Malek David Malek 60 2001
Carlos Vinuesa, Miguel Diaz Various 467 2015
Michael Weber Michael Weber 12 2013
Michael Weber Michael Weber 17 2015
Color Series — Part 2 Philip T. Goldstein Philip T. Goldstein 20 1977
A truly impossible card location Benjamin Earl Benjamin Earl 4 2016
New Ways of Framing Old Favorites Eugene Burger Eugene Burger 31 1994
Adventures with a Fascinating Principle Philip T. Goldstein Philip T. Goldstein 78 2002
Johnny Albenice Johnny Albenice 56 1941
Peter Kane Peter Kane 4 1977
Helder Guimarães Helder Guimarães 151 2011
Jesús Etcheverry Arturo de Ascanio, Jesús Etcheverry 215 2020
Bridging the Gap Eric Mead Eric Mead 22 2003
R. Paul Wilson R. Paul Wilson 3 2006
Tyler Wilson Tyler Wilson 194 2010
Stephen Minch Ken Krenzel 237 2009
A Coin Routine Gary Kurtz Gary Kurtz 30 1991
A Coin Routine Gary Kurtz Gary Kurtz 24 1995 ca.
Bob Miller Bob Miller 13 1997
Pedro Bryce Pedro Bryce 114 2023
Wayne Houchin Wayne Houchin 64 2014
some new things and some old things from Guy Hollingworth Guy Hollingworth Guy Hollingworth 52 2015
The COMPLETE restoration of a torn, signed playing card. John Lovick John Lovick 12 1998
Roberto Giobbi Al Bertini 15 1987
John Lovick, Asi Wind Asi Wind 156 2018
John Lovick, Asi Wind Asi Wind 150 2024
Harry Lorayne Harry Lorayne 287 1971
and Other Signature Effects Peter Gröning Peter Gröning 113 2020
Lecture Notes — April 2012 Max Maven Max Maven 5 2012
Karl Fulves Karl Fulves 39 1986
Joseph Barry Joseph Barry 26 2014
Retreat 2022: Western Adventure Andi Gladwin Andi Gladwin 111 2022
Roger Smith Roger Smith 8 1971
Roger Smith Roger Smith 6 1974
A Selection of Original Close Up Routines and Concepts John Carney John Carney 11 1973 (ca.)
Homer Liwag Homer Liwag 32 2008
Edwin A. Dawes Edwin A. Dawes 392 2022
Docc Hilford Docc Hilford 20 2002 ca.
The Ultimate Reset R. Paul Wilson R. Paul Wilson 8 2001
Reinhard Müller Reinhard Müller 13 1983
Reinhard Müller Reinhard Müller 13 1984
Reinhard Müller Reinhard Müller 13 1986
Karl Fulves Karl Fulves 24 1979
Edward Marlo Edward Marlo 45 1967
Featuring: John Scarne's Shuffle Control Karl Fulves Karl Fulves 49 1987
"Principles of Riffle Shuffle Set-Ups" Karl Fulves Karl Fulves 98 1973
Edward Marlo Edward Marlo 135 1959
Karl Fulves Karl Fulves 12 1975
Karl Fulves Karl Fulves 93 1984
Karl Fulves Karl Fulves 12 1975
Karl Fulves Karl Fulves 22 1973
Karl Fulves Karl Fulves 62 1973
Ken Simmons Ken Simmons 73 1986
Ken Simmons Ken Simmons 75 1987
Issues 1 to 10 Karl Fulves Various 120 1993-1994
Harry Lorayne Harry Lorayne 148 1973
Philip Reed Willmarth Various 59 1975
Barry Govan Barry Govan 20 1992
Dariel Fitzkee Dariel Fitzkee 120 1946
Ganson's Magic Teach-In Series Lewis Ganson Aldo Colombini 23 1978
12 Dynamite Rising Card Effects Jon Jensen Jon Jensen 42 1998
Christoph Borer Christoph Borer 34 1991
Stephen Minch Stephen Minch 8 1982
Michael Weber Michael Weber 13 2012
Tyler Wilson Tyler Wilson 28 2017
Philip T. Goldstein Philip T. Goldstein 8 1999
Lance Pierce Roger Klause 260 1991
Roger Crosthwaite Roger Crosthwaite 51 1997
A Modern Treatise on the Art of Card Magic Justin Higham, Roger Crosthwaite Various, Roger Crosthwaite, Jack Avis 236 1994
Benjamin Earl Benjamin Earl 34 2018
The Ultimate Roll-Over Aces Ariel Frailich Ariel Frailich 7 1979
Notes from "THE Underground Legend" Ron Bauer Ron Bauer 32 2008
Alexander de Cova Alexander de Cova, Ron Jaxon 9 2013
The Only Six Ways to Restore a Rope Dariel Fitzkee Dariel Fitzkee 52 1956
Keith Clark Keith Clark 14 1942
The George Sands MasterWorks Collection — Volume 1 George Sands, Alan Sands George Sands 94 2014
One Man Knew The Real Secret... And It Was Worth A Fortune! Docc Hilford Docc Hilford 24 2008
Tan Hock Chuan Tan Hock Chuan 18 1948
Aldini Aldini 48 1969
Ken De Courcy Ken De Courcy 16 1968
Steve Reynolds Steve Reynolds 76 2009
Tony Kardyro Tony Kardyro 12 1941
Senor Charles Mardo Senor Charles Mardo 29 1945
Lewis Ganson Various 254 1954
Lewis Ganson Various 118 1950
Lewis Ganson Lewis Ganson 133 1952
with Chuck Smith's routine Jeff Busby Jeff Busby, Chuck Smith 27 1982
Philip Reed Willmarth, Trevor Lewis Trevor Lewis 188 2009
George Blake, Ken De Courcy Richard Himber, George Blake, Ken De Courcy 16 1978 ca.
John A. M. Howie John A. M. Howie 32 1955
Ganson's Magic Teach-In Series Lewis Ganson Rovi 44 1980
Roy Johnson Roy Johnson 76 1970
Roy Johnson Roy Johnson 22 1970
Alan Shaxon Alan Shaxon 12 1972 ca.
Topological Card Series Chapter 4 Ben Harris Ben Harris 4 1985
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue Various 292 1948
or S.B.S.ing with Himber Jeff Busby Jeff Busby 4 1973
Kennedy Smith Kennedy Smith 44 1982
Michael Rubinstein Michael Rubinstein 487 2020
Jean-Pierre Vallarino, Eric de Brocart, Valéry Vial Jean-Pierre Vallarino 60 1993
A Close-Up Collaboration Jamy Ian Swiss Scotty York, Jamy Ian Swiss 18 1988
Tricks und Ideen von Jan Torell Jan Torell Jan Torell 61 1984
Tom Stone Tom Stone 35 2014
Gabi Pareras Gabi Pareras 52 2014
Gabi Pareras Gabi Pareras 34 2014