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141 books
Title Subtitle Author Artist Pages Year
Docc Hilford Docc Hilford 28 2005
Earl Nelson Earl Nelson 30 1983
Issue 1 Karl Fulves Karl Fulves 10 2015
Enlarged Edition Edward Marlo Edward Marlo 132 1976
the magic of Dai Vernon in 1932 Dai Vernon, Faucett Ross Dai Vernon 72 1962
Curtis Kam Curtis Kam 30 2006
Book One Various, Doc Docherty Various 45 2006
British Ring Convention Philip T. Goldstein Philip T. Goldstein 9 2004
Karl Fulves Karl Fulves 90 1995
Karl Fulves Karl Fulves 47 1989
Karl Fulves Karl Fulves 31 1993
Practical Close Up Michael "Mike" Müller Michael "Mike" Müller 32 2007
Edward Marlo Edward Marlo 28 1965
No Skill - No Sleights - No Moves Eddie Joseph Eddie Joseph 15 1950
Edward Bagshawe Edward Proudlock 26 1936
A Study Of Flying Objects for the Mentalist Al Mann Al Mann 22 1982
Bill Simon Bill Simon 181 1952
Louis F. Christianer Louis F. Christianer 16 1916
Louis F. Christianer Louis F. Christianer 16 1915
José Carroll José Carroll 28 1983
Ein theoretisch/praktisches Seminar für effektvolle Zaub... Axel Hecklau Axel Hecklau 55 2004
Peter Duffie Peter Duffie 164 1997
For Card Men Only Jamie Badman, José Muñiz Various 460 2001-2003
Tyler Wilson, Chris Mayhew Tyler Wilson, Chris Mayhew 37 2014
Christian Scherer Christian Scherer 93 1978
Jan Logemann Jan Logemann 23 2019
Handbuch des Stripper-Spiels Hannes Höller Hannes Höller 138 1978
Conferencia Ignacio López Ignacio López 56 2024
El Yanqui y sus cartas Steve Beam Steve Beam 20 2014
Gabi Pareras Gabi Pareras 27 2008 ca.
El Duco El Duco 20 1980
Gabi Pareras Gabi Pareras 56 2001 ca.
Gabi Pareras Gabi Pareras 48 2014
Juan Villarejo Juan Villarejo 93 2017
Notas de Conferencia Arturo de Ascanio Arturo de Ascanio 21 1980
Dani DaOrtiz Various 1139 2007-2016
Luis Alberto Iglesias Miguel Gómez 200 2007
Una Sesión de Magia con Baraja, Cello, Piano y Violín Kiko Pastur, Eloy Mateos Kiko Pastur 264 2014
Karl Fulves Jerry K. Hartman 3 1979
Super-Effekte mit Gummibändern Michael Weber Michael Weber 14 1985
Rubber Bands — Tricks, Stunts and Puzzles Ed Mishell, Abraham B. Hurwitz Various 41 1979
The Rubber-band Magic of Joe Rindfleisch Stephen Minch Joe Rindfleisch 33 1995
Frank Garcia Father Cyprian 80 1980
The Lecture, The Book Lance Pierce Lance Pierce 84 2010
2023 Lecture Notes Matt Baker Matt Baker 39 2023
Lecture Notes Allan Hagen Allan Hagen 38 2017
Mike Helmer Various 611 2017-2024
Karl Fulves, Ellis Stanyon Karl Fulves, Ellis Stanyon 313 1999
Ben Daggers Ben Daggers 218 2022
Lecture in Taiwan 2016 G G 122 2016
Theodore Annemann Theodore Annemann 15 1937
John Guastaferro John Guastaferro 93 2017
Magic for Cards and Hands Wesley James Wesley James 491 2004
The Multiple Selection Act John Graham John Graham 35 2021
The Command Performance — Issue Two Michael Ammar Michael Ammar 29 1980
The Command Performance Series Michael Ammar Various, Michael Ammar 45 1981
Michael Ammar Various, Michael Ammar 93 1983
edited by John J. Crimmins Jr. Jean Hugard, Glenn G. Gravatt Various 403 1936/37
Donato Colucci Donato Colucci 305 2002
Frank Garcia Various 224 1976
Möglichkeiten zum Entwickeln eigener Effekte Christoph Borer Christoph Borer 32 2012
Nathan Kranzo Nathan Kranzo 13 2001
Peter Duffie Various 173 2006
A Magic Lecture John Carney John Carney 17 1976
Yet Another Collection of Strangely Self-Working Conjuring Jim Steinmeyer Jim Steinmeyer 44 2013
Leo Behnke Leo Behnke 15 1962
A Book of Tricks with the Royal Magic ESP Deck Patrick Page, Ken De Courcy Patrick Page, Ken De Courcy 22 1999
David Robbins Various 12 1969
Im Fokus Nr. 1 Christian Scherer Christian Scherer 16 2018
Im Fokus Nr. 18 Christian Scherer Christian Scherer 16 2023
Dongyan Zhang Xiaobo Zhou 62 2018
Matt Mello Matt Mello 8 2012
Skriptum erlesener Magie — Band VII Jochen Zmeck Jochen Zmeck 32 1962
Skriptum erlesener Magie — Band VII Jochen Zmeck Jochen Zmeck 28 1962
Jochen Zmeck Jochen Zmeck 31 1967
Darwin Ortiz Darwin Ortiz 10 2007
A Surprise Lecture Bonus! Dan Garrett Dan Garrett 4 2005
November 1967 — 1976 Karl Fulves Various 312 1967-1976
Harry Lorayne Harry Lorayne 32 1976
Supplement to Elixir Mike Helmer Various 4 2020
Jeff Busby Various 574 1982-1989
David Britland David Britland 55 1985
Jason England Jason England 23 2008
Erik Nordvall Erik Nordvall 18 2006
Issue 1 Karl Fulves Karl Fulves 36 2015
Jan Imhof Jan Imhof 48 2023
Barry Price Barry Price 61 2000
Barry Price Barry Price 74 2000
Vanni Bossi Vanni Bossi 26 1991
Vanni Bossi Vanni Bossi 29 1992
Vanni Bossi Vanni Bossi 17 1993
Javier Piñeiro Miguel Ángel Gea 312 2009
Gems of Magic Book No. 2 Allan Ackerman Allan Ackerman 46 1971
Folio No. 1 Nick Trost Nick Trost 16 1979
Arthur Hastings Edward Marlo, Various 32 1960
Allan Slaight Stewart James 215 2007
Revolutionary Card Technique — Chapter 13, 14 Edward Marlo Edward Marlo 80 1962
Eugene Burger, Lawrence Hass Eugene Burger, Lawrence Hass 320 2021
Eugene Burger, Lawrence Hass Eugene Burger, Lawrence Hass 204 2019
An "Even Bet" Gambling Routine Ken De Courcy Ken De Courcy 11 1976
Robert Parrish Charlie Miller 71 1961
Exclusive Lecture Notes Chris Rawlins Chris Rawlins 73 2017
The Professional Card Technique of Martin A. Nash Stephen Minch Martin A. Nash 134 1975
Irv Weiner Irv Weiner 5 1983
Astonishing Essays 1: Timeless Magic in the Age of Trends Steve Cohen Steve Cohen 57 2018
I'll Be Watching You Sylvain Juzan Sylvain Juzan 87 2021
Chris "Doc" Dixon Chris "Doc" Dixon 110 1997
Weiterentwicklung von Zauberkunststücken Axel Hecklau Axel Hecklau 39 2013
William Goodwin William Goodwin 68 2011
FISM Lecture Notes Guy Hollingworth Guy Hollingworth 30 2000
Frank Garcia Various 76 1980
Frank Garcia Various 80 1980
Edward Bagshawe Edward Bagshawe 90 1924
Robert Cassidy Robert Cassidy 15 2003
Philip T. Goldstein Philip T. Goldstein 2 1982
Dai Vernon Dai Vernon 45 1970
Fifteen Effects & Ideas for the Thinking Close-Up Magician Justin Higham Justin Higham 30 1993
Eugene Burger Eugene Burger 140 1989
John Lovick Jon Allen 205 2009
Michael Murray Michael Murray 42 2023
Michał Kociołek Michał Kociołek 62 2019
Artifice Ruse and Subterfuge at the Card Table S. W. Erdnase S. W. Erdnase 205 1902
Alton Sharpe Various 67 1971
Alton Sharpe Various 141 1968
Alton Sharpe Various 195 1969
Third Edition Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue Various 474 1940/50
Richard Kaufman David Roth 370 1985
Charles Eastman Charles Eastman 40 1933
Jack Carpenter Jack Carpenter 102 1997
Jack Carpenter Jack Carpenter 91 2017
Rob Zabrecky Rob Zabrecky 72 2011
Performance Notes for Todd Karr's The Da Vinci Zone Max Maven Max Maven 16 2006
Ben Harris Ben Harris 20 1989
Roy Johnson Roy Johnson 17 1976
Robert Cassidy Robert Cassidy 25 2003
Manfred Cattarius Manfred Cattarius 56 1984
A sugar rush for the eyes Benjamin Earl Benjamin Earl 18 2016
Tom Stone Tom Stone 16 2007
Mike Bornstein, Gloria E. Kindred Mike Bornstein 70 1994
An Unsurpassed Collection of Card Tricks for Amateur as W... Ralph W. Hull Ralph W. Hull 20 1932
The Blindman's Bluff — A Complete Mental Act without Sight Stephen Minch Stephen Minch 27 1984