Written by Karl Fulves
Work of Karl Fulves
63 pages (Spiralbound), published by Selfpublished
Illustrated with drawings by Joseph K. Schmidt
Language: English
50 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page Categories
Karl Fulves Introduction
Karl Fulves Red-Black Riffles simple riffle shuffle set-ups
Russell "Rusduck" Duck, Karl Fulves Scrambled Straights on Rusduck's trick as Gilbreath precursor
Related to 4
Karl Fulves Playing Best Hand
Inspired byVariations 5
Karl Fulves Colorist spectator cuts packet of 12 picture cards and deals three cards face-down, performer indicates one whose color appears at least twice in the triple
Karl Fulves Rusduck's Riffle variation of "Colorist"
Related to 8
Karl Fulves A Rusduckian Shuffle Rusduck's top-bottom-removal as analog to riffle shuffle
Related to 9
Karl Fulves The Pure Riffle dealing alternative to riffle shuffle
Karl Fulves Head Start three players get a card and hold it against forehead so that only other can see it, players bet whether the own color matches one of the other players
Karl Fulves Suit Secrets what happens when a suit stack is riffle shuffled and groups of different size dealt
Karl Fulves Suit Assignment terminology for next tricks
Karl Fulves Well-Ordered Stack Si Stebbins variation
Karl Fulves Pictures For Numbers value substitution in stacks
Karl Fulves Pointers
Karl Fulves Wordsmith stack with word cards
Karl Fulves Riffle Shuffle, How Defined
Karl Fulves Paper & Pencil Shuffles notation for riffle shuffle, partitions
Karl Fulves Shift Left
Karl Fulves In Case what to do when the riffle shuffle was bad in "ESP + Math"
Related to 24
Karl Fulves Extend Right
Karl Fulves Shift Right
Karl Fulves Not Continuous applying mountain climbing problem (climber up and down, is there a time in which he will be at the same time at the same place) to riffle shuffle
Karl Fulves Top or Bottom? problem regarding the reference
Related to 28
Karl Fulves High Speed Card Counting tying riffle shuffle set-ups to card counting
Karl Fulves Still Missing spectator riffle shuffles deck, deals about twelve cards in a pile and removes one, performer divines card by looking at remainder of pile
Karl Fulves Unsolved two cards exchanged from different decks, using card counting to finde out which, posed as problem
Karl Fulves Quicker Count spectator riffle shuffles deck, deals two ten-card piles, moves a card from pile to pile and gives either pile to performer who divines card
Karl Fulves Scatter Suit way to accelerate card counting
Karl Fulves Noah Count pectator riffle shuffles deck, deals a pile and moves two cards from rest into pile which is shuffled and handed to performer who divines both cards
Karl Fulves Three Way finding three chosen cards with card counting, single riffle shuffle
Karl Fulves Regarding the Presentation of Card Counting Tricks
Karl Fulves Secret Counting two cards removed from deck are found after riffle shuffle and clocking value predicted, no real card counting required
Related to 35
Karl Fulves Counteract riffle shuffle, spectator deals ten cards and remembers next, repeated, second pile shuffled and performer divines both after looking through it
Karl Fulves Counterpoint 1 two card location after riffle shuffle and dealing packets, card clocking and stack
Karl Fulves The Apex nine card packet "riffle shuffled", dealt in row, center card turned over, spectator choses the four cards on either side and thinks of highest one which is divined, chains
Karl Fulves Apex Footnote connection to "I have as many cards as you..." and red black relationship principle, also with suits
Karl Fulves Cut & Cancel weird, card placed on table shows up in deck after two-packet back-and-forth cut deeper force and tabled card becomes prediction
Karl Fulves Code For Color twenty-sixth cards tells performer how many red cards are in top half after a riffle shuffle
Karl Fulves Kid Koin after riffle shuffle top card is pocketed, coin turned over according to color of next four cards, then performer looks again and names card
Karl Fulves Blocking Function work week cards (monday through friday) shuffled and dealt in groups of five, performer divines which days are duplicated and where in the packet
Karl Fulves Able To Match "automated version of 'Business Card Prophecy'", after riffle shuffle fifteen cards are removed, a card stabbed and cards on either side divined and those are the only ones with mates in packet
Related to 50
Bill Simon Business Card Prophecy Move
Karl Fulves Playing Card Prophecy clouding the method
Related to 52
Karl Fulves Name-O-Prophecy cutting at specific position during Business Card Prophecy move
Related to 53
Karl Fulves Sum Card Prophet spectator choses card face-up and stabs it into face-down deck, cards on either side add up to chosen value
Related to 54
Karl Fulves Left-Handed Prophet different handling for Business Card Prophecy Move
Related to 55
Karl Fulves Dial-A-Die riffle shuffle, twelve cards dealt on table, number of cards according to rolled die transferred, down-under-deal done, ... eventually number on die revealed
Related to 56
Karl Fulves Stop Order variation of "Dial-A-Die"
Related to 57
Karl Fulves Couples match making after riffle shuffle, optionally no-touch, optionally words on cards
  • Second Approach
  • Third Approach
  • Application Note (other objects than playing cards, poker chips)
Karl Fulves When Psychics Play Poker psychic vs. gambler, spectator riffle shuffles, psychic gets seven cards, gambler five, psychic finds two Aces and moves around some cards and wins
Also published here 61
Data entered by Denis Behr, December 2015.