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181 books
Title Subtitle Author Artist Pages Year
Paul Harris Paul Harris 25 1981
The Magazine of Close-up Magic Stephen Tucker, Fred Robinson, Walt Lees, Allen Zingg Various 1400 1974-2001
Jerry K. Hartman Jerry K. Hartman 68 1972
More Gene Maze Card Switches Karl Fulves Gene Maze 72 1977
The Gene Maze Card Switches Karl Fulves Gene Maze 73 1977
Karl Fulves Karl Fulves 56 1973
The Harvey Rosenthal Card Switches Karl Fulves, Harvey Rosenthal Harvey Rosenthal 79 1977
Karl Fulves Karl Fulves 66 1973
Jerry Mentzer Various 63 1982
Sixty years of lost secrets T. Page Wright T. Page Wright 335 1991
T. Page Wright T. Page Wright 57 1933
(a work in progress) Michael Feldman Michael Feldman 63 2017
Patrick Page Patrick Page 94 1990
Karl Fulves Various 300 1965-1977,1993
Bill Wisch Bill Wisch 12 1977
Barry Price Barry Price 45 2000
Idan Kaufman Idan Kaufman 64 2020
Usando La Faro Para Todo Pepe Lirrojo Pepe Lirrojo 49 2016
Tension, Focus & Design in Card Magic Aaron Fisher, John Lovick Aaron Fisher 126 2002
Asi Wind Asi Wind 35 2019
Restricted Series Release #1 Philip T. Goldstein Philip T. Goldstein 11 1977
Max Maven Max Maven 194 2023
A Topological Miracle David Britland David Britland 21 1986
Notes and Tricks Using the Parallel Principle Karl Fulves Karl Fulves 40 1980
Stephen Minch, Ted Lesley Ted Lesley 300 1994
Steve Bedwell Steve Bedwell 16 1995 ca.
Rhys "Morgan" Jones, Robert "West" Tay Rhys "Morgan" Jones, Robert "West" Tay 356 2020
Joshua Jay Joshua Jay 276 2024
Retreat 2022: Western Adventure Joshua Jay Joshua Jay 80 2022
Joshua Jay Joshua Jay 70 2024
Mastering Card Magic's Most Elusive Sleight Gary Ouellet Gary Ouellet 140 1994
Karl Fulves Karl Fulves 2 1990
Eight Cardscapes form the mind of Jack Carpenter Jack Carpenter Jack Carpenter 51 2006
Wesley James Wesley James 80 1990
Terry LaGerould, Wayne Whiting Terry LaGerould 122 1992
Scott Cram Terry LaGerould 60 2001
The original magic of Pat Conway Walt Lees, Pat Conway Pat Conway 157 1987
Edward Marlo Edward Marlo 145 1964
Ken De Courcy Ken De Courcy 10 1964
Lewis Ganson Patrick Page 4 1981
Step 13 of Thirteen Steps to Mentalism Tony Corinda Tony Corinda 34 1960
Paul Curry Paul Curry 108 1974
Paul Curry Paul Curry 382 2001
Appraisals of Works on Sleight-of-Hand, Mind-Reading, Pse... Paul Fleming Paul Fleming 130 1944
Appraisals of Works on Sleight-of-Hand, Mind-Reading, Pse... Paul Fleming Paul Fleming 130 1946
Appraisals of Works on Sleight-of-Hand, Mind-Reading, Pse... Paul Fleming Paul Fleming 205 1979
"Modern Mindreading at its Best" Jeff Busby Various, Paul Fox 30 1983
Paul Harris Paul Harris 80 1976
Bob King Bob King 2 1997
Step 2 of Thirteen Steps to Mentalism Tony Corinda Tony Corinda 30 1958
Michael Weber Michael Weber 15 1983
Fifteen Minutes Impromptu Entertainment with Pen and Paper Ken De Courcy Ken De Courcy 16 1973
A lighthearted presentation for a classic Bob Read Bob Read 20 1974
Issues 1-11 Gordon Bean, William Goodwin Various 198 2002-2009
Matt Mello Matt Mello 6 2014
Bruce Bernstein Bruce Bernstein 34 1999
John Hostler, Reed Swans Collective John Hostler, Reed Swans Collective 69 2023
An Amazing Mental Effect Guy Bavli Guy Bavli 14 1994
"The Rusduck Enigma" Solution No. 3 George Blake George Blake 12 1980
Eugene Burger Eugene Burger 134 1987
John Lovick, Handsome Jack John Lovick 220 2016
Gerry McCambridge Gerry McCambridge 147 2017
A Generalization to Q-Dimensions S. Brent Morris S. Brent Morris 64 1974
all cards, all new, all mine Harry Lorayne Harry Lorayne 644 2001
Retreat 2019: Costa Rica Andi Gladwin Andi Gladwin 71 2019
Harry Lorayne Harry Lorayne 51 1964
Roberto Giobbi Roberto Giobbi 20 1993
The 2018 Lecture Notes Eric Stevens Eric Stevens 67 2018
Clayton Rawson Al Baker 111 1951
For the Mentalist Al Mann Al Mann 17 1981
Gene "Phantini" Grant Gene "Phantini" Grant 104 1981
Gene "Phantini" Grant Gene "Phantini" Grant 21 1955
Miracles by Telephone Al Mann Al Mann 19 1984
The 1988 Issue by Tenkai Prize Committee Philip T. Goldstein Philip T. Goldstein 95 1989
Philip T. Goldstein Philip T. Goldstein 10 1978
Triberg 1988 Philip T. Goldstein Philip T. Goldstein 24 1988
Bruce Elliott, Walter B. Gibson Various 1201 1942-1954
For the Thought Reader Al Mann Al Mann 16 1977
Meir Yedid Ray Piatt 2 2000
Michael Murray Michael Murray 264 2014
Bob Somerfeld Bob Somerfeld 16 1952
Piet Forton Piet Forton 20 1967
Uwe Ohlendorf Piet Forton 22 1968
Piet Forton Piet Forton 43 1979
A Titillating Effect from Jason Dean Jason Dean Jason Dean 7 2003
Andi Gladwin Andi Gladwin 3 2009
Ideas for Deception with Playing Cards Daniel Madison Daniel Madison 52 2014
Michael Powers Don England 17 1991
Oliver Meech Oliver Meech 87 2009
Oliver Meech Oliver Meech 90 2010
Michał Kociołek Michał Kociołek 44 2019
Tom Stone Tom Stone 13 2007
Perennial Mystics, Squared James C. Hagy Various 300 2022-2024
coin gaffs and common cents Curtis Kam Curtis Kam 83 2008
Im Fokus Nr. 16 Christian Scherer Christian Scherer 20 2022
Karl Fulves Karl Fulves 1 1991
Eine Falschspiel-Routine Alexander de Cova Alexander de Cova 8 2007
Johnny Thompson Johnny Thompson 39 1981
Johnny Cooper Johnny Cooper 59 1980
Bob Hummer Bob Hummer 3 1952 (ca.)
A bizarre collection of Sponge Ball Stuff! Ben Harris Ben Harris 9 1986
Michael Weber Michael Weber, Tim Trono 10 2021
Ted Lesley Carlhorst Meier 7 1992
High Voltage Magic Michael Powers Michael Powers 231 2006
Power Series No. 1 Peter Duffie Peter Duffie 9 2009
Ideen und Hinweise für ambitionierte Zauberkünstler Alexander de Cova Alexander de Cova 20 2002
The Long Distance Lottery Michael Weber Michael Weber, Tim Trono 24 2021
Michael Powers Michael Powers 104 1983
for the informed close-up worker Rick Johnsson Rick Johnsson 108 1976
Eddie Joseph Eddie Joseph 7 1936
A comprehensive collection of the best mental tricks of r... Theodore Annemann, John J. Crimmins Jr. Various 342 1944
Alan Shaxon Alan Shaxon 64 1976
Meir Yedid's Professional Performance Series Issue Two Meir Yedid Meir Yedid 20 1994
Bev Bergeron Bev Bergeron 19 1989
Step 4 of Thirteen Steps to Mentalism Tony Corinda Tony Corinda 43 1958
William Goodwin Larry Jennings 4 2005
Ultra Thread Routines Ben Harris Ben Harris 15 1989
An Amazing Mental Card Routine George Armstrong George Armstrong 9 1949
Eddie Joseph Eddie Joseph 12 1949
Miracle Methods No. 3 Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue 32 1942
Tom Stone Tom Stone 8 2020
Jamy Ian Swiss Jamy Ian Swiss 254 2017
Steve "Banachek" Shaw Steve "Banachek" Shaw 22 1990 /1999
Don Alan Don Alan 48 1956
Christoph Borer Christoph Borer 43 2010
Tom Stone Tom Stone 40 2009
Topological Card Series Chapter 1 Ben Harris Ben Harris 11 1983
Harapan Ong Harapan Ong 253 2018
Arthur H. Buckley Arthur H. Buckley 224 1948
Professionelle Routinen für den Close-up Bereich Gary Kurtz Gary Kurtz 59 1992
The Cleanest — Easiest — Most Magical — The Most Co... Wesley James Wesley James 41 1998
The Previously Unpublished Magic of Bob King Bob King Bob King 19 1999
Horace E. Bennett Horace E. Bennett 80 1968
A Professional Approach to Card Control Gary Ouellet Gary Ouellet 53 1986
Fränz Fränz 82 2022
Cliff Green Cliff Green 159 1961
Deceptions in Paradise Jerry Mentzer Curtis Kam 110 1996
Ronald Zollweg Ron Fredrick 47 1982
A Life in Magic Geoffrey Durham Geoffrey Durham 252 2008
Patrick Page Patrick Page 6 2002
Professionelle Routinen aus der Praxis Alexander de Cova Alexander de Cova 183 1992
Issues No. 1 to 18 Steven Hamilton Various 216 1991-1994
Tomoya Horiki Tomoya Horiki 83 2018
R. Paul Wilson R. Paul Wilson 3 2006
The Jack Mistery Series Nbr. 9 Jorge "The Jack" Garcia Jorge "The Jack" Garcia 23 2016
Issues 1 to 10 Karl Fulves Various 700 2006-2012
Applications of the Business-Card Prophecy concept and re... Justin Higham Justin Higham 27 2012
Karl Fulves Karl Fulves, Various 51 1989
Chris Rawlins Chris Rawlins 6 2016 (ca.)
Justin Higham Justin Higham 25 2011
Justin Higham Justin Higham 40 2013
Supplement No. 2 To Invocation 1977 Robert Cassidy Robert Cassidy 32 1977
A Playing Card Prediction Ben Harris Ben Harris 23 2011
Bruce Bernstein Bruce Bernstein 56 1997
Bruce Bernstein Bruce Bernstein 66 1985
A Psychological Game of Poker Bruce Bernstein Bruce Bernstein 20 1994
Issue 1 (August 1978) through Issue 28 (December 1980) Robert Cassidy Various 206 1992
Ormond McGill Ormond McGill 29 1951
Ormond McGill Ormond McGill 24 1951
Ormond McGill Ormond McGill 25 1951
Ormond McGill Ormond McGill 19 1951
Ormond McGill Ormond McGill 30 1951
Ormond McGill Ormond McGill 29 1951
Gary Kurtz Gary Kurtz 20 1998
Pychic Magic Al Mann Al Mann 22 1977
Steve "Banachek" Shaw Steve "Banachek" Shaw 26 1992/1999
Steve "Banachek" Shaw Steve "Banachek" Shaw 10 1994
Benjamin Earl Benjamin Earl 20 2016
David Britland David Britland 56 1986
Dunninger's Mystic Series Mns. "C" Al Mann Al Mann 16 1984
Step 12 of Thirteen Steps to Mentalism Tony Corinda Tony Corinda 21 1960
Karl Fulves Karl Fulves 6 1991
Patrick Page Patrick Page 54 1987
Lee Asher Lee Asher 16 2000
Matt Mello Matt Mello 7 2012
Instructions, Routines, Tips & Ideas for the Grismer Perf... Ray Grismer Ray Grismer 23 1988
12 Puzzles with Ready-to-Use Pieces Karl Fulves Karl Fulves 24 1982
Notas 2019 Giancarlo Scalia Giancarlo Scalia 50 2019
Lecture Notes Henry Harrius Henry Harrius 23 2016
Andi Gladwin, John Campbell Scott Robinson 304 2018
Patrick Page Patrick Page 34 1988