Written by Oswald Rae
Work of Oswald Rae
12 pages (Stapled), published by Selfpublished
No illustrations
Language: English
9 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page Categories
Oswald Rae Foreword
Oswald Rae Watch Production Stand production of several pocket watches, manipulation style with shells and stand
Oswald Rae Production from a Handkerchief several pocket watches are produced from handkerchief, nesting type watches
Oswald Rae Handkerchief to Watch to pocket watch
Oswald Rae Patter and Presentation for Production of 4 Watches at Fingertips humorous patter for pocket watches routine, nesting type
Oswald Rae Instantaneous Production of Six Watches on a Slender Wand six pocket watches appear on wand, nesting type
Oswald Rae Wandering Watches pocket watches vanish and appear on stand, covered with handkerchief, nesting type
Oswald Rae Passing a Watch Through a Handkerchief with pocket watch
Oswald Rae Some Suggestions on pocket watch routines, nesting type gimmick
  • Vanish a Quantity of Watches
  • Vanish of Watches from the Finger Tips
  • Instantaneous Production of Watches
  • Production of One or Two Watches from an Envelope
  • Vanish from an Envelope
  • Watches from Lemon
  • Watches Produced or Vanishes by Cloth Bag
Data entered by Lorenz Schär, June 2020.