Written by Laurie Ireland
Work of Laurie Ireland, Various
1,440 pages (Stapled), published by The Ireland Magic Co.
Illustrated with drawings
Language: English
1,259 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Issue Year Page AA Categories
Albert H. Ward. Jr. A Chalk Talk Cocktail drawing of man drinking, picture changes
Yearbook 1959 1959 35
Albert H. Ward. Jr. Another One with Sketch a Flower idea for chalk drawing routine
Yearbook 1959 1959 36
Charlie Miller picture and short bio
Yearbook 1959 1959 37
Peter Warlock No Guesswork card inside envelope finale
Inspired by
  • Edward G. Brown's "Three Guesses" in "The Sphinx" Vol. 42. 1943. P. 59.
Yearbook 1959 1959 38
Richard Segal The Sucker Poker Deal three Jacks are controlled for the spectator, magician gets a Royal Flush
Yearbook 1959 1959 41
Bill Hendricks The Early Bird wind-up toy finds only card with worm on it
Yearbook 1959 1959 42
Bob Hutcheson, Jr. Remarkable Face Up and Face Down Revelation cards are turned over, number chosen by spectator, selection is only reversed card at the end
Yearbook 1959 1959 42
Everett Lyda Miracle Card Discovery cards rises from deck while two other cards are pushed in
Yearbook 1959 1959 45
Charlie Miller How to Haunt a Pack described by Robert Parrish
  • impromptu method
  • method with slick cards
  • tip for Al Baker method
Yearbook 1959 1959 46
Edward Marlo Tabled Bottom Placement tabled Kelly / Ovette move, with additional ideas
Also published here Yearbook 1959 1959 48
Celeste Luwen, Len Carrion The Four Famous Jewels of Pepper cards on stand, Aces vanish and appear in card case, with card stand, mirror glass and rhymed patter
Yearbook 1959 1959 50
William P. Miesel Fifty One to One selection has odd back
Yearbook 1959 1959 52
John Gannaway Personalized Multipurpose Envelope Cards one of three cards transforms into other card with different back, special envelope cards handling
Yearbook 1959 1959 52
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) Ravelli's Thought Card Stab inside envelope
Yearbook 1959 1959 54
Don Ausman Vanishing Dove on Rope rope raises form basket, dove in bag vanishes
Yearbook 1959 1959 56
Richard A. Butler Safety Talk Gag transformation of baby chick to rubber duck, with Flip Over Box
Yearbook 1959 1959 58
Meet Dr. Spencer Thornton on Spencer Thornton, John Shirley, Al Wheatley, Paul LePaul, Bill. Baird, Claude Keefe, T. Nelson Downs, Russ Walsh, Freddie Fah, with pictures
Yearbook 1959 1959 59
Magician of the Yearbook on Nani Darnell and Mark Wilson, with pictures
Yearbook 1960 1960 2
Bill Hendricks Mentalissimus several spectator throw a pair of dice, they each repeat up to twelve times and all the numbers are added, prediction based on probability
Yearbook 1960 1960 4
Everett Lyda Patter Presentations patter for Rope Epic (Four to One Rope) and the Egg Bag
Yearbook 1960 1960 6
Dorothy K. Craig The Reading Mind Book Test using cards to determine page and word
Yearbook 1960 1960 7
Henry O. Silsbee III Two New Magical Accessories ideas for trading stamps and game called Snap
Yearbook 1960 1960 8
Val Andrews Pipe Dreams! chapter intro
Yearbook 1960 1960 9
Val Andrews Smoking Empty Pipes smoking empty clay pipes, three methods
Yearbook 1960 1960 9
Val Andrews Stretching a Pipe
Yearbook 1960 1960 10
Val Andrews Comedy Climax for Pipe Production
Yearbook 1960 1960 11
Val Andrews Hola Havana! production of person in giant cigar tube
Yearbook 1960 1960 11
Val Andrews Acrobatic Cigar animated ciagr
Yearbook 1960 1960 12
Val Andrews Card in Cigarette
Yearbook 1960 1960 13
Val Andrews Climax for Cigarette Thru Handkerchief appears back in mouth
Yearbook 1960 1960 14
Val Andrews New Penetration of Handkerchief by Cigarette
Yearbook 1960 1960 14
Val Andrews Production of Giant Cigarette and Holder appearing cane method
Yearbook 1960 1960 14
Val Andrews Cigar Rises Out of Tube
Yearbook 1960 1960 14
Val Andrews Tobacco Jar Fantasy smoke inside jar, handkerchief appears
Yearbook 1960 1960 15
Val Andrews Tobacco Bowls rice bowls with tobacco and cigarettes instead of water
Yearbook 1960 1960 15
Henry O. Silsbee III Rice Fantasia rice routine, rice bowls, knife in pot of rice etc.
Yearbook 1960 1960 15
Gerard "Bruno" Bruning Mutilated Parasol in Miniature with miniature parasol and cigarette box, cigarettes instead of silks
Yearbook 1960 1960 16
Gerard "Bruno" Bruning Menta Ad prediction is stabbed into album with different advertisements, duplicate of chosen one is found in prediction, svengali book
Yearbook 1960 1960 18
Gerard "Bruno" Bruning How I Vanish Milk milk poured inside milk carton
Yearbook 1960 1960 20
Gerard "Bruno" Bruning Botania Finale presentation for Botania, feater flower production apparatus
Yearbook 1960 1960 21
Gerard "Bruno" Bruning Production from Foil silk is produced from ball made of aluminium foil
Yearbook 1960 1960 22
Gerard "Bruno" Bruning Coin Fan coin is produced on a fan, repeated
Yearbook 1960 1960 24
Jim Sommers Milk Carton Dove Bottle milk is poured from carton, then a dove / rabbit is produced
Yearbook 1960 1960 26
John Gannaway Paper Tear Patter
Yearbook 1960 1960 27
John Gannaway Aid for Straight Tears aid for straight tears, for any torn and restored newspaper
Related to Yearbook 1960 1960 28
Norman Osborn The Magic Rings two rings one rope, chosen one penetrates rope
Yearbook 1960 1960 28
Oran Bailey Dent Witch Doctor Can Presentation ideas and suggestions for U.F. Grant's Witch Doctor Can
Yearbook 1960 1960 29
Oran Bailey Dent Beanie Puppet Routines 1&2 hand puppet, in hat routines
Yearbook 1960 1960 30
Jack Yeager Miracle Milk Rings as John Yeager, glass of milk vanishes and appears, with tray and tube
Yearbook 1960 1960 33
Jack Yeager Arosol Magic as John Yeager, inventor theme for magic act, Poona Poona Rope, foil paper heating up, Blooming Rose Bouquet, ropes penetrate wand
Yearbook 1960 1960 34
Jack Yeager Dollar Bill in Balloon as John Yeager, torn corner proof
Yearbook 1960 1960 35
Jack Yeager Linking Silks as John Yeager, silk rings
Yearbook 1960 1960 36
Jack Yeager The Tricky Trio as John Yeager, three ideas
  • smoke from striking surface of matchbox
  • Dove in Balloon
  • Milk Pitcher Flash
Related to Yearbook 1960 1960 36
Walter Rollins The Time Machine time machine themed routine
  • small deck changes into large one (Micro Macro)
  • red and blacks separate
  • burnt matches
  • torn and restored bills
Yearbook 1960 1960 37
Henry Durkin Jamboree Gems Jumping Gems, rods / paddle routine
Yearbook 1960 1960 40
Henry Durkin Jumbo High Sign variation of Milbourne Christopher's High Sign, many arrows finale
Also published here Yearbook 1960 1960 42
Henry Durkin The Golden Key large key vanishes from cone and appears threaded on ribbon behind screen
Yearbook 1960 1960 43
Henry Durkin Unlocked Card deck with holes in one corner, one card is selected and added to six other cards, cards are then secured with a padlock and under a handkerchief selection is pulled out
Yearbook 1960 1960 44
Henry Durkin Hypnotic Card Rise using Zebra Coin, hypnotic disc attached on lapel, miniature of selection appears
Yearbook 1960 1960 45
Henry Durkin Prediction #3,469,897 prediction of named card inside locked tube
Yearbook 1960 1960 47
Henry Durkin Trickettes various ideas
  • A Clock Production
  • Zombie Flash Finish
  • Hypnotic Revelation
Yearbook 1960 1960 48
Jim Sommers Balloon Creatures two animals
Yearbook 1960 1960 49
Richard Smiley Silken Wine Lota Bowl, Chick Pan and silks
Yearbook 1960 1960 49
C. James Rainho Red White & Blue Fantasy silks change to flag, flag vanishes and appears on flag pole
Yearbook 1960 1960 50
James Pipkin Minnie Mouse apparatus, Minnie Mouse changes clothes
Yearbook 1960 1960 51
Ernest W. Brady The Missing Dollar missing dollar puzzle, verbal
Yearbook 1960 1960 53
Henry O. Silsbee III Ideas on magnets, wands and Halloween
Yearbook 1960 1960 53
Art Irwin The Tricky Bear toy mechanical bear lifts three selections from the deck
Yearbook 1960 1960 54
Robert Craig Green Stamp Coincidence two sets of the same cards, spectator and performer chose one and mark the cards with a stamp, cards match
Yearbook 1960 1960 55
Jack Avis Stamp of Approval card marked with stamp is used to chose two cards, prediction of the two selections
Yearbook 1960 1960 56
Jack Avis A Card Exchange unconventional handling
Yearbook 1960 1960 57
Jack Avis Seven and Eleven Transpo four Aces and three Sevens, when Ace is put with Sevens the other three cards transpose
Also published here Yearbook 1960 1960 58
Steve Bryant Comedy Card Discovery using a rubber hand
Yearbook 1960 1960 59
Steve Bryant Comedy Card Discovery 2 using skeleton arms
Yearbook 1960 1960 59
Everett Lyda Cutting to the Aces
Yearbook 1960 1960 59
Bill Hendricks The Haunted Deck after Haunted deck ghost on card, then drawing changes to reveal selection
Yearbook 1960 1960 60
Bill Hendricks Perfectly Deceptive three ideas (first two with the Faro Shuffle)
  • Key Supreme (key card placement)
  • Unparadoxical (faro shuffle as false shuffle)
  • Prelude (add-on, cards on Aces)
Yearbook 1960 1960 61
Frances Ireland Marshall Anniversary Show anecdote
Yearbook 1960 1960 63
Frances Ireland Marshall The Year Book Album with photographs, John Platt, Bob Lotz, Ben Berger, W. Gilbert, Dorny, Jack Hazelhurst, Jimmy Trimble, Joe Berg, Johnny Jones, Rita del Gardi, Marie Dornfield, Don Alan, Channing Pollock, Johnny Paul, Paul McKamy, Bruno, Carazini, Dr. Clutterhouse, Jim Steranko, Karrell Fox, Harlan Tarbell, Perci Abbott
Yearbook 1960 1960 64
When Old Friends Meet on Jay Marshall and Tommy Hanlon, with picture
Yearbook 1961 1961 2
Val Andrews Shades of Sorcery introduction to manuscript about tricks with umbrellas
Yearbook 1961 1961 3
Val Andrews A New Exchange for the Mutilated Parasol Effect
Yearbook 1961 1961 3
Val Andrews The Mutilated Parasol, A New Principle
Yearbook 1961 1961 4
Val Andrews Self Opening Parasol
Yearbook 1961 1961 6
Val Andrews Showmanly "Throwover" flourish with umbrella
Yearbook 1961 1961 6
Val Andrews Color Changing Parasol
Yearbook 1961 1961 7
Val Andrews The Dropped Silk idea for Mutilated Parasol
Yearbook 1961 1961 7
Val Andrews The Shrinking Sunshade shrinking parasol, in steps
Yearbook 1961 1961 7
Val Andrews Vanishing Sunshade wrapped in paper
Yearbook 1961 1961 8
Val Andrews Rehearsed "Ad Lib" Effects with Umbrella animated umbrella, stands without falling over
Yearbook 1961 1961 9
Val Andrews Comedy Gags with Umbrellas
Yearbook 1961 1961 10
Val Andrews Comedy Prop Umbrellas
Yearbook 1961 1961 10
Val Andrews Musical Numbers Suitable for Background to Umbrella Work
Yearbook 1961 1961 11
Bert Douglas The Safety Magician as D. R. Smith, various ideas on a themed show about safety using Ireland's Rainbow Plastic Boxes, production of several items
Yearbook 1961 1961 12
Bert Douglas Safety, A United Effort as D. R. Smith, safety presentation for Linking Ropes
Yearbook 1961 1961 13
The Vanisher chapter intro about tricks by Bruno
Yearbook 1961 1961 14
Gerard "Bruno" Bruning Prison Card in Box cards in card case secured with rubber bands, card visible through window cut from card case changes into selection
Yearbook 1961 1961 14
Gerard "Bruno" Bruning Glittering Finale for the Okito Box Routine using Okito Box with small hole, as a climax stream of silver glitter appears from box
Yearbook 1961 1961 15
Gerard "Bruno" Bruning The Restored Record two halves of a 45rpm record are thrown into the air and come down restored
Yearbook 1961 1961 17
Gerard "Bruno" Bruning New Uses for Old Tricks presentation idea for Ball and Tube, with cigarette
Yearbook 1961 1961 18
John Gannaway Tips on This and That
  • Liquids
  • Think Ink
  • Cut and Restored Tie
  • Paper Restorations
Yearbook 1961 1961 19
Everett Lyda Dots a Dandy Presentation using Dots-A-Dandy, spots on cardboard change colors
Yearbook 1961 1961 20
Oran Bailey Dent Trickities 3
  • "Watch Pocke" Gag
  • "Gone" Line
  • Production Gag
  • Rope Gimmick Tip
  • Liquid Air Hole Release
  • Balloon Breaking Gimmick
Yearbook 1961 1961 22
Eugene Boyd Coin Combination combination of Chinatown Quarter and Magic Coin Box, transposition of two coins
Yearbook 1961 1961 23
Richard Smiley Die Box Routine different design of the die
Yearbook 1961 1961 24
Robert F. Ve Verka Bubble Trouble illusion designed as shower, person appears from bubbles, bubble making machine
Yearbook 1961 1961 25
Lane Bateman Fingerless Psycho variation on Larry Becker's Psycho
Yearbook 1961 1961 26
Lane Bateman Grant Plus Karrell Fox routine for Grant's Dial X, divination of a number on a dial
Yearbook 1961 1961 26
Lane Bateman A New Card Spatula using a cake spatula
Yearbook 1961 1961 27
Lane Bateman Some Ideas on Tricks on Ultissimo and Loki's Locket
Yearbook 1961 1961 28
John R. Snider Two Tips on close-up cases (tool box) and decoration of tables
Yearbook 1961 1961 28
Jeff Haikara Southern Accent torn and restored bill using Confederate money
Yearbook 1961 1961 28
E. J. Partington Table Trick scam with two coins
Yearbook 1961 1961 29
The World of Illusion on the world of illusions, Marshall Brodien and Evelyn (picture)
Yearbook 1961 1961 30
Norman Osborn Patter for Neil Foster's Center Tear torn and restored newspaper presentation, no method
Yearbook 1961 1961 31
Carlton King An Original Coin Comedy coin to ball of wall, with metal boxes and rattle box, comedy routine
Yearbook 1961 1961 31
George Wood, Jr. The Many Uses of Chen Lee various ideas for the Chen Lee Water Suspension trick
Yearbook 1961 1961 34
Everett Lyda Squaring the Circle presentation
Yearbook 1961 1961 38
Al Hancuff "Pet to Port" milk poured in cup vanishes, then glass of wine appears from cup
Yearbook 1961 1961 39
Jay Marshall Chicago: Magic City reprint from Rogue Magazine, with pictures of Marshall Brodien, Johnny Platt, Senator Crandall, Frank Everhart
Yearbook 1961 1961 40
Al Hancuff Book a Blaze self-made burning book
Yearbook 1961 1961 45
Maurice Blackman Have Rabbit - Will Travel! on the use of rabbits in magic
  • Varieties of Rabbit
  • Handling
  • Housing
  • Feeding
  • Breeding
  • Amount of Trouble
  • Loading
  • Load Bags
  • Another Rabbit from Hat Production
  • Multiplying Rabbits
  • Suggestion for Decoration
Yearbook 1961 1961 47
Maurice Blackman How to do the Most Popular Trick in the World rabbit from the hat
Yearbook 1961 1961 52
Maurice Blackman Another Rabbit from Hat Method
Yearbook 1961 1961 54
Maurice Blackman Rabbit from Tambourine
Yearbook 1961 1961 54
Maurice Blackman Boldness is the Key on producing rabbits, with assistant
Yearbook 1961 1961 54
Maurice Blackman Producing a Rabbit from Spectator's Coat
Yearbook 1961 1961 55
Maurice Blackman Vanishing the Rabbit with tray
Yearbook 1961 1961 56
Maurice Blackman The Dummy Rabbit how to handle fake rabbit
Yearbook 1961 1961 57
Maurice Blackman Rabbit to Silk
Yearbook 1961 1961 58
Maurice Blackman Production or Vanish in a Plastic Bag
Yearbook 1961 1961 59
Maurice Blackman Black to White - Soap Commercial rabbit changes color inside box
Yearbook 1961 1961 60
Maurice Blackman Tripple Rabbit Production
Yearbook 1961 1961 60
Maurice Blackman Rabbit from Lettuce
Yearbook 1961 1961 61
Maurice Blackman Chocolate Box to Rabbit
Yearbook 1961 1961 61
Maurice Blackman Interrupted... By a Rabbit! fake rabbit from box changes to real rabbit
Yearbook 1961 1961 62
Maurice Blackman The End rabbit placed inside banner, vanishes and picture of rabbit appears on banner
Yearbook 1961 1961 63
Jack Avis A Switch Move
Also published here Yearbook 1961 1961 64
Jack Avis Diencidence three chosen cards reveal two numbers chosen with a die and total
Yearbook 1961 1961 64
Edward Marlo The Master Position on the Master position, which is: card(s) secretly in-jogged for most of their length (see fig. 7) or less (see fig. 42), after a diagonal insertion, applications:
  • to Rear Palm
  • to the bottom of the deck (five methods)
Inspired by Yearbook 1961 1961 65
Edward Marlo Transferring the Cards transferring the deck in Master Position, cards can be copped with right hand
Yearbook 1961 1961 69
Edward Marlo The Pivot Palm from Master Position to Lateral Palm
  • Hand to Hand Transfer
  • Pivot Palm Replacements (to top, bottom or center)
Yearbook 1961 1961 69
Edward Marlo Reversing the Cards from Master Position, several methods, deck turned over on top of in-jogged cards that are stripped out
Yearbook 1961 1961 72
Edward Marlo The Spread Pass card from Master Position to top of the deck
  • To Place the Card During the Spread Pass
  • Multiple Spread Pass
Yearbook 1961 1961 72
Edward Marlo Note 4 four cards placed reversed in center and deck is spread, the cards are switched
Yearbook 1961 1961 76
Edward Marlo Note 5. Out Of This World? reds and blacks faro shuffled, deck not completely squared, either red or black can be dealt, "Jog Deal"
Yearbook 1961 1961 76
Edward Marlo A Teaser "A card move I call the K.M. Move will soon make its appearance and it will gladden the heart of anyone who does even a few card tricks. It is revolutionary; you will positively use it in your card work."
Yearbook 1961 1961 77
Bruce Elliott Remembrance of (Magical) Things Past... on Fred Keating and his idea with the Vanishing Bird Cage, Mike Bornstein's production of a huge foulard, Keith Clark's ring through door, Houdini, Thurston, Richiardi Jr. & Sr.
Yearbook 1961 1961 78
A Real Chinese Magician on Mr. Chu from Hong Kong, pictures of Chu and his shop
Yearbook 1961 1961 81
John Shirley It's a Dinger! (Fort Lamy Style) down under deal with packet, cards placed on table are in order and last card is selection
Yearbook 1962 1962
World's Unique Magic Bartender on Frank Everhart, with picture
Yearbook 1962 1962 2
Al Leech Thimbles Unanimous chapter / booklet intro
Yearbook 1962 1962 4
Al Leech Basic Sleights with thimbles
  • The Thumb Palm
  • Thumb Palm Vanish
  • Thumb Palm Color Change
  • The Finger Switch
  • The Finger Palm
  • The Palm
  • The Multiple Palm
Yearbook 1962 1962 4
Al Leech Thumble
Yearbook 1962 1962 7
Al Leech Marksmanship thimble travels to other hand
Yearbook 1962 1962 7
Al Leech A Surprise thimble guessing game, which hand, two different thimbles in the hands
Yearbook 1962 1962 8
Al Leech Topsy Turvy transposition
Yearbook 1962 1962 8
Al Leech Thimble and Thread thimble changes into spool of thread
Yearbook 1962 1962 9
Al Leech Complete Confusion color change and production routine
Yearbook 1962 1962 9
Al Leech Rainbow Thimbles color change and production routine
Yearbook 1962 1962 10
Al Leech Thumbs Up thimbles appear on thumbs
Yearbook 1962 1962 11
Al Leech Finger Switch Color Change
Yearbook 1962 1962 12
Al Leech A Penetration through handkerchief
Yearbook 1962 1962 12
Al Leech An Easy Production using a silk
Yearbook 1962 1962 13
Al Leech Four Thimble Vanish and Recovery
Yearbook 1962 1962 13
Al Leech Complete Multiple Vanish
Yearbook 1962 1962 14
Al Leech Multiple Vanish from a Silk
Yearbook 1962 1962 15
Al Leech Multiple Production from a Silk
Yearbook 1962 1962 15
Al Leech Come and Go multiple thimble vanish with a silk
Yearbook 1962 1962 16
Al Leech The Multiplying Thimbles
Yearbook 1962 1962 16
Hubert Lambert, Billy McDonald A Deception from Dublin thimbles on one hand vanish and appear on other hand, one by one
Yearbook 1962 1962 18
Jack Yeager Visible 20th Century Silks using a cabinet
Yearbook 1962 1962 19
Jack Yeager Bouquet Production flowers produced from nested tubes
Inspired by
  • Okito's Nested Tubes
Yearbook 1962 1962 20
Jack Yeager Silk-N-Cups six cups with different colored silks, chosen colored silk has a knot
Yearbook 1962 1962 20
Lu Brent Twin Pipe Trick smoke appears from empty corn cob pipes
Yearbook 1962 1962 22
Al Hancuff "Poor Man's" Roll-On Table cheap self-made table, with a launder basket
Yearbook 1962 1962 23
C. R. Appleby Thoughts on Ranch Bird
Yearbook 1962 1962 28
Walter Slasor New Routines for Your Shelved Magic different trick combinations, ideas
  • 1. Tricky Tumbler (Grant), Vanishing Wand (Walsh)
  • 2. The Handkerchief Pedestal
  • 3. Drawer Box, Spring Rabbit, Dot's A Dandy (Allen)
  • 4. Comedy Pump (Ireland)
  • 5. Devil's Handkerchief, Menge Tricky Tumbler
  • 6. Saltsation (Grant)
  • 7. Rubber Egg (Weller), Milk in Hat (Grant)
  • 8. Comedy Silks (Fox)
  • 9. Temple Screen (Grant)
  • 10. P&L Candlestick coin holder
  • 11. Magic Funnel, Slate
  • 12. Magic Funnel
  • 13. Breakaway Fan, Bang Gun
  • 14. Dial X (Grant), Wrist Watch Tape Measure (Tannen)
  • 15. German Milk Glass (Grant), Confetti Cannister (Grant)
  • 16. Ceylon Strip (Torsberg), Hypnotic Card Box
  • 17. Ghost Glass (Grant)
  • 18. Tricky Tumbler, Color Book (Windsor)
  • 19. Stiff Rope (Grant)
Yearbook 1962 1962 29
Dane Hooper, Jim Groves On Misdirection on direction an misdirection, using the gaze
Yearbook 1962 1962 36
William Humphries Two Ideas cigarette catcher improvement and gag using music notes
Yearbook 1962 1962 38
Janel Kid Trick With A Rope vanishing knot
Yearbook 1962 1962 39
Everett Lyda Gung Ho Box Routine production box routine
Yearbook 1962 1962 39
Everett Lyda Impromptu Atomic Routine several tricks combined into a routine with atomic theme, Glorpy, Adam's Atomic Crystal Spot, break-away pencils
Yearbook 1962 1962 40
Everett Lyda Knot Routine three ways to make a knot
Yearbook 1962 1962 41
Arthur C. Nelson Magic Helper passing out small certificate for helpers in the show
Yearbook 1962 1962 43
Burton Meyer Written in Blood using Hypo-Phoney syringe, blood in needle looks like selection
Yearbook 1962 1962 43
Frank Sauer Loads of Fun loading technique, seated
Yearbook 1962 1962 44
Malcolm McCallum Cat's Eyes reading in the dark, method
Yearbook 1962 1962 46
David Price Hocus Pocus with Chop Cup not the collector David Price, Chop Cup routine
Yearbook 1962 1962 47
Don Tanner Every Magician Has One! various ideas with a card box, intro, reprint of Don Tanner's Fifty Ways to Use a Card Box (1960)
Yearbook 1962 1962 50
Don Tanner The Houdini Card using a card box, card in envelope is placed in box vanishes
Related to Yearbook 1962 1962 50
Don Tanner The India Rope Trick using a card box, rope trick presented with illustrations on cards
Yearbook 1962 1962 50
Don Tanner Tearing a Woman in Half torn card restores inside a card box
Yearbook 1962 1962 50
Don Tanner Instant Flowers seeds placed in card box change to spring flowers
Yearbook 1962 1962 51
Don Tanner Spirit Cut Ups paper placed in card box, cut out design appears of chosen ESP symbol
Yearbook 1962 1962 51
Don Tanner Prediction card box used for two-way out prediction
Yearbook 1962 1962 51
Don Tanner Automatic Check Casher check inside card box turns into bill
Yearbook 1962 1962 51
Don Tanner The Invisible Seamstress needle threads itself on thread inside card box
Yearbook 1962 1962 52
Don Tanner Want Ad Test torn ads, one is placed inside card box and revealed by performer
Yearbook 1962 1962 52
Don Tanner Design Duplication using symbol cards and a card box
Yearbook 1962 1962 52
Don Tanner Mental Journey cards with different cities, one is chosen an placed unseen in card box, then revealed by performer
Yearbook 1962 1962 52
Don Tanner Comedy Spirit Painting skull appears in paper inside card box
Yearbook 1962 1962 52
Don Tanner Answering Questions using a card box
Yearbook 1962 1962 53
Don Tanner The Spook Spoke in Error face of selection appears on blank card inside card box
Yearbook 1962 1962 54
P. Howard Lyons P. Howard Lyons Routine selection vanishes from card box and other card appears on its place, selection is found reversed in the deck, is torn and finally restored in the card box
Yearbook 1962 1962 54
Don Tanner Card on the Ribbon card on the end of ribbon, inside card box
Yearbook 1962 1962 55
Don Tanner Message in Ashes name of selection appears on business card inside card box
Related to Yearbook 1962 1962 55
Don Tanner Ghost Card selection between two other cards is sealed in envelope and placed inside card box, selection vanishes
Yearbook 1962 1962 55
Don Tanner A Simple Revelation blank card inside card box turns into selection
Yearbook 1962 1962 56
Don Tanner Pip Pip blank card and several pips are placed inside card box, when opened again some pips attached to blank card to from selection
Yearbook 1962 1962 56
Don Tanner True Value card with all suits and values is placed inside card box, when opened again value and suit from selection are circled
Yearbook 1962 1962 56
Don Tanner Card in Orange - Cigarette card vanish from card box, brief
Yearbook 1962 1962 56
Don Tanner Clairvoyance card placed unseen in card box is revealed
Yearbook 1962 1962 56
Don Tanner Penetrating Card selection placed between two other cards and in card box, selection penetrates card box
Yearbook 1962 1962 56
Don Tanner Simple Matter of Addition Eight and Six of Spades change into Fourteen of Spades inside card box
Yearbook 1962 1962 57
Don Tanner Ringer gummed reinforcement rings and business cards placed inside card box, when opened rings found on card to form selection
Yearbook 1962 1962 57
Don Tanner Invisible Transit card travels from one card box into sealed envelope in second card box
Yearbook 1962 1962 57
Don Tanner A Two Faced Trick blank card placed inside card box, faces of two selections appear on card
Yearbook 1962 1962 57
Don Tanner Stabbing in the Dark card and small dagger placed inside box, when opened again, card is found pierced
Yearbook 1962 1962 57
Don Tanner Visible Flight card vanishes from box and appears in Tanner's Card Frame
Yearbook 1962 1962 58
Don Tanner Under Cover miniature card vanishes from a box and appears between two stapled cards in other box
Yearbook 1962 1962 58
Don Tanner Easy to Please changing pip card in card box
Yearbook 1962 1962 58
Don Tanner Transpositions using two card boxes, brief
Yearbook 1962 1962 58
Don Tanner Blank card turns blank inside card box
Yearbook 1962 1962 58
Don Tanner The Lineup cards from Ace to Five are shuffled and placed inside card box, when opened again, cards are back in order
Yearbook 1962 1962 58
Richard Bair Comedy Sawing Ending feet box starts to walk away
Yearbook 1962 1962 59
Lee Wayne A Smart Opening part of Wayne's drunk act, routine with cigarette, silk and appearing glass, using Ireland's Giant Match
Yearbook 1962 1962 59
Lee Wayne You, Too, Can Tie a Turban how to make a hindu turban
Yearbook 1962 1962 61
Edward Marlo Technicolor Prediction spectator turns over one card behind back, reversed card was predicted and has different colored back, several methods
Related to Yearbook 1962 1962 64
Jack Avis The Finger Clip Cull
Also published here Yearbook 1962 1962 68
Jack Avis Coincidence-Again
Also published here Yearbook 1962 1962 69
Jack Avis The Jumping Thought card peeked at, deck shuffled by spectator, card divined and it comes to top
Yearbook 1962 1962 69
Bill Hendricks Red and Black shuffling red and black packets and then two faro shuffles
Inspired by Yearbook 1962 1962 70
Norman Osborn Double Choice two cards chosen from tabled packets, one put back, performer can name which one spectator holds and optionally which one he put back
Variations Yearbook 1962 1962 71
Our Album with pictures of Korengo, Sooty, Gus Rapp, Joe Scott, Rico, Kio, P.C. Sorcar, Kenny & May Young, David Hoy, Jay Marshall, Frank Everhart
Yearbook 1962 1962 72
Albert Goshman with picture
Yearbook 1963-64 1964 4
Everett Lyda Card & Bill Idea selection changes to bill, bill multiplies in dove pan
Yearbook 1963-64 1964 5
Everett Lyda Impromptu Eye Surgery apparently removing eyeball and replacing it again
Yearbook 1963-64 1964 5
A Rose by Any Other Name... on using a stage name
Yearbook 1963-64 1964 6
Gerald Kosky Mystery Magazine Test
Also published here Yearbook 1963-64 1964 7
Burl Sparks The Golf Balls & Hat combination of multiplying golf balls, hat, wand and bottomless glass
Yearbook 1963-64 1964 8
Burl Sparks Liquid Production
Yearbook 1963-64 1964 13
Eugene Gloye Magic with Trading Stamps chapter intro
Yearbook 1963-64 1964 14
Eugene Gloye Cash Value stamps placed inside envelope change into bill
Yearbook 1963-64 1964 14
Eugene Gloye Quick Delivery blow book with stamps, different presentations
Yearbook 1963-64 1964 15
Eugene Gloye Magic Collecting combination of stamp blow book and Jap Box
Yearbook 1963-64 1964 16
Eugene Gloye Card Trick stamps in book arrange to reveal name of selection
Yearbook 1963-64 1964 17
Eugene Gloye Six Repeat using cards with stamps
Yearbook 1963-64 1964 17
Eugene Gloye Sorting Out Stamps routine with stamp blow book
Yearbook 1963-64 1964 18
Eugene Gloye Book Test stamp collecting book, using code numbers on stamps
Yearbook 1963-64 1964 18
Data entered by Denis Behr & Lorenz Schär, July 2013.