Written by P. Howard Lyons
Work of P. Howard Lyons, Various
1,028 pages (Stapled), published by Selfpublished
Illustrated with drawings by Pat Patterson Lyons
Language: English
1,051 entries
This publication has been reviewed by
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Issue Year Page Categories
P. Howard Lyons Stuff & Nonsense
26 Sep. 1962 29
P. Howard Lyons Arsey Versey coin divination, magnetism
Inspired by 26 Sep. 1962 29
P. Howard Lyons Up Your Sleeve, Mac! using ten chosen cards instead of Ace through Ten
Related to 26 Sep. 1962 29
P. Howard Lyons Two in the Shoulder sequence for up-the-sleeve routine
26 Sep. 1962 29
P. Howard Lyons Greedy gag in which one gets a large amount of peanuts out of a vending machine
26 Sep. 1962 29
P. Howard Lyons Belling the Bell fake demonstration in which one gets a coin from a pay phone
26 Sep. 1962 29
P. Howard Lyons Direct Code using morse clicker in noisy environment
26 Sep. 1962 29
P. Howard Lyons Northern Force setting up a 13/14 number forcing stack from new deck order with Klondyke Shuffle
26 Sep. 1962 30
P. Howard Lyons Tetched two cards from face-up spread are matched with two cards from face-down spread
26 Sep. 1962 30
P. Howard Lyons Class Conscious characteristics for divided deck, divided suits
26 Sep. 1962 30
P. Howard Lyons One-way, or the Other using reversed card in one-way deck for opportune miracle or as key card
26 Sep. 1962 30
P. Howard Lyons No Crap multiple out, one out of six prediction with matches
Inspired byRelated to 26 Sep. 1962 30
P. Howard Lyons Epideictic Si Stebbins version with addition of four and irregular suits
Inspired by 26 Sep. 1962 31
P. Howard Lyons No Toll method for transmitting any information over phone to a medium
26 Sep. 1962 31
P. Howard Lyons Ibidem An All Ed Marlo Issue, material given to Lyons at the end of 1960
27 Oct. 1962 1
Edward Marlo Marlo Writes Again letter from 1960, on reinvention, Bert Fenn, Charles Aste Jr., slum magic and other topics, containing several items, see following entries
Related to 27 Oct. 1962 2
Edward Marlo On Robbins's Magic Frame routine suggestion
27 Oct. 1962 2
Edward Marlo 1-2-3 Elevator Variation
27 Oct. 1962 3
Edward Marlo Blank Brain Wave Deck double blank deck shown, only named card has a face
27 Oct. 1962 3
Edward Marlo Basketball Miraskill Presentation
27 Oct. 1962 4
Edward Marlo Paddle Trick with Girl Image
27 Oct. 1962 4
Edward Marlo As a Transposition top two cards shown cleanly without multiple lifts, one put in center, other in right hand, they kind of transpose
27 Oct. 1962 5
Edward Marlo Simple Transposition Double Double strategy
Related to 27 Oct. 1962 5
Edward Marlo Non-Confusing Challenge
Inspired byRelated to 27 Oct. 1962 6
Edward Marlo Remember and Forget two cards, transposition presentation
27 Oct. 1962 6
Edward Marlo Darn That's Clever Aces laydown sequence that switches out one Ace
27 Oct. 1962 6
Edward Marlo Duplicates using duplicates instead of mis-indexed or double-faced cards
  • First Phase
  • Second Phase
  • Third Phase
  • Fourth Phase
  • Fifth Phase
  • Sixth Phase
  • Seventh Phase
  • Final Phase
Inspired by 27 Oct. 1962 7
Edward Marlo Kardyro-Biddle Move Packet Handling
27 Oct. 1962 9
Edward Marlo Improved Elevator Aces with Simon Count
27 Oct. 1962 13
Edward Marlo Elevator Aces
27 Oct. 1962 14
Edward Marlo Play Me Another Tune
27 Oct. 1962 15
Edward Marlo Excerpts From Two Letters "The Total Principle"
two card selected with two numbers, both are eventually located, or named
Inspired by 27 Oct. 1962 16
Edward Marlo Cards Across Presentation with envelopes
27 Oct. 1962 18
Edward Marlo Double Thought Coincidence (Second Method) performer removes two red-backed cards, spectator removes two from a blue-backed deck, they match
  • Alternative Procedures
    • A. In Place of D'Amico Spread
    • B.
Inspired by 27 Oct. 1962 19
Edward Marlo Follow Up To Pseudo-Cull Stock Shuffle Aces are spelled out, faro
Inspired by 27 Oct. 1962 21
Edward Marlo Impromptu Illogical Routine Aces are stacked with faros multiple times, but each time come out in an unexpected positions, then are spelled out, Aces vanish as finale, five phases
Inspired by 27 Oct. 1962 22
Edward Marlo Spectator Coincidence #2 card thought of in red-backed deck matches physically chosen card in blue-backed deck
  • The Follow Up Spectator Coincidence
  • Observations
  • Another Way
Inspired by 27 Oct. 1962 24
Edward Marlo Spectator Coincidence #3 two cards freely chosen from different decks match, first card chosen by reversing an unknown card (glimpse or marked deck)
Inspired by 27 Oct. 1962 26
Edward Marlo Center Jog Glimpse glimpse of a side-jogged card
Related to 27 Oct. 1962 26
Edward Marlo Uncontrolled Predictions and Coincidences on the approach of predicting any card while the ungaffed deck (with this card) is still being shuffled, in effect the spectator takes five cards out of shuffled deck, one is replaced reversed in deck which is shown as the predicted card, different presentations:
  • First Plot: Spectator Coincidence #4
  • Second Plot (variation of First Plot)
  • Third Plot: The Mental Power of Mind
  • Fourth Plot: Spectator Predicts
  • Fifth Plot: Air Mailed Prediction
Related to 27 Oct. 1962 27
Edward Marlo Adverse Conditions non-leader piles are buried in deck
Variations 27 Oct. 1962 30
Edward Marlo Adverse Aces "This is method 2"
non-leader piles are buried in deck
  • Methods of Apparently Losing the Aces
    • First Method
    • Second Method
    • Third Method
    • Fourth Method
    • Fifth Method
    • Sixth Method
    • Seventh Method
    • Eighth Method
    • Ninth Method
    • Tenth Method
Inspired byRelated to 27 Oct. 1962 32
Edward Marlo Sudden Aces "This is a Third Method"
non-leader piles are buried in deck
Inspired by 27 Oct. 1962 35
Edward Marlo Convincing Aces non-leader piles are buried in deck
  • Fourth Method
  • Fifth Method
  • Sixth Method
  • Seventh Method
  • Eighth Method
  • Ninth Method
Inspired by 27 Oct. 1962 36
P. Howard Lyons Ibidem
Related to 28 Apr. 1963 1
F. William Kuethe, Jr. Number Puzzle writing eight eights in a dozen different ways to represent 1000
28 Apr. 1963 1
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) Ravelli's Set-Up Technique on stack management
  • Introduction
  • What Is A Set-Up?
  • The Delayed Set-Up
  • The Purpose of the Delayed Set-Up
Related to 28 Apr. 1963 2
I. Partial Delayed Set-Up
28 Apr. 1963 5
A. The Top Stock Delayed Set-Up
Related to 28 Apr. 1963 5
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) a) Trick with a chosen card doing locations while retaining the top stock, example in which a wrong card changes into the selection
28 Apr. 1963 5
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) Out-jogged Glide Handling
28 Apr. 1963 6
Rolf Andra b) Andra's System doing packet tricks to retain and delay a top stock
28 Apr. 1963 7
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) c) The Packet principle using tricks in which the deck is divided in e.g. two halves to retain the top stock
28 Apr. 1963 7
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) Double Reverse Handling spectator and performer each chose selection from half the deck, they end up reversed, to preserve the top stock
Inspired by 28 Apr. 1963 7
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) On "The Spectator Shuffle" retaining half deck, spectator helps shuffling
Related to 28 Apr. 1963 8
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) d) cutting a top stock to the bottom and treating it as a bottom stock
28 Apr. 1963 9
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) e) on using full-deck retaining techniques for only a partial stock
28 Apr. 1963 9
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) B. The Bottom Stock Delayed Set-Up basically same as before
  • a) Tricks with a chosen card
  • b) Andra's System
  • c)
  • d)
Related to 28 Apr. 1963 9
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) C. Special Cases of Partial Delayed Set-Up
  • a) top and bottom stock at once
  • b) the risk delayed stock (spectator overhand-shuffles, small stack)
28 Apr. 1963 10
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) D. False Shuffles for the Partial Set-Up
28 Apr. 1963 10
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) a) Bottom Stock False Riffle Shuffle sequence with break
28 Apr. 1963 10
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) b) Top Stock False Shuffle sequence with break
28 Apr. 1963 12
E. Some Routining Suggestions
28 Apr. 1963 13
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) a) The "Whole" Set-Up Pack doing tricks with half-deck stack
Related to 28 Apr. 1963 13
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) b) A Gambling Routine intro
28 Apr. 1963 13
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) The Buckley-Ravelli Build-Up and Poker Demonstration delayed set-up à la Vernon Poker Demonstration, five-handed game
Inspired by 28 Apr. 1963 14
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) c) Prepared Cards delayed set-up principle applied to Devano deck and similar
28 Apr. 1963 16
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) d) The Royal Marriages production of Queens (Bill Simon's "The Mathemagician"), then Kings, before going into a marriage routine
Inspired by 28 Apr. 1963 16
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) Classic Pass False Cut onto the table
28 Apr. 1963 17
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli), Leopold Figner Count-Down Marriage deck dealt into four piles, then named numbers are counted down, Queens are found on bottom of dealt packets and Kings right underneath
Inspired by
  • Leopold Figner routine from 1920s
Related to
28 Apr. 1963 18
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) II. Complete Pack Delayed Set-Up tricks and handling one can do with a full stack that retains the order for later use
  • A. Some Methods
    • a) Tricks with chosen card
    • b) Tricks with very few definite cards
    • c) Tricks with few not definite cards
    • d) the old two deck principle
    • e) The new two deck principle (two decks are used simultaneously, one shuffled and one stacked)
    • f) the packet principle
  • B. Some Special Techniques
    • a) Progressive Killing (using parts of the set-up deck when other parts are already shuffled)
    • b) More Progressive Killing
    • c)
  • C. Some Supplementary Notes
28 Apr. 1963 19
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) Shuffle Control G. W. Hunter Shuffle to control a selection and retain the order of the deck
28 Apr. 1963 19
III. Special Cases of Delayed Set-up Technique
28 Apr. 1963 25
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) A. The Red and Black Set-Ups
  • a) The False Shuffle
  • b) How to get the set-up secretly (some methods)
  • c) Delaying the red and black pack
  • d) the alternate pack
    • 1. Transformation of the Separated Pack into the Alternating Pack (faro)
    • 2. Transformation of an alternating Pack into the Separated Red and Black Pack
      • i.
      • ii. (two-card challenge location)
      • iii.
  • e) Some few routining suggestions
28 Apr. 1963 25
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) B. The Colour Changing Deck delaying strategies, doing other tricks (like Travelers) with the deck that is ready for the color changing deck routine
28 Apr. 1963 29
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) Travelers before Color Changing Deck as delaying technique
28 Apr. 1963 30
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) Ravelli's "Acrobatic Surprise" faced deck rightens itself, color changing deck kicker
28 Apr. 1963 31
Deck Turnover Reverse deck turned over end-for-end over bottom card(s)
28 Apr. 1963 32
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) Mechanical Reverse
28 Apr. 1963 36
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) Ravelli's Colour Changing Deck Routine
28 Apr. 1963 38
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) Conclusion
28 Apr. 1963 41
P. Howard Lyons (reviewer) How to Entertain Children with Magic by The Great Merlini 28 Apr. 1963 42
P. Howard Lyons Ibidem
29 Aug. 1963 1
Edward Marlo Thought Penetration two packets of four cards each with different-colored backs, thought-of card travels into other packet
  • 1st Method
  • 2nd Method (à la "Chamele Aces")
  • 3rd Method
  • 4th Method
  • 5th Method
  • 6th Method
  • 7th Method
Inspired by 29 Aug. 1963 2
Edward Marlo Variations on Vernon's Original Version two packets of four Aces each with different-colored backs, thought-of Ace transposes
Inspired by 29 Aug. 1963 10
Neal Elias A Multiple Shift for Close-up swing cut, dated 1948
Related to 29 Aug. 1963 11
Neal Elias Multiple Shift Aces pushed in, then top half cut onto table and bottom half on top of that, straddle strip-out onto lower half, dated 1949
Variations 29 Aug. 1963 11
Neal Elias Four Ace Reverse multiple shift & reversal combination, dated 1949
Inspired by 29 Aug. 1963 12
Norman Houghton Clip P.S. two paperclips on folded bill link, stream of paper clips appears as climax
Inspired by 29 Aug. 1963 13
Tom Ransom The Presto Press four blank cards are printed on both sides
  • Variations in effect
Variations 29 Aug. 1963 14
Tom Ransom 4 Card Display double blank card
29 Aug. 1963 14
Tom Ransom False Flick card is apparently flipped over
29 Aug. 1963 14
Tom Ransom More Faces of Eve four blank cards are printed on both sides
Inspired by 29 Aug. 1963 16
Bill Elliott Clap Hands Charlier cut applications
  • First Cheat (Ace cut into deck return to top and bottom)
  • Second Cheat (demo gag/flourish)
29 Aug. 1963 17
Ronald B. Edwards Pitchman four Aces placed on table one by one (diminishing lift switch-out sequence), one changed for a King, the other three change as well, story presentation
29 Aug. 1963 18
Ronald B. Edwards Stranger in our Midst odd-backed card is stabbed next to thought-of card behind back by performer, Stop When Ready type disclosure
Related to 29 Aug. 1963 19
Puzzle Reflections palindrome sentence for swimming pool
29 Aug. 1963 19
Mel Stover Dirty Old Mel small plate is locked into jacket in both sleeves, gag
29 Aug. 1963 20
Hugh Scott Double Hop two cards shown and tabled, one card pushed in center, it travels to top and at the same time transposes with other card, ungaffed transpo solution
Related to 29 Aug. 1963 21
Amazing James Randi Fingered rope tie for hands
29 Aug. 1963 21
Ken Beale Everything Easy card vanishes, another card changes into vanished card and that other card is found in pocket
29 Aug. 1963 22
Double Facer Vanish card unloaded on deck
29 Aug. 1963 22
P. Howard Lyons, Mel Stover On Various Puzzles
Related to 29 Aug. 1963 22
Norman Houghton Aces to Order Aces appear on bottom of deck one by one as they are named
29 Aug. 1963 23
Stewart James The Strayed Gambler additional straight flush phase
Inspired by
  • Lin Searles's "The Straight Gambler"
29 Aug. 1963 24
Specialty Dice for Research
29 Aug. 1963 24
Sam Randlett Fumbler's Friend corrections for mis-cuts, see also p. 32 for comment "Sam notes that in certain circles these are supposedly old-hat."
Related to 29 Aug. 1963 25
Sam Randlett Double Faro fine incomplete faro to get alternating pairs, see also p. 32 for comment "Sam notes that in certain circles these are supposedly old-hat."
29 Aug. 1963 25
A Moral Tale
29 Aug. 1963 26
Hal Sparks Nic & Will on having two Will de Sieve "Master Card Control" cards (coin impression crimps) in a memorized deck and uses for it, spectators cut at predicted cards, or deals out a poker hand which is divined
29 Aug. 1963 27
Dr. Stanley Jaks Q. T. divination of card, deck cased, with peek case with hole in corner
Also published here 29 Aug. 1963 29
P. Howard Lyons Lighted Alphanumeric Readouts from Scientific American
29 Aug. 1963 29
Dr. Stanley Jaks A Letter from Jaks reaction to Tom Bowyer letter
Related to 29 Aug. 1963 30
P. Howard Lyons Ibidem
30 Nov. 1964 1
Old Hat: Scientific Explanation of a Toy article on the wind machine toy (aka Skidoo), reprint from Popular Mechanics (before 1920) and comments
Related to 30 Nov. 1964 2
Tom Harris On "Randi's Compleat Reader"
Related to 30 Nov. 1964 4
Ronald B. Edwards Mystery Loves Company ESP deck shuffled, spectator deals four to performer, then top or bottom to himself, repeated four more times, performer duplicates the five cards that the spectator ended up with
30 Nov. 1964 5
Faced Deck Packet Switch packet shuffled, put on top of faced deck, deck turned over for switch
30 Nov. 1964 5
Ronald B. Edwards E.S.P. in Sterio ten-card packet dealt according to one of five variations of the down-under deal, they still split into two sets, Stereo typo?!
30 Nov. 1964 5
Ronald B. Edwards cESPool spectator apparently matches two sets of ESP cards, proven by later showing complete ESP sets, bluff
Related to 30 Nov. 1964 6
Ronald B. Edwards Extra Sensational Perception ESP matching and divination routine, using peek case with hole
Inspired by 30 Nov. 1964 7
Ronald B. Edwards Out of this Country ten-card ESP packet dealt into two piles by spectator, it is separated into two full sets
  • Method I (secret switching in pocket)
  • Method II (double facer and backer)
30 Nov. 1964 9
Ken Beale Natural Scent single card location, back turned for procedure, secret 10/9/8 count to find indicator card, combined with 26th location
Inspired by 30 Nov. 1964 11
Norman Osborn Back to Aces Ace production climax for All Back routine
30 Nov. 1964 12
Anthony J. Gugliotta Four as Four Aces
Inspired by 30 Nov. 1964 13
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley Switch brief
Also published here 30 Nov. 1964 13
Karl Fulves Letter on publishing tricks and growth process
30 Nov. 1964 14
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) Diceptions
30 Nov. 1964 15
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) Double Diception spectator rolls three dice and remember the cards at the total, another the card at the total of the bottoms of the dice, despite the numbers being different the selected cards are the same
Related toVariations 30 Nov. 1964 15
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) Two Dice Procedure Diception procedure with two dice instead of three
Inspired by 30 Nov. 1964 16
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) Diception Coincidence two cards are selected with the Diception procedure, deck then dealt in two halves, both are dealt in unison and the selected cards are at the same position
Inspired by 30 Nov. 1964 16
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) Diception Transpo two selections made from two halves with Diception procedure, one counted from the top and one from the bottom, they change position
Inspired by 30 Nov. 1964 17
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) Diception Force with Diception procedure, some cards are pocketed by first spectator (instead of selecting a card), second spectator will then count to force card
30 Nov. 1964 18
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) Predicted Double Diception two cards counted to with dice throwing are the same and predicted
30 Nov. 1964 18
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) Brown Diception two cards chosen with Diception procedure, cards and number divined
Variations 30 Nov. 1964 18
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) Brown Diception Variation two cards chosen with Diception procedure, cards and number divined
Inspired by 30 Nov. 1964 19
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) Predicted Brown Diception Brown Diception with prediction of a card
Inspired by 30 Nov. 1964 19
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) Predicted 2 Cards Diception with Prediction of both cards
Inspired by 30 Nov. 1964 19
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) Diception Myth with Diception procedure
Inspired by 30 Nov. 1964 19
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) 3 Spectator Procedure (2 Dice) Diception for three spectators
Inspired byVariations 30 Nov. 1964 20
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) 3 Cards Diception three cards selected with Diception procedure
30 Nov. 1964 20
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) 4 Cards Diception four cards selected with Diception procedure
30 Nov. 1964 21
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) 3 Spectators Procedure (3 Dice) Diception for three spectators
Inspired by 30 Nov. 1964 21
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) Expanded Double Diception spectator rolls three dice and remember the cards at the total, another the card at the total of the bottoms of the dice, despite the numbers being different the selected cards are the same
Inspired by 30 Nov. 1964 21
Karl Fulves The Time Keeper spectator sets any time on his own watch and gives it to performer behind his back, there the performer sets his own watch to the same time
30 Nov. 1964 22
Norman Houghton On Shamans and their Spices
30 Nov. 1964 22
Mel Stover Kiss number puzzle with weights and a scale, four pages long
30 Nov. 1964 23
Jack Avis All Fair Challenge Location divided deck and faro
Related to 30 Nov. 1964 27
Norman Houghton 7:15 A.M. (after Ravelli) on delaying small stacks
Related to 30 Nov. 1964 28
Norman Houghton False Cascade Shuffle springing the cards with little tension so they don't coalesce completely, delaying the strip-out
30 Nov. 1964 28
Norman Houghton Idea for Shuffling a Colour-Changing Pack riffle shuffle with slip cut
30 Nov. 1964 28
P. Howard Lyons The End end strippers for three-card monte
30 Nov. 1964 29
P. Howard Lyons Ibidem
31 Dec. 1965 1
Arthur Hastings Variations on a Theme: The Reverse Card intro
31 Dec. 1965 2
Reverse Sleights
31 Dec. 1965 2
Arthur Hastings Direct Reverse comment on center reverse
Related to 31 Dec. 1965 2
Arthur Hastings Turnover Pass Reverse center reverse as turnover pass is made
Related to 31 Dec. 1965 2
Arthur Hastings Indirect Reverses comment
31 Dec. 1965 2
Arthur Hastings The Direct Reverse card peeked at is shown reversed, presentations:
  • I Can't Find Your Card
  • A One Way Deck Exposé
Inspired by 31 Dec. 1965 2
Arthur Hastings Metamorphosis wrong card reverses, reversed card in deck changes into selection
Inspired by 31 Dec. 1965 3
Arthur Hastings The Untouched Reverse deck replaced in tabled deck, it turns over without touching, Curry Switched out before replacement
31 Dec. 1965 3
Arthur Hastings Location top card is reversed and cut into deck, it ends up next to previously peeked selection
31 Dec. 1965 4
Arthur Hastings References for reversed-card effects
31 Dec. 1965 4
Norman Houghton Letter: Gambling Proposition (previous stage name: Lorne DeBlois), probabilities of "Maybe Make Three"
Related to 31 Dec. 1965 4
Bill Simon Finish for Oil & Water 4&4, instant mix
31 Dec. 1965 5
P. Howard Lyons, Bill Elliott Magic Sex Detector Letters
31 Dec. 1965 6
Allan Slaight Magnetic Miraskill
VariationsAlso published here 31 Dec. 1965 7
P. Howard Lyons Quote: Wall Street Journal, Ametek Advertisement, The Neg'ator
31 Dec. 1965 8
William P. Miesel The Shrinking Card sandwiched card shrinks
31 Dec. 1965 9
William P. Miesel Card Thru Magazine
31 Dec. 1965 10
William P. Miesel Passe-Passe Aces two red Aces cut to one by one, then two indifferent cards, red Aces change to black and indifferent cards to red Aces
31 Dec. 1965 11
Walter Rollins Thirty Bucks!! Penelope Principle applied to coins, using one-handed coin faro flourish, chosen coin is at same position as number of removed coins
Inspired by 31 Dec. 1965 12
Norman Houghton Ultimate Ultimate 4&4
Inspired by 31 Dec. 1965 13
Mel Stover Books in Print 1964, Erdnase listing with name "Samuel Erdnase"
31 Dec. 1965 13
Norman Houghton If you like Puzzlers card chosen from one deck with cutting packet, counting and counting down in the rest method, it ends up at the same position as a reversed Joker in a second deck
31 Dec. 1965 14
Bruce Cervon Confused Incomplete deck spread in IF Condition
Also published here 31 Dec. 1965 15
Norman Houghton On Slighting References to Card Tricks
31 Dec. 1965 15
P. Howard Lyons Dealer's Choice poker hand named, performer starts deal (and chooses himself how many hands)
31 Dec. 1965 16
P. Howard Lyons Small Choice adding the digits of the dates on a coin as a number range force
31 Dec. 1965 16
Karl Fulves Sequence of Letters and Tricks from Karl Fulves spread over the next pages
31 Dec. 1965 17
Karl Fulves The Ledbedder Effect two deck with same back color, performer and spectator cut off a pile, remember top card of rest, and the cut-off packets are replaced exchanged, the two cards end up at the same position in their decks
31 Dec. 1965 17
Karl Fulves Fourtold Retold four selections predicted, four different suits
Inspired byAlso published here 31 Dec. 1965 19
Newsweek Article (Coin Migration)
31 Dec. 1965 19
Karl Fulves Reconstruction performer gives deck several honest riffle shuffles, then spectator remembers card and its position, then several more honest riffle shuffles, position named and card found
Related toVariationsAlso published here 31 Dec. 1965 21
Karl Fulves Requesting an Appearance
31 Dec. 1965 24
P. Howard Lyons, Amazing James Randi Randi Doodle Solutions
Related to 31 Dec. 1965 24
Ric Schonblum Secret Service spectator finds only red card in packet of thirteen cards
31 Dec. 1965 25
Robert E. Neale Sensually Stacked finding four cards in different ways and stacking the deck secretly, cards removed from face-up spread one by one
Inspired by
  • five-card location in Sardina's The Magic of Rezvani
31 Dec. 1965 26
Mel Brown, Tom Harris, Robert Lund, John A. Beck, Charles Kalish, Paul Curry, Bill Simon Letter Column
Related to 31 Dec. 1965 27
P. Howard Lyons Ibidem
32 July 1967 1
Allan Slaight Faroyal Aces lost and spelled out, Queens found, Kings spelled, Jacks found, selection spelled to, faros in between
  • Setting the Stack
  • Alternative Location
Inspired byAlso published here 32 July 1967 2
Allan Slaight Letter on Appearance of Ibidem
32 July 1967 5
Allan Slaight The Eclectic Deck stack for seventeen effects, see also p. 29 for comments
  • 1. one of five cards thought of and located
  • 2. card location
  • 3. face-up deal stopped, value used to count to selection
  • 4. spelling to thought-of card
  • 5. open prediction
  • 6. card from packet to pocket
  • 7. two-card transposition
  • 8. card from hand to pocket
  • 9. Aces stacked, then Royal Flush dealt
  • 10. five good hands dealt
  • 11. blackjack demo with rubber-banded deck
  • 12. bridge demo with all Spades
  • 13. three-way transposition
  • 14. two selections reverse
  • 15. card chosen, spelled to and some matching cards found
  • 16. Ace assembly (not explained)
  • 17. Mind Mirror challenge location
  • Final Thoughts
  • Closing Credits (credits for all effects)
Also published here 32 July 1967 6
Norman Houghton Dear Howard Annual Nasty Letter
32 July 1967 22
Norman Houghton To The Last Card any one of ten cards is last one in down-under deal
Inspired by 32 July 1967 23
P. Howard Lyons Simply Wizard elimination procedure with stripper deck and "can you see your card here?" questions
Variations 32 July 1967 25
Arthur Hastings Ambition Without Cause phase with double-gag "it rises to the top and changes to x!"
32 July 1967 26
P. Howard Lyons Turnover Pass Reverse Credits credit information
Related to 32 July 1967 26
Charles Aste Jr. Suits that Fit different suit distribution for Eight Kings (or similar) stack
32 July 1967 27
Charles Aste Jr. Ceiling Unlimited shooting a card to high ceiling with bow and arrow
32 July 1967 27
P. Howard Lyons What... Both? four double-blank cards are printed
Inspired by 32 July 1967 28
P. Howard Lyons Special Note price increase
32 July 1967 31
P. Howard Lyons Ibidem
33 July 1968 1
Ten Easy Ways to develop your ESP Reproduction of advertisement (Department of Trade and Commerce of the Canadian Government)
33 July 1968 2
Allan Slaight New Deck Progressive faros
  • 1. card counted to by adding to cut-to card values, predicted
  • 2. Ace production
  • 3. Aces lost and spelled to
  • 4. poker deal
  • 5. draw poker deal
  • 6. Rummy demo
  • 7. spelling to card from first effect
  • 8. another poker deal
  • 9. Blackjack deal
  • 10. Bridge deal
Also published here 33 July 1968 3
Mel Stover Would You Believe 5? bridge problem
  • South to Make 3 No Trump Against Any Defence
33 July 1968 8
Walter Rollins Oil and Walter 9&9, odd-backed
33 July 1968 9
P. Howard Lyons Six Card Pete with same rhyming patter
Inspired by 33 July 1968 10
Edward Marlo Distribution three selections placed in center, they distribute to top, bottom and reversed to center
Variations 33 July 1968 11
Edward Marlo Transfer to Bottom bottom card of top half is slid to bottom, with out-jogged card
33 July 1968 11
P. Howard Lyons Mine Don’t Smell idea for a method involving smell and a chemical that paralyses sense of smell
33 July 1968 12
Dan Tong Net Ball net & ball routine, see also p. 29 for comments
  • Phase One
  • Phase Two
  • Phase Three
  • Phase Four: The Vanish
33 July 1968 13
Dan Tong Knees Up wallet loading in lap
33 July 1968 15
Mel Stover Penny Pick-up
33 July 1968 16
Dr. Lasker Nim Variation
33 July 1968 16
Paul Marcus A Southern Spell card chosen from six-card packet, another from a three-card packet and its value is used to find the first card via spelling
33 July 1968 17
P. Howard Lyons Order Information for Beadless Abacus
33 July 1968 19
Martin Gardner Dear Verne Thoughts and Additional Handling on Ultimate Color Separation, 4&4
Inspired by 33 July 1968 20
Rick Johnsson Dear Friend PH asking for latest issue
33 July 1968 21
Bruce Cervon OOTW Anecdote deck shuffled, so proceeded with Miraskill
33 July 1968 21
Mel Stover Beadless Abacus cardboard computer, layout with numbers, calculation routine
33 July 1968 22
Bill Ewington Nickel Nickel six coins, three in hand and three under cigarette package, they travel into hand one by one, cigarette pack as coin tray and with magnet
33 July 1968 25
Allan Slaight Comments from Allan Slaight
33 July 1968 27
P. Howard Lyons (reviewer) Tricks You Can Count On by Verne Chesbro 33 July 1968 28
Match Layout Puzzle shown to Martin Gardner by Persi Diaconis
Also published here 33 July 1968 30
P. Howard Lyons Ibidem 34 & 35
34 & 35 Aug. 1969 1
Roy Walton Conjurers, Laymen and Mirrors on magic for magicians
34 & 35 Aug. 1969 2
Roy Walton Second Thoughts comments on the Second Deal
34 & 35 Aug. 1969 3
Roy Walton Vanishing Water transformation kicker
Related to 34 & 35 Aug. 1969 4
Roy Walton On the Side of the Angels packet cut off half the deck and counted, two cards remembered (one using the number), they end up at the same position in two piles
Inspired byAlso published here 34 & 35 Aug. 1969 5
P. Howard Lyons Pick Palming guitar pick anecdote
34 & 35 Aug. 1969 5
Roy Walton Card Case mystery card in case, four Queens are found and mystery card turns out to be selection
  • Alternative Presentation (odd-backed)
Inspired byAlso published here 34 & 35 Aug. 1969 6
Roy Walton Simplicity Lead In two cards removed and replaced anywhere in spread are located
Also published here 34 & 35 Aug. 1969 8
P. Howard Lyons Book Test Idea with computer book
34 & 35 Aug. 1969 8
Roy Walton Predicted Galbreath "Predicted Gilbreath", deck shuffled face-up/face-down, spectator deals in pairs and makes heaps according to orientation of pair, choses one heap, its red/black composition is predicted
Also published here 34 & 35 Aug. 1969 9
Roy Walton Cheaters Galbreath "Cheaters Gilbreath", twenty cards with square and circle, performer matches order
  • Alternative Presentation
34 & 35 Aug. 1969 9
Roy Walton Game Law deck mixed face-up/face-down, deck riffle shuffled twice by spectator, groups of four cards each are dealt, spectator never gets a packet with four cards in same orientation
  • Elaboration (an alternative presentation)
Also published here 34 & 35 Aug. 1969 10
Roy Walton Second Thoughts on Galbreath color matching routine in which the spectator and performer deal cards alternating
Also published here 34 & 35 Aug. 1969 12
Roy Walton Found-Two Cards two card location with a riffle shuffle by the spectator
Also published here 34 & 35 Aug. 1969 13
Roy Walton Second Thoughts on Galbreath "Again" color matching routine in which the spectator and performer deal cards alternating
  • Alternative Presentation (no seconds required)
Also published here 34 & 35 Aug. 1969 15
Roy Walton Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are
Also published here 34 & 35 Aug. 1969 16
Roy Walton Second Thoughts on Four Aces assembly with all Aces starting on top and second deals
34 & 35 Aug. 1969 17
Two Small Ideas with Small Cards
34 & 35 Aug. 1969 18
Roy Walton Crash Diet card placed in envelope with large window shrinks
34 & 35 Aug. 1969 18
Roy Walton Card in Purse spectator and performer sign a card, both travel in purse, the spectator's one folded and the performer's one shrank to miniature card with small signature
34 & 35 Aug. 1969 19
Roy Walton Treble Trouble two cards, odd-even and pointer divided deck
Inspired byAlso published here 34 & 35 Aug. 1969 20
Tom Bowyer Comment on Annemann Annemann saying GABBATHA
34 & 35 Aug. 1969 20
Roy Walton Sans Wizard card thought of from half the deck, half shuffled reversed in other half, selection vanishes and reappears (after perhaps multiple attempts), card named at the end
Inspired byAlso published here 34 & 35 Aug. 1969 21
Roy Walton The Royverse
Also published here 34 & 35 Aug. 1969 23
Roy Walton A Simple Trick Using The Move wrong card reverses, then card is spelled to and it shows up reversed, Royverse application
Also published here 34 & 35 Aug. 1969 23
Data entered by Denis Behr, July 2023.