  • 1939-1952: Hans Ernst
  • 1952-1959: Oscar Rey
  • 1960-1961: Hans Ernst
  • 1961-1964: Hans Herrmann
  • 1964-1966: Willy Peter
  • 1966-1967: Peter Wilker
  • 1967-1969: William Weyeneth
  • 1970-1975: Dr. Gaston Borgeaud
  • 1975-1985: Peter Wilker
  • 1986-1995: Paul Maurer
Written by Various
Work of Various
1,647 pages (Stapled), published by Selfpublished
Illustrated with photographs and drawings
Language: German, French
3,370 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Issue Year Page Categories
Theodore Annemann Der indische Nadeltrick
Also published here Vol. 20 No. 6 1959 885
Laurie Ireland Die Radio-Tafel as "Laurie", face of selection appears on black slate
Vol. 20 No. 6 1959 887
Oscar "Oscarelli" Rey Aus der Redaktionsstube des Hokus-Pokus on the history of the Hokus Pokus magazine and Oscar Ray wanting to quit as editor
Vol. 21 No. 1 1960 889
M.R.S. Nationaler Kongress Basel mit internationaler Beteiligung announcement for national convention
Vol. 21 No. 1 1960 891
Dr. William Weyeneth Mein lieber Jaks obituary for Stanley Jaks
Vol. 21 No. 1 1960 892
Oscar "Oscarelli" Rey Obituary for Stanley Jaks includes quoted letter by Kalanag
Vol. 21 No. 1 1960 893
Dr. Stanley Jaks Ich weiss es vorher cards dealt on table until stop, piles are turned over and one card's value used to count down in other pile, mate as prediction
Vol. 21 No. 1 1960 895
Peter Warlock Der weiche Ring ring is found knotted on ribbon inside bag with holes on the sides, principle similar to Dill's "Dean's Box"
Vol. 21 No. 1 1960 897
Eine neue Tuchdurchdringung silk penetrates other silk which is placed on fist
Vol. 21 No. 1 1960 900
Harlan Tarbell Postal Inspektion card is placed in envelope and divined, peek envelope
Also published here Vol. 21 No. 1 1960 901
Bertram Millidge Millidge's Ellisring-Trick through ribbon
Also published here Vol. 21 No. 1 1960 902
Phil Conner Die Hoa-Hoa Voraussage marked card turns to blank card in breast pocket of spectator
Vol. 21 No. 1 1960 904
Aus Alles Welt on Eston performing in Basel, Jean D'Ars, Alberto Sitta, Charly Eperny, Claude Jsebeque, Kalanag, Magi, IBM, Borra, Zauberbrille, Hermann Klingler, Emil Eiberle
Vol. 21 No. 1 1960 905
Preisrätsel in No. 5 des Hokus Pokus solution to riddle
Also published here Vol. 21 No. 1 1960 908
Nochmals ein Rätsel competition
Vol. 21 No. 1 1960 908
Oscar Rey zum 70. Geburtstag picture of Oscar Rey
Vol. 21 No. 2 1960 909
Dr. William Weyeneth Zum 70sten Geburtstag Oscarelli's on Oscar Rey's 70th birthday
Vol. 21 No. 2 1960 910
Feiern on the birthdays of the magic clubs Geneva and Berne and of Heinrich Popp
Vol. 21 No. 2 1960 912
Engelbert Bütler Jahresbeitrag 1960 on the annual membership fee
Vol. 21 No. 2 1960 913
Dr. William Weyeneth Generalversammlung Bern 14.3.60 on the general assembly of the magic club Switzerland in Berne, Borosko & Madeleine, Sandoz, Ganz, Strausack, Rolf Andra, Sven Maro, Ron Wohl, John Dee, Hans Herrmann, Albert Wetzel, Dr. Eberstark, Wim Klein, Hans Ernst
Vol. 21 No. 2 1960 914
Werner "Manello" Meyer Effekte der angewandten Zauberkunst various tips, not magic
  • Leuchtende Tinte
  • Verblasste Fotographie
  • Kerzen
  • Schnittblumen
  • Tempo-Tücher
  • Rasierklingen
  • Bleistiftschrift
Vol. 21 No. 2 1960 917
Charly Eperny Eine wunderbare Tuchreise three silks appear in frame and appear in three glass cubes
Vol. 21 No. 2 1960 918
G. Gloria Hatschi card to balloon with pistol, stand looks like sea lion
Also published here
  • in "Magie" 1954.
Vol. 21 No. 2 1960 922
Hans "Severus" Ernst Eine Episode - Aus dem Leben von Dr. Stanley Jaks on the act "Jax and Jax" by Stanley Jaks
Vol. 21 No. 2 1960 925
Totentafel short announcement on the passing of Hermann Hedinger
Vol. 21 No. 2 1960 926
Dr. William Weyeneth Magische Tips tip on
  • special clear tape
  • gluing magnets on ropes
Vol. 21 No. 2 1960 927
Rev. Galley, Jean Hugard Zur schwebenden Kugel tip on the floating ball, reducing noice from sting, Stephen Galley?
Vol. 21 No. 2 1960 928
Copyright on copyright and article being published in Magie and Hokus Pokus, Ron Wohl
Vol. 21 No. 2 1960 928
Neue Mitglieder new members of the magic circle Switzerland
Vol. 21 No. 2 1960 928
Mitteilungen on Charly Schürch, Hans Ernst, Henk Vermeyden, convention in Holland, Magicus magazine
Vol. 21 No. 2 1960 930
Schweizer Zauber-Kongress 1960 announcement of magic convention 1960 in Basel
Vol. 21 No. 2 1960 931
Hans "Severus" Ernst Der Redaktor schreibt on Kalanag, Gloria, Franz Braun, Alwelli, Jean-Marc Bujard, Borosko, Jean D'Ars, convention in Bologna, John Dee, Sven Maro, Bucheli jr.
Related to Vol. 21 No. 3 1960 933
Werner "Manello" Meyer Gedankensplitter thought on performing
Vol. 21 No. 3 1960 935
Hans "Severus" Ernst Borosko 80 Jahre on Borosko's 80th birthday, with pictures
Vol. 21 No. 3 1960 936
Dr. William Weyeneth (reviewer) Slydini Seminar Zürich 1.Mai 1960 lectures by Slydini, Henk Vermeyden and Fred Kaps in Zürich Vol. 21 No. 3 1960 938
Dr. William Weyeneth Die mysteriöse Streichholzschachtel shiner in matchbox, picture duplication and card divination
Vol. 21 No. 3 1960 940
Rolf Andra Die Kartenuhr card location, cards placed in form of a clock
Vol. 21 No. 3 1960 942
Charly Eperny Die geheimnisvolle Spinne frame with playing cards, spider starts to move on frame and ends up on selection
Vol. 21 No. 3 1960 944
John Dee's Wanderpreis on the beginning of the John Dee challenge trophy
Vol. 21 No. 3 1960 947
Hans "Severus" Ernst Eine Episode - Aus dem Leben Kalanags anecdote of Kalanag, Alois Kassner and Marvelli
Vol. 21 No. 3 1960 948
Dr. William Weyeneth Die Kniekehle als Servante holdout with bent knee
Vol. 21 No. 3 1960 950
Dr. William Weyeneth Wie die oberste Karte eines vom Zuschauer gemischten Spieles auf idealste Weise zu eruieren ist! production of cards in spectator's pocket to glimpse top card
Vol. 21 No. 3 1960 950
Dr. William Weyeneth Ein erhöhter Effekt beim Verbrennungstrick tip for routine where handkerchief is burnt
Vol. 21 No. 3 1960 951
Kongress vom 9. - 11. September 1960 announcement for convention in Basel
Vol. 21 No. 3 1960 952
Pro Memoria announcement for conventions in Holland and Austria
Vol. 21 No. 3 1960 953
Dr. Halan Tarbell
Vol. 21 No. 3 1960 954
Franz Strobl (Sturm)
Vol. 21 No. 3 1960 954
Hermann Hediger
Vol. 21 No. 3 1960 955
Werner "Manello" Meyer Rochaden im magischen Schachspiel witticism on magic
Vol. 21 No. 3 1960 956
Rolf Andra Reminiszenzen zum Kongress in Basel on the convention in Basel, Sven Maro, Anton Stursa, Ron Wohl, John Dee, Hans Meier
Vol. 21 No. 4&5 1960 957
Werner "Manello" Meyer Sprichwörtliche Alltags-Zauberformeln witticism
Vol. 21 No. 4&5 1960 959
Der Baslerkongress - Unserer Schweizer-Künstler in der Kritik des Auslandes convention reports from Magie & Tryllejournalen, Mac Jen, Roberto, John Dee, Old Brecht, Pollux, Ravelli, Piet Forton, Marino, Willy Bucheli, Sven Maro
Vol. 21 No. 4&5 1960 960
Hans "Severus" Ernst Nijmegen Holländ. Kongress 16.-18.9.60 on the convention in Nijmegen, Piet Forton, Topsy, Tonny van Rhee, Joro, Anverdi, Al Preston, Harry Thiery, Ted Winkel, De Stefani, Carboni & Carbonita, John Lancee & Halla, Pollux, von Heldt, Henk Vermeyden, Franzen
Vol. 21 No. 4&5 1960 963
Hans "Severus" Ernst (reviewer) Das Rohnstein-Buch by Charly Eperny Vol. 21 No. 4&5 1960 966
Dr. William Weyeneth Kalanag & Gloria - Zum Valet ihrer Simsalabim-Show on Kalanag and Gloria's last show
Vol. 21 No. 4&5 1960 966
Jubiläum jubilee of the magazine Zauberkunst
Vol. 21 No. 4&5 1960 967
Curiosa on the playing card house in Devon
Vol. 21 No. 4&5 1960 967
Glenn G. Gravatt Pairing the Pairs three mates as prediction
Also published here
  • Glenn Gravatt's "Pairing the Pairs" in "Genii" 1953, September.
Vol. 21 No. 4&5 1960 968
Errata correction of mistakes about the ranking from the convention in Bologna 1960
Related to Vol. 21 No. 4&5 1960 970
Feiern on Olaf Spell, Ren Clark
Vol. 21 No. 4&5 1960 970
C. Matthews Der Zauberlehrling story about a magician called Marvello
Vol. 21 No. 4&5 1960 970
Ottokar Fischer, Charly Eperny Der Kartenseher shuffled deck under handkerchief, performer names cards
Vol. 21 No. 4&5 1960 971
Charly Eperny Aus einem Brief von Charly Eperny an die Redaktion part of a letter by Eperny to Hokus Pokus
Vol. 21 No. 4&5 1960 973
Conrad Schmoranzer Der steigende Würfel rising cube on wand
Vol. 21 No. 4&5 1960 974
Dr. William Weyeneth Magische Tips
  • Hosen-Velo-Klammer
holder for various objects
Vol. 21 No. 4&5 1960 983
Dr. William Weyeneth Der Hosenträger switching envelopes, suspenders
Vol. 21 No. 4&5 1960 983
Dr. William Weyeneth Notizblock als Hilfsmittel für Vorhersage einer zu ziehenden Karte loading or switching a card using a gaffed note pad
Vol. 21 No. 4&5 1960 984
Werner "Manello" Meyer Magische Olympia-Reminiszenzen witticism
Vol. 21 No. 4&5 1960 984
Glenn G. Gravatt Flying Reverse selection travels from packet to packet and reverse itself in process
Also published here
  • Glenn Gravatt's "Flying Reverse" in "The Bat" 1949, February.
Vol. 21 No. 4&5 1960 985
  • Karl Schröder
  • Geo Mylius
Vol. 21 No. 4&5 1960 986
Mitteilungen on Charles Moret, Rolfa Andra, Chefalo, Hector el Neco, Alexander Adrion, Westcar Papyrus, Molachini, Peter Lodynski, Klaus Salzmann, John Dee Prize
Vol. 21 No. 4&5 1960 988
Mitteilungen on Harry Abu, Robert Stiefel, Rodolfo, Franz Back, G. Ziekman, De Magier
Vol. 21 No. 6 1960 990
H. P. Wipf on Wipf's 60th birthday
Vol. 21 No. 6 1960 991
Hans "Severus" Ernst Dr. R. Bühler 85 on the 85th birthday of R. Bühler
Vol. 21 No. 6 1960 992
Rolf Andra Medium-Telefon Experiment
Vol. 21 No. 6 1960 994
Das Weihnachtsgeschenk des Hokus Pokus different etchings and paintings depicting magicians
Vol. 21 No. 6 1960 996
Dr. William Weyeneth Aus einem amüsanten Gag wird ein wunderbarer Trick weird way to apply daub, on forehead of spectator
Vol. 21 No. 6 1960 997
Dr. William Weyeneth Der Portemonnaie Trick ten and twenty cent pieces, are either placed inside a purse, divination by performer
Vol. 21 No. 6 1960 998
Gedanken zur Quadratur des Kreises! squaring the circle performed by two people
Vol. 21 No. 6 1960 999
Dr. William Weyeneth Johann Vogel
Vol. 21 No. 6 1960 999
Hans "Severus" Ernst 1000. Seite on Hokus Pokus reaching 1000 pages
Vol. 21 No. 6 1960 1000
Dr. William Weyeneth Zum Geleit on the past year, John Dee, Oscar Rey, Hans Ernst, Fritz Moser
Vol. 22 No. 1 1961 1
Generalversammlung des MRS announcement of general assembly
Vol. 22 No. 1 1961 2
Rolf Andra Beiträge on writing for the Hokus Pokus
Vol. 22 No. 1 1961 3
Der Internationale Magische Kongress 1961 announcement for convention in Lüttich / Liège in Belgium
Vol. 22 No. 1 1961 6
Piet Forton 24th annual convention at Hastings 21. - 25. Sept. 60 on David Haggarty, Fred Lowe, Francis Haxton, Gus Southall, Peter Warlock, George Blake, Edward Victor, Jack Avis, Devano, Ron Mc Millan, Claude Rix, Mystic Craig, Jerry Andrus, Jack Miller, Al Koran, Johnny Geddes, Tom Harris, Alan Alan, Mila Trnka, Roberta & Hella
Vol. 22 No. 1 1961 7
Dr. William Weyeneth Rätsel riddle
Vol. 22 No. 1 1961 9
Hans "Severus" Ernst Feiern jubilee of the magic circle of Neuchatel
Vol. 22 No. 1 1961 10
Dr. William Weyeneth Zürcher-Klausfeier, 3. Dezember 1960 santa claus party of the magic circle Zürich, Rudelli, Carlo, Robert Stiefel, Willy Schmid, Marino, Oscarelli, Dr. Borgeaud, Fritz Moser
Vol. 22 No. 1 1961 10
Dr. William Weyeneth Note on a Show brief note on a magic show in Zürich organized by Robert Stiefel
Vol. 22 No. 1 1961 11
Hans "Severus" Ernst Der Trick des Jahres 1961 written on bill, bill is folded and unfolded and while bill is reversed writing is still readable
Vol. 22 No. 1 1961 12
Stanley Norton, Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Das Ziehquartal oder der Domizilwechsel silk placed in tube transposes with flag in second tube, from Hügli's unpublished book "Wunder der Täuschung"
Also published here Vol. 22 No. 1 1961 13
J. F. Orrin Jim Pratt's Katze as J.P. Orrin, apparatus with cat and card values, tale of cat points to selection
Also published here
  • "Jim Pratt's Cat" in J.F. Orrin's "On with the Show" 1943.
Vol. 22 No. 1 1961 16
Johny "Cartelli" Gernaat Mein Zigarettenfang continuous cigarette production, using a hat
Also published here
  • "De Magier"
Vol. 22 No. 1 1961 17
Erich Spralz Chemische Zauberei chemical way to treat card, apparently for rising card
Vol. 22 No. 1 1961 18
  • Charles-Elie Leonard
Vol. 22 No. 1 1961 18
Aus der Geschichte der Zauberkunst quote by Plinius and magic in the bible
  • Magie in der Bibel
Vol. 22 No. 1 1961 19
Eine Magische Anekdote anecdote of Pellegrini
Vol. 22 No. 1 1961 20
Dr. William Weyeneth Die verhexte Daumenspitze method that paper does not stuck in thumb tip
Vol. 22 No. 1 1961 21
Dr. William Weyeneth Die Zauberkravatte loading a card on the deck from under tie
Vol. 22 No. 1 1961 21
Werner "Manello" Meyer Winke für den Zauberkasten-Service various tips, not magic
  • Kerzenhalter
  • Brillengläser
  • Aluminium
  • Messing
  • Uhrkette
  • Milchglas
  • Schere
  • Klinge
  • Nägel
Vol. 22 No. 1 1961 22
Mitteilungen on convention announcement in Oslo, show by the magic Circle Switzerland in Suhr, Hans-Peter Holbach, Die Zauberbrille, Marfini performing for Adenauer
Vol. 22 No. 1 1961 23
Hans Herrmann Liebe Leser on the changing of the editor
Vol. 22 No. 2 1961 25
Dr. William Weyeneth Winterthur - Hauptversammlung des MRS vom 12. März 1961 on the general assembly of the magic circle Switzerland, John Dee, Hans Herrmann, Sysso, Engelbert, Johann Vogel
Vol. 22 No. 2 1961 28
Dr. William Weyeneth Zur Problematik des Seiltricks unorthodox preparation, gaffed
Vol. 22 No. 2 1961 30
Edwin Leist-Bernini Zahlenzauber named number appears on signed card in envelope, carbon envelope, pyro envelope
Vol. 22 No. 2 1961 33
Hans Herrmann Gläser durchdringen den Kittel two glasses are covered with jacket, glasses penetrate jacket and appear under hat
Vol. 22 No. 2 1961 37
Rolf Andra The X Ray Cards card is selected, put in the deck behind back, secured with rubber bands and still divined by performer, cut-out index
Vol. 22 No. 2 1961 39
Robi Schaer Das Porträt poem on Edi Kirwin
Vol. 22 No. 2 1961 41
Ernst Meier Klauenseuche poem on stealing material from others
Vol. 22 No. 2 1961 43
Dr. William Weyeneth Ur-Hell und Ur-Trüb on the ethics of mind reading
Vol. 22 No. 2 1961 43
Mitteilungen on the convention in Lüttich, Jean Marc Bujard, Slydini, Kalanag, New Phoenix, magic circle Linz, Jean Feller, A. C. Gilbert, Hen Fetch
Vol. 22 No. 2 1961 44
Feiern on Luigi Brunori, Paul Mauerhofer, Olaf Spell, Peter Wilker
Vol. 22 No. 2 1961 46
Magicus on the magazine Magicus, Jean Garance, Jean de Merry, Charled Candolfi
Vol. 22 No. 2 1961 47
Hans "Severus" Ernst (reviewer) Rhonsteinbuch IV by Charly Eperny Vol. 22 No. 2 1961 48
Dr. William Weyeneth Zur Neugestaltung des Hokus-Pokus on the new Hokus-Pokus, Hans Herrmann, Olaf Spell
Vol. 22 No. 3 1961 49
Hans Herrmann Der Redaktor schreibt on the new Hokus-Pokus
Vol. 22 No. 3 1961 51
Dr. William Weyeneth Unerhörter Gedanken-Gleichschaltungstrick spectators chose same card, message on thumb tip to stooge people
Vol. 22 No. 3 1961 52
Rolf Andra Synchronism two decks, same cards are chosen
Vol. 22 No. 3 1961 54
Edwin Leist-Bernini Neuer Durchbruch als Maloko-Flasche two tubes on ribbons, chosen tube penetrates ribbons
Vol. 22 No. 3 1961 57
Dr. William Weyeneth Wenn zwei dasselbe tun... spectator and performer each cut four times, performer ends up with four Aces
Vol. 22 No. 3 1961 59
Robi Schaer Das Porträt poem on William Weyeneth
Vol. 22 No. 3 1961 60
Willi - Der jüngste Zauberer der Welt on the six year old magician Willi Bucheli
Vol. 22 No. 3 1961 61
Dr. William Weyeneth Magische Tips
  • combination of milk pitcher and soft soap routine
  • idea for rope escape, elastic
  • pad with magnet to switch billets
Also published here Vol. 22 No. 3 1961 65
Hans Herrmann Bastelecke on handicrafts, detecting the machine direction of paper, as Svisaso
Related to Vol. 22 No. 3 1961 67
Mitteilungen on the magic club of Berne, Jean-Marc Bujard, Kalanag
Vol. 22 No. 3 1961 71
Dr. William Weyeneth Blut ist ein ganz besonderer Saft! publicity for a fake gag syringe
Vol. 22 No. 3 1961 72
Dr. Robert Bühler Hugos obituary of Hugos / Hugo Diettrich
Vol. 22 No. 4 1961 73
Hans Herrmann Der Redaktor schreibt on Donato Montanari in Rimini
Vol. 22 No. 4 1961 75
Hans-Peter Holbach Eine Schere die nicht schneidet report of convention in Utrecht, Al Preston, Ted Winkel, Jan Gol, Wenegini, Marconick, Henk Vermeyden
Vol. 22 No. 4 1961 77
Rolf Andra Ich habe es vorher gewusst open prediction style, cards dealt face up, when spectator says stop card is dealt face down
Vol. 22 No. 4 1961 81
Charly Eperny Eperny's Kartenstern six cards are placed inside an envelope, envelope is burnt and miniature duplicates appear on a card star, those cards are fused together and then placed inside a money printing machine and cards come out in a long ribbon
Vol. 22 No. 4 1961 82
Robi Schaer Das Porträt poem of and from John Dee, with picture
Vol. 22 No. 4 1961 86
Dr. William Weyeneth Der Regisseur on Marius
Vol. 22 No. 4 1961 92
Magische Tips tips on
  • Yoghurt-Becher (on using yoghurt cups instead of glasses(
  • Glasperlenspiel (pearls in glass chaos & order)
  • removing thumb, with thimble
Vol. 22 No. 4 1961 93
Hans Herrmann Bastelecke on handicrafts, applying glue on paper, part 2, as Svisaso
Related to Vol. 22 No. 4 1961 94
Mitteilungen on Willi Faster, Gloria de Voss, Cuno Amiet, Luigi Brunori, Hans Joos
Vol. 22 No. 4 1961 96
Max Müller Obituary on Hans Joos
Vol. 22 No. 5 1961 97
Dr. William Weyeneth Hommage an docteur Hotel adulation on Jules D'Hotel
Vol. 22 No. 5 1961 98
Dr. William Weyeneth (reviewer) Kalanag in der Schweiz brief criticism on the new Kalanag show Vol. 22 No. 5 1961 99
Eine Schere die nicht schneidet advertisement for pair of scissors that does not cut
Vol. 22 No. 5 1961 99
Robi Schaer Das Porträt poem on Oscar Rey
Vol. 22 No. 5 1961 100
Conrad Schmoranzer Eine Variante zum Seilvasentrick different model, with hole to place nail through, then nail is openly removed and vase is still on rope
Vol. 22 No. 5 1961 101
Dr. Lazlo Rothbart, Edwin Leist-Bernini Dr. Rotbart's Kartenmysterum four piles, 4 cards are selected, then deck is shuffled and dealt again into four piles, top cards match selections, duplicates
Vol. 22 No. 5 1961 103
Geheimnisvolle Wanderung signed card from pocket transposes with signed card sandwiched in the deck, duplicates
Also published here
  • in "Miro"
Vol. 22 No. 5 1961 105
Rolf Andra Birds of a Feather two separated cards in deck come together
Inspired by Vol. 22 No. 5 1961 109
Dr. William Weyeneth Magische Tips tips on
  • trick with necklace with plastic pearls that can be opened separated at named number
  • gags
  • rubber cement for Clippo
  • Kittin glue
Vol. 22 No. 5 1961 110
Dr. William Weyeneth Magische Feinkost torn and restored cigarette, using a pen
Vol. 22 No. 5 1961 112
Hans-Peter Holbach Notizen über Otto Stolina biographical notes, with pictures
Vol. 22 No. 5 1961 113
Otto Stolina Ein "Doofer" Ballontrick comedy routine, balloon held over head of assistant as target of pistol, first balloon shrinks , second inflates by itself and third is filled with water
Vol. 22 No. 5 1961 115
Otto Stolina Die Zigarettenfabrik in der Gasmaskenbüchse anecdote, performing magic in war captivity
Also published here
  • in "Zauberbrille"
Vol. 22 No. 5 1961 117
Dr. William Weyeneth Mitteilungen on Kirwin, Robert Stiefel, MZvD, Piet Forton, Jean Feller, Paul Alther
Vol. 22 No. 5 1961 120
Obituary on Charles Moret-Forney / Dr. Magirus
Vol. 22 No. 6 1961 122
Hans "Old Bercht" Berchtold Dr. h.c. Paul Alther
Vol. 22 No. 6 1961 122
Dr. William Weyeneth (reviewer) Grosse Galavorstellung im Theater am Neumarkt in Zürich 25./26.11.61 on a public show in Zürich, Cartier, Magalano, Willex, Ernesto, Marino, Marius, Kirwin, Primera, Sven Maro, Graf X, Old Bercht Vol. 22 No. 6 1961 124
Der grösste Trick des Jahres gag
Vol. 22 No. 6 1961 125
Dr. William Weyeneth Die rote Birne red light bulb, red writing is invisible, some ideas
Vol. 22 No. 6 1961 126
Conrad Schmoranzer Der kleine Ballontrick balloon in tube is penetrated with lit cigarette
Vol. 22 No. 6 1961 128
Rolf Andra Seltsame Wege chosen Queen changes with selection, Queen found face-up in deck
Vol. 22 No. 6 1961 130
Hiding a Card in a Small Packet four cards, hiding third, using glide and showing bottom card alternating to the left and to the right spectator
Vol. 22 No. 6 1961 131
Dr. William Weyeneth Präludierender Vortrag zum Sicherheitsnadeltrick patter for linking safety pins
Vol. 22 No. 6 1961 133
Robi Schaer Das Porträt poem on Sven Maro / Fritz Moser
Vol. 22 No. 6 1961 134
Louis Marino Louis Marino letter by Marino and news paper review of the show "Rendez-vous der Zauberer" in Baden-Baden, Joro, Rex Clinton, Anverdi, Ickas, Onkel Peppi, Mazakian, Eddie Taytelbaum, Stockhammer, Claude Rix, Sambalo, Hermannsdörfer, Harry Clark, Wondracek
Vol. 22 No. 6 1961 135
Hans "Severus" Ernst Die Geschichte vom Cold Deck on why it is called a Cold Deck
Vol. 22 No. 6 1961 139
Hans "Severus" Ernst (reviewer) Magic with Canes by Hen Fetsch Vol. 22 No. 6 1961 141
Hans "Severus" Ernst (reviewer) Selected Sympathetic Silk Routines by Harold Rice Vol. 22 No. 6 1961 141
Hans "Severus" Ernst (reviewer) The Table Book by Frances Ireland Marshall Vol. 22 No. 6 1961 142
Hans "Severus" Ernst (reviewer) Sick Sorcery by Olson Pearce Vol. 22 No. 6 1961 142
Hans "Severus" Ernst (reviewer) The Spirit is Willing by James Auer Vol. 22 No. 6 1961 142
Hans Herrmann Mitteilung on trick explanation from the public press, "Gelben Heftli" Rinigier Verlag
Vol. 22 No. 6 1961 143
Hans Herrmann Weihnachts -und Neujahrswunsch des Redaktors
Vol. 22 No. 6 1961 144
Dr. William Weyeneth Gratulation on Peter Münchinger and Henry Bischof
Vol. 22 No. 6 1961 145
Magische Tips producing a seal which is on tape and can be attached, for card to envelope
Vol. 22 No. 6 1961 1932
Dr. William Weyeneth Zum Geleit
Vol. 23 No. 1 1962 145
Hans Herrmann Der Redaktor schreibt on the new cover design by Olaf Spell, Paul Mauerhofer, William Weyeneth, Robi Schaer
Vol. 23 No. 1 1962 146
Oscar "Oscarelli" Rey Todes-Anzeigen obituary of Heinrich Popp and Joseph Stuller Bosco
Vol. 23 No. 1 1962 148
Generalversammlung des MRS announcement
Vol. 23 No. 1 1962 149
Dr. William Weyeneth (reviewer) Kartenroutine am Tisch by Rolf Andra Vol. 23 No. 1 1962 149
Dr. William Weyeneth Eine frohe Botschaft donation by Alther's widow to the magic circle
Vol. 23 No. 1 1962 149
Dr. William Weyeneth Der magnetische Notizblock pad with magnet to switch billets
Also published here Vol. 23 No. 1 1962 150
Edwin Leist-Bernini, Edward Bagshawe Ein Farbscheibentrick cardboard disks are threaded, chosen ones penetrate ribbon
Vol. 23 No. 1 1962 151
Roberto Furegati Dreifache Tuchfärbung color changing hank, using ping pong balls with different colors, loop on tube
Vol. 23 No. 1 1962 153
Robi Schaer Das Porträt poem on Hans Meyer
Vol. 23 No. 1 1962 157
Hermanion Hermanion - Ein Kinderspiel wird Lebenskamerad autobiographical notes
Vol. 23 No. 1 1962 158
Von Magiern die man kennt - kennen sollte... on some famous magicians, Fredy Fah, Pierre Cartier, van Domelen, Mac Ronay, Henk Vermeyeden, Kaps, Jack Lehr, Chefalo, Kalanag
Vol. 23 No. 1 1962 161
Plastic Bombe anecdote about magic props look like a bomb in suitcase
Vol. 23 No. 1 1962 161
Oscar "Oscarelli" Rey Neues aus der magischen Welt on Joe Wildon's Magisches Magazin, Jules D'Hotel, Alberto Sitta, Paolo Brusini
Vol. 23 No. 1 1962 162
Dr. William Weyeneth Magische Tips
  • sugar turns into sugar cube, with matchbox and cigarette
  • cut and restored rope idea, with gaffed wand
Vol. 23 No. 1 1962 163
Vol. 23 No. 1 1962 164
Zusammenkünfte und Kongresse announcement of MZvD convention and of FISM Barcelona 1964
Vol. 23 No. 1 1962 164
Dr. William Weyeneth MRS Generalversammlung 17./18.3.62 Grenchen on the general assembly of the magic circle Switzerland, Borosko & Madelaine, Peter Struppler, Heinrich Plattner, Rudolf Mayr, Marius, Karl Vetter, Willi Bucheli, Albert Wetzel, Gaston Borgeaud, Claude Bercantal, Werner Nussbaumer, Jean Feller, Carlo Gorini
Vol. 23 No. 2 1962 166
Dr. William Weyeneth An Freund Willi Bucheli on John Dee / Bucheli
Vol. 23 No. 2 1962 168
Dr. William Weyeneth Zum neuen Titelblatt on the cover design of the Hokus Pokus by Olaf Spell
Vol. 23 No. 2 1962 168
Rolf Andra, Edwin Leist-Bernini Eine Abart von Unglaublich
Vol. 23 No. 2 1962 169
Conrad Schmoranzer Eine Würfelbefreiung cube with holes penetrates ribbons inside tube
Vol. 23 No. 2 1962 170
Robi Schaer Das Porträr poem on Werner Wirth
Vol. 23 No. 2 1962 172
Peter A. McDonald All Sqare location of selection and finding four-of-a-kind as a kicker, using cross sum force
Also published here
  • "All Square" in Max Andrews' "Magic Magazine" 1955, Vol. 4, Nr. 8.
Vol. 23 No. 2 1962 172
Nichtamtlicher Teil humorous article
Vol. 23 No. 2 1962 174
Hans-Peter Holbach Zauberei in Amerika - Les Waltinos on Les Waltinos
Vol. 23 No. 2 1962 175
Hans-Peter Holbach Nordischer Jugend Kongress on the youth convention in Norway, Fred Johny Osther, Rillini, Melini, Elloz, Mr. Eddie, Tunkini, Katho, Bobby Johnsen, Heraldo, Christo, Leon King, Mr.. Rexton, Fakiro
Vol. 23 No. 2 1962 177
Peter Rutz Kongresse Versammlungen on the general assembly of the magic circle of Basel, Primera, Ronald Wohl, Fritz Moser, announcement of convention in Leeuwarden, Vienna and Zaragoza
Vol. 23 No. 2 1962 178
Dr. William Weyeneth Mitteilungen on Oscarelli, Marius, Jean Feller, Werner Wirth, Vetter Ludwig, Ruedi Spörri
Vol. 23 No. 2 1962 179
Dr. William Weyeneth Die Walpurgisnacht on the magic club of Zürich, Marius, Wolfgang Kaiser
Vol. 23 No. 3 1962 182
Albert "Alwelli" Wetzel Herzliche Gratulation an Freund Marfini stage jubilee of Marfini, with letter by Albert Wetzel
Vol. 23 No. 3 1962 183
Internationaler Wettbewerb on a competition by the Academia Portuguesa de llusionismo
Vol. 23 No. 3 1962 185
Robi Schaer Das Porträt poem on Robi Schaer
Vol. 23 No. 3 1962 186
Rolf Andra, Oscar Weigle Duo Prediction
Inspired by Vol. 23 No. 3 1962 187
Werner Krämer-Orlano Das Spukschloss im Spessart story presentation with tip-over box
Vol. 23 No. 3 1962 188
Conrad Schmoranzer Der verschwundene Knoten vanishing knot in silk, placed inside a box
Vol. 23 No. 3 1962 190
Hans Herrmann Frühjahrstreffen in Bern 17.6.62 on the meeting of the magic circle Switzerland in Bern, Piet Forton, Oscarelli
Vol. 23 No. 3 1962 191
Hans Herrmann Entschliessung on the magicians in the DDR and on socialism
Vol. 23 No. 3 1962 192
Oscar "Oscarelli" Rey (reviewer) Kalanag: Der Magier erzählt sein Leben by Helmut "Kalanag" Schreiber Vol. 23 No. 3 1962 194
Hans "Severus" Ernst (reviewer) Dr. Stanley Jaks und seine Geheimnisse by Dr. Stanley Jaks (written by Charly Eperny) Vol. 23 No. 3 1962 195
Mitteilungen on Rudelli, Louis Marino, Alwelli, Tonny van Dommelen
Vol. 23 No. 3 1962 196
Hans Herrmann Maestro Bernini on Edwin Leist-Bernini
Vol. 23 No. 4 1962 197
Karte durchdringt Etui + Tuch through case and handkerchief, probably by Leist-Bernini
Vol. 23 No. 4 1962 200
Edwin Leist-Bernini Welche Miss gefällt Ihnen am besten one of four pictures is predicted, various outs
Vol. 23 No. 4 1962 200
Edwin Leist-Bernini Kartenspiel Bleistift als Vorhersage prediction of any red card is written on a black card and placed inside pocket, match
Vol. 23 No. 4 1962 202
Filieren mittels Abschleifen
Vol. 23 No. 4 1962 203
Baltons Methode variation of "Filieren mittels Abschleifen", control of two cards
Vol. 23 No. 4 1962 204
Hans "Severus" Ernst Abbreviaturen der Kartenmagie method to write names of playing cards
Vol. 23 No. 4 1962 205
Dr. William Weyeneth Tellerwackler als Herzwackler gag, pulse stops but heart beat is strong, using plate lifter gimmick
Vol. 23 No. 4 1962 206
Dr. William Weyeneth Das Verschwinden einer Karte unter einem Hut card vanishes from deck, under a hat
Vol. 23 No. 4 1962 206
Ottokar Fischer, Max Giebe Eine unfehlbare Force deck is cut behind back
Vol. 23 No. 4 1962 207
Werner Krämer-Orlano Bungalow Box production box in form of a tiny house on a rod
Vol. 23 No. 4 1962 208
Ilona Zauberei mit Pariser Herz article on Jean-Marc Bujard
Vol. 23 No. 4 1962 210
Feiern on Borosko's birthday
Vol. 23 No. 4 1962 211
Mitteilungen on Jack Lehr and Sissi Erre, Les Pollux, MZvD convention, magic circle Konstanz, Musti Spiridione
Vol. 23 No. 4 1962 211
Hans "Severus" Ernst William Weyeneth on Weyeneth's 70th birthday, biographical
Vol. 23 No. 5 1962 213
Dr. William Weyeneth Reminiszenzen biographical notes, on Paini, Okito, Carmellini
Vol. 23 No. 5 1962 215
Dr. William Weyeneth Zauberkünstler - Zauberer - Zauberei - Zauber - Sammelbegriff: Hokus-Pokus definitions for the different words
Vol. 23 No. 5 1962 217
Dr. William Weyeneth An die magischen Potentaten unseres MRS
Vol. 23 No. 5 1962 218
Dr. William Weyeneth Die originellen Messerbänkli self-made knife rest, with magic wand design
Vol. 23 No. 5 1962 219
Dr. William Weyeneth Die geheimnisvolle Cigarettenschachtel glimpse of number inside a cigarette case, numbers on paper
Related to Vol. 23 No. 5 1962 220
Roberto Furegati Ein Seiltrick für die Bühne rope cut in three pieces of different lengths, then ropes become same lengths and are restored to one rope again, popper
Vol. 23 No. 5 1962 222
Jules "Borosko" Sautebin Erscheinen eines Milchglases empty glass is covered with two tubes, filled with milk
Vol. 23 No. 5 1962 226
Oscar "Oscarelli" Rey (reviewer) Magischer Zirkel Konstanz - 25 Jahre on the jubilee of the magic circle of Konstanz, show review, Werner Knuth, Willy Bucheli, Elberto, Jana, Molitz, Rolf Andra, Pitt, Herr Klaus, Bert Gando-Zimmermann, Charlie der Unmögliche, Lu Entschi Vol. 23 No. 5 1962 227
Dr. William Weyeneth Magisches Treffen in Schaffhausen 27. + 28. Oktober 1962 on the magic convention in Schaffhausen, Elberto, Willi Faster, Anverdi, Bercantal, Max Neukomm, Henri Bagnoud, Roger Jaqouet, Marcel Baccaglio, Alwelli, Cartier, Ludino, Olaf Spell, Bert Alas, Primera, Riba, Roberto, Mélios
Vol. 23 No. 6 1962 230
Dr. William Weyeneth An die Freunde des MRS
Vol. 23 No. 6 1962 232
Magische Tips tip for Werry's "verzauberte Scheiben"
Vol. 23 No. 6 1962 232
Rolf Andra Buchstabier Mirakel
Vol. 23 No. 6 1962 232
Marseno Amerikanischer Riesenkartensteigerkasten jumbo cards, rising card box
Vol. 23 No. 6 1962 234
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster El Passando liquid travels from glass to glass, with tubes, two methods
Vol. 23 No. 6 1962 236
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli, Edwin Leist-Bernini Slogan's Hellsehtrick business cards and discs with different names of magicians, one is chosen and spelled silently while performer taps on discs, when spectator stops it will match the last card touched by the performer
Vol. 23 No. 6 1962 238
Edwin Leist-Bernini Effekt von Bluffer I behind back, packet cut and number used to select card
Vol. 23 No. 6 1962 239
Edwin Leist-Bernini Effekt von Bluffer II card divination and location
Vol. 23 No. 6 1962 240
Hans Herrmann Fortuna spielt mit anecdote, shoe appears inside bread at a wedding
Vol. 23 No. 6 1962 240
Dr. William Weyeneth Klausabend des KZM in der Eintracht am 4.12.62 on meeting of magic circle Zürich, Fürrer, Gorini, Spoerri, Röbi, Schaer, Neukomm, Marius, Willi Schmid, Cartier, Sasso, Old Bercht
Vol. 23 No. 6 1962 242
Hans Herrmann Kleinzauberei zum Hausgebrauch
  • Wolken über leeren Tassen (clouds appear in cups)
  • Papier auf eine brennende Kerze zu halten, ohne es zu verbrennen (paper does not burn when held over flame)
Related to Vol. 23 No. 6 1962 243
Mitteilungen on Werner Nussbaumer, Badrillo, Harry K, Les Pollux
Vol. 23 No. 6 1962 243
Data entered by Lorenz Schär, February 2021.