82 entries in Mental Magic / Principles / Glimpsing
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Paul Rosini The Mystery of the Blackboard information written on blackboard is divined blindfolded, see name index for attribution
Related toVariationsAlso published here Oct. 1934
The Jinx (Issue 1)
Paul Rosini Gesture-Remark Glimpse performer turns around briefly to make a remark and back, secretly glimpses required information
Related to Oct. 1934
The Jinx (Issue 1)
Peter Warlock Pencil Note on Nail secret cue sheet, recipe
Apr. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 55)
Fake Blindfold so assistant can see arm signals, see p. 120
1944 121
Theodore Annemann, Paul Rosini The Mystery of the Blackboard information written on blackboard is divined blindfolded, see Jinx for attribution
Also published here 1944 253
Eddie Joseph Turn-Around Glimpse performer turns around briefly to make a remark and back, secretly glimpses required information
1947 5
Dr. William Weyeneth Amélioration d'un vieux truc two methods to apply alcohol on envelope to glimpse card, followed by german translation "Verbesserung eines alten Trick"
Dec. 1947 7
C. E. Young The Invisible Window special design for window envelope, peek
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1951)
Bill Pugley Bill Pugley's Sight! peek method with index cards, stack with a hole
Oct. 1951
The Phoenix (Issue 240)
Der Künstler als Hellseher button as shiner
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 13 No. 5)
Robert Parrish Telepathic Drawings design duplication with slates, wet slate as mirror
1954 195
Dr. Stanley Jaks Taped selected objects, one selected and put in a pill box which is attached to an index card with scotch tape, object is divined
Also published here Mar. 1954
The New Phoenix (Issue 303)
Gene "Phantini" Grant Psychia-Trik spectator turns over and choses a card, performer finds it
Related to 1955 8
Gene "Phantini" Grant Miracle Design Duplication with slates
1955 13
Dr. Stanley Jaks Dr. Jaks Markierungstrick divination of year and name, both written down by performer and spectator on cards, with card stand, glimpse with mirror
Also published here 1961 36
Dr. Stanley Jaks Röntgenaugen selected objects, one selected and put in a pill box which is attached to an index card with scotch tape, object is divined
Also published here 1961 60
Dr. William Weyeneth Die geheimnisvolle Cigarettenschachtel glimpse of number inside a cigarette case, numbers on paper
Related to 1962
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 23 No. 5)
Tony Kardyro Behind my Back messages written on six cards, cards held behind back, reading with fingertips, for stage, using a table
Jan. 1964
The New Jinx (Vol. 2 No. 21)
Don Nielsen, Karl Fulves Nor Eyes To See With
  • performer finds red card in black packet behind back
  • circled number on paper is divined behind back
  • set time on watch revealed behind back
fiber optic tube, see also p. 320 for idea by Harold Bester, p. 644 & p. 728 for comments by Syd Bergson & Karl Fulves
Related toVariations Nov. 1969 291
Eddie Joseph Turn-Around Glimpse performer turns around briefly to make a remark and back, secretly glimpses required information
1969 62
Paul Siegel Insight Hindsight drawing duplication, paper covered with book
1972 33
B.C. Milnov Mind Mirror single card divination, one out of a group is touched, tv as mirror
Magick (Issue 137)
Harvey Rosenthal Mental Marvel number written on business card put in wallet, number is divined
1976 9
Burling Hull Number-Vision Flight spectator writes three-digit number on a slate, performer divines it, palmed diminishing mirror
1976 13
Joseph Dunninger, Burling Hull Dunninger's "Television" spectator makes simple geometric drawing, performer duplicates it, three versions
  • Method 1. With Cards (shiny reflective card)
  • Method 2. With Note-Book (reflector card inside notebook)
  • Method 3. With Bare Hands (mirror/reflector on back of hand)
1976 28
Orville Wayne Meyer Page Peek
1977 4
Orville Wayne Meyer The PR Device design for peek wallet
Inspired by 1978
Magick (Issue 204)
Frederick M. Shields Stratagem design duplication, glimpsing the design with the aid of a stationary box for blank cards
Magick (Issue 214)
C. L. Boarde Peek-A-Boo Jr. using a peek mirror
1978 127
Lee Noble Hind-Sight special pair of glasses, mirror
Magick (Issue 226)
Larry Becker Spectromental
  • Effect #1: color of poker chip in cardboard box is predicted, other two are divined
  • Effect #2: drawing in cardboard box is divined
Variations 1979 44
Glimpse Through Envelope thin paper
1979 8
Karroll Priest Midnight Madness design duplication, with optical illusion disc, mirror
Magick (Issue 272)
Basil Horwitz The Challenge Book Test spectator takes any book and choses any word, which he writes on a blank card, word is divined
Related toAlso published here 1981 9
Jonathan Yarbrough Touch of Class design duplication, case for business cards as shiner
Magick (Issue 274)
Gordon Hoener Split Image wide angle mirror as shiner, design duplication
Magick (Issue 292)
Al Mann Peeking Envelope with window
1982 2
Daniel Kalanowski X-Ray as Daniel Kalinowski, deck switched to deck with holes in center, peek
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. Special #3)
Alessandro de Luca, Theophil "Philius" Weidmann Klein - aber oho! spectator writes word on torn cover of matchbook, which is then placed behind matches, word is divined
1983 15
David Lederman Pineal Device using business cards, shiner
Apr. 1985
Magick (Issue 350)
El Encantador Blinker design duplication using small boxes of color crayons, shiner
Dec. 1985
Magick (Issue 362)
Bruce Bernstein Picture Duplication drawing on card placed in small envelope which is then crumbled into ball
Also published here 1985 7
Richard Osterlind The Osterlind Utility Gimmick plastic shiner
July 1988
Magick (Issue 408)
Richard Osterlind Shadow Images
Dec. 1988
Magick (Issue 414)
Jonathan Cooke Dark Mirror design divination, special shiner
June 1989
Magick (Issue 424)
David Lederman View Point shiner model on business card, design duplication
Aug. 1989
Magick (Issue 426)
Basil Horwitz Der Horwitz-Buchtest spectator takes any book and choses any word, which he writes on a blank card, word is divined
Also published here July 1990
Intermagic (Vol. 15 No. 3)
Ross Johnson Kross Out the Sins of Omission drawing, number and word written down and sealed in envelopes before the show are divined
Inspired by
  • "Sins of Omission" (Dan Huffman, Linking Ring, Vol. 67 No. 11, Nov. 1987)
Related to
1991 79
Docc Hilford Destiny's Daughter peek business card case, divination of word, à la Jaks Wallet
Feb. 1992
Magick (Issue 467)
Larry White Get The Picture peek envelope, mirror flap
1992 83
Larry Becker Boxxed method to peek inside box sealed with rubber bands, two effects, divination of number of dice and of playing card
Inspired by 1992 317
Jonathan Cooke Recycled Thoughts: Business Card Business using stack of business cards, glimpse under handkerchief, short card
Nov. 1992
Vibrations (Vol. 15 No. 5)
Richard Osterlind Mirrored Darkly design duplication using pendulum and business card case
June 1993
Magick (Issue 490)
Ted Lesley Black Magic method to read information of business card, card placed inside envelope, using stack of cards
Also published here
  • "Magische Welt" Vol. 27, No1. 1978. P. 27.
1994 89
Roberto Giobbi Weitere Ideen further ideas for using a money clip as shiner
1994 (ca.) 7
Book page glimpse
Labyrinth (Issue 4)
Alan Nguyen, Gene "Phantini" Grant Peek Bank fair choice of page for spectator (forcing bank), performer can divine thought-of word
Related to
  • Name? (Charles H. Miller, The Linking Ring, ca. 1960)
Labyrinth (Issue 4)
Steven Brehe The Pendulum Glimpse question written on business card is mixed with other cards, answered by performer using pendulum and runes
Jan. 1995
Vibrations (Vol. 17 No. 7)
Richard Bartram, Jr. Mullica Peek with Mullica Wallet
1997 141
Paul Rosini Gesture-Remark Glimpse
Related to 2001 8
Max Gordon Credit Check credit cards in envelopes, pseudo psychometry and number of last card is divined
Syzygy (Vol. 5 No. 11)
Robert Cassidy The Black Book of Light Cornelius' Thought Transmitter gimmick in book
2002 9
Robert Cassidy A Remote Peek city and name are written on card an card placed inside a Jaks wallet, information is divined
2003 9
Robert Cassidy Business Card Telepathy information written on business card is divined, stack of business cards
2004 106
Wonder Man Fred I'm Looking Through You reworking a "Coin Deck" to function as a peeking device
2004 221
Paolo Cavalli W.D.W. Book Test impromptu book test, pen put inside book to select a page
2005 44
Patrick Page Pocketed Cards three cards are placed in different pockets, cards and locations are divined
2011 91
Dr. Stanley Jaks "Another" Touch divination of year and name, both written down by performer and spectator on cards, with card stand, glimpse with mirror
Also published here Nov./Dec. 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 11 & 12)
Bruce Bernstein Picture Duplication #1 drawing on card placed in small envelope which is then crumbled into ball
Also published here 2012 10
Dr. Stanley Jaks Another Touch divination of year and name, both written down by performer and spectator on cards, with card stand, glimpse with mirror
Also published here 2014 95
Dr. Stanley Jaks Private Reading Plus peek wallet
Variations 2014 207
Dr. Stanley Jaks Taped selected objects, one selected and put in a pill box which is attached to an index card with scotch tape, object is divined
Also published here 2014 230
Larry Becker Peeking a Drawing
2016 86
Andy (The Jerx) Passion of Donny Ackerman Divine word written on billet - presentation is about stopping time. Spectator feels a tickle on hand during the moment time stopped
2016 83
Andy (The Jerx) Shutterlock Divine words written on billet - presentation involves taking a group photo of spectators imagining reacting to the words they wrote
2016 97
Alex Ng Rubik's Playmate Spectator thinks of a color on a Rubik's cube and an animal, magician produces a photo prediction of that animal in that color
2016 76
Anthony Owen The Caravan Peek peek with business cards
2017 85
Philipp Ganglberger Design Duplication close-up design duplication on small blank cards, performer stops spectator at card with his drawing and the duplicates it
2018 3
Allan Ackerman A Cheap Thought "(An inexpensive thought transmitter)"
information written on a business card by spectator, it is lost in a stack of cards, performer secretly glimpses it
Inspired by
  • marketed Harvey Rosenthal item from the 1960s
Also published here
2019 59
Michael Weber, Tim Trono C drawing on a business card which is placed between two credit cards is divined, glimpsing method
  • Other Drawing Materials
  • Alternative Glimpses
  • Choice of Subject Matter
  • Bonus C Handling (with drinking glass)
  • History
Inspired by
  • "Ghostwriter II" (Max Maven)
2022 1
Allan Ackerman A Cheap Thought information written on a business card by spectator, it is lost in a stack of cards, performer secretly glimpses it
Also published here 2024 [25]
Allan Ackerman A Cheap Thought information written on a business card by spectator, it is lost in a stack of cards, performer secretly glimpses it
Also published here 2024 162