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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Dr. Jacob Daley Reverse Transfer card in pocket with card reversed in deck
Variations 1940 35
Second Dealing - Method 2
Variations 1942 190
Manuel The Four Coin Flourish roll out
Related to 1943 139
Edward Marlo The Clip Steal
Related to
  • "An Old Card Effect" (The Magic Wand, Vol. 22 No. 159, Oct/Nov 1933, p. 140)
  • Hatton & Plate
1957 22
Dai Vernon Five Coin Star
Related to 1957 98
Dai Vernon To Palm a Card from the Pack with the Gambler's Palm
Variations 1961 40
Dai Vernon One-handed Card Change to gambler's palm
Variations 1961 66
Edward Marlo, Getting into the Palm Positions from deck, ten methods: Rear Angle Palm (Tenkai type) & Rear Flat Palm (Gambler's Flat Palm)
Variations 1961 6
Edward Marlo Marlo's Card Switch isolated card(s) are switched for palmed card(s)
Variations 1961 24
Albert "Alwelli" Wetzel Festspiele der Zauberkunst in Bad Neuenahr on the convention in Bad Neuenahr, Anverdi, Salwaro, Hemeri, Bert Garden, Peter Stockhammer, Ron MacMillan, Roberto, Al PReston, Fritz Leipold, Mr. Cox, Geoffrey Buckingham, Peter Berto, Harry Thiery, Piet Forton, Kurt Hufenbach, Hans Mirbach, Franz Braun, Punx
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 24 No. 6)
Edward Marlo Marlo's Variations of the Shank Shuffle three variations
Variations 1972 12
Karl Fulves Close Call four card prediction, total predicts position of selection
Related toVariationsAlso published here
  • "Close Call" (Linking Ring, Sept. 1974)
1974 12
Karl Fulves The Educated Poker Hand different presentation for "Experiment #1"
Variations 1977 242
Karl Fulves Lottery spectator chooses right card to fill a 21 hand
Related toVariations 1977 258
Glimpse flicker glimpse
Inspired byRelated to 1977 54
Willy "Tex Williams" Peter Festival "Magic" Montreux 77 on the Swiss magic convention in Montreux ,Pavel, Guy Froideveaux, Henk Meister, Jean Garance, Pat Page, Dr. Zelpi, Milton, All Kelly, Durowa, Böttcher, A. Robert, Gil et Jane, Dominique Gygax, Liliane Dill, Jean Pierre Nicod, Binarelli, Jean de Merry. Robert Danau, Gérard Majax, Les Andreals, Fantasios, Ali Bongo, Gasbor, Nussbaumer, Paul Mauerhofer, Ron MacMillan
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 38 No. 3)
Jean-Pierre Nicod Conference de Ron MacMillan on the lecture of Ron MacMillan at the convention in Montreux
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 38 No. 3)
Dan MacMillan Preface on crediting correctly
Related to 1977
Dan MacMillan The Gamblers' Palm discussion of position
1977 1
Dan MacMillan Palm Transfer from Rear Angle Palm to Gamblers' Palm
1977 3
Dan MacMillan Palm Transfer to Master Palm from Gamblers' Palm
1977 3
Dan MacMillan Palm Transfer to the Gamblers' Palm from a Clip Steal
1977 4
Dan MacMillan Palm Transfer from Gamblers' Palm to Clip Palm
1977 5
Dan MacMillan Ribbon Spread Card Add as spread is scooped up
1977 5
Dan MacMillan In the Hands Spread Replacement
1977 5
Dan MacMillan Rear Angle Palm Replacement to top
Inspired by 1977 7
Dan MacMillan Center Card Add palmed card inserted in center
1977 7
Dan MacMillan The Gamblers' Thumb Break breaking off a single card with a break from cards in flat palm
  • Gamblers' Drop-Off 1
  • Gamblers' Drop-Off 2
  • Gamblers' Drop-Off 3
  • Center Drop-Off 1
  • Center Drop-Off 2
  • Center Drop-Off 3
Inspired by 1977 9
Dan MacMillan The Flexible Palm first finger takes hold of corner at thumb
Inspired byRelated to 1977 12
Dan MacMillan Palm Transfer from Gamblers' Palm to Flexible Palm and Back Again
  • Example 1 (holding deck in End Grip with card in Flexible Palm)
  • Example 2 (holding deck in perpendicular End Grip with card in Flexible Palm, Hindu Shuffling)
  • Example 3 (ribbon spreading deck with palmed card)
  • Example 4 (maintaining thumb break as above)
  • Example 5 (riffle shuffling on the table with palmed card)
1977 13
Dan MacMillan Partial Packet Replacement replacing one card of palmed packet
1977 17
Dan MacMillan Side Steal to Flexible Palm
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 1977 17
Dan MacMillan Card to Wallet Handling
1977 18
Dan MacMillan Secret Card Add adding card from gambler's flat palm to small packet
Variations 1977 19
Dan MacMillan Close Call four card prediction, total predicts position of selection
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1977 21
Dan MacMillan Misdirection Card Add adding palmed cards during counting or dealing action
1977 23
Dan MacMillan One Hand Turn Over Switch
VariationsAlso published here 1977 24
Dan MacMillan The Shuffle Palm tabled riffle shuffle
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1977 28
Dan MacMillan The Gamblers' Cull culled cards are palmed off into flat palm
1977 30
Dan MacMillan Reverse Transfer card reversed in center transposes with card in pocket
Inspired by 1977 32
Dan MacMillan The Flexible Card Switch switching single cards, packets, or partial switches of packets or single cards with multiple palmed cards, eleven handling
Inspired by 1977 33
Dan MacMillan The Suit Named suit named, card chosen and suit written on its back, repeated with other suits, the cards turn out to be the matching Aces
1977 37
Dan MacMillan Thot Card to Pocket Variation lazy man's card to pocket
1977 39
Dan MacMillan Card to Number number between ten and twenty named, performer cuts off that many card and selection is at that position
1977 39
Dan MacMillan Dunbury's Delusion
1977 40
Dan MacMillan Bottom Deal Tip reducing noice
1977 41
Dan MacMillan Shank Bottom Transfer bottom block transfer
  • Technique 1
  • Technique 2
  • Technique 3
Inspired by 1977 42
Dan MacMillan Centop Change card in hand with card in-jogged from center
1977 45
Dan MacMillan Right Hand One Hand Side Steal one-hand top palm action from center
1977 46
Dan MacMillan Left Hand Side Steal card pushed out in one-hand top palm action from center, then deck placed in left hand to palm card
1977 47
Dan MacMillan The Pick Up picking up right-hand fourth finger break at selection, end grip
1977 48
Dan MacMillan Dribble Pick Up picking up right-hand fourth finger break at selection, end grip
1977 49
Dan MacMillan A Novel Control center Vernon transfer onto tabled cards as they are picked up and placed on top
1977 50
Peter Wilker, Peter Kläui Magisches aus aller Welt news from all around the world, Magic Castle, Paul Curry, Doug Henning, Dariel Fitzkee, Morine Vickers, Houdini, Ron MacMillan, Pavel, William Stickland, Robert Garbin, Circo Americano
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 39 No. 1)
Edward Marlo Marlo's Covered Deck Switch
Related toVariations 1979 113
Fred Robinson Oasis on Walt Lees, Donald Crombie, Eric Mason, Obie O'Brien, Derek Dingle, Bill Spooner, Ron MacMillan
Jan. 1979
Pabular (Vol. 5 No. 1)
Fred Robinson Oasis on Ron MacMillan International Day of Magic, tip by Piet Forton, Dai Vernon, Ron Wilson, Richard Turner, Juan Tamariz, Juan Anton
Nov. 1979
Pabular (Vol. 5 No. 11)
Walt Lees Walt Lees Reporting on Ron MacMillan's International Magic Day, Gert Malmros, Ron Wilson, Al Goshman, Piet Forton, Juan Tamariz, Rovi, Camillo, Roxy, Aurelio Paviato, Count Della Ragione, Ger Cooper, Dick Koornwinder, Steve Hamilton
June 1980
Pabular (Vol. 6 No. 6)
Ron MacMillan The MacMillan Miracle movable flap
1980 25
Rudolf "Don Curano" Künzli Ken Brooke - Blackpool und One-day Voncention on the Ken Brooke celebration show and the Blackpool convention, Terry Herbert, Danny Ray, Joe Riding, Andrew O'Connor, David Hemingway, Carl Franz & Pat, Philippe Fialho, Mark Raffles, Ken Brooke, Don Curano, Al Goshman, Mark Haslam, Shaun McCree, Gaeton Bloom, Rovi, Ron MacMillan, Wayne Dobson, Henk Meesters, Phoa Yan Tiong, Roger John & Cynthia, Terri Rogers, Vito Lupo, Finn Jon
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 41 No. 2)
Ron MacMillan Coins for Manipulation general remarks
1981 15
Ron MacMillan Coins for Back Palming
1981 15
Ron MacMillan Coins for Spreads and Moves
1981 15
Ron MacMillan Coins for Juggling
1981 15
Ron MacMillan Shower Coins
1981 16
Ron MacMillan Getting a Coin into the Classic Palm
1981 17
Ron MacMillan Classic Palming More than One Coin and releasing one by one, brief
1981 18
Ron MacMillan Producing Coins from the Classic Palm releasing one by one, tips on productions
1981 18
Ron MacMillan Placing a Coin into the Finger Palm
1981 22
Ron MacMillan Finger Palming a Stack of Coins
1981 22
Ron MacMillan Placing a Single Coin in the Upper Downs Palm
1981 23
Ron MacMillan Throw Vanish to Downs Palm
1981 24
Ron MacMillan The Upper Downs Palm for a Stack of Coins
1981 26
Ron MacMillan Placing a Stack of Coins into the Upper Downs Palm
1981 26
Ron MacMillan The Production of Single Coins from a Stack in the Upper Downs Palm also with a glass
1981 26
Ron MacMillan Placing a Coin into the Lower Downs Palm
1981 29
Ron MacMillan Ron MacMillan's Vanish with the Lower Downs Palm
1981 30
Ron MacMillan The Lower Downs Palm with a Stack of Coins
1981 32
Ron MacMillan Production of Single Coins from a Stack in the Lower Downs Palm
1981 33
Ron MacMillan Lower Downs Palm Acquitment secret transfer of a stack of coins under cover of passing an object
1981 33
Ron MacMillan Spread Vanish using The Downs Palm
1981 34
Allan Shaw, Ron MacMillan Reproducing the Coins - Allan Shaw Method four coins one by one, single handed
1981 37
Geoffrey Buckingham, Ron MacMillan The Multiple Back Palm
1981 42
Ron MacMillan Getting the Coins into the Multiple Back Palm
1981 43
Ron MacMillan Producing the last Coin
1981 46
Ron MacMillan The Spread comments
1981 49
Ron MacMillan The Basic Spread four coin roll out
1981 49
Ron MacMillan The MacMillan Spread four coin roll out
1981 50
Ron MacMillan Over The Head four coins are tossed one at a time, over the head and caught in the other hand behind the back. The coins are shown spread between the fingers
1981 52
Ron MacMillan Spread Vanish and Coin Star
1981 54
Ron MacMillan Coin Roll or "Steeplechase"
1981 57
Ron MacMillan Alternative Handling for the coin roll

1981 58
Ron MacMillan Palming Excercise palm + coin roll
1981 59
Ron MacMillan The Coin Juggling Throw the coins wil spin in the air for some seconds as in Pierre Brahma's act
1981 61
Ron MacMillan Producing a Coin from the Rear of Thumb Palm
Related to 1981 65
Ron MacMillan Shower Production
1981 66
Ron MacMillan Between the Fingers two coins between the fingers, similar to a billard ball + shell vanish
1981 67
Ron MacMillan The Coin Star
Related to 1981 68
Ron MacMillan Holders comments
1981 72
Ron MacMillan Dip Pockets similar to Robert-Houdin's "Pochettes"
1981 72
Ron MacMillan Servantes for Pick Up Steals comments on pick up steals
1981 73
Ron MacMillan Putting Together an Act
1981 75
Ron MacMillan Dress comments on what to wear
1981 75
Ron MacMillan Disposition of Loads
1981 75
Ron MacMillan Apparatus and Pick Up Load
1981 77
Ron MacMillan Ron MacMillan's Professional Coin Routine with gloves and a bucket, productions, vanishes and flourishes
1981 78
Ken Simmons, Dan MacMillan A Technical Variation of the Secret Card Add from Gambler's Palm
  • As a Tabled Turnover
Inspired by 1981 17
Ken Simmons, Dan MacMillan OHTOS as a Packet Switch just a note
Inspired by 1981 19
Dan MacMillan The Pen-tastic Move writing with card palmed
1981 22
Dan MacMillan The Educated Poker Hand card travels from Royal Flush packet to deck
Inspired by 1981 49
Dan MacMillan Lottery three cards face-down on table, spectator puts ace on the right one to complete a blackjack hand
Inspired byVariations 1981 50
Ken Simmons Playing Against Odds spectator selects right card from 5-card packet to complete blackjack hand, three methods
Inspired by 1981 51
Dan MacMillan On the "Sleeved Card Retrieval" correction
Related to 1981 57
Dan MacMillan Spread Lap - First Method during ribbon spread & turnover flourish
1981 12
Dan MacMillan Hung Card Retrieval on knee, into palm position
1981 23
Dan MacMillan Sleeved Card Retrieval added to deck as it is cut onto table
Related to 1981 25
Dan MacMillan Improved Shuffle Palm during tabled riffle shuffle
Inspired by 1981 29
Dan MacMillan The Flexible Palm palm position
Related to 1981 34
Dan MacMillan Side Steal to Flexible Palm center steal
Inspired byAlso published here 1981 36
Dan MacMillan One Hand Turnover Switch
Also published here 1981 37
Dan MacMillan A Slew of Cannibal Moves two jacks and two kings eat the four queens, then kings eat jacks as well, movey
  • Alternate Handling
  • A Set-up Procedrue for "A Slew of Cannibal Moves"
1981 53
MacMillan MacMillan Slip Cut top card is sidejoged
1982 31
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Modern Art Of Coin Manipulation by MacMillan (written by Walt Lees) Oct. 1982
Epoptica (Issue 2)
Olaf Spell The Magic Hands Fachkongresse - Böblingen - 7.+ 8. + 9.1'83 Magic Hands convention report, Manfred Thumm, Davido, Ritsko van Vliet, Marconick, Magic Christian, Henk Driessen, Joro, Ali Bongo, Peter-Heinz Kersten, Maurice Pierre, Alberto Sitta, Henk Vermeyden, Jean Garance, Lo Button & Tamara, Les Bellinis, Brigitte Varga, Yogana, Jean-Pierre Stilli, Al Goshman, Tony Spina, Fred Simson, Peter Schwarz, Gerd Maron, Ron MacMillan, Primo Grotti, Jean Regil, Blackwits, Gerard Majax, Topper Martyn, Socrate
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 44 No. 2)
Edward Marlo Technical Variant Side-Steal
Inspired by 1984 167
Schweizer Zauberer in London on the MacMillan convention, Ron MacMillan, Roberto Giobbi, David Williamson, Al Goshman, Bob Read, Petrick, Jan Torell, Agapis, Bellachini XIII, Piet Forton, Wulf Listenow, Roger Bernheim
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 46 No. 2)
Dan MacMillan Modified Version of Marlo's Covered Deck Switch
Inspired by 1986 56
Dan MacMillan Visual Retention Poker Hand Switch Gambler's Palm
1986 58
Dan MacMillan Pressure Fan Cull during the square up
Variations 1986 61
Dan MacMillan Pick Up Add On with card(s) to be added resting on knee
1986 64
Dan MacMillan Punch Me Again glue, with (obvious) "Marlo Suggestion"
1986 67
Edward Marlo, Dan MacMillan Marlo on Dan MacMillan's Switch
Inspired by 1986 68
Edward Marlo Olram's Fan Cull
Inspired by 1986 71
Pat Conway Coin and Tin Penetration
Also published here
  • Ron MacMillan's "Magic Info" of Oct. 1972
1987 144
Pat Conway Catch One invisible cigarette becomes visible
Also published here
  • Ron MacMillan's "Magic Info"
1987 145
Edward Marlo The Drop-Off releasing cards singly from group of Tenkai palmed cards
Variations 1988 48
Johnny "J.J." Johnston Ron MacMillan's International Day of Magic: 16th December 1987 "A Very Personal View"
Jan. 1988
Opus (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Ian Keable-Elliott (reviewer) Lectures at Ron MacMillan's International Day of Magic by Davide Costi Jan. 1988
Opus (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Ian Keable-Elliott (reviewer) Lectures at Ron MacMillan's International Day of Magic by Stephen Tucker Jan. 1988
Opus (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Ian Keable-Elliott (reviewer) Lectures at Ron MacMillan's International Day of Magic by Jay Scott Berry Jan. 1988
Opus (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Johnny "J.J." Johnston Editorial MacMillan's Day
Feb. 1991
Opus (Vol. 3 No. 8)
Edward Marlo Variations of a Palm tabled, during riffle shuffle
  • Basic Start Position
  • To Palm Off the Top Cards
  • Into Other Palm Positions
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here 1995 252
Elizabeth Warlock Ron & Martin MacMillan's International Magic Convention
Feb. 1995
Magic (Vol. 4 No. 6)
Ken Simmons Ken's Corner Joshua Jay one-man issue, Dan MacMillan, Jason England
Inspired by Jan. 1999
Onyx (Issue 6)
Dan MacMillan Dealing Fifths! false dealing demo, Ace through Five on top of deck, requires thirds
Variations Apr. 1999
Onyx (Issue 7)
Dan MacMillan Third Deal Tips brief
Inspired by Apr. 1999
Onyx (Issue 7)
Jason England Variation false dealing demo, Ace through Five on top of deck, requires thirds
Inspired by Apr. 1999
Onyx (Issue 7)
Dan MacMillan, Edward Marlo Full Deck Control riffle shuffle and two cuts, delayed strip-out
Related to Apr. 1999
Onyx (Issue 7)
Wesley James MacMillan Unmoved false dealing demo, Ace through Five on top of deck
Inspired by July 1999
Onyx (Issue 8)
Dan MacMillan From Dan MacMillan
Related to Dec. 1999
Onyx (Issue 9)
Paul Cummins Onyx Convention Coverage Dan MacMillan, Allan Ackerman, Jerry Andrus, Ernest Earick, Ken Simmons, Roger Klause
Dec. 1999
Onyx (Issue 9)
Aaron Goldberg Sim-Sala-Simmons four card prediction, total predicts position of selection
Inspired byAlso published here Dec. 1999
Onyx (Issue 9)
Aaron Goldberg Sim Sala Simmons four card prediction, total predicts position of selection
Inspired byAlso published here 1999 35
Dan MacMillan One Handed Turn Over Switch
Also published here 1999 26
Jack McMillen The MacMillan Slip covered slip cut after double lift, top card remains side-jogged
Variations June 2000
Onyx (Issue 11)
Wesley James The MacMillen-James Slip slip cut with top card side-jogged, switched for second card
Inspired by June 2000
Onyx (Issue 11)
Ken Simmons Technical Variation of the MacMillan One-Hand Turnover Switch
Inspired by June 2000
Onyx (Issue 11)
Mark Lewis The Mark Lewis Svengali Routine eight phases, with credit commentary on each phase (Ali Bongo, Ron MacMillan, Eric Ward, Johnny Neptune, Nelson Holt, Sammy Holmes, David Cronin)
2001 20
Mark Lewis On Ron MacMillan
2001 23
Davide Costi Testimonials of Racherbaumer, Lavand, Ascanio, Garrett, Shewan, MacMillan
2004 19
Martin MacMillan Publisher's note
2004 431
David Regal, Jason England Speaking Volumes
Related to June 2005
Genii (Vol. 68 No. 6)
Johnny "J.J." Johnston My friend, mentor, patron... on Ron MacMillan
Nov. 2005
Opus (Vol. 5 No. 12)
Walt Lees Random Reminiscences of Ron on Ron MacMillan
Nov. 2005
Opus (Vol. 5 No. 12)
Allec Blanco The Mac Control (inspired by the MacMillan Switch) Card placed in deck, shown to be on top
2015 7
Steve Forte table-riffle palm off the top during tabled riffle shuffle
Related to 2020 576
Ron MacMillan Back Thumb-Palm Retrieval
Related to 2020 418
Nancy Colwell Interrupted MacMillan Switch
Inspired by 2021 34
Dan MacMillan One Hand Turn Over Switch brief, without folding
Also published here 2022 4
Dan MacMillan One Hand Turn Over Switch brief, without folding
Also published here 2023 11