  • 1939-1952: Hans Ernst
  • 1952-1959: Oscar Rey
  • 1960-1961: Hans Ernst
  • 1961-1964: Hans Herrmann
  • 1964-1966: Willy Peter
  • 1966-1967: Peter Wilker
  • 1967-1969: William Weyeneth
  • 1970-1975: Dr. Gaston Borgeaud
  • 1975-1985: Peter Wilker
  • 1986-1995: Paul Maurer
Written by Various
Work of Various
1,647 pages (Stapled), published by Selfpublished
Illustrated with photographs and drawings
Language: German, French
3,370 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Issue Year Page Categories
Paul Maurer Mitteilung der Redaktion
Vol. 48 No. 4&5 1987 134
Paul Maurer Rolf Andra on Rolf Andra's 80th birthday
Vol. 48 No. 4&5 1987 134
Paul Maurer Willy von Sury on Yrus birthday
Vol. 48 No. 4&5 1987 135
Paul Maurer Die Nacht der 1000 Wunder on the Werner Hornung show in Zürich, Horst Gille, Oguz Engin, Belini, Duo Delgado, Allan & Babs, Fred Bolz, Duo Valer, Rico Leitner, Alessandro de Luca, Lajos Mihailik, Die Fernandos, Pascal
Vol. 48 No. 4&5 1987 136
Robert Kaldy-Karo 2. Internationales Magiertreffen in Klagenfurt vom 20. und 21. Juni 1987 on the magic convention in Klagenfurt, Dieter Fradl, Harry Moser, Tony Reisner, Lubor Fiedler
Vol. 48 No. 4&5 1987 144
Christoph Borer 1. Zaubermatinée im Zaubertürmli Grenchen on a public show in Grenchen, Sveroni, Pino Pan, Christoph Borer
Vol. 48 No. 4&5 1987 146
Robert Kaldy-Karo Bericht über das 10. Wiener-Stadtfest am 2. Mai 1987 on the magic show in Vienna, Karo & Doré, Reinhard Wunderbaldinger, Inge Pawone, Timoor & Sabine, Heinz Thiel, Duo Simon, Aga, Masters of Sensation
Vol. 48 No. 4&5 1987 148
Giovanni de Francesco Steyr: 4. Magisches Wochenende vom 1.-3. Mai 1987 on the magic convention in Steyr, Wolfgang Oeller, Heinz Wizardo, Chriistian Wiedemann, Boretti, Eckhart Böttcher, Wolfgang Prix, Rudolf Braunmüller, Willi Mexiko, Rudolf Konthur & Ann, Gerd Maron, Alexander, Ute Puchinger, Dieter Fradl, Waltini, Mecki
Vol. 48 No. 4&5 1987 150
Paul Maurer Max Giebe on Max Giebe
Vol. 48 No. 4&5 1987 153
Max Giebe "So geht das!" card placed inside card box, performer mimes to tear corner of card and corner appears on a paddle, corner missing on card inside card box, card is then restored
Vol. 48 No. 4&5 1987 153
Diabelli Erklärung für: Pendeln ganz verrückt (HOPO Juni 1987 explanation for pendulum in bottles
Related to Vol. 48 No. 4&5 1987 155
Hans-Gerhard Stumpf Rote Schrift und Augenbinde billets written with black or red ink, blindfolded performer divines color and also content of billet with red ink
Vol. 48 No. 4&5 1987 156
Roxy, Jean de Merry Super Triple Prediction prediction of chosen city, name and number, using svengali pads
Vol. 48 No. 4&5 1987 159
Johannes Held Die Tierjagd paper with different animals, spelling to find chosen animal
Vol. 48 No. 4&5 1987 163
Christoph Borer (reviewer) New Wave Close Up by Thomas HierlingRelated to Vol. 48 No. 4&5 1987 165
Paul Maurer Buchbesprechungen
Vol. 48 No. 4&5 1987 167
Paul Maurer (reviewer) Zombie-Schwebetechnik by Ralf "Braco" Wichmann Vol. 48 No. 4&5 1987 167
Paul Maurer (reviewer) Als ob’s die Geister wären! by Jochen Zmeck Vol. 48 No. 4&5 1987 168
Paul Maurer (reviewer) "Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung" by Perkeo Vol. 48 No. 4&5 1987 168
Paul Maurer (reviewer) Close up by Rudolf Konthur Vol. 48 No. 4&5 1987 169
Paul Maurer (reviewer) Zauberei mit Kreditkarten by Robert Kaldy-Karo Vol. 48 No. 4&5 1987 169
Paul Maurer (reviewer) Fantasia in As-Dur by Roberto Giobbi Vol. 48 No. 4&5 1987 170
Paul Maurer Pot-Au-Feu on Piet Forton, Karo & Doré, Retonio, Jean Michel Cahtery, Primera, Roberto Giobbi, Magie à Genève, Pavel, Mc Saimn, Almeico, Christoph Borer, Wilker's Magische Blätter, Ivan Starcevic, Hermanion, Santo & Monique, Chris Maurer, Marco Tempest & Midi Gottet
Vol. 48 No. 4&5 1987 173
Roberto Giobbi Seminaranzeige: Neues Seminar von Steve Tucker in Basel on upcoming lecture by Steve Tucker in Basel
Vol. 48 No. 4&5 1987 185
Vol. 48 No. 4&5 1987 186
Rico Leitner Ein Wort des Präsidenten on Peter Wilker, Magischer Club Bern, Almeico, Olaf Spell, Roberto Giobbi, followed by french and italian translation
  • Un mot du président
  • Una parola deI presidente
Vol. 48 No. 6 1987 190
Abschied obituary of Gasbor, followed by french and italian translation
  • De Profundis
Vol. 48 No. 6 1987 195
Paul Maurer Dr. Gaston Borgeaud obituary of Gasbor / Gaston Borgeaud
Vol. 48 No. 6 1987 196
Walter "Waltini" Schällebaum Gästeabend des Zauberrings Basel - 21.11.1987 im "Volkshaus" Basel on a public show by the magic club of Basel, Kinos, Pit, Rondo, Charly Kadevi, Mister Piks, Mino, Cherry Maxim, Jackie Steel, Rolf Andra
Vol. 48 No. 6 1987 198
Georg Tobler Gala de Magie - Galerie der Magier on a public show by the magic club of Berne, Joro, MR. Wladimir, Olaf Spell, Pythagoras, Sandro, Siderato, Zoran Nikolin, Jambo & Malaika, Cherry Maxim
Vol. 48 No. 6 1987 200
Paul Maurer Pavel's "Magie à Genève 1987"
Vol. 48 No. 6 1987 202
Christoph Borer 7. Magie à Genève on the magic convention in Geneva, Pavel, Gaeton Bloom, Mac Fink, Devil, Claude Rix
Vol. 48 No. 6 1987 202
Norbert Blanchard Magie à Genève on the magic convention in Geneva, Pavel, Gaeton Bloom
Vol. 48 No. 6 1987 204
Jean de Merry Magie à Genève - 1987 on the magic convention in Geneva, Pavel, Gaeton Bloom, Mac Fink, Devil, Almeico, Hornecker, Albert Charra, Jean-Yves Prost, Claude Pahud, Paul Maurer, Bertrand Frank, Christoph Borer, Marc & Eric, Christian Scherer, Peter Wilker, Gil Mystère, Najaros, Marvin Roy, Claude Rix, Michel Fontaine, Rob-Suvac, Geo Ray, Tony Yann
Vol. 48 No. 6 1987 206
Rico Leitner Magic Week-End in St. Gallen on magic convention in St. Gallen, Roberto Giobbi, Heinz Müller, Binocchi, Toni
Vol. 48 No. 6 1987 209
Theophil "Philius" Weidmann Der Traum von Krems on the magic convention in Krems, Kurt Baldrian, Herbert Mayer, Dixon, Leonhard Kubizeck, Yoshe Tomo, Piet Forton, Edernac, Bob Little, Aldo Colombini, Magic Christian, Ricki & Nelson, Brigitte Varga, George Fleury, Peki, Al Carthy, Peter Lodynski, Roy Roth
Vol. 48 No. 6 1987 211
Willy "Tex Williams" Peter Kongress österreichischer Magier in Krems - Der Wettbewerb on the magic competition in Krems, Helen & Wolf Prix, Luigi Pasquini, Peter Haas, Rumpelstilz, Duo Szabo, Miran Plohl, Vladimir Mikek, Topas, G. Scharnböcl, Meki, L. Gartner
Vol. 48 No. 6 1987 213
Rainer "Mara" Binder 5. IBM-Magic-Day in Kornwestheim on the IBM convention in Kornwestheim, Michael Holerried, Dixon, Andy, Juno, Feuermayer, Andre Pascal, Alexander Wirsching
Vol. 48 No. 6 1987 214
Christoph Borer Das Wunder - Struktur eines Phänomens on astonishment / wonder
  • 1. Ist es überhaupt nötig, Wunder vorzuführen?
  • 2. Was ist ein Wunder?
  • 3. Wie kann ich dem Zuschauer helfen, ein Wunder zu erleben?
Vol. 48 No. 6 1987 216
Pascal "Noch 'was völlig verrücktes" spectator looks through the flame of a candle and apparently sees his own brain, optical illusion
Related to Vol. 48 No. 6 1987 219
Jean de Merry Le Sourcier tap plug placed on thumb, when turned water flows from fist
Vol. 48 No. 6 1987 221
David Solomon Double Retournement two cards turn over, spectator and performer take have the deck and put selected card in other half
Vol. 48 No. 6 1987 221
Larry Becker Simpli-City two sets of sixteen business cards with names of cities written on them, Do As I Do and prediction in envelope
Also published here Vol. 48 No. 6 1987 223
Paul Maurer Pot-au-feu on Arsene Lupin, Helmut Ziegler, Tony reisner, Salvano, Robert Blake, Bert Rex, Bruno rodriguez, Duo Bastino, Michael Konieczny, Rolf Straubel, Wolfgang Grosskopf, Magic Christian, Kurt Baldrian, Karo & Doré, Chris Maurer, Dieter Fradl, Wolfgang & Elisabeth Oeller, Micky Delf, Rudolf Breissach, Waltini, Don Pedro, Don Giuseppe, Jong Bang Heng, Dittino, Luzio, Fernando, Karin Ingold, Stephen Tucker, Marc & Eric Leopoldoff, Joro, Wladimir Mikek, Jackie Steel & Athene, Cherry Maxim, Oro
Vol. 48 No. 6 1987 226
Christoph Borer (reviewer) CardPerfect by Roberto Giobbi Vol. 48 No. 6 1987 231
Paul Maurer Mitteilungen on upcoming conventions, Dr. Jaks, Pascal
Vol. 48 No. 6 1987 232
Paul Maurer Trickveröffentlichungen im HP on Jean de Merry, Rolf Andra, Pascal
Vol. 48 No. 6 1987 238
Vol. 48 No. 6 1987 239
Salvano, Waldemar Piasecki Salvano - Ein Interview mit dem grossen polnischen Künstler
Vol. 49 No. 1 1988 2
Roberto Giobbi Seminar von Salvano announcement of Salvano lecture
Vol. 49 No. 1 1988 7
Pascal «Frankaroma» contra «Zaubersalz» on a TV-Show "Grell-Pastell", Kurt Aeschbacher, Chris & Paul Maurer
Vol. 49 No. 1 1988 9
Paul Maurer Magie = Teufelswerk? on a newspaper article
Vol. 49 No. 1 1988 13
Rolf Andra «Pech» selection is placed unseen in spectator's pocket, three cards are produced to apparently divine card, the all change into mates of selection
Vol. 49 No. 1 1988 15
Rick Johnsson Les Verres Acrobates anti-gravity glasses, glasses on wallet, bills underneath can be removed without glasses falling
Vol. 49 No. 1 1988 16
Hans-Gerhard Stumpf Eine Karte durchdringt einen Hut card penetrates hat, under handkerchief
Vol. 49 No. 1 1988 20
Paul Maurer Pot-au-feu on a TV show with Jean Garance, Charles Simon, Tempest & Cottet, Mr. Cox, Magic Chris & Francis, Orsani & Martina, Philius & Jane, Marnac, Rolf Andra, Roberto Giobbi, Dr. Jaks, Robert Bluemle, Salvano, Arsène Lupin, Caroni, Aremi, Kalanag, Karo & Doré, Alberto Sitta, Jean de Merry, Olaf Spell
Vol. 49 No. 1 1988 22
Paul Maurer Mitteilungen on the upcoming convention in Winterthur 1988, Irion
Vol. 49 No. 1 1988 30
Vol. 49 No. 1 1988 32
Imre Serdult Requiem für einen stillen Zauberer obituary of Willy Gutjahr
Vol. 49 No. 2 1988 2
Lukky biographical notes on Lukky
Vol. 49 No. 2 1988 4
Robert Kaldy-Karo Wien - Magisches Soirée 1988 on the convention in Vienna, Karo, Francesco, Christoph Joachim Schröder, Thomas Fischer, Brain Foley, Tony Reisner, Harold Voit, Franz Opawsky, Rudi Heuer, Roberto, Duo Simon, The New Houdinis, Willy Seidl
  • Die Eröffnung
  • Die Seminare
  • Die Händlermesse
  • Die Gala
Vol. 49 No. 2 1988 5
Manfred Rümmele, Paul Maurer Magie Broadway on the 9. Magie Ball in Dornbirn, Rainer Kos, Manfred Himmer, Manfred Rümmele, Chris Lohner, Bonny West, Oswino & Jidette, Fernando, Artini, Alexander Floriani, Liedl's, Arsène Lupin, Chris Lohner
  • Anmerkungen der Redaktion
Vol. 49 No. 2 1988 8
Rolf Andra Ein Normal- und ein Riesenkartenspiel reversed card in jumbo deck as prediction
Vol. 49 No. 2 1988 12
Hans-Gerhard Stumpf, Mark Leveridge Gewöhnliches, Ungewöhnliches und Neues paper to bill, bill can be handed out
Vol. 49 No. 2 1988 13
Paul Maurer Buchtest calculator to access word list
Vol. 49 No. 2 1988 17
Roger Crabtree, R. Nagel Une bonne coupe! Clippo using image of a rabbit
Related to Vol. 49 No. 2 1988 20
Paul Maurer Pot-au-feu on Chris & Paul Maurer, Magic Christian, Zimi, Retonio, Lubor Fiedler, Marnac, Petwe Wilker, Peter Lodynski, Altini, Harold Voit, Magische Schatztruhe, Rudi Breisach, Wolfgang Oeller, Sascha Morelli, Tony Reisner Magic, Karo & Doré, Kalanag, Angeli, Hermanion
Vol. 49 No. 2 1988 23
Vol. 49 No. 2 1988 32
Jean de Merry Congres du Cercle Magique Suisse on the convention of the Swiss magic circle in Winterthur, Sitta, Magic Hands, Pavel, Pedro, Almeico, Jean Garance, Petrick, Liberat Vogler, Briska, Mr. Magic, Oro, Salvano, Kalos, 2 Roxys, Chris & Paul Maurer, Shahiro & Partnerin, DRT Dancers, Achmed Gumaro, Ivo Durox, Les Deux Chandras, Rico Leitner, Claude Pahud, followed by shortened german translation
  • MRS-Kongress in Winterthur
Vol. 49 No. 3 1988 2
Christoph Borer MZvD-Kongress in Triberg on the magic convention in Triberg, Roy Roth, Sir Henry & Miss Fantasia, Juno, Wladimir Mikek, Gerry, Stephan Kirschbaum, Michael Gerhardt, Jörg Weber, Max Maven, Terry Seabrooke, Bernd Menne, Manfred Geiss, Sven Richter, Chess Litten, Günther Puchinger, Jean Marc, Thierry Collet, Philius und Jane,
Vol. 49 No. 3 1988 10
Christoph Borer Exklusivwoche in Triberg on a magic holiday week in Triberg, Terry Seabrooke, Rainer Pfeiffer, Guido Schmalriede, Gerry, Christoph Borer, Max Maven, Eberhard Riese, Roberto Giobbi
Vol. 49 No. 3 1988 13
Christoph Borer Jugoslawischer Nationalkongress in Maribor on the magic convention in Maribor, Benno Strausak, Peter Wilker, Zoran Nikolin, Christoph Borer, Wladimir Mikek, Aldo Colombini, Arsène Lupin, H. Ziegler, Vasil Nacev, Christoph Borer, Barbara Prewin, Zeljiko Cor
Vol. 49 No. 3 1988 14
Jean de Merry Congrès magique à Bruxelles on the magic convention in Bruxelles, Klingsor, Pavel, Antonio Versini, Daniel Adrian, Jean de Merry, Renato & Monique, Shaun Yee & Annie, Fabian, Alipio, Jim Havilland, Bob Little, Pavel, Guy Lammertyn
Vol. 49 No. 3 1988 17
Fee Eleisa, Werner Hornung Einladung invitation / announcement to 22. magic festival in Zürich
Vol. 49 No. 3 1988 18
Gala-Show announcement for a festival in Baden-Baden organized by Werner Hornung
Vol. 49 No. 3 1988 19
Rolf Andra Birds of a Feather spectator's and performer's card end up together
Vol. 49 No. 3 1988 20
Hans-Gerhard Stumpf "Sicherlich zaubern Sie gleich ein Kaninchen aus dem Zylinderhut?" appearing paper rabbits from paper top hat
Vol. 49 No. 3 1988 20
Paul Maurer (reviewer) Zauberei mit Krawatten by Robert Kaldy-Karo Vol. 49 No. 3 1988 24
Paul Maurer Pot-au-feu on Daniel Schlatter, Rene Kaufman, Ivo Durox, Roger Linder, Louis Marino, Christoph Borer, Zoran Nikolin, Roberto Giobbi, Finn Jonn, George Schlick, Pollux, Eynar Grabowsky, Fritz, Mr. Magrée, Milo & Roger, James Randi, Moretti, Marnac, Yrus, Kravick, Pavel's Magie à Genève
Vol. 49 No. 3 1988 25
Vol. 49 No. 3 1988 32
Mr. Magrée Eindrücke des 17. Weltkongresses 1988 on FISM Den Haag, Paul Daniels, The Pendragons, Princess, Topas, Markus Gabriel, Marco Tempest, Joe Givan, John Carney, Toyohisha Saikawa, Jose Carroll, Roberto Giobbi, Gomez de la Torre, Johnny Ace Palmer
Vol. 49 No. 4&5 1988 2
Paul Maurer Unsere Preisträger on Roberto Giobbi, Markus Gabriel, Christoph Borer, Magrée, Ivan Starcevic
Vol. 49 No. 4&5 1988 5
Paul Maurer Christoph Borer - Portät eines Zauberkünstlers on Christoph Borer
Vol. 49 No. 4&5 1988 10
Paul Maurer (reviewer) Hornung-Show und Familienfest on Nacht der 1000 Wunder in Zürich, Andy, Joe Marvel, Jesse Cortona & Nicole, Cha'Peau, Topas, Fee Eleisa, Guillame Le Grand et Coco, Haraldini, Danielle Jost, Macao, Danny Slide, Perplex, Chris & Paul Maurer Vol. 49 No. 4&5 1988 12
Paul Maurer (reviewer) 30 Jahre Europa Zauber-Theater on the Werner Hornung Show in Baden Baden, Moretti, Pierre Edernac, Ali Bongo, Belini, Fee Eleisa, Dinardi Vol. 49 No. 4&5 1988 16
Eberhard Riese 10 Jahre Magische Schatztruhe on the jubilee of the "Magische Schatztruhe", Günter Klepkes, Manfred Geiss, Lo Button, Tamara, Andreas Wahler, Gorm Sautter, Hardy, Walter Diettrich, Eckhard Böttcher, Nivello, Helmut Schwank, Michiko, Martin Michalski, Ivan Starcevic, Nils Sautter, Topas, Perry, Josef & Andrea, Eberhard Riese, Maskarill, Sandra & Janine
Vol. 49 No. 4&5 1988 18
Pascal Telekinese moving needle of compass, without explanation
Related to Vol. 49 No. 4&5 1988 22
Ronald J. Dayton Le Lacet coupe changement de couleur cut and restored shoe laces and color changing laces
Related to
  • "M-U-M", February 1988.
Vol. 49 No. 4&5 1988 23
Hans-Gerhard Stumpf Drei farbige Zauberkarten three colored cards on rope are removed from rope under handkerchief, then they are placed in a folded paper and change colors
Vol. 49 No. 4&5 1988 25
Rolf Andra Die «Unglückskarte» beim Pokern cards dealt into five hands, spectator selects one card in one hand and cards are placed together, dealt again and spectator points to packet with his chosen card, as a climax performer sits on selection
Vol. 49 No. 4&5 1988 28
Audley Walsh, Paul Maurer Die ganze Familie hilft Ihnen die Karte zu finden mathematical placement, random names are spelled to, card found at last position
Related to Vol. 49 No. 4&5 1988 29
Paul Maurer « Spielkarte 111» card is selected and Happy Birthday tune can be heard
Vol. 49 No. 4&5 1988 30
Paul Maurer Ansager-Gag apparently stealing watches while welcoming people in front row
Vol. 49 No. 4&5 1988 34
Paul Maurer (reviewer) "Roberto Light" by Roberto Giobbi Vol. 49 No. 4&5 1988 35
Paul Maurer Pot-au-feu on Kurt Freitag, Max Oscar, Patrick Droude, The Great Exelsior, David Copperfield, Al Martino, Teddy Mills, Siegfried Roy, George Carl, Lance Burton, Zenker, Stevie Starr, Tempest & Codet, Paul McDaniel, Francois Fricker, Roberto Giobbi, Mc Saimon, Uri Geller, Walter Boeniger, Philius, Jackie Steel, Nicole Mour
Vol. 49 No. 4&5 1988 37
Vol. 49 No. 4&5 1988 44
Rico Leitner Zum Jahresende
  • Pour la fin de I'année
  • Per la fine dell'anno
Vol. 49 No. 6 1988 2
Claude Pahud Jubiläumskongress in Morges on upcoming convention in Morges
Vol. 49 No. 6 1988 5
Perplex Bericht vom 14. Mephisto Magic Weekend in Ostende (Belgien) on the convention in Ostende, Rocco Silano, Christian Chelman, Philippe Fedele, Pat Page, Jean-Jacques Sanvert, Chris Powers, Vito Lupo, Teddy Mills, Patrick Droude, Jacqueline, Eddy & Cie, Alpha, Bertran Lotth, Gili, Magic Boys, Eddy Allart, Yogano Junior, Yanco
Vol. 49 No. 6 1988 6
Rico Leitner Zauberei und Blumen on Fritz Stucki, Christian Scherer, Bagatello & Smartini
Also published here Vol. 49 No. 6 1988 10
Christoph Borer Kongress Iluzjinistodw Lodz, 7.-9. Oktober 1988 on the convention in Iluzjinistodw Lodz, Arsène Lupin, Rudy, Katrin Horber, S. Stamm, Helmut Ziegler, Ted Winkel, Peter Kwiatek, Frank Westphal
Vol. 49 No. 6 1988 11
Johannes Held (reviewer) Gästeabend des Magischen Klubs Sardona on the public show of the magic circle Sardona, Waltini, Tim Bel, Giovanni Eroini, Die Fernandos, Ditino, Alexander, Luzio, Don Pedro Vol. 49 No. 6 1988 13
Peter Faesi Magischer Herbst in Lugano on convention in Lugano, Borsalino, Waltini, Diego, Gigi, Arduino, Brasca, Franco, Cloclos, Dayana, Galaxy, Raoul Cremona, Lorenzo Ghezzi
Related to Vol. 49 No. 6 1988 14
Rico Leitner Magie a Geneve, 5.11.1988 on Pavel's magic convention, Almeico, Sitta, Jean-Pierre Hornecker, Jean Garance, Mimosa, Bob Little, Christoph Borer, Corally, Francesco, Jean de Merry, Geo Ray
Vol. 49 No. 6 1988 16
Rolf Andra Die 4 Asse zeigen sich magisch! four Aces are lost and found by counting and spelling
Vol. 49 No. 6 1988 18
Hans-Gerhard Stumpf Ein Westentaschen trick mit vier Kreuzen - PSI-Aktion? paper is torn into pieces, Xs dran on other piece vanish and appear on torn pieces held by spectator
Inspired by
  • Milbourne Christopher's "Transposed X's"
Vol. 49 No. 6 1988 19
Don Lawton, Jean de Merry Inflation Clippo with bills
Also published here
  • Don Lawton's "New Lines from Lawton"
Vol. 49 No. 6 1988 22
Max Giebe «Hano-»
Also published here
  • "Magie" in the 50s.
Vol. 49 No. 6 1988 25
Pascal Telekinese (Teil 2) moving needle of compass
Related to Vol. 49 No. 6 1988 26
Paul Maurer (reviewer) Diabelli's Dämonenkabinett - Allerlei Bizarres by Diabelli Vol. 49 No. 6 1988 28
Paul Maurer (reviewer) "Ich tue es auf meine Weise" by Eckhard Böttcher Vol. 49 No. 6 1988 28
Paul Maurer (reviewer) The Encyclopedic Dictionary of Magic by Bart Whaley Vol. 49 No. 6 1988 29
Paul Maurer Pot-au-feu on Roberto Giobbi, David Copperfiel, Peter Moretti, Fred Maro, Mr. Magree, Hundini, Lubor Fiedler, Hans Bechtold, James Randi, Harold Voit, Christoph Borer, Pius Küng, Pavel, Danny Slide, Kalindo, Binocchi, Romano, Gradiwohlo, Rico Leitner, Engelbert Steinhart, Stefan Handel, Stefan Hoch, Tino & Susann, Rolf Andra, Ivo Durox, Yrus , Chris & Paul, Ludwig Klaus, Max Burkhart, Elberto, Rudolf Fürrer, Stanley Jaks, Robert Kaldy-Karo, Doré Henk Vermeyden
Vol. 49 No. 6 1988 31
Vol. 49 No. 6 1988 40
J. Strohmeier MRS-Kongress in Morges on upcoming convention in Morges
  • CMS-Congres a Morges
Vol. 50 No. 1 1989 2
Rico Leitner Fleurs et Magie on Fritz Stucki, Christian Scherer, Bagatello & Smartini
Also published here Vol. 50 No. 1 1989 3
Rico Leitner, Peter Faesi Automne Magique a Lugano on convention in Lugano, Borsalino, Waltini, Diego, Gigi, Arduino, Brasca, Franco, Cloclos, Dayana, Galaxy, Raoul Cremona, Lorenzo Ghezzi
Related to Vol. 50 No. 1 1989 4
Nino Carolas Geburtstagsparty des Zauber Ring München on the jubilee of the magic circle of Munich, Roberto Giobbi, Michael Porstmann, Tony Lackner, Werner Hornung, Fee Eleisa, Günther Schlamp, Karin & Mathias Taler, Walter Heinz, Willy Peter, Silke & Oskar
Vol. 50 No. 1 1989 5
Jean de Merry Magie a Genève on Magie à Genève convention, Pavel, Bob Little, Cenacle Magique 5, Devil, Almeico, A. Sitta, Rico Leitner, Mimosa, Nicolas Lornage, Jean-Yves Prost, Albert Charra, Vostinic, Christoph Borer, Corally, Francesco, Geo Ray, Toni Yann, Rob-Suvac
Vol. 50 No. 1 1989 6
Paul Maurer (reviewer) Zauberhaftes Nocturne im Theater am Stadtgarten Winterthur show review of Erino performing in Winterthur Vol. 50 No. 1 1989 10
Data entered by Lorenz Schär, February 2021.