  • 1939-1952: Hans Ernst
  • 1952-1959: Oscar Rey
  • 1960-1961: Hans Ernst
  • 1961-1964: Hans Herrmann
  • 1964-1966: Willy Peter
  • 1966-1967: Peter Wilker
  • 1967-1969: William Weyeneth
  • 1970-1975: Dr. Gaston Borgeaud
  • 1975-1985: Peter Wilker
  • 1986-1995: Paul Maurer
Written by Various
Work of Various
1,647 pages (Stapled), published by Selfpublished
Illustrated with photographs and drawings
Language: German, French
3,370 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Issue Year Page Categories
Dr. William Weyeneth Klausabend in Zürich magic circle Zürich meeting, Hans Meier, Oscarelli, Altenburger, Schmid, Old Brecht, Hans Ernst
Vol. 18 No. 1 1957 464
Heinz Gieppner Liebe Leser des Hokus-Pokus on writing for Hokus Pokus, Oscarelli
Vol. 18 No. 1 1957 465
Heinz Gieppner Erstaunlicher Wechsel one card with red back is placed among six cards with blue backs, when shown on card with blue back is seen among six cards with red backs
Vol. 18 No. 1 1957 466
Die Fernsehkarte
Vol. 18 No. 1 1957 469
Heinz Gieppner Generalversammlung MRS "Festival u. Galavorstellung in Grenchen/So., 23. u. 24. 3. 57", general assembly of the Swiss magic circle, Wirth von Känel, Edoardo & Dorée, Olaf Spell, Mustafa Ben Soli, Marino, John Dee, J. N. Teroga, Piet Forton, Tschanelly, Pollux, Willy Faster, Rolf Andra, Old Brecht, Sasso
Vol. 18 No. 2 1957 471
Beschlüsse der Generalversammlung decisions of the general assembly of the Swiss magic circle, Sandoz, Bütler, Good, Eperny, convention planned in 1958, new members, Willy Peter, Jean Feller, Robert Schaer, Schmid, Wiysseier, Zbinden, Burkhard, Wipf, Ernst, Andra, Borosko
Vol. 18 No. 2 1957 474
Oscar "Oscarelli" Rey 50 Jahre Zaubermeister on Alex Kassner, probably Alois Kassner
Vol. 18 No. 2 1957 476
Oscar "Oscarelli" Rey Der Club Zürcher Magier upcoming events of magic circle Zürich
Vol. 18 No. 2 1957 477
Achtung Sammler on Hans Ernst and Jean Marc collecting playing cards
Vol. 18 No. 2 1957 479
Oscar "Oscarelli" Rey Gora, das Hellsehwunder on Cora and Graf von Haslingen performing in Zürich, Weyeneth, Meier
Vol. 18 No. 2 1957 480
Hans Trunk, Rolf Andra Eine diabolische Translokation six cards removed and names noted on paper, one vanishes in deck and appears in pocket
Vol. 18 No. 2 1957 481
Dr. William Weyeneth Magisches aus aller Welt on Kalanag, Musty, Jean Marc, Carlo Gorini, Weyeneth, Illusionista, Jaks, Emil Thoma, Volkmann, Jochini, Dominique, Dr. Zina Benneth, Oscarelli, Hans Trunk, Toni Stursa, Channing Pollock, Friedrich von Hohenzollern, Tschanello, Buatier de Kolta
Vol. 18 No. 2 1957 482
Jochen Zmeck Mein Rauh-Glatt-Forcierspiel as Jochini, stripper & rough/smooth forcing deck
Also published here
  • in "Die Zauberkunst"
Vol. 18 No. 2 1957 486
Dr. William Weyeneth Ein alter Trick im neuen Sonntagskleid string with ring on it is cut and restored, ring back on string
Vol. 18 No. 2 1957 490
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) Zwischen zwei Tricks on magic news from Basel, Oscarelli, Hans Ernst, W. Horat, Pollux, Rolf Andra, The Great Dublins, Teddy Horn, Piet Forton, Rudini
Vol. 18 No. 3 1957 492
Oscar "Oscarelli" Rey Sternfahrt nach Zofingen report of convention in Zofingen, Wirth, Rey, Bucheli, Wirz, Meier, Wipf, Wirz, Nussbaumer, Ernst, Weyeneth, Wolfgang Kaiser, Ritzmann, Borosco, Furegati, Ravelli
Vol. 18 No. 3 1957 494
Geheimnisse der alten Meister coin dropped in purse, purse vanish under handkerchief
Also published here
  • in "Triks"
Vol. 18 No. 3 1957 498
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Konfetti-Zauber pieces of paper turn into flag and confetti
Vol. 18 No. 3 1957 500
Rolf Andra Ein automatischer Kartentrick with 32 cards
Vol. 18 No. 3 1957 502
Dr. William Weyeneth Die springende Münze coin in glass vanishes, covered with handkerchief
Vol. 18 No. 3 1957 503
Robert Zürcher Ei-Ei Ein Spiegelei prediction of one of four dishes, production of fried egg
Vol. 18 No. 3 1957 504
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) Rund um Basel on magic news from Basel, Tschanelli, Irion, Teroga, Max Bühler, Carl Baumgartner, Walter Horat, Piet Forton, Fritz Moser, Rolf Andra, Pollux, Willi Schenk, Cleopatra
Vol. 18 No. 3 1957 506
Henk Vermeyden Der MRS erhält folgende Mitteilung announcement of FISM Vienna 1958
Vol. 18 No. 3 1957 508
Dr. William Weyeneth Die hellseherische Schuhsohle audience member can name selections, duplicates under shoes to signal cards
Vol. 18 No. 3 1957 509
Die reduzierten Karten plunger-pushing back & forth a packet through deck until one remains, simplified method
Also published here Vol. 18 No. 4 1957 509
Jupp "Bramagura" Steinbach Pyro chosen card appears in flash paper envelope
  • Feuerkarte im Umschlag
Vol. 18 No. 4 1957 510
Oscar "Oscarelli" Rey Santa Margherita Ligure - Festival internazionale della magia convention report, Alberto Sitta, Giglio, Vermeyden, Faster, Fischer, John Dee, Edoardo, Zelpi, Tonny van Dommelen, De Mario, Brusini, Karton, Maxim, 2 Silvester, Rolino
Vol. 18 No. 4 1957 511
Heinz Fischer Die mysteriöse Perlenkette pearl necklace with different colored pearls us cut and colors named, pearls back on thread in chosen order
Related to
  • in "Aladin"
Vol. 18 No. 4 1957 515
Jean Hugard Das Raketentuch silk appears knotted between two others which were wrapped in flash paper
Vol. 18 No. 4 1957 519
Dr. William Weyeneth Ein guter Witz mit einem gelegten Kartenspiel spectator puts two cards in two pockets, other spectator guesses one and performer divines other one
Vol. 18 No. 4 1957 521
Theodore Annemann Dust the same alike two cards selected from two decks are the same, selection process from one deck complicated with four piles and die
Also published here Vol. 18 No. 4 1957 522
Charly Eperny Der böse Blick bulldog clips with various cards on rod, clip with selection turns upwards
Vol. 18 No. 4 1957 523
Dr. William Weyeneth Eine magische Groteske coin in glass adheres to paperclip on thread, as puzzle
Vol. 18 No. 4 1957 525
Franz Fasching Die sichtbarmachenden Strahlen miniature duplicate of selection appears in transparent plastic box, under handkerchief
Also published here
  • in "Aladin"
Vol. 18 No. 4 1957 527
Karl-Heinz Wehner Finde die Münze coin placed under one of three cards by spectator and found by perfomer
Also published here
  • in "Aladin"
Vol. 18 No. 4 1957 528
Viktor Graf Bastelkniffe für Magie how to make fake eggs
Also published here
  • in "Aladin"
Vol. 18 No. 4 1957 529
Au club des magiciens de Neuchâtel on Galietti / Walka being in Neuchâtel, Najaros
Vol. 18 No. 4 1957 530
Max Bühler Prüfung der Berner Kandidaten anlässlich des Sommertreffens in Köniz on a meeting of the magic circle Switzerland in Köniz, Münch, Leist-Bernini, von Allmen, Opawsky, Furegati, Hans Meyer, Max Bertschi, Werner Meyer, Paul Schwab, Paul Mauerhofer, Albert Wetzel, Otto Limacher, Borosko
Vol. 18 No. 5 1957 531
Magisches Treffen in Linz 1957 program announcement of magic convention in Linz
Vol. 18 No. 5 1957 532
Charly Eperny Creta Mental six cards put in stand and paper placed in front, performer divines cards and writes them on paper using chalk
Vol. 18 No. 5 1957 534
Howard Albright Uni Mentality locating selection, brief
Vol. 18 No. 5 1957 536
Wie ist das möglich cut and restored ribbon, covered with paper, lose pair of scissors
Also published here
  • in "Magie"
Vol. 18 No. 5 1957 536
Francis Haxton Coincidental
Vol. 18 No. 5 1957 538
Audley Walsh Die Karte X - Name & Place mathematical placement, random names are spelled to, card found at last position
Also published here Vol. 18 No. 5 1957 539
Pro Memoria agenda of magic conventions
Vol. 18 No. 5 1957 540
Hans "Marius" Meier Club Zürcher Magier on the club meetings of magic club Zürich, Hans Ernst, Edi Altenburger, Oscafr Rey
Vol. 18 No. 5 1957 541
(reviewer) Dank an die Magier newspaper article from "Die Tat" on a show by the magic circle Zürich, Hans Meier, Vol. 18 No. 5 1957 543
Oscar "Oscarelli" Rey Holländ. Nationalkongress in Zwoller winners of the national convention in Zwolle 1957, Piet Forton
Vol. 18 No. 5 1957 544
Aus alles Welt on the magic circle Oslo, Allan, Kalanag & Gloria, Kurt Volkmann, Louis Brunori, Borosco, Ilyco, Werner Koch, Axel Hellström, Nils Simonson, Buatier de Kolta, Stanley Jaks, Tornado, Tummers, Robelly, Susy Wandas, Ingrid Bergman, Zbornik, Punx, G. Gloria, MZvD, Rolf Hansen, René Septembre, Trio Bloodson, Ravelli, Alberto Meier, Vermeyden
Vol. 18 No. 5 1957 545
Oscar "Oscarelli" Rey Carli Tschan obituary of Carl Tschan / Tschanelli, with picture
Vol. 18 No. 6 1957 552
Dr. William Weyeneth An Rudolf Grogg on the librarian of the Swiss magic circle
Vol. 18 No. 6 1957 553
Oscar "Oscarelli" Rey De Samichlaus bim O.R.Zch. santa themed meeting of the magic Club Zürich. Hans Meier, Weyeneth, Kirwin, Bollinger
Vol. 18 No. 6 1957 555
Dr. William Weyeneth Eine Kostprobe aus dem Buch excerpt from the book "Magie für gesellschaftliche Vergnügen und zur Minderung des Glaubens"
Vol. 18 No. 6 1957 556
Oscar "Oscarelli" Rey Hans Trunk, Wien on Hans Trunk's 70th birthday, with picture
Vol. 18 No. 6 1957 556
Dr. William Weyeneth (reviewer) Gala-Abend der Zürcher-Magier im neuen Klublokal "Eintracht" report of show by magician club Zürich, Hans Meier, John Dee, Old Brecht Vol. 18 No. 6 1957 557
Hans Trunk Das Wunder des Frankens marked coin vanishes in glass under handkerchief and appears in spectator's breast pocket
Vol. 18 No. 6 1957 560
Vorstand Sitzung M.R.S. on board meeting of the Swiss magic circle in Zürich
Vol. 18 No. 6 1957 562
Werner Krämer-Orlano Der sich mehrere Male verfärbende Kinderballoon inflated balloon changes color when touched with cigarette, repeated
Vol. 18 No. 6 1957 564
Jochen Zmeck Mysticum, die neue Ringfessel as Jochini, ring of rope under handkerchief with wooden box
Vol. 18 No. 6 1957 566
Jahresbericht 1957
Vol. 18 No. 6 1957 568
Die Macht des Gedankens brief explanation of two effects without title
  • two decks, selection is at same position in other deck, displacement of three cards
  • cards removed from deck to select card, prediction / force
Vol. 18 No. 6 1957 571
Alltäglichkeiten vom Zaubern sayings on magic
Vol. 18 No. 6 1957 572
Oscar "Oscarelli" Rey Aus aller Welt on Kalanag, Eperny, Al Torsten, Max Felmy, Prof. Melachini, Toni Strusa, Cercle Belge d'Illusionisme, Jean Marc Bujard
Vol. 18 No. 6 1957 573
Dr. William Weyeneth Zum Geleit 1958 new year wishes
Vol. 19 No. 1 1958 575
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) Der Hokus Pokus vom Zauberring Basel introducing the magic circle Basel issue
Vol. 19 No. 1 1958 577
Carl "Tschanelli" Tschan Wie ich zur Zauberei kam autobiographical notes
Vol. 19 No. 1 1958 579
Rolf Andra Rolf Andra profile
Vol. 19 No. 1 1958 581
Rolf Andra Magische Erfindungen - Zauberische Intuitionen on originality and inventing tricks
Vol. 19 No. 1 1958 583
Rolf Andra Die "Fusskarte" finding selection with food
Vol. 19 No. 1 1958 585
Piet Forton Piet Forton brief portrait
Vol. 19 No. 1 1958 587
Piet Forton Kinderzauberei essay on magic for children
Vol. 19 No. 1 1958 589
C. "Cajano" Baumgartner Cajano brief portrait
Vol. 19 No. 1 1958 593
C. "Cajano" Baumgartner Eine lustige Wette bet, currency has to be divided in several envelopes
Vol. 19 No. 1 1958 594
C. "Cajano" Baumgartner, Werner "Walt Nelson" Nussbaumer Die verhexte schrift writing on camel cigarette pack changes when read with mirror
Vol. 19 No. 1 1958 594
Max Bühler Cherry Maxim brief profile
Vol. 19 No. 1 1958 596
Max Bühler Kleines A-B-C, zum Zaubern auf der Bühne tips on performing magic in ABC form, every letter one idea
Vol. 19 No. 1 1958 597
Taroh Taroh profile, lessons from Graziadei
Vol. 19 No. 1 1958 600
Fritz Moser Mirax word written on billet is placed inside powder box and divined
Vol. 19 No. 1 1958 602
Pol Pollux, Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) T-Wi-T Trick. "Tu wie ich tu" do as I do routine with twelve cards each, annotations by Ron Wohl
Vol. 19 No. 1 1958 604
Carl "J. N. Teroga" Schnetzer J. N. Teroga brief bio
Vol. 19 No. 1 1958 608
Carl "J. N. Teroga" Schnetzer Der magische Propeller Hui-Maschine / Gee-haw whammy diddle , propeller on stick turns and changes direction
Vol. 19 No. 1 1958 609
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) Ravelli brief intro on two tricks using matchbox with playing card design on one side
Vol. 19 No. 1 1958 611
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) Eine zündende Voraussage picture of selection on matchbox, published in "The Gen" with different method
Also published here
  • "The Matchin' Card" in "The Gen" 1955.
Vol. 19 No. 1 1958 612
Max Giebe Gedankenforcieren force some cards removed and number used to select card
Vol. 19 No. 1 1958 614
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) Unter der Zündholzschachtel spectator locates a chosen card with a matchbox, selection is predicted on back of matchbox
Related to Vol. 19 No. 1 1958 615
Redaktionelles on Herisau, Zauberring Basel, Kalanag
Vol. 19 No. 1 1958 618
Oscar "Oscarelli" Rey Die Association Francaise des Artistes Prestidigitateurs on Le Journal de la Prestidigitation, Jules D'Hotel
Vol. 19 No. 2 1958 619
Woher kommt das Wort Hokus-Pokus? etymology of hocus pocus
Vol. 19 No. 2 1958 621
Joe Berg Count Down Mystery spectator does some dealing and remembering, then finds his own card via fan force
Also published here Vol. 19 No. 2 1958 623
Charly Eperny Eine überraschende Voraussage different covers, same content
Vol. 19 No. 2 1958 624
Simsalabim, ich drehe eine Karte um seven cards in card stand, spectator turns over several cards and covers one with handkerchief, performer knows which side in front
Vol. 19 No. 2 1958 628
Jochen Zmeck Der Zauberstab der Hexe von Endor as Jochini, reading through a glass rod, words upside down
Vol. 19 No. 2 1958 630
Jochen Zmeck Prediction as Jochini, prediction of one of ten chosen symbols
Vol. 19 No. 2 1958 631
Helmut "Kalanag" Schreiber ¨Das kann ich auch on performing in South Africa
Also published here
  • in "Magie"
Vol. 19 No. 2 1958 635
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Die Teufelspille ball vanishes from glass and appears inside box
Vol. 19 No. 2 1958 638
Dr. William Weyeneth, Oscar "Oscarelli" Rey Magisches aus aller Welt on Sasso, Kalanag, Paul Schwab / Nobody, Miro, Stanley Jaks, Bennet Zina, Charles Moret
Vol. 19 No. 2 1958 640
Dr. William Weyeneth (reviewer) Festival der Magie in Herisau on the general assembly of the Swiss magic Cirlce, Willy Bucheli, Oscarelli, Hans Meyer, Marius, Roberto, Kirwin, Graf X, Franz Opawski, Old Brecht, Mirax, Chun-Chin-Fu, Sasso, Brusini, Marino & Rino, Pollux, John Dee Vol. 19 No. 2 1958 643
Neuer Vorstand pro 1958/59 new board of Swiss magic circle, Bucheli, Wirth, Junker, Bütler, Nussbaumer, Meier, Moser, Meyer
Vol. 19 No. 2 1958 646
Hans "Severus" Ernst Die Generalversammlung 1958 in Herisau on the general assembly of the Swiss magic circle, Werner Wirth, Hans Meyer, Old Brecht, Oscarelli, Brusini, Mario, Sitta, Behm, Faster, Feller, Willy Bucheli, Weyeneth, Jost
Vol. 19 No. 3 1958 643
(reviewer) Die Kindervorstellung children show review in Herisau 1958, Old Brecht, Jean Feller, Mephisto, Almeico, Walter Junker, Carl Baumgartner, Werner Wirth Vol. 19 No. 3 1958 646
Oscar "Oscarelli" Rey Die Pharisäer und Schriftgelehrten von Herisau reply on the critique of the church of Herisau about magic
Vol. 19 No. 3 1958 648
Georg Köhler Religion und Magie on religion and magic
Vol. 19 No. 3 1958 653
Die Magier-Sternfahrt nach Baden magic gathering in Baden, Rudolf Fürrer, Gantenbein, Ron Wohl, Moser, Baumgartner, Piet Forton
Vol. 19 No. 3 1958 659
Sven Maro (reviewer) Vorstellung OR. Basel public show in Basel report, Cherry Maxim, Piet Forton, Cajano. Willex, Johnny Black, J. N. Teroga, Ravelli, Olaf Spell, Sven Maro, Pollux Vol. 19 No. 3 1958 660
Gala-Gala spectator and performer each select card from half the deck and exchange it, then faced deck Triumph without shuffle
Related to Vol. 19 No. 3 1958 662
Rolf Andra The Perfekt Impromptu-Test living and dead test, also name is divined
Vol. 19 No. 3 1958 664
Rolf Andra Das unlösbare Problem two decks, two spectator select a card and put it in other deck, both chose the same card and they match prediction
Vol. 19 No. 3 1958 667
Dagmar Mazakian Eine Täuschung die gefällt sands of the desert done with paper confetti, three colors mixed in bowl
Also published here
  • in "Zauberkunst"
Vol. 19 No. 3 1958 669
Jochen Zmeck HUB... der schwarze Kater as Jochini, paper animals transpose in performer's hands
Vol. 19 No. 3 1958 672
Oscar "Oscarelli" Rey Magisches aus alles Welt on Salwaro, Henk Vermeyden, Magischer Kongress Wien, Zanoni, Axel Rasmussen, Jean Feller, Kalanag, Gieppener, Axel Hellstroem, Cercle Belge D'Illusionisme, magic circle Switzerland
Vol. 19 No. 3 1958 674
Oscar "Oscarelli" Rey Unser Präsident vertritt den MRS am holländ. nat. Kongress in Hilversum on John Dee / Willy Bucheli performing in Hilversum
Vol. 19 No. 3 1958 678
Der Club der Zürcher Magier on the magic circle Zürich, Weyeneth
Vol. 19 No. 4 1958 680
Dr. William Weyeneth Eine Conférence über einen Zahnarzt on dentists
Vol. 19 No. 4 1958 681
Wolfgang Kaiser Hier ein Sträusschen, da ein Sträusschen... noch ein Sträusschen on Ludwig Leopold Döbler
Vol. 19 No. 4 1958 683
Hans "Marius" Meier Eine Abwandlung des Steh-auf-Fläschchens für den Salon variation of the Imp Bottle
Vol. 19 No. 4 1958 692
Rolf Andra 3x Karten-Magie selection at number, number is determined by value of other card
Vol. 19 No. 4 1958 694
Bill Nord Das unsichtbare Geldtäschchen handkerchief appears in invisible purse / purse frame
Also published here Vol. 19 No. 4 1958 696
Otto "Sasso" Lutz Ein schönes Karten-Kunststück deck in glass is covered by handkerchief, handkerchief removed and placed inside pocket, selections vanish from the deck and when pulled at the corner of the handkerchief cards appear
Vol. 19 No. 4 1958 697
Rolf Andra Der rätselhafte 3-Karten Trick three decks, chosen number to select card, cards turnover in each deck
Vol. 19 No. 4 1958 698
Otto "Sasso" Lutz Federblumen - Tips für Magier comments on how to treat feather flowers
Vol. 19 No. 4 1958 699
Werner Minnig Der verschenkte Zauberstab wand is wrapped in paper and transforms into wooden spoon
Vol. 19 No. 4 1958 701
Dr. William Weyeneth Die geheimnisvolle Lupeq queens placed inside envelope, performer knows which queen is where using a magnifier
Vol. 19 No. 4 1958 703
Hans "Old Bercht" Berchtold Persil-Trick soft soap routine
Vol. 19 No. 4 1958 704
Otto "Sasso" Lutz Und zum Schluss: Ein Da Capo-Scherz gag, vanishing glass under handkerchief with a hammer
Vol. 19 No. 4 1958 705
Internat Kongress in Wien announcement of FISM convention in Vienna
Vol. 19 No. 4 1958 706
Oscar "Oscarelli" Rey Aus alles Welt on the Concours Magicus, D'Hotel, Isebeque, Esse, Axel Hellstroem, Fritz Randow, Zina Bennett, Tribuna Magica, Magica Moderna, Le Journal de la Prestidigitation, Miro Portuges, Aladin, convention in Norway, various international magazines
Vol. 19 No. 4 1958 708
Oscar "Oscarelli" Rey 20 Jahre M.Z. Konstanz speech for the jubilee of the magic circle Konstanz
Vol. 19 No. 4 1958 714
Oscar "Oscarelli" Rey Internationaler Kongress in Wien on the FISM convention in Vienna, Borgeaud, Peter Pit, Mazakian, Hannini, Rolando, Klingsor, Gieppner, Pollux, John Dee, Seidl, Sitta, Strusa
Vol. 19 No. 5 1958 715
Aus den Verhandlungen der FISM on the board meeting of the FISM
Vol. 19 No. 5 1958 723
Generalversammlung im März 1959 announcement of general assembly of the Swiss Magic Circle
Vol. 19 No. 5 1958 724
Geburtstagsfest von Gloria birthday party of Gloria de Vos
Vol. 19 No. 5 1958 725
Otto "Sasso" Lutz Die 2ten: Vorschlag eines alten Praktikers on having a second non-magic act
Vol. 19 No. 5 1958 726
Werner Krämer-Orlano Silk Trick three silks thrown in the air knot themselves
Vol. 19 No. 5 1958 729
Werner Krämer-Orlano Mentalzeichen cards with symbols and colors and box with two wheels with same attributes, wheels are turned to select card
Vol. 19 No. 5 1958 732
Werner Krämer-Orlano Ein Karten-Entree-Trick eight cards are selected, pictures on silks with various sizes, image of last card is cut paper
Vol. 19 No. 5 1958 735
Max Giebe Eine Kartenkombination single card prediction, card which was dropped on the floor changes to selection
Vol. 19 No. 5 1958 737
Edwin Leist-Bernini, Gaston "Gasbor" Borgeaud Die elektrische Glühbirne on the invention of the electric light bulb
Vol. 19 No. 5 1958 739
Edwin Leist-Bernini Eine unmögliche Möglichkeit light bulb lights up when placed inside mouth, eating candle
Also published here
  • in "Magie" 1938
Vol. 19 No. 5 1958 740
Fritz Moser Zauber-Ring-Basel new venue of the magic circle Basel
Vol. 19 No. 5 1958 742
Edwin Leist-Bernini Mag. Club Bern on the magic circle Berne, Meyer, Bernini, Wetzel, Bertschi, Schwab, Krähenbühl, Furegati
Vol. 19 No. 5 1958 742
Oscar "Oscarelli" Rey Magisches aus aller Welt on D'Hotel, Weyeneth, MAyette, G. Gloria, Alfred Chapuis, Willy Faster
Vol. 19 No. 5 1958 744
Willy "John Dee" Bucheli 1959 Ä Guets Neus annual return of the president of the Swiss magic circle
Vol. 19 No. 6 1958 747
(reviewer) Abrakadabra Vorstellung der Zürcher-Magier show review of magic circle Zürich, Weyeneth, Pollux, Marino, John Dee Vol. 19 No. 6 1958 749
Dr. William Weyeneth CZM Klaus-Feier in Zürich santa claus party of the magic circle Zürich, Kirwin
Vol. 19 No. 6 1958 750
Peter A. McDonald Ein Münzentrick signed coin is found among other coins inside hat, spelled "MacDonald"
Vol. 19 No. 6 1958 753
Oscar "Oscarelli" Rey Maerfini on Marfini's biography
Vol. 19 No. 6 1958 754
Edwin Leist-Bernini 30 Karten-Trick with envelopes
Vol. 19 No. 6 1958 756
Fritz Moser Das Magier Ehepaar joke
Vol. 19 No. 6 1958 759
Fritz Moser Magier unter sich joke
Vol. 19 No. 6 1958 759
Joe Berg Magician Makes Good "Magician Maces Good", unusual presentation
Also published here Vol. 19 No. 6 1958 760
Ortsring Basel announcements of the magic circle Basel, Galli-Galli, Marconick
Vol. 19 No. 6 1958 761
Fritz Moser (reviewer) Marvelli jr. in Basel on Marvelli performing in Basel Vol. 19 No. 6 1958 762
Charly Eperny Eperny's Geistertafel special design of slate, movable part
Vol. 19 No. 6 1958 764
In welcher Hand? by "Gardener", different coin is held in each hand by spectator, calculations and when result is named, performer knows which coin is where
Vol. 19 No. 6 1958 767
Wir gratulieren on Fritz Moser, Pollux, Robert Schaer, Fritz Honegger, Engelbert Bütler, Hans Meier
Vol. 19 No. 6 1958 768
Magisches aus aller Welt on Kalanag & Gloria, Edelin, Rolf Andra, Jac Olten, Janos Bartl
Vol. 19 No. 6 1958 769
Kongresse 1959 announcement of conventions in Sevilla and the Netherlands
Vol. 19 No. 6 1958 770
Dr. William Weyeneth Zum Geleit new year wishes
Vol. 20 No. 1 1959 771
Rolf Andra 1 Out of 52 spectator selects card which has been chosen by other spectator
Vol. 20 No. 1 1959 773
Jochen Zmeck Clairvoyance as Jochini, prediction hanging from ceiling, with chair, Okito method
Vol. 20 No. 1 1959 775
U. F. Grant Klein... Aber Fein key card placement with locator card
Vol. 20 No. 1 1959 776
Pitty - Die Unzerstörbarkeit der Materie "Massbandtrick", strip of paper is measured and cut, same length as in beginning, repeated
Vol. 20 No. 1 1959 777
Der neue Ballfang balls produced from thin air and placed in paper cone
Vol. 20 No. 1 1959 779
Dr. William Weyeneth Wie kommt der Ring aus der Schnur? ring of string under handkerchief, magnetic
Vol. 20 No. 1 1959 781
Roger Barkann Gleiche Gedanken as "Roger Barkmann", two decks, two predictions placed in books, as well as selections of spectator
Also published here Vol. 20 No. 1 1959 783
John R. Boyko Durch das Handgelenk as "John Boyke"
string through spectator's wrist, string loop with two paperclips
Also published here Vol. 20 No. 1 1959 785
Dr. Jacob Daley, Dr. Stanley Jaks Einfacher Zettelaustausch bill switch while putting it in envelope
Also published here Vol. 20 No. 1 1959 786
Aus aller Welt on Hanussen II, Prof. Bender, Al Torsten, Stanley Jaks, Kalanag, Gerd Maron, Marino, Don Bosco, Fernando Maymo
Vol. 20 No. 1 1959 787
Dr. William Weyeneth Briefe an mich
Vol. 20 No. 1 1959 790
Jahres-Hauptversammlung MRS announcement on magic convention in Zürich and general assembly of Swiss magic circle, Vermeyden, Kaps
Vol. 20 No. 1 1959 791
Werner "Manello" Meyer Heute einmal Zauber-Kunst anders gesehen! thoughts on magic
Vol. 20 No. 1 1959 792
Dr. William Weyeneth Hochzeit von Robi & Marianne wedding of Robert Schaer, Almeico, Sasso, Marino
Vol. 20 No. 1 1959 793
Kongresse announcements of upcoming conventions, Eperny, Hugo Mack Camillow
Vol. 20 No. 1 1959 794
Dr. William Weyeneth Seminar im MRS on lectures by Vermeyden and Kaps in Zürich
Vol. 20 No. 2 1959 785
Oscar "Oscarelli" Rey Cheffallo im Zirkus Knie Chefalo performing at circus Knie
Vol. 20 No. 2 1959 796
Jean Marc Bujard Phnom-Penx on performing in Asia
Vol. 20 No. 2 1959 797
Martin Gardner Ein paar Streichhölzer instruction game with matches, three piles, center pile ends up with named number
Vol. 20 No. 2 1959 799
Dr. William Weyeneth Kein Witz temperature on thermometer increases a lot when placed inside fist
Vol. 20 No. 2 1959 800
Eddie Clever Ein Ring auf Reisen as "Eddie Clevar"
from one hand to other, no pull
Also published here Vol. 20 No. 2 1959 802
Edwin "Edwino" Grimm Ein modernes Tuchtrio cane changes to knotted silks, other silk changes into cane and silk is found knotted between other silks
Vol. 20 No. 2 1959 804
Jack Yates Vier Gegenstände three matches facing one way and one match facing the opposite way. After moving matches around, magician correctly can divine which is the reversed match without looking
Also published here Vol. 20 No. 2 1959 805
Edward Marlo X Pack unknown card is marked with X on back, spectator selects it from face
Also published here Vol. 20 No. 2 1959 807
Sid Hallet Eine Voraussage two cards placed in pocket, one removed, prediction
Vol. 20 No. 2 1959 809
John Scarne Und nochmals: Tun Sie, was ich tue with numbers named to select cards
Vol. 20 No. 2 1959 810
Bob Hummer Bild und Rücken face-up and face-down cards are shuffled, performer separates cards behind back so one pile consists of same amount of face up cards as the other, see Collected Secrets for variations
Also published here Vol. 20 No. 2 1959 811
Werner "Manello" Meyer Literarischer Eckenzauber quotes by authors on magic and other topics
Vol. 20 No. 2 1959 812
Kongresse announcements on upcoming conventions
Vol. 20 No. 2 1959 813
Oscar "Oscarelli" Rey Aus aller Welt on Hilmar Krämer, Max Bühler, Sitta, Kalanag, Marconick, Graziadei, Fu Manchu, Maymo
Vol. 20 No. 2 1959 816
Dr. William Weyeneth Sternfahrt des MRS nach Zug magic convention of the Swiss magic circle, Schenk,Bucheli, Borgeaud
Vol. 20 No. 3 1959 819
Oscar "Oscarelli" Rey Der Appetit kommt mit dem Essen! on the Swiss magic circle
Vol. 20 No. 3 1959 821
Henk Vermeyden Lieber Oscarelli
Vol. 20 No. 3 1959 824
Oscar "Oscarelli" Rey Aus aller Welt on Club Fenainos Portuenses, Hanussen I, Susi Wandas, Zina Bennett, Jac Stein, Kalanag, Stanley Jaks, Cardini, John Ramsay, Gloria, Bucheli, Alois Kassner, Sitta, Sasso, Najaros, Mayer, Stursa, Köhler
Vol. 20 No. 3 1959 825
Die magischen Kongresse 1959 announcement of upcoming conventions
Vol. 20 No. 3 1959 829
Dany Ray portrait, brief translation of article by Ascanio in "Illusionismo"
Vol. 20 No. 3 1959 830
J. B. Bobo The Card Between
Also published here Vol. 20 No. 3 1959 831
Peter A. McDonald Im Beutel business cards are placed inside bag and performers hand is placed inside, location of signed card, spelled "MacDonald"
Vol. 20 No. 3 1959 833
Aus Briefen an das Zauberstudio in Wil
Vol. 20 No. 3 1959 834
Martin Gardner Ein eigenartiger Schnurtrick as "Gardener", string is knotted to a loop and spectator places it on the table and builds a special form, sides are covered with paper so it's unclear which parts are inside the loop and which outside, performer returns and places pins at several places which are all outside the loop
Vol. 20 No. 3 1959 835
Ein Mikro-Trick marked match is located among others, behind back
Related to Vol. 20 No. 3 1959 837
Alex Elmsley Verdrehtes Gumiband Puzzle to remove the twists in a wide rubber band
Also published here Vol. 20 No. 3 1959 838
Werner "Manello" Meyer Zauberpost thoughts on magic
Vol. 20 No. 3 1959 839
Paul Curry Der Lügendedektor presentational idea
Also published here Vol. 20 No. 3 1959 840
Klein aber fein ten cards, half face up, chosen card has different back or different face
Vol. 20 No. 3 1959 841
Elberto Elberto biographical notes, Borosko, Sasso
Vol. 20 No. 4 1959 843
Dr. William Weyeneth Williams magnetische Hand cards are attracted by magnet
Vol. 20 No. 4 1959 845
Charly Eperny Kleine Experimente... Grosse Wirkung ghost in box, starts to levitate from box under handkerchief and answers questions, Zombie principle
Vol. 20 No. 4 1959 847
Dr. William Weyeneth Neue Version zum Banknoten-Zitronen-Trick bill with torn corner in lemon, restoration of bill as finale
Vol. 20 No. 4 1959 851
Lewis Ganson Freie Wahl
Also published here Vol. 20 No. 4 1959 852
Oscar "Oscarelli" Rey Borosko with pictures
Vol. 20 No. 4 1959 857
Dr. William Weyeneth Werner Minnig
Vol. 20 No. 4 1959 860
Dr. William Weyeneth Gastspiel von Tonny van Dommelen in Zürich
Vol. 20 No. 4 1959 861
Fritz Moser III. Congrssso Magico National Sevilla - Spanien report of convention in Sevilla, Ascanio, Jerry Darnelle, Yu-Li-Pen, Kassagi, Roden, Joe Burk
Vol. 20 No. 4 1959 862
Oscar "Oscarelli" Rey Oesterreich. Magiertreffen in Salzburg report of convention in Salzburg, Dr. Maggi, Paolo Brusini, John Dee, Ledynski, Morelli
Vol. 20 No. 4 1959 866
Rolf Hansen, Wien
Vol. 20 No. 4 1959 867
Dr. William Weyeneth Gastspiel Marvelli jr. in Zürich on Marvelli performing in Zürich
Vol. 20 No. 4 1959 868
Aus aller Welt on Tarbell, Ottokar Fischer, Emil Jarrow, Baden-Baden, Bucheli, Kalanag, Hanussen II, G. Gloria, Nils Simonson, Jean Hugard, Fritz Moser, Alther, Rehm, Bühler
Vol. 20 No. 4 1959 869
John Scarne Phone Miracle spectator locates card thought of by magician
Also published here Vol. 20 No. 4 1959 873
Oscar "Oscarelli" Rey (reviewer) Festival Kreuzlingen public show of the Swiss magic circle in Kreuzlingen, Manello, Popp, Elberto, Ernesto, Hermanion, Alwelli, Old Bercht, Moser, Pollux, Ludino, Roberto, John Dee, Bütler, Marius Vol. 20 No. 5 1959 843
Fritz Moser Mein Besuch in unserer Bibliothek visiting the Swiss magic circle library, Grogg
Vol. 20 No. 5 1959 846
Carl "Tschanelli" Tschan Vortrag zur Wassertüte patter in prose
Vol. 20 No. 5 1959 846
Oscar "Oscarelli" Rey Rätsel competition in form of riddle by Schenk-Primera
Also published here Vol. 20 No. 5 1959 848
Walter B. Gibson, Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) The Match Twister marked match is located among others, behind back, with notes by Ron Wohl
Related toAlso published here Vol. 20 No. 5 1959 849
Dr. William Weyeneth Kalanag und Gloria in der Schweiz on Kalanag and Gloria in Zürich
Vol. 20 No. 5 1959 851
Das Socken-Finale producing a sock as a gag, while producing silks
Vol. 20 No. 5 1959 852
Mitgliederbewegung mutations of Swiss magic circle
Vol. 20 No. 5 1959 852
Hans "Severus" Ernst Dr. Wilfried van Klaveren
Vol. 20 No. 5 1959 854
Aus aller Welt on the convention in Bologna, Barcelons, Jean Hugard, Bessemans, Saltano, Sitta, Maymo, Vermeyden, Kalanag, Ravelli, Forton, Kaps, Hellstroem & Svea, Teumer
Vol. 20 No. 5 1959 856
Gumidaumen-Tip water vanishes in rolled bill
Vol. 20 No. 5 1959 858
Walnuss-Zauber bill found inside nut
Vol. 20 No. 5 1959 859
Die Mütze des Weihnachtsmannes santa claus cap used as egg bag
Vol. 20 No. 5 1959 859
Zerbrochenes Streichholz match is broken apart inside handkerchief and then shown restored, different method
Vol. 20 No. 5 1959 859
Die Karte in der Christbaumkugel card to Christmas bauble
Vol. 20 No. 5 1959 860
Weihnachtskarten-Trick card changes to blank card with Christmas message
Vol. 20 No. 5 1959 860
Das schwebende Tüchlein flying and dancing silk, with assistant
Also published here
  • "Quatro Asses"
Vol. 20 No. 5 1959 861
Samichalusabend bei den Zürchermagiern on the traditional Santa Claus meeting of the magic circle Zürich, Marius, Oscarelli, Bucheli, Borgeaud, Moser, Kirwin, Ernesto, Brunori
Vol. 20 No. 6 1959 865
Generalversammlung MRS Bern announcement of general assembly 1960 of the Swiss magic circle
Vol. 20 No. 6 1959 867
Magischer Nationaler Kongress 1960 MRS Basel announcement of Swiss magic convention in Basel 1960
Vol. 20 No. 6 1959 867
Werner "Manello" Meyer Literarisches Geleit zum magischen Erfolg thoughts on magic
Vol. 20 No. 6 1959 868
Werner "Manello" Meyer Manello, Bern profile with picture
Vol. 20 No. 6 1959 869
Werner "Manello" Meyer Die Lanze für den Zauber-Bann magisch gebrochen
Vol. 20 No. 6 1959 871
Marconick Markonicks "Gypsy-Thread"
Also published here Vol. 20 No. 6 1959 872
Carlo Vanoli
Vol. 20 No. 6 1959 876
Ali Bongo Ali Bongo's Zusatz zum "Gypsy-Thread" magical needle threading combined with Hindu Thread
Also published here Vol. 20 No. 6 1959 877
Telegram on the dead of Stanley Jaks
Vol. 20 No. 6 1959 878
Milbourne Christopher Für Mental-Magier idea for reading the billet, for smokers
Vol. 20 No. 6 1959 881
Farbiges Blitzpapier ideas using colored flash paper
Vol. 20 No. 6 1959 882
Fredric Kolb Dead Name Duplikation name is written on a card and sealed in an envelope, performer does the same, and they match, simplified from original 1945 publication
Related to Vol. 20 No. 6 1959 882
... und wieder "Blitzpapier" idea for using flash paper in combination with cups and balls
Vol. 20 No. 6 1959 883
Bill Simon Asche verschwindet using flash paper as ashtray
Vol. 20 No. 6 1959 884
Spongeball-Idee loading a sponge ball into hand, using pen
Vol. 20 No. 6 1959 884
Data entered by Lorenz Schär, February 2021.