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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Peter Warlock Pagan Papers different colored tissue papers are rolled up inside each other and put in glasses, inner paper travels to other glass
Related to Oct. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 62)
Milbourne Christopher Christopher's "Double Cross" eight paper pieces, four with X on them are burnt, X now on other pieces
VariationsAlso published here 1943 53
Ali Bongo Deolali Dice short two-dice routine with cup, they grow in the fist as climax
Also published here 1954 74
Ali Bongo Ali Bongo's Addition magical needle threading combined with Hindu Thread
Also published here 1956 58
Ali Bongo Ali Bongo's Zusatz zum "Gypsy-Thread" magical needle threading combined with Hindu Thread
Also published here 1959
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 20 No. 6)
Ali Bongo Magazine Test prediction, with riffle page force
1960 31
Ali Bongo Doves A La Carte cards on tray turn into card castle, which can be opened and doves appear
1966 5
Ali Bongo Snowstorm in Pongolia three pieces of paper pushed into a tube, performer mimes to cut them with scissors and confetti come out
Related to 1966 8
Ali Bongo Out of the Picture framed picture of vase of flowers, flowers disappear, then spring flowers appear
1966 10
Ali Bongo Witch Switch hat (paper cone) changes color under handkerchief, sucker ending
Related to 1966 12
Ali Bongo The Tearable Ogre newspaper torn as face of ogre
Related to 1966 15
Ali Bongo Penetration Minus big metal disc in envelope is penetrated with object, then vanishes entirely
1966 18
Ali Bongo The Lady's Not for Burning eight paper pieces, four are burnt, letters appear on other pieces to form a name
Inspired byRelated to 1966 21
Ali Bongo Bongo's Blooming Bush bush is covered briefly and blossoms appear
Related toVariations 1966 24
Ali Bongo The Printer's Nightmare water put in magazine, water comes out black and magazine is blank
1966 28
Ali Bongo Fruit Salad two in the hand with miniature fruits, can of fruit salad as climax
1966 31
Ali Bongo The Balancing Yogi sucker trick with a small doll, spectator cannot balance it
1966 34
Ali Bongo One Rope Only rope is threaded through hole in big wooden board, rope penetrates assistant
1966 36
Ali Bongo The Baffling Bangle bracelet appears knotted to a rod, under handkerchief
1966 40
Ali Bongo Jail Break cards with pictures of a prisoner, prisoner vanishes and appears on other card
1966 43
Ali Bongo Symbols in the Sand sand in box, spectator draws a letter and shows it around, then letter is erased by shaking the box, medium divines letter
Inspired by
  • Ron Baillie's "The Finger of Fate" in Peter Warlock's "Pentagram" Vol. 5, No. 6, 1951.
1966 46
Ali Bongo Bouquets and Bangers glove is tossed in the air and changes into flowers, other glove changes into sausages
1966 49
Ali Bongo The Houdini Pin pin vanishes from corked tube and appears in small box
Related to 1966 52
Ali Bongo Now Is the Hour large clock in envelope, hand changes to chosen hour
1966 55
Ali Bongo Blooming Assistant cup is filled with milk and placed on spectator's head, milk changes into flowers
1966 57
Ali Bongo Pongolian Production Box
1966 62
Jay Marshall, Karrell Fox, Duke Stern, Ali Bongo, "Senator" Clarke Crandall An ABC of Magicomedy Bits various comedy bits
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1967-68)
Ali Bongo Tisch Kebob three balls from tissue paper vanish and appear on dagger held by spectator, with tube
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1967-68)
Ali Bongo Bongo Hat Expanding newspaper hat
1968 103
Ali Bongo Sterling Embryo two different-colored tissue papers and borrowed bill are rolled up and put on upside-down glasses, bill vanishes, white paper burns, in red paper is white paper and inside bill
Inspired by
  • "Embryo" (Pentagram)
Related toAlso published here
  • New Pentagram, Dec. 1972
Nov. 1975
Intermagic (Vol. 3 No. 1 & 2)
Ali Bongo Mit besonderem Gerät - (d) card balloon with balloon attached to top of bottle
Nov. 1976
Intermagic (Vol. 4 No. 1)
Ali Bongo Mentaleffekte - 3. six different-colored balloons, performer has paper bag over his head, spectator bursts balloons one by one and performer names correct colors
Nov. 1976
Intermagic (Vol. 4 No. 1)
Ali Bongo, David Nixon Ali Bongo's Experience
  • The Thread or Cotton
  • Shows for Children
  • The Needle Threading Addition
  • Jewelled Scabbard Gag
  • Humorous Gypsy Thread
  • Disposal of the Pieces
  • Breaking the Thread
  • Displaying the Pieces
  • David Nixon's Idea
  • The Bongo Gypsy Thread Suit
  • A Note on the Preparation
  • Chadwick's Mending Cotton versus Tacking Thread
  • Repeating Impromptu
  • Dany Ray
1980 15
Ali Bongo Der Hexenhut magic hat changes color under handkerchief
Also published here
  • "Abracadabra"
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 42 No. 4)
Ali Bongo Pongolian Handcuffs wrists are tied with a rope, rope in 30cm tube to separate hands
1983 1
Ali Bongo Flutter-Bugs how to build flutter-bugs from rubber bands and plastic, gag
1983 2
Ali Bongo Vanishing Cane Tip knob alternative
1983 2
Ali Bongo Voodoo Card deck in bag, selected card is pierced with pencil and burnt with a candle, same card in other deck has same stigmata
Also published here 1983 3
Ali Bongo Force Wheel wheel to force a number, with folded pieces of paper, for banknight etc.
1983 4
Ali Bongo Bill in Pumpkin... or Can of Beans or Block of Ice... or Almost Anything! cryptic description, bill is burnt and appears somewhere else
1983 5
Ali Bongo Photo Phorce forcing a photo from a photo album
1983 6
Ali Bongo Instant Art empty frame is wrapped in newspaper, picture appears
Related to 1983 7
Ali Bongo Houdini Coin coin in tube penetrates two nails
1983 8
Ali Bongo Ribbon Fountain Finale from hat, with flowers at the end of ribbon
1983 9
Ali Bongo Simple Silk Cut handkerchief in folded paper
1983 10
Ali Bongo Revolving Card Fan / Revolving Anything cards, bill, pack of cigarettes revolve on palm-up hands
1983 11
Ali Bongo Ring on Rope in paper bag, extra ring
1983 12
Ali Bongo Er liebt mich - Er liebt mich nicht flower is torn from paper and destroyed and restored, paper rolled up and placed on hat pin
Also published here
  • "Abracadabra" 1985
Magische Blätter (Vol. 1 No. 10)
Ali Bongo Bongo's Ball- und Würfeltrick dice in a bag changes place with a ball behind cardboard
1991 3
Ali Bongo Streichholzschachtel-Kümmelblättchen monte with matchboxes and a coin
Also published here 1991 6
Ali Bongo Bongo-Bingo-Box box with numbered balls, forcing numbers
Also published here 1991 8
Ali Bongo Forcieren mit einem Tuch forcing with a devil's handkerchief
1991 10
Ali Bongo Forcieren eines Farb-Chips chips on strings in a bag, to force a color
1991 12
Ali Bongo Tafel mit zwei Botschaften slate wrapped in handkerchief, writings appear on both sides, similar to Instant Art
Related to 1991 14
Ali Bongo Knetgummizerschneiden magically cutting modeling clay into three pieces
1991 16
Ali Bongo Die farbenwechselnde Rose color changing rose, with tube
Also published here 1991 18
Ali Bongo Bongo-Blüten-Busch blossoms can be removed, silks, different method than in the Bongo Book
Also published here 1991 20
Ali Bongo Bongo Blendo
Also published here 1991 23
Ali Bongo Bongo-Zick-Zack-Falter cardboard to produce handkerchief
Also published here 1991 26
Ali Bongo Fred und Lulu
Also published here 1991 29
Ali Bongo Voodoo-Karten deck in bag, selected card is pierced with pencil and burnt with a candle, same card in other deck has same stigmata
Also published here 1991 31
Ali Bongo Der Gordische Knoten
Also published here
  • Genii
June 1993
Intermagic (Vol. 18 No. 1)
Ali Bongo Do It Yourself Pompons faster way to make pompoms form wool
Also published here
  • Genii
June 1993
Intermagic (Vol. 18 No. 1)
Ali Bongo Four Kings Easy Kings vanish and appear in envelope, with four glasses, brief
Also published here 1994 1
Ali Bongo Lucky Number prediction of a number from 1-10 in envelope
Also published here 1994 2
Ali Bongo Pick-A-Pencil / Pick-A-Lollipop bunch of pencils, all removed but one, prediction
Also published here 1994 3
Ali Bongo Bongo's Blooming Bush blossoms can be removed, silks, different method than in the Bongo Book
Inspired byAlso published here 1994 4
Ali Bongo Bongo Blendo
Also published here 1994 4
Ali Bongo Color Change Rose with tube
Also published here 1994 5
Ali Bongo Silk to Rose silk is transformed into head of rose, then it is attached to stem
1994 5
Ali Bongo Stretch-A-Link two rope rings, penetration and one ring is stretched
Also published here 1994 6
Ali Bongo Zig Zag Folder cardboard to produce handkerchief
Also published here 1994 7
Ali Bongo Matchbox Monte with coin inside, brief
Also published here 1994 7
Ali Bongo Chung Ling Hoo-Dini coin penetrated by chop sticks, then vanishes and appears somewhere else, brief
Also published here 1994 8
Ali Bongo Rund um die Fluchtkiste
  • Wie erzielt man Lacher, ohne sich zu bemühen?
  • Ein Vorhang-Blitz-Löse-Mechanismus
  • Sicht von oben
  • Eine schnelle Sack-Befreiung
  • Die Pongolianischen Handschellen
Also published here
  • Genii
May 1994
Intermagic (Vol. 18 No. 3)
Ali Bongo Deolali-Würfel short two-dice routine with cup, they grow in the fist as climax, described by Lewis Ganson
Also published here 1998
Intermagic (Vol. 22 No. 1)
Ali Bongo Schloss und Schlüssel spectator locked to chair
Intermagic (Vol. 22 No. 4 & 5)
Ali Bongo Die schwebende Schrumpfmumie mummy floats up, changes into girl
Inspired by
  • Vanishing Ladies and other Magic, Norman Hunter
Intermagic (Vol. 22 No. 4 & 5)
Ali Bongo Unfolding Future folded multi-level prediction as in Simon Aronson's "Shuffle-Bored"
Inspired by
  • Ludow, from Paris
Related toVariations
Off The Books (Issue 2)
Ali Bongo Future Notes comments on the procedure
Related to 2000
Off The Books (Issue 2)
Karl Fulves Ala Bongo no-stack version
Inspired by 2000
Off The Books (Issue 2)
Ali Bongo Ali Bongos Trinkgeldtip inducing tips
Intermagic (Vol. 24 No. 1)
Mark Lewis The Mark Lewis Svengali Routine eight phases, with credit commentary on each phase (Ali Bongo, Ron MacMillan, Eric Ward, Johnny Neptune, Nelson Holt, Sammy Holmes, David Cronin)
2001 20
Ali Bongo Patterns for Making the Mini Gozinta Boxes
2002 1
Ali Bongo Ali Bongo's Wrong Ring... La Fausse Bague presentation for the Gozinta Box with finger ring
Also published here 2002 2
Ali Bongo The Bunny-Copter paper bunny spirals down when thrown into air, gag
2002 4
Ali Bongo Vodka Surprise beverages written on backs of cards, named card and beverage is predicted
2002 5
Ali Bongo Pongolian Palette silks vanish from palette and appear tied to other handkerchief in breast pocket
2002 6
Ali Bongo Chung Ling Hoo-Dini coin penetrated by chop sticks, then vanishes and appears somewhere else, brief
Also published here 2002 7
Ali Bongo The Happy Medium cards shuffled and placed into houlette, spectator has bag over the head and divines cards
2002 8
Ali Bongo Galloping Prediction musical chairs game, prediction of winner
2002 9
Ali Bongo Plane Design six chips with symbols, one is predicted
2002 10
Ali Bongo Foxy Wrist Tie easy wrist tie escape
2002 11
Ali Bongo Alichemy five coins change in spectator's hand from copper to gold
Also published here 2002 12
Ali Bongo Here's Some Magic You Can Do vanishing Leprechaun / Disappearing Dwarf / Hat puzzle, Bongo design
2002 13
Ali Bongo Shuffle-Board Variation folded prediction, brief
2002 16
Ali Bongo Ali Bongo's Wrong Ring... La Fausse Bague presentation for the Gozinta Box with finger ring
Also published here 2003 1
Ali Bongo Four Kings Easy Kings vanish and appear in envelope, with four glasses, brief
Also published here 2003 2
Ali Bongo Pick-A-Pencil / Pick-A-Lollipop bunch of pencils, all removed but one, prediction
Also published here 2003 3
Ali Bongo Chung Ling Hoo-Dini coin penetrated by chop sticks, then vanishes and appears somewhere else, brief
Also published here 2003 4
Ali Bongo La Pièce dans la Boule de Laine coin in ball of wool
2003 6
Ali Bongo Bongo's Bingo Box box with numbered balls, forcing numbers, brief
Also published here 2003 7
Ali Bongo The Flying Saucers! cardboard plates with numbers, one has a prize, very brief description
2003 7
Ali Bongo Sympathetic Colours two spectator selects same colored ball from bag
2003 8
Ali Bongo Lucky Number prediction of a number from 1-10 in envelope
Also published here 2003 9
Ali Bongo Stretch-A-Link two rope rings, penetration and one ring is stretched
Also published here 2003 10
Ali Bongo Fred and Lulu brief
Also published here 2003 11
Ali Bongo Amida Kuji bank night, prize boxes, board with lines to follow, very brief
2003 11
Ali Bongo Alichemy five coins change in spectator's hand from copper to gold
Also published here 2003 12