Written by Ben Harris, Various
Work of Ben Harris, Various
112 pages (Stapled), published by Ben Harris Magic Publications
Illustrated with photographs and drawings by Christopher, Paul Malmstrom
Language: English
92 entries
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Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Issue Year Page Categories
Ben Harris Precursor on this new magazine
1 May 1985 1
1 May 1985 3
Edward Marlo Olram's Hallucination three people look at top card of rubber-banded deck, everybody sees a different card, top card is shown as Joker and the three noted cards come from different pockets
Inspired byVariations 1 May 1985 3
Sixten Beme Clean Guillotine three cards with hole, first finger is pushed through all three, then the center card is pulled out through the finger
1 May 1985 4
Ben Harris Super Flip! top card turns over at end of dribble onto table or face-up card appears at end of dribble, also with back-to-back double as transformation
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1 May 1985 7
Ben Harris Pandora's Twist signed card turns over inside case
Inspired by 1 May 1985 8
Ron Hadley Flipping Triumph deck shuffled face-up/face-down, performer wants to cut to selection but cuts to wrong one, it changes into right one and rest is straightened out
Inspired byAlso published here 1 May 1985 11
Looy Simonoff Flippant brief
1 May 1985 11
Ron Hadley Matchbox Load folded card or other item is loaded into matchbox
Related toVariations 1 May 1985 12
Ron Hadley Two Quick Routines with the Matchbox Load
  • Card to Matchbox
  • Bill to Matchbox
1 May 1985 13
1 May 1985 15
Finn Jon Magic-Photography-Chess
1 May 1985 15
Stephen Tucker Destruction in Magic on destroying objects in a performance
1 May 1985 15
Craige McComb Snader Contrasts
1 May 1985 17
Ben Harris Innovation
1 May 1985 18
Jay Sankey Bugs Bunny Baseball signed baseball is thrown around the world by throwing it towards a wall where it vanishes, then it is caught in baseball glove coming from the opposite side covered in stamps, posed as a problem, inspired by Bugs Bunny episode
Variations 1 May 1985 18
Steve Dusheck Wine & Dine account of an impromptu performance, torn and restored dollar bill, it then changes and travels into a wine bottle, posed as a problem
Related to
  • Jack Chanin's "Rip-It"
1 May 1985 19
Ben Harris Precursor
Related to 2 Oct. 1985 1
Steve Dusheck "Chop" four cards with hole in them, one card is pulled out partially and it penetrates finger put through hole of other cards
Also published here 2 Oct. 1985 2
Ron Hadley Mirrored Coin #1 marked coin travels into matchbox
Inspired by 2 Oct. 1985 3
Ron Hadley Mirrored Coin #2 marked coin travels into matchbox
Inspired by 2 Oct. 1985 3
Ben Harris Tabled Inversion face-down deck is dribbled onto table and visibly turns face up (Super Flip), second phase with selection
2 Oct. 1985 4
Biased Fan fanning only bottom or top half
2 Oct. 1985 4
Ben Harris, Woody Meltcher More on Super Flip using it in Ambitious Card routine, or as magical reveal in Triumph where it appears that all cards sort themselves during the dribble
Inspired by 2 Oct. 1985 5
2 Oct. 1985 6
Edward Marlo Un-Gaffed Hallucination three people look at top card of rubber-banded deck, everybody sees a different card, top card is shown as Joker and the three noted cards come from different pockets
  • Method #1
  • Method #2
  • Method #3
  • Method #4
  • Method #5
Inspired by 2 Oct. 1985 6
Edward Marlo Front Bottom Deal bottom card pulled out to front, all left fingers on right side
2 Oct. 1985 7
Edward Marlo One-Hand Top Palm Timing Tip
2 Oct. 1985 7
Ian Baxter Crackerjack Stack dice stacking routine in six phases
2 Oct. 1985 9
Ben Harris Bare Handed Spellbound hand waves over coin, as visual change or secret switch
2 Oct. 1985 12
Steve Dusheck Quandary coin changes metal twice (silver, copper, gold), then coin changes into broken pieces
2 Oct. 1985 13
Steve Dusheck Straw Coin Holder made from straw
2 Oct. 1985 13
Ron Hadley Spread-Pass Action Palm top card of originally bottom half is palmed
Inspired by 2 Oct. 1985 15
Ben Harris Ed Marlo Bonus
2 Oct. 1985 17
Edward Marlo The Upward Kick deck dribbled to table, top card(s) turn over
Inspired byAlso published here 2 Oct. 1985 17
Edward Marlo Effect #1 top card is turned face up, it's the wrong card, cards dribbled onto table and it changes into selection, using Upward Kick
2 Oct. 1985 18
Edward Marlo Effect #2 four indifferent cards are face up on top of the deck, deck is dribbled onto table and they change into the Aces, using Upward Kick
2 Oct. 1985 18
Edward Marlo Effect #3 four cards are chosen and put on top of deck, deck dribbled onto table, four top cards are then shown to be the Aces, Aces lost in deck and the return to the top, using Upward Kick
2 Oct. 1985 19
2 Oct. 1985 20
Jay Sankey A Look at the Willing Suspension of Disbelief
2 Oct. 1985 20
Craige McComb Snader Miracle Workers Unite
2 Oct. 1985 21
Ben Harris Precursor
3 Aug. 1986 1
Roy G. Vasquez Word and Number Play coincidences with words and playing cards
3 Aug. 1986 2
Ben Harris Super Flip [continued]
3 Aug. 1986 2
Ben Harris Four to the Top Super Flip deck dribbled face down onto table, Aces appear face up on top, three already reversed under top card
Related to 3 Aug. 1986 2
Ben Harris Forcefully Ambitious ambitious card lost, top indifferent card turned over, ambitious card appears visually over that card when dribbled, Super Flip
3 Aug. 1986 3
Bill Nagler Ultimate Aces spectators cut to Aces, performer as well, three phases, using block of cards (like old Devano gimmick), last card Rises
3 Aug. 1986 3
3 Aug. 1986 4
Jay Sankey Back-Spin Special selection lost and deck tabled, upright coin is snapped towards deck, it rolls to it and cuts off a packet right at the selection and rolls back to hand
3 Aug. 1986 4
Jon Racherbaumer Shaded Cards to Pockets two cards to two pockets
  • Second Approach
Inspired byAlso published here 3 Aug. 1986 6
Peter Duffie Pocket Ruse producing two cards from different pockets with one palm
3 Aug. 1986 7
Harry Lorayne Simple Lie Detector faro
Also published here 3 Aug. 1986 8
Faro Slough-Off
3 Aug. 1986 9
Ben Harris The Emergency Card red Kings tabled, an emergency card is shown and tabled to the side, two cards chosen and lost, Kings find one card, then tabled card turns out to be second selection, Fandango application
3 Aug. 1986 10
Ben Harris Illogical Double Lift Switch one of two cards is switched
3 Aug. 1986 11
Ben Harris K.M. Sandwich card appears in sandwich
Also published here 3 Aug. 1986 12
Ben Harris Fandango Move one-handed, bottom cards of small packet turned over
Also published here 3 Aug. 1986 15
Ben Harris Two Out of Four Isn't Bad order of the shuffled Aces is divined, using Ace of Spades printing defect noticed by Tom Craven
Inspired by
  • Tom Craven, Precursor #8
3 Aug. 1986 16
Ben Harris Single Card Glimpse
3 Aug. 1986 16
3 Aug. 1986 18
Bruce Barnett From the Right Brain of... signed baseball is thrown around the world by throwing it towards a wall where it vanishes, then it is caught in baseball glove coming from the opposite side covered in stamps, solution to Jay Sankey problem with stooge
Inspired by 3 Aug. 1986 18
Ben Harris Supplement
4 Supplement Aug. 1986 1
Barry Govan Acrobatic Dice two white dice appear between two red dice underneath a dice cup one at a time
  • The Cup Grip
  • The Centrifugal Addition
4 Supplement Aug. 1986 1
Barry Govan Die Vanish with heel grip like a coin steal
4 Supplement Aug. 1986 3
Ben Harris Twister double is pivoted out from top of deck around upper left corner, bottom card can be stolen in kind of right-hand lateral grip
4 Supplement Aug. 1986 3
Jay Sankey Geller Card tabled single card suddenly bends itself suddenly
4 Supplement Aug. 1986 5
Ben Harris Gipsy's Gift convincer
4 Supplement Aug. 1986 7
Ben Harris 19 Down is Ok! selection lost, top card shown and lost in deck, it comes back to top and whispers position of selection, performer cuts off that many cards
4 Supplement Aug. 1986 8
Jerry Andrus Bizarre Shuffle double waterfall flourish, waterfall of faroed deck into side-jogged packets, then again into out-jogged packets and back and forth
Related to 4 Supplement Aug. 1986 10
Ben Harris The Exploding Pyramid banded deck is transformed in pyramid shape, as four-of-a-kind revelation, pyramid splits at the three mates of a selection
Inspired by 4 Supplement Aug. 1986 11
Ben Harris Index index of the first four issues
  • Correction
  • Contributors By Name
4 Supplement Aug. 1986 15
Ben Harris Precursor new pagination start
5 Mar. 1987 81
5 Mar. 1987 82
Jay Sankey, Richard Sanders One for Fifty-One! signed card on table transposes with whole deck in rubber-banded case
Related to 5 Mar. 1987 82
Mike Gallo Original, No Gaff, Reverse Matrix
  • The Assembly
  • Setting Up for the Dis-Assembly
  • The Dis-Assembly
5 Mar. 1987 86
Edward Marlo Olram's Open Charlier deck is openly cut with a Charlier cut but as the pass is completed the right hand covers the deck and the halves are again reversed, Ambitious Card sequence application
Related to 5 Mar. 1987 90
5 Mar. 1987 93
Ben Harris Swivel Display double is held with thumb on top in the middle and two fingers underneath, double is moved circular back and forth
5 Mar. 1987 93
Ben Harris Pivot Bottom Double Lift
5 Mar. 1987 95
Ben Harris Innovation
5 Mar. 1987 96
Eric Mead Eric Mead - Colorado sugar packet torn open and sugar poured in hand, sugar vanishes and travels back into packet, then packet restores, posed as a problem
Related toVariations 5 Mar. 1987 96
Ben Harris Precursor
6 Oct. 1987 97
6 Oct. 1987 98
David Harkey Heat Vision pencil bends and gets scorch marks
6 Oct. 1987 98
Daniel McCarthy Spectator Cuts the Aces inspired by Marlo's 36th Method in "A Problem Posed" reference
Inspired by 6 Oct. 1987 100
Ben Harris, Jay Sankey De-Crease signed card torn in half, it is visually restored without creases
6 Oct. 1987 102
6 Oct. 1987 107
Jay Sankey The Value of Material Fiction
6 Oct. 1987 107
6 Oct. 1987 109
Daniel McCarthy Sugar Daddy sugar packet torn open and sugar poured in hand, sugar vanishes and travels back into packet, then packet restores, solution to Eric Mead's problem, using white pepper that is attracted to amber stone
Inspired by 6 Oct. 1987 109
Jim Kleefeld Sigar Escapade sugar packet torn open and sugar poured in hand, sugar vanishes and travels back into packet, then packet restores, solution to Eric Mead's problem
Inspired by 6 Oct. 1987 110
Edward Marlo Flexible Bottom Lift starts with book break
6 Oct. 1987 111
Data entered by Denis Behr, February 2025.