First published in Spanish: "Por Arte de Verbimagia", Editorial Frakson, 2005.
156 pages (Hardcover), published by Hermetic Press
No illustrations
Language: English
65 entries
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Juan Tamariz Genesis on Verbal magic, performances on the radio, TV and live
Gema Navarro A Few Words from Gema
Juan Tamariz Defining Our Subject on performing Verbal magic, how to manipulate the memory
Chapter 1 - Magic with a Few Playing Cards, Business Cards or Pieces of Paper
Part I - Ten Tricks to Get Started
Juan Tamariz The Impossible in Your Hands each spectator has five red and five black cards, cards are mixed and reversed, in the end five cards are reversed and they are all of the same color
Inspired by 9
Juan Tamariz Joy and Pleasure cards form Ace to Ten are mixed and with procedure two cards are removed, all end up with the Six and the Nine
Juan Tamariz The Human Condition red and black cards are mixed and all but one placed on the table in pairs, all contain a black and a red card except pile in the hand which consists of two red cards, presentation about the good and the bad qualities of the human beeing
Juan Tamariz Lucky at Cards nine cards from Ace to Nine are mixed and dealt into three hands, all total fifteen, game of Escoba presentation
Related to 17
Juan Tamariz The Torn and Restored Couple six pairs are mixed and one card placed on the table, mate is found after more shuffling
Juan Tamariz Good People Ace to Nine are mixed and one card set aside, all end up with Ace
Juan Tamariz Wisdom four red and four black card are mixed, dealt and cut, cards separate
Juan Tamariz Happiness cards from Ace to Ten are face down and court cards are inserted face up, then packet is mixed and dealt, court card removed and order is restored
Juan Tamariz Magic as Harmonic Chaos three red cards and three black cards held under table, card are turned over various times, cards end up all face down and colors separated, with variations, Max Maven's "rolling turnovers"
Juan Tamariz Your Lucky Number cards from Ace to Ten are dealt and more cards added, cards add up to spectators individual lucky numbers
Part II - Three Exceptional Tricks
Juan Tamariz The Horoscope Ace to Ten are used, three cards are reversed and cards dealt into two piles several times, then pairs are formed which are used to select a page and an add in a newspaper, prediction of a card
Related to 35
Juan Tamariz Paradise Recovered seven cards, one is marked by spectators and through several phases cards are eliminated and thrown away, card remaining will be the selection
Juan Tamariz Blind Date sixteen cards are used, name is spelled to get rid of cards and to select a card, cards are mixed and last card remaining is selection
Chapter III - Tricks with a Deck of Cards
Juan Tamariz Your Better Half chosen picture card is found among about twenty number cards, counting a number and its cross sum
Juan Tamariz In Search of the Desired Harem Belchou's Aces as Verbal Magic effect
Related to 50
Juan Tamariz Four Aces four Aces are lost and found by dealing four piles, using a reversed lucky card
Juan Tamariz The Best Year to be Born four cards corresponding to a chosen year are lost and found
Juan Tamariz The Sorcerer's Apprentice using 27 cards, as a ritual
Juan Tamariz The Case of the Nine Magic Hats of La Corona Curry's "The Case of the Missing Hat" using twenty cards and ten objects
Related to 58
Juan Tamariz The Power of Love spectator turn cards over as in a cut deeper force but it resembles a shuffle, all cards are face down, using a paperclip to mark position
Juan Tamariz The Miraculous Hand Ritual several cards are removed from the deck and two selected, cards are placed in the deck and appear back on top
Chapter III - Tricks With Pencil and Paper
Part I - Words and Numbers
Juan Tamariz Live with the Devil letters of words written on pieces of paper, paper mixed and eliminated, piles with same letters as a climax, no cards used
Juan Tamariz Barbecue Party words written on slips of paper, one is chosen and found by spelling in a clock lay-out, barbecue theme, the tapping trick
Related to
  • Stewart James' "The Last Drink" in "New Tops" Vol. 2, Nr. 8. 1962. P. 18.
Juan Tamariz Temptation list filled with words, slips of papers with numbers on both sides used to select a number and a word from the list, all end up with same word
Inspired by 77
Juan Tamariz Your Evening With... Q card trick using sixteen slips of paper and names of celebrities
Part II - Mathemagical Tricks
Juan Tamariz The Fortune of the Week long word used and numbers written below each letter, number is formed by calculation (1089) and adding cards to build a new number, digits are used to build a new word from original long word, everybody ends up with same word
Inspired by
  • Stewart James' "Secret Weapon" 1941-42.
Juan Tamariz The Cry of Truth letters are linked with numbers, named numbers are added to values of chosen playing cards, digits used to build a word using the letters, everybody gets "Guerra no!"
Juan Tamariz The Origins of Evil birth year plus age number force, letters linked to numbers to form a word, everybody gets "Bush"
Chapter IV - Magic with Small Objects
Juan Tamariz Heads Up coins are placed on the table and coins are turned over several times, one coin is chosen and everybody has same side up
Inspired by 95
Juan Tamariz Through the Mirror 30 objects used, everybody choses a number and goes through some additions and subtractions and end up on the number 8
Chapter V - Tricks, Bets and Jokes
Juan Tamariz Heads or Tails "Heads I win, tails you lose" presentation
Juan Tamariz Money Attracts Money optical illusion of appearing coin, two coins are rubbed together, direction in which coin is moving can be named by spectator
Juan Tamariz How to Win Impossible Bets several bar bets
  • The "I"
  • Smoking without Consuming a Cigarette
    • Making a knot into a cigarette
  • Tying a Knot in a Rope without Releasing the Ends
  • Eating without Touching the Hat
  • Tearing a Deck of Cards
  • The Flat Match
  • Steel Bridges
  • To Catch a Thief
  • The Multiplication of Bread
  • Flying Food
  • Trip to the Moon
Chapter VI - Four Ideas for Four Tricks
Juan Tamariz A Book Test Ace to Ten are used, three cards are reversed and cards dealt into two piles several times, then pairs are formed which are used to select a page in a book
Related to 121
Juan Tamariz The Magic Seven seven cards from Ace to Seven are used and dealt and re-dealt, in the end pairs which equal seven
Juan Tamariz The Interfering Joker Ace through Eight are spelled, spectator always gets Joker
Inspired by 123
Juan Tamariz Card to Pocket card vanishes from one packet and travels to packet in spectators pocket
Related to 124
Chapter VII - ...and a Finale
Juan Tamariz The Piano Trick
Appendix - Ideas for Creating Other Tricks
Juan Tamariz Wish Granted number forcing curiosity with wish list, multiplying with 12345679
Juan Tamariz Forcing a Number from One to Nine using packet with Ace through Nine, palindromic stack to force number
Juan Tamariz, Max Maven Forcing the Number Thirteen forcing the number thirteen with cards, using Ace to Queen
Inspired by 136
Juan Tamariz Faro Shuffles Done by Participants or Listeners using a milk shuffle, for 26 or less cards
Juan Tamariz Further Ideas with a Packet of Twelve Cards: "The Hotel Mystery" using Jacks, Queens and Kings
Juan Tamariz A Sixteen-card Version of "The Hotel Mystery"
Juan Tamariz A False Shuffle Done Through Dealing spectator deals cards on table, reversing order
  • First Variation
  • Second Variation
  • Third Variation
  • Fourth Variation
Related to 139
Juan Tamariz A Shuffle That Retains a Color Alternation dealing procedure done by spectator
  • Variation
Juan Tamariz Letters Instead of Numbers
George Sands The Principle of Prime Numbers prime principle force, small packet counted to named number until only one card remains
Inspired by 142
Juan Tamariz The Automatic Placement
Juan Tamariz Bibliography annotated bibliography on verbal magic
Data entered by Lorenz Schär, December 2024.