With additional introductions from the 1987 reprint by Kaufman and Company.
Written by Bill Madsen
Work of Various
298 pages (Hardcover), published by Selfpublished
Illustrated with drawings
Language: English
440 entries
This publication has been reviewed by
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Issue Year Page AA Categories
Dan Tong ESPeriments divination of chosen ESP card, luck as method
Vol. 4 No. 41 Sep. 1965 169
Dan Tong Thumb Nail Sketches business cards with numbers written on them, performer removes a cards and it matches named number
Vol. 4 No. 41 Sep. 1965 169
Dan Tong Telecodes ESP card coded via the way a slip of paper is clipped to a card case, silent code
Inspired by Vol. 4 No. 41 Sep. 1965 170
Dan Tong ESP Stop using ESP deck
Vol. 4 No. 41 Sep. 1965 170
Joseph M. White Bennu prediction of chosen colored disk, with sucker moment, paper change bag
Vol. 4 No. 42 Oct. 1965 171
Bill Madsen Editorium on Karl Fulves, James G. Thompson
Vol. 4 No. 42 Oct. 1965 172
Bill Madsen "Pro"file on Joseph M. White
Vol. 4 No. 42 Oct. 1965 172
E. Leslie May "...to a memory" lecture series on Ted Annemann
Vol. 4 No. 42 Oct. 1965 173
Joseph M. White Tape-Palmed Billet using tape on palm
Vol. 4 No. 42 Oct. 1965 173
Joseph M. White Tagliostro key tags with names of cards written on, one penetrates knitting needle, card matches selection
Vol. 4 No. 42 Oct. 1965 174
Joseph M. White Cutting Odds Down card placed in pocket matches named card, probability
Variations Vol. 4 No. 42 Oct. 1965 174
Eddie Clever Macabre Madness on cards in envelopes
Vol. 4 No. 43 Nov. 1965 175
Bill Madsen Editorium
Vol. 4 No. 43 Nov. 1965 176
Philip T. Goldstein Sealed-Up Sahara three envelopes, chosen one has sand in it
Vol. 4 No. 43 Nov. 1965 176
E. Leslie May "...to a memory" lecture series on Ted Annemann
Vol. 4 No. 43 Nov. 1965 177
Ronnie Gann Mysterear using apparatus to listen to conversations before the show, to gather information
Vol. 4 No. 43 Nov. 1965 177
North Bigbee Command two decks with different backs, same cards are selected
Vol. 4 No. 43 Nov. 1965 178
Joseph M. White Slam Bang Card using scotch tape
Vol. 4 No. 43 Nov. 1965 178
Arthur Monroe Season's Greetings spectator cuts t same place as performer, undoing cut
Vol. 4 No. 44 Dec. 1965 179
Bill Madsen Editorium on The Phoenix, Del Cartier, Karl Fulves
Vol. 4 No. 44 Dec. 1965 180
Damon, Paul Siegel, North Bigbee Wizzard's Wassail drink recipe, see p. 294 for credit info to Damon
Vol. 4 No. 44 Dec. 1965 180
E. Leslie May "...to a memory" lecture series on Ted Annemann
Vol. 4 No. 44 Dec. 1965 181
Paul Siegel Living Color
Vol. 4 No. 44 Dec. 1965 181
Jesse J. Langston Jr. Predicta Pop prediction of chosen soft drink, board with mark in front, magnetic solution
Vol. 4 No. 44 Dec. 1965 182
Paul Marcus Dominating Dice number between one and thirteen used to select a card, card is found by throwing three dice
Vol. 4 No. 45 Jan. 1966 183
Bill Madsen (reviewer) Editorium on public show by IBM ring #122, Ed Rosenthal, George Johnstone, Dick Gustafson, Elwin Shaw, Paul Draylin Vol. 4 No. 45 Jan. 1966 184
E. Leslie May "...to a memory" lecture series on Ted Annemann
Vol. 4 No. 45 Jan. 1966 184
Tony Kardyro A Mental Effect for the Card Men spectator and performer write same word on calling card
Vol. 4 No. 45 Jan. 1966 185
Harvey Rosenthal Buried Pleasure number written on one of several business cards, and cards placed inside envelope, performer divines number
Vol. 4 No. 45 Jan. 1966 186
John Benzais, Harry Lorayne Stabbed in the Pack card bounces from table
Related toVariationsAlso published here Vol. 4 No. 46 Feb. 1966 187
Bill Madsen Editorium on Karl Fulves, P.C. Sorcar, John A. Keel
Vol. 4 No. 46 Feb. 1966 188
E. Leslie May "...to a memory" lecture series on Ted Annemann
Vol. 4 No. 46 Feb. 1966 189
Ace Gorham Invisible Dice invisible dice are rolled, number of total is on card reversed in a number deck
Vol. 4 No. 46 Feb. 1966 189
Earl Harvey Jr. Back 'n Blue - Version of the Color Changing Card card found with think stop procedure, back changes, sticky card
Inspired by Vol. 4 No. 46 Feb. 1966 190
Paul Siegel Brainstorm prediction card in envelope
Vol. 4 No. 47 Mar. 1966 191
Bill Madsen Editorium letter by Steve Trott on Stabbed in the Pack
Related to Vol. 4 No. 47 Mar. 1966 192
Paul Siegel Solus Intra Tercet several objects handed to medium in other room and chosen one is divined
Vol. 4 No. 47 Mar. 1966 192
E. Leslie May "...to a memory" lecture series on Ted Annemann
Vol. 4 No. 47 Mar. 1966 193
Paul Siegel Fourthought several cards shown and one remembered, cards places behind back and one card is placed inside pocket, selection is missing and eventually removed from pocket
Vol. 4 No. 47 Mar. 1966 193
Paul Siegel Booknow II several books handed out, cards are selected and winner of high card inserts card into book to select a word, index
Variations Vol. 4 No. 47 Mar. 1966 194
Tony Kardyro The Probable Winner from a horse-racing program a number of race and a horse are selected and written on billet, both divined by performer
Vol. 4 No. 48 Apr. 1966 195
Bill Madsen Editorium on Sorcar, Steve Trott, Duke Stern
Vol. 4 No. 48 Apr. 1966 196
Philip T. Goldstein The Mating Game Queen and King of Spades turn over in the deck, duplicate
Vol. 4 No. 48 Apr. 1966 196
Jesse J. Langston Jr. Crystal Dazer crystal ball with flash bulb inside, for McAthy's Insurance Policy effect
Vol. 4 No. 48 Apr. 1966 196
E. Leslie May "...to a memory" lecture series on Ted Annemann
Vol. 4 No. 48 Apr. 1966 197
Stephen Fernandes Glide-iator card under hand transforms into selection, second selection found reversed in the deck
Vol. 4 No. 48 Apr. 1966 197
Dan Tong Immiscibilite 3x3, three phases, mixing climax
Inspired by Vol. 4 No. 48 Apr. 1966 198
Tony "Doc" Shiels The Juggler and the Black Magician Juggler and Magician appear next to chosen Tarot card from Major Arcana, cards are placed into three envelopes and end up together in selected envelope
Vol. 5 No. 49 May 1966 199
Bill Madsen Editorium on Fritz Kobayashi, Tony Shiels, David Hoy
Vol. 5 No. 49 May 1966 200
Bill Madsen "Pro"file on Tony Shiels
Vol. 5 No. 49 May 1966 200
E. Leslie May "...to a memory" lecture series on Ted Annemann
Vol. 5 No. 49 May 1966 201
Tony "Doc" Shiels The Sorcerer's Signature piece of paper with various names, one is selected and paper burnt, performer reaches into ashes and produces paper with selected name
Vol. 5 No. 49 May 1966 201
Tony "Doc" Shiels The Illustrated Man tattoo on arm to reveal selection
Vol. 5 No. 49 May 1966 201
Tony "Doc" Shiels Zaggathir finding selection with a miniature skull, clicks jaws to indicate position in pile
Vol. 5 No. 49 May 1966 202
Tony "Doc" Shiels Xyddatha Pendu chosen Tarot card (Major Arcana) in signed envelope
Vol. 5 No. 50 June 1966 106
Tony "Doc" Shiels Nightmares chosen nightmare is predicted in envelope and with letter
Vol. 5 No. 50 June 1966 203
Bill Madsen Editorium
Vol. 5 No. 50 June 1966 204
John Benzais Letter to Steve Trott
Related to Vol. 5 No. 50 June 1966 204
Harry Lorayne Letter to Bill Madsen the difference between Lorayne's and Benzais' handling of stabbed in the pack
Related to Vol. 5 No. 50 June 1966 204
E. Leslie May "...to a memory" lecture series on Ted Annemann
Vol. 5 No. 50 June 1966 205
Tony "Doc" Shiels The Monkey's Paw cards with names of ghost stories, one is selected and monkey paw appears to match selection
Vol. 5 No. 50 June 1966 206
Stuart P. Cramer J'Espionne signed card to box, spy presentation
Vol. 5 No. 51 July 1966 207
Bill Madsen Editorium on Jim Zee, Herman Hanson's Magicale, Mike Caldwell, De Yip Loo, Jay Marshall, Jack Chanin, Bernard Whitman, Billy Spina & Bobby, Scalzo & Co., DeLage & Margaret
Vol. 5 No. 51 July 1966 208
E. Leslie May "... to a memory" lecture series on Ted Annemann
Vol. 5 No. 51 July 1966 209
Philip T. Goldstein Op & Down using Hexy puzzle, pip on chosen card looks like it broke into pieces
Vol. 5 No. 51 July 1966 209
Chandler Mason Chosen Mate six picture of pin-up girls and cards with names, couple chose matching picture and name
Vol. 5 No. 51 July 1966 210
E. Leslie May, Theodore Annemann Beatrick! four selected cards with names of bands in envelopes, spectators choose their own card, equivoque
Inspired by Vol. 5 No. 52 Aug. 1966 211
Bill Madsen Editorium
Vol. 5 No. 52 Aug. 1966 212
E. Leslie May "...to a memory" lecture series on Ted Annemann
Vol. 5 No. 52 Aug. 1966 213
Joseph M. White Trick Turtles three card selected, three turtles appear under cups with name of cards written on them
Inspired by Vol. 5 No. 52 Aug. 1966 214
John Benzais Transit Dime coin penetrates cellophane of card case or cigarette pack
Also published here Vol. 5 No. 52 Aug. 1966 214
John Benzais Follow Up to Transit Dime dime on card case or cigarette pack penetrates cellophane wrapper from inside
Also published here Vol. 5 No. 52 Aug. 1966 214
Roy Fromer Magic for Intellectuals - Fire and Ice fingers set on fire and then placed in water, ice is produced
Vol. 5 No. 53 Sep. 1966 215
Roy Fromer Magic for Intellectuals - Shattering Glass glass in plastic bag shatters
Vol. 5 No. 53 Sep. 1966 215
Bill Madsen Editorium
Vol. 5 No. 53 Sep. 1966 216
E. Leslie May "...to a memory" lecture series on Ted Annemann
Vol. 5 No. 53 Sep. 1966 217
Tony "Doc" Shiels Poor Man's Stabbed in the Pack deck held vertically by spectator
Inspired by Vol. 5 No. 53 Sep. 1966 217
Paul Marcus Brobdingnagian with jumbo cards, card appears in envelope, with assistant
Vol. 5 No. 53 Sep. 1966 218
Theodore Annemann Annemann's 55c Card Memory shuffled deck is memorized by performer, red and black card separated and order named by performer
Related to Vol. 5 No. 54 Oct. 1966 219
Bill Madsen Editorium on Stewart James, David Hoy, Senator Crandall, Duke Stern, Karrell Fox, George McAthy, Scotty McGregor, Carl Emmett, Jack Gwynne, Tommy Edwards
Vol. 5 No. 54 Oct. 1966 220
Annemann Does a Blindfold Walk with photographs
Vol. 5 No. 54 Oct. 1966 221
Theodore Annemann Annemann's Diabolo Pellet Reading
Related to Vol. 5 No. 54 Oct. 1966 222
Harry Lorayne Will the Real Stabbed in the Pack Please Stand Up!
Related to Vol. 5 No. 55 Nov. 1966 223
Bill Madsen Editorium on Senator Crandall, Jay Marshall, Jack Gwynne, Conklins, Duke Stern, Karrell Fox, Jack Bauer, Recil Bordner, Tommy Edwards
Vol. 5 No. 55 Nov. 1966 224
Tony Kardyro Mentally Matched chosen card is divined, peek case
Vol. 5 No. 55 Nov. 1966 226
North Bigbee Stripsation multiple card control using stripper deck
Vol. 5 No. 55 Nov. 1966 226
Arthur Monroe The Professor spectator sits on chosen card, special ring presentation, duplicate
Vol. 5 No. 56 Dec. 1966 227
Bill Madsen Editorium
Vol. 5 No. 56 Dec. 1966 228
Al Forgione Eve's Delight drink recipe
Vol. 5 No. 56 Dec. 1966 228
Joseph M. White CATnips index envelope made with double faced scotch tape
Vol. 5 No. 56 Dec. 1966 228
E. Leslie May, Damon, Paul Siegel, North Bigbee Psychic Relation assistant divines color, card in envelope, see p. 294 for credit info to Damon
Vol. 5 No. 56 Dec. 1966 230
Eddie Clever My Word! postcard placed inside book, flashback
Vol. 5 No. 57 Jan. 1967 231
Bill Madsen Editorium on Ed Rosenthal, The Conklins, Larry Weeks, General Grant Murphy, Manny Williams, Jolly Jovers, Gary Moore, Ali Bongo
Vol. 5 No. 57 Jan. 1967 232
Joseph M. White CATnips
Vol. 5 No. 57 Jan. 1967 233
Tommy Evans An Effect From Tommy Evans coin through neck and spit out from mouth, odd method
Vol. 5 No. 57 Jan. 1967 233
Stylesmith Signed Sealed and... signed bill in envelope, number divined and also predicted in mailed envelope
Vol. 5 No. 57 Jan. 1967 234
Stephen Fernandes The Lady is a Joker card changes
Vol. 5 No. 57 Jan. 1967 234
John Benzais Secret of Gordius Gordius, knot vanishes and reappears while spectator hold both ends, three phases
VariationsAlso published here Vol. 5 No. 58 Feb. 1967 235
Bill Madsen Editorium
Vol. 5 No. 58 Feb. 1967 236
Paul Siegel Quest of Canore medium in other room divines chosen object, code of silence
Vol. 5 No. 59 Mar. 1967 239
Bill Madsen Editorium on Tony Shiels, Lord of the Rings
Vol. 5 No. 59 Mar. 1967 240
Joseph M. White Catnips creativity method, CIG
Vol. 5 No. 59 Mar. 1967 241
Roy Fromer The Hemp Eater two pieces of string placed inside mouth, cord becomes one continuous length
Vol. 5 No. 59 Mar. 1967 241
Philip T. Goldstein It's Been A Card Day's Night prediction written on card
Vol. 5 No. 59 Mar. 1967 242
Ronnie Gann Bare Faced performer finds selected card by looking at the backs, all other cards are blank
Vol. 5 No. 59 Mar. 1967 242
Joseph M. White The Coin of Kibil Nala signed coin travels from hand to hand, hands covered with handkerchiefs and rubber bands
Vol. 5 No. 60 Apr. 1967 243
Bill Madsen Editorium on Tony Shiels
Vol. 5 No. 60 Apr. 1967 244
Felix Greenfield A TIp on Hip ideas for instant stooging, pseudo hypnotism
Vol. 5 No. 60 Apr. 1967 244
Tony "Doc" Shiels Baldpate Revisited padlock through buttonhole
Vol. 5 No. 60 Apr. 1967 245
Tony "Doc" Shiels "XNIJ" spectator cuts deck, on card is written "You will cut the deck here"
Vol. 5 No. 60 Apr. 1967 245
Dan Tong, Ken Krenzel Telecoincidence book test with books, flashback principle, performer and spectator select same word from two books
Related to Vol. 5 No. 60 Apr. 1967 246
Dan Tong Triangle Book Test X to mark position, stooge
Vol. 5 No. 60 Apr. 1967 246
Philip T. Goldstein Mutare transposition of two cards, card wrapped in handkerchief, faced deck
Vol. 6 No. 61 May 1967 247
Philip T. Goldstein Take "5" piece of paper vanishes in a flash and appears on selection in deck, see p. 252 for missing paragraph
Vol. 6 No. 61 May 1967 247
Bill Madsen Editorium on Ace Gorham
Vol. 6 No. 61 May 1967 248
Bill Madsen "Pro"file on Phil Goldstein
Vol. 6 No. 61 May 1967 248
Philip T. Goldstein The Little Palmed Card That Wasn't
Vol. 6 No. 61 May 1967 249
Philip T. Goldstein Cutting Odds Down Cigarette Style card to cigarette, probability
Inspired by Vol. 6 No. 61 May 1967 249
Philip T. Goldstein Piper transposition of red and black halves
Vol. 6 No. 61 May 1967 249
Philip T. Goldstein At the Stake slip with name of dead person is only one unharmed by fire
Vol. 6 No. 61 May 1967 250
Philip T. Goldstein Concentration Conception comedy mental routine, female symbol and blank card appear on deck before selection, apparently what spectator thought
Vol. 6 No. 61 May 1967 250
Jinx-In At Ft. Cornwall
Vol. 6 No. 62 June 1967 251
Bill Madsen Editorium on Ace Gorham, Clayton Rawson, Zaney Blaney
Vol. 6 No. 62 June 1967 252
Joseph M. White CATnips on creativity game CIG
Vol. 6 No. 62 June 1967 253
Joseph M. White #1 ball vanishes and appears in glass, covered with metal cube
Vol. 6 No. 62 June 1967 253
Joseph M. White #2 coin is vanished and appears inside glass covered with handkerchief
Vol. 6 No. 62 June 1967 253
Joseph M. White #3 plastic cube covered with metal cube, coffee is poured inside and changes into pennies
Vol. 6 No. 62 June 1967 253
Joseph M. White #4 paper torn and placed inside box, milk vanishes from cone and appears inside paper cup inside box
Vol. 6 No. 62 June 1967 253
Earl Keyser Tic Tac Toe Magic tic tac toe played with cards, when cards are turned over they form a magic square
Vol. 6 No. 62 June 1967 253
David Bornstein You Find One! card with odd back placed on table
Inspired by Vol. 6 No. 62 June 1967 254
Paul Siegel Ad-denda ads torn from newspaper and placed inside envelopes, divination of ads
Vol. 6 No. 62 June 1967 254
Roy Fromer "NY" (Not Yet) prediction using photo slides, letters on two slides, when one is removed name of card is revealed
Inspired by Vol. 6 No. 63 July 1967 255
Roy Fromer "NYC" (The Fun City" photo appears on 35mm slide
Inspired by Vol. 6 No. 63 July 1967 255
Bill Madsen Editorium
Vol. 6 No. 63 July 1967 256
Bill Madsen "Pro"file on Roy Fromer
Vol. 6 No. 63 July 1967 256
Roy Fromer She sugar cube is set on fire, story
Vol. 6 No. 63 July 1967 257
Roy Fromer Stilts divination of marked paper matches behind back
Vol. 6 No. 63 July 1967 257
Roy Fromer "NYCT" (Nicked" content of photo slide is divined, blindfolded in dark room
Vol. 6 No. 63 July 1967 257
Roy Fromer The Tale of Count Magnus black box sealed with three pieces of scotch tape slowly opens by itself, with vampire story
Vol. 6 No. 63 July 1967 258
Earl Keyser The Fever rolled number burnt into paper of cigarette
Vol. 6 No. 64 Aug. 1967 259
Tony Kardyro Adytum Joker with predictions is stabbed in the pack, cards next to it are predicted
Vol. 6 No. 64 Aug. 1967 259
Bill Madsen Editorium on Al Forgione, Bill Severn, Ferry Forst
Vol. 6 No. 64 Aug. 1967 260
Joseph M. White CATnips on creativity
Vol. 6 No. 64 Aug. 1967 261
Roy Fromer The Authentic Method of Spirit Rapping Unveiled, Baby! cracking sound with toes
Vol. 6 No. 64 Aug. 1967 261
Stephen Fernandes Captured
Vol. 6 No. 64 Aug. 1967 262
Stephen Fernandes Penard name of card appears in clear plastic barrel of pen
Vol. 6 No. 64 Aug. 1967 262
Stephen Fernandes Reciprocity first selection placed between Aces in the deck, second selection reversed in the pack, the change places
Vol. 6 No. 64 Aug. 1967 262
Stephen Fernandes Easy Card Rise
Vol. 6 No. 64 Aug. 1967 262
Tony "Doc" Shiels Red Devil drawing of Lucifer's head appears inside circle on paper when bottle is opened
Vol. 6 No. 65 Sep. 1967 263
Tony "Doc" Shiels Night of the Demon bright red flame appears then green light and sound in the dark
Vol. 6 No. 65 Sep. 1967 263
Bill Madsen Editorium on Ted Serious, Jay Marshall, Karrell Fox, Norm Nielsen, Johnny Thompson, The Gustafsons, Milo & Roger
Vol. 6 No. 65 Sep. 1967 264
Joseph M. White CATnips card with prediction in box change places with prediction in deck
Vol. 6 No. 65 Sep. 1967 265
Tony "Doc" Shiels Hobgoblin small demon materializes and vanishes in dark room while performer is tied to chair
Vol. 6 No. 65 Sep. 1967 266
Joseph M. White Tres Ingenue slate a la Mental Epic, 3 words from book are divined / predicted, cards are selected and winner of high card inserts card into book to select a word
Inspired by Vol. 6 No. 66 Oct. 1967 267
W. R. Harding Memo golden coin placed in beer turns into silver coin
Vol. 6 No. 66 Oct. 1967 269
Bill Madsen Editorium on Johnny Carson, Orson Welles
Vol. 6 No. 66 Oct. 1967 270
Irv Weiner Irv's Bill Tear
Vol. 6 No. 66 Oct. 1967 270
Dan Tong Psychic Princess stopped at ESP card matches prediction in pocket, two methods
Vol. 6 No. 67 Nov. 1967 271
Bill Madsen Editorium on the Mirror issue, Phil Thomas
Vol. 6 No. 67 Nov. 1967 272
Dan Tong Telekinetic Perception ESP, selected card matches card reversed in the deck
Vol. 6 No. 67 Nov. 1967 272
Joseph M. White, John A. M. Howie CATnips Kraft cheese box with six different pieces of cheese, chosen one vanishes from box
Related to Vol. 6 No. 67 Nov. 1967 273
Dan Tong Spectator ESP two ESP deck, one face up and one face down, same symbols are chosen
Inspired by Vol. 6 No. 67 Nov. 1967 273
Dan Tong Magic vs. ESP two ESP decks, spelling to symbol
Vol. 6 No. 67 Nov. 1967 274
Dan Tong Odd Men Out two decks, with ESP cards
Inspired by Vol. 6 No. 67 Nov. 1967 274
Joseph M. White The Creatitudes
Vol. 6 No. 68 Dec. 1967 275
Bill Madsen Editorium on Dan Tong, Arthur Monroe
Vol. 6 No. 68 Dec. 1967 276
Al Forgione The Santa Sleeper drink recipe
Vol. 6 No. 68 Dec. 1967 276
Dan Tong Commando red backed card is placed inside blue deck, deck is shuffled and turned over, spectator touches one card which turns out to be the odd one
Also published here Vol. 6 No. 68 Dec. 1967 277
Dan Tong Effect Using The Commando Effect #1 - card selected from red deck and turns out only blue backed card, missing from blue deck
Effect #2 - similar to original Commando effect
Vol. 6 No. 68 Dec. 1967 277
Dan Tong Two Pins & the 'kerchiefs pin pulled through handkerchief, using real and gaffed pin
Vol. 6 No. 68 Dec. 1967 277
Arthur Monroe Spelldown spelling to selection, repeated
Vol. 6 No. 68 Dec. 1967 278
Earl Harvey Jr. Charon's Fare signed coin vanishes from wrapped paper in a flash and appears in nest of boxes
Vol. 6 No. 69 Jan. 1968 279
Bill Madsen Editorium
Vol. 6 No. 69 Jan. 1968 280
Joseph M. White CATnips on different notebooks
Vol. 6 No. 69 Jan. 1968 281
Stephen Fernandes Ace Thru Five - Five Thru Ace Ace through Five, using glide
Vol. 6 No. 69 Jan. 1968 282
Paul Marcus Magic Spell packet cut and number used to select card, words spelled to find card
Vol. 6 No. 69 Jan. 1968 282
Irv Weiner Dabbling With Daub study on the use of Daub
  • Getting the Daub
  • Applying the Daub
  • The Spectator Does the Work For You
  • Tips on Daub and Daub Technique
Vol. 6 No. 70 Feb. 1968 283
Bill Madsen Editorium
Vol. 6 No. 70 Feb. 1968 284
Joseph M. White, Philip T. Goldstein CATnips Kraft cheese box with six different pieces of cheese, chosen one vanishes from box, other solution by Phil Goldstein
Related toAlso published here Vol. 6 No. 70 Feb. 1968 284
Joseph M. White Eight to Remember easy code for playing cards
Vol. 6 No. 71 Mar. 1968 287
Bill Madsen Editorium on Tommy Windsor, Howard Bamman
Vol. 6 No. 71 Mar. 1968 288
Joseph M. White CATnips several ideas for bill in soft boiled egg
Vol. 6 No. 71 Mar. 1968 289
Joseph M. White Book Test a la Carte using playing cards
Vol. 6 No. 71 Mar. 1968 290
Joseph M. White Which Hand? two billets one in each hand, spectator choses one and it is set on fire, billet reading subtlety
Vol. 6 No. 71 Mar. 1968 290
Dan Tong The DT Blindfold blindfold method, using cotton, bandage, mask and blindfolds
Vol. 6 No. 72 Apr. 1968 291
Bill Madsen Editorium on Al & Mae Forgione, Jane Madsen, on Damon
Vol. 6 No. 72 Apr. 1968 293
Tony "Doc" Shiels Drinking Song farewell to New Jinx
Vol. 6 No. 72 Apr. 1968 294
Joseph M. White CATnips humorous article onuses for the Walsh Appearing Cane
Vol. 6 No. 72 Apr. 1968 294
David Hoy Poof! drawing circles with a dot in the middle, dots disappear
Vol. 6 No. 72 Apr. 1968 295
E. Leslie May Perception In Prose chosen ESP symbol predicted by reading only certain letters in a text, hidden prediction
Vol. 6 No. 72 Apr. 1968 296
Data entered by Lorenz Schär, November 2024.