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Written by Peter Duffie
Work of Various
50 pages (E-book), without pagination, published by Selfpublished
No illustrations
Language: English
57 entries
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Creators Title Comments & References Page Categories
Peter Duffie Introduction
Jason Alford Sandwich Spread odd-backed sandwich cards place in different positions, they instantly come together to trap selection
Inspired byAlso published here [1]
Steve Beam Remember & Forget cards are spelled with words "remember" and "forget"
Inspired by [2]
David Britland AT003 Ace, Two and Three, chosen value changes into selection, then the others as well one by one
Inspired by [3]
David Britland Sweet Little Lies lie detector with a selection and four chips with red/black, spot/court and suits on them
David Britland The Last Game multiphase routine, with card swapping
Also published here [5]
David Britland An Old Bar Bet three coins add up to eight pence with one of them not being a penny, verbal deception
David Britland Offworld two piles
Related toAlso published here [7]
Dave Campbell Premonition card not named but built from two consecutive cards in the deck by taking suit of one and value of the other
Inspired by
  • "Thinking Out Loud" (Steven Hamilton, The Crimp #10)
Also published here
Dave Campbell Ricochet three signed cards, one put in pocket, one in tabled sandwich and one in deck, card shoots out of deck, but it is one of the others as a triple transposition took place
Also published here [9]
Aldo Colombini Jump and Pass two selections transpose with four Kings, Hofzinse Ace problem with two selections, inspired by a Phil Goldstein routine
VariationsAlso published here [10]
Aldo Colombini Twin Expedition chosen King vanishes from Kings packet and reappears in deck between two selections
Paul Cummins Phone Home over phone
Inspired by [12]
Straight Cut Placement
Jay Ose, James Swain Spectator's Ose False Cut executed by spectator
Also published here [12]
Daryl Martinez Universal
Also published here [13]
Daryl Martinez, Harvey Rosenthal Pop-Up Move
Also published here [13]
Peter Duffie Packet Switch two black Kings tabled, Ace from Ace packet chosen, suddenly performer holds Kings with chosen Ace, other three Aces on table
Peter Duffie The Topless Bottomless Bottom Deal Deal Kings lost, spectator removes some cards from top and bottom of deck, performer immediately deals two hands which are the Kings and Aces
Iain Girdwood Gerrymandering Threes cut to and count down, spectator cuts deck in three piles, top of center pile is a Three, other Threes are found by counting three down in each pile
Inspired by
  • "Magician versus Spectator" (Jerry Sadowitz, The Crimp No. 34)
Philip T. Goldstein Forked Tongue first questions are answered truthfully, then spectator can decide
Inspired by [17]
Paul Hallas Easy Number card chosen in one deck, any number counted to in second deck, it matches first card
Steven Hamilton Stressed Out Card in-the hands, deck changes into rainbow deck
Inspired byAlso published here [19]
Steven Hamilton A New Twist
Inspired byAlso published here [20]
Pit Hartling The Three Musketeers three spectators choose a card each which are lost, performer finds only one card, it turns out all spectators chose the same one
Jerry K. Hartman Sham on You the Aces are inserted out-jogged into the deck and spectator takes the deck, he deals off the top to the magician and “middle-deals” the out-jogged cards to himself, it turns out he has the four Twos and magician has the Aces
Inspired by
  • "The Linking Ring", in the "Havenly Close-Up" column (Vol. 80, No. 2, February 2000, p. 102)
Also published here
Jerry K. Hartman Hindu Shuffle with partial deck retention retaining order of bottom of deck, as well as an in-jog
Also published here [22]
Richard James Jack Trapped (Duplicate Card Version) chosen card is placed between two Jacks and sandwich given spectator to hold, another card vanishes and is found between the Jacks, first selection found in wallet
Related to [23]
Richard James Jack Trapped (Non-Duplicate Version) chosen card is placed between two Jacks and sandwich given spectator to hold, another card transposes with it
Related to [24]
Marty Kane The Jack Queen King Ace Trick over phone, involving spelling, down-under deal
Inspired by [25]
Marty Kane Best Poker Hands two phases, good poker hands are formed
Inspired by
  • "Heavyweight" (Peter Duffie, 21 Card Tricks)
Also published here
Peter Lamont A False Solution coin held into glass with liquid comes out bent, then liquid is drunk by performer, acid presentation
Walt Lees Royal Ace Cut
Val Le-Val "X" Marks the Spot handkerchief with cross on it, the cross appears on back of selected card, then travels back to handkerchief, heat sensitive
Inspired by
  • "Mark of the Pirate" (Joe Gattis, marketed)
Val Le-Val Snoz! wind-up toy walking nose finds right card out of a packet of cards with perfumes on them
Gene Maze Peeping "Tom" Hotel Mystery version with four Queens, four Kings and a Joker, four Queen/King pairs become two Queen pairs and two King pairs
VariationsAlso published here [31]
Gene Maze World's Greatest Sponge Ball Routine! sponge ball sequence with spectator's hands, golf ball as final load in spectator's hand
George McBride Countdown Location spectator thinks of a small number and places that many cards from top to bottom, another selection is made that is found at the chosen number
George McBride Home to Roost two cards travel to two different pockets, repeat
Inspired by [34]
Peter McLanachan Queen Piece selection appears repeatedly between two Queens
  • Phase 1
  • Phase 2
  • Phase 3
Robert E. Neale Who Is this Woman? story presentation around the number 666, all black Ace of Spades, a woman appears in its design
Inspired by
  • Max Maven trick
Jon Racherbaumer Tick-Tock Dot Doc clock trick with small packet triumph sequence in which the chosen hour and then the selection are reversed, selection vanishes, previously tabled prediction turns out to be selection
Inspired by [37]
Dave Robertson Misdirection Replacement both packets transpose
Related to [38]
Dave Robertson Misdirection Countdown spectator cuts to wrong card, its value is used to count to selection
Robin Robertson Aldo Colombini's "Chance" Revisited two prediction cards, any card named, two Twos removed, both predictions shown as named card one by one, then they change to other two Twos
Inspired by
  • "Chance" (Aldo Colombini, The Linking Ring, Apr. 1986)
Robin Robertson Double Lucky two predictions made, spectator chooses one and stabs it into the deck, it ends up between the cards of same suit and value, other prediction matches the other suit/value combination
Inspired by
  • "Chance" (Aldo Colombini, The Linking Ring, Apr. 1986)
Fred Robinson Fred Robinson's Blackjack Stack blackjack stack for heads-up game
Related toAlso published here [41]
Fred Robinson Poker, Rummy & Bridge poker, rummy, bridge, set-up
Also published here [42]
Gavin Ross On My Way Up Aces placed on top of Kings, Kings rise to top
Allan Slaight Castor & Pollux Geminii Twins variation
Also published here [44]
Roy Walton Cardputer card thought of from five-card packet, cards spelled out according to color and other characteristics
Inspired by
  • "1st Experiment" (Peter Duffie, from his website)
Gary Ward Countdown Mates five cards chosen, any four added up and that number counted down to, arrived-at card matches fifth card of original set
Gary Ward Another Countdown five cards chosen, best blackjack hand made from them which is a twenty, card at twentieth position is Ace of Spades to make it twenty-one
R. Paul Wilson Diminished Responsibility three selections are lost, performer finds three Aces and tables them in front of the spectators while progressively pocketing the deck, the four cards left are the Aces again and the tabled three cards are now the selections, optional deck switch
R. Paul Wilson The Omniscient Queen features in the design of the Queen of Clubs are used to predict six (forced) selections
Related to [49]
R. Paul Wilson The Marlo-Thomson Bluff Pass as a Force
Inspired by [49]
Andrew Wimhurst Whispering Henry's Triumph adding a Triumph finale to Roy Walton's routine
Inspired by [50]
Data entered by Denis Behr, April 2024.