Written by Jim Sisti
Work of Various
708 pages (Stapled), published by Selfpublished
Illustrated with drawings
Language: English
956 entries
This publication has been reviewed by
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Issue Year Page Categories
Chris Hurlbert The Evolution of a Magician
Vol. 5 No. 29 May/June 1995 324
Paul Green In the Trenches on Tom Vorjohan
Vol. 5 No. 29 May/June 1995 325
Chris Hurlbert Some Random Thoughts thoughts on performing, business etc.
Vol. 5 No. 29 May/June 1995 326
Charles Greene III How to Get Booked
  • Promotional Materials
  • The Cold Call Approach
  • The Sales Talk
Also published here Vol. 5 No. 29 May/June 1995 327
Al "The Only" Ulman Ask the Only on Fechter's, FFFF, Obie O'Brien, Paul Daniels, Harry Lorayne, Simon Lovell
Vol. 5 No. 29 May/June 1995 328
Jim Sisti (reviewer) Matchbox Penetration by Selecionnes Magicale Vol. 5 No. 29 May/June 1995 329
Jim Sisti (reviewer) The Shrinking Bill by MagicThis Vol. 5 No. 29 May/June 1995 329
Jim Sisti (reviewer) Transpensition by Kevin King Vol. 5 No. 29 May/June 1995 329
Jim Sisti (reviewer) The Magic of Matt Schulien by Philip Reed Willmarth Vol. 5 No. 29 May/June 1995 329
Jim Sisti (reviewer) Semi-Automatic Card Tricks, Vol. II by Steve Beam Vol. 5 No. 29 May/June 1995 330
Jim Sisti (reviewer) Card College, Volume 1 by Roberto Giobbi Vol. 5 No. 29 May/June 1995 330
Jim Sisti (reviewer) Martin's Close-Up Miracles by Martin Lewis Vol. 5 No. 29 May/June 1995 330
Chris Hurlbert The Copy Card faded picture of selection appears on a blank card
Vol. 5 No. 29 May/June 1995 331
Chris Hurlbert The Destined Duo prediction of chosen Tarot card, engraved on medallion
Vol. 5 No. 29 May/June 1995 331
Chris Hurlbert Food for Thought cards with food items are selected, prediction on bill
Vol. 5 No. 29 May/June 1995 332
Simon Lovell Straight Lines Don't Go Round Corners on the 'why' of doing close-up magic
Vol. 5 No. 29 May/June 1995 333
Jim Sisti The Last Word on Chris Hurlbert
Vol. 5 No. 29 May/June 1995 335
John Fareed Sour Pickles on giving honest feedback
Vol. 5 No. 30 July/Aug. 1995 336
Jim Sisti My Turn on John Fareed
Vol. 5 No. 30 July/Aug. 1995 338
Paul Green In the Trenches on Stan Davis
Vol. 5 No. 30 July/Aug. 1995 338
Charles Greene III The First Night
  • Preparing For The First Night
  • Your Performance
Also published here Vol. 5 No. 30 July/Aug. 1995 339
Jim Sisti Outside Work - The Do's & Don'ts on getting work outside the restaurant
Vol. 5 No. 30 July/Aug. 1995 340
Jim Sisti (reviewer) New and Improved Ring in the Card Case by Gary Plants Vol. 5 No. 30 July/Aug. 1995 341
Jim Sisti (reviewer) Your Choice! by Dan Fleshman Vol. 5 No. 30 July/Aug. 1995 341
Jim Sisti (reviewer) Credit Scare by Mark Leveridge Vol. 5 No. 30 July/Aug. 1995 341
Jim Sisti (reviewer) The One Eyed Wildebeest Wallet by Randy Wakeman
with Harrison Carroll
Vol. 5 No. 30 July/Aug. 1995 341
Jim Sisti (reviewer) Encounters of the Close-Up Kind by Dan Fleshman Vol. 5 No. 30 July/Aug. 1995 342
Jim Sisti (reviewer) Steve Bedwell Taped! The Steve Bedwell Video Volume One by Steve Bedwell Vol. 5 No. 30 July/Aug. 1995 342
Jim Sisti (reviewer) Mamma Mia Rope Trick by Aldo Colombini Vol. 5 No. 30 July/Aug. 1995 342
John Fareed Fatima patter for Fatima, ballet dancer from handkerchief
Vol. 5 No. 30 July/Aug. 1995 343
John Fareed The Mind Projector cuing audience to name selection from person on stage, tray, similar to Clayton Rawson's routine
Related to
  • Hugard's Magic Monthly, July 1947
Vol. 5 No. 30 July/Aug. 1995 344
Al "The Only" Ulman Ask the Only on working for the restaurant Carlos Murphy's Southfield
Vol. 5 No. 30 July/Aug. 1995 345
Simon Lovell Straight Lines Don't Go Round Corners on the climax of routines
Vol. 5 No. 30 July/Aug. 1995 346
Chris Hurlbert The Last Word
Vol. 5 No. 30 July/Aug. 1995 347
David Acer Here's.... Sankey! interview with Jay Sankey
Vol. 6 No. 31 Sep./Oct. 1995 349
Simon Lovell The Bar Fly bar bet, Darts
Vol. 6 No. 31 Sep./Oct. 1995 352
John Fareed John's Column some tips on restaurant magics
Vol. 6 No. 31 Sep./Oct. 1995 352
Al "The Only" Ulman Ask the Only on when to approach a table
Vol. 6 No. 31 Sep./Oct. 1995 353
Paul Green In the Trenches on a story by Dick Newton
Vol. 6 No. 31 Sep./Oct. 1995 353
Jim Sisti (reviewer) Cardinal Angel by Paul Harris
with Mike Maxwell
Vol. 6 No. 31 Sep./Oct. 1995 354
Jim Sisti (reviewer) Miller's Dice by Paul Green Vol. 6 No. 31 Sep./Oct. 1995 354
Jim Sisti (reviewer) The Vest by Eddie Raymond Vol. 6 No. 31 Sep./Oct. 1995 354
Jim Sisti Card Compulsions not a review
Vol. 6 No. 31 Sep./Oct. 1995 355
Jim Sisti (reviewer) The Art of Card Manipulation (Volumes 1-3) by Jeff McBride Vol. 6 No. 31 Sep./Oct. 1995 355
Jim Sisti (reviewer) Cabaret Connivery by Dan Garrett Vol. 6 No. 31 Sep./Oct. 1995 355
David Acer Sankey Eats Out!
Vol. 6 No. 31 Sep./Oct. 1995 356
Jay Sankey Creamed short chop cup sequence with creamer and crumpled up lid, then creamer is restored and full of milk again
Also published here Vol. 6 No. 31 Sep./Oct. 1995 356
Jay Sankey, David Acer Free Choice? slip of paper placed inside book, prediction of first word on page
Vol. 6 No. 31 Sep./Oct. 1995 357
Jay Sankey Sugar Rush selection appears folded in sugar packet
Also published here Vol. 6 No. 31 Sep./Oct. 1995 358
Jim Sisti My Turn on the publishing of the "The Magic Menu - The First Five Years", Robert Chambers, Richard Knierim
Vol. 6 No. 31 Sep./Oct. 1995 359
Chris Hurlbert The Last Word on balloons, Chuck Fayne
Vol. 6 No. 31 Sep./Oct. 1995 360
Jim Artle Bar Magic My Way on restaurant / bar magic
Vol. 6 No. 32 Nov./Dec. 1995 361
Paul Green In the Trenches on the card on ceiling
Vol. 6 No. 32 Nov./Dec. 1995 363
John Fareed John's Column on pricing and competition
Vol. 6 No. 32 Nov./Dec. 1995 364
Simon Lovell The Bar Fly
Vol. 6 No. 32 Nov./Dec. 1995 364
Al "The Only" Ulman Ask the Only on how to approach a table
  • The Commando Approach
  • The Invitation Approach
  • "It's Suggested That You Visit A Table" Approach
  • The Passive Approach
Vol. 6 No. 32 Nov./Dec. 1995 365
Jim Sisti (reviewer) Out of Order by Angelo Carbone Vol. 6 No. 32 Nov./Dec. 1995 366
Jim Sisti (reviewer) Stranger's Gallery by John Bannon Vol. 6 No. 32 Nov./Dec. 1995 366
Jim Sisti (reviewer) Dai Vernon's Ultimate Secrets of Card Magic by Lewis Ganson Vol. 6 No. 32 Nov./Dec. 1995 366
Jim Sisti (reviewer) The Art of Astonishment by Paul Harris Vol. 6 No. 32 Nov./Dec. 1995 367
Jim Sisti My Turn
Vol. 6 No. 32 Nov./Dec. 1995 367
Jim Artle, Harry Lorayne Gambler's Routine (A Poker Player's Dream) gambling routine, Royal Flush instead Aces should end up in performer's hand, poker chip transforms multiple times, Poker routine by Harry Lorayne from Hugard's Magic Monthly, p. 376 for credit
Vol. 6 No. 32 Nov./Dec. 1995 368
Jim Artle Cigarette Through Quarter with marked coin, coin then vanishes and ends up between layers of matchbook
Vol. 6 No. 32 Nov./Dec. 1995 369
Jim Artle Chop Cup Routine with rolled up bill and leather cup, bill ends up in cigarette, torn of corner as proof
Vol. 6 No. 32 Nov./Dec. 1995 369
Chris Hurlbert The Last Word on people following from table to table
Vol. 6 No. 32 Nov./Dec. 1995 372
Chris Hurlbert The Last Word on people following from table to table
Vol. 6 No. 32 Nov./Dec. 1995 372
Jon Allen Thoughts About M.A.R.L.O. (Magic and Real Life Occasions) on restaurant / close-up magic
Vol. 6 No. 33 Jan./Feb. 1996 373
Al "The Only" Ulman Ask the Only on how o leave a table, restaurant magic
Vol. 6 No. 33 Jan./Feb. 1996 374
Charles Greene III Fees and Tips
Also published here Vol. 6 No. 33 Jan./Feb. 1996 375
Jim Sisti My Turn on Harry Lorayne, Jeff Busby
Vol. 6 No. 33 Jan./Feb. 1996 376
Simon Lovell The Bar Fly on performing behind a bar
Vol. 6 No. 33 Jan./Feb. 1996 377
Jim Sisti (reviewer) The Stockbroker by Gregory Wilson Vol. 6 No. 33 Jan./Feb. 1996 378
Jim Sisti (reviewer) Audio-Prediction by Larry Becker Vol. 6 No. 33 Jan./Feb. 1996 378
Jim Sisti (reviewer) Jokers Are Wild by Eric DeCamps Vol. 6 No. 33 Jan./Feb. 1996 378
Jim Sisti (reviewer) Cardshark by Darwin Ortiz Vol. 6 No. 33 Jan./Feb. 1996 379
Jim Sisti (reviewer) Eugene Burger's Gourmet Close-Up Magic by Eugene Burger Vol. 6 No. 33 Jan./Feb. 1996 379
Jim Sisti (reviewer) Professional Balloon Sculpture (Volumes I, II, and III) by Michael Veinbergs Vol. 6 No. 33 Jan./Feb. 1996 379
Jon Allen Drop Zone coin appears on selection
Variations Vol. 6 No. 33 Jan./Feb. 1996 380
Jon Allen High Society thought-of card on ceiling
Also published here Vol. 6 No. 33 Jan./Feb. 1996 380
Jon Allen Top Card Riffle Force very brief, stopping at top card briefly
Vol. 6 No. 33 Jan./Feb. 1996 380
Jon Allen Twin Peaks endings for
  • Coins Across
  • Ring on Rope
Related to Vol. 6 No. 33 Jan./Feb. 1996 380
Jim Sisti The Magic Menu Awards 1995
  • Book of the Year
  • Trick of the Year
  • Video of the Year
  • Person of the Year
Vol. 6 No. 33 Jan./Feb. 1996 381
Paul Green In the Trenches story by Michael Cioppa, Bob Kohler
Vol. 6 No. 33 Jan./Feb. 1996 382
Stuart Bowie Thinking Aloud... on fees and competition
Vol. 6 No. 33 Jan./Feb. 1996 383
Chris Hurlbert The Last Word
Vol. 6 No. 33 Jan./Feb. 1996 384
Richard Osterlind A Few Tips on Close-Up Magic on make-up, clothes, grooming, how to be liked
Vol. 6 No. 34 Mar./Apr. 1996 385
Paul Green In the Trenches
Vol. 6 No. 34 Mar./Apr. 1996 387
Charles Greene III Performance
  • When to Approach a Table
  • How to Approach a Table
  • Do Not Use a Close-Up Pad
  • Work Out of Your Pockets
Also published here Vol. 6 No. 34 Mar./Apr. 1996 388
Simon Lovell The Bar Fly on performing behind a bar
Vol. 6 No. 34 Mar./Apr. 1996 389
Jim Sisti (reviewer) Fortuneteller's Book of Days by Paul Green Vol. 6 No. 34 Mar./Apr. 1996 390
Jim Sisti (reviewer) Shenanigan by Aldo Colombini Vol. 6 No. 34 Mar./Apr. 1996 390
Jim Sisti (reviewer) Natural Selections by David Acer Vol. 6 No. 34 Mar./Apr. 1996 390
Jim Sisti (reviewer) The Video Encyclopedia of Card Sleights by Daryl Martinez Vol. 6 No. 34 Mar./Apr. 1996 391
Al "The Only" Ulman Ask the Only
Vol. 6 No. 34 Mar./Apr. 1996 391
Aldo Colombini, Carlos Corda Stand Up cards are cased half of the deck is sticking out, all cards slide down except selection, in spectator's hand
Related to Vol. 6 No. 34 Mar./Apr. 1996 392
George Schindler Nested Dolls folded bill bill to nest of Matryoshka dolls
Related toAlso published here Vol. 6 No. 34 Mar./Apr. 1996 393
Courtney Grant The King! wrong card changes to picture of Elvis and then to King of Hearts
Vol. 6 No. 34 Mar./Apr. 1996 393
Stuart Bowie Thinking Aloud... on misdirection
Vol. 6 No. 34 Mar./Apr. 1996 394
Chris Hurlbert The Last Word on publicity and business cards
Vol. 6 No. 34 Mar./Apr. 1996 396
Richard Sanders, David Acer The Sanders Inquisition interview with Richard Sanders
Vol. 6 No. 35 May/June 1996 397
Charles Greene III Audience Participation & Looking for a Nice Place to Work
  • Audience Participation
  • Looking For A Nice Place To Work
Also published here Vol. 6 No. 35 May/June 1996 400
Stuart Bowie Thinking Aloud... on how to learn a new routine
Vol. 6 No. 35 May/June 1996 401
Jim Sisti (reviewer) The Limited Edition by Gordon Bean
with Larry Jennings
Vol. 6 No. 35 May/June 1996 402
Jim Sisti (reviewer) Cigarette Through Chip by Mark Leveridge Vol. 6 No. 35 May/June 1996 402
Jim Sisti (reviewer) What's Up Deck? by Aldo Colombini Vol. 6 No. 35 May/June 1996 402
Jim Sisti (reviewer) The Underground Man: Lou Gallo by Richard Kaufman
with Mark Phillips
Vol. 6 No. 35 May/June 1996 403
Jim Sisti (reviewer) Close-Up Troublewit by Patrick Page Vol. 6 No. 35 May/June 1996 403
Jim Sisti (reviewer) The Reformation by Guy Hollingworth Vol. 6 No. 35 May/June 1996 403
David Acer The Magic of Richard Sanders intro
Vol. 6 No. 35 May/June 1996 404
Richard Sanders Cramped signed bill vanishes and appears inside cap of marker
Vol. 6 No. 35 May/June 1996 404
Richard Sanders Employee of the Month card appears on photograph of performer
Inspired by Vol. 6 No. 35 May/June 1996 405
Richard Sanders Sanders on The Belanger Cigarette Through Quarter using Paul Belanger Cigarette Through Quarter by Camirand Academy of Magic
Vol. 6 No. 35 May/June 1996 406
Chris Hurlbert The Last Word on business, using the telephone
Vol. 6 No. 35 May/June 1996 408
Tommy Wonder Approaching the Table
  • An Introduction
    • "Some Magic"
    • "Do You Like Magic Enough..."
    • An Uncomfortable Question
    • Monte Carlo
    • "Is This a Convenient Moment..."
    • The Introduction
Also published here Vol. 6 No. 36 July/Aug. 1996 409
Paul Green In the Trenches
Vol. 6 No. 36 July/Aug. 1996 413
Jim Sisti (reviewer) Eclipse Wallet by Chuck Leach Vol. 6 No. 36 July/Aug. 1996 414
Jim Sisti (reviewer) The Books of Wonder (Volume I and II) by Tommy Wonder (written by Stephen Minch) Vol. 6 No. 36 July/Aug. 1996 414
Al "The Only" Ulman Ask the Only
Vol. 6 No. 36 July/Aug. 1996 415
Karl Norman An Autobiography
Vol. 6 No. 36 July/Aug. 1996 416
Karl Norman Card Routine for the Bar including Think of a Card thought-of card to pocket, signed card under glass
Also published here Vol. 6 No. 36 July/Aug. 1996 416
Karl Norman Ring Flight ring travels to key case
Also published here Vol. 6 No. 36 July/Aug. 1996 418
Jim Sisti My Turn
Vol. 6 No. 36 July/Aug. 1996 419
Chris Hurlbert The Last Word on business, telephone
Vol. 6 No. 36 July/Aug. 1996 420
Jim Sisti Our First All-Trick Issue!
Vol. 7 No. 37 Sep./Oct. 1996 421
Richard Sanders Four Ace Me Not four Ace production, in the hands at once
Vol. 7 No. 37 Sep./Oct. 1996 422
David Acer The Card Warp Get-Ready
Also published here Vol. 7 No. 37 Sep./Oct. 1996 423
Jay Sankey A Match by Any Other Name... Lit match used to set all the matches in a matchbook on fire. Original match is restored, and then whole matchbook is restored to original condition
Also published here Vol. 7 No. 37 Sep./Oct. 1996 425
Brian Glow Brilliant! flash cube in plastic bag flashes and when checked one bulb has been spent
Vol. 7 No. 37 Sep./Oct. 1996 426
David Acer Intangibill finger through bill
Also published here Vol. 7 No. 37 Sep./Oct. 1996 427
Phil Matlin Vicious Circle
  • The Legit Move
  • The Fake Move
  • Performance
    • Part 1: The Teaser
    • Part 2: One Dollar
    • Part 3: Two Dollars
    • Part 4: Ten Dollars
    • Part 5: The Secret
    • Part 6: One Hundred Dollars
  • The Finger Ring Subtlety (David Acer)
Vol. 7 No. 37 Sep./Oct. 1996 429
Michael Close Venue
Also published here Vol. 7 No. 38 Nov./Dec. 1996 433
Simon Lovell The Bar Gly
Vol. 7 No. 38 Nov./Dec. 1996 435
Larry Moss The Power of Inflation on balloon modelling
Vol. 7 No. 38 Nov./Dec. 1996 436
Jim Sisti My Turn
Vol. 7 No. 38 Nov./Dec. 1996 437
Paul Green In the Trenches story by Brian Schwenger
Vol. 7 No. 38 Nov./Dec. 1996 437
Jim Sisti (reviewer) The Web by Jim Pace Vol. 7 No. 38 Nov./Dec. 1996 438
Jim Sisti (reviewer) Warm Fuzzies Up Close by Mark Strivings Vol. 7 No. 38 Nov./Dec. 1996 438
Jim Sisti (reviewer) Twisting History by Larry Moss Vol. 7 No. 38 Nov./Dec. 1996 439
Jim Sisti (reviewer) The Video Encyclopedia of Card Sleights (Volume 4, 5 & 6) by Daryl Martinez Vol. 7 No. 38 Nov./Dec. 1996 439
Michael Close The MC Spread Double Lift additional ideas, no description
Also published here Vol. 7 No. 38 Nov./Dec. 1996 440
Michael Close Out of U and Me clean turnover of one card, full deck of double backers
Also published here Vol. 7 No. 38 Nov./Dec. 1996 440
Michael Close The Faro Shuffle
Also published here Vol. 7 No. 38 Nov./Dec. 1996 441
Chris Hurlbert The Last Word
Vol. 7 No. 38 Nov./Dec. 1996 444
Mark Strivings Mentalism Up-Close on close-up mentalism
Vol. 7 No. 39 Jan./Feb. 1997 445
Paul Green In the Trenches
Vol. 7 No. 39 Jan./Feb. 1997 446
Simon Lovell The Bar Fly on doing simple things, bar magic
Vol. 7 No. 39 Jan./Feb. 1997 447
Larry Moss The Power of Inflation
Vol. 7 No. 39 Jan./Feb. 1997 448
Al "The Only" Ulman Ask the Only on having insurance
Vol. 7 No. 39 Jan./Feb. 1997 449
Jim Sisti My Turn
Vol. 7 No. 39 Jan./Feb. 1997 449
Jim Sisti (reviewer) Ultimate Brainwave by Bob Solari Vol. 7 No. 39 Jan./Feb. 1997 450
Jim Sisti (reviewer) Dishonest Abe by Gregory Wilson Vol. 7 No. 39 Jan./Feb. 1997 450
Jim Sisti (reviewer) Workers 5 by Michael Close Vol. 7 No. 39 Jan./Feb. 1997 450
Jim Sisti (reviewer) The Restaurant Worker's Handbook by Jim Pace
with Jerry MacGregor
Vol. 7 No. 39 Jan./Feb. 1997 451
Jim Sisti 1996 Magic Menu Awards
  • Book of the Year
  • Video of the Year
  • Trick of the Year
Vol. 7 No. 39 Jan./Feb. 1997 451
Mark Strivings Thirty-Seven named number is predicted on billet in envelope, psychological force with outs, using a "window double envelope"
Vol. 7 No. 39 Jan./Feb. 1997 452
Mark Strivings 50-50-50 Chance which hand done by performer, spectator always guesses right
Also published here Vol. 7 No. 39 Jan./Feb. 1997 453
Mark Strivings ESP in my Pocket prediction of named ESP symbol, on billet in envelope, using Window Double Envelope
Related to Vol. 7 No. 39 Jan./Feb. 1997 454
Chris Hurlbert The Last Word on mentalism in restaurant magic
Vol. 7 No. 39 Jan./Feb. 1997 456
Paul Green In the Trenches
Vol. 7 No. 40 Mar./Apr. 1997 458
Mark Strivings Just Thinking on mentalism in close-up
Vol. 7 No. 40 Mar./Apr. 1997 459
Al "The Only" Ulman Ask the Only on the Hidden Tailor
Vol. 7 No. 40 Mar./Apr. 1997 460
Simon Lovell The Bar Fly on getting cards signed
Vol. 7 No. 40 Mar./Apr. 1997 460
Larry Moss The Power of Inflation
Vol. 7 No. 40 Mar./Apr. 1997 461
Jim Sisti (reviewer) Three Ropes and a Baby by Richard Sanders Vol. 7 No. 40 Mar./Apr. 1997 462
Jim Sisti (reviewer) Mystery Box by John Kennedy Vol. 7 No. 40 Mar./Apr. 1997 462
Jim Sisti (reviewer) The Art of Astonishment (Three Volume Set) by Paul Harris Vol. 7 No. 40 Mar./Apr. 1997 462
Jim Sisti (reviewer) The Video Encyclopedia of Card Sleights (Volume 7 & 8) by Daryl Martinez Vol. 7 No. 40 Mar./Apr. 1997 463
Michael Skinner Torn and Restored Soda Straw Wrapper
Also published here Vol. 7 No. 40 Mar./Apr. 1997 464
Michael Skinner, R. C. Buff The Trash Compactor torn off corner
Inspired byAlso published here Vol. 7 No. 40 Mar./Apr. 1997 466
Chris Hurlbert The Last Word on exposure
Vol. 7 No. 40 Mar./Apr. 1997 468
Roger Klause Michael Skinner - A Friend and Much More
Vol. 7 No. 40 Mar./Apr. 1997 547
David Acer, Simon Lovell On the Lovell interview with Simon Lovell
Vol. 7 No. 41 May/June 1997 469
Simon Lovell Business Card Giveaway business cards stapled to top indifferent card which is placed in center, it comes back to top and is now selection
Also published here Vol. 7 No. 41 May/June 1997 473
Simon Lovell Sebastian - The Mind-Reading Chicken gag with drawing of chicken and a part that is apparently about to vanish
Also published here Vol. 7 No. 41 May/June 1997 475
Larry Moss The Power of Inflation
Vol. 7 No. 41 May/June 1997 476
Paul Green In the Trenches story by Fortunato the Magician
Vol. 7 No. 41 May/June 1997 477
Mark Strivings Just Thinking difference between mentalism and mental magic
Vol. 7 No. 41 May/June 1997 478
Jim Sisti My Turn on David Blaine
Vol. 7 No. 41 May/June 1997 479
Chris Hurlbert The Last Word
Vol. 7 No. 41 May/June 1997 480
Eric Henning Worker or Worrier? on selling
Vol. 7 No. 42 July/Aug. 1997 481
Larry Moss The Power of Inflation
Vol. 7 No. 42 July/Aug. 1997 483
Larry Moss The Power of Inflation
Vol. 7 No. 42 July/Aug. 1997 483
Paul Green In the Trenches story by Paul Seaman
Vol. 7 No. 42 July/Aug. 1997 483
Al "The Only" Ulman Ask the Only on tipping
Vol. 7 No. 42 July/Aug. 1997 484
Simon Lovell The Bar Fly
Vol. 7 No. 42 July/Aug. 1997 485
Jim Sisti (reviewer) The Expert Card to Wallet by Randy Wakeman Vol. 7 No. 42 July/Aug. 1997 486
Jim Sisti (reviewer) Magicard by Mark Jenest Vol. 7 No. 42 July/Aug. 1997 486
Jim Sisti (reviewer) The Amazing Miniature Card Sticker Book by Jeff Brown Vol. 7 No. 42 July/Aug. 1997 487
Jim Sisti (reviewer) Close-Up Magic for the Dinner Table and Bar by Dennis Barlotta Vol. 7 No. 42 July/Aug. 1997 487
Jim Sisti (reviewer) The Art of Hopping Tables by Mark Leveridge Vol. 7 No. 42 July/Aug. 1997 487
Eddie Ace Ultimate Multiplying Rabbits sponge rabbit routine
Vol. 7 No. 42 July/Aug. 1997 488
Jean-Frederic Blain The Braille Trick marks on business cards form into name of selection
Vol. 7 No. 42 July/Aug. 1997 489
Cliff Cowling Sealed Deck Rising Card cards placed inside plastic bag, Devano
Vol. 7 No. 42 July/Aug. 1997 490
Mark Strivings Just Thinking on business
Vol. 7 No. 42 July/Aug. 1997 490
Chris Hurlbert The Last Word
Vol. 7 No. 42 July/Aug. 1997 492
Tom Mullica, Jim Ryan An Inner-View (Interview) with Jim Ryan
Also published here
  • "The New Tops"
Vol. 8 No. 43 Sep./Oct. 1997 493
Jim Sisti Jim Ryan - A Biographical Sketch
Vol. 8 No. 43 Sep./Oct. 1997 495
Larry Moss The Power of Inflation
Vol. 8 No. 43 Sep./Oct. 1997 496
Al "The Only" Ulman Ask the Only on contracts
Vol. 8 No. 43 Sep./Oct. 1997 497
Mark Strivings Just Thinking on a remark by Bob Cassidy
Vol. 8 No. 43 Sep./Oct. 1997 497
Jim Sisti (reviewer) Easy to Master Card Miracles (Volumes 4, 5 and 6) by Michael Ammar Vol. 8 No. 43 Sep./Oct. 1997 498
Philip Reed Willmarth The Magic of Jim Ryan intro
Vol. 8 No. 43 Sep./Oct. 1997 500
Jim Ryan Almost Impromptu Solid Ghost apparently ghost appears and vanishes under handkerchief, toothpick
Also published here Vol. 8 No. 43 Sep./Oct. 1997 500
Jim Ryan The Broken and Restored Match three pieces, one is thrown away and returns to hand, eventually match is restored
Also published here Vol. 8 No. 43 Sep./Oct. 1997 500
Jim Ryan Cathy's Screwy Finger Bit first fingers slowly draw together
Also published here Vol. 8 No. 43 Sep./Oct. 1997 501
Jim Ryan Good Night, George! rubber band is slowly moving down into fist
Also published here Vol. 8 No. 43 Sep./Oct. 1997 501
Eric Henning The Financial Wizard
Vol. 8 No. 43 Sep./Oct. 1997 502
Chris Hurlbert The Last Word
Vol. 8 No. 43 Sep./Oct. 1997 504
Paul Green A Gift From Me to You
Vol. 8 No. 44 Nov./Dec. 1997 505
Eric Henning The Financial Wizard
  • Positioning
  • Your Competition
  • The Biggest Point
  • How You Get Paid
Vol. 8 No. 44 Nov./Dec. 1997 506
Larry Moss The Power of Inflation
Vol. 8 No. 44 Nov./Dec. 1997 508
Simon Lovell The Bar Fly
Vol. 8 No. 44 Nov./Dec. 1997 509
Al "The Only" Ulman Ask the Only on getting a raise in restaurant magic
Vol. 8 No. 44 Nov./Dec. 1997 509
Al "The Only" Ulman Ask the Only on getting a raise in restaurant magic
Vol. 8 No. 44 Nov./Dec. 1997 509
Jim Sisti (reviewer) Super Showdown by Nick Trost Vol. 8 No. 44 Nov./Dec. 1997 510
Jim Sisti (reviewer) Switch-A-Roo by Russ Niedzwiecki Vol. 8 No. 44 Nov./Dec. 1997 510
Jim Sisti (reviewer) From a Shuffled Deck in Use (Parts One and Two) by Paul Cummins Vol. 8 No. 44 Nov./Dec. 1997 510
Paul Green The Magic of Paul Green introduction
Vol. 8 No. 44 Nov./Dec. 1997 512
Paul Green Mission Impossible signed card small business card briefcase
Vol. 8 No. 44 Nov./Dec. 1997 512
Paul Green The Pygmy Paddle name written on paddle
  • Patter for The Pygmy Paddle
Vol. 8 No. 44 Nov./Dec. 1997 513
Paul Green The Odds are with Me two cards location, card of one spectator given to other both change to correct cards, "based in the Vernon 'Challenge' trick"
Vol. 8 No. 44 Nov./Dec. 1997 514
Mark Strivings Just Thinking
Vol. 8 No. 44 Nov./Dec. 1997 515
Paul Green In the Trenches anecdote by Erin Henning
Vol. 8 No. 44 Nov./Dec. 1997 516
Jim Sisti The Exposure Problem
Vol. 8 No. 45 Jan./Feb. 1998 517
Mark Strivings Just Thinking on mentalism in restaurant work
Vol. 8 No. 45 Jan./Feb. 1998 518
Larry Moss The Power of Inflation
Vol. 8 No. 45 Jan./Feb. 1998 519
Al "The Only" Ulman Ask the Only on having a burn-out
Vol. 8 No. 45 Jan./Feb. 1998 519
Eric Henning The Financial Wizard
  • Getting Started, Part Two: Building a Following
    • A Rolls-Royce In A Yugo World
    • Building A Following
    • Care & Feeding
    • Making Your Offers Special
    • Why Bother?
  • Next Time: Your Newsletter
Vol. 8 No. 45 Jan./Feb. 1998 520
Simon Lovell The Bar Fly
Vol. 8 No. 45 Jan./Feb. 1998 521
Jim Sisti (reviewer) Doc Eason's Bar Magic (Volumes 1, 2 and 3) by Doc Eason Vol. 8 No. 45 Jan./Feb. 1998 522
Jim Sisti 1997 Magic Menu Awards
  • Book of the Year
  • Video of the Year
  • Trick of the Year
Vol. 8 No. 45 Jan./Feb. 1998 523
Stan "The Great Sandor" Jacobson Ring Flite Revisited with handkerchief
Vol. 8 No. 45 Jan./Feb. 1998 524
Danny Archer Bicycle Box Built for Two image of card appears on blank paper, switching card case
Also published here Vol. 8 No. 45 Jan./Feb. 1998 525
George Schindler Marked Bill in the Purse with flash bill, to snap-shut purse
Vol. 8 No. 45 Jan./Feb. 1998 526
David Acer The Acer File
  • Supernova
balloon animal, big flash after apparently building up some static electricity, FISM Flash
Also published here Vol. 8 No. 45 Jan./Feb. 1998 527
Paul Green In the Trenches story by Danny Archer
Vol. 8 No. 45 Jan./Feb. 1998 528
Terry Parrett Character Development for the Restaurant Performer
  • More Thoughts on Character
Vol. 8 No. 46 Mar./Apr. 1998 529
David Acer The Acer File
Vol. 8 No. 46 Mar./Apr. 1998 532
Carl Cloutier The Bill in Cigarette
Vol. 8 No. 46 Mar./Apr. 1998 532
Carl Cloutier The Balled Bill Switch
Vol. 8 No. 46 Mar./Apr. 1998 533
Carl Cloutier The Cigarette Switch
Vol. 8 No. 46 Mar./Apr. 1998 533
Terry Parrett Mental Kombat prediction of chosen superhero card, PATEO
Inspired by Vol. 8 No. 46 Mar./Apr. 1998 534
Terry Parrett Founding Fathers prediction of US "Founding Father", time travel presentation, wallet
Vol. 8 No. 46 Mar./Apr. 1998 535
Terry Parrett ESP-TV divination of TV show written on paper
Vol. 8 No. 46 Mar./Apr. 1998 536
Jim Sisti (reviewer) Celebrity Autographs by Terry LaGerould Vol. 8 No. 46 Mar./Apr. 1998 537
Jim Sisti (reviewer) Light Illusions Lapel Pin by Bright Magic Vol. 8 No. 46 Mar./Apr. 1998 537
Jim Sisti (reviewer) Acting for Magicians by Richard L. Tenace Vol. 8 No. 46 Mar./Apr. 1998 537
Jim Sisti (reviewer) Miracles While-U-Wait! by Mark Jenest Vol. 8 No. 46 Mar./Apr. 1998 538
Larry Moss The Power of Inflation twisting a fly
Vol. 8 No. 46 Mar./Apr. 1998 538
Eric Henning The Financial Wizard
  • Getting Started, Part Three: Your Newsletter
    • Making You Look Good
    • Timing
    • Other Resources
Vol. 8 No. 46 Mar./Apr. 1998 540
Data entered by Lorenz Schär, February 2023.