Written by Obie O'Brien
Work of Various
330 pages (Hardcover), published by H&R Magic Books
Illustrated with drawings by Earle Oakes
Language: English
94 entries
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Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page Categories
Charlie Randall Foreword
Philip Reed Willmarth, Steve Beam, Gene Anderson, Dick Cook, Tim Ellis, Antony Gerard Prologue various anecdotes on 4F, the Forks Hotel and Eddie Fechter
  • I Remember the Forks (Dick Cook)
  • A Few FFFF Pranks & Flops (Steve Beam)
  • Garnack vs. Obie's New Table (Gene Anderson)
  • The Toast (Antony Gerard)
  • Chicken Legs (Steve Beam)
  • A Special FFFF (Phil Willmarth)
  • Door #2 (Steve Beam)
  • Cleaning Out My Cardcase (Tim Ellis)
Carl Andrews, Jr. A Card Stab deck encircled with rubber band is placed inside a paper bag, spectator holds a knife and bag is pushed down, signed selection is impaled on the blade of the knife
Steve Beam The Layover Aces appear one by one when the deck is turned over in hands
Also published here 29
Jerry Andrus, Steve Beam Back Jog Turnover Variation
Inspired by 30
Steve Beam 'Walt on the Beach' Variation The Layover, using double facer cards
Rey Ben Cap in Bottle with removable gimmick inside bottle, multiple phases
Inspired by 34
Glenn Brown One-Finger Vanish
Harrison Carroll Transporter structure for cards across, psychology so people remember which card is where, as Harry J. Carroll
Steve Cohen Too Puzzling pieces of puzzle assemble magically and form image of chosen animal
Han Ping Chien
Dick Cook Manchurian Candidate follow the leader with coins
Inspired by
  • "Following the Leader" in Horace Bennett's "The Bennett Touch"
Del Copley Flexible Ring Flight without reel
Tom Craven All Backs Routine small packet All Backs, cards change to Royal Flush
Five-As-Five Count Elmsley Count dynamics
Shigeo Takagi The Japanese Blanks Count Takagi Turnover Count
Eric T. Dockery Triple Decker Sandwich three phases
Inspired by 65
Eric T. Dockery One-Card Tilt Finesse
Also published here
  • Precursor XIII, 1986.
David (Foote) Drake The Steel Balls three steel balls diminish in number but increase in size, large ball remains
Steve Dusheck Hybrid Coin one coin imitating two coins in a stack
Also published here 75
Doc Eason Crystal Ball Delight instant stooge, spectator reads card in crystal ball
Inspired byRelated to 79
Ed Eckl Mes Seau Rouge comedy prop, bucket with object for visual puns
Tony Econ Triple Coincidence card reversed in a deck, card selected in other deck, same card found at same position, cards found to be of the other decks
Also published here 89
Neal Elias Plunger Rising Cards two methods
Neal Elias Double Card Rise
Rudy Saxon, Harry G. Franke The Saxon Card Rise behind fan
Dan Garrett The Pinch Switch
Related to 101
Paul Gertner Unshuffled
Also published here 105
William Goldman Karate Match Karate Koin using a matchbook
Philip T. Goldstein Spelling the Future think Stop, then card is spelled and leads to a card which performer has predicted
Joe Hammer Houdini Outdone signature of Houdini appears on card, then front of card changes to picture of Houdini
Pit Hartling Unforgettable three phase memory routine, faro
Also published here 117
Reg Holden No Sleight of Hand Knife Thru Handkerchief
Norman Houghton "A New Coin Fold" to fool magicians, not classic coin fold
Cap't Bill James An Advertising Piece paper cross that can be unfold, pictures of appearing silk, advertising
Jim Krenz Dracula Goes Wild as James Krenz, Wild Card with Dracula theme
Also published here 131
Edward Marlo Card Case Load under spread
Gary Kurtz Signed, Sealed, Delivered in Advance signed card to nest of envelopes
Related toAlso published here 135
Gary Kurtz The Slothful Mentalist Signed, Sealed, Delivered in Advance as a prediction, with name and number written down
Also published here 140
David Lederman Prefiguration Refigured
Inspired by 143
Harry Lorayne Fastest Overhand Shuffle Stack
Also published here 145
Sid Lorraine To Vanish a Card card in middle of faced deck, deck is twistet several times and card is no longer there
Sid Lorraine, Tom Bowyer Digging into the Past thought off cards are divined by placing them on table, duplicate
Dr. Dan McDonald An Arresting Opening for a Coin Routine four coins are produced while doing the coin roll
Michael McGivern P.T.E.B.O. multiple phases, removing ends and putting them back on
Ray Mertz R. M. Dice Stacking Routine done with a can, jumbo die gag and billiard ball load
Chuck Meyer Irish Poker deck shuffled face up face down, still good hands dealt, one hand with different backs (initials of cards)
Variations 165
Chuck Meyer Growing Penny odd transposition of two coins, then coin grows, glorpy
Gypsy Switch brief
David Williamson Striking Vanish brief
William P. Miesel My Early Memories of Eddie on Eddie Fechter
Also published here 174
Eddie Fechter A Card Location card pushed inside case
Also published here 176
Eddie Fechter A Card Control same as LePaul's "An Automatic Jog-Control"
Also published here 180
Eddie Fechter Eddie's Dunbury
Also published here 182
Eddie Fechter The Three Devils joke with cards
Also published here 185
Eddie Fechter A Different Disclosure card change, while deck is turned over
Also published here 186
Eddie Fechter Eddie's Homing Card
Also published here 188
William P. Miesel A Clean Nudist first blank, then backs on both sides then normal deck, using two blank cards
Inspired by
  • Bill Dunn's "The Non-Nudist Nudist Deck" in "The Close-Up Magic of Ray Mertz... and Friends"
Francis Carlyle Paddle Move with Deck
David Neighbors First Class Backfire four coins appear one by one under a card
Al Schneider Pop-Up Move
David Roth Kick Vanish
David Neighbors Friction Click Pass
David Neighbors Quick Shot coins to glass
Earle Oakes Ring Vanish ring knotted on rope vanishes
Obie O'Brien The Matching Color Mates spectator cuts to a card, performer finds mate
Mike O'Dowd Coins to Glass four coins to glass, wrists held by spectators
Tom Ogden What I Could Have Had tricks with ingredients from a salad, linking onion rings, tomatoes through table in glass, last one is smashed and in the glass tomato juice is found
Gary Plants A Card Control
  • Controlling Multiple Cards
  • Selected Card to a Certain Position
  • Spectator goes Past the Break
Also published here
  • "G .P. Card Control" in "Precursor" Nr. 36. 1992.
Joe Riding Floating Aces four Aces covered with three indifferent cards, Aces one by one change into selection, Aces return by spelling and counting, selection vanishes in the end
Mike Robinson The Mr. Aces Routine Aces are found by cutting, they change into Kings and Aces found face-up in the deck, with different backs
Dad Stevens Stevens Control brief
Rocco Silano Flash Coins Across coins across, gimmick with glued coins
Michael Skinner The Hay-Dai Stack mental speller, leads to Vernon Poker Demonstration
Inspired by
  • Henry Hay's "The Mental Selection Speller" in "The Amateur Magician's Handbook", p. 120.
Related to
Allan Slaight Jacks are Better finding the four Jacks by spelling, story
Inspired byAlso published here 247
Roger Smith No Shoots - No Slides - No Slits. coin travels into laminated greeting card inside nest of envelopes
Warren Stephens Ring Hank Penetration large ring penetrates handkerchief
Mark Tams Two Card Backfire Matrix four coins
Mark Tams Topsy-Turvy Chameleon Card with odd-back climax
Peter W. Tappan Two Thimble Vanishes
  • The Speed Vanish
  • Slow Motion Vanish
Scott Wells Heartburn paper heart is torn and pieces placed on stick, when ignited paper restores
Robert Wicks Double-Snap center double, from spectator peek position
  • Snap-Switch
David Williamson Perverse Open Spelling spectator succeeds whereas magician fails
Inspired byAlso published here 279
Philip Reed Willmarth "Hi!" Sign with names on each side
Inspired by
  • Milbourne Christopher's "Highway Sign"
Frank Zak A Business Card Trick miniature of selection appears on business card
Frank Zak Another Business Card Trick signature travels from back of business card to other business card
Herb Zarrow Coincidentally Yours multiple phases, finding mates
Hal Zeve The Non-Invisible Pass controlling card to the top, strange double fan
Ronald Zollweg Immigrant sandwiches in halves of the deck
Ronald Zollweg, Rick Johnsson Empty KS Variation
Convention Attendees chart of 4F attendees from 1970-2011
Magic Degrees Awarded - Since 1978
Number of Times Attended chart
Attendance - First 41 Years chart
Data entered by Lorenz Schär, December 2019.