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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Charles T. Jordan Pedro Monte No. 7, three cards shown in fan and turned over, spectator cannot find card
Also published here 1920 14
Edward Marlo Miracle Change No. 2 into LTP
Related toVariations 1954 11
Edward Marlo The Havana Deal or "The Myth of Manuel Pedro" commentary on the Havana Stud Bottom Deal, no technical description
1959 20
Piet Forton Piet Forton's Visible Ace Popper Move Inspired by Jack Avis and Eddie Taytelbaum
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 1967 12
Charles T. Jordan Pedro Monte three cards shown in fan and turned over, spectator cannot find card
Also published here 1975 200
Al Mann Don Pedro story of Don Pedro from Buenos Aires, witnessing a center tear and ashes on arm routine in 1926
1978 18
Pedro, Mark Vincent, Steve Bryan Vorwort
Gimmick (Issue 1)
Pedro, Mark Vincent, Steve Bryan Theorie - Natürlichkeit short essay on being natural
Gimmick (Issue 1)
Pedro Eine Kartenroutine mit der Dove Pan (Taubenkasserolle) card appears with rabbit in dove pan, corner fits
Gimmick (Issue 1)
Steve Bryan, Pedro, Mark Vincent Magischer Kalender calendar of magical events
Gimmick (Issue 1)
Steve Bryan, Pedro, Mark Vincent Wettbewerb contest
Gimmick (Issue 1)
Steve Bryan, Mark Vincent, Pedro Inserate
Gimmick (Issue 1)
Peter Wilker Chur '85 on the magic convention of the magic circle Switzerland in Chur, magic club Sardona, Johannes Held, Willy Peter, Henk Vermeryden, Don Pedro, Nicola, Deflorini, Sagarra, Onkel Peppi, Rico Leitner, Almeico, Ruedi Bucher, Jean Garance, Edy Künzler, Pavel, Polymagic, Zauberkaiser, Böttcher, Thumm, Voit, Sitta, René Schenkel, Erhard Liebenow, Mike Porstman, Marnac, Rodolphe et Sirka, Gigi, Durox, Ben, Don Giuseppe,
  • Die Hauptversammlung des Magischen Rings in Chur
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 46 No. 3)
Steve Bryan, Pedro, Mark Vincent Vorwort
Gimmick (Issue 2)
Pedro Eine humorvolle Routine mit dem Changierbeutel handkerchief penetration, then they knot inside a changing bag
Gimmick (Issue 2)
Pedro, Steve Bryan, Mark Vincent Magic Breakfast announcement for event
Gimmick (Issue 2)
Pedro, Mark Vincent, Steve Bryan Magischer Kalender calendar of magical events
Gimmick (Issue 2)
Mark Vincent, Pedro, Steve Bryan Inserate
Gimmick (Issue 2)
Pedro, Steve Bryan, Mark Vincent Vorwort with short article on Swiss national convention in Baden
Gimmick (Issue 3)
Pedro Pedro in Magic spectator thinks of a card, performer divines it and places is on his lap
Gimmick (Issue 3)
Steve Bryan, Mark Vincent, Pedro Vorwort
Gimmick (Issue 4)
Pedro Pedro in Magic
Gimmick (Issue 4)
Steve Bryan, Pedro, Mark Vincent Theorie template for a contract
Gimmick (Issue 4)
Mark Vincent, Pedro, Steve Bryan Magischer Kalender calendar of magical events
Gimmick (Issue 4)
Pedro, Mark Vincent, Steve Bryan Inserate
Gimmick (Issue 4)
Pedro, Mark Vincent, Steve Bryan Inserate
Gimmick (Issue 5)
Mark Vincent, Steve Bryan, Pedro Arbeiten mit Tauben on magic with doves, training etc.
Gimmick (Issue 6)
Pedro Pedro in Magic cigarette vanishes and appears again, then ashtray is produced in smoke
Gimmick (Issue 6)
Steve Bryan, Pedro, Mark Vincent Gimmick Meeting
Gimmick (Issue 6)
Steve Bryan, Pedro, Mark Vincent Inserate
Gimmick (Issue 6)
Steve Bryan, Pedro, Mark Vincent Vorwort
Gimmick (Issue 7)
Willy "Don Pedro" Aregger, Paul Maurer Baden - Jahreskongress des MRS vom 21. - 23. März on the Swiss magic convention, Werner Hornung, Fee Eleisa, Willy Peter, Harold Voit, Pedro Magie, Böttcher, Steve Bryan, Pino Pan, Roberto Giobbi, Christian Scherer, Mark Vincent, Louis Marino, Bert Rex, Pavel, Harold & Angelika, Belini, Danny Slide, Charismo, Telsino, Philius & Jane, Rico Leitner, Jean Garance, Ghelo, followed by french translation
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 47 No. 2)
Paul Maurer Pot-Au-Feu on soap bubble solutions, Ben Harris lecture, Waltini, Pedro Magie, Pavel's Topmagic Studio, Robert Kaldy-Karo & Doré, Marco Tempest & Martin
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 47 No. 5)
Mark Vincent, Steve Bryan, Pedro Vorwort
Gimmick (Issue 8)
Steve Bryan, Mark Vincent, Pedro Theorie on finding new material and working it in
Gimmick (Issue 8)
Pedro, Mark Vincent, Steve Bryan Inserate
Gimmick (Issue 8)
Pedro, Mark Vincent, Steve Bryan Vorwort
Gimmick (Issue 9)
Mark Vincent, Pedro, Steve Bryan Inserate
Gimmick (Issue 9)
Mark Vincent, Pedro, Steve Bryan Hank Moorehouse outlook of the upcoming Hank Moorehouse lecture
Gimmick (Issue 10)
Michael Allport, Mark Vincent, Steve Bryan, Pedro Interview mit Michael Allport
Gimmick (Issue 10)
Paul Maurer Pot-au-feu on Arsene Lupin, Helmut Ziegler, Tony reisner, Salvano, Robert Blake, Bert Rex, Bruno rodriguez, Duo Bastino, Michael Konieczny, Rolf Straubel, Wolfgang Grosskopf, Magic Christian, Kurt Baldrian, Karo & Doré, Chris Maurer, Dieter Fradl, Wolfgang & Elisabeth Oeller, Micky Delf, Rudolf Breissach, Waltini, Don Pedro, Don Giuseppe, Jong Bang Heng, Dittino, Luzio, Fernando, Karin Ingold, Stephen Tucker, Marc & Eric Leopoldoff, Joro, Wladimir Mikek, Jackie Steel & Athene, Cherry Maxim, Oro
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 48 No. 6)
José Carroll Travellers... Through the Case signed Aces from cased deck to four pockets
  • Variations
    • First Variation
    • Second Version (Lightning Version)
VariationsAlso published here 1988 105
Jean de Merry Congres du Cercle Magique Suisse on the convention of the Swiss magic circle in Winterthur, Sitta, Magic Hands, Pavel, Pedro, Almeico, Jean Garance, Petrick, Liberat Vogler, Briska, Mr. Magic, Oro, Salvano, Kalos, 2 Roxys, Chris & Paul Maurer, Shahiro & Partnerin, DRT Dancers, Achmed Gumaro, Ivo Durox, Les Deux Chandras, Rico Leitner, Claude Pahud, followed by shortened german translation
  • MRS-Kongress in Winterthur
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 49 No. 3)
Johannes Held (reviewer) Gästeabend des Magischen Klubs Sardona on the public show of the magic circle Sardona, Waltini, Tim Bel, Giovanni Eroini, Die Fernandos, Ditino, Alexander, Luzio, Don Pedro 1988
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 49 No. 6)
Aldo Colombini The Fly using blank Cards with Flys printed on them
Variations Feb. 1990
Apocalypse (Vol. 13 No. 2)
Walt Maddison Fan to Palm palming while doing a Thumb Fan
Related to Sep. 1990
Apocalypse (Vol. 13 No. 9)
Christoph Borer, Thomas Otto Tear Off corner is torn from selection, card is then restored and all the other cards have a corner missing
VariationsAlso published here 1991 10
Charles T. Jordan Pedro Monte No. 83, three cards shown in fan and turned over, spectator cannot find card
Also published here 1992 103
Alex Elmsley Brainweave ungaffed handling of Brainwave
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1994 338
Joshua Jay Trumped Triumph ends with kicker after Triumph effect in which all the cards of the same suit appear reversed distributed in the deck
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 1999 61
Andrew Wimhurst Pen-y-Fan (The Fan Dance) in the hands, bee cards, convincer fan
Related to 2001 9
Juan Gallego Luque, Miguel Ángel Gea Esfuerzos Grandes en Ciudades Pequeños on CIP, Rafael Tecles, Pedro Hernández, conventions
2003 91
Pedro Lacerda Lacerda Multiple Shift single cut from hands to table
Related toVariationsAlso published here 2011 58
Pedro Bryce Culebreo Bryce Ascanio spread handling
2014 230
Fotografias pictures of Ascanio, with Frakson, Toni Cachadina, Camilo, Reinhard Müller, Magic Christian, Aurelio Paviato, Tino Call, Vernon, Jennings, Alberto Reyes, Sanvert, Bilis, Pablo Doménech, Ricardo Marré, Pedro Lacerda, Jesus Etcheverry etc.
2015 267
Pedro Bryce Culebreo de Bryce Spread Variation on Ascanio Spread
2018 22
Pedro Bryce Culebreo Bryce Las Vegas Spread type
2018 56
Helder Guimarães, Pedro Lacerda Specific Moments - The Choreographed Card Steal single cut to table, cards palmed into right hand
Inspired by 2019 130
Steve Forte Multi-card Shift Convincers cards in LJ Steal position in deck, dribbling and diagonal spreading, then single cut from hand to table (like Pedro Lacerda)
Related to 2020 1017
Pedro Bryce Ace Embly using seven cards
Inspired by 2020 22
Pedro Cunha Foreword
2022 11
Pedro Lacerda Lacerda's Multiple Shift single cut from hands to table
Also published here 2022 64
Pedro Bryce Color Change Sequence one of four in packet
2022 21
Pedro Lacerda 04. Introduction
  • A Word for the Author
  • Arturo de Ascanio, My Greatest Reference
  • Not Forgetting
  • Family
  • Friends and Institutions
  • The Book
2023 25
Francisco Mousinho 05. Early Years on Pedro Lacerda
2023 33
Francisco Mousinho 06. Meeting Arturo de Ascanio on Pedro Lacerda
2023 43
Rui Fernandes, Pedro Lacerda 07. Iberian Magic Q&A
2023 63
Pedro Lacerda Macao Aces Jazz Aces variation
2023 90
Pedro Lacerda In-the-Hands Spread-Out packet is turned over and spread out, bottom cards stay as one
2023 92
Pedro Lacerda D'Amico Spread Variation with four cards which are spread out as three with a double in the center
2023 93
Pedro Lacerda Aces 0 to 10 small numbers are named at the performer cuts the deck that many times, each time at the wanted number an Ace shows up face up on the last cut
2023 102
Pedro Lacerda Color Change second card is brought to top over the front
2023 104
Pedro Lacerda Super Flash Triumph deck spread and fanned with reversed cards angled, then reveal à la Brainweave
Related to 2023 106
Pedro Lacerda Ambitious Tear-off Plus corner is torn from selection, it comes to top, card is then restored and all the other cards have a corner missing
Inspired by 2023 112
Pedro Lacerda Lacerda's Spellbount two signed cards transpose repeatedly between pocket and hand
  • Phase 1
  • Phase 2
  • Phase 3
  • Phase 4
2023 120
Pedro Lacerda Card Change card at fingertip of left hand, card is palmed and replaced by card from right-hand palm
2023 122
Pedro Lacerda The Dividing Switch switched in from left hand classic palm, switched-out card ends up in right-hand Tenkai palm
Related to 2023 125
Pedro Lacerda Switch from Tenkai Palm switched in from right hand Tenkai palm, switched-out card ends up in left-hand classic palm
2023 128
Pedro Lacerda Ring in Tie borrowed ring vanishes and is found in performer's tie knot, threaded onto the tie
2023 134
Pedro Lacerda A Couple of Seconds performer's wrist watch appears while the deck is cut
2023 152
Pedro Lacerda By-Square
2023 154
Pedro Lacerda Scoop Over Display with two cards, a coin is hidden during a Mexican Turnover type show
2023 158
Pedro Lacerda Shooting Cards two cards chosen, first selection travels to trouser pocket and is placed in breast pocket, then same card is pulled out of other trouser pocket and breast pocket card is second selection
2023 162
Pedro Lacerda, Juan Tamariz Crossed Gaze Top Change Choreography from End Grip
2023 173
Pedro Lacerda Lacerda's Bottom Palm
2023 176
Pedro Lacerda A Card or a Coin Trick? signed card to wallet with gag prediction presentation, card changes to jumbo Chinese coin, card is found back in wallet
2023 184
Pedro Lacerda Triple Puncture small coin is signed on both sides by performer and spectator, it is sandwiched between two larger coins and vanishes, reappears in glass covered by coaster or deck of cards
2023 196
Pedro Lacerda Lacerda Card Monte monte routine with three cards, without monte throw, with bent corner, card vanishes in bare hands and travels to pocket, color changing back kicker
2023 206
Pedro Lacerda Cop Vanish
2023 218
Pedro Lacerda Dividing Switch as Vanish card ends up in right-hand Tenkai palm
Related to 2023 218
Pedro Lacerda Open Display showing hands empty while palming a card in Tenkai Palm
2023 222
Pedro Lacerda Weave Palm Convincer Tenkai Palm to classic palm choreography
2023 222
Pedro Lacerda Spirit Aces Aces are produced one by one from deck and air
2023 228
Pedro Lacerda Lacerda's Pop-Out Move
Inspired by 2023 230
Pedro Lacerda Brush Palm deck brushed against left hand
2023 236
Pedro Lacerda The General Card
2023 240
Pedro Lacerda 09. Card in the Piano - A short Tale card transposes with piano key
2023 255
Pedro Lacerda The Double Throw throwing and catching a double
2023 266
Pedro Lacerda Drop-Off Switch Marlo's switch with clean-up on deck, into LTP
Related to 2023 268
Pedro Lacerda Swirl Convincer spinning a double card one-handed
2023 272
Pedro Lacerda Fan Palm while doing a Thumb Fan
Related to 2023 276
Pedro Lacerda Lacerda's Multiple Shift single cut
Also published here 2023 278
Pedro Lacerda Lacerda's Holdout under watch band
2023 282
Pedro Lacerda Lacerda's Turnover flourishy way to turn the deck over
2023 286
Pedro Bryce Introducción
2023 7
Pedro Bryce Triunfo al Palo Triumph with selection. In second step all cards of same suit instantly turn over face up and are found in order distributed in the deck.
Inspired by 2023 11
Pedro Bryce Mi Bola de Cristal Divination of the four chosen cards looking at the Joker. Then the Joker changes into each of four selections and back into Joker. Rashomon Principle.
2023 31
Pedro Bryce On the cover for the top change
2023 44
Pedro Bryce La Leyenda del Mago contra el Tahúr Four signed Aces instantly travel to pockets and the last signed Ace is found inside wallet held by spectator from the beginning.
Inspired by 2023 63
Pedro Bryce Multiple Shift to top, bluff insertion
2023 74
Pedro Bryce Premonición Española Premonition with two spanish decks (possible with poker decks) with three main clarity conditions:
1.⁠ ⁠Decks from the beginning on the table.
2.⁠ ⁠Any card is freely named.
3.⁠ ⁠The magician does not touch the deck in which the card disappears.
Card appears in odd-backed deck.
2023 89
Pedro Bryce Sobre el Gesto Mágico on the Magical Gesture (Ascanio / Gabi)
  • Situación del Gesto Mágico
  • El Gesto Mágico puede no ser un gesto
  • El Gesto Mágico como interruptor
  • El Gesto Mágico y la interpretación del Efecto Mágico
  • El Gesto Mágico como metáfora visual del Efecto Mágico
  • El Gesto Mágico y su simbolismo
  • Gestos Mágicos contrarios para Efectos Mágicos opuestos
2023 107
Pedro Bryce Epílogo
2023 113