515 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Torn & Restored
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Karl Fulves Non-Working Trix #3 several cards torn in half and paper-clipped together, chosen pair is put in glass and restores
Interlocutor (Issue 49)
Karl Fulves Inseparable half cards on table, performer picks up two and restores them , posed as problem
Interlocutor (Issue 51)
Karrell Fox The E.C. Card in Wallet card torn, pieces vanish except one, restored card in wallet
1988 104
Ben Harris Mid-Air Restoration on deck as several pieces are tossed in air
Inspired by 1988 95
Edward Marlo Ultra Torn & Restored Card joker is torn and restored except missing corner, no deck used, two methods
Related toVariationsAlso published here
  • The New Tops, May 1967
1988 275
Edward Marlo Propelled Lapping Restoration quarters on left fingers, right hand covers and card is restored without creases
Related to 1988 281
René Lavand My Grand Illusion
Inspired byAlso published here 1988 92
Peter Wilker Holiday on Magic post card is torn and placed inside paper tube, tube is pierced with large nail and card is found restored on nail, with corner as proof
Magische Blätter (Vol. 2 No. 6)
Jerry Sadowitz The Healers unusual method
1989 42
Harry Lorayne Not quite perfect Torn & Restored Card
Inspired byAlso published here Feb. 1989
Apocalypse (Vol. 12 No. 2)
David Williamson Torn & Restored Transposition
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1989 72
Sam Schwartz Torn Up card torn in quarters vanishes, on a blank card in packet of blanks the card reappears a quarter at a time
Inspired by 1989 51
Howard Wurst Midnite Card Trick corner of whole deck missing, corner selected and held to missing-corner of deck, reattaches to correct card
Inspired by 1989 30
Father Cyprian Fr. Cyprian's Solution corner of whole deck missing, corner selected and held to missing-corner of deck, reattaches to correct card
Inspired by 1989 33
Karl Fulves Kid Trix some blue-backed cards torn in half, card selected and signed from red deck, two blue-blacked halves restored and turned over - it is the spectator's signed card
1989 44
Father Cyprian The Act four cards chosen and signed by four spectators
  • Part I: Torn and Restored Card (first selection torn and flash-restored, "Nostalgia Torn & Restored Card")
  • Part II: Card Stab (other three selections replaced, two found by stabbing the paper-wrapped deck with a dagger)
  • Part III: Card in Wallet (last card found in wallet)
Related to 1989 1
Joe Monti Cornered! strange
Mar. 1990
Apocalypse (Vol. 13 No. 3)
Rick Silberman Torn and Restored Card "Sibelman", card torn in quarters and restored, no extra cards
Sep. 1990
Opus (Vol. 3 No. 5)
Tony Cachadiña The Torn Card one piece handed to spectator
Also published here Dec. 1990
Opus (Vol. 3 No. 7)
Jamy Ian Swiss Stabbing Case deck in case held against piece of wood, knife stabbed into it and case pulled away, selection remains stabbed to wood, case destroyed but deck intact
Also published here
  • Genii
1990 2
Stephen Tucker Simplex Tear & Revelation
Feb. 1991
Apocalypse (Vol. 14 No. 2)
Stephen Tucker Two for the Price of One
Apr. 1991
Apocalypse (Vol. 14 No. 4)
Robert Hirsch Holed Up punched Holes Heal up
Sep. 1991
Apocalypse (Vol. 14 No. 9)
Will Ayling Torn Corner Card card rises and missing corner restores
1991 26
Karl Fulves Semi Circular Reasoning semi-circular cut-out at flap of case disappears or restores or travels next to selection, posed as problem
1991 34
Christoph Borer, Thomas Otto Tear Off corner is torn from selection, card is then restored and all the other cards have a corner missing
VariationsAlso published here 1991 10
Meir Yedid Wiederhergestellte Karte stand up, frontal version
Also published here 1991 14
Tony Cachadiña The Torn Card one piece handed to spectator
Also published here 1991 3
Felix Farrell Torn and Restored signed card torn in half and restored
1991 134
Stephen Tucker Simplex Torn and Restored Card and Double Revelation cards is revealed by tearing card, then pieces are restored to become second selection
1991 3
Jerry K. Hartman Whole in One torn in half and restored, signed
Also published here 1991 622
Alexander de Cova Flash-Restauration card torn into quarters which are placed on tabled deck, flat hand hits deck and card is restored instantly except one corner, last corner with band-aid à la Tommy Wonder
Inspired by
  • "Ocular T&R" (Dan Huffman, Linking Ring, Vol. 66 No. 2, Feb. 1986, p. 76)
Related toVariationsAlso published here
1991 1
Alexander de Cova Flash-Restauration II handling with signed card
Inspired by 1991 5
Tabby "Tabman" Crabb Torn card located behind back, then torn, pieces vanish except one piece, rest restored in deck, same as Karrell Fox's
Related toVariations Mar./Apr. 1991
The Magic Menu (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Andrea Baioni Torn and Quartered with twisting interlud with torn quarters
July 1992
Apocalypse (Vol. 15 No. 7)
Stephen Tucker Quartear only one quarter is torn away and bluff-restored
Related to Aug. 1992
Apocalypse (Vol. 15 No. 8)
Jack Carpenter Torn, Torn, and Restored get-in
Inspired by 1992 77
Vanni Bossi Torn Deck Mystery deck is torn in quarters which are mixed in paper bag, performer locates four pieces of selection without looking
Inspired by 1992 24
Steve Dusheck Magna Carda torn and restored card for stand-up
1992 80
Steve Dusheck Cornography corner torn off, it visibly restored
Also published here 1992 107
Steve Dusheck Boob Tube card rolled up and put in tube, five nails pushed through at different spots, card pulled out, restored
1992 124
Karrell Fox, Tom Mullica Karrell's Kaput Kard card located behind back, then torn, pieces vanish except one piece, rest restored in deck
Inspired by 1992 102
Tom Mullica Mullica's Complete Restoration Finale pieces of torn card visibly restore
1992 104
Tom Mullica Torn and Restored Cards to Pocket seven cards up the sleeve to pocket, last card is torn and one corner handed out, found restored in pocket
1992 153
Charles T. Jordan The Incomprehensible Destroyed Card No. 15, torn and restored card, card torn with face towards audience, using pseudo duplicates by bringing all Sixes, Sevens, Eights together, and principle of tearing the corner off a double
Also published here 1992 15
Karl Fulves "Incomprehensible Destroyed Card" Notes No. 16, handling ideas for Jordan's trick
Inspired by 1992 17
Charles T. Jordan Card Tearing No. 17, with dummy card behind it
Also published here
  • Thayer's Magical Bulletin, Aug. 1915
1992 18
Charles T. Jordan The Bisected Queen No. 86, card cut in envelope is restored
Also published here 1992 106
Charles T. Jordan Cremo Card Restoration No. 141, card forced via spelling procedure, duplicate in deck
Also published here 1992 173
Joe Rindfleisch Connect Four four pieces, signed
Aug. 1993
Apocalypse (Vol. 16 No. 8)
Richard Bartram, Jr. Torn and Reborn Card torn quarters held in hand, card fan waved of them and card restores, duplicate
1993 16
Richard Bartram, Jr. The L'Espanaye Card corner cut from card with razor blade restores
1993 53
Richard Bartram, Jr. French Restoration with the French Change
1993 58
René Lavand My Grand Illusion
Inspired byAlso published here 1993 163
Paul Harris, Tommy Wonder, Christian Scherer The Ultimate Ripp-Off
Inspired by 1994 9
Jerry Mentzer Torn and Restored - A Versatile Idea handling the torn pieces
Inspired by 1994 49
Stephen Tucker Zwei für den Preis von einem torn and restored card, humorous revelation of two selected cards, Four torn to show Ace and Three
Also published here July 1994
Intermagic (Vol. 18 No. 4 & 5)
Yves Carbonnier Phantom Torn and Restored Card torn card is restored folded inside a card pyramid
Related toAlso published here Aug. 1994
Magic (Vol. 3 No. 12)
Darwin Ortiz The Marker
Inspired by 1995 76
Chad Long Torn & Kinda Restored three selections, selection found and torn up, pieces change to second selection, restores and changes to third selection, impromptu
Inspired by 1995 11
Robert Parrish, Oscar Weigle The Immortal Card Trick sequence with open prediction, card in the envelope, torn & restored card
1995 70
Robert Parrish The Card in the Orange
Related to 1995 89
John Carney Method One four pieces placed on deck, card visibly restores
Also published here 1995 2
John Carney Method Two spellbound restoration
Also published here 1995 4
John Carney Method Three with deck in hand
Also published here 1995 6
John Carney Method Four with deck in hand
Also published here 1995 7
John Carney Other Approaches four ideas
Also published here 1995 8
John Carney Bonus Effect pile of pieces dumped on table, one card restored from it, then all pieces restored to packet of cards
Inspired byAlso published here 1995 10
John Riggs Other Ideas with the Cold Fold
  • color change
  • torn and restored card
1995 34
Joe Rindfleisch The Illusion Card zig-zag finger with playing card, first finger and thumb, four phases, eventually card is restored
1995 143
Aldo Colombini Torn-Ado card torn into quarters is restored when fan is waved over hand with pieces
1995 29
Aldo Colombini One, Two, Three four cards removed, one of them is the selection, they are folded in half and torn, the selection restores and changes back color
Inspired by
  • Stephen Tucker effect
Related toAlso published here
  • Linking Ring
1995 31
Robert E. Neale Real Jokers Joker folded in quarters turns inside out, then torn and restored except one quarter
Inspired byAlso published here 1995 106
Terry Lunceford Silly Is As Silly Does Two of Clubs selected, performer finds Three of Clubs, then tears out center pip, mutilated card changes into Two and is then restored
Related to Sep. 1995
Magic (Vol. 5 No. 1)
Alexander de Cova Flash Restoration card torn into quarters which are placed on tabled deck, flat hand hits deck and card is restored instantly except one corner
Also published here Oct. 1995
Magic (Vol. 5 No. 2)
Guy Hollingworth Burnt and Restored Card UCS
1996 14
Tommy Wonder Post-Ultimate Rip-Off
  • Counting
  • Flash Restoration
  • The Complete Restoration
  • Ringing in the Gaff
  • Ringing in the Humanity
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1996 90
Paul Harris Rip-Off Reverse torn pieces of signed card transpose with full card
Also published here 1996
The Art of Astonishment — Book 1 (Issue The Magic of Paul Harris)
Paul Harris The Ultimate Rip-Off no extra pieces, restoration except corner
Related toAlso published here 1996 113
Looy Simonoff Looy's Convincer
Inspired by 1996 116
Paul Harris Ultimate Rip-Off - Dancing with the Last Piece restoring the final piece
1996 119
Paul Harris Peeler piece of top layer is peeled off and restored
Also published here 1996
The Art of Astonishment — Book 2 (Issue Close-up Entertainer)
Paul Harris Torn and Restored Deck using Hamman's "Micro Macro" method
Also published here 1996
The Art of Astonishment — Book 3 (Issue Close-up Fantasies Finale)
Paul Harris Torn Mentalist flap of card case is torn off to write prediction on it, flap restored
The Art of Astonishment — Book 3 (Issue Misc. Pieces of Paul)
Michael Kaminskas Restored on the deck
Related to 1996 12
Peter Duffie, Charles T. Jordan, Dick Zimmerman Jumbo Jeopardy signed jumbo card torn into quarters, one quarter under wallet, other quarters put under other jumbo cards on table, those vanish and card is restored under wallet
1996 4
Christoph Borer Um die Ecke gebracht corner is torn from selection, card is then restored and all the other cards have a corner missing
Also published here 1996 26
Peter Grandt Blackout torn and restored card, corner for verification is given to spectator, corner is eventually re-attached to the card
Also published here 1996 63
Ray Kosby Half Right half card sticks out of deck, when pulled out it is whole again
Apr. 1996
The Lemniscate (Vol. 2 No. 11)
Walter Rollins Technicolor Torn Card card signed on face, one quarter torn off, rest torn in pieces and put in case, card restored, corner has odd back
Variations Jan. 1996
Magic (Vol. 5 No. 5)
Mike Rogers Rogers Method card signed on face, one quarter torn off, rest torn in pieces and put in case, card restored, corner has odd back
Inspired by Jan. 1996
Magic (Vol. 5 No. 5)
Frank Zak Restoration Fuse two cards removed, one signed by performer and one by spectator, both torn into quarters, they restore into one double faced card
Feb. 1997
Magic (Vol. 6 No. 6)
John Lovick Introduction credit information
1998 1
John Lovick The Reparation
  • Preparation
  • Performance
  • Final Note
Inspired byAlso published here 1998 1
Wesley James Preface on piece-by-piece restorations
1998 1
Wesley James Introduction on restorations
1998 4
Wesley James Pristine piece-by-piece restoration of signed card, then folds removed and signature peeled off
  • The Force
  • Acquiring the Duplicate and the Signatures
  • Pre-Creasing
  • The Tear
  • Switching in the Duplicate
  • Restoring the First Piece
  • Restoring the Second Piece
  • Restoring the Third (last) Piece
  • Unloading the Extra Pieces
  • The Pristine-ing
1998 10
Joshua Jay Matchbox Restoration Matchbox gimmick used to restore torn card, vanish, produce or shrink a card
Also published here 1998 42
Guy Hollingworth A Destroyed and Reproduced Card UCS, found in envelope or sealed pack
Variations 1999 219
Guy Hollingworth Reformation including handling variations for some phases
Variations 1999 278
Joshua Jay Matchbox Restoration Matchbox gimmick used to restore torn card, vanish, produce or shrink a card
Also published here 1999 119
John Lovick The Reparation
Also published here 1999 126
David Acer R.I.P. three quarters restored one by one, described with photograph
Inspired byRelated to 1999 21
David Acer Ripped Torn Healed delayed torn case restoration
Inspired by 1999 88
Theodore DeLand Cremation and Confetti No. 23, card burned, confetti in glass changes to restored card, see "General note" on p. 140 for credit
1999 139
Ellis Stanyon The Reunited Card No. 29, card cut into four pieces, thrown in air and the restore visible, flap construction that unfolds by itself
1999 174
Ellis Stanyon The "Torn Corner" Card No. 42, corner visually restores, two constructions
1999 182
Ellis Stanyon The Envelope Restores a Burnt Card No. 11, back-to-back envelope
1999 219
Carey Heim Impossible Closer wrong card torn, pieces change into correct card which is restored
Inspired by 1999 297
Guy Hollingworth Burnt and Restored Card UCS, card found in Sealed Pack
2000 1
Eugene Burger Torn Card corner is torn of and then restored featuring a corner switch
Also published here 2000 51
Kenton Knepper Torn and Restored #1 only one card used
Variations Apr. 2000
Pabular (Vol. 9 No. 2)
Allen Zingg Ton, Kenton, & Zingg combination of Knepper's "Torn & Restored #1" and Tongs "Danny's Bill Warp"
Inspired by Dec. 2000
Pabular (Vol. 9 No. 4)
Christoph Borer, Thomas Otto Cutting Corners corner is torn from selection, card is then restored and all the other cards have a corner missing
Also published here 2000 13
Peter Grandt Blackout torn and restored card, corner for verification is given to spectator, corner is eventually re-attached to the card
Also published here 2000 62
Peter Duffie In the Nick of Time two signed cards sealed in envelope, one burned, it is found with the other card in the other envelope with burnt back
2000 5
Simon Lovell Granama spectator's name written on card and turn up with one letter per piece to make anagrams, then restored
2000 63
Ben Harris The Quarter Back Tear Apparently tear a card in half, but actually only tear a quarter
2000 10
Ben Harris The Particle Vanish Card sandwiched between two Jokers, all three cards torn into quarters, but sandwiched card vanishes, leaving only the torn Jokers
Related to 2000 12
Ben Harris Twist Assist Half card is given a twist between the fingers, corner visually appears restored on card. Possibility given to restore the full card.
2000 12
Ben Harris Space Oddity Half card changes polarity, sometimes widthwise tear, sometimes lengthwise tear. Corner of card then vanishes and appears on the other half.

Advanced version: the two halves can be shown simultaneously to be in opposite states of polarity.
2000 18
Ben Harris Particle Physics Spectator names any card, card is found face up in the deck. Card is sandwiched between Jokers, packet is torn into four, card vanishes and appears face up in deck.
Related to 2000 24
Ben Harris Many Worlds Climax (Hoodwink!) Ending for Hoodwink (another Ben Harris trick). Card given a small tear, suddenly disintegrates back into four pieces
Related to 2000 29
Ben Harris Wink Wink Two cards torn, one card is restored completely, the other restores and disintegrates. Presentation about entropy and time. Extension of Hoodwink by Ben Harris
Related to 2000 32
Jeff Sheridan Tearing Up DeLand card chosen, it is torn up and quarters placed in center of deck, deck is spread and card is seen restored
Variations Mar. 2000
Genii (Vol. 63 No. 3)
Helge Thun AngeEckt signed card is torn and pieces vanish minus one corner, restored card found reversed in deck, repeat with full restoration
Also published here 2000 13
Helge Thun Um die Ecke gebracht extension of previous routine in which card travels to an impossible location
Also published here 2000 19
Helge Thun Lückenbüßer visual restoration of the final corner after a torn & restored effect with visible signature, on the deck, hinged corner gaff
Also published here 2000 20
Barry Price Torn-Stapled-Restored! except one quarter, loose pieces are stapled together as gag, restored card minus corner shoots out when deck is riffled
Inspired by 2000 1
Barry Price Price's Protean Pack whole deck shrinks to miniature deck (with rise-rise-rise) as ending of a torn/restored routine, hollowed-out solid deck of cards
2000 46
Don England Holy Tear! ala Chocolate Coin
2001 104
Don England The Sympathy of Hearts under cover of a Jumbo Card
2001 112
Paul Curry The Malini Idea card is found on the streets, torn and vanished, then it's found back on the spot before, corner fits
Also published here 2001 268
Mark Lewis Torn and Restored Card
2001 31
Hiroyuki Sakai Celebrity Torn and Restored Card one end of card signed by spectator and one by performer, torn in half and restored
Inspired by
  • "Hoodwink" (Kenton Knepper, Ben Harris)
Also published here
July 2001
Genii (Vol. 64 No. 7)
Brandon Burton Hole and Restored Card hole torn out of folded signed card, card is restored
Nov./Dec. 2001
Mr. Gadfly (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser The Insoluble Impromptu ring to inside playing card which was torn and restored before
Also published here 2002 131
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser The Three Powers three chosen cards vanish from deck, arrive in pocket, deck vanishes (in topit type space) and appears in pocket, three selections rise one with corner torn off that visible restores, a card is shot with pistol into candle
Also published here 2002 146
Dan Garrett Torn and Re-Born corner torn off card, rest torn in tiny pieces and dropped in envelope, when opened again the card is restored, corner now initialed, rest torn again in pieces and pieces put in purse, when purse is opened it has a folded business card inside with "look in the envelope" where the restored card now is, laminated in plastic, Gaetan Bloom's Intercessor
2002 13
Karl Hein Heinstein's Dream
  • The Effect
  • The Setup
    • The Adhesive
    • The Preparation
  • The Method
    • The Selection Process
    • The Folding Procedure
    • The Tearing Procedure
    • The Restoration
      • In the Spectator's Hands
      • The Flash Appearance Restoration
      • Piece by Piece Restoration
  • The Clean Up
  • Presentation
2002 1
Karl Hein Credits
2002 19
Karl Hein References
2002 20
Jim Sisti Torn With A Twist selection is torn and appears restored reversed in the deck with matching corner, then back of card and corner changes as a kicker
Inspired by Autumn 2002
The Magic Menu (Vol. 11 No. 64)
Christoph Borer Tear Off corner is torn from selection, card is then restored and all the other cards have a corner missing
Also published here Feb. 2002
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 6)
Charlie Frye Eccentricks card torn in half, flashy restoration
Sep. 2002
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 1)
Nathan Kranzo Rewrapped cellophane removed from card case, it is vanished and reappears on box
Also published here Nov. 2002
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 3)
Brent Braun Torched & Restored Card is signed and torn into four pieces, edges of cards are set on fire and card is eventually fully restored
  • Tearing the Card
  • Restoring the Card
  • Cleaning Up
  • An alternate Handling
2002 1
Gabi Pareras Ases Clandestinos (Una "rota y recompuesta" inesperada) four Aces signed on the backs penetrate post card / piece of newspaper, "quinta firma", duplicate, last card is torn in pieces, vanishes and then found restored under post card
  • Firmando los dorsos
  • El reparto
  • Primera penetración
  • Segunda penetración
  • Tercera penetración
  • Notas
    • Las penetraciones
    • La carta rota y recompuesta
2002ca. 50
Al Baker Cutting a Card knife cuts through card, restored
Related toAlso published here
  • marketed 1931
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Instructions)
Al Baker Cutting a Card in Half with knive, gimmick
2003 706
Ted Lesley The Card in the Orange card is torn and put in envelope, all but one piece vanish and restored card is found in orange, Teleport Envelope
2003 25
P. Howard Lyons Confusion selected card placed in flap box changes, selection appears reversed in deck and is torn up and placed in box where it restores
Jan. 2003
Genii (Vol. 66 No. 1)
Zenneth Kok Torn & Reprinted Card Joker torn in thirds and crumpled up, becomes blank, packet of blank cards prints with thirds of Jokers on the cards, then full Joker (I think)
Mar. 2003
Ego (Vol. 2 No. 14)
Peter Duffie Composite two selections torn in half, one half each initialed and other burned, re-appear in envelope
Inspired byAlso published here 2004 45
Peter Duffie Dichotomy one card of packet though-of, packet torn in half, half of thought-of card retained and rest burned, other half with prediction in envelope
Also published here 2004 60
Peter Duffie Fusion Assembly quarter pieces travel to under wallet one by one and assemble there one by one, credit information
2004 124
Juan Tamariz, Dr. Jacob Daley Some Time Ago card at number is destroyed and found again restored at same number
Inspired by 2004 254
Vanni Bossi, Frederick Barrington My Handling of the Barrington's Torn Card Trick with universal switching gimmick for small objects
Inspired by 2005 5
William Duncan Billy The Vampire Slayer
Inspired by 2005 22
Steven Hamilton Thanks to Collins card torn in quarters, one piece freely chosen, other quarters burnt, card restored in nest of envelopes
Related toAlso published here 2005 36
Christoph Borer Tear Off corner is torn from selection, card is then restored and all the other cards have a corner missing
Also published here 2006 86
Arturo de Ascanio The Torn and Restored Card of Marlo and Le Paul signed, with one piece not restored
Inspired byAlso published here 2006 147
Michael Daniels Oops! card is torn and restores in spectator's hand into mis-made configuration, "Oops Deck"
Related to Feb. 2006
Antinomy (Vol. 2 No. 1)
Michael Ammar, Gary Plants Restored Card To Wallet torn pieces change to credit card, card restored from wallet
2007 282
Vanni Bossi, Frederick Barrington A Good Torn Card Trick
Inspired by 2007 5
Manuel Montes Rota y recompuesta a lo Charlie Miller
Inspired by 2007
El Manuscrito (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Dani DaOrtiz It's Not Another... Torn And Restored Card signed with matching corner, found restored in wallet
2007 33
Miguel Gómez La carta rota y recompuesta card torn in quarters, restores when pushed through hand
2007 190
Bill Abbott Autograph x2 card travels into wallet twice, it is apparently torn in between, Mullica Wallet
2008 15
William Larsen, T. Page Wright Love Laughs King burnt and found restored in Himber wallet precursor z-fold, torn corner dodge
Also published here
  • The Sphinx, Nov. 1928
Prolix (Issue 5)
Karl Fulves 1Crd2Wllts selection signed on back, two wallets, half the card travels to each wallet, restored
Prolix (Issue 5)
Dani DaOrtiz Torn and Restored about the plot/effect
2008 7
Dani DaOrtiz Restoration (Flash - pocket) signed card torn, pieces pocketed, immediately restored card removed from pocket
2008 15
Dani DaOrtiz Restoration (Flash - Deck Card Case) signed card torn, pieces put in case, immediately restored card shaken out of case
2008 16
Dani DaOrtiz Matrix Restored card torn in quarters, chink-a-chink with pieces, then card restores itself at once
  • Restored Move (quarters picked up and card instantly restored)
Related to 2008 20
Dani DaOrtiz It is not a torn and restored card "Trilogy of the Double Tearing Move - Impromptu"
method to get a duplicate torn corner, see following applications
2008 25
Dani DaOrtiz Back in time number named, card at that position signed, torn up, pieces vanish except a corner, rest re-appears at same position
Also published here 2008 30
Dani DaOrtiz Plas! signed card restored between hands except corner, lapping
2008 31
Dani DaOrtiz Unique Williamson's routine with four selection, card changes with each restoration phase
Inspired by 2008 32
Dani DaOrtiz Gag - Strongest Magician card visibly changes into torn quarters
2008 36
Dani DaOrtiz Restored Card to the Shoe
2008 38
Dani DaOrtiz Instant Recomposition card torn into quarters, visibly restored
2008 40
Harry Lorayne Not Quite Perfect Torn & Restored Card
Also published here Mar. 2008
Genii (Vol. 71 No. 3)
Guy Hollingworth Torn & Restored Card
  • Method 1 (ditch with magnet in sleeve)
  • Method 2 (ditch with pull)
Oct. 2008
Genii (Vol. 71 No. 10)
Guy Hollingworth Method for the Torn and Restored Card torn business card restores in flash
Dec. 2008
Genii (Vol. 71 No. 12)
Hiroshi Sawa Alien signed card placed in case, it appears in the hands, is torn and restored
Dec. 2008
Genii (Vol. 71 No. 12)
Allan Slaight Seden-Tear-Y initialed card restored except torn corner, then corner as well, method to make two duplicate tears
Inspired by
  • Wilbur Kattner, Linking Ring, Feb. 1945
2008 52
John Archer A Corner Switch switching a torn corner of a card
2009 33
Robert E. Neale Real Jokers Joker folded in quarters turns inside out, then torn and restored except one quarter
Also published here 2009 106
Rich Aviles An Ending for Torn & Restored Card
Related to 2010 72
Charlie Miller, Roberto Giobbi Torn and Restored Card
Inspired by 2010
Secret Agenda (Issue May 29)
Roberto Giobbi Carta-da-Fé how to burn a card
Secret Agenda (Issue June 21)
Roberto Giobbi Torn and Restored Ploy thoughts
Secret Agenda (Issue Nov 29)
Roberto Giobbi Torn and Restored Justification
Secret Agenda (Issue Nov 30)
Román García La Carta Escupida torn corner travels between Jokers on the table, then card visibly is restored
2010 15
Steve Shufton Co-Signed card signed on back by performer and on face by spectator, cut and restored
  • Making it Even Stronger
2010 227
Karl Fulves Table Talk spectator divines card chosen under table, apparently a corner is torn off and restored for the rest of the audience
Prolix (Issue 9)
David Acer Mad Card Disease 2.0 card torn into quarters, index corners transposes with non-index corners repeatedly, then restore
Inspired byRelated to
  • "Miracle Mates" (Bob Bell, marketed by Micky Hades, 1963)
2011 49
Karl Fulves The Three-Corner Card "Unexplained"
corner of selection torn off and put under case, remaining card signed on back, card put in deck so a part is protruding, prediction card with corner missing shown, it is signed on back and protruding part is now only corner which has vanished from under case, posed as a problem
Inspired by 2012
Prolix (Issue 10)
Roberto Giobbi Burning Card tip on how to burn card, in envelope
Mar. 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 3)
Dani DaOrtiz Time Moves in Reverse
  • DaOrtiz a la Carte!
number named, card counted to, it is torn and vanishes, found restored at same position minus one corner
Related to May 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 5)
Dani DaOrtiz Double Tear tearing the corner off a double card
May 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 5)
Luis H. Trueba Pieces in Rosette
Related to
  • "Fox Forward" (Paul Richards, Linking Ring Parade Mar. 2000, marketed 1998)
May 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 5)
Steven Hamilton Thanks to Collins card torn in quarters, one piece freely chosen, other quarters burnt, card restored in nest of envelopes
Related toAlso published here 2013 122
Alexander de Cova Torn & Restored Jumbo Card using cloth pin switch, corner subtlety
2013 26
Hiroyuki Sakai Celebrity Torn and Restored Card one end of card signed by spectator and one by performer, torn in half and restored
Inspired by
  • "Hoodwink" (Kenton Knepper, Ben Harris)
Also published here
2013 50
John Gaughan The Watch and Card Target
  • The Chamber of Secrets
pistol shot on target, where card appears minus corner, then corner as well, watch appears there too
Related to Feb. 2014
Genii (Vol. 77 No. 2)
Guy Hollingworth Burnt and Restored Card reappears in sealed deck, UCS
2015 43
Ricky Smith The Bear Trick card travels to case but torn up, pieces restored
Also published here 2015 40
Alexander de Cova Flash-Restauration card torn into quarters which are placed on tabled deck, flat hand hits deck and card is restored instantly
Inspired by
  • "Ocular T&R" (Dan Huffman, Linking Ring, Vol. 66 No. 2, Feb. 1986, p. 76)
Also published here
2015 109
John Lovick The Reparation
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 2016 129
John Lovick Piece by Piece Restorations credit information
2016 129
John Lovick The Reparation Strikes Back
Inspired by 2016 143
Vanni Bossi Framing the Sandman card appears in frame minus torn corner, ungaffed
Inspired byVariations 2016 8
Vanni Bossi Torn Corner Handling corner torn and switched
2016 12
Roberto Giobbi Straightforward Torn-and-Restored Card signed, pieces wrapped in handkerchief
Hidden Agenda (Issue Jan 6)
Christoph Borer Tear Off corner is torn from selection, card is then restored and all the other cards have a corner missing
Also published here 2016 228
Andy (The Jerx) Hallmark Card torn into pieces, one piece held by spectator. Pieces vanish, restored card found in envelope
2016 229
Andy (The Jerx) Epilogue Describes trick where a card is torn, and restored via "actual" time travel
2016 337
Adrian Vega Four Fly Restored selection is signed on both sides and torn in quarters, pieces travel from hand to hand and card restores piece by piece
2017 19
Ricky Smith The Bear Trick card travels to case but torn up, pieces restored
Also published here 2017 28
Ricky Smith The Runcible Card Trick accidentally torn card is put away and spectator selects it again from deck, then it turns out to be paperclipped card from beginning
Inspired by
  • "#*@!" (Jay Sankey, 1990)
  • "Torn & Restored Card" (Bill Woodfield, Michael Skinner's Professional Close-Up Magic)
Also published here
2017 36
Scott Robinson The Toy two cards folded into a spaceship, spaceship changes directions back and forth (not a magic effect), one card is pushed through other and then it restores
Also published here 2018 13
Wayne Houchin Counterfeit Card torn into four and restored piece by piece, last piece is restored by fire, cards ends slightly burnt as a souvenir
Inspired by 2019 3
Yves Carbonnier La Quêteuse de Table torn card is restored inside a card pyramid
Inspired byAlso published here 2019 136
Iñaki Zabaletta El Tiempo Atrás card at named number is removed, torn and then vanishes just to be found restored again at the same position
2019 47
Dani DaOrtiz Back at The Time number named, card at that position signed, torn up, pieces vanish except a corner, rest re-appears at same position
Also published here 2019 16
Jeremiah Zuo Hollingworth for Mortals simplified
Inspired by 2019 1
John Byng Quick Rip selection is initialed on both sides, torn into fourths and instantly restored
Feb. 2019
Genii (Vol. 82 No. 2)
José Carroll Torn Ambition ambitious card has a corner torn off, is torn and restored at the end (minus corner)
Also published here 2019 122
Peter Gröning Once Torn, Twice Restored brief outline for routine in which signed card is restored except last quarter, then whole card
2020 80
Jeff Prace Fuze
  • Left-Handed
corner torn off a card, rest folded up, corner vanishes and is found re-attached to card
June 2020
Genii (Vol. 83 No. 6)
Nancy Colwell War and Peace torn card restores in spectator's fist
July 2021
Elixir (Vol. 3 No. Special Chicago Issue #1)
Steve Reynolds T & R Card - You Want to Be Famous? using only one card, restoration except one quarter
Inspired by 2021
Output (Issue 15)
Jonathan Friedman Dedlof folded card becomes pristine without wrinkles again
Jan. 2021
Genii (Vol. 84 No. 1)
Nancy Colwell Postmortem of the Seventh Solution card signed and a quarter torn out, odd-backed quarter is taken from pocket and restored into its place, repeated three more times, when turned over the card still have spectator's signature
2021 75
Benjamin Earl Restoring the Past named card signed on back is torn up and vanishes, it reappears (unsigned) on top of the deck
2021 56
Michael Ammar, Gary Plants Ammar's No Good At Titles selection torn, pieces change into credit card, restored card minus one corner is found in wallet
June 2022
Elixir (Vol. 3 No. Florida Issue Part One)
Max Malini The Missing Link hiding a card in advance at an earlier visit for later discovery of a torn and vanished card with corner proof, card sewn into spectator's jacket, pieces vanish in newspaper square
Related to
  • "The Missing Link" (Sleight of Hand, Sachs)
2022 237
Paul Curry Gutter Magic card is found on the street, destroyed and vanished, then found again at the same spot as in the beginning
Also published here 2022 301
Christoph Borer Tear Off corner is torn from selection, card is then restored and all the other cards have a corner missing
Also published here 2022 57
Nathan Kranzo Rewrapped cellophane removed from card case, it is vanished and reappears on box
Also published here 2022 137
Eric Hu Interactive Torn & Restored signed card and several other cards are torn in fourths, all pieces mixed up, restored folded card emerges from the mess which is the signed selection
Also published here
  • MAGIC, July 2012
2022 1130
John Carney Method One four pieces placed on deck, card visibly restores
Also published here 2022 1
John Carney Method Two spellbound restoration
Also published here 2022 6
John Carney Method Three with deck in hand
Also published here 2022 11
John Carney Method Four with deck in hand
Also published here 2022 14
John Carney Other Approaches four ideas
Also published here 2022 17
John Carney Bonus Effect pile of pieces dumped on table, one card restored from it, then all pieces restored to packet of cards
Inspired byAlso published here 2022 22
John Shack New Principle Torn and Restored Card one card, really torn
July 2023
Genii (Vol. 86 No. 7)