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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Karrell Fox "Rip-Off" card located behind back, then torn, pieces vanish except one piece, rest restored in deck
Related toVariations 1976 59
David Britland Parallax card reverses while spectator holds it, with cut, trapdoor variation
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here Feb. 1986
The New Talon (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Tabby "Tabman" Crabb Torn card located behind back, then torn, pieces vanish except one piece, rest restored in deck, same as Karrell Fox's
Related toVariations Mar./Apr. 1991
The Magic Menu (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Carlini, Tabby "Tabman" Crabb Overall
  • Letters
Nov. 1991
Magic (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Tabby "Tabman" Crabb Paradapt (Parallax Revisited) card reverses while spectator holds it, with cut
Inspired by Mar./Apr. 1992
The Magic Menu (Vol. 2 No. 10)
James J. Romeo Magic! Music! on using music for one's act
Related to July 1992
Magic (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Tabby "Tabman" Crabb, Robert Clarkson, James J. Romeo Magic! Music!
  • Letters
Related to Aug. 1992
Magic (Vol. 1 No. 12)
Jim Sisti (reviewer) Magician's Utility Pouch by Tabby "Tabman" Crabb Jan./Feb. 1994
The Magic Menu (Vol. 4 No. 21)
Jim Sisti (reviewer) Las Vegas Chip Assembly by Tabby "Tabman" Crabb Mar./Apr. 1994
The Magic Menu (Vol. 4 No. 22)
Jim Sisti Torn With A Twist selection is torn and appears restored reversed in the deck with matching corner, then back of card and corner changes as a kicker
Inspired by Autumn 2002
The Magic Menu (Vol. 11 No. 64)
Jamy Ian Swiss (reviewer) Tabman Magic by Tabby "Tabman" Crabb Sep. 2009
Genii (Vol. 72 No. 9)