Written by Harry Lorayne
Work of Harry Lorayne
247 pages (Hardcover), published by Harry Lorayne, Inc.
Illustrated with photographs
Language: English
83 entries
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Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page Categories
Harry Lorayne Foreword
Harry Lorayne Take Five five cards touched and outjogged, one of those selected, matches prediction
Inspired by 3
Harry Lorayne Push-In Strip-Out Switch outjogged cards pivoted out and put on top, see also p. 266 for tabled variation
Harry Lorayne Take A Royal Five spectator touches five cards in spread, they're pivoted out and shown to be Royal Flush
Also published here 7
Harry Lorayne Progressive Elevator, Plus four Aces, one put in center comes to top, then two, then three, then four, optional selected card or Royal Flush kicker
Also published here
  • "The Classic Collection - Vol. 1" (2005)
Frederick Braue Braue Addition
Harry Lorayne Startler card chosen, performer instantly finds the three mates
Timing Cut Force cutting packets
Harry Lorayne Slider Finder sliding block production, Aces found, Royal Flush kicker
Inspired byVariations 19
Harry Lorayne Bottom Stet Overhand Shuffle bottom stock remains, block slip shuffle handling
Related to 24
Harry Lorayne Spell To Two two cards spelled to
Variations 26
Block Push-Off False Count packet counted, second to last card push-off
Harry Lorayne Spell To Two - And More two selections spelled to, then four Aces show up
Inspired by 29
Harry Lorayne No Cardcase Tally-Ho Extended spelling incredibly, magical, amazing, Harry instead of words on card case, or using words from business card
Inspired byAlso published here 31
Harry Lorayne, Bob Veeser Fake Turnover from wrong packet
Harry Lorayne In-Hand False Riffle Shuffle strip-out, no cascade
Related to 36
Lennart Green Circulation Shuffle brief, uncredited
Harry Lorayne Three Mechanics three four-of-a-kinds stacked
Inspired by 41
Harry Lorayne Thirteen! simplified productions
Inspired byVariations 45
Harry Lorayne Thirteen's Closer transformation kicker of suit
Related to 52
The Hop off the Bottom bold switch, Jinx type
Harry Lorayne Overkill suit transformation kicker, original suit reversed in center
Harry Lorayne Gambler's Luck Royal Flush production, with extended version
Also published here
  • "The Classic Collection - Vol. 1" (2005)
Harry Lorayne Universal Reversal cut and slip action
Harry Lorayne Puzzling Magic ten card layout puzzle, turning cards face-up one by one by counting to four multiple times, incorporating selection
Inspired by 60
Harry Lorayne Less Of A M-E-S! "Memory Estimation Sleight-of-hand"
shuffled deck, card removed (force), divined after dealing deck into four piles, one of each value in each pile, memory demonstrations, with non-faro ending
Related toAlso published here 64
Harry Lorayne Rest Of The M-E-S! original ending of routine, all four-of-a-kinds together, faros
Related toAlso published here 72
Harry Lorayne Non-Faro M-E-S four-of-a-kinds-finale without faros
Inspired by 78
Harry Lorayne Non-Faro Faro faro substitute by dealing
Harry Lorayne (B)Estimation Aces non-faro handling
Harry Lorayne Now That's Good Magic! two cards chosen, three cards removed, all shown as Seven of Hearts, two change into selections and mates are reversed in deck
Related to 82
Harry Lorayne Double Cross-Cut Force two spectators simultaneously
Bob Kubota More Monte Quick-Three-Way sequence
Also published here 83
Harry Lorayne Illogical Double Lift
Harry Lorayne Four-Second Wonder, Revised quick cutting into five packets to reveal Royal Flush, bluff crossing
Inspired by 86
Harry Lorayne Double Uni(Re)Versal unknown card reversed in deck, turns out to be later selection
Inspired by 93
Harry Lorayne Blown Further Away from shuffled deck, done with about half the deck (in red/black alternating order)
Inspired byVariations 95
Harry Lorayne Impromptu Alternating Deck strategy of using only half the deck and upjogging necessary arrangement
Related to 95
Harry Lorayne Ten-Count Cut
Harry Lorayne That's The Truth! small packet
Also published here 103
Harry Lorayne Color Gathering Plus assembly on packets with Jacks, then Aces show up and deck is separated in reds and blacks
Inspired by
  • Special Bonus (Harry Lorayne, 2001)
  • "The Colorful Assembly, Spectator-Cuts-Aces, Trick" (Harry Lorayne, Classic Collection Vol. 1, 2005)
Harry Lorayne The Amazing Court-Card Trick one of twelve chosen cards chosen, it matches named (by magician) picture card selection, other eleven cards are other court cards
Inspired by 112
Harry Lorayne Snappy Flush, Updated Royal Flush production
Inspired by 117
Harry Lorayne During-Swivel Palm
Inspired by 121
Harry Lorayne Aces Are Good; Jacks Are Better four-of-a-kind produced, then selection sandwiched
Inspired by 124
Harry Lorayne Powerful Powers five cards found by making packets with anti-faros, also as Aces or Royal Flush revelation
Inspired byVariations 127
Harry Lorayne Spread Control (Magician's Choice) three selections, packets on table, one chosen, it contains the selections
Related to 135
Harry Lorayne Spread Control cards dropped onto tabled spread
Harry Lorayne Spread Control (Flip-Over) three selections found
Inspired by 139
Harry Lorayne Flip-Over tabled flip-over action
Harry Lorayne Spread Control (Universal Reversal) three selections found, two turn over and catch third one
Harry Lorayne Spread Control (Aces Collect)
Inspired by 144
Harry Lorayne Spread Control ("That's MY Card!") three cards selected, performer cuts deck into three packets at selections
Harry Lorayne Spread Control (Any Card Locates) three selections, using any card to improvise getting to selection
Variations 148
Harry Lorayne Spread Control (Easier Collectors)
Harry Lorayne Spread/Slider Control sliding block production, four selections
Inspired by 152
Harry Lorayne Spread Control (Air Drop) air-drop location sequence with three selections
Inspired by 154
Harry Lorayne Assembly Backfire slow-motion assembly with backfire
Inspired by
  • "Assembly Backfire" (Harry Lorayne, Classic Collection Vol. 1, 2005)
  • "Backfire" (Kris Nevling)
Harry Lorayne Universal Reversal Fo(u)r More Universal Reversal for more than one card, cutting sequence
Inspired by 167
Harry Lorayne 8451 Plus stacking to formula, red-black separation kicker
Inspired by 169
Harry Lorayne The Card Sharp & The Four Gamblers one-handed Ace cutting, with four Kings kicker and story, simplified
Inspired by 172
Dai Vernon One-Handed Slip Cut
Harry Lorayne Calculated Risk "trick that cannot be explained"
Inspired by 181
Harry Lorayne Royal Aces Aces change into Royal Flush as kicker
Inspired by 186
Harry Lorayne The Top-Level Test twenty cards mixed face-up and face-down including a Royal Flush, Royal Flush is only face-up cards
Inspired by
  • "Really!" (Harry Lorayne, Lecture Notes)
Related to
Harry Lorayne Incredible Flush Control diamond Royal Flush mixed in twenty-card packet, CATO procedure, at the end the Royal Flush in Spades is reversed
Inspired by 195
Harry Lorayne Try This! mixing procedure for CATO
Harry Lorayne Three Steves four-of-a-kind cull during four-packet riffle shuffle procedure
Inspired by 203
Harry Lorayne Poker Power Explored Cull Down Variation to back instead of bottom, jog and strip out, simultaneous stacking for three players
Inspired by 207
Harry Lorayne To An Excellent Position losing sequence for four-of-a-kind involving partial switch
Inspired by
  • Dave Neighbors routine from Linking Ring
Harry Lorayne Quick Trick selection is spelled to with random card, it appears reversed
Inspired by 214
Harry Lorayne RTP - Reverse To Position Braue Reversal variation
Harry Lorayne Greatest Card Handler Aces lost in sixteen-card packet, then spelled out, two selections found as well
Inspired byRelated to 216
Harry Lorayne Miracle Class spelling "miracle class" after automatic placement procedure
Related to 221
Harry Lorayne Easier 6-Card Royal Four Card Repeat with Royal Flush kicker, simplified
Inspired by 225
Harry Lorayne Start Strong, End Stronger four-of-a-kind lost, several endings to find them suggested
Inspired by 228
Harry Lorayne Extremely Wild Deuces five random card sandwiched and put in deck, they become Royal Flush
Inspired by 233
Harry Lorayne Preferred One-Eyed Jack Sandwich sandwiched card turns out to be later selection
Inspired by 236
Harry Lorayne My Best Overhand Shuffle Stack
Inspired byRelated to 240
Harry Lorayne Only Five Cards Reverse Faro Ending
Harry Lorayne Angle Spread Handling step spread on table
Tony Miller Psychological Falce Count hiding one face/back
Harry Lorayne Last Word
Data entered by Denis Behr, July 2018.