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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Jay Scott Hennings wants to fly - higher and longer
Also published here
  • "Henning wants to fly" (Jay Scott, The Globe and Mail, Sept. 5, 1977)
Interlocutor (Issue 19)
Diego Perea De Madrid al Cielo article on FISM Madrid, in italian, french and german, John Cornelius, Gerd Winkler, Paul Gertner, Jonny Ace Palmer, Michael Weber, Santo and Monique, Angelico, Joel et Jill, Robert Baxt, Turrini e Partner, Davido, Hiromasa & Kimika, Scott Cervine, Mako Tendo, Peki, Javier & Ana, Otto Wessely, Gaeton Bloom, Jay Scott Berry, Vito Lupo, Arsène Lupin, Sanada, Bob Brown & Brenda, Pendragons, Petrick & Mia, Jeff McBride, Marc Metral, Chun Chin Fu
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 46 No. 5)
Roberto Giobbi Zauberkunst in den USA on his trip to the US, Siegfried & Roy, Magic Castle, Rocco Silano, Jay Scott Berry, Vito Lupo, Pavel, Jerry Andrus, Stan Allen, Marvy & Carol Roy
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 47 No. 5)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Magic for the New World by Jay Scott Berry Mar. 1987
Epoptica (Issue 8)
Johnny "J.J." Johnston Tales from the Wagon Chris Power, Jay Scott Berry
Also published here Nov. 1987
Opus (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Ian Keable-Elliott (reviewer) Lectures at Ron MacMillan's International Day of Magic by Jay Scott Berry Jan. 1988
Opus (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Steve Dusheck Silk Bilk thumb tip as dye tube, nail cut off
Related to
  • Jay Scott Berry's earlier work
1991 5
Johnny "J.J." Johnston Tales from the Wagon Chris Power, Jay Scott Berry
Also published here 1991
Opus (Vol. 3 No. Opus Selection)
Jay Scott Berry Totally Eclipse
1995 i
Jay Scott Berry Eclipse Tip thumb tip with slit at the nail side
1995 1
Jay Scott Berry Diamond Tip variation of Eclipse Tip with bigger slit
1995 2
Jay Scott Berry Flame Tip thumb tip variation that can support a fire flame
1995 3
Jay Scott Berry Finger Palms thumb tip handling
  • The Finger Palm
  • The Down's Palm (Downs)
  • The Lower Finger Palm
1995 4
Jay Scott Berry Display thumb tip handling
1995 5
Jay Scott Berry Master Steal thumb tip steal from fist
1995 6
Jay Scott Berry Stretching the Truth ribbon is stretched, using Eclipse Tip
1995 7
Jay Scott Berry Ring of Truth borrowed ring reappears on ribbon that has been tied to a loop, using Eclipse Tip
1995 9
Jay Scott Berry Master Transfer thumb tip handling, transfer from hand to hand
1995 10
Jay Scott Berry Rainbow Eclipse four colored silk strips appear, then they change into a rainbow streamer, using Eclipse Tip
1995 11
Jay Scott Berry Appearing Silk using Diamond Tip
1995 13
Jay Scott Berry Orb Warp sponge ball appears, changes into silk streamer and back, sponge vanishes, using Diamond Tip
1995 14
Jay Scott Berry Master of the Spheres four sponge balls appear one by one, using Diamond Tip
1995 16
Jay Scott Berry Lunar Eclipse sponge ball appears, changes to silk, silk changes color and changes back into matching sponge back, ball vanishes, using Diamond Tip
1995 17
Jay Scott Berry 21st Century Eclipse using two Diamond Tips
1995 19
Jay Scott Berry Quicksilver coin vanishes, appears, vanishes, appears in purse, then changes into silver streamer, using Diamond Tip
1995 21
Jay Scott Berry Frozen Fire flame picked off a candle with bare hands, flame changes into two silks, using Flame Tip
1995 23
Danny Orleans (reviewer) The Cloaking Device by Jay Scott Berry Aug. 2001
Genii (Vol. 64 No. 8)