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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Max Holden A New Idea in the Vanishing of an Egg from thin paper bag
1909 296
Max Holden Max Holden's Master Card slick key card
Related to 1928 19
Cross-Cut Force after knife-stab, see also "A Final 'Tip'" on page 16 for mention of time misdirection
Related to
  • Max Holden description in Bagshawe's "The Magical Monthly" (Vol. 2 No. 18, July 1925)
1931 6
Theodore Annemann A Matter of Policy story gag trick with twenty giant cards, ten democrats and ten republics, see page 54 for further comments and page 99 for improvement by Max Holden, see page 172 for improvement by Andrew Brennan
Related to June 1935
The Jinx (Issue 9)
Max Holden Shrinking Dollar Bill "Thoughts in General", from Linking Ring May 1935
Sep. 1935
The Jinx (Issue 12)
Theodore Annemann October 1935 on repetition, Carl Hertz, Robert Heller, Max Holden, Calvert Cole, U. F. Grant
Oct. 1935
The Jinx (Issue 13)
Theodore Annemann Editor Speaking on Frank Lane, Max Holden, Harlan Tarbell, exposure, Jacob Steisel, Al Baker
The Jinx (Issue Winter Extra 1935/36)
Theodore Annemann May 1936 on Harlan Tarbell, Fred Keating, Theodore Arnold, Frank Lane, Dr. Jacob Daley, Glenn Gravatt, Max Holden, Burling Hull, Henry Ford
May 1936
The Jinx (Issue 20)
Theodore Annemann Remote Control odd-backed unknown card signed on back is chosen from face, red-blue sticky double backer
Related toVariationsAlso published here
  • "Remote Control" (The Sphinx, July 1929, Max Holden's column, description without method)
1937 121
Max Holden Foreword
1937 7
Max Holden Max Holden's Routine with the Diestel Cigarette Dropper production of lighted cigarettes
1937 23
G. W. Hunter G. W. Hunter's Twelve Card Transposition twelve picture cards in one glass, twelve spot cards in other, one card exchanged, rest follows, written up by Max Holden
1937 50
G. W. Hunter G. W. Hunter's Silk Routine two silks appear in empty hand (yanked out on thread), vanish and reappear from collar, written up by Max Holden
1937 62
Max Holden The Whole Art of Smoke Pictures blackening a plate with torch, then pictures are made by wiping out parts, longer write-up
1937 115
Max Holden A Master Card Trick selection appears at predicted number
1938 232
Theodore Annemann, Holden The Rising Card credits see p. 461
Nov. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 66)
Max Holden 41 - The "Cut Force". basically Max Holden's Cross Cut Force
Variations 1940 57
Max Holden, John J. Crimmins Jr. A Few Words... all tricks are from the Jinx
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Tommy Dowd, Audley Wals, rings as shiner, ethics, Paul Rosini, Max Holden, Stuart Robson
May 1944
The Phoenix (Issue 61)
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Sachs, Philip Mullentyre, Max Holden, Robert Parrish, Sylvan Garnet
June 1944
The Phoenix (Issue 62)
Max Holden, John J. Crimmins Jr. Foreword
1944 iii
Bruce Elliott The Back Room "a suffering spectator speaks his mind" part two, Max Holden
Feb. 1945
The Phoenix (Issue 77)
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Frances Ireland, Russ Swann, Max Holden, John Snyder, Jean Hugard's testimonial show
Feb. 1945
The Phoenix (Issue 78)
Frederick Braue Roundabout on Carlyle, Sam Horowitz, Trenis Jones, Carl Jones, Max Holden and more
Dec. 1946 278
Frederick Braue Roundabout with Fred Braue on Martin Gardner, Stewart James, Erdnase, Art Lyle, Walter Gibson, Max Holden, Ben Braude, Stanley Collins, The Five-Best Poll, Bob Stull, Lloyd Jones, Eddie Clever, Milbourne Christopher, Elwin Shaw and more
Apr. 1947
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 4 No. 11)
Frederick Braue Roundabout with Fred Braue on Gerald Kosky, Merv Taylor, Billy Muir, Gus Southall, Jean Valton, Paul Morris, Houdini, Groucho Marx, Bert Allerton, Lloyd Jones, Eddie Clever, Charles Jordan, Bill Holden and more
Aug. 1948 452
Frederick Braue Roundabout with Fred Braue on Gerald Kosky, Merv Taylor, Billy Muir, Gus Southall, Jean Valton, Paul Morris, Houdini, Groucho Marx, Bert Allerton, Lloyd Jones, Eddie Clever, Charles Jordan, Bill Holden and more
Aug. 1948 452
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Max Holden, Joseph Dunninger, Richard Himber, Jay Marshall
July 1949
The Phoenix (Issue 181)
Stop Press on Max Holden being ill
June 1949 553
Jean Hugard Max Holden
July 1949 559
U. F. Grant From Grant's Tomb on Eddy Patch, Houdini, Max and Tess Holden, Bill Williston anecdote with bottomless glass
Jan. 1949 2
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Charles Nyquist, Hofzinser, Compars Hermann, George Jason, Max Holden
Sep. 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 211)
Max Holden Mind Control No. 44, location with key card
1950 77
Dr. William Weyeneth Hauptversammlung Biel: 27./28. März 1954 on the general assembly of the Swiss magic circle in Biel, Edoardo, Maxwell, Enrico, Bucheli, Borosko, Thomas, Faster, Holdenries, Pop, Rudolf Hägler, Peter Wilker, Engelbert Bütler, Ronald Wohl, Robertus,El Achim, Najaros, Olaf Spell, Nussbaumer, Willana, Sasso, Jean Fernand, Old Brecht, Sandoz, Schürch, Rebmann, Kalanag, Eperny, Oscarelli
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 15 No. 3)
Reg Holden Stop and Go Ideas obedient ball
Dec. 1957
Ibidem (Issue 12)
Arlecchino Editorium on Max Holden's shop, Ronnie Gann, Gene Gordon
Feb. 1963
The New Jinx (Vol. 1 No. 10)
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Variation Of Holden's 20 Card Transposition No. 153, note without content
Related to
  • The Sphinx, Dec. 1935
1972 40
Card in Balloon balloon on stand bursts and selection appears, several models by Hathaway, Thayer, Burtini, Wandman, Holden, Conradi, Davenport etc.
1978/76 76
John Ramsay Ramsay Reminiscences on Professor Morgan, Charlier, Old Malabar, Barnum, Magic Circle, Will Goldston, J. O'Neill Fisher, Charles Morrit, Horace Goldin, Chung Ling Soo, P. T. Selbit, Lewis Davenport, Dr. Byrd-Page, Walford Bodie, Allam Shaw, Nate Leipzig, Ernest Thorn, Max Sterling, Bob Gysel, Will Blyth, Dai Vernon, Max Holden, John Mulholland, Jack Salvin, G. W. Hunter, Edward G. Brown, Victor Farelli, The Flying Sorcerers, FISM 1950, Slydini, Francis Carlyle, FISM 1958, John Howe, Milbourne Christopher
1982 73
Rice Bowls various models, Hamley Magic Company, Klingl, John Mulholland, Brahman, Hoyam, Bartl, Roterberg, Mysto Magic, P&L, Hanson, Holden, Abbott, Nelson
1982 40
Max Holden The Master Card slick card as key card, reproducing ad from 1924
Related to 1983 19
Theodore Annemann Remote Control reprint of original instructions, red/blue double backer, see only p. 45 for effect description by Max Holden from July 1929 Sphinx
1983 50
Max Holden Cross Cut Force
1987 8
A Poker Player's Education
Also published here
  • "Big Deal" (Anthony Holden)
Cheat Sheet (Issue 5)
Max Holden Criss-Cross Force
Sep. 1993
The Minotaur (Vol. 5 No. 3)
Max Holden The Crisscross Force
1995 85
Max Holden, Glenn G. Gravatt, U. F. Grant Quotes from the Sphinx
  • Ring Spin (1927)
  • Linking Finger Rings (1921)
  • Tell The Truth Telephone (presentation for the princess card trick, 1927)
1996 92
Max Holden Criss-Cross Force
Related to
  • "The New Knife and Selected Cards" (Max Holden, The Magical Monthly (Bagshawe), July 1925)
1997 311
John Scarne Magic of the East Max Holden's description of an involved newspaper test performed by Scarne, no method
Also published here
  • Genii, Sept. 1941
1997 157
Max Holden Center Tear credit information, Joseph Ovette
Also published here
  • Linking Ring 9/1946
1998 172
Al Baker, Max Holden Another Subtle Mystery Si Stebbins & one-way, cards with same suit and value as selection are found face down
2003 681
Max Holden Al Baker Programme
Also published here
  • Programmes of Famous Magicians, 1937
2003 862
Max Holden Criss Cut Force
2005 14
William Goodwin Taken Bi Force variation of Max Holden's Cross Cut Force to force two selections, using dribble
Related to
  • J. K. Hartman's "Double Cross Cut Force" in "Trickery Treats" 1999. P. 152.
Also published here
2006 224
Max Holden Cross Cut Force
2007 125
Max Holden Criss-Cross Force
2008 259
Max Holden The Cross Cut Force
2008 48
Max Holden Cross Cut Force
2009 21
Karl Fulves Memo To DB Max Holden quote about endurance stunt, David Blaine
Also published here
  • The Sphinx, March 1932
Prolix (Issue 7)
Max Holden Criss Cross Force
2011 21
William Goodwin Taken Bi Force variation of Max Holden's Cross Cut Force to force two selections, using dribble
Also published here 2011 59
Reg Holden No Sleight of Hand Knife Thru Handkerchief
2012 125
Max Holden Cross-Cut-Force
2015 3
William Goodwin Taken Bi Force variation of Max Holden's Cross Cut Force to force two selections, using dribble
Also published here 2022 48
Roberto Giobbi Criss-cross Cut Force Ruse
Inspired by 2024
Unexpected Agenda (Issue June 12)