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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Otis Manning Aces of Eight!! eight Aces used, brought from behind the back as wished
Related to Oct. 1935
The Jinx (Issue 13)
Theodore Annemann December 1935 on Otis Manning,Gene Gordon, Andrew Brennan doing a trick with a business card, Burling Hull, exposure
Dec. 1935
The Jinx (Issue 15)
Otis Manning Brrr!! (meaning 'very cold'), coin transforms into fake ice cream cone
Jan. 1936
The Jinx (Issue 16)
Otis Manning Finger Exercise! thimbles jump around on fingers
Also published here Feb. 1936
The Jinx (Issue 17)
Theodore Annemann June 1936 on the death of Henry Walsh Miller, David Embury, Otis Manning, Lloyd Jones, Harry Dreilinger, Gene Dennis, Tom Worthington
June 1936
The Jinx (Issue 21)
Otis Manning A Finger Practice Effect Short skill demonstration of magician's nimble fingers with thimbles, two thimbles changes places on two fingers of same hand very quickly
Also published here 1936 20
Otis Manning The Ghost of a Chance billet switching box, Q&A
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1941
The Jinx (Issue 137)
Otis Manning Another Dictionary Effect paper placed in breast pocket, slit in coat
Also published here Aug. 1941
The Jinx (Issue 145)
Walter B. Gibson, Bruce Elliott The Back Room Otis Manning, Keith Clark, Schlumpini
Mar. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 4)
Otis Manning Aces of Eight!! eight aces used, brought from behind the back as wished
1943 15
Otis Manning Seven Cent Sorcery while trying to snatch a coin from spectator's hand, it transforms into an other coin
Mar. 1944
The Phoenix (Issue 57)
Otis Manning Crystal Clear Q&A, after information is obtained, way that assistant brings them to performer, bottle, in combination with his billet box, see reference
Related toAlso published here Aug. 1944
The Phoenix (Issue 67)
Otis Manning XX pocket funnel for coin to ball of wool
Sep. 1944
The Phoenix (Issue 70)
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Darriel Fitzkee, Otis Manning, a gag by Herb Runge, Paul Morris and John Scarne
Nov. 1944
The Phoenix (Issue 73)
Otis Manning The OM Billet Switching Box billet switching box, with notes by Annemann
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1944 30
Otis Manning The Ghost of a Change using the OM Billet Switching Box, Q&A
Also published here 1944 32
Otis Manning Crystal Clear Q&A, after information is obtained, way that assistant brings them to performer, bottle, in combination with his billet box
Also published here 1944 33
Otis Manning Another Dictionary Effect paper placed in breast pocket, slit in coat
Also published here 1944 85
Robert A. Nelson Nelson's Cigar Change Box billet switching box, similar to Otis Manning's "The OM Billet Switching Box"
Related to 1945 23
Otis Manning Impromptu Card Reading cards are apparently marked, routine
Mar. 1948
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 5 No. 10)
Otis Manning, Phil Sevush, Charles Nyquist, Jack McMillen The Eight Ace Routine No. 95, multi-phase routine using 2 duplicate sets of aces
1950 179
Jay Marshall, Frances Ireland Marshall BackTalk on the Tops, Harry Blackstone, Otis Manning, Ben Braude, Dai Vernon, Mardoni, Ron Urban, Ed Drane, Del Ray, Wilton Clements
Apr. 1957
The New Phoenix (Issue 344)
Eddie Clever (b) The Key Test with Manning's switching box
Related to 1959 24
Harry Stanley, Otis Manning The O.M. Switch Box
Related to 1960 107
Otis Manning The Ghost of a Chance billet switching box, Q&A
Also published here Aug. 1964
The New Jinx (Vol. 3 No. 28)
Ken Krenzel Psychologia billet switching box, routine variation
Inspired by Sep. 1964
The New Jinx (Vol. 3 No. 29)
Sam Leo Horowitz Royal Marriage six phases, miniature card finale, see also p. 476
Related to Autumn 1971
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 6 No. 5th Folio)
Karrell Fox A K.F. Idea on an O.M. Switch envelope as billet switching box
Inspired by 1979 119
Allan Slaight PSI-Cloned Q&A whit billets with questions and pink billets with numbers, using the Otis Manning box
Feb. 1982
Magick (Issue 303)
Thomas Alan Waters OManation on the OM Billet Switching Box
Inspired by 1985
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Fynys)
Charles "Cicardi" Scott Psychic Square people write numbers on billets and place them inside box, sixteen are selected and performer tells spectator where to write them down, Magic Square number matches number a spectator is thinking of, Otis Manning box
May 1988
Magick (Issue 405)
Dr. Dan J. Alessini Penny Wise 2 divination of dates on four coin, using Otis Manning Box
Inspired by Oct. 1992
Magick (Issue 479)
Robert Cassidy A Cigar for Otis billet switching box mad from a cigar box
Inspired by 2003 15