47 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Turnover & Reverse / Triumph / Think Triumph & Named Triumph
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Roy Walton Named Card Shuffle
VariationsAlso published here Aug. 1969
Ibidem (Issue 34 & 35)
Edward Marlo Think - Named Triumph new pack order, including six methods for "Restoring the Order of the Deck"
1972 29
Edward Marlo Multiple Choice Triumph chosen card can be any one in upper half
1972 57
Edward Marlo Triumph Over Four named value as final reversed cards
1972 78
Edward Marlo Impromptu Think Triumph applying Hull's "Mental Discernment" (one out of nine)
1972 82
Edward Marlo Streamlined Think Triumph one of three, applying "Streamlined Discernment"
Inspired by 1972 86
Karl Fulves, Dr. Jacob Daley Named Triumph posed as a problem
1973 17
Karl Fulves Ordered Triumph named triumph with NPO, posed as a problem
1973 18
Karl Fulves One Shot Brainwave riffle shuffling unroughed card next to named card, posed as a problem
1973 18
Edward Marlo Spade Think Triumph
1974 109
Edward Marlo Think Triumphant
1974 138
Karl Fulves Controlled Triumph any named card, memorized deck
1975 33
Bob Farmer Hand O' Doom Triumph with thought-of card, card vanishes and travels into spectator's pocket to some other cards already there, cue card on card with a hand design on it
VariationsAlso published here 1975 1
Edward Marlo The Spade Shuffle Triumphs Think Triumph
Kabbala — Volume 3 (Vol. 3 No. 3)
Karl Fulves Named Stranger Triumph effect mentioned, for method see reference
Related to 1983 9
Karl Fulves Spectator's Named Triumph spectator sorts out face-up/face-down shuffled deck below the table by himself except for named card
1983 110
Robert D. Michaels, David Ben, Michael Close, Bob Farmer, Michael Weber Invisible Triumph rough smooth, for credit information see reference
Related to May 1986
Apocalypse (Vol. 9 No. 5)
Karl Fulves Psi-Umph to solve the problem that two effects occur simulatenously, full deck set-up
1987 30
Karl Fulves Two Shuffle Fix full deck stack
Inspired by 1987 33
Karl Fulves Power of a kind slight effect variation
1987 38
Christoph Borer Schwarz und Rot slop shuffle triumph, colors are separated and named card is found among contrasting colors
Magische Blätter (Vol. 1 No. 7)
Edward Marlo 2nd Effect stripper deck, fair out of hand card choosing
1988 183
Roy Walton Named Card Shuffle
Also published here 1988 136
Jerry Sadowitz Name a Card Triumph from shuffled deck using riffle culling
Inspired byRelated to 1989 95
James Swain Mental Miracle triumph with thought of card sighted from spread, gaffed
Inspired byVariations 1992 43
Darwin Ortiz Mental Miracle - Handling Variation allows spectator to think of any card
Inspired by 1992 46
Stephen Kradolfer A Hull of a Triumph thought of card
Inspired by 1993 867
Steve Bedwell Shake, Shuffle, And Twist invisible deck / Triumph combo
Related toAlso published here 1995 [5]
Karl Fulves Fourthcoming with named four-of-a-kind, using Side Effects Deck
1996 36
Karl Fulves Named Stranger Triumph named card has different back, using Side Effects Deck
Related to 1996 38
Steve Bedwell Shake, Shuffle, and Twist invisible deck / Triumph combo
Also published here 1996 1174
Steve Bedwell Shake Shuffle and Twist invisible deck / Triumph combo
Also published here 1998 ca. 3
David Ben, Michael Weber, Michael Close, Bob Farmer Invisible Triumph rough smooth
2003 90
Juan Tamariz Triumph (Dai Vernon) named card triumph
2004 264
Michael Powers Invisible Triumph selection turns over in other deck then Triumph with original deck, rough smooth & cheek to cheek combination
Related to 2006 159
Trini Montes Trini's Triumph Bluff Style
2007 29
Benjamin Earl Gambit Responds on Jerry Sadowitz and "Open Triumph" vs. "Name a Card Triumph"
Related to Jan. 2009
Gambit (Issue 1)
Tyler Wilson Jiscemah named triumph, with finesse, memorized deck
Inspired by 2010 146
John Guastaferro Behind-the-Back Triumph spectator mixes cards behind his back
Variations 2010 97
John Guastaferro Out in the Open "A variation with the cards in view"
Inspired by 2010 99
Troy Hooser Triumph 5.0 Triumph, reveal named four of a kind
2010 105
Tom Crosbie Transparent Triumph named card triumph
2013 65
Gabi Pareras Triunfo Invisible invisible deck / Triumph combo
Related to 2014 11
Bob Farmer Hand O' Doom Triumph with thought-of card, card vanishes and travels into spectator's pocket to some other cards already there, cue card on card with a hand design on it
Also published here 2017 39
Patrick G. Redford Turnabout Is Fair Triumph Cards are shuffled face up and down. Spectator names a card, deck rights itself except named card
Inspired by 2019 46
Jason Connolly Aces for Alicja Ace production with Triumph for last Ace
  • Bonus idea 1: Colour Ace Cutting (color changing backs of the Aces)
  • Bonus idea 2: Named Card Triumph
Aug. 2023
The Hermit (Vol. 2 No. 8)
Brandon Sheffield Trium-Fanned card thought of from top half of deck
  • Trium-Fanned Two
  • Trium-Fanned From a Peek
Inspired by
  • routine by James Brown
Nov. 2023
The Hermit (Vol. 2 No. 11)