30 entries in Cards / Sleights / Cuts / False Cut / General Comments
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Jack Merlin False Shuffles and Cuts
1927/28 9
False Cut Patter Lines
Apr. 1951
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 8 No. 11)
Al Leech Cuts
1954 19
Harry Lorayne Legitimate and False Cuts
1977 52
Father Cyprian Thoughts on the False Cut Making a false cut look more natural, technical tips (Swing Cut / Himber False Cut)
1979 9
T. Page Wright False Shuffles and Cuts
1991 89
Roger Crosthwaite Sauter La Coupe on beating the cut and false cuts
1994 228
Roberto Giobbi False Cut Techniques, Part 1 introduction
1995 55
Roberto Giobbi False Cut Techniques, Part 2 introduction
1996 379
Fredric P. Lamazor B. Cuts list of various cutting techniques with short comments
1999 4
Jon Racherbaumer Slippage on slip cuts
2007 51
Justin Higham Up-The-Ladder Finesse
2008 12
Roberto Giobbi False Cuts
2016 44
Harapan Ong Routines with a Tabled False Cut section intro
2018 141
Shane Cobalt False Cuts intro
2019 20
Shane Cobalt Run Cuts
2019 20
Shane Cobalt Without Breaking Stride... about running cuts
2019 23
Steve Forte Legitimate Table Cuts and Strips different honest cuts, strip cuts, center strip, Scarne Cut
2020 69
Steve Forte False Table Cuts and Strips intro
2020 71
Steve Forte Carrying Slugs with running/strip cuts, intro
2020 86
Steve Forte Positioning False Cuts and Strips intro, slug brought to center and marked off by break, jog, step
Related to 2020 93
Steve Forte Summary on slug controls and false cut
2020 116
Steve Forte Off-the-table False Cuts and Strips differences between tabled and in-the-hands cuts
2020 215
Steve Forte Summary
2020 226
Steve Forte Other Variants
2020 327
Richard Kaufman History credit information
2020 71
Richard Kaufman Two Optical False Cuts intro
2020 436
Lawrence Hass False Shuffles and False Cuts comments and references of what Eugene Burger used
2021 125
Bradley Hodgins Additional Notes on Tabled Cutting
The Neat Review (Issue 5 - Paris 2022)
Szabolcs Molnár Cuts
2023 14