Written by Karl Fulves
Work of Karl Fulves
50 pages (Stapled), published by Selfpublished
Illustrated with drawings by Joseph K. Schmidt
Language: English
42 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page Categories
Karl Fulves Introduction
Karl Fulves Flying Colors with airplane sight gag
Karl Fulves Concentrate! three mismatched pairs become matches
Karl Fulves Dream Detective card chosen from four red and four black cards, they're odd backed, some cards outjogged and injogged from deck
Karl Fulves Bootleg card transforms after weird selection procedure and comes out of shoe
Karl Fulves, Henry Christ Mathejack four jacks produced after some counting
Inspired by 9
Karl Fulves Topsy Transpo top and bottom card transpose
Karl Fulves Top to Bottom Reverse card levered up with third finger underneath as in Curry change
Karl Fulves Outnumbered packet, counting procedure, two mates found, no-touch
Related to 12
Jack Birnman And a Pair of Kings red kings change to black deuces, kings then reproduced, two more changes and pair produced from air, "Tens Routine"
Variations 13
Paint Brush Double Change
Jack Birnman Push-In Revelation card moves out at back
Karl Fulves Aces In One "Always Cut the Cards" plot
Karl Fulves Ad Hoc Aces
Inspired byVariations 18
Karl Fulves Frequent Flyer card peeked at and deck spread on table, AS slid under spread right next to selection
Related to 20
Ribbon Spread Hide-Out
Karl Fulves Frequent Flyer - Sandwich Variation similar but selection ends up between two aces
Related to 21
Karl Fulves, Howard Wurst This Just In red Aces in case change place with Jack outside case
Inspired byRelated to 22
Howard Wurst Fake Partial Insertion apparently inserting two cards into case, but one goes underneath
Karl Fulves Stack In The Box ace between jokers in case, ace suddenly outside and four kings in case
Karl Fulves Overcount Off the Deck here two as three
Karl Fulves Jacknife Jack in box, Aces outside, they transpose
Related to 26
Karl Fulves Quick Black Jack sandwich in case, center card penetrates case
Karl Fulves Shadow Self card chosen by spectator is reversed and changes into previous selection, two handlings
Karl Fulves No. 1 With A Bullet poker hand gets better every time it's displayed and the cards get bullet holes, posed as problem
Related to 30
Karl Fulves Hue Go red Four pushed face-down in face-up deck and changes into black Four
Karl Fulves Angle-Jog Push-In Change
Karl Fulves Redblackjack out of five cards spectator picks the right one to complete his blackjack, "The Red Prediction"
Related toVariations 32
Roy Walton Strathjack
Inspired by 33
Karl Fulves Staple Condition odd-backed card pushed halfway into deck, stapler moved over deck, card stapled to selection
Related to 35
Bill Wisch Top Secret Count false counts off the top of the deck, over, under, hiding cards
Variations 39
Bill Wisch Block Pivot Technique
Karl Fulves Card Revelation in Packet
Bill Wisch Six Card Repeat Count
Karl Fulves Interspace nine-card packet, spectator turns a pair over anywhere, performer places card between them behind back
Variations 41
John Scarne Master Glide Switch indifferent card on face after glide
Karl Fulves Reversed Card card vanishes from face of packet, reappears reversed in deck
Karl Fulves Turnover Glide card changes into selection
Karl Fulves Tenkai Book Turnover Comments
Karl Fulves Force Feed card in center sandwiched, as sandwich is pulled out it is switched for top card
Related toVariations 46
Karl Fulves Triple Sandwich Location three selections, card found with sandwich cards, those change into other two selections
Karl Fulves Slapjack widely separated sandwich cards come to trap selection, sandwich cards remain outjogged, with variations
Related to 48
Data entered by Denis Behr, January 2016.