Originally published in German as "Roberto Super-Light" in 1995
Written by Roberto Giobbi
Work of Roberto Giobbi
132 pages (Hardcover), published by Hermetic Press
Illustrated with drawings by Barbara Giobbi-Ebnöther
Language: English
33 entries
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Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page Categories
Roberto Giobbi Thanks
Lennart Green Introduction
Roberto Giobbi Paul Bocuse’s Fried Eggs introduction and Bocuse's recipe for fried eggs
Also published here xvii
Richard Vollmer, Roberto Giobbi Einstein's Card Trick card remembered and name spelled, then down-under-deal to find selection
Related toVariations 1
Roberto Giobbi Through the Magic Looking Glass Alice in Wonderland themed, two packets, words spelled and mates are found, Ramasee principle
Charlier Charlier Shuffle brief
Reverse Faro in the hands, upjogging cards
Bill Nord, Roberto Giobbi The Magic Card cut the deck into two piles, one pile is counted, the two digits in the number of cards is added together to get a single digit, count down to that number in that pile to find selection, indicator card leads to selection
Related to 15
Larry Becker Mental Flush odd back principle, divination of chosen card from Royal Flush
Related toAlso published here
  • "Becker's Bluff" in Magic Castle Lecture Notes 1984 p. 13.
Roberto Giobbi Follow the Leader ten red and ten black cards, with Daley's double cross switch
Karl Fulves, Roberto Giobbi Gemini Calling predictions on business cards, Gemini Twins
Inspired by 39
Roberto Giobbi Cardstalt four of a kind is removed from deck, performer riffles card in front of his eyes and names it
Related to 46
Roberto Giobbi Cardstalt Plus one card is removed, performer deals through deck once and names missing card
Cross Cut Force
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli), Roberto Giobbi Cheers, Mr.Galasso! three cards are selected and divined
Variations 53
Roberto Giobbi Chance by Plan four Aces and Royal Flush are produced
Also published here 60
Henry Christ Christ Force faced cards instead of double backer
J. W. Sarles, Roberto Giobbi Posi-Negative Coordination Magnetic Colors variation
Inspired by 65
Howard A. Adams, Roberto Giobbi Man Seeks Woman spelling three words, two four-of-a-kinds match, Ramasee principle
Inspired by 72
Paul Curry A Swindle of Sorts using the Swindle Switch
Inspired by 77
Steve Belchou, Martin Gardner, Roberto Giobbi Two, Six, Ten card chosen, three piles arranged as in Poker Player's Picnic, on top of the piles are then the mates that match the selection
Inspired by
  • Steve Belchou’s “The Million to One Trick” in "Dragon", Vol. 8, No. 5, 1939.
Related to
Richard Vollmer, Henry Christ, Martin Gardner Numerology three numbers lead to discovery of freely chosen card
Related toAlso published here 88
Roberto Giobbi, Stewart James, J. W. Sarles Further Than Ever production of selection, Royal Flush
Inspired by 97
Mike Rogers, Roberto Giobbi The Vanishing Deck while trying to vanish the deck using a pencil, pencil vanish and appears behind the ear, then the deck vaniahes
Inspired byRelated to 106
Aldo Colombini A Card Gag apparently destroying card from borrowed pack, stranger card
Roberto Giobbi Final Thoughts
Roberto Giobbi False Shuffles and Cuts easy top and bottom stock controls with riffle shuffle or overhand shuffle
Simple False Cut straight cut on the table, halves picked up in wrong order
Jay Ose Jay Ose Cut
Simple Overhand False Shuffle shuffling five cards to the bottom, then face-up repeat shuffle
Roberto Giobbi Switching Decks Vanishing Deck as deck switch
Related to 119
Roberto Giobbi The Glimpse spreading cards face up
Roberto Giobbi Culling Short Stacks while locating a card in previous effect
Data entered by Lorenz Schär, February 2023.