  • 1954-1958: Jay Marshall (issues 301-348)
  • 1960-1964: Don Tanner (issues 351-396)
  • 1965: Karl Fulves (issues 397-400)
Written by Karl Fulves, Norman Jensen, Jay Marshall, Don Tanner
Work of Various
230 pages (Spiralbound), published by unknown publisher
Illustrated with drawings by Various
Language: English
551 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Issue Year Page AA Categories
Deck Switch in pocket
392 Aug. 1964 395
North Bigbee Marked Center Cut cut & restored rope with marked position to cut
392 Aug. 1964 396
Jack Ketch Aquatic Discovery miniature on thing that reacts with water and starts to expand
392 Aug. 1964 396
Jack Ketch The Sniffer Card Trick comedy bit, spectator divines selection
392 Aug. 1964 397
Ernest W. Brady You Son of a Witch coin is pierced with pin and is unharmed again
392 Aug. 1964 397
Don Tanner The Back Room on Ralph Hall Greenwood, Charles Linn, U.F. Grant, Don Lawton, Al Snyder, Magi-Fest
392 Aug. 1964 398
Martin Gardner Variable Magnetic Lie Detector lie detector using the Variable Magnetic Executive Tranquilizer
393 Nov. 1964 399
Francis Haxton Fickle Queen see also p. 406
Inspired by 393 Nov. 1964 400
Dr. James Hoy O.O.T.W. Climax with two selections in opposite colored packets
393 Nov. 1964 400
Gerald Kosky Authors cards with famous authors on them, spelling, author is divined
Also published here 393 Nov. 1964 401
Don Tanner The Back Room on U.F. Grant, Jay Marshall, Fake Magazine
393 Nov. 1964 402
Eugene Gloye Hydro Seal glass with water is sealed with rubber, inside glass on rubber are three coins, one is selected and penetrates rubber / dental dam
394 Jan. 1965 402
Don Tanner Routines: No. 1 routine with jumbo cards, only structure
394 Jan. 1965 404
Gerald Kosky Koin Kwickie coin appears
394 Jan. 1965 404
U. F. Grant Infallible Prediction ping pong ball is placed under one of three cups, different colors, prediction
Variations 394 Jan. 1965 405
Don Tanner The Back Room on Micky Hades, Karl Fulves, David Hoy, Lu Brent
394 Jan. 1965 406
Jack Ketch Torn and Restored Bill Ideas with scotch
Related to 394 Jan. 1965 406
Ralph Greenwood Three Card Monte Idea
394 Jan. 1965 406
Jack Ketch T. V. Pack with cigarette box and playtime card, miniature card of selection appears
395/396 Apr. 1965 407
Ace Gorham Routines: No. 2 idea for structure of several effects, milk pitcher and other
395/396 Apr. 1965 408
Karl Fulves Infallible Prediction Variation golf ball placed in one of three cups, prediction in form of a second ball in chosen cup
Inspired byRelated to 395/396 Apr. 1965 408
Walt Maddison Clip Change card clipped with two paper clips changes into selection
395/396 Apr. 1965 409
Walt Maddison Double Lifter extra pip glued on to make double lift easier
395/396 Apr. 1965 409
Walt Maddison The WM Double Lift
395/396 Apr. 1965 409
Don Tanner Special! Bob Olson Section
395/396 Apr. 1965 410
Robert E. Olson Ring in Knot handkerchief and ring
395/396 Apr. 1965 410
Robert E. Olson Folding Money coin is produced from a smaller container
395/396 Apr. 1965 410
Robert E. Olson Wand Through Hank
395/396 Apr. 1965 412
Robert E. Olson Ball in Hank ball vanishes from handkerchief
395/396 Apr. 1965 412
Victor Marsh Paper Clip Marking Idea
395/396 Apr. 1965 413
Robert E. Olson Wash Out card becomes blank and transparent
395/396 Apr. 1965 414
Don Tanner The Back Room
395/396 Apr. 1965 424
Linx ring on rope move, see p. 426 for comments and ideas
Related to 397 July 1965 415
Don Nielsen Problem in Prophecy three different colored cups, and three different colored balls, matching, posed as problem, see p. 426 & 428 for comments and ideas
Inspired byRelated toVariations 397 July 1965 416
Peter Alexis Aces selection transforms into an Ace
Variations 397 July 1965 417
Karl Fulves Fourtold Retold four selections predicted, four different suits
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 397 July 1965 417
Karl Fulves The Back Room on Johnny Hart, Al Flosso
397 July 1965 418
Karl Fulves Cryptic Calling two effects of a card divination / location wit Si Stebbins
Related to 398 1965 419
Ben Christopher Money Monte with business card and bill, final phase one coin is wrapped in bill
Variations 398 1965 420
Si Weigan ESP one ESP card is divined and one predicted in envelope
398 1965 421
Karl Fulves The Back Room on Nemo, the Connecticut mystic
Related to 398 1965 422
E. Leslie May Revelation cards on table are turned over, one is covered and card is divined
Inspired by 399 1965 423
Karl Fulves Lock-It lock and cards are dropped in a bag, selection found on lock, see p. 428 for idea by Lu Brent
399 1965 424
Si Weigan Half and Half dollar bill is rolled in a tube and half dollar is produced, half of bill is missing
399 1965 425
North Bigbee Bookeroo using white carbon paper, see p. 430 for comments by Eddie Clever
399 1965 425
Karl Fulves The Back Room on Harrison Bale, The New Jinx, Milbourne Christopher, Jay Weiler, Micky Hades
399 1965 426
J. W. Sarles PRISM with two decks and two cards each, under table
400 1965 427
Robert Parrish, Art Lyle, Lu Brent, Eddie Clever Letters
  • Parrish: on Alexis Aces and Nielsen problem
  • Lyle: on ironing trousers
  • Brent: on Lock-It
  • Clever: on the Nielsen problem
400 1965 428
Art Lyle Extra Dark bottom to top, in the hands
400 1965 429
Aaron Wainer Coined revelation of dates of coins in chosen pile
400 1965 429
Karl Fulves The Back Room on Eddie Clever, Dallas Duffield
400 1965 430
Data entered by Lorenz Schär, August 2017.