Display the following magic books:

…starts with the letter…

160 pages, 2019

The Thompson Pass
13 pages, 1981

Mr. Gadfly
A Journal for Card Magicians
251 pages, 2001-2002

Title Subtitle Author Artist Pages Year
Roberto Giobbi Roberto Giobbi 20 1993
Roberto Giobbi Roberto Giobbi 32 2003
The 52 Most Important and Practical Strategies in Magic Roberto Giobbi Roberto Giobbi 160 2021

Title Subtitle Author Artist Pages Year
Philip T. Goldstein Various 55 1991
An Independent Magazine For Magicians Stan Allen Various 31500 1991-2016

Title Subtitle Author Artist Pages Year
Laurie Ireland Laurie Ireland 23 1938
Martin Gardner Martin Gardner 23 1940
Edward Marlo Edward Marlo 23 1941
Edward Marlo, Laurie Ireland Edward Marlo, Laurie Ireland 31 1942
Edward Marlo Edward Marlo 23 1942
A Complete Manual of Dice Manipulation Edward Marlo Edward Marlo 48 1943
Edward Marlo Edward Marlo 27 1945
Edward Marlo, Bill Gusias Edward Marlo, Bill Gusias 11 1945
Edward Marlo Edward Marlo 15 1945
Edward Marlo Edward Marlo 53 1947
Bill Simon Bill Simon 36 1949
Al Leech Al Leech 30 1949
Lin Searles Lin Searles 7 1950
Edward Marlo Edward Marlo 13 1951
Al Leech Al Leech 30 1952
Edward Marlo Edward Marlo 199 1953
Revolutionary Card Technique — Chapter 1 Edward Marlo Edward Marlo 24 1954
A Masterly Routine of Repetition Edward Marlo Edward Marlo 24 1954
Karrell Fox Karrell Fox 47 1954
Al Leech Al Leech 32 1954
Revolutionary Card Technique — Chapter 2 Edward Marlo Edward Marlo 54 1956
Revolutionary Card Technique — Chapter 3 Edward Marlo Edward Marlo 23 1956
Don Alan Don Alan 48 1956
Edward Marlo Edward Marlo, Carmen D'Amico 26 1956
Revolutionary Card Technique — Chapter 4 Edward Marlo Edward Marlo 61 1957
Edward Marlo Edward Marlo 40 1957
Revolutionary Card Technique — Chapter 5 Edward Marlo Edward Marlo 38 1957
Bert Allerton, Robert Parrish Bert Allerton 72 1958
Revolutionary Card Technique — Chapter 6 Edward Marlo Edward Marlo 36 1958
Revolutionary Card Technique — Chapter 7 Edward Marlo Edward Marlo 71 1958
Edward Marlo Edward Marlo 32 1959
Al Leech Al Leech 28 1959
Revolutionary Card Technique — Chapter 8, 9, 10 Edward Marlo Edward Marlo 142 1959
Volume One James Steranko James Steranko 102 1960
Arthur Hastings Edward Marlo, Various 32 1960
Revolutionary Card Technique — Chapter 11 Edward Marlo Edward Marlo 59 1961
Revolutionary Card Technique — Chapter 12 Edward Marlo Edward Marlo 65 1961
Edward Marlo Edward Marlo, Tony Kardyro 23 1962
Revolutionary Card Technique — Chapter 13, 14 Edward Marlo Edward Marlo 80 1962
the magic of Dai Vernon in 1932 Dai Vernon, Faucett Ross Dai Vernon 72 1962
David Hoy David Hoy 36 1963
Al Leech Al Leech 60 1965
J. B. Bobo Various 519 1966
Ali Bongo Ali Bongo 64 1966
Charlie Miller Charlie Miller 28 1967
Piet Forton Piet Forton 20 1967
Gene Anderson, Frances Ireland Marshall Various 184 1968
George B. Anderson George B. Anderson 63 1968
Edward Marlo Edward Marlo 80 1968
Volume I — Stand-Up, Close-Up Series Philip Reed Willmarth Philip Reed Willmarth 64 1969
Milton Kort Various, Milton Kort 52 1970
Dai Vernon Dai Vernon 45 1970
Roy Johnson Roy Johnson 22 1970
A New One, Full of Intrique Edward Marlo Edward Marlo 7 1971
Tom Batchelor Tom Batchelor 52 1971
Edward Marlo Edward Marlo 23 1973
Jeff Busby Jeff Busby 17 1973
Russell T. Barnhart Russell T. Barnhart 16 1974
Russell T. Barnhart Russell T. Barnhart 78 1975
Bernard Bilis Bernard Bilis 52 1976
Enlarged Edition Edward Marlo Edward Marlo 132 1976
Jean Faré Jean Faré 43 1977
George B. Anderson George B. Anderson 28 1979
Bruce Bernstein Bruce Bernstein 18 1980
George B. Anderson George B. Anderson 27 1980
George B. Anderson George B. Anderson 20 1980
Al Leech Al Leech 124 1980
Bruce Bernstein Bruce Bernstein 60 1981
Michael Feldman, Ryan Plunkett Michael Feldman, Ryan Plunkett 176 2017
A Magical Journey Nancy Colwell Nancy Colwell 108 2021

Title Subtitle Author Artist Pages Year
Newly Revised and Illustrated, Second Edition Wesley James Wesley James 54 1990
Wesley James Wesley James 80 1990
Close-up Expert Shares his Magical Thoughts Wesley James Wesley James 98 1997
The Cleanest — Easiest — Most Magical — The Most Co... Wesley James Wesley James 41 1998
Notes on The Ambitious Card Plot Wesley James Wesley James 17 2000

Hot Stacks & Cold Decks
Jogging Around the Deck
24 pages, 1991

Title Subtitle Author Artist Pages Year
Japanese Lecture Notes Michael Weber Michael Weber 11 1987
(Island of Cards) Masao Atsukawa Masao Atsukawa 49 2001

Kranzilla Unleashed
The Magic of Nathan Kranzo
120 pages, 2021

Better Than Hartz 4
Tricks, Ideen und Anregungen
38 pages, 2010

Mikro-Magie Ganz Gross
Ein Zauberprogramm am Tisch
43 pages, 1961

The Lexicon
Volume One
30 pages, 1995

Title Subtitle Author Artist Pages Year
A notebook on card magic Aldo Colombini Aldo Colombini 147 1995
A Funny and Commercial Sponge Ball Routine Aldo Colombini Aldo Colombini 11 1996
A Lecture on Stand-Up Magic Aldo Colombini Aldo Colombini 16 2000
A Koncise Kollaborative Kompendium of Kommercial Killer K... Peter Duffie, Aldo Colombini, Robin Robertson Peter Duffie, Aldo Colombini, Robin Robertson 43 2004
Aldo Colombini Aldo Colombini 44 2004

Gedanken zum Lesen
42 pages, 2008

Title Subtitle Author Artist Pages Year
Mark Wilson Mark Wilson 100 1979
Earl Nelson Earl Nelson 137 1979

Title Subtitle Author Artist Pages Year
Martin Breese Basil Horwitz 64 1981
Jerry Sadowitz, Peter Duffie Jerry Sadowitz, Peter Duffie 28 1982
David Britland David Britland 20 1983
Peter Duffie Peter Duffie 10 1984
The Card Magic of Jerry Sadowitz Jerry Sadowitz Jerry Sadowitz 38 1984
Jerry Sadowitz, Peter Duffie Jerry Sadowitz, Peter Duffie 47 1984
David Britland David Britland 10 1984
Martin Breese Basil Horwitz 76 1984
Peter Duffie Peter Duffie 30 1984
Three Amazing Card Effects From Peter Duffie Peter Duffie Peter Duffie 12 1985
David Britland David Britland 55 1985
David Britland Terri Rogers 15 1985
Jack Yates Jack Yates 57 1986
Lawrence Frame Lawrence Frame 30 1986
The Original Magic Of Terri Rogers Terri Rogers Terri Rogers 81 1986
A Topological Miracle David Britland David Britland 21 1986
David Britland David Britland 56 1986
Fred Kaps, Owen Griffiths Fred Kaps 26 1986
David Britland David Britland 28 1986
Four Exclusive Card Effects Peter Duffie Peter Duffie 16 1986
Peter Duffie Peter Duffie 8 1986
Patrick Page Patrick Page 54 1987
Jerry Sadowitz, Peter Duffie Jerry Sadowitz, Peter Duffie 119 1987
Terri Rogers Terri Rogers 80 1988
David Britland David Britland 16 1988
David Britland David Britland 42 1988
Jerry Sadowitz Jerry Sadowitz 105 1989
David Britland David Britland 20 1990
Patrick Page Patrick Page 94 1990
Martin Breese, Bob Gill Various 144 1992-1994
New routines and moves with unprepared cards Peter Duffie Peter Duffie 60 1993
Bob Gill Basil Horwitz 91 1994
Martin Breese, Bob Gill Basil Horwitz 74 1997
Terri Rogers Terri Rogers 128 1998
David Britland Chan Canasta 111 2000
David Britland Chan Canasta 45 2001
Val Andrews, Martin Breese, Graham Jolley Chan Canasta 13 2001
Patrick Page Patrick Page 6 2002
Further Card Magic by Peter Duffie Peter Duffie Peter Duffie 158 2004
Martin Breese Basil Horwitz 58 2004
Peter Duffie Fred Robinson 286 2009

The Hindu Cups
An Expose of the Greatest Mystery in the Orient
48 pages, 1956

Title Subtitle Author Artist Pages Year
Theodore Annemann Theodore Annemann 62 1931
Al Baker Al Baker 39 1933
Series No. 1 — 5 Jean Hugard Various 163 1933-1936
Al Baker Al Baker 39 1935
Theodore Annemann Theodore Annemann 24 1935
Jean Hugard Jean Hugard 44 1936
Magic and Illusions Jean Hugard Various 141 1937
A Complete Manual of the Manipulation of Paper Money Jean Hugard Jean Hugard 59 1937
Robert Parrish, John Goodrum Robert Parrish, John Goodrum 66 1937
Series No. 1 — 4 Jean Hugard Various 205 1938-1941
Magic and Illusions Jean Hugard Various 137 1939
Theodore Annemann Theodore Annemann 19 1939
Robert Parrish, Oscar Weigle Robert Parrish, Oscar Weigle 76 1939
Revised and Enlarged Dai Vernon, John J. Crimmins Jr. Dai Vernon 41 1941/49
Theodore Annemann, John J. Crimmins Jr. Various 79 1943
A comprehensive collection of the best mental tricks of r... Theodore Annemann, John J. Crimmins Jr. Various 342 1944
Senor Charles Mardo Senor Charles Mardo 29 1945
Edward Victor Edward Victor 112 1946
John J. Crimmins Jr., Bertram Millidge Bertram Millidge 11 1953

Title Subtitle Author Artist Pages Year
Andrew Mayne Andrew Mayne 26 2002
Andrew Mayne Andrew Mayne 22 2003
Andrew Mayne illusion impact series 2 Andrew Mayne Andrew Mayne 13 2004

Angels May Shuffle but the Devil Still Deals
The Card Hustler's Secret Weapon
25 pages, 1999

Title Subtitle Author Artist Pages Year
Ben Harris Ben Harris 39 2000
Pocket Mysteries Series — Issue One Ben Harris Ben Harris 13 2001

Original Magic 3
80 pages, 1969

Title Subtitle Author Artist Pages Year
The Impossible Dream, The Impossible Nightmare Timothy Wenk Timothy Wenk 29 1988
Timothy Wenk Timothy Wenk 21 1994

Title Subtitle Author Artist Pages Year
William Larsen, T. Page Wright William Larsen, T. Page Wright 30 1928
Gene "Phantini" Grant Gene "Phantini" Grant 21 1955
Paul Siegel Paul Siegel 33 1972
A Generalization to Q-Dimensions S. Brent Morris S. Brent Morris 64 1974
Michael P. Hades Various 86 1974
Tarot Trickery Stephen Minch Stephen Minch 45 1974
A Handbook of Parapsychokinetic Phenomena Stephen Minch Stephen Minch 52 1975
The Professional Card Technique of Martin A. Nash Stephen Minch Martin A. Nash 134 1975
Burling Hull Burling Hull 211 1976
A Theater of the Absurd For the Close-up Performer Stephen Minch Stephen Minch 97 1977
Part Two of the Professional Card Technique of Martin A. ... Stephen Minch Martin A. Nash 151 1977
Part Three of the Professional Card Technique of Martin A... Stephen Minch Martin A. Nash 166 1979
A Unique New Prediction Effect Stephen Minch Stephen Minch 12 1980
16 Advanced Rhine-Card Experiments Stephen Minch Stephen Minch 58 1980
Stephen Minch Stephen Minch 8 1982
Ben Harris Ben Harris 88 1983
The Blindman's Bluff — A Complete Mental Act without Sight Stephen Minch Stephen Minch 27 1984
A Precognitive Hexameron Stephen Minch Stephen Minch 58 1984
The Psychology and Methodology behind the Geller Effect Ben Harris Ben Harris 95 1985

Title Subtitle Author Artist Pages Year
Bernard Bilis Bernard Bilis 63 1980
The Magic of Martin Lewis Eric C. Lewis Martin Lewis 155 1985
from the street to the screen Mike Caveney Harry Anderson 168 1993
Society of American Magicians - New Orleans, Louisiana, J... Mike Caveney René Lavand 12 1993
René Lavand, Mike Caveney René Lavand 230 1993
Guy Hollingworth Guy Hollingworth 311 1999
Earl Nelson Earl Nelson 150 2003
the long, slow process of creating magic for the real world Mike Caveney Mike Caveney 455 2013
research, rethink, rebuild, and restage classic illusions... Mike Caveney Mike Caveney 255 2013

The Card Puzzle
and Other Diversions
25 pages, 1983

Magic from the Attic
29 pages, 1987

Over the Coffee Cups
34 pages, 1949

A Ray of Magic
48 pages, 1980

Title Subtitle Author Artist Pages Year
Joshua Jay Joshua Jay 177 1999
David Regal David Regal 232 2002
David Regal David Regal 240 2002
Michael Weber, Dean Dill Michael Weber, Dean Dill 15 2005
Unfolding the $100 Bill Change John Lovick Various 346 2006
The Magic of Joel Givens Joshua Jay Joel Givens 277 2007
A Companion Volume to Session: The Magic Joel Givens Joshua Jay Joel Givens 65 2007
Rune Carlsen Various, Rune Carlsen 249 2024