Written by Timothy Wenk
Work of Timothy Wenk
21 pages (Stapled), without pagination, published by Metempirical Magic
Illustrated with drawings by Timothy Wenk
Language: English
14 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page Categories
Timothy Wenk Bio
Timothy Wenk Important Note About this Booklet left-handed
Timothy Wenk Trunk/Table suitcase as table
Timothy Wenk Coin and Salt Shaker coin is vanished and appears under salt shaker
Timothy Wenk Ribbon Revelation card pulled out of tabled spread right after ribbon-spread turnover
Timothy Wenk Folded Card to Card Case
Timothy Wenk Palm Quarter Fold into fourths
Timothy Wenk Coinucopia coin appears from bill rolled-up in cone shape
Timothy Wenk Underhanded Linking Ring Move spinning key ring around finger
Timothy Wenk Tune Psychometry songs written on index cards are assigned to correct spectators, last one divined, punch markings
Timothy Wenk Throw-Away Mental Epic on pieces of paper, crumpled to balls
Also published here [14]
Timothy Wenk Reverse Coin Matrix
The Adding Move adding a coin while showing the coin under a card
Timothy Wenk Thumb Tip Handling silk vanishes and is reproduced from spectator's sleeve
Data entered by Denis Behr, March 2023.